Just Imported, Frcm London, Dublin antlGiksaoir', A> <1 now opening for d Rutenhoufe, EJq. 16. An Account of the effects of a Itroke of Lightning on a Houle furni/hed with two Conductors. David Rittenhovf;, and Francis Hopkinfon, Efqrs. 17- Experiments and Observations on Evapo ration in cold Air. C. Wijlar, M. D. 18. Postscript to Mr. Barton's Letter, to Dr. Rittenhoufe, of the 17, ofMarch, i ? 9t. >9. New Notation of Music. Alr. R. PatU'fon. 20. Observations on the Theery of Wate»r Mills uc. W. Waring. 19. Agronomical Observations. David Rittenhonfe. 20. A letter relative to a method of finding the sum of the leveraj powers «f the Sines, & c * David Rittenhoufc, tfa. 21. Index Florae Lancaftrienfis. Henrico Muh/enterg, A. />. 22.- Investigation of the power of Dr. Bar ker s Mill, as improved by James R'u'Aifey, with a description of the mill. W. Waring. 23. A Thermometrical Journal of the tem perature of the Atmosphere and Sea, on a voyage to and from Oporto, with explana tory observations thereon. Jonathan Williams, Eftj. 24. Fi r st memoir of observations on the plants denominated Cryptogamick. A/. De Beauvois. 25. A letter, containing observations on she ancient works of Art, the Native Inhabi tants, See. of the Western Country. Major Jonathan Heart. 26. An account of some of the principal dies employed by the North American Indians. Extra&ed by the late Mr. Hugh Martin. 27. An account of the beneficial effe&s of the Cassia Chamaecrifta in recruiting worn-out lands, and in enriching such as are natural ly poor; together with a botanical descrip tion of the plant. jf.imei Green way of Virginia. 28. An account of a hill on the borders of North Carolina, fnppofed to haye been a volcano, in a letter from a Continental of- ficer, to Dr. J. Grcenway y Virginia. 29. An Account of a poisonous plant, grbw ing spontaneously in the southern part of Virginia. Extra&ed from a paper by Dr. "James Grccmva\ y Virginia. 30. Defcriptiou of a Machine for measuring a ship's way. Francis Hophinfvn, Ffq. 31. An Inquiry into the question, whether the Apis Mellifica, or true Honey-Bee, is a na tive of America- Benjamin Smith Barton^M.D. 32. An Account of a Comer. David Rittcnhtufe, 33* Cadmus or a Treatifeon the Elements of Written Language, ilhiftratinp, by a Pbilo fophical division o{ Speech, the power of each charaT> Y virtu? of aWiitto mr Sussex County, if. J -D dire&ed, issued out «f the High Court of Chancery of New-Jcrfev, at the suit of William Shipley againlt John Ming and others; I shall expose to sale at Public Ven due, on the sixth day of February next, bit ween the hours of Twelve and Five in the Afternoon of the fame day, on the Premises, the following described Tra& of Land, with its appurtenances, situate in the Township of Oxford and County of Sussex, beginning at a Chcfnnt Oak Tree, cor ner of Danul Cox's land, and Handing in the line of a former fuivey made to Thomns Stcven fon, Wring marked with the letter B. and then: e extending along Coxe's line (firft) louth fifty de grees weft fifty-fit# chairs and feventy-five links to a Black Oak Treecorner of Joseph Shippers land (second) south nine degrees and fifteen mi nutes, weft ninety chains and sixty five links a foiked White Oak. Tier, marked with the let ters R and B another of the said Shippen's cor ners (third) thence north eighty degrees, east one hundred and forty-five chains, to a port on the southerly fide of Paquaoftc-Ktver, being alf© a corner of John Reading's land (fourth) thence north thirty-nine degrees weft, one hundred and thirty-two chains to the place of beginning, containing nine hundred and thirty acres witfi the usual allowance for roads and high ways— The fame Premises are within eight miles of the River Delaware, and there is thereon a conveni ent Grift Mill with two pair of Stone*—a Saw Mill in good repair, with a fuffceient ftrcam of water for then ufc—a Dwelling Hotife, Store House, and fcveral small buildings. MARK THOMPSON, Sheriff. Dated 22d day of July, 1793. To be Sold, AT P B IV AT E SALE, A Valuable Lot of 16 Acres of I.AND, lying on the grc.it roati lead ing from Princeton to Tienton, i £ miles from Princeton; with a tail-yard, bark-houfc, beam, house and currying-fhop, a never failing ftieim of water running through the fatre ; a good dwelltng-boufe, with an entry ai»d two monij on the lower floor, and three on the upper floor; a kitchcn adjoining, with a cellar under the whole, and a well of water at tile door ; also, 170 bearing apple-trees, and two or three atrrei of wan ted meadow. There will be*a« inriif putahle title given- Any peifon inclining to putchafc, rnav know the terms of lale by ap plying to the Subscriber on the prcmifes. MATTHEW GLAXKF, September 14, 1793. («l'4^j Encyclopedia, Vol. X. JUST PUBLISHES, By THOMAS DOBSON, Bookseller, ?.t the Stooe House, in Stcand ftreet Philadelphia. VOLUME X. OF Encyclopedia; or Dictionary Ot A ts, Sciences, and Mifcellaneons Literature, on a Plan entirely new ; Br WHICH The Different Sciences and Art?, are digejled into the form of DiftintS Treaties or Sjftems : THIS volume contains principles of Level?; Liberty, Doctrine of Light, Lightnjnj.;, Locks, Logarithms, Logic, History of Lon don, Longitude, Luther, Lydla, Macedoti, Madagascar, Magic, Magnetism, Malts, Hil tory of Man, Marriage, Mary, Maryland, Masonry, Materia Medica, Shadow, Mecha nics, with a great variety of Biographical and Miscellaneous articles, lllilllrated with Twi»- tv two Copperpiatis. As a number of families are still in t&e country, and it it not generally known who arereturned. T. D.jbfon, solicits tlie ikvur of the subscribers to call or lend for thpir vo lumes, that they may be supplied as tarty as poffiMe. eod2w. The rtMTH TOLUK* of the Encyclopedia'.ii now prefentfcd to the public; but as it makes its appearance in an imperfect state, some ac count of the reason of that iinperfe&ion should be given. On the Bth of September last, tlie Publi(her had the misfortune of having his Printing-office burnt down by a fire which broke out in the neighbourhood, and a great quantity of his printing materials destroyed, and among other articles, the figuiej, with which he was printing the Ta»lis or lo garithms, belonging to the present volume, were melted down by th# violence nf Hi* firr. As a supply of these could uot be immediately obtained, he was under tlie necefllty of pub lifliing the volume without tlie'e TAsits; but Itopes he ftiall Ik able to publish them with the next volume which is n»w in conirrterable for wardnel's. The Pithlifher embraces this opportunity of exprefiing his grateful acknowledgments to th® generous public, lor the very liberal pa rronage with which his undertaking has been honored; at the fame time he takes the li berty of representing to foch of the fubfci iben as are in arrears, the indiipenfiblf neceffi-y of punctuality, both in taking up tl,g \olumes as early as pollible after publicatibn, aiid of pay ing for them when taken. Many of the ftth fcribers having got only one, two, th; ee, &c. volumes, and leveral volumes remainvKPnip. Thus the work hangs in all its different ftagc* from the commencement; and though the im portance nf a few dollars may be but a trifle to the individuals, yet the accumulation of these trifles vwmd lays th« Publiflier ttndet very serious finbarrafimeor, «hd deprives bint of the ule of many ThoKlandsof Dollars which at this time would be of very efleotial service. For these realoiis the Publllhtr finds hitnfetf under the necessity of recurring to the or! jitial terms of publication, and in future no vo lumes will he delivered but onlv to those wit* take and pay to the time of publication, Dcrember u. t&rtf Philadelphia, Nov. si, 1793. The Stockholders of the BANK of .he UNITED STATES, are fccitby informed, that according to the (Utuieol incor poration, a General Eie3ion for Twenty-five Direflors, will be held at the Bank of the Uni ted Siates, in the Citv of Philadelphia, on Mon day the 6th of January iient, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon. And pursuant to the eleventh ft&ion of the hye-laws, the Stockholders of the fa 1 d B*nk, aie hereby notified, to aHTeta-hlc in general meeting, at the fame place, on Tuefrlay the 7th day of January next, at five o'clock in th<; evening. By Order, SECOND Fundamenta) Aiticlc—Not more than three-fourths of the pireftors 111 oHlcr, ex clusive of ine Picfidcnt, rfull be eligible for the next fucceeduig year : Hut the Divettor, who fhal/ be Prtfidcnt at thjc time of an eletiion, may alw a>s be rc-elefted. At a meeting of the Dircftors of the Infurence Company of Norih America, Nov. 25, 1793. Rcfohcd % THAT no transfer of dork be made on the _booki«l this office between the is'h day of June and the (irft Monday in Ju!y, arrd be tween the th day of December arid Ihe firft Monday ©f January followiug, in each year. Exutt from the minutes, Ebrnfzkr Hazard, Secretary. TO BE SOLD, THE Fount of LONG PRIMER on which the Gazette of the United States was laiely printed. The Fount will weigh about Three Hundred Pounds. The price is Twenty Cents per pound. December 16. Oj" Gentlemen, in p'.fjeffion of Sulfcription papers for this Gazette, are requefkd to trar.fmit them to the Editor's Office. TT7 PIIN. PRIXTFI? I V J( UN FENNO, No. j, ■Sotnii Fourth-Street. ■2S\vtlJ JOHN' KEAN, Caftrier. mw&f to 6 jan. Enquire of the EDtTOP. lELPHIA