Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, December 22, 1887, Image 3

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Entered it the Pint Office at Millheim, /"<'■,
at! second- las* until mutter.
Published by R. A. BUMILLBR.
Vennn every wortl when wo say that wo
(ire potußto (Uooontlnut themeresntlle business
and will sell our Roods
We still have a lot of ladles Dross Goods.
Cotton Jeans, Woolen FlannekcCwinbrlcs,Mus
lins and a general II no of Notions. Ladies and
Children's Woolen and Cotton Hose. Cotton
Yarns, Shawls, Overalls, Skirts, Glass and
Qnoensware, Drugs, Toilet Soaps, 11 oodenware.
Hardware and Table Cutlet y. In fact It w ill bo
to j our interest to come and .see our
before purchasing elesewhere especially on
Thanking the people for past patronage, and
soliciting a continuance of toe same we remain
Local Paragraphs
this time is really "u sight to see." 7he
spacious shotc window ts a "daisy.'' Ev
ery passer-by stops to sec and give i' un
stinted praise. Ihe shelves, tables and
show eases are all crowded, crammed
full of fine Holiday goods, tastefully ar
ranged and marled in plain figures at
the very lowest living prices. It you
come to Millheim during the Holidays,
ns of course you will, don't Jail to visit
the Journal Store.
—Yesterday was the shortest day in
the year.
—Mr. John Long, of Fisher's Ferry,
was seen in town last week.
—This kind of weather brings the
snow shovels into requisition.
J. W. Stover's store is headquarteis
for all kinds of holiday presents.
Shfdd's Little Mai drake Fill's are
small and easy to take. One pill a dose.
—The next issue of the JOURNAL
will be run out on the oih of January,
Catarrh or cold in the head cuied
by inhaling Joseph's Oil. Only 25
—Don't fail to look at the fine as
sortment ot Hanging Lamps at J. W.
—The MiUheim hand will be at tbe
festival next Saturday evening. Come
and hear them.
—For any Irritation of the Throat
and Lungs Shedd's Excelsior Cough
Syrup has no equal.
—The Lutheran Sunday School will
elect their officers tor the eusuinir year
next Sunday forenoon.
—Goyernor Beaver recently placed a
grand upright Knabe piano in the ex
ecutive mansion at liarrisburg.
—Festival, Pink Tea Party aud Pink
Tea Auction at the rink text Saturday
afternoon and evening. Don't forget
—W. P. Catherman and family are
spending thp week in Sugarvalley with
Mrs. Qatherman's mother, Mis. Kiearn
-cSqnday was a cpld and blustering
day, but the sleigh-bells jingled all the
same. People seem anxious for sleigh
—The Toy Books at the Journal
Store this year are particularly fine.
The children are simply delighted with
—The recent snow fall somewhat le-!
tards the progress of the work on Mr.
Harry Clapp's new house on Penn
—ltey. Taylor, of Williamsburg, Pa.,
will be the successor to Rev. (Handing,
the present Lutheran pastor at Lock
—£,ast Thursday , December 15th, em'-
pd the open season for shooting alt
game excepting pheasants, rabbiis and
tival next Satuiday warm meals may te
bad, prepared in the best style and sold
at 25 cts. a plate.
—We are reliably informed that our
townsman, Mr. G. W. Ilarter, will
move to A. It. Alexander's farm, east
of town, next spring.
—1 berp \vjlj be preaphjng in the
L'rtlteran church, Millheim, on Sutu'av
(New Year's) evening by iii pastor,
Rev. M. L. Denver.
—Ralph MtClhin, a three-year-old
son of Register James A McCl in,
Bellefonte, died on Sunday moiling
from diphtheretic croup.
—Mr. C. Alexander and wife, Penn
jX)WHBhip, returned 1 s' Saturday from
A week's visit to lfev. Emanuel Keen'.-,
E'verpoo', Perry (Jo., Pa.
■=rMiss Annie, daughter of Win. II
ftmith, mtends leaving for Williams
port next Saturday, to spend the holi
days with relatives there,
—John M. Road, the mason, lias pur
chased Abe. King's property,in Peters
burg, east of Noitb street, and took
possession of ihe same jesterday.
—ln fcolng to the Rink on Saturday
to enjoy your ousters and ice ere rn,
you will pass light by the Journal
!Btore. and dop't fore< t to call in.
*•— The ki|itting laclor.y at tins place
has Closed down foi this and in xt week,
the Messrs. Ci aw ford iiittiidicg lo
spend the holid.'js in Philadelphia.
—The Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad company will in the future
paint their cars a bright yellow. Then
you shall know them ty tin ir color.
—lt makes uo differtuce whetlin you
have five cents or five dollars to invest
In Christmas pieseuts, you cau be auit
ed at the Journal Store all the same.
French Mlxtuies,pure and sweet
very cheap at Kauffinan'sstore.
—Go and get some of that California
Honey at J. W. Stover's. It will ctr
t.unly please you.
Pop corn, loose and in balls,a-sorted
colors at Kauffraan'a store, which is
headquarters for old Santa.
—lcecream Bananas.somathing now
in the market, and made of the pur
est sugar at D. S. KautTmai.'s.
Mis. Long, of Centre Hill, is at
present in town on a visit to her daugh
ter. Mrs. 11. 11. Weiser, and other ul-
Mr. John Hick, of North street,
shipped some of his household effects
last week and is at present absent in
the East.
—Reports circulate that Mr. Jerome
Spigelmyer has received or will receive
the appointment for Notary Public in
this place.
—At the Journal Store you will find
the finest line of writing papers in this
section. You can have it in tablets,
boxes or sheets,
—The Pennsylvania State College
instructs 140 students at present This
is a better show ing than the college has
had any time before this.
—There is no end to the good things
that mnv be said about the large stork
and fine assortment ot holiday conlec-
Uotieries at J. W. Stover's.
Strawberries in winter is something
unusual,but Kauffman keeps them all
the same. Come and see th.em. They
are daisksfor Holiday use.
Mrs. Kister, the mother of It. F.
K'ster, was ly'rg sick at her son's res
idence, Main street, last week, but is
at this writing convalescent.
Miss Eva Kreamer, of Water street
expects to leave for Northumberl md j
this week, were she will spend several
weeks with her sister, Mrs. Sides.
Last issup for 18>7. If your neigh
bor is not a suhscrilier to tbis paper,
please show him this copy and induce
htm to subscribe for the JOURNAL in
—Saturday's snow brought oat some
sleighs on Sundav.but Monday's bright
sun plaved havoc with the sleighing
and people had to resort to the wheels
Win. Foote of Eagleville, came to j
town yesterday ofternoon with the in
tention of attending school here. He
has grown to be a good-sized, healthy
/•yoking boj.
—Miss Kate Htovpr, one of Mr. Noah
Stover's daughters, after a long siege of
typhoid fever ts out again, a little pale
but nevertheless entirely restored aud
in good spirits.
—Mrs. Susan Harter, Penn street,
spends her holidays among the Kmzen
knube's in liarrisburg and will no
doubt have a splendid time. She left
on last Thursday,
—As the teachers of our public
schools wi'l attend institute at Belle
fonte next week, all the scholars will
have vacation and they are glad of it.
—PAIN is master of the world. Use
Warner's L"g Cabin Sarsaparilla Put
the blood in proper condition, and Ihe
scrofula will disappear. 12'' doses *l.
All druggists sell it.
—Mr. Saml. Dupes, of Freeport, 111.,
was paying friends in this section, his
former place of residence having been
in Millheim, a visit and returned to bis
western home oil Monday.
—M. L. Wagonseller. Esq., of Selins
grove, the popular traveling salesman,
was in town on Tuesday and gave the
JOURNAL office the libnefit of his agree
able company for a brief spell.
—Miss Lilly Ilarter, oldest daughter
of Mrs. Sarah Ilarter, Main street, is
at present visiting her R.
Ilarter. at Chicago, 111., and will 'ikely
go to other portions of the West.
—Tlie town jiail is now painted and
papered and makes a handsome appear
ance. It will be dedicated to its use
on Friday evening, when the pub
lic school entertainment will take place.
—Mr. WUJ. From, the popular miller
of Spring Mills, was a very welcome
caller at this otfice last Friday. Were
the world full of men like him it would
be ersy getting along for the pri.iter.
See V
—On Monday we met Mr. G. Alvin
Ilarter, who is attending school at
Selinsgrove. He is home to enj >y the
holidays in the family circle of his par- j
ents, Mr. A. J. llarttr's, near l'cnns '
—The postofliee department officials
liave issued an order that all letters
mailed on a train will be put off at Ihe
first postoffice to lie cancelled by the
postmaster. Postal clerks are not a!- j
lowed to cancel stamps.
—lf von are undecided what to get \
as a Christmas gift for your friends j
I stop in at R. F. Vonuda's store at Co- j
I bum where von mav find a large in
voice of 5, 10 and 25 cent glassware
just the thing for a present.
FOR SALE. —The undersigned has for
sale a good Driving Horse, Sett of Sin
gle Harness, three Buggies and two
Sleds. For terras and further particu
Misapply to J. F. HARTER,
49 2t Millheim, Pa.
—Mr. Samuel Stover, father of our
.townsman, G. W. btover. is reported
j to lie very poorly .with slim chances lor
recovery, lie is quite an old gentle
man and the natural infirmities inci
dent to old age have much to do with
Ids illness.
and Miss Mary Candy wish to inform
the public that they have opened a
dress making establishment at the
former's residence on Main street,
where they will do cheap and satisfac
! Tory wot jt in their lijif.
Rev. E. dtmpbach w ill fill Rev. J.
6wei pel's pulpit in the Evangelical
chinch at this place on next hund.iv
foienccn. The latter gentleman is Just
recovering fmin a large ai d piinlul
healing in his and is unable lo
attend to his miu'Verial duties
000 creamery is lo be built in Mill Hall,
that amount of money having been
subscribed, and wo k on I lie building
will begin ou MOMIU Tim principal
men concerned in i! are Robert Mann.
A. 11. Gaitb, T. B. Mann and Dr.
Shoemaker. Thp building w; 1 • he lo
cated oil Hie she of the old woolen mill.
—The large poe.iiis adv* itiing the of pel Son a I p!Mi(\ <•? i;..' • If!
Shafer, of the Nai h n:< ! Hotei.Mill! i im.
are out. The sue wiii ! do* place on
Sal urdiiy, Jam ii s 13 ! . 1888, and will
afford a splendid oppoitunitv to pro
cure valuable live stock, good wagons
and buggies and handsome funiiuue.
Don't fail to attend. Sale begins at 10
o'clock, a.m.
—Fine York state cream cheese just
received at J. W. Stover's. Try it.
WA BE AND JKWELRY —A beautiful
line of these goods displayed at J. \\ .
Siover's for holiday presents.
C. W. Alb'ight and Matk Mooney
tuc iff w till a s|ling of new and elegant
sleighs which they will try to dispone
of. Hope they may meet with success
Messrs. Frank and John Rossninn,
of Clintondiile. two young gentlemen
cousins of Mis. C. W. Mailman, Penn
streal, were the guests of that lady a
few da>s last week.
—The boys took a hand at coasting
on Monday evening. This exhilarating
sport promises to become a favorite
pastime again I his winter, provided the
weather is according.
—No use generalizing this wek,all 1
want to sty is that my stock of candies
ami fa tie v boxes xceeds anything ever
In ought t town it will do your soul
goad to look at the at ray. D.S K
A car load or Christmas goods at
J. \V Snivel's, ut prices to suit the
purse of each ami everyone. He sine
lo give me a call at d see my st ck b •
foie bu)ing elsewhere. It will pay you
—Everybody around Coburn sa>s K
F. Vonada has the finest display ol
Christmas candies and toys. He is a
w ide awake young business man an I
catches lus custom ly keeping a large
selection of goods and selling thetu at
close mat gins.
A vetv pleasant party gathered last
Friday evening at the residence of
Michael Ulrich, Main street, in honor
of Miss Alice Ulrich. It was asm
prise party and was attended by a good
ly number ot our young people, who
put in a royal time. Surprise parties
are all the rage just now.
—Me. A J. Harter, of this place, ex
pects to leave to-morrow for Union
county in the interest of his father-in
law, .}(v, Until,whose sale of real estate
occurs near Swvngle station, next Sat
urday. Mr. Harter will be accompanied
by bis little son. Asher, and will spun!
Christmas with friends in their former
—You may hive a sweet tiroeof it,but
by buying your candies at Kaiiffmun's
store, your Chi istmas wi II be all the
sweeter. I'lie truth of this assertion
will I e E'ear to you w hen YOU look at
the immense display of confectionery
and sweet meats which he will have at
his place dining the next few days.
—The Millheim Hook and Ladder
Cimpauy are in receipt of an invita
tion. very handsomely printed, to at
tend the masquerade ball which will
be given by the Logan Hose Company
of Bellefonte. Dec. 30th. C)t pout sc.
under the circumstances, the Millheim
fire boys will stay at home, hut they
thankfully acknowledge thg receipt of
tlie invitation.
just received information of tl.e mar
riage of Miss Jennie J Deininger and
Mr. Elmer Beever.boib of Clarkstown,
Pa Tie happy event took place at the
• esidence of Ihe biide 3 parents. Mr. A.
U. Deininger. on last Thursday, ami
we hasten to semi cousin Jennie our
best wishes. May her life be as busy
as a beater's ami as sunny as the land
where the orange blossoms grow.
—Mr. Julio Rishe), a prominent cit -
z*n of Centre Hall, and well-known all
over the county, died at Ins resilience
on Monday last. Mr. IJishu! was a man
ss'oll up in yo v*, but ux-l
health until of late. It will be remem
bered that lie was ac indid ite for nomi
nation to the Associate Judgeship of
this county during the late campaign.
We could not learn the cause of his
—On Thursday last Messrs. Jon. and
A. J. Haitcr to.>k tlie foroiet's wife to
the station and on their way home tin*
hind axle of their spring wagon broke.
Causing Jonathan Ilarter lo lie thrown
out on his shoulder. He received pain
ful bruises which necessitated the ten
der nursing of the injured arip (or sev
eral da>s. Glad to '•jay he is pretty
well over it.
SALE POSTERS.—The time will soon
here when farmers and others expect
to make sale of personal property and
will need attractive sale bills. We wish
lo call the attention of the public to
our superior facilities to do nice and
cheap work and do it on very short
notice. We will also advertise such
sales gratis in the JOURKAL, through
its local columns. I>o not fail to give
us a call and get prices.
—The public school entertainment
to be held in the town hall by the gram
mar department to morrow (Friday)
evening promises to be a success. The
programme will consist of dialogues,
recitations, declamations. Vocal and
instrumental music. The Millheitu
band will he on hand to render some of
their selections. The entertainment
will be free and will no doubt In- well
The undersigned offeh* his home at
Kteaniersville, one half n He south <! 1
Rebersburg. foT saie cheap. The prop- ;
ertv consists of ti lot of ground with a
good two-story frame dwelling house
and sill necessary outhmidiiuzg ended
tlie?enn. liuiminc water clns'byand
trood bearing fruit trees on the premises.
For terms apply to or address
4s-3t. Kebersburg, Pa.
—As a rule a good many people came
to town on Christinas, provided the
weather is fair. Christmas being on
Sunday this year. Saturday will have to
I e chosen for a visit to tow n to do some
holiday shopping and take in all the
possible attractions to tie had. And
this reminds us. if you happen to be a
subscriber of this paper and know your
self indebted to us drop into the JOUR
NAL oJBco and gladden the heart of the
printer hy your remittance. You could
not give us a more welcome Christmas
WHAT AIIOUT 1888 ?—This is an op
portune question to ask yo rself at this
particular time. Every yeae should be
a round in the upward course to suc
cess. Wherein haj the closing )ear of
IBvj been a failure, partial 01 complete?
\\ herein can improvement he made in
the coming new year? These aie
points to think about, and while the
past cap not he forgotten, it i> quite
useless to Inoud over what might have
tieen ; but it is all important to look a
head vvith firm it solutions to do better
and make the most of opportunities
which may present themselves during
t lie next twelve months.
~,J,,' !! notices in this week's issue
will tie found the announcement that
J. Calvin Stover has taken unto himself
a in the p?vti<>u 18s Olevia
Smithyctf Clinton county. groom
is well-known to most of our I'emli'ts.
being I la* youngest :-on of Mr. hen. W,
Stover, of Penn township. He is a
toting gent leu i n with winsome man
ne:s and pi utilises to become a devoted
lieincicl as well as a kind provider.
Having i raveled over a consideistble
part, of the globe Ins experience and
natum! intelligence will not fall lobe
of novice to hitu in the struggle ol life.
With the happy bride we are not per
sonally acquainted, hut, taking it foi
granted that Calvin made an excellent
choice, we can hut add oxr best con
—We urge those of our readers who
may he in town on next Saturday to
cill around at the link on IVnn street
where the Lutherans are holding a tes
iival and whete you can regale yourself
on ntstern, ieeereain, chickens, roast
heetVea and coffee, cakes,and anythlnjf
else lliat is good to eat, to your heart's
content and at a nominal cost. The
festival will be conducted in a novel
style and you can spend an hour there
very pleasantly.
A New FIRM.—The undeisigntd
wish to inform the public that after
January Ist. lsss, they will conduct
the undertaking business, herelofoio
carried on by Harter it Luse, under
the lirm name id' llarter & Campbell,
and will keep on band a full line ol
collitis, caskets, trimmings, shrouds.
Initial rolies, Ac. All calls to attend
luncials responded to on short notice.
Olli-eat K. ('. Ciimpliell A Son's store
on Main street. Milllieim. Soliciting a
share of the public patronage we re
main Respectfully,
47-41 ). M, CASJPUELL.
—Christmas, the annually recurring
season of peace and good will, wlu-n
homes should be blight and hearts
should t>e happy, is here and with it we
offer our Ix'st wishes to all our readers.
At tlie same time we ask you to excuse
the lion appearance of the JOURNAL
next week,as we wish io take our usual
holiday vacation and give the typos a
chance to i<st from their grinding Hud
uninteirupted labors of tlie past six
months, l'he next issue ai 11 reach you
in tlie tirst week of the New Year, and
w ill, as heretofore, be full of tlie latest
local and miscellaneous news. Thank
ing you for your past patronage and
asking you to continut the same, we
wisii you all a merry Christmas !
Anopt riti: CHILDREN'S TREAT.—
For several years past on Christinas
morning the .Journal Store has IH-CII tlie
scene of lively scrambling and joyful
excitement among the school children
of this (dace, when Mr. Deiuinger had
a treat ready for them in theshajmof
new and shining pennies, in the eyes
i f tlie happy little ones he was the ver
itable Santa Clans and it is hut reason
able for them to make faint inquiry a
bout tins year's treat. Hut. we are sor
ry to say, for several weighty reasons,
among them his impaired health, he
will this year refrain from tho custom
ary presentation. It will lie a sad dis
appointment to the little folks, unless
some other liberal-minded citizen takes
up tlie matter and follows the com
mendable example of the Journal Store
man. There can certaiplv bp no iu're
gratifying inauguration of the happy
holiday season than to gladden 4-he
hearts of the chi'drei with a small gilt.
We hope someone will view the ones
tiou in the right light and conclude to
assume the role of good Saint Nicholas.
A very sad case is recorded by the
Lock Haven Daily f)ev\ocr(it of Mon
day last, relating to Mr, liu Clair, of
Flemington, naturally one of the tinest
and best (Repositioned men, wao has
l itteily had the misfortune to lose his
mil d. as the result of (pileosy, adi-ease
with which lie has been sillicted for the
past tliiee years. Mud to cure which he
Has been doctoring with many doctors
for a long time, Yesterday mnrnffl£
one of these tits seized him and lie be
came nncont i 01l ible, and in the attempt
to subdue hiiu he knocked his mother
down and also one of tlie men who were
sent for aide in the effort to get him
quiet again. It ia feared that the man's
nose is broken from t lie blow he re
ceived. Clair was dually setnired and
tied so that he cpulddo no fort her dam
age. After a wbTlfi he seemed to get
better again, and the bands were re
moved. Hut in tlie evensiig he once
inojv became Violent, and as the safest
plan lie u.i* brought to the j til here
and inoaicerated for safe keeping for
the time being. The unfortunate young
man is his mot Iter'a main support, and
formerly clerked in the Empire store
Flemingtori He Is about 3"> or 33 years
old and i biotlier of Constable Clair, of
Mill Hall.
—The Centre yjounty !i itiits, pub
lished by Mr. Ulrich, the brother-in-law
of 15. Calvin Fisher, of I'cnn Hall, who
accidentally killed himself while out
gunning last week, reports the follow
ing particulars about this sad affair ;
As stated before Jit bad gone on a sev
eral days' hunt, leaving I'enn Hall
Monday morning,in company with K v
eral others. All went well until reach
ing the neighlmihood of Paddv Moun
tain tunnel, about thirteen miles from
l'enn Hall, Wednesday afternoon,
where the accident happened.
He was shot while leaning on his
title witlr Ins right hand resting on a
log about two feet from the ground ;
the title was cocked, which, by some
means was discharged, the ball passing
through his hand and neck, lodging in
his he d, causing instant death. T e
remains wee tuought home about two
o'clock on Thursday morning.
The funeral of the deceased occurred
on Saturday forenoon at II o'clock, and
was very largely attended VVices
u.Te la-Id ii: the Reformed church near
IVnn II ill by ltev. 'A. A. Yearick, his
pastor, and the house was crowded to
its utmost. Cilviu w;;g universally
1 iked and respected and his many
friends were anxious to pay their last
tribute to the dead.
—Tuesday's H.dlelonte Daily Sues
gives the following account of a clever
trick played by a sharper on Pleasant
(iap folks :
on Sar unlay of last week a man appe in .l at
Pleasant Gap 1" this county, and made nepo
tlations for what is known as the Macbmle
farm, which is owned by Mr. /Jmnioraian.
Tlie imrcliase price was -'.<oo and for it lie gave
a .oo cheek. 'I uts ri'eck, was on Hie First
Naltdiiat'Bbiik, signed by John K. Lewis and
| pi favor of Ziininernmp, The fact of this pttr
! eh *e was noised abroad l||ioiißh"Ut tlie land
i ami prepared the way for I'D futureoperutloiis,
which reunited In briuglng in a small amount of
' oash.
On Sunday he saw Mr. Noll, proprietor of the
store at thai place. We are not sure whether
he purchased anything at Mr. Noll's store or
i not. hut he prevailed upon Mr. Noil to cash a
j 4i.t7 check for hint. We have also heard that he
! gave a check at Haas's brewery, receiving sl7
| change. Chop was purchased at this place,
| I'hc s47check cashed bv Mr. Noll was ou the
i First National Bank, signed by George Geiger
j in favor of Lewis. Mr. Lew.s (?) must have
j been very business like apd pool a* his actions
I did not seem to oaqsu any suspicion. Ills ac
tona on Molality morning were also calculated
tto put confidence in him. He took the early
' morning train on the l.eniont road ana went
to Cherry Run. There ho changed trains and
relumed' us far as llellefontp. Which direction
lie went after thi* is not known.
(Jf conrse. tin* check* when presented at the
! hank were found to be valueless. The tollow
I i* desei ibed as a heavy set maiijitediiini height,
i wearing a sack coat Has a Heavy black
moustache ami Is bald headed.
| Having spent about two weeks with
l friends and relatives in i'eiins, Brush and
Sugar Valleys, we can truly say that we
! found all those we met and with whom we
j stayed, very kind and hospitable and we en
joyed ourselves beyond expectations, |t- is
thirty-seven years sjupp wt- left ohl Ventre
I ai;d moved i Vonaagq vpunty; >ot on our
! return to ouV nhiive county it still sffomed
like boiue, anil iqatiy of tl(e. up! pppl tuai-ks
may yet be pppp, Ami üb, how glad we
wpjki to met f aii old friend from Frceport,
111.. who used to live among us in years
past. His name is Samuel I >ubhs. Winn lie
gets ready to return to Ids western home we
wish hint a successful journey and a happy
meeting with Ids family. Nor must we
forget our old and \tnoyabm friend
Henry I'oyer, w liq R haio'ahd hoarty for a
man who wilt soon be ninety-two years old
and promises fair to see his one hundredth
birthday. Time dirt not permit ns to see all
our friends and we ask those whom we
could not, visit, to excuse us. But we will
say to all to please except nur thanks for
their kindness shown lis during our stay
with them. GEO. K. WEBER,
Local Oirresponik'nce.
A merry Christmas to all.
The sleighbelU are sending forth their
merry jingle
Among tho visitors to this place during
the past week wore li. O. Duck, Harvey
Wort, Win Bierly and wife, all of Brush
valley, ami Maggie Hwurtz and Miutiio
Duck, of Milllieim. Those who were away
visiting are John K import's, who at tented
Rev. Sarvi*' protr .oted meeting at I'leasaiit
and speak very highly of it, John llersli
herger who tmik a jaunt to Nittany Valley
ami Mr. and Mrs. Itoycr, wlio arosojourney
ing with relatives in Sugar Valley.
W. ('. Duck found gum blanket which
lie will return to Hie owner us HOOII as lie
calls for it. Ji'MHO
Colin ill liad a wedding on Sunday even
ing last, tlie higli contracting parties being
Miss (llivia Smith and J. c. Stover.
A number took advantage of tlie tirst
snow on Sunday by going out for a sleigh
Everything around here seems to have
closed down for the winter. The saw mill
is iM-fng removed and building has Mopped.
it. F. Whltmor, of Suubiiry, was here
last week superiiiteuuing tho getting out
and loading of lumber. Win. Wliitiner &
Son, of which linn ltoliert is a meiiilier are
the lieaviest sldppors of Lumber on our
(•n Monday last .Woo jsls. of dressed jioiil
try were sl.ip|Hid from this station to the
eastern markets for Christmas stiles,
The entertainment by tlie Sunday school
Saturday evening will consist of singing by
tho school, a few short addresses, a Christ
inas tree for the children and distribution
of tl !<) gifts.
Tim talk now is of holding a singing con
vention here after New Year to be conduct
ed by l'rof. Mover, of Linden Hall. All
should feel an interest in this and help work
it up as l'rof. Meyer's reputation as ap in,
structor is well known and it would he a
benefit to the place.
A number of our citizens think of Liking
in the festival in Milllieim on Saturday
evening after the Sunday school entertain
ment is over.
< ne of OUf railroad limit aud a certain
merchant seem to is* in training for tlie
prize ring from tlie way they knock one
another around every time Hiey meet.
They say Tommy likes i,> go to Bellefoutc
attending court and return home via Lin
den Hall,
They also say two of our prominent citi
zen* will lie married ere long.
And again they say turkeys are roosting
big now.
Henry Whitmer says he would like the
party who stole thv hclHug away from the
mill return U at once.
11 is reported that Landlord Kleck'ier's
family w ill leave here in the spring aud tbe
.hotel has Uouu rented by a Mr. Shaffer of
[Mill Hall. Sorry lo luse "Old Joe," a* he
was a clever, whole sauled laud lord.
it is said subscription lists are the order
uf tho day among our citizens and it is a
cmlit to say that our citizens are lilicral as
a general thing in subscribing to all worthy
Christmas is rapidly approaching and we
stitmftl nil miike If nn object on this grent
anniversary day to make at least some one
happy wl o through some misfortune may
not be as well off as ourselves and it w ill
help to make our pathway through life all
tiie smoother. Hoping that in tlie past short
year in trying to give tin* news from this
section we have not offended anv unij Lot
that we have given the news in 'H straight
forward manncy a* it actually occurred and
in ike coming year expecting to do liettcr
: than in tin- past, we drop silently out of tlie
year 18*7 by wishing ail tlie readers a Merry
Christmas and a happy aud pivsjs rous New
Year. VALE.
Treasurer l>. 'K. Kulp ami his counter
hopper, Mr. Bible, from Kliamokin, were
hero on Friday to furnish our boys with tlie
wherewithal. It was a surprise to nil that
whitemetal day came earlier than usual.
Pay day is generally <ui tho rtrst Tuesday
after the third Saturday in each month. But
we presume it was done on account of the
merchants from Milllieim and Laurcltoii.
These gentlemen have more business hero
on pay night tlian the company itself. Just
as soon as one of our men draws his money,
!>>mc* oue of these fellows with a
' dun, shoves it under his nose and nearly
: upsets tlie poor inmLeriu.m. They have gut
I more bras stliau a government umlc. if lliey
don'twant to tru,st i;s iu' ilevils long e
nougb liycount our money they shoiildu't
ask us to liny of them. (bir jasiple are get
ting timl of tlds uncivil way ofnoiug busi
ness and will likely shut flown ou tlie tiling.
John Slifer and one of his Johngariaus
are chopping down props in Pine Swamp,
Fritz is a No. 1 chopper and a great talker,
especially when ho don't know what to
A party of eight hunters, from Coburn,
were hunting in Pine Swamp on Wednes
day. Daniel Eiscnhuth wounded a deer
west of the Swamp Poodle camp. Thy.du-r
dropped but not hard uiouglt to be cap
tured. It gcj. away and poor 1 lan was minus
tlie game. Over the fence is out.
Patty Ithyne, from Junctionvillo, was up
on Tuesday to see the Swamp Poodle hoys
and recite his tribulations with that infer
nal mule that knocked the starting out of
his dinner.
Another party of hunters, from Green
briar shot one of our Pine Swamp Mountain
goats ou Thursday. We have some more
of them in the swamp which we w ill keep
for next year,
Peter Walizer and mother, of Milllieim,
were visiting at Eli Ititzman's last Friday
aud helped them to butcher on Saturday.
Tho Junction ville depot was crowded last
Friday night waiting for a special train to
take them down to Poe Mills city. As soon
as tlie tickets were punched the train started.
Engineer Brother Johnson gave the Isiys a
pleasant ride. Coming home the boys took
the Texas row boy's free buss.
H. W. Bollinger's flitting from Milllieim
elinilHsl up the gander steps over Poe
Mountain on last Monday morning. He
intends to be one of the poodle bay*.
Last Thursday two of Poe Mill's smarties
' wjre up to Pine Hwiut.p and on their way
stopped iind ransacked our camp. Tliey
were very kind in making us a ;perfect im
age which is to resemble a fellow from
K illanzoo. Presume some of our rs\dvVa
will remember seeing jlm lad at
Coburn laslj ;i week ago. Tlie
IytUauzoo lad at that time would have made
a good saloon sign. If there is any person
within a hundred miles of our camp that
has a notion of starting up in the saloon
business, lie would do well by giving us a
call. We would dispose of the dummy
sign cheap. About the other fellow we
won't say much, he got the g. b. any ways
at Klinefelter'* which is a fearful strain on
Blacksmith B. V. Welser In on tlie sick
11 Ml..
MissbVmia Muise.llvingnt Thm. Ilar|ier'*
and Wlllliin (Initwllo, of Pine Creek, were
married last Thursday evening, Kev. Ycir
ick orti. i iting. Voting America was out
doing up tin. wedding in goisl style.
C. W. Ilur.i in selling fruit treed for the
Sniitlid nurseries, Geneva, N'. Y.
C. C. SWIINJM, tin* White Sewing Machine
iiiau of Miiyiler county, paid a pleasant call
to your ci.rrespondent, ('barley wu lately
elected to take charge of the financed of
Snyder county for the next throe yeara. lie
is a good man and equal to tlio tank.
.1. W. I tunnel wan up from Joswishurg
last week. J. E. Leaker id lioine on a visit
from Lcmotit. Mrs. Win. Harter la visit
ing at Centre ll.>ll and Miss Hue Leaker
has gone to Leuiont.
The young people are wishing for good
sleighing during the holidays. We think
from present indieatlons their wish will he
granted. #
Henry Kruuiriae Is ou she sick list at
Daniel Uiinklu has return*) itmu bis
visit to lax k liaun
A very interesting little child of John L.
(■reliable died last Saturday morning and
was buried ou Monday.
A! young sou of Andrew —died last
week, lie had nn\'e|;a| U*4l uxtmclttl a few
Wcvk* ago Mid bis jaw Is-came very sore. He
was then attacked with diptlu-ria which
seemed to is; incurable under the circum
The funeral of Calvin Fisher was largely
attended 011 last Saturday. He was a model
young man and will be greatly missed in
this community.
.fames M. Kniikle and It. F. Fetterolf are
home from College ou a vacation.
•J. W. Bartges, Esq., the boss painter in
this section, has tbe cull tract to jiaiut the
interior uf tho New M. K. Church. No
v\<nibt he w ill make an excellent job as he
handle, the brush in artistic style. *
Ellis Graiuley oauie near smashing oue
of his tuoe while unloading lumber the
other day. A piece slipped out of his bands
and accidentally hit tlie toe. There was
some gnashing of teeth about that time.
John Harter killed a lot of very nice tur
keys last Wednesday, ready to be shipped
to the East.
Geo. Gutswite, while hauling lumber the
other day, had a number of mishaps and
George thought it was enough to try the
patience of a Job. First his own wagon
broke and when had borrowed another wag
on and had drove a few miles the tiro on
ano of the wheels broke.
A party of nearly a dozen men went over
the mountain the other day to search for the
bear which was reported to he prowling a
bouf. But their search proved fruitless.
Bruin had gone.
Nathan Hauck lost a valuable horse the
other day.
Ilenj. lioush and wife, of Madisouburg,
sjH-nt a few days in this vicinity.
Verney Grain ley went to Wiliiamsport
on a few week's visit to friends and rela
The boardwalk from this place to Kream
ersville underwent some ncccessary repairs
IMI miik.
We can state upon reliable authority that
there will lie two weddings in tlds town,
shortly, one from town, the other oast from
Jonathan I (oyer and wife, from Ziou,
SJOJU a ftsw days in this neighliorliooii, vis
iting friends and relatives.
.fames Frank's horse t*ik sick tlie other
day, while he was on his way to Spring Mills
with cream.
Delta Wolf, of Kreamersvilleis at present
down with a sore throat. *
Wide Awake, IHMB.
The readers of this wonderful magazine
for young jieople are so accustomed to good
reading and pictures that they will wonder
how it is a going to lie better than ever this
coming year. But it is.
Tlie new year has already begun with tlie
holiday number just out—a truly great
number, larger and richer and more varied,
and therefore it must Is- Is-tter than ever lie
fore. And the publishers have a primer to
s'iid to those who want to know what RVrfr
Amite is goimj to have in it in P#*t.
The wonder is that stick a library and
pieture-gal\ery win Wigot together for $2.40
year—a thousand pages and everything
J'r-sh ami new—stories, histories, travels,
liiigr.tphy, sketches, anecdote, alventure—
and all instructive as well as entertaining.
Two worlds are drawn from to make such
provision for the education and pleasure of
our children. „
So high is tlie ltcst of young people's liter
ature nowadays that we are all of ns glad
to lie young. Nine tenths of reading pen
pie prefer it to what is written for them :
for it has the rare merit of lieing easy as
well as good.
We know of no Christmas gift so sure of
bringing ahappy res|smse In a reading fami
ly. Send $2.40 pi it. Lethrop Company,
On the 18th isst., at tlie residence of the
bride's parents, Milllieim. by Itev. 11. S. B&som,
Mr. 11. N. Fiedler, of Madisonburg. and Miss
Ella K Swariz, of Mlllheini.
On the 22nd ult.. hy Rev. Z. A. Vearick. at
Aaronsburg, Mr. Ellas C. Zerby and Miss Annie
M. Moyer, both of Penn township.
On the 15th Inst, by the same, at the s&uie
place. Mr. Wm. A. Gelswite, o! Coburn, and
Miss Anna B. Maize, of Aaronsburg.
On tlie lSjh inst., by the same, at the same
plneo, Mr. J. Calvin Stover, of Coburn, and
Miss Olcvia C. Smith, of Rosecrants, Clinton
Co., Pa.
On the 11th inst., at Greenburr, Clinton Co.,
Pa., John Jacob Kehl, aged 71 years, 8 mouths
and 20 days.
On the 20tli. inst.. at Rebersburg, by Rev. J.
Dotterer, Mr. James Kling, of CilntomlaLt,
Clinton (Jo., to Miss Catherine .J. Ha**J,ut Mad
Mlllhelm Market.
Corected weekly by A. J. Campbell, Agt.,
Coburn, Pa.
Red Wheat B3
White "
Rye ~, : SQ
luo'Kiy, No. 1 50
'No. 2 - 40
Corn, old-.... - 4T>
Oats - 2|
Roller Flour L®
Common Flour.. .......... 1.15
Salt, ner barrel 1.40
" " sack.. —— 75
Wheat mixed with bought at rye-weight
A Gjou'nd Piaster. $9.00 per ton.
Small stove *5-40
Large " jj-40
Egg coal ...... 0.20
Pea coal 3.40
Chestnut coal - 0.25
Soft coal , 3.00
tSpecial prices to lime burners.)
l not them when you can taw a little
' VPe have a mighty stout handle to thie de
termination and are determined to hold
jonto it and save the reputation we have
1 made within a year in the business. Re
member no person shall be disappointed m
in the quality of shoes bought at
mid lots of people already know this. Come and see our many different kinds oj
shot s. May cause you to be surprised at the quality and worse at the prices.
And now with heart heavy and sad,l would yet add,what 1 had wished might have
been otherwise. J can not much longer stand with uplifted hand on one thin leg and
admonish you , /am almost broke into one heap but shall continue to kick while life
yet lasts about four or Jive weeks at the longest, I know, and with a few wild out"
bursts of sorrow and grief I shall be to you no more. Pathetic lamentation shall
be to alt: To those who have regarded my warnings, for my own dear self, and
those who have not, realizing ihtir sad mistake, but that it is forever and eternally
UJO late.
— ,
This is the question of the day, and is one that very many will
hare great difficulty in answering. To help you ottt of this
difficulty I incite you to come to my store on Main street, where
I display such a stock of
as irell as staple articles, that you will hare no trouble to .find
something suitable for a present for your friends. More than that
the times and that in itself is a great inducement for the buyer.
y superb erhibit of
is throughout one of goods that are specially appropriate for Holi
day gifts—gifts that are at once usefat.bcautifuland seasonable. My
Jewelry Department
offers you a line of goods, that are pre-eminent in their fitness for
Holiday (lifts.
Solid Rolled Plate todies' and Gents' Gold and Silrer Watches,
Silrcr Platetl Ware and a choice assortment of fine Clocks.
3 t this season of the year,when ererythiny is looked at from aHol
iday stand paint, you must not lose sight of my overfiowing
Confectionery Department,
which is the completes! to be found anywhere .
Wishing you a joyous holiday season I would beg you to bear in
mind thai / desire rery much to see you at my place of busitiess
during that time. I
6~ ~ ' —t
frozen snow ami Leather
All other Shoe Work promptly and neatly Done.
* Will be at Musser's Shoe Store, Main Street, MHtheim, every Saturday a/ternoon
to take orders and measures.
- O# (j 131\.l(jrijL X •
which she is receiving daily from the eastern cities reveals as much
** |w<s of fyw ani Of |oW
as the largest millineiy establishment in the big towns. Patrons
of fashion pronounce her stoek the most attraetivs sver brought
to town. Daily arrivals of the Latest Modes and Shapes in
Her reasonable prices alone make her New Hats popular.
jf ratf,crs - |*f* i jam ?< f ins,
and Buckles for Hat and Bonnet garnishments. Rich* Elegant
and Seasonable Trimmings