Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 01, 1794, Image 1

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    of tije Wnim
[No. i 7 of Vol. V.]
Now opening for Sale,
A large and valuable collection ofBOOKS,
imported From London in the Mohawk.
Dec. 19.
B»ck of the New L-bra- v, betwetn Ifcefnct
and Walnut-Street';
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his frfcmds and
tlie public in general, that he continues
carrying on the btu£ne f s of
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doarsor window-Ih utter*, done in the 1110 ft
elegant manner, and with dilpatch.
Orders from the oontry will be thankfully
Teceiveii, and duly attended to.
Decei nbgr 3 >,
Parry and Mufgrave,
Ga ldfmltbs Ssf Jewellers,
No. 42,
An th'ant AJJbrtmmi of
Which they will difpofic of on the most rea
sonable C eiras. Devices in hair, Miniatures
sett, am I erery thing in the gold and fiiver
way, doc e as ufaal
Deccr nber 24.
Rohert Campbell,
No. 54, South Sxond-jireety
Second) loor b- low the corner of Cliefnut- street,
By the !late arrivals from Britain and Ireland,
A' large and general AJJbrlment of
New Books an J Stationary,
Which will be disposed of 00 the lowed terms.
Dec. 23. mw&fif
j hid tctll fptedily be fubU/lied,
Un/ited States Register,
For the Year 1794;
Cot itaining, besides accurate and complete
lift-? C f all the Officers in tlie genera l , and the
pri«C ipal Officers in the particular govern
ment a variety of information, ufefnl for all
clafl es.
E. Oswald,
No. 156, Mirket-Street, Suuth,
a T tlie request of a number of friends,
± .k. proposes publilhing The Independent
Cj zettkh, twice a week, viz. Wednefdavs
and Saturday":—to commence in January next,
if fufficient encoeragement offers.
It will be publiOird on Paper and Types
equal to its present appeal ante. The lub
fcription 3J dollars per ann.
Advertisements not exceeding a fqnare,
, ill be lulerted 4 times for 1 dollar—every
continuance one fifth of a dollar. Those ex
f eeding a square, in the fame proportion.
IS hereby given, to the Members of the
Insurance Company of North-America,
That the third Instalment, being Two Dollars
on each share of the Stock, is to be paid, a
greeablv to the Conftitntion, on the second
Monday [the 13th day] of January next: And
a Central Meeting of the Stockholders is to be
on the succeeding day, ior the purpose of
chooflng Fifteen Direflors % examining into the
Situation of the Company's Affairs, and ma.
king such additional Rules and Regulations
as they (hall jndee necessary.
Dec. 16. mw&f t3- ij
MONEY borrowed or loaned, accounts Ra
ted or colle&ed, employers (uited with
flotnefties, bouse u>oms, boarding and lodging
neotrd, let or procured—soldier's, mariner's,
or militia men's pay, lands and claims on the
]*iblic ; (hires in the banks, in thecanali, and
the turnpike road : certificates granted by the
public, and the -old and late paper monies ;
•totes of hand, bills, bonds and morgages, with
•»r without deposits—Bought, fold, or cego
•:iated at No. 8, m south Sixth-ftrect, below
Market-street bv FRANCIS V. HI TE,
Wbotranfa£U bufmefs in tha public offiecs for
t vuntrv peop-e and others, by v irtue of a pow
(tr of iiimnfT, or by personal application.
December I s.
Wednesday, January 1, 1 7*94
Mr. Peals. deems it a duty to informthe kind
promoters of his Museum, that he hits re
ceived from foreign countries very flatter
ing encouragementfor the propcfils hi had
made of reciprocal exchange of naturalfuL-
Jt3s. And that his Museum wJI thus he
gradually Jlored with precious Ex odes,
while it retains a fvfficient number (f na
tive specimens. With this view he intends,
from time tc time, to publish cxbacls of his
foreign correfpondcnce of -which the folio-w
---ing is a part.
Philadelphia June %d*
The Swed'fh Academy of sciences at Stock
holm has desired me to present grateful ac
knowledgements for the Birds you fer.t, and
to declare a ready acceptance of yovr proptfal
for a reciprocal exchange of thefe y anil other
fubjeds of natural hrjiory. Mr. Guflavus
Von Car If on ( P refdent of one of the Supreme
Courts- of Juflice) has charged himfelf with
the exchange of Birds, This eminent orni
thologifl owns a precious cabinet of Birds,
containing more than 800 fpeaes ; and has
by teflamer.tary d'fpofitiongeneroufly bequeath- \
ed the whole to the said Academy of sciences.
Tou will therefore be pleafedtG fend in future
the birds dire Sly to him. He has already
in return forwardedfeveral of the mofl valu
able Swedish Birds, such as the Urogallus
major, and Urogallus minor, the Lago
pus, &c. The firjl is in fi%e equal to a Tur
keyj and in flavour, though different, not in
ferior. With the bef. wishes for your perso
nal pr fperity, the academy takes a lively inte
refl in the success of your Museum, perfmded
that Natural Hjfiory will derive great im
provement from yrfur r,eal and ingenuity.
I continue with refpeS, Sir,
Tour friend and humble servant,
Nicholas Collin.
Mr. C. IV. Peak
THE undernamed committee, appoin'cd by
SUNDAY SCHOOLS in the city of Philadel
phia and the diftrid of Southwaik ar.d the
Noithern Liberties," to solicit further fubferip.
tions for the support of the schools which the
fatd society have eftablifbed, take the liberty to
represent to their fellow citizens—
Thai, although the school* were fufpendM
during the period of the late awftjl calam-ty
with which our city and suburbs have been af
fl ded. thry are now again opened for she free
admifCun and education of ooor children.
That, the neccflity and reafona for the eflab
liflimen' of these schools arc increafcd, frOm the
ctrcumftance of the late diftrrfs having left a
number of Orphans deilitute of all the means
of education, save what the hand of benevolence
mav administer.
Thar, former experience has, most pleafinply,
verified the fondrft hopes ot the friends of this
institution, with regaid to the p'ogre f s arul ad
vancement of the children, who have heretofore
bern under its care, in the ufeful branches of
education which it has afforded. Referring to
this fa€t, and to the address to the public, on
this fubje&, publiftied in the newfpaoers of this
city »n the third month last, when about eight
hundred and twenty children of both sexes had
partaken of the benefits afforded bv the society,
and about thrre hundred and twenty more were
th-n a&ually receiving inftru&ion in their
schools, it now only retrains to be observed,
that the funds of the focirty are greatly ineffi
cient to carry on their brnevolent defipm, and
that the committee formerly appointed to folicti
fubferiptions, conceived it necefTary to decline
their anpltcations to their fellow-citirens for
their afliftance in favor of these schools, in order
that theie might be no intenuption from th-m
to the solicitations then made in behalf of their
unfortunate brethren from Cape-Fraocois.
The public aid is now therefore eamcfUv f«>-
licited to support a charitable eflabliihment, cal
culated upon the principles of public and pri
vate pood. The annual fubferipuon for a mem
ber is but One Dollar; and it is presumed that
so fmali a sum per annum cannot be better dis
posed of, by those who can afford it, than by
bestowing it as the price of the diffufion of ufelu!
knowledge among the poor and friendletk
Subfctiptipiu and donations will be gratefully
received by the undernamed committee on be
half of the society :
Peter Thompson,
Thomas P. Cope,
Joseph Price,
Edward Pole,
jamcs Hardie,
William Innis,
Benjamin Sav,
Nathaniel Falconer,
Francis Bailey,
leffe Sharplefs,
Samuel Scot ten,
Peter Barker.
THE following observations have been
submitted to the infpeciion of the first
Characters in the United States—and
have receined their approbation, as con
taining the belt information relative to the
important objects to which they refer—
as filch, they have been handed to the
public in the form of a pamphlet—for the
purpose of a more general circulation, vdu
are requested to publish them in the Ga
zette of the United States.
The Country Adjacent, and the
THE permanent feat of government of
the United States, having been fixed cn the
river Potomach, by a solemn aS of the go
virnment —This river, the country about it,
and particularly the spot chosen for the feat
of government, become objeds of interefling
enquiry, both at home and abroad.—This
confederation has drawn the fallowing ob
servations from a person who, to a general
knowledge of the Potomack and its dependen
cies, adds the advantage of having been long
in a Jituation, where he has had an opportu
nity of obtaining the befl informatiou on the
points mentioned in the following Jbeets.
THE river Potomack forms a jundhon
with the bay of Chefapeak, one hundred
and fifty miles from the sea. From thence
to the head of tide-water is about one
hundred and sixty miles.
•' This river is seven and an half miles
»'ide at its mouth ; four and an half at
Momony Bay ; three at Aquier; one and
an half at Hollowing-Point; one and a
quarter at Alexandria ; and the fame from
thence to the city of Walhmgton, which
is within three miles of the head of tide
water.—lts foundings are seven fathoms
at the mouth ; five at St. George's Island;
four and an half at Lower Matchodic ;
three at Servan's Point, and the fame from
thenee to the city." [Mr. Jefferfon''
Note 6 on Virginia.]
From the Capts of the Chefapeak to
the city of Washington, is upwards of
three hundred miles; but the navigation
is easy and perfectly fafe.— * A veflel of
twelve hundred hogsheads of tobacco has
loaded at and failed from Alexandria, and
one of seven hundred hogsheads at George-
Town, which is above the city.
At the city the water rises four feet in
a common tide.
From the city of Walhington to Cum
berland, a flourirtiing town at the head of
the river, is about two hundred and thirty
miles as the river runs.
Early in life General Washington con
templated the opening of this river, from
tide-water to its source, so as to make it
navigable for such veflels as were suitable
for carrying the produce of the country
to the (hipping ports below. His public
employments in the part of the country
through which the Potomack and its
branches run, had given him a more com
plete knowledge of this river, than almost
any other man poffefled at that time ; and
his mind was strongly imprefled with its
future importance. But the period for
undertaking a work of such magnitude
had not yet arrived The country was
then but sparsely inhabited.—Canals and
Locks but little understood, especially in
America ; and but few men of property
were willing to engage in an undertaking,
the cost of which they could not clearly
calculate, and the profits of which were to
many doubtful.—General Walhington,
I however, kept the object steadily in view,
Ebmctci Larpc,
Jacob Cauffmanj
James Todd,
fnCrph Jamca,
Jonathan Peniofr,
George M'.ade,
John Pero%
John M'Crff,
• Report of the committee appointed
by the merchants of George-Town and
Robert Ralfton,
Thomas A»mat t
Geo gc Williams
Jan. l
Mr. Fen*o,
[Whole No. 475.]
waiting until time and cirrumftances {hould
enable him to bring it forward, with a prof-
peel of success,
Tne tvar with Great Britain took place
about the time when the importance of
this object began to be understood, and a
villingnefs to embark in it began to appear
among men of property. Until the close
of that war nothing, however could be
attempted iti the business.—But no soon
er had a happy termination of it enabled
Gen. Wafl.ington to retire from his high
public station, than he refumcd this object
which had so long before occupied his
mind. He found gentlemen cf the firft
property and refpeftabiiity in the neigh
borhood of the Potomack, both in Virgi
nia and Maryland, ready to engage in the
enterprise. Ia the year 1784 a company
was formed for the purpose of removing
the obftruftions, and opening the naviga
tion of the river from its source down to
tide water, and an ast of incorporation,
pafled by the assemblies of Virgihia snd
Maryland, authorizing the company to
take the neceiTary measures for carrying
into effect the objects for which they were
incorporated—and granting to them for
ever the tolls which may arile therefrom ;
which tolls are fixed by the fame law that
empowers the company to undertake the
business. The sum agreed upon to com
plete the navigation was 50,000!. sterling,
divided into 500 (hares ot iocL each, to
be paid by such inftahnents, and at such
times, as the Directors of the Company
(hould find necefiary for the prosecution of
the work. Ten years were allowed the
company to fettle the business.
G. J.
The company have prosecuted their
work with great success, and what is not
common in undertakings ef tlus nature,
they will complete it for fomsthing less
than the sum fubferibed. The rate of toll
being fixed, and knowing with some accu
racy the quantity of produce that is now
brought by land from these parts of the
country, which will of course, throw the
fame upon the river, they have a certainty
of receiving, cn the firft opening of the
river, a handsome per centage on their ca
pital, (even without calculating upon the
articles which will be sent up the river,)
and the increase will be almost incredible.
Those who best know the circumstances of
the country, and some, who are not among
the moll sanguine with refpccl to the pro
fits of this undertaking, have no doubt
of the capital's producing fifty per cent,
annually, in less than ten years from the
time of the toll's commencing.
The principal work in completing the
above mentioned navigation, is at the
Great Falls, fourteen miles above the city
of Washington—at the Little Falls, four
miles above the said city, and in clearing
the river between these two Falls. At the
Great Falls, the water falls 72 feet in 1 mile
and half—and at the Little Falls 36 feet
8 inches in about two miles.—At the for-
mer there will be fix, and at the latter
three locks. The locks at the Little Falls
will be finitlled this season, and fit for use ;
those at the Great Falls are in forward-
ness—and, with clearing the bed of the ri
ver between the two falls, will be completed
next year. This will finifh the navigation
of the main river, from Cumberland down
to tide-water, and enable the Company to
receive the reward ot their expesfe and la
bor. Boats, carrying from one hundred
and fifty to two hundred barrels of flour,
already pass from Cumberland to the Great
Falls; and many thousand barrels of flour
have actually been brought in boats to the
latter place during the present year.
Bcfides the main river of the Poto
mack, its numerous and extensive branches
offer the prafpeft of transporting to the
main river, and from thence to the ship
ping ports, an immense quantity of pro
The following are the principal ftrramx
which empty into the Potowmack, shove
tide-water, and the distances to which
they are navigahle in their natural (late,
from their conflux with the Potowmack.