ON£Y botrowfd or leaned, accounts fta ,td >•[ collr&ed, employers suited with /meftics, hoofe rooms, hoarding and lodging rated, let or procured— foldici's, maimer's, or militia men's pay, l*Mds and claims on the public ; (hares in the batiks* in thecanals, and the turnpike road i ceitificates granted by the public, and the old and late paper monies ; notes of hand, bills, bonds and morgages, with ur without depoliis—Bought, lo)d, or sego ciaied at No. 8, in south S,xth J lr /^^^J| M 1 d. Market-ibeet by FRANCIS WHITE, Who traofafts bufioefs in the public offwes for country peop'e and others, by virtue of a pow er ot attorney, or by pcifonal application. December 11. d Just Imported, From Dublin andGlasgoif, And now opening for lale, by MATHEW CAREY, Stt No. 118, Market Jlreet, A Large and Valuable COLLECTION OF BOOKS, Among which are the following : NEW Annual Regilter for I 79 2 European Magazine for the firft fix months of 1793 Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire Memoirs of the Manchester society, 3 vols. Priestly on matter and i'pirit on christianity Difiiey's lite of Dr. Jortin D'Anville's ancient geography Memoirs of Guy Joli Variety, a collection of eflays King of Prussia's works Calm observer—by Mackintosh RulTeU's ancient and modem Europe L.at)ghorne's Plutarch Elegant extracts, superbly gilt Elegant extracts of natural history Satignier and BriiTon's voyage Rochon's voyage to Madagascar Townfend's travels in Spain Taffo's Jerusalem delivered Smellie's translation of Bufton Berwick's history of quadrupeds Buffon abridged History of birds Philips's history of inland navigation Hooper's rational recreations History of France, in 3 vols. Curiosities of literature, 3 vo ' s- Whitaker's defence of queen Mary Sheridan's dictionary, 2 vols. Dow's history of Hindoftan Sketches of the Hindoos Key to polite literature. linlay's description of Kentucky Present state of Nova-Scotia Present state ol Hudfon'sßay Preston 011 masonry Lavater on phvfiognomy, abridge Zimmerman's survey Murphy's life of Dr. Johnson Necker on executive power Kiltes of Secundus Gallery of portraits Volney's ruins of empires Vaillaint's travels, with superb engrivingj Downman's infancy Adair's history of American Indians Benington on materialism and immaterial.lm Berchold's advice to patriotic travellers Builder's magazine Complete farmer Chandon's life of Voltaire De Non's travels Franklin's life and works Grozier's description of China Murphy's translation ot Tacitus Godwin on political justice Gazetteer of France, 3 vols. Helvetius on man Kaimes's (ketches of the history of man Liberal opinions, or the history ot Benignus Mewe's gardener's dictionary Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell family Playhouse dictionary Reveries of I'olitude Smith's theory of moral sentiments Stackhoule's history oi the bible Wat lon's life of Philip lid. &: Illd. Wonders of nature and art, 6 vols. Wanlay's wonders of the little world, calico man Wall s on the prevention of diseases Moore's journal in France Cox's travels into Denmark, Ruflia, Poland, &c. Cox's travels into Switzerland Rabant's history of the French revolution Life of Lord Chatham Mallet's northern antiquities Motherby's medical dictionary Grigg's advice to females Hamilton's outlines of the practice of mid wifery Manning's praClice of physic Cleghorn's diseases of Minorca Innes on the niufc!es Pott's works Fourcroy's chemistry Armstrong on diseases of children Qnincy's dispensatory Edinburgh dispensatory Lewis's dispensatory Ryan on the asthma Robertfon's treatise on fevers Lees botany, Leake on the viscera Leake on diseases of women Nicholfon's chemistry Gardiner on the animal economy Lewis's Materia Medica Fordyce on digestion Withering on the fox glove Lind on the diseases of heat Monro on diseases of armies Haller's physiology Spalanzane's differ tat ion 1; London praCtice of physic Bell's surgery Cbaptal's chemistry. A New Publication. JUST PUBLISHED, A - ul to be fold by R. AIT KEN, jVo. 22, MarketJlreet, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AME- RICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Held at Philadelphia, for promoting Ufeful Knowledge, Vol. 3. P? ice 20/ in boards £3" The subscribers are requested to call as above directed for the 3d vol. where may bo had, complete setts uniformly printed. Contents of Vol. 3d. j. An efliy on those enquiries in Natural Phi losophy, which at present aremoft benefici al to the Unitttd Statcj of North America. Dr. Nicholas Collin, 2. Conje&ures concerning the formation of the earth, &c. Dr. B. Frank/in. A new and curious theory of Light and Heat. Dr. B. Franklin. 4. Defcript on of the process to be obfervetl in making large sheets ot paper in the Chi nese manner, with one fijiooth furtace. Dr. B. Franklin. 5. Queries and conjectures relative to Mag netism, and the theory of the Earth. Dr. B. Franklin. 6. Explanation of a singular phenomenon, firft observed by Dr Franklin, and not fatisfac torily accounted tor. Mr. R. Patterjon. 7. An account of an Earthy Subftacce tound near the falls of Niagara and vulgarly cal led the Spray of the Falls; together with some remarks on the Falls. Robert M'CauJfin y M. D. 8. Observations on the probabilities ot the duration of Human Life, and the progress of population, in the United States ol Ame rica. William Barton, Esq. 9. A letter containing observations made at Lake Erie, on that singular phenomenon, by seamen termed looming. Andrew E/hcot EJq. 10. An Account of the Sugar Maple-Tree of the United States, and of the methods of obtaining Sugar from if, together with observations upon the advantages both pub lie and private of this Sugar. Benjamin Rujh, M.D. 11. Memoir on the use of the Thermometer in difcoveiing Banks, Soundings, &c. Jonathan Williams, Esq. 1 2. An Account of the most effectual means of preventing the deleterious confeqnences of the bite of the Crotalus Horridns, or Rat tle Snake. Benjamin Sm'th Bart«n y M. D. 13. Magnetic Observations, made at the Uni versity of Cambridge, (Massachusetts.} Dr. S. Willia.ms. 14. Accurate determination of the right as cension and declination of Bootes, and the Pole Star. Andrew Eliicott, Esq. 15. Account of several Houses in Philadelphia, struck with Lightning, on June 7th, 1789. David Riltenhovfey EJq. 16. An Account of the effe&s of a stroke of Lightning on a House furniflied with two Condu&ors. David Rittenhoufe > and Francis Hopkinfon, Efqrs. 17. Experiments and Observations on Evapo ration in cold Air. C. Wiflar, As. D. 18. Postscript to Mr. Barton's Letter, to Dr. Rittenhoufe, of the 17, of March, 1791. 19. New Notation of Music. Mr. R. PaUi'fon. 20. Observations on the Thewrv of Water Mills, &c. W. Waring. 19. Agronomical Observations. David Rittenhoufe. 20. A letter relative to a method of finding the sum of the several powers of the Sines, &c. David Rittenhoufe, Esq. 21. Index Florae Lancaftrienfis. Henrico Muhlenberg, D. D. 22. Invefligation of the power of Dr. Bar ker's Mill, as improved by James Rumfey, with a description of the mill. W. Waring. 23. A Thermometrical Journal of the tem perature of the Atmosphere and Sea, on a voyage to and from Oporto, with explana tory observations thereon. Jonathan Williams, Esq. 24. Fit ft memoir of observations on the plants denominated Cryptogamick. M. De Beauvois. 25. A letter, containing observations 011 the ancient works of Art, the Native Inhabi tants, &c. of the Wellern Country. Major Jonathan Heart. 26. An account of some of the principal dies employed by the North American Indians. Extracted by the late Mr. Hugh Martin. tj. An account of the beneficial effeCts of the Caflia Chamaecrifta in recruiting worn-out lands, and in enriching such as are natural ly poor ; together with a botanical descrip tion of the plant. James Greenway oj Virginia. 28. An account of a hill on the borders of North Carolina, supposed to have been a volcano, in a letter from a Continental of ficer, to Dr. 7* Greenway, Virginia. 29. An Account of a poisonous plant, grow ing spontaneously in the southern part of Virginia. Extracted from a paper by Dr. Jamei Greenway, Virginia. 30. Description of a Machine for mealhring a Ibip's way. Francis Htpkinfcn, Eftj. 31. An Inquiry into the question, whether the Apis Mellifica, or true Honey-Eee, is a na tive of America. Benjamin Smith Barton t M.D. 32. An Account of a Comet. David Rittenhoufe, EJq. 33. Cadmus or a Treatise on the Elements of Written Language, illuftratinf, by a Philo sophical division of Speech, the power of each character, thereby mutually fixing the Orthography and Orthoepy. With an EfTay on the mode of teaching the Deaf, or Swd and coi.fiquently Dumb, to speak, by Wn>. Thornton, M. D. Honored with the Ma gellanic Gold Medal, by the PBilofopliica! Society, in December, 1792. N. Cadmus is printed in a fine 8. vol. and fold by the Publilher hereof. 24. Obfervatioiifc on the Theory oi Water- Mills. W - faring. 35. An Improvement on MetalicConductors or Lightning rods. Mr. Robert Fatterjott. Honored with the Magellanic Premium, by an Award of the Society in December 1792. 36. An easy and expeditions method < 1 clil fipating the noxious Vapour commonly found in Wells and other subterraneous places. Lbtncicr Rtbirtfln, Bfq. 37. A method of draining Ponds in level grounds. 34' "'£g""- 38. Oblervations on the Cevcrity o) the win ter, 1779,1782. Kev. Matthew WUfan. 39. A Description of a new Standard lor Weights and Mealures; io a l-".tci from Mr. John Cooke, ofTipperary in Ireland. 40. Description of a Spring-Block, designed to allift a VelTel in failing, franai lhphn /»», Iso- Honored with the Magellanic Cold Medal, by an Award ot the Society in December 179°' December 20. ALL persons having any demand against the Estate and Effects of Mri. MARY SINDKEY, widow, late of Frankford, Ox. ford township, in the State of Pennsylvania, deceased j are deiired to produce tlieir ac counts to Jacob Lesher and William Creed, (in Franklord, aforelaid,) Executors and Ad ministrators ot the above in oider for settle ment. And whoever is indebted to said Es tate, &c. ave requested to make payment to the aforefaid Administrators, on or before the 16th of Mai-ch, 1794, or they will be dealt with according to law, Frankford, Dec. 16. Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York. The Subfcribttr intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, begs leave to of fer his fervicesto his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Thole who may please to favor him with their bufwefs, may depend upon having it tranfafted with the utmost fide lity and dispatch, Orders from Philadelphia, Bolton, or any Other part of the United States, will be flri&ly attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER. NOTICE IS hereby given, to the Members of the Insurance Company of North-America, That the third Instalment, being Two Dollars on each (hare of the Stock, is to be paid, a greeabjy to the Conftitntion, on the second Monday [the 13th day] of January next: And a Central Meeting of the Stockholders is to be beld on the succeeding day, for the purpose of chooling Fijteen Directors, examining into the Situation of the Company's Affairs, and ma king such additional Rules and Regulations as they shall judge necefiary. EBENEZER HAZARD, Secratary. Dec. 16. lnw&ftjj. ij ADVERTISEMENT New-Jersey, >T> Y virtue of a Wnt to me Suffcx County, ff. ) -D diretted, issued out of the High Court ot Chancery of New-Jcrfey, at the suit of William Shipley against John Ming and others; I (hall expose to sale at Public Ven due, on the sixth day of February next, between the hours of Twelve and Five in the Afternoon of the fame day, on the Premifcs, the following defcribcd Tract of Land, with its appurtenances, situate in the Townihip of Oxford and County of Suflex, beginning at a Chefnut Oak Tree, cor ner of Daniel Cox's land, and Handing in the line of a foimer fuivey made to Thomas Steven fon # being marked with the letter B. and thence extending along Coxe's line (firft) louth fifty de grees wett fifty-five chains and feventy-five links to a Black Oak Treecorncr ot Joseph Shipper's land (feccnd) south nine degrees and fifteen mi nutes, weft ninety chains and sixty five links to a forked White Oak Tree, marked with the let ters P and B another of the said Shippen's cor ners (third) thence north eighty degrees, east one hundred and forty-five chains, to a post on the foatherly fide of Paquaofte-River, being also a corner of John Reading's land (fourth) thence north thirty-nine degrees weft, one hundred and thirty-two chains to place of beginning, containing nine hundred and thirty acies with the usual allowance for roads and high ways — The fame Premises arc within eight miles of the River Delaware, and there is thereon a conveni ent Grill Mill with two pair of Stones—a Saw Mill in good repair, with a fuftcient ftrcam of water for their use—a Dwelling House. Store House, and several small buildings. MARK THOMPSON, Sheriff. Dated 2»d day of July, 1793. To be Sold, A T P J> IV A T E SALE, A Valuable Lot of 16 Acres of LAN'D, lying on the great road lead ing from Princeion to Trenton, 1 5 miles from Princeton ; with a tan-yard, bark-houle, beam houfe and currying-fhop, a never (ailing (beam of water running through the fame ; a good d with an entry and two room* on the lower floor, and three an the upper floor; a kitchcn adjoining, wuh a cellar nnd«r the whole, s. MATTHEW CLARKE, September 14, 1793. Encyclopedia, JUS? PUBLIC By THOMAS DOBSON, B >okfeller, at the Stone House, in Second" street Philadelphia. VOLUME X. OF Encyclopedia ; or Dictionary Of A ts, Sciences, and MUceiiancous on a Plan entirely new ; The Different Sciences and Arts, are digejled into the form of Diftindl Treaties or Syfteins : THIS volume contains principles of Leve l';, Liberty, D.r&rine of Ligftc, Lightning, Locks, Logarithms, Logic, History of Lon don, Luther, Lydia, Macedon, Madagascar, Magic, Magnetjfui, Males, His tory of Man, Marriage, Mary, Maryland, Masonry, Materia Medica, Meadow, Mecha nic, with :* great variety of Biographical and MifceManeous articles, iilhitrated with Twen ty two Copperplates. As a number of families are still in the country, and it is not generally known who arereturned. T. solicits the favor ot* the fubfer'bers to call or fend for their vo lumes, that they may be supplied as early as poflible. The tenth volum kof the Encyclopedia is now presented to Ihe public ; but as it makes its appearance in an imperfect state, some ac count of the reason of that imperfediou fliouid be >iven. On the Bth of September last, the Publiiher had the misfortune of having his Printing-office burnt down by a fire which broke out in the neighbourhood, and a great quantity of his printing materials deflroyed, and among other articles, the figures, with which he was printing the tables of lo garithms, belonging to the present volume, were melted down by the violence ot the tire. As a supply of these could not be immediately obtained, he was under the neceflity of pub lifhing the volume without these tables; but hopes he shall be able to publish them with the next volume which is now in considerable for- end2\v. t&frf. wardnefs. The Publisher embraces this opportunity of expressing his grateful acknowledgments t# the generous public, for the very liberal pa tronage with which his undertaking has been honored; at the fame time he takes the li berty of representing to such ol the as are in arrears, the indifpenfible necelTity of punctuality, both in taking up the volumes as early a? poflible after publication, and of pay ing for them when taken. Many of the lub fcribers having got only one, two, three, volumes, and i'everal volumes remain unpaid- Thus the work hangs in all its different ft age t from the commencement; and though the im portance of a few dollars may be but a trifle to the individuals, yet the accumulation of these trifles unpaid lays the Publiftier under very serious efihbarraffluent,and deprives him of the use of many Thousands of Dollars whiefc at this time would be of very eflential service. For tlaefe reasons the Publilher finds himfelt under the neceflitjr of recurring to the original terms of publication, and in future no vo lpmes will be delivered but only to those who take and pay to the time ot publication. December 10. saw 11 J. ADVERTISEMENT. FOR the benefit of those who maybe con cerned it may not be improper to notice, lhat the United Stater, by their Ast of the 12th of February 1793, ordered that all Claims of the description therein mentioned, and which originated previous to the 4th of March 1789 r be profented at the Treasury on or before the firft day of Mav 1794> oilier wife they will Gentlemen, in pojfejfwn of Swfcription papers for this Gazette, flff requefled to tranfnit them to the Editor's Office. PHILADELPHIA : Printid by JOHN T'ENNO, No. 3, (cr4») Vol. X. ED, BV WHICH >outli Fourth-Street.