Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 02, 1794, Image 1

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[JKTo. 18 of Vol. V.]
Parry and Mufgr?^,
No. 42,
An e/egMt Affnrtmint of
Wbichf they wil] «11/pote of on the woft rea
sonable terms. Devices in haify Miniatures
ifcrt, *rtd every tfrrng in the gold arid lilver
way, «ior>e as uiirai.
December 24.
Now opening fjr Sale,
By M. C A R E Y,
. No. 113,
A large and valuable collection ofBOOKS t
imported from London in the Mohawk.
Dec. J 9. . .
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, Saulh Secend'Jlrect,
Second door Iwlnw th*r cornerofChelnut-ftretf,
By the late arrivals from Britain ar.ct Ireland,
A large fund general AJfortmenl of
New Books and Stationary,
"\V4iich will be difj>oi*ed ot'oa the loveft terms.
Die. 23. mw&ftf
And Wt/1 fpltdiiy is futblyheJ,
United States Register,
For the Year i 794.;
Containing, befictes accurate and complete
lifts of all the Officer* if» the general, and the
principal Officers in the particular govern
inents, a variety of information, uiefiit Tor all
IN 0 i< jx. 1>
B,ct of the-New Library, between Cheiiiut
and Walnut Streets.
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the puMic in general, that he continues
cai ry'mg on the buhnefs of
Si°"n and Fire-Bucket Painting,
fur dooriov wiliflovv-lhutti.-rijdone in the moll
elezant manner, and with dispatch.
order? from the country will be thanklully
received. anfl duly attended to.
December 30.
IS he re I', y giver, to the IVltMßEfts of the
That the third Inftalmeiit, being Two Dollars
on each Orate of the Stock, is to be paid, a
fcrevahlv to ihe Cof.ftitntion, 011 the lecond
Monday [the 13th day] of January nest : And
a Central i-leding of the Stockholders is to be
held on the succeeding day, tor the purpose ol
choosing FiJ'teen Dirtßors, examining into the
Situarieft of the Company's Affairs, and ma
king fucli additional Rules and R.egulatians
as thev lhall judge necell.irv.
EBENE7.ER HAZARD, Secratary.
Dec. 16. mw&ft 3 . 1J
MONEY borrowed or loaned, accounts flu
ted er collcftcd, employers fuired with
domeftic<, house rooms, boarding and lodging
rented, let or procured—soldier's, mariner's,
or militia men's p»Y, lands ami claims on the
public ; lhares in the hanks, in the canals, »nd
the turnpike road ; ceitifieates granted by the
t>nb!ie, a'fld the old and hie paper monies ;
-notes of hand, bills, bonds and morgaget, with
m without depo'-its—Bought, fold, or t>eg<>-
riated at No. 8, in south Sixth-ftrect, below
"\larket-llreet by FRANCIS WHITE,
Whotranfafts bufincfs m th« public offices tor
country peop'e and others, by vtrtueof a pow
er of attorney, or by per iorval aplication.
• Docc-mber Ix. "
No. 156, Market-Sfeet, South,
\ T the reqneft <rf a number of friends,
A. proposes publifliing The IkdWendent
Gazetteer, twice a week, viz YVednefdavJ
and Saturdays—to commence 111 January next,
if fitfficient encoeragement offers
It will be publiflu'd on Paper and Types
equal to its prefeot appearance. Tl.t fub
icription V; dollars per ann.
Advertisements not exceeding a Jqwarc,
«| be iu'erted 4 times for t dollar—eveiy
continuance rtne fifth of a dollar. Iho e e*-
ceeding a fquarr, in the fame proportion.
For the QstxUits of the Uitirsu Sr. trs.
Tbt folkrwing ai-reont-immt t>f afi the-im
of a ytjrr—4bewittg on what day of the l
week tkey federally fall, has txen found'
vtvy convenient in accompting houfcs
and tradefrnen's shops, and is a ready
Almanac to all ciafles of citizens, wlx» I
wife a reference to any particular dun, \
kack, forward, or the present.
July -
August -
Odlober -
Thursday, January 2, f/94.
s £ 2 3 d ? 2=
I. f 5, a. s !•' =
•3 S* 8- g 2 •? |
*■ •« al*. 4i
1 ' . . i
5 6 7 8 (J IO I !
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 *1 22 23 24 25
26 27 29 30 3 1 I
9 td II 12 13 14,15
'16 17 i 3 19 20 2122
13 24 2c 26 27 i 8 1
9 IO II 12 13 14 J5
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28 29 30 31 0.0 o
1-r-iHE undernamed committee, appointed by
SUNDAY SCHOOLS in the city of Philadel
phia and the dillriA of Souihwark and the
Northern Liberties," to solicit further fubfenp
lions lor the fupfort of the schools which the
said lociety have'eftablifhed, take the liberty to
rcprefent to their lellow citizens
Thai, although the school? were suspended
during the period of the late avrlul calamity
with which oor city and suburbs have been al
fl fled, they are now again opened lor the free
admiflion and education of poor children.
That, the flectffny and rtafons tor the eftab
| lilhmcnt of thele schools are increased, fiom the
crcunift.mce ol the late distress having left a ]
number ol Orphans dettitute of all the means
of education, favc what the hand ol benevolence
may administer.
That* former experience has, molt pleaimgly,
verified the fundi ft hopes ot the friends ol this
inllit'ution, with regard to the piogiefs and ad
vancement of the children, who have heretofore
been under its care, in the ufeful branche. ot
education which it has affordid. Referring to
this fa-ft, and to the address to the public. on
tins fuhjcfl, puhlifhed in the nr wfpaper* ot this
citv hi "the third month I ast, when about eight
hundred and twenty children ol both fexrs had
partaken ol the benefits aflended by the lociety,
and about three hundred and twfftly rami were
aflnallv teceiving inlliufliort in 1 ' ~r' r
fchtfols, it now only rttmains to he oldeived,
that r ■: c funds of the foeirty are greatly infuffi-
CU &&PS*I*V their benevolent ihd
ily rr miutnoe formerly appointed 10 i.rli, t
U<coucctved it r.tceflaiy to. d/rlini
' 'r .'nt>iiraii«M»a to their fellow-cu-zens for
then afßftance in Uvor of tbefe schools, in order
that ihcie might be i\o intci rupiioti f rom tbcro
to ihe foliciiatiows then made in behalf of ihtir
Unfortunate Srethrrn from Cape-Francois.
Ihe pul»l*c aid is now therefore earncftly £>-
Ucifrd to fnopoi t a cliai ruble eilablifhmen', cal
culated upon the piiuciphs of public and pri
vate good. The annual fubferipuon tor a nu-in.
her is t>ut One Dollar ; and it is presumed that
so faiall a Cum per annum cannot he better dif
poC-d of, by thole who can afford it, than bv
as ibe price of the d iffufinn of ufdui
knowledge zmaiig the poor and Iriendlefv
Subfcnptiposand donations wtfl be gratefully
rcceivtd by the undernamed commute** ou be
half ol the society :
Pcfrr. Thomp(on,
Thomas P. Cope,
Joseph Price,
Edward Pole,
J runes Hardic,
William lunu,
Kenjamin Sav,
Nai4>atml Falconer,
Kancis Bailey,
J Me
Samuel Sciitttiij
Peter Barker.
THK CovKwr Jldjmcmut, AND THK
(Continued from our hi/l.)
THE number of inhabitants living in
the several counties of Virginia and Ma
ryland, bordering upon the Potomack or
its branches, amount to upwards of three
hundred thousand, according to the cen
sus taken by order of the gerteral govern
ment, in the year 1791, They art all,
or so nearly so, that not one fiftieth part
can_be excepted, cultivators of the foil.—
easy to conceive, that they
to the (hipping ports on IM" nWJ. t>jrr,
ft ill so eKtenfive is the country thro' which
3 4 5
the Potomack and its branches pass, that
it is yet but thinly fettled ; its inhabitants
are, however, very rapidly multiplying,
as well by emigration as by the natural
course of population.
The productions of the country consist
of wheat, tobacco, Indian corn or maize,
rye, oats, potatoes, beans, peas, and in
Ihort, of every ai tide that the licll farm
ing lands are capable of producing. Hemp
rid flax are cultivated here, and yield large
quantities. '1 he land is rich in pailuragc
molt parts of it admirably adapted to
sheep ; and a heavy growth of timber, fit
for (hip-building, as" well as every other
purpose, is found here. There i 3, near
Cumberland, and within 10 or ?2 miles
of the river, a tract of country that a
bounds with very large white pine trees,
suitable for mills of (hips ; fomfe of thele
trees are from 5 to 6 feet in diameter, and
run up 100 feet without a branch.
Slate, marble, frec-ftone of the red and
grey Portland kind,and iron oie,are found
in abundance on the banks of the river.
Several large iron works are already esta
blished, which furnifh bar-iron and cafl
ings of an excellent quality. I/tmeftone
abounds every where. Of coal too, there
is an inexhaustible quantity, near Cumbei
land, laying on the banks of the river, &
in other parts at no great distance from it;
from whence in future, not only all the
towns and manufactories on the river may
be supplied, bat it may become a capital
article of exportation.
There is in the river a great plenty of
very fine filh. Large quantities of shad
and herrings are annnally taken here and
expoi ted to the Weft Indies-
From the preceding observations, it is
eafv to conceive that the commerce of
this river cannot be inconfiderabk : And
a iingle view of the frtuation upon which
the city of Wafliington is laid out, points
out that spot as the moll eligible on the
river, for a large commercial town.
The city of Washington lays in latitude
53'. —It is situated on the east fide
of* the Potomack, about four miles below
Kbenrzet h*rae t
J#»cob Canfftnan,
James Todd,
joieph Jonics,
Jntmhan Pcmofo,
Ceo' Meads',
John Pel of,
John M 4 Cree,
koWe>t u oifti>o,
TJiontas Annai,
George Williams,
Jan. i
[Whole No. 476.]
the Head of tide'w ater, and extends dtxy n
the river nearly four miles, to an angle,
wlncfi it formed bv the junction of th.
eastern branch with the Potomac!; ; li
then runs along the eastern branch for
more tban two milrt.—lts gcficra!" width
is about otie mile and three quarters.
f"he eastern branch affords one i>f the
fiirfit harbor* imaginable for ftips. It is
more than a mile wide at its tnouth, and
holds nearly the fame width fh- almost the
whole distance to which the city extends
upon it; it then narrows gradually to its
head, which is about ten miles from its
conflux with the Potumack.
nel of this branch lays cn the fide next the
city ; it has in al} parts of it, as far as the
c;ty extends, from twenty to twenty-five
feet of water. Above the city, it is only
navigable for small craft. The channel is
generally so near the city, that a whaif,
extended forty, or fifty feet from the bank,
will have water f*norigh for the largcfl fhijis
to come up and discharge or receivc their
cargoes. The hud on each fide o r die
branch is fufficiently high to secure (hip
ping from any wind tiiat blows ; and one
very important advantage which this
branch has, as a harbor, overall extensive
rivers which freeze and are liable to be
broken up fudd-rnly by frcfhfs or land
floods, is, that on account of the fliort
dillance to which it extends into the land,
no rapidity of current is ever occafionec!
by frefhes ; and, ye!THj in the main
river, if they {huuld happen to be caught
there by the ice, pre liable to receive great
injury, and are forhetifces totally loft by
it, those in the branch lay in perfciS fe
curity.—lt has also the advantage of being
open some days later in the winter r.nd
earlier in the spring than the main river at
Oeorge-Town, and the upper parts of
the city. The river generally (huts upa
bput Cbrrflmas. ai:d is open arain t!.e /
Imntjr? • ixjnigttfuvT. — 5 J .
interruptions by ice through the winte\
and sometimes it happens that it is nc®
closed so as to prevent the navigation: dur- <
tig the winter—this \n: th; cafe last win
The nmn channel of tue Potomack op
posite the city, running near the Virginia
shore, that part of the city which lavs up
on the Potomack has only a ftnall channel,
carrying from eight to twelve feet of wa
ter, until you come within about three
quarters of a mile of George-Town, when
the channel turning between Mafon's-Ifland'
and the city, gives a depth of water fromt *
twenty to thirty feet close in with the
shore of the city. This renders the water
lots within that small space very valuable ;
for any (hips that come up the river may
here lay within twenty yards of the city,
and the boasts which bring t'n« produce of
the country down the river, may at all
times come her*, deep loaded as they corns
down ; whereas they could not go, thus
loaded, down to the ealtern branch, unlefi
in very smooth weather.
Before a particular defcriptiop. of the
spot, &c. on which the city of Wafliing
ton is laid out, be given, it may not be
improper to note the conftiti-.tiorial and
legal Ground upon which the location of
the city is made.
The conttitution of the United States-,
grants to Congrefe the power " to extfrcife
exclusive legislation in all cases whitla
tver, over such dilb'ifit (not exceeding ten
miles square) as inay, by cefTtun of parti
cular States, and the acceptance of Con
gress, become rbe feat of the governrat~*
of the United States."
In conformity with this OTisftitutiprial
power, the following Ast was palled on
the 16th of July, 179 c.
" sfu Ail fur eflaklifhlng lb: Temporary and
Permanent Stat oj Goverimient vj the
Vtitled States.
" Section 1 ft.—BE it eiiafted by the
Senate and House of Representatives of
the United States of America m Catigreis
assembled, That a thrift of
not exceeding ten miles hjuarc, to be In
The chan-