d thr lltuMt A N D EVE [No. 2 i of Vol. ,V.] Excellent CLARET, In hogsheads and tn cases of 50 bottles each. ALSO, A few cases Champaigne Wine ; MADEIRA, In pipca, hotheads and quarter casks, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. 111, South Front-llreet Jan. 2, 1794 NOTICE. BEI N T G desirous of closing various commer cial concerns, and that all powers hereto fore granted relative to the fame should be re voked,'and public notice of it given, to prevent any polfible miftakc ; I, the fubferiber, do here by make known to all whom it may concern, that all powers and letters of attorney, ot every nature and extent, granted by ine to any person or persons, prior to the ift day of July lad, to a£l tor me or in my name ia America, aie re voked and made void. JAMES GREEXLEAF. d i w New-York, Jan. 1, 1794 NOR RIS-OOU RT, Back of the New Librarv, between Chefnut and Walnut-Street- George Rutter, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he continues carrying on the hufmefs of Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting, Likewise, JAPANNED PLATES, for doors or window-mutters, done in the mod elegant manner, and with diipatch. Orders from the country will be thankfully received, and duly attended to. December 30, dtf Just published, Aod to be fold by Stewart & Cochran, No. 34, South Second-street, THE United States Register, For the Year 1794; Containing, betides accurate and complete iirtfs of al) the Officers in the general, and the principal Officers in the particular govern ments', a variety of Information, ufelul for all clafles. tf Robert Campbell, No. 54, South Second-Jlrce!, Seconddoor below the corner of Chefnut-ftreet, HAS IMPORTED, By the late arrivals from Britain and Ireland, A large and general AJforlment of New Books and Stationary, Which will be disposed of on the lowed term?. Dec. 23. mw&ftf Parry and Mufgrave, Goldsmiths & Jewellers, No. 42, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, HAVE FOR SALE, An elegant AJfortment ef SILVER y PLATED WARE, JEWELLERY fine CUTLERY, Which they tr«H dispose of on the in oft rea sonable terms. Deviccs in haiT, Miniatures sett, and every thing in the gold and silver v. ay, done as u'.nal, December 24. NEW BOOKS. Now opening for Sale, By M. CARE Y, No. 118, MARKET-STREET ; A large and valuable colle&ion of BOOKS, imported from London in the Mohawk. Dec. 19. E. Oswald, No. 156, Market-Street, South, \ T the request of a number of friend*, ±\. proposes publvftring The Ikdependemt Gazetteer, twice a week, viz. Wednefdavs and Saturdays—tocommence in January next, if fufiicient encoeragement offers It will be publiflietl on Paper and Types equal to its present appearance. The lub- will be inlerted 4 times for i dollar—every contir.uancc one filth of a dollar. Those ex ceeding a square, in the fame proportion. N I N G A TO THE PUBLIC. ''PHE undernamed committee, appointed Lv 1 " THE SOCIETY for the INSTITU TION and SUPPORT ot FIRST-DAY or SUNDAY SCHOOLS in the city of Philadel phia and the diitiift of Southwaik and the Northern Libtrties," to solicit fuuher fubferip tions lor the support of the schools which the (aid society have cftabiithed, take the liberty to rcprefent to their fellow citizen*— That, although the fehool? were fufperided during the period of the late avrlul calamity with which our city and fubtiibs have been af flifled, they aie now again opened ior the lice admillion and education of poor children. That, the necilfity and rcaTons for the eflab lifhment of thefc schools arc htcre;ifed, from ibe Circumftauce of the late distress having left a number of Orphans deilitute of all the means of education, favc what the hand of bcnevolencc may adminiiler. 7'hat, former < xoerience has, mod pleafmglv, verified the fondeft hopes ot the friends of this inilitution, with regard to the piogrefs and ad vancement of the children, who hav« heretofore been under its care, in the ufeful branches of education which it has afforded. Referring to this fa£t, and to the address to the public, on this fubjeft, publilhed in the newspapers of this city in the third month lall, when about eight hundred and twenty children of both sexes had partaken of the benefits afforded by the society, and about three hundred and twenty more were th-n a&ually receiving inftiufliou in their schools, it now onlv icmains to be observed, that the funds of the society are greatly infufli cient to carry on their benevolent drfigns, and that the committee formerly appointed to solicit fubferiptions, conceived it necelTary to decline their applications to their fellow-citizens for their assistance in favor of thefc fchdbls, in order that thtic might be co inierrupiic/n from rhem to the folicitatioDs then made in hehalf ol their unfortunate brethren from Cape-Francois. The public aid is now therefore earncflly fo liated to support a charitable eftablilhment, cal culated upon the principles of public and pri vate good. The annual fubfeription for a mem ber is but One Dollar ; and it is presumed that so fnidll a sum per annum cannot be better dik posed of, by those who can afloid it, than by belfoWfng it as the price of the diffufion of ufctitl knowledge among the pbor and lriendlcfs. Subfcnptiptfs and donations will be gratefully received by the undernamed com mil toe ou be half of the society: Peter Tbompfcn, Thoa>ai'&«P. Cope, ]«fcph' Pi ice, Edward Pols, James Hard-c, V/illia#) lii'ii >s, Benjamin Say, Nathaniel Falconer, Francis Bailey, Jcfl