Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, December 22, 1887, Image 1

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    Entered at the Post Office at ifillheim, Pa.,
as second-class mail matter.
The Millheim Journal,
i\. A.
Office in the New Journal Building,
Penn St..nearHartman's foundry.
AcceptaUe Correspondence Solicited
Address letters to MILLHXIM Joi .INAL
The Week Hcforc Christmas.
'Tis the week before Christmas.
And ah in the house
Are plotting and planning
As sly us a mouse.
Strance bundles are smuggled
Inside. unaware.
And hidden away with
The greatest of care.
The children with secrets
Tin y're Burn Int. to tell,
And In an excitement
That nothing can quell.
Are hourly asking
llow many more days
Before it is Chris'mas,
With cheeks all ablate.
The old folks, as eager.
Tlte fever have caught.
And crowd in the places
Where prescuts are bought.
To them Merry "Christmas
Is sweeter we know.
Than when their own stockings
Were filled long ago.
'Way up from the kitchen
Spiced odors arise
Of genuine, home-made,
Delicious utiuce-ples.
Just stuffed full of raisins
As big and as round
As little Jack Horner
so happily found.
The long winter nights
All much longer appear.
For who can sleep soundly
With Christmas so near.
And now, for the stockings!
No tot's ttnv hose
Can hold half of the treasures
Krivs Kruigle bestows;
So mamma's great big ones
Are got with delight.
All ready to hang up
On Santa ciaus' night.
Now, Christmas is near! aud
St. Nick In his sleigh.
Behind hisswitt reindeers.
Is flying this way.
lie's now on the snow-clouds.
He'll be at your gate;
Prepare for his coming—
There's no time to wait.
A Good Story For Some Parents to
fIT-HEY'RE going to have a Christmas
tree, an' nuts candy,aud ice cream'.'
little Nan's eyes stuck out with
the delights of imagination.
"My ! Won't that be jolly ?" Ted was
the next speaker, and in the excitement of
the moment he forgot himself so far as to
emit a small, faint whistle.
"Stop that noise over there," said a stern
voice, the owner of which looked out front
behind the folds of the evening paper with
a frown. Joseph Rex ford was homely e
nough, taken at his best, but with an ugly
frown added, be was terrific, though prob
ably uot aware of it, for people seldom get
before a glass to make up ugly faces.
"They were only talking a little about
Christmas," said Mrs. Rexford, timidly ;
the wives of such men are invariably timid,
or else, in very bravado of despair, intoler
able scolds, and Mrs. Rexford could never
be that.
She would have been tbe sunniest and
sweetest of little women, had she not been
clapped under a bushel by Joseph Rexforu
at a very early stage in their married life,
and, as might be supposed she was pretty
nearly extinguished by this time.
"Christmas !" be growled contemptuous
ly. "All nonseusc and folly, they'd better
be teudin' to their rethmetic or a sbellin'
them seeds. I had to work evenin's when
I was their age, an' had'ut no time to be
hatchin' up foolery."
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull
boy,"gently remonstrated the wife. "They're
not too old to enjoy a little recreation, Joseph,
and I wish we could give them a little
Christmas treat." She wondered at her
own boldness, for she did not often venture
within reach cf the lion's claws, or, in oth
er words, her husband's displeasure.
He looked at her in astonishment ; he sup
posed he had her subdued, and the idea
that she would propose anything that he
had just put his foot onus "foolery," shocked
"Mrs. Rexford," and his voice was a bit
of condensed harshness, "I thought you
knew my mind on secb tritlin' years ago,
and I want you to understand once and for
all, I won't have it," and the big foot came
down on the uncarpeted floor with a snap.
"And you yonng ones, stop your snivelin'
over there, or I'll give you something tn
snivel about," and the migbtv potentate
glared over in tbe corner where little Nan
was struggling with a sob of mingled terror
and disapi>ointment, for at her mother's
kind words it seemed so easy to hive just a
little bit of Christmas, at least.
"Darn him" whispered Ted, clinching his
fists, and shaking tliein at the household
monarch, who had again wrapped himself
in his newspaper. "I'll run away, see if I
don't, an' I'll have a Christmas tree every
day when I get big."
His jacket would have needed no further
dusting for months to come, if the parent
could have seen the belligerent action, but,
fortunately, the paper was not transparent,
and Mr. Rexford was deep in an article on
the Irish question.
He looked up presently ; he had the com
placent feelings of the bulldog, who comes
up uppermost in the fight, ami could look
upon bis vanquished subjects with amiable
condescension. "I guess those Britishers
'll find they can't always] abuse thein poor
Irishers," he said. "They'll find out sooner
or later, that it don't pay to aller play tin
Mrs. Rexford received the information
with a proper degree of humility, and ouly
a subdued "bm-m-iu," escaped her lips,
but she thought to herself that it would not
be necessary to cross the ocean to find a
tyrant, if cine were urgently needed and
wondered rel>elliously if it was always go
lug to pay him to assume the character he
so deprecated to his British neighbors.
Bedtime came, and Ted and Nan, with
little Jane, crept off toward their beds. No
cheerful, "good-night 1 papa," with the kiss
which sweetens slumber, and ushers the
children into a happy dreamland. Mr.
Rexford's soul would have recoiled at such
sentimental doings, children being in his
eyes neccessary evils, froiu which to extract
the greatest, amount of work with the least
amount of love and money.
The mother rose, I imp in hand, and fol
lowed thein softly ; she helped them tin
dress with soft, gentle touches, and then
drew thein to lier side for their evening
prayer. Little Nan, ten years of age, was
just at the point of tears, and when she
came to the phrase in her simple prayer :
"God bless papa and mama," her voice
broke into a muffled sob. It was so hard to
pray for the father, who apparautly loved
them s J little.
R. A. BUMILLER, Editor.
VOL. 01.
"Hush, darling," raid Mrs. llexfbrd, al
most In tears herself, as she drew the quiv
ering little form to her heart ; js-rhaps
mania will find away yet."
Ted was thirteen, and in his rebellious
feelings oinmitted the customary phrase
from his prayer entirely. "The mean old
thing," he muttered angrily. "I'd like to
liek iiliu."
"Hush, dears," she said, gently, "father
doesn't mean to lu> unkind.'
"What does he do it for, then ?" de
manded the Ik\v, and the mother's lips were
shut, for sh> had no adequate reply for sueh
a pertinent question.
All this was done in whispers, and a fa
miliar voice broke in upon the conversation
at this juncture : "Going to stay in there
all night Jane?" And hastily tucking
them into their lx-ds, with loving kisses on
the Utile giie\isl lips, she left thein hnrrhsl
ly to the gentle! comforter, sleep, wldeh sel
dom refuses to come to healthy childhood.
This was two weeks la-fore Christinas and
a week went by, and Mrs. Rexford saw no
(Kxssible way to fulfill the lIO|H> she had
cherished of making it a pleasant day tor
the children. She could get up a good din
ner. Mr. llexfor.l was fond of a good din
ners himself, hut with bis stern face at Ro
table, the children would is* obliged to sit
like dummies, and eat inselpulebral silence
for the father was a firm la-Hover in the
doctrine that /children should IK- seen, not
heard," and allowed no frivolous chatter
ing at meal-time.
Slit- had la-en putting away surreptitious
balls of butter and dozens of eggs, in the
hope of la-ing able to smuggle a few little
trifles quietly into their stockings, but ln-r
heart was lieavy with a sense of In r inabi.ity
to make the holiday sncli a one as she would
"Jane," said Mr. Rexford,coming in from
the village with an envelop e in bis liaud,
"1 don't know what ever you'll do, but I'll
have to leave ye for a while.
"What is if, Mr. llexfor.l ?" she asked in
surprise ; it was very sefttom either duty or
pleasure took him from home.
"Why John's dead, an' tliey telegranbed
me to come and 'tend the funeral, an' 1
s'pose it's my dooty to go."
"Of course it is, Joseph," replied tin
wife, "and I'll p-t along all right. Billy
Grant will come over and do the chores."
John was Mr. Rexford's brother, another
branch of the Rexford family tree, which,
though not as gnarled aud knotty as Joseph
himself, still bore enough resemblance to
prove tlieir relationship beyond a doubt.
There has been as much of a repressed
and undemonstrative affection between
them as could be expected, and this com
bined with a sense of duty procured his ab
sence from home at this opportune moment
for the children.
Sucli an event had only occurred once or
twice in their life time before : oases in the
dreary desert of their experience, which
were looked bark wlih OHtgM.
"How long shall you be gone, Mr. Rex
ford ?" asked the wife. She could not
mourn for the brother-in-law whom she had
never seen but once, and whose attitude
then hail not been such as to inspire a flec
tion, and a faint hope was springing up in
her heart that for once the children could
have a holiday worthy of the name.
"Ten days anyhow,inebbe two weeks," lie
answered. "Tlie widder'llexpect me to set
tle up bis affairs more or less."
Ted looked at Nan with a grimanceof un
utterable delight ; if the father had seen it.
It is doubtful whether duty even could have
urged biiu from home, certainly not with
out administering a spanking all around.
"Get my tilings ready as soon as you can,"
he resumed, "for I want to catch the three
o'clock train, sure, and you, Ted, get the
hoss harnessed so'st to take me to the de
"Yess'r," replied Ted ; no danger but
that Ted would do his share, and bo on time
Nan was on band, like a Jack-in-the-lox,
to spring at every call, and bring the soap
and tbe towel, the blacking-brush ami whisk
broom, for Joseph Rexford loved to be
w..ited on, and his toilet for a journey long
or short, was the signal for a series of gym
nastics participated in by tlie whole family.
Halt-past two came, and Doll was at the
door, and Ted, with a very unbecoming
shade of happiness on his couutenaucb, held
tbe reins
"You'll want some money, 1 s'pose ?"
said Mr. Rexford,-graciously, for biiu, as he
drew on his overcoat. "There's five dollars,"
and he passed the precious morsel out from
a roll of greenbacks, gingerly : he was not
a poor man by any means, and could have
given her twenty-five just as easily.
"Yes, Joseph," she replied meekly, as she
tucked away tlie bill ; she did not intend he
should ever see it again, or an exhaustive
rejKirt of the uses made of it, either.
"Wall, good-bye, Jane," (he drew on his
gloves) "don't let the young ones run over
you while I'm gone."
"No, Joseph," she replied demurely, with
an inward smile.
He went out ; there was no silly demon
stration of affection at parting. A kiss from
those stern lips would have been an aston
ishment that the family would not have re
covered from in a week, and, getting into the
waiting sleigh, Old Doll moved away.
Nan turned a somersault ; she was a fine,
loving child, and would have been as happy
as a lark, under favorable circumstances
"Oh, goody, goody, goody !" she ex
claimed, in a glad soliloquy.
"Hush, Nannie," said the mother re
provingly, though in her secret heart she
could not blame the child for the ebullition.
Ted returned in due time, and the de
parture was an assured tiling, and the boy
already held up his head with an eccession
of self-respect, as he took his place as man
of tli - house. One week was only a short
time to plan in, but judicious effort can ac
complish much in even a week's time, and
Mrs. Rexford's plans werejehiefly in the line
of a merry-making, such a one as they had
never been allowed to have.
Her first move was a letter to a sister liv
ing twenty miles away, with an invitation
to spend Christmas at her home.
A visit, from Aunt Nan was a rare treat
to the children at any time, one which they
rarely enjoyed, however, for Aunt Nan and
Joseph Rexford were not congenial spirits,
she not being able to bottle tip her indignant
wrath when he exercised his peculiar gift
of government in her presence ; lie not rel
ishing ber "tneddlin'," as lie designated her
rather free use of lier tongue on occasions,
and so she wisely concluded that it was best
to see as little of the domestic economy as
possible, and kept away, to Mrs. Rexford's
mingled grief and relief.
T*ltly*H in tliiunoiiiitline, wnsflllod
with a great longing ; ho wanted t> inak>
the |atieiit little mother, whom lm love.l
with a tender, chivalrous devotion, a Christ
uias present.
In the thirteen years of his life he had no
remembrance of her receiving at Itristnias
gilt, and he was in nhrown study the great
er part of his time, planning and contriving
some way to surprise her with a present,
lint as yet no way had opened.
"Harness Poll, Teddy,and we'll no to the
\ illage to-day," said the mother one morn
ing. Teddy sniihsl knowingly as lie hurried
away to ohey her request, and in a sleut
time they were on their way. "Now you
mustn't follow me around," she said with a
smile, as they nenred the village; fed an
swered her with a knowing, yet longing
look, lie wanted to ask her f< r a hit of
"(tending money tor himself, yet tearing -B<-
would sus|tect, and knowing (that she had
little w it li w liieh to carry out her >\v u plans,
he wisely forehode.
••1 am going to the station to meet the ten
o'ehtek train, Tislily," sho saiil, as he was
hitching Doll "and you may n.oet me there
with the sleigh."
"Father isn't coming homo, isho ' said
Tsl, in consternation.
"No, dear," replied the mother, laughing
at his alarm, "but ! think there will be
somebody there, and she darted into a di\-
goods store, without explaining the mys
Ted went into another store to gel warm
and then amused himself wandering tip ami
down the street, looking into the shop \\ in
dows which were gay with t hristtnas
goods, and think what he would buy it lie
ha<l the means.
He sjicnt fully twenty live dollars in this
imaginary w ay, when lie observed a stranger
come out from one of the stores, and walk
away briskly.
He had a pleasant face, and step|ssl off
with the assured air ot one who is accus
tomed to having the good things of this lite.
It was a warm sunny day, and his heavy
overcoat was thrown jauntly open, and, as
he passed up the street he drew his hand
kerchief from an inside jHH-ket, and blew
his nose with a sonorous blast.
T.-.1 was watching ail this with Interest,
for tlu man's pleasant face had pleased his
childish fancy, and as tin' handk< rchil
came out the IH>V saw another oßjeet fly out
also and lodge in the dirty snow of the gut
ter, while thegentleuinii walked quickly on,
quite unaware of his loss.
Ted's first thought was that it was only a
piece of paper, and it did not occur to him
to investigate the matter, hut a second
thought scut him flying to the spot, where,
after some little search, he found a small
package wrappe*! in whin- pajer and deco
rated with an express lals-1 ; there was evi
dently a small Ihix within, ami Ted ran as
fast as his legs would carry him to restore
it to the owner.
That jaunty gentleman was geuio*
into a handsome sleigh as Ted turned the
corner, and away he wont.
"Mister, mister," screamed Ted at the top
of his voice, which the iiells drowned, and
then Began a race—Ted running for dear
life, the horses trotting along with no idea
that they were pursued.
The Iniy's legs did him good service, how
ever, and at last he succeeded in attracting
the attention of the driver. "What's this
my lad ?" he ssid kindly. "Want a ride
"N-n-no," panted Teddy, all out of Breath
"but you lost this sir, aud I picked it up."
ami he held up the package.
"Well, well, did I ever," said the gentle
man, hastily feeling in his pocket. "What
a careless trick. And so you've pretty near
run your legs oft" to catch me, eh !"
"I guess they're all whole yet, sir," re
plied Ted, with a stnilc,|aiid yet pulling with
the race.
He handed over the Box, while the stran
ger took out a fat |K>cket Book. "Christmas
is coming, my Imv, and may lie you'll like
an extra bit of surprise money," he said,
good-naturedly, as he handed out a live dol
lar bill to tlie astonished child.
"Oh, sir,that's ton much," aiul Ted offered
it Back, quite overwhelmed By such munifi
"Well, I don't know almiit that," said the
gentleman, "that IKJX contains a watch
worth two hundred dollars, By the time I
had advertised it and paid a reward, it
would have cost me double the amount Be
sides the chances of my finding it again: so
on the whole, I think I am rewarding yon
very moderately," and he Buttoned his o
vereoat over Box and pocket-liook resolute
ly, and prepared to drive on.
A whole arena of Christmas presents
danced through Ted's happy Brain, as he
thanked the generous gestleman for his
gift, and they parted with mutual good feel
"If I had such a father as that," solilo
quized tlie child, "what a good hoy I'd be."
"If I had an honest, bright-faced lmy like
that," said the gentleman, "what a happy
father I'd be."
T<*d had never Before kept a secret from
his mother, and it was the hardest work to
keep from telling his adventure, But se
crets were flying in the air apparently and
he held on tobis with true Christmas tena
He hal suspected By t.liis time who was
coming on the train, and he was on time at
the station with Doll he also wisely con
cluded to wait a Bit for her advice and as
sistance Before spending his wealth.
Aunt Nan stepped off the train when it
came in, looking rosier and jollier than
ever, Ted thought, as she hugged him up
close to her warm furs, and she had the fat
test satchel and the heaviest basket he had
ever lifteu.
There was a perfect jubilee of welcome
when the party reached home, and Aunt
Nan took her namesake and little .Jane into
her warm embrace, to their complete sur
prise, for they hail never dreamed of such a
happy arrival. "The little dears," said
Aunt Nan, as she and Mrs. llcxford made
several mysterious trips to the Barn return
ing with contraband bundles under their u
prous, "they shall have one Christmas, if
they never do another."
Such a mi rry-making the Rexford house
had never witnessed Before. Billy Grant
hail good-naturedly consented to go to the
woods and cut a small evergreen, which
was conveyed to the parlor secretly, and if
it was not as brilliantly lighted aud trimmed
as it might have been, it. was a wonderful
tre i, neve-t heh ss hung with popcorn,apph s
and oranges and gifts, until the children
were nearly wild with delight .when they
saw it.
>.'• j Wm SMrf M
fill •
i *
A long pail, full of some mysterious coin
pound, had Ix-eii sitting in a tub in tbe
woodshed carelessly covens! over with a
piece of carpet, and this was found to con
tain ic' i ream, and after all the other things
had Been distributed. It came iu, piled up
in delicious in ss<*B of froxt'ii on
Mrs. Rexford's lx-st eliina saucers, together
with the angels' fol which Aunt Nan had
Baked tliat day.
Mr*. Rexford actually tried with sur
prised delight when Ted gave her a lovely
plush wrrlr BoT. tin' tin* girt to* txi **v*r
lweii able to make Ber, and told his story of
tin- kind gentleman and hi* gold watch.
Poor tiling ! She had enjoyed little of mer
riment or gift-making since her marriage,
and she enjoyed this, as only a kindly,
cheerful heart, cramp'sl into space tar too
small for it, can enjoy liberty and love free
ly expressed.
"Mother," saiil Ted, when at a late hour,
Mrs. Rexford gathered her little lloek l<-
gethei for their evening prayers, "it al
ways seemed when 1 said '<Uir Heavenly
Father,' as if lie was stern and cross just
like father, But I think He must In- good or
He wouldn't a let its hod such a lovely
Christmas. "
"Teddy, ]>oor child." said Aunt Nan, and
her kindly Bright eyes were full ol tears,
"whatever comes dear Boy, don't forget
that whatever your earthly father may lx
your Heavenly Father is all tenderness and
love toward you."
Before Mr. Rexford's return, all traces of
the festivities were removed ; lie seemed
quite softened By the scenes through which
he had passed, and if he noticed any super
fluous articles about the house and stis
jiectisl their seouree, lie saiil nothing, and
the children never forgot their one "Merry
Christmas." Mhs, F. M. Howahu.
Itill Nye's Useful Suggestions.
I take tlie liberty once more of reply
ing to a few queries through your val
uable columns, says Rill Nye. in the
New York Eventny World.
Literateur, Yt. —No; skimniygillions
is not a proper word to use at tbe table.
1 do not know what it means, but it
will be better to use some other word
in the place of it. Many other words
are equally resonant and opaque with
out giving offense.
Veritas.—Rub the gummy side of
postage stamps on your hair a few
limes and it will prevent their slicking
together in your pocket or purse. There
is just oil enough in tbe Itair to coat
over the adhesive propel ties of tlie
stamps aud prevent their adhesion. A
friend of mine who lias hair tells me
that Ibis is tlie case.
Simmons, Philadelphia.—Yes if you
are the sternographer of a prominent
man, and act as lbs private secretary,
you are perfectly correct iu signing
your employer's name, "per Simmons."
It is not only etiquette,but it is euphon
Lalla Rookh, Tampa, Fla., writes to
know what be "should do to become a
fluent writer and correspondent V"
To become a fluent writer there is no
letter method, perhaps, than to hold
the nen lightly Between the thumb and
forefinger, allowing it to rest on the
first joint of the middle or large finger.
Let the arm rest easily on the fleshy
portion of the forearm, with the pen
holder pointing about due west Sii
erect, think a few thoughts, I lien clot tie
tlieui in such language as you feel that
in your circumstances jou can afford.
In clothing a thought, do not put so
much expense upon one particular gar
ment that the idea will have to go Be
fore the public in its shirtsleeves. In
ot lier words, make your clothing busi
ness hat tnoniotis and consistent.
'WITN KSM,' said a lawyer, iu the police
court the other day, 'you speak of Mr.
being well oft*. Is he worth S">,000 ?'
'No, sab.
'Two thousand
"No s.di : hain't worf §25.'
'Then how is he wll oft'?'
"Got a wife who s'ports de hull fain'ly
Events Thut Mark the Beginning of
in the World's History-Christ"
Orlglnund Associations.
Old Father Time has got his mile
stones. The firs tone of which we
have any account is the seveotlnlay—
the Sabliath.and that came down
to us from Mount Sinai. The Jews
finrt nrtrThcr one—ihr srvnuli *mr, n
year of least for the land, in which
they were forbidden to plow or to hoe,
to reap or to sow. And there was an
other, called the year of jubilee—tbe
fifteenth year in which tl e slaves were
set free and the lands were restored
to those who had sold them. We hear
now of leases tor ninety nine years.but
with the Jews all sides or leases ex
pired the forty-n ineth,or year of jubilee
There was great rejoicing when the
timecaiue for the children or tlie grand
children to get back the old homestead
of their ancestors.
But the most popular nud import
ant of all mile- stones is the anniver
svv of the birth of Christ. It is very
common every where to celebrate birth
d.ivs. Americans make a big fuss over
Wu shington's birthday because bo is
called the Father of His Country. Most
every family makes a little fuss over
the birthduvof the parents or children.
They don't toot horns or pop firecrack
ers, but they have an extra good din
ner and fix up some little present as
a pleasant surprise The 4th of July
was the birth of a nation audsothe na
tion always celt barted that day. But
Christmas belongs to all civilizedcoun is ablessed heritage and belongs
to all alike—the rich and the poor,the
boo and the free, the King and Lis
Christians began to observe Christ
mas about fifteen hundred years ago.
In course of time the young people
rather lost sight of the sacredness of
the dav and made it a day of feasting
and frolic. They sang songs because
it was that the shepherds saug songs
at Bethlehem. They made presents to
one another because the wise men from
the Fast brought presents to the
young child and its mother.
The Roman Catholic church has
observed this celebration for centuries
and tbe church of England took thein
aud so did the Protestants of Germany
and other countries. In a great print
ing of the Nativity, by Raphael,there
is seen a Shepherd at the door playing
a bagpipe. The Tyrolesc who live on
the mountain slopes of Italy come
down to the valleys on Christmas eve.
They come caroling sweet songs and
playing on musical instruments.
There used to be ninny curious
superstitions a bout Christmas.
It is beleived that an ox and
an ass that were near when
tiie Saviour wns born bent their knee
in devotion, nnd so the people believed
that all the domestic animals went to
prayer on Christmas night. They Be
lieved that when the rooster crowed
for midnight all the wizzurds and
Witches and hobgoblins and evil spirits
fled away from tb habitation of man
and hid in hollow trees and caves aud
deserted houses for twelve days.
Mr. Carlyle said that every nation
should have a hero aud should
I worship bim—not BH a God or in place
, of the truo God, but the uext thing to
it. He says it cements tbe people to
gether and ma ken them proud of their
country and couteut with their gov
criueul. This hero may be real cr
imaginary, but the people must be
lieve that he f ought for them or died
lor thein or was the founder of their
institutions or tluir religion. The an
cient Norsemen had Odin and Thor
for their heroes. The I'ersiaus had
their genii and their fairies; the Hin
doos their rukshar; the Greeks and
Romans their wonderful gods and
goddesses such as Jupiter und I.una
and Hercules nnd Vulcan nnd Neptune.
The mere enlightened a people he.
oomes, the more sublime are their
superstitions. The uncivilized In
dians are mystified, nnd can only "see
God in clouds aud hear liitn in the
winds." The native Africans have
cro codilcs and serpents und owls for
their gods. Some of them ofa higher
grade set their faith iu foxec and rab
bits and jaybirds. Down South tbe
good negroes used to tell tbe white
children stories at night about the tar
Imby,and tbe bear und the bee tree,
and foxes aud wolves, but the bad ne
groes told us about witches and ghosts
und Jack o'latteons und raw head and
bloody bones, and wo would listeu
until we didu T dure to look round,
and we wouldn't have gone from ihcir
cabins to the "big house" alone for a
world full of gold.
Napoleon said that nil tnen were
cowards by night, but it was those
old negroes that made us so aud our
generation has never recovered from
it. Christmas was a great season for
negroes in slavery times. It was a
feast and a frolic for a whole week—
and their children werifjust s good ti
the white children then and all frolick
ed together.
Rut at this joyous season there
should t>c nothing but love und kind
ness and good will. For twelve days,
il not more, let envv nnd hate malice
and selfishness all lie banished to cav
es and the wilderness.
Then H rich and merry Christmas to
the rich.
At. 1 a brig 11 and happy Christmas to
the poer.
So thi ir hearts are joyous it doesn't
matter which
Has the flue velvet carnet on the floor.
For riches bring a trouble wbeu they
And money leaves a pain when it
Hut everybody now should have a lit
tie sum
To brighten up the year at its close.
Death of an Eccentric it nil Mysterious
New Jersey Hermit.
• The death recently of Thomas Foster
of Sbamong township. Burlington
County. N.J. furnishes tbe people of
Mount Holly and i:eigbltoring villages
something further to wonder at and
discuss, says the New York World.
Foster was seventy years old, and was
km wn to his neighbors as "The Her
mit of the Fines." For fifty years he
had lived alone in the primitive little
log house in which be died, aud for a
great part of tbe time was known to In*
a miser. Hence little surprise was
manifested by those who found in an
old rhest In bis cabin bills and gold and
silver coins to a large amount.
When Foster, then a prepossessing
youth of twenty, appeared in Sbamong
township half a century ago and took
up bis abode in the little cabin with bis
dogs and books, the people wondered.
He possessed an excellent scholastic
education aud polished manners, and
soon bad many friends among his rural
ticighltors. Whv tie bad fled from cities
and bin ied himself in that out-of-the
way place he never told, but little by
little a story was woven for him, in
time-worn motive of disappointed love
was made lit to bis case, and be ceased
to le tin object of interest. Then it
came to le noised about that Foster
was a miser. The country people fell
away from him,and lie secluded himself
more and more until be was almost for
gotten. Surrounded by bis dogs., bis
mind buried iu bis bonks, with which
tbe cabin was plentifully supplied,days
would sometimes pass without his stir
ring abroad.
The howling of a dog attracted some
farmers to tbe little log but, and there
they found the hermit dangerously ill.
Accordingly the ovtrseer of the poor of
Med ford visited tbe cabin lor the pur
pose of removing tbe old man to the
•Take me to the almshouse?' be al
most shouted. 'Never! 1 have monev
to pay for taking care of me here, and
here ate the keva to that cheat. Open
it and you will find what 1 say is true.'
When tbe chest was opened, sure
enough, tbeie was tbe money as lie bad
said. The gold was neatly packed a
way in little bags. Tlie notes were
crisp and clean, tliougb'of the issue of
old State concerns long since become
national banks. Foster obstiniately re
fused to have a nurse, saying: "The
nurse would eat so much." Just before
the end came he raised himself on his
elbow, motioned convulsively toward
the old chest and fell back dead. The
cabin and the miser's effects were taken
in charge by tbe authorities. It is
\ bought that there may lie more money
secreted about the old structure
An effort will lie made to find his rel
atives in.Philadelphia, from which city
it is said be came to tbe pines.
Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance.
Charming Picture of a Virginia
Courtship by the New Vork
Tillies' Artist, If. J. W.V.
There are two kinds of proposals
common to the Liver's Walk at Sul
phur Springs. They are the proposal
serious and J.V proposal jocular. Tie
latter is also s i ions, hut. in a diplomat
is npproac!) to the subject, intended to
serve ag away of retreat if the oveiture
Ic not well received. According to
the ncccunt of one young lady, whose
invitations to promenade have created
destruction in her stock of shoe leather
and whose invitations to trot in har
ness have th*en in pro|Hirtion, the pro
posal jocular Is as follows :
Having discussed the weather, the
gertnan of the night before, the german
th tls to tie, and any other subjtcts
s.ilir ntlv of service, and having, as they
sav in Kentucky, grown "nodger and
nodger," tlie young man begins, in an
off-hand way ;
'Looks hyere. Miss Mamie, has enny
feller lieen a proposiu' t' you this sea
son V'
Why, I reckon somebody'd orter
give you a chance,'
I reckon somebody will if 1 want
in in to.'
'Oil, then there Is a somebody.'
'Wouldn't you like to know ?'
*1 "would that. Thar ain't, now, is
there ? You're jest a funnin'.'
She looks coyly away, with an amus
ing smile.
•lie aiu't no better lookin' than I
am, is he V'
She thoughtfully and critically an
swers that there ain't no choice.
'Cos I reckon I might do some talkju'
myself ef tliar was any chance.'
He docs or does not as she pulls the
string*. The Southern voung man is
not slow, but lie is no match for his
keen companion.
The proposal serious is then suit of
perhaps a week of tender companion
ship. The young man, whose feelings
have gradually liecouie too much for
him. eats his morning hominy in a very
ai-stracied way, with fiequeiit turnings
to see if she has arrived at her place at
the table. After breakfast lie walks
the piazza in a somewhat uneasy state,
his mental concentration interfering
somewhat with Ids digestion. About
this period in his entanglement she is
very likely to be occupied with some
other gentleman, having detected the
signs of imminent explosion on his
ll*i rutins boldly in, however,
and she, after going over a multitude
of engagements, finally lielieves that
she can walk just a hllle while with
him that afternoon. They walk. No
sooner have they tinned tlie corner by
the cottage than he says :
'l've been want in' to see you very
much. Miss Margie, all th' afternoon.
I-I've'something very particular I'd
like to say to you, Miss Margie.
' d!' she says. She is very much
surprised. She is the most surprised
girl, apparency, in the whole state of
West Virginia.
'When 1 come down hyere,' lie lo
gins. Then he halts. 'l—a—l've known
a good many young ladies. Miss Mar
gie. and a—the a—the matter I was go
in' to sj>eak to you about .' He is
quite confused.
1 here is a small thick silence for a
moment as they stroll idly along, while
a small green frog jumps nimbly out of
the way, confident that in the preoccu
pation of the pair lie is likely to be
stepjed on.
'What I was goin' to say,' he re
sumes, clearing bis throat, 'is —ah —
that I've been Ihitikiu' that every, that
is, that all young people ought to mar
ry young. Hid—ah —did yon ever feel
that-away, Miss Margie ?'
Miss Margie aosen't Know. She has
suddenly grown miles away from him
in her silence, lie makes a plunge.
'D'you think you could like a feller
like me. Miss Margie—well enough to
marry him, I mean ?'
'Oil ' says Miss Margie,greatly taken
aback. 'Maw says I'm too young to
marry. She wouldn't bear to it. Don't
you—don't you think that suiphur wa
ter's horrid stuff ?'
Her ideas concerning sulphur water
are a little vague just then,but be man
ages to agree and to make inquiries
concerning her intentions regarding the
ball that evening. The conversation
then grows halting and awkward, and
tliey shortly return. She breathes a
sigh of relief as she smiles good-by, and
he wildly goes in search of some small
and secretive darkey, whom he hires to
kick him thoroughly, not being able to
perform that office tor mimself, and
naturally desiring something of the
kind to relieve bis overwrought feel
Explosion of a Bird.
Newton Tabor was digging a well at
Pilot Point, Tex. To blast out the
rock he used dynamite enclosed in
snial' metalic capsules. In the course
of his operations he deposited an open
box cf these dangerous capsules at the
foot of a tree near where he was work
ing. A ladder leaning against the tree
reached up to a mockingbird's uest con
taining a voung brood. Ilis ten-vear
old son, Dick, with a couple of the cap
sules in his hand, ascended the ladder,
and, discovering the young birds with
distended mouths, boy-like dropped the
capsules, one at a time, in one bird's
mouth. They forthwith disappeared in
the bird's craw. This rendered the
bird uncomfortable, and in a struggle
for relief it fell from the nest. Upon
striking the ground an explosion oc
ocurred which tore up the earth, dump
ed a quantity of the loose dirt and the
fragments of rock piled around into the
well, and came near killing Mr. Tabor,,
who was working down lieiow. The
boy fell from the ladder and was badly
hurt, suffering the fracture of some
bones. This shows what a boy will do
when he gets a chance.
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The New Year.
Only a garland of withered leaves:
Only the wall of the wind, that grieves
Over the dying year,
sadly we listen onr heart* are full,
A* we stand on the year's dim verge to eull
All memories swoet and dear.
As the sunset's flush In tho western skiea
Deepen* in spleudor aa daylight (lies,
KM Ihe glow of the holy-llde
Touches with lingering tender grace
The fading smile on the old year's face—
The fuoe it has glorified.
Under the garland of withered leaves,
J,uilcd hy the wail of the wind that grieves,
I*sleeping spring's fairy train:
And gayi> Its ladder of stars there climbs
The musical peal of the new year's chimes.
Bringing hope to onr hearts ag&ir.
The Old and the New.
One year more Is quickly numbered
W Ith the ages of the past.
And we scarcely heed the moments
As they pass us by so fast.
'Elulifyseven, so old bat honored,
Shares his predecessors' fate:
Yields his throne to youth and beauty.
Welcome to thee, 'Klgbtyelght f
A Famous Confederate Genet al.
Gen. Longstreet is writing a book on
the war, says a letter from Gainsville,
Ga. As he finishes a chapter he sends
the manuscript to Washincton to have
nit dates and figures verified from the
official records. 'I expect both sides to
pitch into me,' he says, 'and I am tak
ing time to be certain of my state
There is little doubt both sides 'will
pitch iuto him' if he writes as he talks.
Frankness is one of the General's
strong characteristics. But no element
of recklessness enters intothe operation
of his mind, lie is outspoken but de
literute. Ilis life since the war has
been such as to relieve him of prejudice
in favor of the side be fought on. He
is 'out of politics entirely,' to quote his
own language, and out of affiliation
with his old army associates. But at
the same time there is no trace of dis
appointment, of malice, of bitterness
in his manner. Under such conditions
lie si's down to write his narrative of
the war. And it will lie history.
11-* fig ltd the life of a soldier from
the tune he entered West Point up to
the. lime the states seceded, Longstreet
stepped into almost the highest position
at the very outset of the civil war, and
he saw hard and continuous service to
the end. It was Longstreet's corps
which, on the second of the three day's
fighting on and about Chickamauga,
jumped from the cars on which tbey
had come all the way from Virginia,
15,000 strong, and rushed into battle
from Ringgold, enabling Bragg to
drive Kosecrans pack on k Chattanooga.
It was I/Oiigstreet's corjws that cov
end the retreat of Lee at Gettysburg.
It was Longstreet everywhere iu Vir
ginia, from Bull Ruu to the end, and
then at Appomattox Longstreet was
11>e one selected by Lee as tbe ranking
tfi . i to go and arrange the prelim
inaries of surrender.
The moist atmosphere of New Or
leans gave Geu. Longstreet the rheum
atism, which was aggravated a good
deal probably by a bad wound received
in the storming of Cbapultepec. Since
he came to Gainsville his health bas
improved. He is a busy man at 66. A
short distance out of 'tire metropolis of
northeast Georgia,' as tbe city is called,
the genera) has a farm of one hundred
acres, with a large old-fashioned man
sion. The house stands on an eleva
tion in the midst of trees and shrub
bery. From tbe upper gallery there is
a grand view of mountain scenery,
Ketmesaw and a dozen other wooded
(teaks being in view. Tbe general's
farming is confiued mainly to the care
of a vineyard of scuppernongs, and
other varieties of grapes, to which he
gives a good deal of personal attention.
Gainsville is a popular summer resort
tor the gulf states. The altitude in
sures a right temperature which often
sends the new-comer prowling around
at 2 o'clock in tbe morning for more
There are iron and sulphur springs
scattered through the mountains. Peo
ple who have ills, and people who im
agine they have, summer here for the
waters. Some years ago a Minnesota
man came down here and built a large
hotel, the General furnishing some of
the capital. Tbe property fell into the
general's hands in the course of time,
lie has usualiy rented it. This year be
opened it, and has had a great colony
of summer boarders from the low coun
try to lock after. A son attends to the
details, but the general comes in from
his vineyard every day to see that his
guests are comfortable.
At the battle of tbe Wilderness a
ball tore through his right shoulder,and
the wound left the arm partially para
lyzed. For a long time after the war
lie could only wiite by moving his
whole arm for each stroke of the pen,
and even then had to assist the stiff- '
ened member with bis left hand. Con
cluding that this would never do, he set
to work to learn to write with his left
band, and now does all bis extensive
correspondence and literary woik in
that way.
lie looks his improved health. His
face is ruddv. His eyes are bright and
he walks firmly. The long, heavy
whiskers are as white as snow. His
publishers have put him uuder injunc
tions not to talk about the contents of
the book.
One Cent.
It is almost impossible to attach any
importance to one cent, but at the same
time it is a very important coiu at
times, says au exchange. It will take
a circular toCalifornia and it will make
you madder than a hatter and a March
bare combined when you go to pay
your fare on a horse-car and find that
you have but four cents and a ten dol
lar bill. One cent is very small, but
when it is added to tbe rate of interest
you receive on a stock, it possesses a
stern, magnificent grandeur that car
ries you away like a strain of music.
The penuy, it seems, was made to put
on church plates ; and, although a
may say it amounts to nothing, he
strike matches and lift mats and crawl
about in the straw of a horse-car to find
the one he drops. It is so small a coin
that you have to take off your glove to
take hold of it in your pocket, and yet
it is so large that when the baby swal
lows it, the chances of tbe baby's living
are sometimes not worth a cent. Al
though one cut is less than ten cents,
yet one cent is a great dea' larger than
a dime. Many a man bas gone thirsty
all day with four cents in his pocket.
For the want of that one cent tbe four
were as useless as tbe eleven men on a
jury who are held out against by one.