Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 01, 1794, Image 3

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    ■tremer.&Bous fwe.
*■' 1
which'fet in suddenly the preceding day,
atid continued to increase to a degree un
known to the oldest inhabitant. The
particulars were received last night by a
letter from a gentleman who was a fuf
terer in this dreadful calamity, which
beggars description.
£ Four ships, 3 brigs, a snow, 2 schoo
ners, 3 Hoops, and seven fmalkr veflcls,
went on ihore, and mostly gone to pieccs ;
many lives were loft ; a number of build
ings down, and wharves torn to pieces.—
The whole of the lower part of the Bay,
from Smith's wharf to the east end of
Meagre Bay, is fcveral feet covered with
sand ; and large log;- of mahogany, fuftic,
&c. are bt'.r'.ed in it.]
Amidst the foregoing painful scene (if
diltrefs, which the Printer has occasion to
relate, it is a pleasure to mention the brave
and humane conduit of a iailor on board
the Langriflie who, when lhe struck,
threw a fmail line to'people on fnore,who
were drawn there by the cries of the
crew, to afford what relief they could:
A large rope was fattened by thsm tp it,
which he drew to the vessel and secured; by
means of this conveyance, upwards of
twenty people got on (hore ; the others
who remained were by this man, hfhed to
a fecord rope, and by this means laved :
he lastly came on shore himielf, when re
collecting an old foreigner, whole life had
been preserved by a dog on board the
Lar.grifhe, jumped overboard before she
parted, he swam off, and secured him :—
his last carc was directed to the faithful
animal just mentioned, whom this worthy
tar swore ihould not go to wreck after
saving the life of a human creature.
North-Carolina Legislature.
The committee on public bills, to whom
was referred the address of his Excellen
cy Richard Dobbs Spaight, Esq. Go
vernor, &c. &c.
That having had under their serious
consideration the said address : Your com
mittee have thought proper to submit the
following answer thereto :
T H E communications which your
Excellency was pleafcd to make to both
Houfea ol the Legislature last Wednes
day, have been received with fatisfaftion
and will be acted ujion in the course of
the present feflion, with that deliberation
which is due to their nature and magni
Your efforts during recess to pre
serve the peace and neutrality of the Uni
ted States have not escaped public notice,
and the success with which they were
crowned ought to call forth our mofl fer
vent fuppiications to Divine Providence,
for the continuation of blessings so eflen
tial to our national happiness.
The pepple of the United States being
allied to the French by treaty and the still
more sacred ties of principle and gratitude,
we liave every reason to be allured that
our obligations to that republic will be
liberally conflrued and faithfully executed ;
But while the powers of construing and
performing such engagements remain ves
ted by the conflitution in particular de
partments, any attempt to influence their
decisions by threatning an appeal to the
public, would evince a mistaken estimate
of the character of a people who regard
order as the essence of civil liberty.
To pursue political happiness and glory
"by rational means is the right of even
nation ; and as individuals in full enjoyment
of those inestimable privileges which
Frenchmen now struggle for, we are con
strained, in obedience to the di&ates of
humanity, to wifli them complete success
—To require more would be to require
this country to relinquish its neutrality,
its peace and with them its growing pros
perity—a facrifice not required by our en
gagements and not less incompatible with
the duties which a government owes to
its own citizens than with that liberality
and friendfhip which an enlightened peo
ple evidenced towards this country on try
ing occasions. Under these impressions
and with these sentiments we regard the
President's proclamation of the 22d of
April lafl, as a new proof of that pater
nal care and patriotic vigilance which have
so eminently chara&erized a life devoted
to the welfare of his native countrv.
Surmises, too often the result of rnifap
prehenfion or mistake, cannot abate our
confidence in the virtues of an officer whose
attachment to the cause of Freedom has
been equalled only by hi s exertions in its
:1 of the sea,
defence-—Nor <Jan we too highly approve
the condutt of your Excellency in giving
efScacv and support to his injunftiona of
neutrality within the ilate of North-Caro
lir.a Such prompt attention to the
molt precious interests of the public, en
title you to the thanks and confidence of
vour constituents.
which is submitted
Benj. Smith, Chairman.
In Senate, C)th December 1793, the
foregoing report being read, resolved una
mmoufly, that this house do concur there-
By order,
S. Haywood, C. S.
111 the hoiife of commons, 12th De
cember 1 793, resolved, that the huiile do
concur with this report.
By order,
J. Leigh, S. H. C.
JNO. Hunt, C. H. C.
Extradt from a letter written by a gentle
man in Lilbon to his friend in this city,
dated. 2-iil Odtober, 1793.
" As to politics I have only to tell you
in brief, that the arms of the combined ty
rants seem to carry every thing before
them again ft the alienors' of liberty in
France—and indeed, from the treachery
and corfufon which prevail in the Conven
tion—and you may fay, in every part of
that devoted country—little else can be
expected. I hope America will be wife
enough to avoid having any thing to do
with war, which in its consequences would
certainly destroy all its profpech of happi
ness ; and yet it is suggested that the
Minister lately sent out to you from
France, went with the intention of bringing
you into it—at lead that it was one part of
his errand. I trust however he will fail in
his views, if any such he entertained ; for I
have a more exalted opinion of the wisdom
of the Americans, than to suppose they
will fuffer themselves to be fafcinated into
measures Jo dejlrudive of their true interest.
Col. Humphreys is at Gibraltar on his
way to Algiers—gone with the expedi
tion of accommodating matters in behalf
of America with those pirates—God grant
he may succeed. 'Tis said the applica
tion for a convoy was rather in too lofty a
tone for this Court. Mr. Humphreys
is a man of superior talents, and more
pleasing manners—as such he will always
fuccecd in obtaining favors, which the Mi
nister here will spurn at, when solicited in
an imperious manner.
General Galbaud is teturned to New-
York from his tour through Canada. He
calls upon the Miniiter of the French Re
public for a passage to France. This
would have been granted him long since
had he not taken himfelf off. In his let
ter to the minister he declares his inno
cence and denounces the National Com
missioners at St. Domingo and ininifter
here as criminal agents.
General Galbaud was appointed just be
fore the treacherous manoeuvres of Dumou
rier were executed, through the recom
mendation of Beurnonville, whose concern
with Dumourier is more than problema
He came out in the capacity of military
governor, or general of St. Domingo.
On his arrival, the civil commissioners re
presented to him that his appointment
was a violation of a national decree, which
declares, that no person poflefling proper
ty in the illand could hold an office there.
He apparently acquiesced, and embarks
ed for France on one of the ships of force
that were to convoy a fleet of merchant
veflels then nearly ready to fail.
As soon as he was embarked he tamper
ed with the officers and crews of the fleet,
attacked and was the cause of the confla
gration of the Cape and of the misfortunes
which have followed that catastrophe.
Part of the convoy arrived here and Ge
neral Galbaud on board. He and his a
gents were no doubt at the bottom of the
disturbances on board some of the ships of
force while they lay at New-York, and
perhaps he was the cause of the defedlion
of the fleet which failed upon, some secret
expedition. \et this is the man who ap
pears so anxiously felicitous to be tried by
his constituents in France, though he
judged it expedient firft, it seems, to try
his fortune in Canada. Ccn. Adv.
Wk. Lenoir, S. S.
Veduefday Jan. i, 1794.-
Mr. Sprigg and Mr. Forreft, members
from the State of Maryland, appeared,
were qualified and took their leats.
Mr. S. Smith presented the memorial
of fuadry citizens of Baltimore, stating
the situation of a large number of French
emigrants from Hiipaniola, who arrived 1
at that place the pail summer—the me-'
morial informs the house of the measures
taken by the inhabitants of Baltimore for
their relief—the sums contributed for that
purpose, &c. and solicits further assistance 1
from Qongrefs—referred to a feledV com
The petition of Daniel Parker, of Wa
tertown, in the State of Maffachiifetts
was read and referred to the Secretary of
the Treafuiy.
Tlje memorial of Thos. Claxton, assis
tant doorkeeper, was read, stating that
in conference of the encreai'ed number
of the members of the house, he had been
obliged to employ additional assistance in
his office, and praying that the hotife
woidd make provision for the expertce
laid on the table.
A supplementary report from the Sec
retary of State on the fubjeft of foreign
commerce was received and read—ordered
that IJO copies be printed.
A meflage was received from tne Presi
dent of the United States, communica
ting a statement of the receipts and ex
penditures of monies appropriated by law
to defray the expences of the intercourse
between the United States, and foreign
nations, from July 1, 1792, to July 1,
From this statement it appears that one,
hundred and eighty three thousand dollars
had been debited to the Department of-
State—and that one hundred, seventy fix
thousand, four hnndred and thirty two
dollars, and twenty two cents, had been
expended—laid on the table. business being called up,
the galleries were cleared.
Legislature of Pennsylvania.
Houfi of Reprefentatiws.
Monday, December 30.
On motion of Mr. Evans the documents
feat from the Governor by the Secretary of
the Commonwealth refpe&ing the (late of
the public contracts for opening roads and
rivers, were referred to the committee ap
pointed to enquire and report on that fub
Mr. Swanwick brought in a report on
the communications of the Governor, ref
pe&ing the' communications from the
Lieutenant Governor of Maflachufetts,
and the Governor of Virginia, onthefub
ject of procuring amendments to the con
stitution of the United States, so far as it
relates to the matter of allowing an indivi
dual state to be sued out of the courts of
tfie I mted States—the resolution recom
mends the uniting with the other states in
remonstrating to Congress.
A meflage was delivered by the secreta
ry of the commonwealth from the Govern
or, informing that he has made two pay
ments to the Bank of Pennsylvania of mo
ney borrowed agreeably to law, viz. one
of Dollars some time since ; the
other of 30,000 dollars paid this day.
Do&or James and Doctor Woodhoufe
are appointed Physicians of the Dispen
sary, in the room of Dr. Pennington, de
ceased, and Dr. Griffitts, resigned.
" A friend to the pcace of America,
congratulates his countrymen, upon the
uncommon unanimity which fubiilU be
tween both branches of Congress, and the
President of the United States. Al
though heretofore there might have been
a difference among ourselves upon some
small points, yet (like man and wife who
have been in the habit of bickering a little)
we unanimously oppofc all foreign inter
From a Correspondent.
The sentiment that the government re
sides in the people is not true—that free
government originates in,and emanates from
a majority of the people is the only repub
lican idea that can be reduced to practice
—but this majority does not poflefs abso
lute power—the majority isasmuch bound
by the Conrtitution as individuals are by
the laws—and even where no written Con
fi'.tution exists—the minoritypofTeffcs un.
alienable Rights which cannot be inv-or
without violating- the principles of nat->
and reason.—Hence murder, fraud
roi<heiy o'o nut ciiaogc their efiential ti.«
pitude, under any poilib'e circurr.fta:
—and despotism in this view of thiii" , 1
comes a rehiive term—it miy be e:;- '
ed by be:l'. or men, by !!c mp'e'rit*,
well as by an individu.'L
riut bodies aaa cwnitimiltk* of ,
are capable of exercifmg arbitiary pom*';
is more than true—they will alw ays ?r, ■
invariably do it, when unreilraiued, in
checked and uncoijtrouled — and even
where these checks and reilraints ex-.fl,
there is a perpetual tho' perhaps, not a.
ways obvious exertion to absorb all power
into one center.
The revolutions of time, the fucceiiicu
of years, the progress of reason, the ad
vancement of science, the encrcaiing light
of civil liberty, and the appreciation of th=.
Rights of Mankind—all point the view,
of the calm and contemplative observer,
to a period of exigence, more splendid
and and too re congenial and ho
norary to human nature, than hath yet
dirtinguiihed the annals of the world-t-
But may we not rationally extend our
profpedt it! 11 further—and connect the
present with the future—On the verge of
this sublunary scene the virtuous mind
would look back with convulsed emotions
of regret, could it consider the curtain then
ready to drop, as involving in eternal for
getfulnefs all that has pal Ted—asd —as a con
clnfion to all the labors of the wife and be
nevolent friends of mankind—as the m
flus of hope and human perfection—as the
point where the designs of Deity mill be
arrested in their progress, and thus render
imperfect the plan of creation.
This can never be the ri.\Jt of the prr
fent progreft of man,& the evident approx
imation of human knowledge to higher
degrees of perfection—There is a nexns
between time and eternity—and hurr,.
nature refined and exalted, (hall pass !" tn:
grade to grade to that region
" Where Godjhines forth in one eternjl J. v .
Virtue folefurvives,
Immortal, never failing friend of man,
His guide to happiness on high. And, fee !
' Tis come, the glorious. morn ! the second
Of He?. ven and Earth ! awakening nr.ture
hears .......
The new creating ivor.!, and flails to life;
In eveiy heightened form, from pain and
For ever free. The gnat,eternal f;h eric.
Involving all, and in a petftfl Ivhqle-
Uniting, as the prospect wider sp reads.
To reasons eye refin'd clears up apace.
From a Bofion P'a£cr.
" As further duties are suggested to
be necefiary to be laid to answer the exi
gencies of government, and the molt easy
and convenient mode is recommended, it
is that the objects of future tax
ation will be those of the BANK DIVI
STOCKS, &c. &c. A revenue from
these sources, will operate tire moil easy
on the community at large, and fall on the
class of people who are the m»Ji able to as
sist government in their present exigencies.
The TRADE has already its full pro
portion of the weight of government, and
the AGRICUL lUR Al. interell ought
not to be burdened with any immediate du
ties, as the farmer now pays a tax by the
impost and excise."
" WHAT's falhionatile I'll maintain
" Is always right," cries sprightly Jane ;
" Ah ! would to Heav'n !" cries gravei'
" Wliat's right, were fafliionable too."
Cj* The Convention of Delegates appoin -
ed by the Abolition Societies ejlablijhed in the
differentiates, are to meet at the City-Hail,
This Evening, at Six o'clock.
Philadelphia, January I, 1794.
6 per cents,
17/9 to iod.
ijj'io to 10/.
lofy to loa'.
10 per cent, advance.
3 d '"°.
U. S. Bank,
N. A. ditto,
Pennfjlvania do. 5
The Fuji em Mail not arrived.
Cj IJ,