JTlu fßiUhfi* lournat. Entered at the Past Ojfiee at Millheim, ]\i., as second-class mail matter. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22ND, 1887. Published by R. A. BUMILLER WITII this number the JOURNAL completes the 6ixty-first year of its existence and if the present condition of the plant may be taken as a guide its future stability is good for quite a number of years to come. It required hard work and a considerable amount of cash to get the paper up to a fair standard, but we think we have in a measure succeeded, and our labors do not seem to be in vain True,the tem porary reverses incident totLe news paper business, along with the sharp and plenteous competition, have caused us much worry and vexation, but we managed to get through it all and have the gratifying reward of an increased subscription list and the kind encouragement of our patrons. To them and to all others the JOURNAL sends its compliment or the season. While it is not necessary here tore peat the history of the JOURNAL, hav ing done so on similar ocassions.be fore, we would say that ever since we took a hold of the paper, nearly five years ago, we labored honestly and persistently to make it as interesting and useful as we knew how with the menns at hand, and we have the satis faction of knowing that we succeeded to a large exteut. The JOURNAL has many warm sriends and if kind Provi dence favors us with continued health, we expect to increase* their number during the coming year by giving our readers fully as good, if not a better paper. As far as the year which is just closing is concerned it was a air busi ness year and we have uo reason to complain. In recapitulating our journalistic ex periences of the year ISS7 we are forcibly reminded that we owe special tbaDksto our able correspondents lrorn neighboring towns. Their valuable ser vices added much to the success of this sheet as a newspaper and we earnest y hope they will favor us in the future with tteir newsy contributions. With these few retrospective remarks we bid good bye to 1887 and are ready to lauuch the JOURNAL into the un known waters of 18S8. SENATOR QUAY has introduced a bill to increase the pensions of soldiers and sailors of the late war who were total ly disabled,from SSO to $72 per month. THE granger's convention which was held in Harrisburg last week, is said to haye been the largest in point of number that has been held during the past ten years. Some important measures were introduced relative to tariff reduction on agriculturalproducts. JAMES G. BLAJXE is thought to be at the bottom of the convention of re publican clubs, representing every state of the Union, which was held in New York last week. The object of the meeting was to organize for pre paratory work in the coming presiden tial campaign aud to make united ef forts for the renomination of Blaine at the national convention to come off at Chicago next June. The general tone of the convention was Blaine, first,last and all the time, and this gives rise to the supposition that the meeting of the clubs was called 'at the instance of Blaine himself. A platform was a dopted which, in keeping with Blaine's sentiments, favors high protection and unlimited pension grants ; stirs up the flag scandal and also waves the bloody shirt. Such are the tactics to be em ployed by the man from Maine and his faithfal followers.in the coming battle for the presidency. It is a < fortunate thing that the people have a * voice in the matter when they go to the polls. THE two bills which have been in troduced in Senate purposing to re strict immigration staud an uncertain change in their single handedness. Senator Morrill, of Vermont proposes to keep out paupers, lunatics and an arehksts by requiring the consuls on the other side to investigate into the character and means of livelihood of emigrants and if found wanting to re fuse tbem a certificate of admission to our ports. But who wouldn't be a CODSUI with such a trying burden ? 1 Senator Reagan, of Texas, in his bill, would throw theresponsibiltv of bring ing offensive foreigners to American ports upon the steamship companies by compelling them to give bonds that jthe immigrants are all 0. K. in politi cal and other respects. But this plan would have a dampening effect upon steamship traffic and most of the com panies would feel like going out of the business. Some law will have to be framed to prevent the immigration of foreign social offal, but neither of the ahoye bills seems to exactly cover the ~• ground. _ r Confirmed the Nominations. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.—The senate has removed the injunction of secrecy """ from the followiug nomfu ations, which j wer/confirmed in secret session :Charles 8. Fdircblid.to be secreta r y of the treas ury; J. Rives, to be assistant a I'niLAL ie; Isaac H. Maynard, JOURNAL. Phi lad'a. < . secretary subscriber receiyes $2.00 W. Hyatt,to be as a premium. jkouier. c . *" Expelling Anarchists. Everybody but the Anarchists themselv es will agree with Congressman Adams, of Illinois, that the Anarchists are a pestilent lot of which if the country wore well rid it would bo exceedingly fortunate. Hut there are a good many jroople who will regard Mr. Adams' scheme for getting rid of them as rather more dangerous than the An archists themselves. Mr. Adams proposes to give the President, the power to expel these undesirable aliens when in bis judg ment the public interests demand it. This seems an easy way of disposing of the Mosts and Schwabs, hut the trouble is that it places in the hands of the President a ]ww or that some time might be wielded for per sonal rather than public ends. It is natural that Congressman Adams, who represents a State in which the lent Anarchists have made themselves lartienhvrly obnoxious, should desire a simple and easy | way of settling the An archist question, lint this is a country ot lawful methods, in which men who are criminals must be punished by legal pr>- eesses. The legal method is a little slow, hut it generally gets there in time. The Illinois Court managed to dispose of some recent Anarchists in a very effective way, if the process was a trifle long winded. They can hang more Anareliistsif any more evince a desire to try conclusions with the gallows. It might not be a bad notion to banish some of the windy advocates ot anarchy, hut if this is done the law authorising it should make the courts the sole arbiters in the matter. The power should not be lodged in the executive of the nation except on a clear finding by a jury after a fair trial that the accused was, in word or act, hostile to the American Government. Hotter than this, however, will IH an effective measure to keep these enemies of all government j from landing on our shores in the future , leaving the courts to deal with those al | ready here. — Hi it a Times. —DR.KILMER & C0.,0f Binghamton, N. Y., are now working a night and day force to supply the druggists' or ders for their Swamp-Root Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure.— liino-4t WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our regular correspondent.) WASHINGTON, I>. L\, L>ee. IP. PS7. Congress, although in session two weeks, has as yet accomplished very little work, mainly for the reason that Speaker Carlisle, owing to the unusual pressure brought to bear upon biin lor choice committee places, has been obliged to defer the appointment of his cuiuiuittes until after the holiday re cess, which will be from Dec. 22 till .Jan. 4. The only really important committee thus far organized is that on Elections, which, I for reasons personal to himself Mr. Carlisle . request eel the House to appoint, one of its | duties being to decide the issue between Carlisle and Tholo. Apparently there is Jno 1 good cause for a contest, still as one has been instituted by the missguided labor reformer, so called, it must l>e disnosed of according to the forms of law There can be little doubt of the validity of the Kentucky statesman's claim to his seat. It is already evident that mueh of the time of Congress during the present session will be uselessly consumed in the discussion of purely political questions ; baton the eve of what is destined to be one of the most ex citing and closely contested Presidential campaigns in the country's history, this is, perhaps, unavoidable. The tirst political tirade was delivered, witlout the slightest provocation, in the House by the Republi can leader, Mr. Reed, of Maine, 'being a ' rather feeble aud flatulent arraignment of the j Democracy on the tariff question. However ! a few ringing sentences from Messrs Cox, | and Hatch sufficed to effectually silence the batteries of the burly Boanerges of the Re j publican party. In the Senate that notorious champion of fraud and vote stealer, "Bill" Chandler, i has presented an indictment against four sovereign States—South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana—proposing to regulate their Congressional elections, through the medium of Federal interven tion. Chandler's idea of regulating dec- I tions was exemplified by the Republican j rape of electoral votes of three of these same States in the canvass of 1870-77, and Bill realizes that the support of these common alities is necessary for Republican success next year. But Chandler will get nothing but a little cheap political capital out of his partisan resolution. Probably the Senate bill tliat will excite the most interest and discussion is that of Senator Cullom, providing for the United States Postal Telegraph, appropriating four million dollars for that purpose aud desig nating a number of principal cities of the country to be connected by the proposed liues ; it also provides for the appointment and regulations of the employes of the Postal Telegraph. The in dications are that there is some oppoiv'qon to the ccuflruiation of Mr. La mar'* nomination, but not enough to defeat it. It is hardly probable that the matter will lie taken up until after the holiday re cess ; then the three most iuqioriaut nomin ations will be acted ujion in their regular order—Lamar, Vilas and Dickinson, The recent reception in this city of two distinguished Irish members of the Parliament, was an impressivedemonstration of American uatn*.aj smypathy for the suf ferings of Ireland,and tit ting oppression was given to this feeling by the eloquent y t^er auce* of several prominent Congressmen. Dill's Nomination Sent to the Senate. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.—Among the nominations sent to the senate by the president to-day, was that of Andrew 11. Dill to be United States marshal for tl e eastern.district of Pennsylvania. Wui H. fisher,the photographer, wishes to give special police that he will only remain at Miliueug three weeks longer and invites the pub/ic wanting pictures taken to call at his gallery on North street, where he guarantee* satisfactory work at low prices. 2t Democratic the First in -Twenty __ MERIDEN, Conn.. Dec. the city election to day Dr. Davia was re elected mayor, and both branches of the j city goyerment are democratic tor the Atst time since the inauguration of the city goverment twenty years ago. The common .council stands 24 democrats to G republicans, tiie Jatter being hold overmen. Dr. Davis is a democrat. Tins IS GOOD ENOUGH. —Mr. (J. E. Bartholomew, Kalkaska, Mich., says: ' I owe my life solely to Dr.Dayid Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy, of Roudout, N. Y. I bad liver and kidney disease, and for five years was unable to go a bout. I am now well, and can do a mail's work on my farm. I shall al ways hold up both hands for Dr. Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy. Price SI.OO a bottle, six for $5. 50-4t Miscellaneous News. Sullivan's Challenge to Smith or K llraln. LONDON, Dec 20.—John L. Sullivan, who Is now exhibiting in Glasgow, has issued a challenge to Siuitb or Kilrain lo fight for $5,000. Pensions for Confederate Soldiers. COLUMBIA, S. Dec. 18.— Both branches of the legislature have passed a hill pensioning disabled soldiers In this state who fought in the army and navy of the confiderncy. It will cost $50,000 annually. Twenty-Three Inches of Snow in Erie. KASTON, Pa., Dec. IS.—The snow here is twenty-three inches deep and many of the narrow streets are im passable. No attempt was made to day to run street cars. All the steam rnil road trains are badly delayed. A Young IncendlMiy. Suit ANTON. Dec. 18.— Llewellyn Dean, aged nine, has been held for trial on a charge of setting Are to the I arn at the liriggs shaft, a loss of $3,000 having been caused. liahad been reprimanded by the foreman, and In revenge fired the structure. A Farmer Paralyzed and Helpless. CARLISLE, Dec. 17.— John F. Lind say, a farmer of this county, was found lying insensible in the road by the side of his huggv, two miles from his home, suffering from a paralytic stroke,which had rendered one side useless and com pletely deprived him of the power of hearing and speech. The Hawn Robbers Sentenced. HUNTINGDON, Pa..Dec. 10.—Judge Furst to day sentenced tbe famous Ilawn robbers to the Western penitent iary. Galbraitb, for three years and ten months, and Mike McKelvv. for three years and six months McKelvy wept bitterly whsn the sentence was pronounced upon him and he appealed : completely broken down. Showers Guilty In the First Degree. LEBANON. Pa..Dee 18.—The jury in ' the case of William Showers, charged with the muider of his two grand children, after being out ten houis brought in a verdict this morning of j murder in the first degree. The ver dict gives very general satisfaction. Showers, who is possessfd of a com fortable estate, will carry tbe case to the supierae court. First Genuine lili/zard of the Season. I ST. PAUL. Dec 20.—The first genuine blizzard of the season has been raging in Dakota all day—a stoim of snow as fine as sand, driven by a fierce wind, and accompanied by very low temper ature. At Assiniboine the thermom eter indicated 28 below. At 4 o'clock i this afternoon llaron reports all trains late and those of the Northwestern road abandoned entirely. It has snow ing in ' St. Paul almost all day,and at 10 p in.it is grow jug cold. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To THE EDlTOß— Please inform your readers I hat I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its i timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two liottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM. M. C., j 21 181 Pearl t.,New York. ( lint Necessaries f Ulf mm n* Ever. BETHLEIIKM, Pa.. D.-c. IG. The Bethlehem iron company to day gave notice of a general reduction of ten per cent, in wages, to take effect January 1 The reason assigned is that "the con dition of trade and the reduced price of tails in tbe market make it necessary for the company to reduce Ibe t-x pence of manufacture." This mluction st'll leaves wages several per cent, higher than before the reduction of last w inter. An Did Man I turned to Death. SELINF GROVE. Dec 17.—An old man, Charles Latir. of near McCluie, Snyder county, was burned to death In his log hut onThuisday night. He lived alone and in a secluded part of the count v. It is supposed that he built a large flie in his old fashioned stove and then fell asleep. The fire,spurting from the stove, ignited his clothing, burning him to a crisp, together with the house, flis bones wete found iu the ruins the next morning. Death of ex-Public Printer Rounds. OMAHA, December 17.—Hon. S. P. Rounds.editor and principal proprietor of the Omaha Repub ican. died at 8.50 o'clock this evening at his residence, in this city, of pneumonia after an i.lnesa of ten days. Mr. Rounds lias beeu a resident of Omaha a little over a year. He carne here from Washington after resigning the position of Public Printer which lie held for fo.ir years. For many years previous to going to Washington he was proprietor ola printers' supply house iu Chicago. Mr. Rounds was well Known all oyer the country, but particularly in the West. What It Costs for Fame. WATEKTOWK,N.Y.,Dec. 17. —ln the Circuit Court here Miss Jackson, a young authoress, sued Mrs, Hannah ! Perkins, aged about fifty five years, for $1,500, claimed for writing the life in the form of a romance, to be pub Ijshed under Mrs. Perkins' name. Mrs Perkius v/;sh°d to liyd Marietta Holly, so that popular author could not walk by her "with her head up.'/ The best lawyers of the county were engaged on bolt) B'des, aud the interest in the case was widespread. The jury rendered a verdict after six hours' deliberation for the plaintiff for $1,638 75. Judgement and levy were ordered. An Alleghany City Officer Fatally Stabbed. PITTSBURG, Dec. 18.— Ofiicer John ' Wallace, of tlie Allegheny police, was fatally stabbed last night by an unknown ; mini. Wallace was walking along Alleghany aVen„e when he noticed two men following a laJy. The qj.en started to run as soon as the officer appeared and the latter followed in puisuit. At the corner of North avenue l.e sanght ope of them by tlie arm. hut before a word waa spoken the fellow plunged a dagger into hip abdomen and ffed. Wal lace was taked to his Uopap. He is st ill living, hut cannot ricover. There, js no clue to his assailant, hut a number ol persons have been ariesttd on suspicion. Burned to Death in a Railroad Wreck. BOSTON, Dec. 17. Atabout 80' clock this morning, when the east bound ex press freight train on the Fitchburg Railroad, consisting of thiity-six cars, reached Littleton it collided with the engine'of $ gravel train that was draw ing out from a siding 'jF.he enjrjne and four cars of llie express train were thrown from the, rack, the foimer be ing demolished and the latter burned. Michael Mack, a brokeman on the ex press was so badly burned that he died within an hour and Freeman Morse was quite badly hurt. Considerable damage was done to the rolling stock. The responsibility for the collision is said to rest on the gravel traio engineer. Will Stand by flic Lehigh Strikers. El.l/. A liKTii FORT. N. J., Dec. 18. -The convention of the Reading railroad em ployea held here to-day resolved to stand by the Lehigh striken* in their demand for HII 8 per cent, advance,and all the local assemblies will be urged to contribute lltianclal aid. Over one hundred Lehigh boats are lying at the Reading docks in ttiis city and the em ployes refuse to load them, Coxe Broth eis, of tho Cross Creek company, have notified tlie Reading company that they will charge $lO per day demurrage for every boat now wait lug two weeks. A question of forming a district assembly comprising all (lie Reading men consum ed much of the time of the convent inn. A Venerable Bride and Groom. NEW BIIAUNFKI.S, Texas. Dec 10.— Ex (iovernoi Robeits,known through out the South and Wet as "Old Al calde." and Mrs. Kate Border, were married last night. The groom is seventy-eight and the hi irie nearly sixty Theceremony was secretly performed at the house of Mis. J. A Arnell, the bride's daughter. The bridegroom is one of the historic characters of Texas. He was Governor for six years, serving three terms, l'rior to his elevation to Governorship he was Chief Justice of ttie Supreme Court. Since his retire ment from politics five years ago he has ac'ed as pr fessor of law iu the Stale University at Austin. TFltlllllLK BOILKIt KXI'LOSION. A Number of People Killed ami Sev eral Missing—The Wounded. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 16.—A special to the liicoril from West Chester,says: A large boiler in the Edison electric works, exploded this afternoon killing Superitendent Walter Emhree, El wood Beckett. John Bradley. Samuel Webb and Hattie. The 10-year-old daughter of WiUiam Jones, who was returning fiom school and at a point almost a square distant from the scene of the ex plosion.was alsostruck by allying beam and almost instantly killed. As Some extia laborers weie employed it is thought that all the bodies have not yet been recovered. The works are badly wrecked. Among tlie missing is Clerk of the Courts I>. A. Taylor, who was inquir ing at the works for Emhree a few min utes before the explosion, and who has not been seen since. CAUGHT AFTEIt SIX YEARS. A Man Who Stole 940,000 While His IIrlle Lay* I load In the House. OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 16.—Ernest K. Williamson, who six years ago robbed the firm of Albert Moran & C0..0f Fall River, Mass .of gIO.IMK) and fled to paits unknown, has been capturred.nnd passed through this city in charge of a detective to day. Williamson wasmar ried to llattie Moran, ihe daughter of the senior paitner, on June 14. 18S1. The next morning Mrs. Willianson went out for a drive. The horse ran avvav and the bride was instantly killed. That same night Moran & Co. received a package bye xpress containing neatly s4o.o<>o in cash. Mr. Moran placed it in the safe and went to his houre of sor row. Williamson was theie, bowed down in grief. Mr. Moran the fact of the money being ip-ine fafe and went to his room. Although his bride lay cold in death Williamson went to the t tlice, opened thesafe,stole the money,and fled. He was the con fiden'ial man of thefirin, and hid access to tie safe. Williamson was captured at Homers ville.in this state, by means of a photo graph taken bv a travailing ntint er. who was arrested in Chicago on Thanksgiving day, and the pictuie of Williamson was recognized. WENT OCT QUIETLY. Narrow Escape ofu Philadelphia The : 4i|-{- frimi fire—Chorus Girls At armed. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 19.- About 10 o'clock to-night a fire, caused by spont aneous combustion, broke out in the finishing room on the top floor of Allen Jt Brother's furniture store, 1209 Chest nut street, and before it could be ex tinguished a loss of 8 10.(00 was caused. Allen's place is next door to the Chest nut street theatre.and for a time gieat excitement prevailed throughout the entire city on account of a report I* ing circulated that the theatre itself was hurtling aid immense crowds rushed to ihp scei.ce from all directions. Tne fact of the fire being in such close proximity became known to the oc cupants of the theater just as the curtain rose on the secoi d act of "Ermine" and while Marine Jansen was singing a song in thai act. Manager Nixon ap peared upon the stage and, in assuring words, told ihe audience that while there was no danger it was deemed ad visahle to stop the perfoimar.ee. The house was then emptied quietly and without accident or incident. Son eof c horu£ gills became frightened and left by the stage door when they learned where the lire was, but their fears were soon quieted snd Ihey returned for their street clothing. HARVESTING •♦THE WEED". Pennsylvania Farmers Exultant Over T heir Year's Tobaeeo Crop. LANCASTER, Pa., Dec. l'J. —Since the tobacco crop was put intobtrns and sheds last September, the grower has been anxious for damp weather.so that the hand sprinkler and steam need not be employed to prepare the weed for stripping. These means are not satis factory. as the pesessary degree of dampness cannot he obtained, find the j process Is slow and requites a great deal of extra labor. The fog and rain of the past few days were excep tional for this time of the year and have put the crop in excelleut shape. Thousands of men, women and children are now busy stripping and ihe great staple will be ready for mar let earlier than usual. There is much lejnjcing in consequence throughout I this county which is the fir9t agiicul tural district among all theagricul dis trictsof the United Stales, lie tich Monroe county, of New Yoik, ranking second. The total value of the annual products of Lancaster county is $lO,- f: oo,' 00, one fifth of whic'* from the tobacco crop. The average yield for the past seven is 14,367.857 pounds. In no year since 1870 has a crop of less 10 o'||j pounds been gathered. The largest crojts of tpbacco ever raised in any county in the United tat ales was grown in this county in 1879 and weighed 18,000.000 Tliis city is the centre of tho Penn sylvania trade, and next to New Yrl;, js the largest seed leaf tobacco, market jn the country. Here are lo cated one half of the two hundred large warehouses in the country, and dining the season of delivery, which begins af ter the holidays, the avenues are block aded with teams. On some days the receivers oav to the farmers,in checks, from $200,000 to $300,000. —John have you seen that woman alely ? John, in astonishment : What woman V That woipan picking Grapes for Speer's Wjne. Jiist see Jtpr in another column and read about it,the wines are found by chemists to be absolutely pure and equal to the best in the World. The Board of Health in Laige Cities and leading Hospitals have a dopted tbeii use where wines are need ed. HALL'S SIOO KKWARD. SIOO. The readers of the MILLHEIM Jouit NAL will he pleased to learn that there i at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stupes, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarih Cure is the only poaitive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional tieatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken lttlei nully, actint: directly upon the blood and mu cus surfaces of the system, thereby de alloying the foundation of the disease and giving . the patient strength, by building up the constitution and assisl* ing nature in doing its work. The Pro prietors have so much faith iu its cura tive powers that they oiler one hundied dollars, for any case it fails to cute Send fti list of testimonials. Address, F. J. I'll EN ky & Co., Toledo, (. OrSold ly Druggists, 7" Cts. CATARRH CURE. RESTORATIVE WINE. Piiysicians who have used Speer's Port (iiape Wine, of New Jeis"y, and have ap plied it to the st 1 iciest test, pronounce it strictly pure and rich Lody and recommend it to the aged and Infirm, and for general use where wine is de sir able, as the most reliable of wines to he had. Mr. Speer also preserves the Grape Juice fresh and sweet just as it runs from the press, not by the use of spirits, hut by electricity, extracting the fermenting principles from the ripe giapes when mashed; it is called Speer's Uufeimerited Crape Juice. For sale by druggists. —We tell you plainly that Simmons Liver Regulator will lid you of Dys pepsia, Headache, Constipation and BllliousueS9. It will break up chills and fever and prevent their return, and is a complete antidote for all malarial poison —yet entirely free from quinine or calomel. Try it, and you will he as tonished at the good results of Sim mons Liver Regulator. tJT FIIILTUSSFIWUIIEDICIK "I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for many years, hav ing made it my only Family Medicine. My mother before ine was very partial to it. It is a safe, good and reliable medi cine for any disorder of tho system, and if used in time is a grrat |irrrrlitv /• airknraa. I often recommend It to my friends, and shall continue to do so. "Rev. James M. Rollins. "PastorM. E. Church, So. Fairfield, Va." TIME AND DOCTORS' BILLS SAVED by altrayn keeping S/mmona Liver Regulator In the houne. "I have ij 1 •♦•• n ttegujaior the best family med icine I ever us.-d for anything that may happen, have used it In Intligration, Colic, l>iarrh?K IS HEADQUARTERS FOR : ——- ■ 1 HOLIDAYGOODS, "Y£ fine i* complete, Hie variety full and Ihe Prices Very Low. I can not posslJly enumerate everything, but here are a few articles named with prices, oth er goods not named are Just as cheap: FINE FAMILY MULES, $2, $3. $\ SB. BEAUTIFUL POCKET BIBLES,Me, 50c, "Ac. $1 on. $2.25, $L sr>.$ r >. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. 40c, 50c. TV, *2.25, *3, sr.$ r . AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, 10c, 15c, 20e, 30c, 60C. SI.OO, fiifsi. • PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. 100. IV. 4tc, . r OC. SI.OO. FINE WRITING DESKS, 45c. SI.OO, $1.25, EASELS, inc. 12c. 75C. FIN E BISQUE FIGURES. 25c, 50c,5l .00. SCRAP BOOKS, 10c up to $1.25. ELEGANT WORK BASKETS, 2V. 40c, TV. WIRE BASKETS, 10c, 12c, 15c, 75c. ANTIQUE BRASS PITCHERS. 40c. GOOD BOX PAPER, 10c, 20c. 40c. 'X TOY 110086, a multitude, lc up. SCRAP PICTURES, a legion, at any and all prices. TOYS FOR CHILDREN, KNIVES. HARMO NIC AS,.I MVS' HARPS and (JAMES fur BOYS. CANES for MEN. A FINE VELVET SATCHEL for girls, 25cts; better ones for 80c, SI.OO and $125. THE FINEST WRITING PAPERS and EN VELOPES In the valley, in tablets ami sheets. STER EOSCOPES and VIK \ S. PENCIL TABLETS, cyery kjnd and prlcj}, Jc up. DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS, Ic up. FANCY ARTICLES, TOYS. TOILETGOODS. NOVELTIES in great profusion and at lowest prices. 1 might enumerate very much more, but must stop somewhere, and do so dy extending a cor dial invitation to the public to Come and See. B. O. DEININ .JER, Proprietor. - —/ft* ' My customers and the public In jierieral nre respectfully Informed that I have a —-.LARGE ASSORTMENT: OF TRIMMED AND'UNTKIMMBD X3C-A.TS - JLXTJD - BOIsTITETS AND AI.L THE LATENT NOVELTIES IN FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. M K EST OF AC. A I respectfully Invite your putronitxe, assuring yon that bolh my goods and prices will suit you. M- tyKfl-VKif, Minhcim, pg. mm * * mm Within the next few ueeks thous ands will select beautiful boxes of confectionery and other articles suit able for a " ' " i CHRISTMAS PRESENT. T view of this fact I have made ample preparations and will soon display the most complete line of Confectionery ever shown in MilU heim. Give me a trial. Every one will concede that noth ing surpasses a beautiful Cloth Dress j for a lady or a handsome Dress Suit for a gentleman as substantial CHRISTMAS GIFTS. In Oct my store on Main street is headquarters for sensible holiday presents and is a reliable place to ' deal and secure bargains. Don't \ forget. I don't want to wcgry you at this particular season with a long string j of advertising matter but will yet say { , that excepting a good /O. CHRISTMAS DINNER W the Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers ,. t c=X(§i at my store are more productive of ... happy results *'** ths masrutine mind than any thiny else. Come and see them. A. J. CAMPBELL, Agt. J OOBURN, PA. t lias taken Mite charge of the grain house, forr inerly owned by Wliltmer & Lincoln, and will conduct the same In the most business like manner. I will pay the Highest Market Prices for all kiuds of Grain, Seeds, &c- And wi'l also keep on liand Coal, Salt, Flour, Chop, &c. which will be sold at reasonable prices. Kb' I expect to deal fair ind square and treat all alike. Thanking the patrons of the old Arm I hope they will continue to deal with roe. I Invite all others for a share of their patronage. Jiespectiuily, A. J. Campbell, Agt. HARNESS & COLLARS WHIPS & flynetts, anything i that line to be had at my shop, AT THE TOLLGATE, NORTH OF MILLHEIM PA. Harness made to ortfer, and repairing ueatty and promptly dono, LOWEST RATES. Alr-Anythlng not 011 hand will be cheerfully ordered. HORSE COLLARS, l7v- 1 #. w pspecialiy adapted (for farmers' use and &U or dinary team work. A STAPLE ARTICLE, nt prices to suit all purses. A call at my place and a trial of my goods will convince you that 1 deal fairly and squarely. J. H- WOQMER iZimfK —Fa??KIr t s~| iiSSeSS HAIR BALBAM jbvXygaWy's, jfl|| Cleanses and beautifies the hair. IfJjEjMpy gJH Promoted n luxuriant growth. ■ BWWi'iW—- - j—l Hair to its Youthful Color. * BtviJji ''"' ~*^ r -tCurosscalpdlsvasvsiuid hair telling . | //. at I'niggk-ts. HIMBERQCRHS, 1 The , (surest amfbeif ctitv for* ores, lUmi.'.hs, *•* Stop i ail lvun. F.nourcs comfcat to Uv-foot. K,\er falls to euro. li ouuts at prugpista. ills cox. & Co.. X. V. Baira.HMHSIiHM* Have you Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Indigestion t Cso PARKER'S CINQER TONIC without delay. It mm cured many of the worst oases and is the best remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs, and diseases arising from impure blood and exhaustion. The feeble and sick, struggling against disease, and slowly drifting to the grave, will in many cases recover their health by the timely use of Parker's OingerTonic, but delay is dan gerous. Take It in time. It is invaluable for all pains and disorders of stomach and bowels. 60c. at druggists. D A T £ |j T Q W a % s "hi iUK ton'tl I H I Ell I Sead forCirw THE SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOB CATARRR 'ELY'S CREAM BALM 1 contains no injurious drugs and has no offen sive odor. AMD WILL COBB f P'M CATAIIy CREi'MBALM Jjy^- FEVER ELY*SCREAM BALM 1 Is not a liquid, muff or pourler. Applied into nostras ts quickly absorbed. It cleanses the head. Allays Inflammation. Heals the sores. . Restores the senses oj taste and smetl. 50 cents at Druggists; by mail, registered, 6o pus* ELY BROTHERS, Office, 235 Green wluch it., New Tort City. UEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACTMEAT Finest and cheapest Meat Flavouring: Mock *ol} " U SOUPS, MADE DISHES AMD SAUCES, Anuual sales 8,000,000 Jar*. K.8.-Hfnolueaaly with far>a!mfle of Baron Lleblg'* SIGNATURE IN BLUE CIK across label. To be had of all Storekeepers,Grocersand Drug gists. 50-4t NERVOUS DEBILITY, WEAKNRMS Ac., and all disorders brought 011 by indiscretions, excesses or overwork of the Brain and Nervous System, speedily and radically cured by WINCHESTER'S SPECIPIO PILL a purely vegetable preparation, the moat suc cessful remedy knowu. Semi for circular. Price I 1 per box; Six Boxes, #O, by maiL M I.M IIKSTt lt Ac <© , Chemists, 19 William Street, New York. 50-lt EPPS'S pRATEFUi.-COMFQRTIS|%. 000 OA tm m s® woiHade easy Manufacturing ■M 4 E bc£ tta V Rubber Mamps Send for HI 81 HW Hz, V Price List of Outttts to J. ■ F. W. I otman. 217 East German Street. Baltimore. Mary laud U. 8. A. CATARRH %7?;'FfiEE vince. li. S. LAUDERBACtt & ® ViJ.2 Broad-st, Newark, N. J. s®-