Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, December 01, 1887, Image 2

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    iu SHilthfira iSournat.
r ■ „!" ~ p.. i , TiiV . *
Published by R. A. BUMILLER
JAKE SHARP, the rank boodle alder
man or New York, has been granted
a new trial and will not just yet go to
the pentitentlary.
ing the coming session of congress re
reside in Washington and will bo the
correspondent to the New York Star,
a staunch democratic newspaper.
ENGLAND has its share of American
pugilists this past. Sullivan,
the renowned slugger, and Kilrain,
his ambitious rival,both are over there
to gather honors with their muscles.
PRESIDENT Cleveland's annual mes
sage will likely be finished this week.
Although there is not a bit of doubt
that the document will contain the
the most practical and statesmanlike
views on all important national ques
tions which will be well worth read
ing, it will likely be as lengthy as
most Presidential messages are and
thus forfeit the close perusal ot the pub
lic. Brevity seems to be the popular
AN fconemicallndianafarmer named
Hayes recently bestowed upon the
Methodist Episcopal church $130,000,
the amount cf his savings for years.
To be sure or having the money dis
posed as he wishes, he gives it in his
life time, only asking that an annuity
of SSOO be settled upon him for the re
mainder of his life. The Board of Mis
siou has fixed the annuity at SI,OOO for
Mr. Hayes and SSOO for his wife. At 5
percent, interest the'board will net
$3,000 a year after paying the annuities
so it seems to have a very good thiug
of the bequest already.
HONOR to whom honor is due. Even
Republicans graot that Pension Com
missioner Black has matters in his de
partment in better condition than they
bad ever been before. 2s ot since the
pension bureau is in existence have
all the claims and other business con
nected with the bureau been disposed
of as promptly as since the beginning
of the democratic administration. A
great bulk of work which had been
left undone by predecessors and had
accumulated to an astonishing degree
was cleaned up and the office work
now consists of the daily routine work.
TARIFF REVISION will form the
principal question for discussion in
the new congress, and the fact that
Mr. Carlisle will doubtless be elected
again as speaker is an assurance that
be will be the leader of a movement
to give the country both tariff revis
ion and revenue reduction to far as
the business interests of tbe country
require it. Tbe bellowing ol Repub
lican nrenns nbont *"**
Democrats to force free-trade doctrines
upon the country is simply bosh and
shows that these papers are bard up
for some thing better and more sensi
ble to talk about The Democratic
congressmen who have the good of
the country euid the success of their
party at heart, know as well as the
Republicans that Uncle Sam's domain
could not esist under free-trade, and
that any party, that advocates free
trade principals is bound to be defeat
ed and snowed under. They will
consequently move very carefully in
the matter and will only favor sucb
legislation as w ill protect rlabor and
reduce uneccessarv high revenues.
IT was a sad day for Brigadier Gen
eral James Madison Tuttle of lowa
when that illustrious warrior raised
that row over tbe invitation of Pres
ident Cleveland to visit St. Louis at
the time of the grand encampment of
tbe G. A. R. in that city. That un
fortunate procedure of his lost him tbe
respect of bis soldier comrades and be
may lose his pension through the bad
eminence which it has given him.
It seems that some ooe has notified
the pension office at Washington that
General Tuttle secured bis pension
through a misrepresentation of facts.
The ground upon which tbe pension
was granted is that General Tuttlo is
afflicted with hernia caused by his ex
ertions at tbe siege of Fort Donelson.
The information now laid before the
commissioner of pension is to the effect
that Gen. Tuttle suffered from hernia
before he entered tbe army, and that
the injury neyer at any time amounted
to disability. '*
Geberal Tuttle's pension was grant
ed under the "arrears-of pension" act
and he drew some ss,oooas arrearage.
The commissioner of pension ought
not to be a respecter of persons and it
is bis duty to inquire into the truth of
tbe allegation concerning tbe manner
in which tbe pension was obtained.
If be should find that it was Eecured
by false or fraudulent evidence he
should not hesitate Jo annul it and re
quire General Tuttle to make restitu
tion.— Patriot.
Report from the General Postofllce.
WASHINGTON, Noy. 28.—The report
of the third assistant posimasler gener
al for the past fiscal year gives the fol
lowing information : Tbe total ordina
ry postal revenue of the year amounted
to §48,138,273.49. The revenue from
money order business was $719,335.46,
making a total revenue of $43,837,609.
30. The total expeuditures for the year
including actual and e3timated*liabih
ties, amounted to $51,123,252, showing
a deficit in tbe revenues of $4,285,642,-
Tnr reports from different parts of the
United States about the weather on last
Sunday sound very eccentrie and show an
astonishing variety of temperature. Snow
was falling thick and fast down at Memphis
and the below zero-temperature was dee
orating St, Paul with icicles while Nine
teenth District Officer Keegan, the Fallstaff
of the Philadelphia police force was look
ing at the ttighy mercury in the lVnnsyl
vania Hospital thermometer and felt his
starched collar melt. He smiled his broad
est smile when the cold wave tiag went up
on the pole on the Post Office dome and he
was told that the wave would arrive in
town to-day.
High up on the big dome the mercury
reached 70 degrees and it was several *l
groos hotter down on the street. The mean
temperature of the day was 01 degrees, an
excess of 21 degrees over the mean tempera
ture for November 27 for fifteen years.
The weather was eccentric all over the
country. At the signal service tower at
Jacksonville, Kla., it was 70 and at St Yiu
oont, Minn., it was 10 degrees below zero.
New York's highest was 00 degrees, while
Cincinnati registered 38. Boston's record
was 00, and Atlanta's reached 70. Chicago
was down to 14 and St. Louis was two
notches higher. The wind and rain kept
the mercury down in that region and
in IVtroit where is was 36 degrees.
now in Chicago where he will attend a con
terenceof the leaders of the Prohibition par
ty from all parts of the United States. This
conference which is to lie hchl on Wednes
day,will determine upon a place for holding
the next National Prohibition Convention.
Regarding the actiouofthat convention Mr.
St. John says : "I do not anticipate any
great contest In the convention, as the gen
eral concensus of opinion seeius to bo that
General Clinton B. Fiske, of New Jersey,
will capture the nomination. Cleveland and
Blaine will lead the ranks of the Democrats
and Republicans respectively next year, the
only contingency to prevent it being that
of death. There is a lot of rot appearing in
the newspapers about the impossibility of
Blaiue's nomination, his declination, etc.
I tell you Blaine wants the nomination, the
Republicans want him to have it aud he
will get it." Mr. St. John does not claim to
speak by the card, of course, but he thinks
he knows what he is talking about anil jier
haps hedoes. It may lie interesting to some
to know that the Kansas leader thinks his
party "will have the same standing in the
cani)>aigu of 1888 that the Republicans had
in 1836, but it has a principle which appeals
more strongly to the hearts and consciences
of the people than tl.e Republicans had
then. The Prohibition party is the only
one that presents any issue to the country."
But what of those then which oppose Prohi
bition ? l)o they uot offer an 'issue,"too ?
(From our regular correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, D. C., NOV. 29, 1887
Already 1 have reported to you the cur
rent capital gossip concerning the Cabinet
changes—that Mr. Lauiar will be transla
ted to the Supreme Bench, that Postmaster
General Vilas is to succeed him, and that
Mr. Dickinsou of Michigan will bo the hit
ter's successor. Still another rumor is that
Mr. Whitney expects to resign from the
Cabinet unless his health greatly improves
within the next two months, his friends
claiming that a man of the vast wealth and
great social prominence of the present Sec
retary of the Navy, cannot a (lord to endan
ger his existence by further devoting him
self to the onerous duties incumbent upon
Many New York Democrats were ex
tremely solicitous for tlie I'resideut to go to
his olil home at Buffalo aud vote in the late
that he did not gratify public expectation
in that respect. Rut the President had a
good reason for absenting himself,as he had
learned from trustworthy sources, that his
presence at the polls would have been the
occasion of an undignified and unseemly
demonstration on the part of a club of in
tensely partisan Republicans, as it was
their unpatriotic purpose to challenge Mr.
Cleveland's right to vote, on the ground
that he is not a resident of Buffalo.
In view of this exposed conspiracy, it is
doubtful if Mr. Cleveland again votes dur
ing his Presidency, and when his motive is
understood, it will be applauded by all un
biased minus.
Messrs. Carlisle aud Randall are both in
the city, and while neither is willing to
take the pubNc into his confidence, through
the medium of the press, it is highly proha
hie that these great leaders may have an in
formal conference before the meeting of
Congress, with the view of making the two
witigs of the Democracy flap together on
the tariff question, in tbe language of Mr.
Randall during a speech in the Forty-ninth
The forthcoming report of Secretary Fair
child is awaited with no ordinary degree of
interest by the financial world, as it is ex
pected that he will Lake advanced ground
on the questions of the Treasury surplus,
and the silver currency That the Secretary
is laboriously and carefully applying him
self to the important undertaking that de
volves upon him, is evidenced by the fact
that to accomplish it he has for several days
confined himself to the privacy of his home,
in order not to be diverted from his work
by visitors to the Department.
Secretary Lamar in his report, which is
completed but not yet published, recom
mends that the Inter-State Commerce Com
mission lie detached from the Interior De
partment and made directly resjionsible to
Congress or the President for its acts, as at
present the Secretary of the Interior only
officiates in the capacity of disbursing offi
cer for the Commission —it appearing that
he has no jurisdiction over that body at all.
There is a great pressure of business at
the General Land Office in the way of issu
ing agricultural patents, 2400 having been
made out during the past month, and others
In course of preparation will increase the
numlier to 5,000 for the month of November,
which almost outrivals any previous record.
The balance of power in the United States
Senate is lodged with the rollicking Itid
dleberger, the Senator from Virginia, who
holds in the hollow of his hand the political
future of three Democratic claimants to seats
—Messrs. Lucas & Faulkner, of West Vir
ginia, and Mr. Turple, of Indiana. Senator
Riddleberger states that he will endeavor
to act as conscientiously in these controver
sies as if he were on the Supreme Bench of
the United States.
The Republican Senate has more than
enough chairmanships to go around—there
being forty-seven Senate committes to only
thirty eight Republican Senators, and so it
is likely that the majority party will very
generously bestow the nine surplus places
ou their Democratic brethren.
I give honor to whom it is due.
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
cured me of Bright's disease and Grav
el. Four of the best physicians had
failed to relieve me. I have recom
mended it to scores of people with like
success, and know it will cure all who
try it.—Mra. E. P. Mizner, Burg Hi'l,
O. Send 2-c. stamp to Dr. Kennedy,
Rondout,N. Y., for book how to cure
Kidney, Liver and Blood Disorders.
Mention this paper. 46-4t
Miscellaneous News.
A Tdrdnto man had a very singular
battle th 6 other day from which he re
tired beaten. He had captured a crow
in a field and was proceeding home
when he was beset by hundreds of the
birds and although he used a club en
ergetically he was compelled to seek
tiie protection of a shed.
They tell of a man in one of the
Western States who goes through the
country gathering cream, and when he
has secured the proper quautity returns
home. On the way he couuecta the
churning gear, and as he drives along
the churning goes on, and when he ar
rives there is nothing to do but take
out the butter and draw oil the butler
Head Crushed by u Horse.
PLAINFIELD, NOV. '23.—The five
year-old daughter of M, A. Hallenback,
a farmer, while piajing In the stable
yesterday, was kicked by ahorse, which
then stepped on her bead, crushing the
skull. The child lost over au ounce of
brains.but is still Hlive and there are good
hopes of its recovery. Site is conscious
and apparently free from distress.
A Girl Mangled by a Vicious Cow.
—A ferocious cow belonging to Jacob
Green attacked one of hi* daughters
yesterday, and before the girl could be
rescued she was badly injured. The
girl was trampled In the tuud and her
face was horribly mutilated, her mouth
having been caught by tho cow's horns
and toru open trom ear to ear.
Barn and Stock Burned.
NORRISTOWN, NOV. 26.—Early this
morning the large stone and frame
barn on the Shaffer farm, tenanted by
I. M. D,Ralph and situated uear Sandy
Run Station, in Springfield township,
was completely destroyed by fire to
gether with the contents. Eleven hors
es and seventeen cows perished In the
flames. The loss is about $25,000.
A Point for the Miners.
WILKESBARRE, Pa., Nov. 28.—The
eviction caaea of the Stout Coal compa
ny, of Milnesville,against striking min
ers has been decided in favor of the
miners. Judge Woodward granted a
rule to strike off judgments entered by
the company for dispossessing thestrik*
ing tenants. The men will under these
rulings, hold possession of their houses
during the remaining time of the strike
and cannot be evicted.
Taimnnny Favors New York.
NEW YORK, NOV. 27.— Tbe board of
sachems of the Tammany society, or
Columbian order met in Tammany
ball yesterday and considered the */frr
aid's suggestion that the democratic
national convention in I SBS he held in
this city. The board unanimously a
greed that the convention should be
held in this city and adopted a resolu
tiou tendering to the democratic nation
al committee the use of Tammany hall
for its session.
ILUu Bring* ,lov
PITTS BURG, NOV. 26 —A steady rain
all day gladdened the hearts of the coal
operators and miners along the Monon
gahela river and gave renewed hopes of
a rise in tbe rivers sufficient to allow
the shipment to the west of the 8,000,-
00C or 10,00,0000 bushelsof coal lying in
the harbor and pools. There have been
no shipments to the lower porta since
last June and the mines have been
closed on account of the scarcity of
craft, all the boats being loadeds.
Death of Barnuni's Rhinoceros.
BRIDGEPORT. Conn., Nov. 26,—The
large rhinoceros which was so severely
burned at the great fire at Barnum's
winter quarters last Sunday died from
the effects of its injuries. All efforts
to save its life proved of no avajl. The
carcass and those of the elephants and
lions will be aeut to Ward's Museum
to-day, where they will be mounted.
Mr. Barnum haa decided to rebuild the
winter quarters here and will out up
three buildings to replace the one
burned in order to separate the stock.
More numbs In Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 27.—A dyna
mite bomb was taken to the Fifteenth
District Police station in Frankford
yesterday. Three hoys, who took It
there, found it along the shore of
Frankford creek near the dummy
bridge. It wasthrown thereby William
Coates, a dealer in old Iron be bought
and threw it in the creek, believing it
to be the best way of gelling rid of It
This is the seoond b>mb found this
week and an investigation has been
ordered by the authorities.
The Coal Business Rooming.
PITTSBURG, November 28. Not
since the palmy days of the war, when
miners in the anthracite coal fields
made from $5 to $lO a day,has there
been such prosperity in the coal regions
as prevails here at the present time.
For twelve years past the miners of
this section did not know what It was
to work full time. Now they work day
and night. The lesult Is more money
in circulation then ever before. Bus
iness of all kinds is booming and many
new industries are being started.
She Fights Her Own Battle.
PLAINFIEID, NOV. 28.— Miss Emma
J. Porter's term as postmaster of Sem
erville will expire on December 17. She
is a candidate for reappointment, and
she has gone to Washington laden with
letters and credentials from many of
the prominent democrats in Somerset
county. She is a very One looking'woman
has an attractive face, a graceful
figure and mornver is a brilliant talker.
That she has gone to bring these ad
juncts of victory to bear upon Presi
dent Cleveland is considered unfair by
the four other candidates. Betting is
lively on tbe result, and odds are given
that she will receive the ..appointment.
The salary is SI,BOO.
Two Sticks mid a llrick Coat s'2oo.
New York, Nov. 28. William M 7
Kensbusch, of Weyer's Cave Augusta
county, Va., has written to Police
Superintendent Murray detailing nis
experience with New York "green
goods" men. Me sent S2OO to a fellow
in this city, for which lie was prom
iaed $10,8(H) in greenbacks. He received
a valjae all right, but instead of the ex
pected money there was nothing In it
but two sticks and a brick. Mr. Kens
busoh offers Superintendent Murray
half of the money if he recovers it for
A Woman Training for a I'ilze Flghi
PittsßUßO, November 28.— A novel
pugilistic contest is ex|*ected to lake
place here soon. Mrs. Alice Robson, the
wife of a painter at Urofton Station,
near this city, wanted to fight Hattie
Siewatt, the female champion. Mrs.
Hobson is about 27 and the mother of
two children. This is tier second hus
band. She is ready to fight the Stewart
woman for SI,OOO a side. "Tom" Con
tiers, the wrestler, is her Trainer. She
receives four lessons a week. Mrs. Rob
son and her husband own property
worth SIO,OOO,
Kxcltliig Fires In Pittsburg.
PITTSMURO, November 26.— Fire
broke out in i he cabinet shop of Guckert
A Co., Straw berry and Cherry alleys,
this afternoon and entirely destroyed
the building and contents. The shop
was a four-story brick structure and
filled witb iutUmmable materials. The
tire started In the shaving pit,located in
the cellar,and running up the shaving
chute and elevator well was cariied to
each floor of the building in a few miu
utea. Sixty men were employed iu the
building. Four of them were cut off
from the stairway by the tlames, lost
their presence of mind and jumped from
the wiudows of the top tloor to the
A Train-Jumper Killed.
ALLKNTOWN, November 20. Henry
Rehrig lost his life yesterday in at
tempting to get on a moving coal train
on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Hail
road, at Ilazirds Station, a few miles
above Slaiington. He wanted to ride
from ilazirds to Bomansville, a dis
tance of two miles. About 7 o'clock in
the morning he made two attempts to
board the train, but was not success
ful. A bystander cautioned him to be
ware, but be paid no attention and
made the third attempt. He missed
his footing and was thrown under the
train and had both legs cut off, one be
low the knee and the other close to the
his joint. He died a few hours ister iu
terrible agony. He resided near Haz
ards and foMowed boating for a living.
He was ab ml 35 years of age and leaves
a wife and four children.
When Baby *a tick, we gave her Caatoria,
When ahe waa a Child, she cried for Caatoria,
When ahe became Miaa, ahe clang to Caatoria,
When aba had Children, ahe gave them Caatoria
Mother and Two Children Perish In
Tlieir Burning Dwelling.
EVANSVILLE, Ind., Nov. 26.—News
of the horrible death of Mrs. Martin
and her two children, in Henderson
county,Ky., just reached thia city. She
lived io a small log cabin near Dela
ware. Wednesday nigl.t, upon retiring
a small tire was burning in the woods
about the cabin, but they felt no alarm.
During the latter part of the night a
stiff wind arose and the flimes soon
surrounded the cabin of the sleepers.
When they awoke the whole front end
of the house, the only means of egress,
was a mass of (lames. Their screams
when they realized their horrible posi
tion attracted some distant neigh
bors, who arrived too late, as the un
fortunate woman and her children had
been burned alive.
A Terrible Cave-In at the Humtnela
town Stone Quarries.
A cave-in of earth and stone at the
Htimmelstown brown stone quarries
Tuesday afternoon about 3 o'clock re
sulted in the death of four men and in
jury to another. The quarries are about
three miles east of Hummelstown, and
in their operation nearly 1,000 men and
boys are employed. There are three ex
cavations,and the one In which the
accidc>nt occured is known as No. 1,
situated between the others. The de
scending avalanche Increases in volume
as it rushes into the shaft,and before
the men thought, of danger the entire
mountain side seemed to be rent as
under, and under its inconceivable
weight the bodies of at least five men
were buried. The extent of the cave
in is about 100 feet in diameter and
fully 50 feet deep. Men were set to
work at once to save the buried work
men if possible,and two hours after Mr.
buyer was found,he having beenunder
eight feel of debris.
Escape of Two Desperate Convicts
Handcuffed Together.
CIIESMEK, 111., Nov. 25.—A gang of
eight convicts handcuffed together in
pairs and shackled to a chain arrived in
this city Wednesday night on the night
train bound for the penitentiary. They
were in charge of Chief of Police
Rabbitt, of Jacksonville, and two depu
ty sheriffs. Among them were Charles
Galilor and Charles Wyatt, negroes,
each with a six years' sentence for
highway robbery.
These men were shackled together
when the train stopped at the depot
and when the officers were taking the
gang off, Gahlor and Wyatt, who bid
managed to loosen themselves from the
chain, sprang off the platform on the
side of the tiain opposite the depot,and
still handcuffed together disappeared In
the darkness.
Before a search could be instituted
they had gotten a good start and as yet
no trace of them has been found.
Their Organ Inl (mat oh 1 hat There May
he Trouble If a Meeting It Sup
Ciiicaoo, Nov, '2B.— The Arbeiter
Zeitung of Sunday speaking of the an
archist meeting for Dec. 10 says tbat
the turners' resolution of some days
since pledging themselves to protect
freedom of speech, indicates that no at
tempt to crush out the meeting will be
successful. It adds :
Those were the true turners I hat
spoke In that strain, nnd we entertain
the llrm hope those turners who are in
the minority ao-called conservative so
cieties will sound on this question ;
that they will know where their place
is if any body, whoever it may be.
should make a frivolous, treasonable
attempt deserving death—to out
rage the rights of the people. But
it will uot come to this.
The article goes on to say that the
citizens' association will not let it come
to this for lack of courage, and that
the organize ion would not si soon
after the 11th day of November "pro
voke a riot, the termination of which
would be at least doultlul,"
A Young American Who Sacrificed
Ills Life to the Code In France.
PARIS, November 27'— Mr. Thomas
Potter, an American, twenty-two years
old. was insulted by M. George Car
mona a few days ago in the course of a
conversation about a lady, and in con
sequence he fought a duel with pistols
at twenty-five paces, in the forest of
St. Germain, both antagonists being
wounded, M. Carmona in tbeankleand
Mr. Potter iu the right side. Yesterday
Mr. Potter died of his wound at his
residence No. 3 Rue Weber, near the
Bois de Boulogne.
Mr. Potter's death causes profound
emotion In the Amcricau colony. Duel
ing oelng a recognized institution In
France, little attention is ever paid to
duels unless there is > fatal result, In
which case the killer only runs the risk
of nominal punishment, perhaps two or
three days' arrest. Carmona . express
es the greatest regret at the fatal re
sult. Thomas Potter was a young
amateur athlete, who often won prizes
In foot races. He is an only son and
leaves a mother and sister. Miss Maude
Potter, to mourn his premature death.
A Young Woman Alive and KuflVrlng
Front u Wound Like Garfield's.
Mifflintown, NOV. 27. —Lizzie
Reesinger, the yjung Jady of 14 whom
Daniel Codßr, her cousin, mutderously
assaulted at her home iu Academia, on
Wednesday night of last week, and who
was thought to be fatally wounded, bas
been pronounced out of danger by tha
attending physician. Tbe ball entered
her body directly beneath tbe seventh
rib. passing downward and backward,
lodging near the spinal column, where
it still remains. One kidney is affected
atid (he spi.ial cord slightly injured.
Alleffoits to locate the ball thus far
have proven futile. The wound is
■Li'iHvt tn that of tho l'o PrraMaut
Garfield, and if cutting is resorted to
the same results are to be apprehended.
In the event of her recovery she will
in all probability, be a cripple for life.
Coder bas not yet given a true mo
tive for the crime.except tbat be claims
that they were engaged to be married,
but the young lady disclaims all knowl
edge of such a fact and declares that
he was never an accepted suitor. Coder
will be taken before a Justice of the
Peace on Monday ar.d information will
be made against him.
f J/ m ERIK, PA.,
I w/S' ' for rlmiiara. The heat ec-hoo!
I Jy Ay y /S) in America. Fall term begins
V/ l/l/LAS Aug. Sol Mention this paper.
IN ONE MINUTE, that weary,
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■ Hack and Loins, Achlug I!ipsuud Hides,
Uterine Pains, Weakness, and Inflammation, ts
relieved aud speedily cured by tho I'tilieura
Anll-Pfeln Plaster, n new, original, elegant and
infallible antidote to pain and tnfiamin.itlon. At
all druggists, 2>c ; five for $1.00; or of Potter
Drug and Chemical Co.. Boston.
AAr-rVVYi! | cxpcnenco in the
I*l t* L" i - I preparst ion of mors
pj| than One Hundred
MB Tho-.tsar.l n--dicaUons for patents in
|Q ■ tlio United Mate* and Foreign conn.
Kj I tries, tiio publishers of the Scienltfio
XJtv American continue to act as solicitors
HI | for patent*, caveats, trade-mark*. copy
aaaammi right*, eio.. for the United Stale*, and
to obtain patenM ■rt Canada, Kngland, France,
Oerinanv, and n'l other conntrica Their c*peri
ence it unoijualcd and thoir facilities are uusur
Drawings and peoifioatione prepared and filed
In tbe l'atonl Odioo 0:1 short notice. Term* very
reaxonable. No rlitrce for esamination of inodcis
Of drawing* Advn-o iijr mail free
Paiontx obtani'-d Ihrnugh Mnnn.tCo.are not iced
In tile SC IKVTiriC A MEHICAN.uhIch has
the largHt circilaOon an I i* llio mo*l inlluenli*)
newapapcr of ita kind |> ililialied in tlio world.
The adraniagcs of euoh a nutioo every iiatcntce
Thin largo and splendidly illustrated newspaper
Is published WEEKLY nl. FXWI.. year, and is
admitted to ho tlio bom paper dovoted to science,
mechanic*, inventions, •• 'itiiieoring works, and
other departments of In.l istrial progress, pub
lished in any country. It contain* the names of
all patentees and title of every invention patented
eacn week. Try it four months for 0110 dollar.
8< ld by all newsdealers.
If you have an invention to patent write to
Munn A Co., publishers of Scientitiu Aiuoricaja
Ml Brosdwsy. New York
Handbook about patents mailed free.
Your Liver?
Is the Oriental salutation,
knowing that good health
cannot exist without a
healthy Liver. When the
Liver is torpid the Bow
els are sluggish and con
stipatod, tne food lies
in the stomach undi
gested, poisoning the
blood; frequent headache
ensues; a feeling of lassi
tude, despondency and
nervousness indicate how
the whole system is de
ranged. Simmons Liver
Regulator has been the
means of restoring more
people to health and
happiness by giving them
a healthy Liver than any
agoncy known on earth.
It acts with extraor
dinary power and efficacy.
Ai • general family remedy for Dy apepatfe
Torpla Liver, Constipation, etc., I hardly
ever use anything eloe, and have never
been disappointed in the effect produced :
It aroma to be almost a perfect cure for all
dtaeaaea of the Htomach and Bowela.
W. J. MckLOoY, Maoou. life
L FU.ft lTj !) I 'F l< TISFM FJVTS
EXKCUTOK'K NOTlCE.—Lrttari teaUmen
fury on the estate of Mullle Fruitier, late
of Milex townahlp, deoeaied, having been
granted to the undrrlgiird, he rrqueaU all
peraoiia knowing IhrinaHvea Indebted to aani
estate to make Immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same to present
them uuly authenticated for settlement.
Samuel <i hamlet,
42-61 Kux'utor.
Cheap Store
I would call the atteution of the public to my
full line of
General * Merchandise,
omprising Ladies' Dress Goods,in all varieties,
CasMtmeres, Hats & Caps, Boots and Shoes, ex
cellent Hue of Notions, Glaus & Quecnsware,
Hardware, Groceries, and 111 fact everythlnf to
be found In a complete mercantile establish
4W Remember my prices are low while my
goods are fresh and satisfactory.
Call and exa t lne.
No trouble to show goods.
L. B. Stover.
anything in that line to bejhad at my shop,
Jlamet* made to order, and repairing neatly
and promptly done.
•arAnything not on hand will be cheorffcKy
especially adapted for farmers' use and all or
dinary team work. A STAPLE ARTICLE,
at prices to suit all purses.
A call at my place and a trial of my goods
will convince you that I deal fairly and aqu&rely.
has taken sole charge of the grain hour*, for
merly owned by Whitmer & Lincoln, and will
conduct the same in the most business like
manner. I will pay the
Highest Market Prices
for all kinds of
Grain, Seeds, &c.
And win also keep on band
Coal, Salt, Flo ar, Chop, Ac.
which will he sold at reasonable prices.
49 • I expect to deal fair -ind square and treat
all alike. Thanking the patrons of the old firm
I hope tliey will continue to deal with me. I
invite all others for a share of their patronage.
A. J. Campbell, Agt.
Ladles or gentlemen desiring pleasant profit
able employment write at once. We want you
to handle an article of domeatic use that heco
mkm>B itself to everyone at sight. STAPLE
AS FLOUR. Sells like hot cakes. Profits 300
per rent. Families wishing to pkactkjk econo
my should for their own benefit write for par
ticulars Used every day tho year round in
every household. Price within reach of all.
Circulars free. Agents receive SAMPLE FREE
An Only Daughter Cured of Con
When death was hourly expected fro- u con
sumption, all remedies having failed aitf tDr. H.
James was experimenting, he acci dentally
made a preparation of Indian Hemp, which
cured his only child, and now gives th'.s recipt
free on receipt of two 3-eent stumps u . pay ex
penses. Hemp als© cures night swea ts, nausea
at the stomachs, and will bieak a trw ,h cold In
24 hours. Address I'raridoek ft C 0.., i 032 Race
St., Philadelphia, Pa., naming thtsf aper. 46-4t
ALfU CENT FWEE to meu e anvasaers (or
lr. keott'i Ueaulu* Clw -trie Belta,
Brushes, Ac. Lady agenta wr .nied for Elec
tric Corsets. Quick sales. Wr ite at once for
terms. Dr. Scoot, 844 B'way.N . Y. 46 4t
WANTED In every f lty and town. A
great opportunity. Awr .teahle work. Ad
Nassau street, New York. 44-4t
BBHBlHiriwle ?asy Manufacturing
ttISS 11 HI Mi W Kubt-er Stamps. Send for
I Prio*: List of Outfits to J.
" F. V/. Donuan, 217 E a st
German Street, BaUimoj e, Maryland u. S. A.
My customers and the public In general are respectfully Informed that I have a ■:LARGE
"FT ATS - AJSnDR bonitbtS
I reapoctfully Invite your patronage, assuring yon that both my good* and prloee will suit yon.
The undomigned reapectfully In forme the public tlut ahe haa juatfopened
1 njlLLlipjY * SOODS. I
A cordial Invitation la extended to all to come and tee my jfooda.
My price* will convince you that It la to your Internet to patronize me.
Jgg. ZOUXSit a&fITMR.
LINS, and all goods belonging under this head.
O VERALLS, and other articles which space does not permit to mention
the latest styles for winter wear, for Men, Youths and Roys
a full invoice of all styles, all sizes, all prices, and all warranted good.
0 large assortment of HOSIERY, LADIES' AND GENTS UNDER
CHIEFS, Ribbons, and the thousands of other articles to be found in the
Notion Line.
an immense assortment containing the latest and loveliest styles in market
and Provisions, anything and everything for table use, always fresh.
So I start this Fall with a wonderful quantity
of goods, with the determination to have the
largest business ever known.
I'll depend on my very low prices making it
of interest to you to buy of me.
Clcmim th 7,
nimi H[&y
A11.,, p.l. *|
liflamma tlo aJA/ cfJßk
llMlalhe Rore,H /
NMM OR Tl** 1 '
and Hnifll. USA. |
Try the (lire
A particle ts aoplled into each nostril and is
agreeable. Prlce'ou cents at Druggists: by mail,
registered. flOcta. ELY BROTHKK.s.23i Green
wich St., New York.
Guarantee! Genuine 1? Baton LieMg.
Highly reoommended as a nightcap Instead
of alcoholic drinks.
Ueßßlneoaly with fac-slmlle of Ba
ran Lleblg** •Ignainre la Wie(Mre
Sold by Storekeepers.U rocers and Druggists. 45
Peel's P't'n 1 tee'tei CnsMoied EarDrns
ING, whether deafness Is caused by colds', fe
vers or injuries to the natural drums. Alw'ays
in position, but Invisible to others and comfort
able to wear. Music, conversation, even wl os
pers heard distinctly. We refer to those usi.Tg
them Write to F. HIHCOX, 849 Broadway,
cor. 14th St., New York, for illustrated book o.
proofs free. 146-4t
AND SODA Is a matchless remedy for Con
sumption In every Stage of the disease. For
Coughs, Weak Langi, Throat Plicate
1 one of Flesh anil Appetite, and all forms
of General Debility It is UII unequaled
Specific Remedy. 49t*BKSURB AND OBT WIN
Me. Sold by Druggists. WINCHESTER*
CO.. 169 William Street.Now York. 46 4t
m I Eii I o^ r^ ud (orci 4 r^ t
yL DIES ARE OFFERED pUUn needlework
their own homes (town or country) by s
loleaale house. Profitable.genuine, good
yean be made. Everything furnished,
ulara tree. Address Artistic Needlework
Co., '.35 BU> St.. New YorkCky. 44-tt
> w.i.-k Hull o,i liHirellie fit-Wjiol shnl love In Ibe
I ' '-ir k-iV t,> .ill llr. mill SHiwliftPw
Cteanam sad beautifies the heir.
Promote* a luxuriant growth.
Never Fails to Restore Orsy
Hair to its Youtktol Color.
CaMssealpdiauaacs and hair faUtfcg
Wholly nnlllieartlßeln system.
Any book learned In ene reading.
P.HOcwa, the Sclestist. Hons. W. W. ASTOR,
10b Columbia Lsw students; two cUsses of 2CO
each at Yale ; 400 at University of Penn. Phil*-,
and 600 at WeHeeley College .&e .and three large
cla se atChautauquaUulveraity .Ac. .Prospectus
PHoTIOISETTE. 237 Fifth AYC..N. Y.