E VENING ADVERT [No. 20 of Vol. V.] PRICE CURRENT. Dlh. a,. DiU.Ct,. per quantity. —Dollars too Cents each Oil, Ditto pr cafe 5 4C Sweet, best, in flafks,pr.box 10 _ Ditto ba'kets, 12 Lotties 6 PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 4, 1794. Spermaceti pr. gall. 9 4 8 Tram per barrel 10 51 ADUs.Cti. Dlls.Cti. Whaie 25 33 NCIIORS pr.lb. t 7 10 p orter p r ca {] C( Allum, English, pr.cwt. 4 33 London, pr.doz. Ditto, Roch pr. lb. 11 American ditto bot.incl. 1 81 Ames, pot, per ton, *20 pi tch> pr . bbl. \73 2 Pearl, »34 1 4° 7 Pork, Burlington, per barrel, 15 Arrack pr. gall. 1 33 1 J o Lower county 12 Brandy, common, i°o *20 Carolina 10 Comae *3° *4° p ea s, Albany pr. bulhel \ Braziletto,pr. to 4. So Pepper, or. lb. 42 Bricks, pr. M. 4 7 Pi men to 19 Bread, (hip, pr. cwt. 2 "7 n . r , n . Ditto, pilot 5 bcft ' P r - kc « * 7 Ditto, finall water, per keg 36 4° * IUo P r, i? r 333 Beer, Am* rican, in bottles, P'"° P r ' box 333 pr.doz. bottles included. 1 74 P r - Cwt - 3" Ditto pr. barrel, 6 Rolin pr. barrel 178 Boards Cedar pr. M feet, so Ruin Jamaica,pr.gallem .>6 New Engl,nd 10 14 w" li j Ua j * Sfi Oak .4 '6 Windward 86 Merchantable pine 20 24 Barbados Sap, do. ,o 67 —Country, N.E. 60 Mahogany, perfoot 10 Salt petre, pr. cwt. 14 33 The aboveare the (hallop prices, Saflafras pr. ton 6 8 tor the yard price, add 1 dol- ' Shot ditto 140 141 lar 33 cents per 1000. Steel, German pr.lb. 9 Brimilone in rolls, pr.cwt. 2 Englilh,blifter.d, p<. to Beef, Bolton, per .o » Amenc.mpr, ton 1.3 33 — Co".ur/d,to 9 ,0 Z^^r:^ ,agSOt 4* — Freft per cw.. 333 467 J pcr —In kegs 15 18 W h ' l , c 8 Candles, Sperm, pr.lb. 47 aftl le 11 W Ji ' „ 16 Surch 7 Myrtle Wax l 3 Snuff pr. doz. hot 4 56« Mould, tallow l 6 Spermaceti, refined, pr.lb. 48 Dipped 14 Sailcloth,Englifh,No.l.pr. yard, Cheese, Englifii, pr. ib. 25 Bolton, No. I. ditto 36 Conntry to 12 No. 11. 35 Chocolate ' >6 18 Sugar Lump, pr.lb 21 Cinnamon 2 40 2 67 I.jaf, single refined 32 Cloves 1 33 ——Ditto, double do. 33 Cocoa pr. cwt. 10 11 Havannah, white 12 14 Coffee pr. lb. '6 Ditto, brown, 10 11 Coal pr. bnrtrrl 24 33 Muscovado, pr. cwt 9 js Copperas pr.cwt. i 67 Spirits Turpentine pr.gallon S7 Cordage, Amnion, ptrewt. 9 10 Salt, Allum pr. bulhel Cotton pr. It). 27 3? Liverpool 100 Cutrants la Cad,z Duck,Ruflia, pr. piece 14 t8 Lisbon oc Ravens 11 Shipbuild. W. O. frames p.ton, 20 Dutch fail duck, *8 20 Ditto Live Oak, 22 Feathers pr.lb. 5 o Ditto red cedar, per foot 37 45 Fiax ditto «• 12 Shingles, 18 inch, per 333 367 Flaxfeed pr. bulh. 8° 90 Ditto 2 feet, CSO 6 Flour, Superfine pr.barrel 6 1 2 Ditto 3 feet, drellcd, 13 15 Common, 57» Sla »«. P| P<- P'- >°°° 3* Bur middlings, best j White Oak hoglhead, 2033 —Meal, Indian 2 67 Red Oak do. 19 s o ditto Rye, 3 at 33 Ship-duff pr. cwt. 1 40 t67 —Barrel 16 Fustic pr. ton, 2° —-heading 25 33 . cc Skins, Otter, belt pr. piece 4 67 Gin, Holland, pr. cafe, 4 66 _. Minkl 40 Do- pr. gall. 9° Fox, grey 40 80 Glue, pr.cwt. 20 2133 Ditto red 120 Ginger, white race, per lb. 12 Martins 24 Ditto, common 8 Filhers 01 67 Ditto,ground pr.lb. 10 Bears 3 Ginseng, 20 24 R a coons 60 j Gunpowder, cannon, pr. q.calk, 373 4 Mulk-rats 11 20 1 Ditto, fine glazed 4 Beaver, pr. Ib. 67 .33 , Grain, Wheat pr. bulh too 120 Decl ,r„ ha ,, 20 30 Rve 70 t ' Oats 35 Tar,N.Jerfey, 2 4 gal.p. bbl. i Indian corn 6° 67 Carolina, 32 gall. 2 Barlev » 1 20 Turpentine pr. bbl. 2 - Best shelled pr. lb. 7 Tobacco, j. River, best toolb. 4 33 ——Buckwheat, per bu(h. 4c ——— inferior 3 33 .... c ~ ' old 4 *>7 Hemp, imported, pr. ton, 160 150 Rappahannock 333 American, pr.lb 4 5 Coloured Maryland, 533 8 Herrings, pr.bbl. 3 Dark, 2 40 Hides, raw pr.lb. 9 l.ong-leaf 240 S Eaftern-ftiore 1 2 ?3 Hogshead hoops, pr. . . 15 Carolina , new 27 3 Indigo, French per lb. 1 67 old, 3 33 —Carolina 1 J 80 Tea, Hyson pr. lb. 93 1 28 Irons, lad pr. ton, »33 33 Hyson (kin, 53 60 Iron, Castings pr. cwt. 3 4 Souchong, 50 93 Bar pr. ton, 82 66 Congo, 43 50 Pig 25 Bohea, 33 36 Sheet 173 33 Tallow, refined, per lb. 9 Nail rods 100 33 Tin pr. box, *3 33 l 3 67 Junk, pr. cwt. 4 5 Verdigreafe pr. lb. 60 Lard, hogs pr. lb. »5 Vermillion, do. 133 t67 Lead, in pigs pr. cwt. 5 33 567 Varnish, per gallon 33 37 in bars 7 Wax, Beet pr.lb. 25 27 white JO 10 67 Whale-booe,long pr.lb. " 13 30 rc( * 640 6 6 \\rine, Madeira, pr. pipe, 176 226 Leather, foal, pr. lb. »7 20 Lilbon 120 126 Lignum vitae pr. ton, 7 Teneriffe,pr. gallon 63 Logwood 3° Fayal 52 Mace pr.lb. 9 Port pr. pipe 113 33 Mackarel, belt pr.bbl. 9 Dittoinbottles.pr.doz. 4 second quality 4 Claret 4 6 Madder, best pr. lb. 16 so Sherry pr.gall. 90 1 so Marble, wrought, pr. foot, •- 33 207 Malaga 77 80 Mast spars ditto 33 COURSE OF EXCHJNC F. MolalTes pr.gall. 33 J'_ On London, at 30 days, per £ .100 fieri. 466 $1 Mustard per. lb. 7 at 60 days 463 § Hour, in bottles, pr.doz. I*o at 90 oays 461 'y Nails, BJ. xod. izd. and 7od. pi .lb. 10 Amftcrdam, 60 days, pr. guilder, 42 Nutmegs pr. lb. - » 90 da'y«, 4c Oil, I.infced, pr. gal! r Government bills, diawn at 10 days ——'Olive • 7 light, at 4ac per guilder. f ©itfdfr «f t'li- Hfaf.es AND Saturday, January 4, 1794. 0 B S E R V AT lON S ON THE RIVER POTOMACK, The Country and the CITY OF WASHINGTON. (Concluded from our lajl.) The fur and peltry trade of the Great Lakes may be brought to the city of Wash ington, through the channel of the Poto mack, four hundred miles nearer than to any cthei (hipping-port to which it has been carried heretofore. Mr. JefFerfon, in his notes on Virginia, mentions this fubjeft in the following words:—" The Potomack offers itfelf under the following circumstances, for the trade of the lakes, and the waters well ward of Lake Erie. When it (hall have entered that lake, it must coafl: along its southern (hore, on account of the number and excellence of its harbors ; the north ern, though (horteft, having few harbors, and those unfafe.—Having reached Caya hoga, to proceed on to New-York, it will have eight hundred and twenty five miles, and five portages : Whereas it has but four fiundred and tiventy-five mile 6 to Alexandria, its emporium on the Poto mack, if it turns into Cayahoga, and pas ses through that, Big Beaver, Ohio, Yo hogany,(on Monongahela and Cheat,) and the Potomack ; and there are but two portages; the firft of which, (from Caya hoga to Big Beaver) may be removed by uniting the sources of these waters, which are lakes in the neighborhood of each other, and in a champain country. —The other from the waters of the Ohio to the Potomack, will be from fifteen to forty miles, according to the trouble that (hail be taken to approach the two navigations. —For the trade of the Ohio, or that which (hall come into it from its own waters, or from the Mifiifippi, it is nearer through the Potomack to Alexandria, than to New- York, by five hundred and eighty miles, and is interrupted by one portage only. There is another circumstance of differ ence.—The lakes themfelve6 never freeze; but the communications between them freeze, and the Hudson's river itfelf is (hut up by ice three months in the year; where as the channel of the Chefepeak leads direct ly to a warm climate, the southern parts of it rarely freezes at all, and whenever the northern do, it is so near the sources of the rivers, that the frequent floods to which they are liable, break the ice up immediately, so that vefTels may pass through the winter, fubjeft only to acci dental and short delays." In addition to the foregoing remarks, it may only be neceflary to fay, that there is not a river in America capable of being rendered more secure from an attack by water than the Potomack. Its banks are every where high and bold, with the channel often not more than two hundred yards from the (lioie. Digg's-Point, about ten miles below the city of Walhington, is remarkably well calculated for a battery ; as all veflfels coming up the river must pre sent their bows to that poin, for the dis tance of three miles; and after palling, their sterns are equally exposed for about the fame distance; the middle of the chan nel there is not more than two hundred yards from the point. It may not be amiss to subjoin the fol lowing extracts from the laws of Maiy land; and the terms and conditions for regulating the materials and manner of the buildings and improvements on the lots in the city of Washington. Extract from the ast of the General As sembly of Maryland, entitled, " An ast for opening and extending the navigation of the river Potowmack, in which the (hares are made real estate." " Be it enacted, That foreigners shall be and are hereby enabled to fubferibe for and hold {hares in the Potowmack Com pany." Extract from an ast of the General As sembly of Maryland, entitled, " An ast E I S [Whole No. [78.] concerning the territory of Columbia and the city of Washington." " Be it ena&ed, That any foreigner may, by cieed or will, hereafter to be made, take and hold lands within that part of the laid territory which lies with in this state, in the fame manner as if he was a citizen of this state ; and the fame lands may be conveyed by him, and trans mitted to, and be inherited by his heirs or relations, as if he and they were citizeus of this Hate ; Provided, that no foreign er (hall, in virtue hereof, be entitled to any further or other privilege of a citi zen." Term 9 and conditions declared by the President of the United States, for regu lating the materials and manner of the buildings and improvements on the lots in the city of Washington. 1 ft. " That the outer and party-walls of all houses within the said city (hall be built of brick or done." 2d. " That all buildings on the streets (hall be parallel thereto, and may be ad vanced to the line of the itreet, or with drawn therefrom, at the plcafure of the improver ; but where any such building is about to be erected, neither the founda tion nor party-walls (hall be begun without firft applying to the person or persons ap pointed by the CommilTioners to superin tend the buildings within the city, who will afterwards ascertain the lines of the walls to correspond with theferegulations. 3d. " The wall of no house to be high er than forty feet to the roof in any part of the city, nor (hall any be lowerthan 35 feet on any of the avenues." 4-tli. " That the person or persons ap pointed by the Commiflioners to superin tend the buildings, may enter on the land of any person to let out the foundation, and regulate the walls to be built between party and party, as ; to the breadth and thickness thereof: which foundation (hall be laid equally on the lands of the perfon9 between whom such party-walls are to be built, and (hall be of the breadth and thickness determined by such person pro per ; and the firft builder (hall be reim bursed one moiety ef the charge of such party-wall, or so much thereof as the next builder (hall have occasion to make use of before such next builder (hall any way life or break intothe wall; the charge or value thereof to be set by the person or persons so appointed by the CommilTion ers." sth. "As temporary conveniences will be proper for lodging workmen and securing materials for building, it is un derstood that filch may be erected with the approbation of the commiflioners; but they may be removed or discontinued by the special order of the commiflioners." 6th. " The way into the squares being designed in a special manner for the com mon use, and convenience of the occupiers of the refpeftive squares, the property in the fame is referred to the public, so that there may be an immediate interference on any abuse of the use thereof by any indi vidual, to the nuisance or obftru&ion of others. The proprietors of the lots ad joining the entrance into the squares, on arching over the entrance and fixing the gates in the manner the commiflioners (hall approve, (hall be entitled to divide the space over the arching, and build it up with the range of that line of the square." 7th. " No vaults (hall be permitted un der the streets, nor any encroachment on the foot-way above, by Heps, (loops, por ches, cellar-doors, windows, ditches or leaning-walls, nor (hall there be any pro jection over the streets other than the eaves of the. he _ r es, without the consent of the commiflioners." Bth. " These regulations are the terms and conditions, under and upon which conveyances' arc to be made, according to the deeds in trust of the lands within the city." Gentlemen, in poffejjion of Subferipiion papers for this Gazette, are requejltd to transmit them to the Editor*s OJjice. R.