Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 24, 1887, Image 2

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    Sfct piUbtita loursal.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER
THE 50lli congress will convene next
Monday a week. The official list of the
members shows that tho lower house
will be composed of 168 democrats, 153
republicans and 4 independents,which
gives the democrats v majority of
GOVENOR HILL, of Mew York, re
centlv appointed two women as in
spectors in an insane asylum. This
move cannot fail to elicit favorable
comment, even if it is a diversion
from general custom. Insane asylums
as a rule have a fair proportion of fe
male inmates whose wants and inter
ests should be represented hy officers
of their own sex.
pointed Joshua L, Bailey, ex Gover
nor Robert E. Pattison, David Scull,
esq., Colonel Thomas 11. Bauer and
John Wanamaker a committee to ask
President Cleveland to incorporate in
his coming annual message a sugges
tion that congress enact some legisla
tion looking to the settlement of inter
national difficulties by arbitration.
Dr. George I. McLeod was also ap
pointed a member of the board of pub
lic charities on Tuesday to fill the va
cancy caused by the death of Dr. J
K. Lee.
letter to Land Commissioner Sparks,
in which he accepts the resignation of
that official. Referring to the contro
versy between Mr. Sparks and Secre
tary Lamar be says that as to legal
points of the question ho will have to
accept Lamar's opinion, but that
the question in itself is well calculated
to induce right thinking nieu to differ
in opinion. He compliments the com
missioners highly upon the conscien
tious fulfillment of his duties and
assures him that the same policy
would be pursued in the future when
public lands were in qnestion, but al
wavs subject to the decision of the
court &
TUAT incorrigible anarchist, Hcrr
Most, who is actually at the bottom
of the mischief, found it, of course, im
possible to keep quiet about the re
cent tragedy in Chicago, wbeu four of
his companions had to suffer the ex
treme peualty for their crime. He ccn
sidered himself in duty bound to bel
low vengeance and murder in a public
speech and as a natural result, bis
special frieDds, the police, got a bold
of him and be was arrested on the
charge of having attempted to incite
riot. He was bailed out by a lady
friend and now Herr Most is said to
put a milder face ou his anarchic
opinions. He claims thai society may
be revolutionized aud bettered with
out blood and io a peaceable way and
that be always favored such a policy.
Most is a two faced scoundrel who
moulds bis expressions to suit the
occasions Just now the vision of
gallow sand hemp have made a sheep
out of the wolf, but be will only wear
the mask until he is out of hot water.
Food for Serious Thought.
The question of unlawful assem
blages is one in which not only the
people of England are at present very
seriously interested, but it is also one
which the people ot the United States
will have to deal with in the near
England has had centuries of ex
perience with that phase ot human
nature which seeks by a recourse to
violence the redress of grievances sup
posed to arise from a too strict en
dorsement of the law of the land, and
there is very much in that experience
which the new government of the
United States may derive profit from.
The time has arrived when disre
spect for law on the part of the foreign
eleraeut which has found a home here
can no longer be taraporized with. It
must be dealt with in a manner that
will teach the lowless elements of so
ciety under whatever guise they may
foment disturbances, that the laws
which are made for the government of
this country are made to be obeyed.
During the past year the anarchists
and socialists have assumed an atti
tude toward the law 9 enacted for the
protection of persons and property
and for the preservation of the general
peace, which shows clearly the radical
tendency, and to put it strongly but
truthfully, the treasonable characters
ot their purposes. They have gone
so far as to attempt to nullify the law
of the land, and to interfere with its
execution by threats of personal vio
lence against those charged with the
enforcement of that law.
On the trial of Lord George Gor
don, the prime mover in, and instiga
tor of the "no proper riots 1 ' in Lon
don, in 1781, the history of which is
not yet forgotten by the people, it was
the unanimous opinion of the king's
bench that an attempt to repeal a law
by violence, or to prevent its execu
tion by intimidation, was levying a
war against the king, and therefore
amounted to treason.
Under such an interpretation of the
law what doubt is there that Herr
Most and his ilk have been guilty of
treason against the law of this gov
ernment ? Every true lover of his
country will welcome the day when it
shall be possible in this country for
such promoters of insurrection to be
adjudged traitors and puuished ac
cordingly. — Patriot.
Democratic by 34 on Joint Ballot.
RICHMOND, Ya.,Nov. 18.— Full re
-1 turns of the recenftlectiou for members
of the general assembly show tnat the
complexion of the new body will be as
follows: Senate, democrats, 26;repub
licanH,l4,Houseof delegates,democrats,
61, republicans, 38;independent,1.Dem
ocratic majority on joint ballot, 34.
Give Thanks.
This is thanksgiving week, and although
only one day is dedicated to thanksgiving
and praise hy command of Stateaud nation
al authorities, tho whole week should illus
trate the tiest offices of gratitude to God and
man in a country so richly blessed as is
No land ever had more cause for thanks
to the Giver of all good than has our free
and liappv Republic to-day, and no people
in all the world's history enjoyed so large a
measure of prosperity and content. Free
government lias vindicated its mission by a
heartily accepted and imperisbableUnlon of
the States, and domestic discord has boon
banished from our midst.
Not only have peace and union l>eon re
store!, but tho lessons of civil strife have
given full fruition in matchless industrial
progress in every section, t'apital and lalior
are fairly rewarded, and sulistantial pros
perity has succeeded the desolation of war
and the feverish business inflation it in
We have peace with all the world with
every assurance that it will bo maintained.
We can have no cause for war with any
foreign people ; none can have cause for
war with us. Wo covet no part of the
possessions of others ; we have 110 perplex -
ing diplomatic disputes ; we are for peace,
and our army is limited in numbers to the
necessities of military police regulations.
While all European nations must maintoin
their armies on a war footing in,
we ini|tose 110 such burden upon the people.
And there is plenty throughout the whole
land. The harvests of the year have been
the largest ever known ; the garners are
full to overflowing for the wants of the
people and the fields are green wish the
promise of future abundance. The industry
of the country —its wealth in peace and
safety in war—is better paid than at any
period of the past, and tho ability of indus
try to purchase ami enjoy infuses prosperity
throughout every channel of commerce and
We have the best of government to In
thankful for ; we have plenty and prosperi
ty iu every section of the Union to lie thank
ful for ; we have the largest civil and re
ligious liberty to be thankful for ; we have
better government in uation, State and city
then is common to lie thankful for ; we have
freedom from pestilence to be thankful for,
and who will not gladly give Thursday
next to thanksgiving and praise for such
multiplied blessings ?
And let it not be forgotten that even in
the happiest and most prosperous countries,
there are the children of sorrow ; that want
ami suffering belong to every laud and that
those who are blessed with abundance
should temper the misfortunes of those who
huuger or suffer. every home of plenty
give double cause for thanks by sending the
sunshine of charity into at least one home
where sorrow reigns to erect the altar of
thanksgiving where only the shadows of
grief were known. Not only give thanks
in every home that is blessed with health
and prosjierity, but gladden the hearts of
the sorrowing aud thus enable all to give
thanks together to the God who rules the
destiny of nations and home and who notes
the sparrow's fall. — Phila. Sunday Times.
(From our regular correspondent)
As the tiiue for the assembling of Con
gress draws nearer, the contest for the posi
tion of Doorkeeper of the House waxes
warmer—that appearing to be the only sub
ordinate position over which there is any
competition, though, if certain combina
tions that are now being formed can be suc
cessfully carried out, the old state will be
shattered and there will le a sweeping
change. There are six candidates in the
country. Heretofore, it has been the cus
tom for the Democratic Congressional cau
cus to equally divide the four best ofticces—
giving to the North the sergeant-at-aruis and
postmaster and to the South the clerk and
doorkeeper—an arrangement that will like
ly be continued. The Democratic members
from New York have called a caucus to
meet in this city the latter part of the week
to determine what course they will pursue
in regard to the doorkeepersliip.
Again the familiar faces of members of
Congress can tie seen at the hotels and on
the streets, and in their usual haunts in the
fashionable and aristocratic northwest quar
ter of the city. The Washingtonians draw
the line of social distinction right through
the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue, the
popular thoroughfare that leads from the
White House to the Capitol. If one's hali
itation is north of that line, he or she is pre
sumed to lie of respectable social status, but
if they dwell south of it, they are regarded
with distrust until somethiug transpires to
change that opinion. You see, dear reader,
I know how it is myself, for coming here a
stranger, I innocently located on the wrong
side of Pennsylvania avenue. But I have
since crossed over and am now supposed to
be as good as my neighbors.
In addition to several contests for seats ill
the House, there will lie two or three in the
Senate, and one of the latter will be of gen
eral in terest, as it involves a constitution
al question. In West Virginia, the regular
session of the legislature, having failed to e
lect. a United States Senator, the Governor
appointed one ; but at a called sesssion of
the legislature soon afterward the Govern
or's appointment was ignored as illegal, and
a Senator elected. So two claimants, —both
Democrats —will appear for the same Sena
torial seat. Oue of the other cases that I re
fer to Is that of Senator-elect Turple, of In
diana. Still, it is doubtful if Ex-Senator
Harrison contests the seat, as his alleged
claim appears to rest upon anything tint a
tirin foundation. Then, too, the Senate is
much more impartial and conservative than
the House in the settling of contests.
The British Fisheries Commission having
reached the Capital, it is probable that
negotiations will be in progress before the
end of this week. Upon the arrival of Mr.
Chamberlain, the chief commissioner, he
was beseiged at his hotel by forty reporters
of the leading newspajiers of the country ;
but only the subjects on which the adroit
diplomatist could lie satisfactorily inter
viewed were liquors, cigars, and kindred
topics. The boys vivaciously pumped away
over an hour, but all to no purpose further
than that they were considerably refreshed
Thanks to the honest reform methods of
a democratic administration, the annual
deficits, for defraying the expenses of the
Postottice establishment, which have for a
number of years, amounted to eight to fifteen
million dollars annually, have been steadily
reduced until the last deflcency was about
one million dollars, and it is confidently es
timated that before the close of the current
year the Postoftice Department will be run
ning on a paying basis.
An Only Daughter Cured of Con
When death wa3 hourly expected from con
sumption, all remedies having failed and Dr. H.
James was exuerimenting. lie accidentally
made a preparation of Indian'Bemp, which
cured his only child, and now gives this recipt
free on receipt of two 2-cent stamps to pay ex
peuses. Hemp also cures night sweats, nausea
at the stomachs, and will break a tresh cold in
24 hours. Address Craddock & Co., 1032 Race
St,, Philadelphia, Pa., naming this paper. 46-4t
Miscellaneous News.
A Missouri Town Swept Away hy Klrc.
ST. LOUIS, NOV. 20. —The tow:: ol
Granley, Mo., WHS burned yesterday.
About one hundred houses were bur ned
and scores of families are homeless.
The temperature is near xero and great
suffering prevails. The loss isestimattd
at $'200,000.
Sympathizing with the Kntperor.
WASHINGTON, NOV. 21.—' The secre
tary of state has dlreoted the minister
at Berlin to communiCHte to the em
peror of Germany ttie cordial smypathy
of the president and lite citizens of this
country in the serious illness of the
crown prince.
An Kx-Member of the Legislature
riTTSBUIto,Nov 20. C. O. Bowman,
an ex member of I lie State legislature
died suddenly of heart disease at Corry
last night. The deceased was 02 years
old, aud was a prominent attorney.
He was elected to the legislate from
Tioga county in 1863 and iu 1870 repre
sented Erie county.
Secretary Whitney.
WASHINGTON, NOV. 22.—Secretary
Whitney was at the navy department
to-day attending to matters which re
quired immediate consideration, but lie
will not renew his general supei vision
of the business of the department until
his health which is slowly improving,
has been fully re-established. He
subse quenlly atte: did a meeting of the
Tlilrty-Flve Hiilldlngs Destroyed.
CAIRO, 111,, Nov. 21.— The fire at
Mound City is under control. Thirty
live buildings are destroyed. The resi
dence of Major McCracken, Senator
Hogan, tw* hotels, two livery stables.
Patriot printing ofllce, three dry goods
stores and two saloons weie among
those burned. A great 11 any familes
were rendered homeless. A negrne man
w8 arrested charged witb incendiar
Snowing Hard in Chicago.
CHICAGO, NOV. 20 A snow storm,
the first of Ibe season, began here early
yesterday morning, and when daikness
came last night showed no signs of
abating. The wind all day blew a gale,
while the temperature kept going grad
ually lower. Yesterday the storm had
all the characteristics of a regulation
blizzard. At titnes street car truffle in
the north division of the city was
brought to a complete stand still.
A Long Lived Family.
HARRISBURO, Noy. 21.—Mrs. Cath
erine Paxton, rlict of Col. Joseph
Paxton, who died in 18(31 inCatawissa,
died at the residence of her son, Lloyd
Paxton,in Rupert, Columbia couuty,
Thursday,aged 101 yrais and 10month.
She was born Dec. 20, 1780, and died
in full possession of all her faculties.
A sister 83 years of ags, a brother 7-',
and numerous children, grandchildren
and great grandchildten survive her.
The Typhoid Outbrcuk in Berks.
ItKADING, Pa..Nov. 18 —A n"•!►•••
of cases of typhoid fever are reported
in the northern township of Berks
county, west of the Schuylkil 'river, in
the family of David W. Mogle, county
treasurer elect, near Cent report. There
have beeu five of which proved
fatal. Mrs. Mogle has now been at
tacked, and is ciitically ill. The low
condition of the streams is believed to
be the cause of the spread of the disease.
Mistaken For a Bear.
WILLI AMSPORT, Pa., Nov. 20.-A
party of hunters from Forksyille and
vicinity left on Tuesday for a bear hunt
into the forests of that wild region
They constructed a cabin and pursued
bruiD to his lair. Lott,one of the party,
did uot meet with any game and reached
the cabin first in the evening. He
climbed a tree to break spruce or brush
with which to soften his bunk, and
while there George Stephens.of Forks
ville, in the darkness, mistaking Lott
for a bear.shot and killed him.
Severity of an Indian Blizzard.
MAKION, Ind.. Nov. 22. —lfem V
Lock wood and family residing near here
came to town list Saturday morning.
On their return the terrible bliezaid
cnrrip-lled them to stop and pass the
uight with a neighbor. They had left
three children aged respectively S and 4
years and J7 months at home. When
they reached home yeMerday, they
found the youngest child, a girl, frozen
to death, and the other so numbed that
tbev could scarcely speak or move. The
house in which they lived was a mere
Terrific Explosion of Powder.
SCKANTON, Pa., Nov, 22 —A terrific
explosion of Atlas powder occurred in
Hyde pa-k this afternoon. The con
tractor in chaise of the c nstruction of
the main sewer of the city entrusted
the thawing out of powder over an oil
stove to some Hungarians, and the re
sult was an explosion. The air was
filled with the flying debris of picks,
shovels &c. Two men were seriously
cut and several horses were knocked
down and Injured. Hundreds of win
dows were demolished, and the goods
in several stores were ruined.
Reduced Wages Drive Out 200 Men.
WORCESTER. Mass., Nov. 2).—Be
tween 500 and 600 men employed at the
Worcester steel works are out on strike.
The company on Thursday announced
a cut down averaging about 10 per cent
in the pay of the men employed in the
Bessemer steel plant, to take effect on
Monday. The workmen grumbled, and
Friday the company posted a notice
that unless the men accepted the re
duclion the works would be shut down
Thursday night. The men went out
Friday night and the works did not run
yesterday. The company says the re
duction is absolutely necessary, as the
mills have been ruuuing at a loss of
Ail Unsafe Bridge (WH a Life.
day Ilarry Shadier and John Klpe weie
crossing the biidge over the Juniata
riyer at this place with a threshing
machine and engine. The biidge broke
down, and the tuen and the machine
were precipitated twenty feet to the
liver. The engine fell on Shadier and
crushed him to death. Kipe had both
legs broken, hut managed to keep from
drowning by holding on to a portion of
tho wreck until be was rescued. Tin
county owned the bridge,ai)d although
the authoi ities had been notified ttiat
lite tlmttera were rotten and unsafe,
they had neglected to repair it.
Night at 3:30 i. M.
CINCINNATI, NOV. 20.—A strange
at mot- plieric phenomenon occured at
Mavavilie, Ky., and at Manchester, 0.,
yesterday afternoon. The sun all the
morning looked like a ball of lire. At
3:30 p. ra. a dense cloud suddenly
lowered upon the two towns, and
live minute a later it was as datk att
night. People became fiightcned and
business was entirely suspended. Many
of the superstitious thro tight the end
hud come,and began praying. A num
ber of merchants hastened home from
their stores. Chickens went to roost ano
cows went home to be milked. In the
midst of tl e confusion a heavy siov.
rtorm smt in, and when daylight re
turned, tllteen minuets latet,the ground
was white. The same phenomenon uc
cured ai Washington court house.
One llmidied and Thirty Two Persons
Drowned And Missing.
LONDON. Nov.2O.—Tite Dutch steam
er W. A. Scholten, which left Holt en
dam yesterday for New York, was
sunk by collision with the steamer Rosa
Mary, at 10 o'clock last night,ten miles
iH Dover The Scholten carried acom
plrment of 230 passengers and crew.
Steamer Ehro rescued twenty of the
crew and passeltgers and landed them
atthe Sailors' Home, Danver. One
hundred and folly of the passengers
are missing. One passenger and a child
jftliepaity brought to Dover were
found dead from exposure. It is hoped
that | assing vessels have rescued the
mi ssicg ottr. Boats have left Dover,
bound in all directions, for the purpose
of saving life and property if possible.
The Rosa Mary is anchored off Rams
gate with her bow stove. Up to 5 p m.
twenty-two bodiea have been landed at
Three Coal Breakers Hunted Near
llazleton—Loss $200,000.
11 AZLETON, Pa., No v .20. AIS o'clock
yesterday morning Coxe Bros. & Co.'s
N0.2 Breaker at Drifton was burned to
t e ground, having been fired, it is
generally believed, by an incendiary.
The engine and boiler house, pump
house, and a large stable, together w th
all the valuable machinery lu the
brtaks, two i ew hoisting engines and
twenty large boilers were totally de
This was the largest breaker in the
lower anthracite region. It was con
structed in 1874 at a cost of SIOO,OOO.
and its output of eonl daily, when J
lull operation. *# l,4HH)tons. In
dying lu save s< tne of the machinery
three men were caught under some
falling iiin*Mß, and were badly in
juted—one of them. Benton Shaffer.lhe
inside boss, it is believed, fatally. Tbe
total loss Is over $200,000.
At alwut the same time the bleaker
of the Buck mountain coal cmopany,
near New Buck mountain, Schuylkill
county, WHS burned to the ground,
entailing a loss of SIOO,OOO. and throw
ing nearly 500 men and boys out of
work. This Are is also supposed to
have been tbe work of an incendiary.
Coal Miners Do not Want to Shoulder
the Klniiie for nurningthe Hreak
UAZELTON, Pa,, Nov. 21.—The coal
barons are trying to show that tbe
starving miners on a at like are respon
sible for the two coal breakers burned
late Satuiday night and a loss of proper
ty aggregating nearly $150,000. The
operators indulged in a good deal of
wild talk yesterday, and had much to
say about appealing to Governor Beav
er for protection. The sheriff of the
county was asked for protection, but
he could not see the slightest ground
for the accusation of incendiarism, and
tie refused to appoint pecial deputies.
The striking miners deplore the fires
and were indignant over even an impu
tation that they should be charged
with causing them. The men are op
posed to making trouble of any kind,
knowing well i' they were the cause of
any breach of the peace the operators
would take advantage of It and swear
in more coal and iron police, who are a
terror to the strikers.
After a lockout of eight weeks the
strikers are found in a very destitute
condition. It is true lite idle men have
received generous support fiom the
Knights of Labor and their ft tends,but
it has proven entirely inad<quate, for
every dollar relief sls have been lost in
wages. The end seems as far off as
ever. The men declare that they will
not go back to work at starvation wag
es, and the operators are determined to
adhere to their scale.
ber is on our table, and highly as we
have praised its efforts this year, we
can conscientiously say that tbisclosing
number surpasses any of its predeees*-
ors. The steel plate is one of the finest
that the magazine has ever given, and
it illustrates a story of the last century,
Ly Miss Eweil, which is in itself worthy
of great commendation. The wood
engraving is a spirited representation of
a tobogganing scene. The fashihn
plates and other illustrations are of su
peiior merit. The literary portion of
the magazine deserves the highest praise.
Mrs. Lucy Hooper's story, "The Room
at Heronsmere," is one of the most
thrilling tales that we have read in a
long tuns. "Two Christmas-Gifts,"
by Georgia Grant, a new contributor,
is a story su charming that it proves
"Peterson" has shown its usual dis
crimination in adding the author to its
list. The other tales, as well as the
poems, are of theflist order of merit.
"Peterson" ends the year with new
honors, and it has so thoroughly earned
the right to expect implicit belief in Its
promises that we are convinced it
means every word it says when it pledges
itself to fresh and increasing attrac
tions for the forthcoming twelve-month.
Terms : Two Dollars per year, with
larpe reductions when taken in clnbs,
HI d elegant piemitiois to those getting
up clubs. Sample-c >pies free to those
desiring to get up clubs. Address
Street, Philadelphia,^Pa.
"I have used Simmons Liver
Regulator for many years, hav
ing made It my only Kumtly
Medicine. My mother before
me was very partial to It. It Is
a sate, good and reliable medi
cine for any disorder of the
system, and If used In time Is
a great pn vrnttvr of slrknrss.
I often recommend It to my
frleuds, and shall continue to
do so.
"Rev. James M. Rollins,
"Pastor M. K.Churvh, 80. Fairfield,Va."
ttltcaym keeping kimtnuum Liver
Mieyttlator in the hotter.
"I have found Simmons Liver
Regulator the best family med
icine I ever used for anything
thut may happen, have used it
in Indigestion, t'tdie, IMarrkara,
ItillausHrss, and found It to re
lieve Immediately. After eat
ing a hearty supper, If, on going
to l>ed, I take alsiut a teaspoon
ful, 1 never feel the effects of
the supper eaten.
"Ex-Mayor Macon, Qa."
lias our 'L Stamp ou front of Wrapper.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., So/o Proprietors,
**rt,.e. 01.00. PHILADELPHIA, PA.
SHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of Sundry
wilts of Fieri Facias, levari Facias and
issued "ut of the Court of Common Fleas of
Centre county. Fa., und to me directed, will be
exposed ut Fuhllc Sale, at the Conn House. In
the Borough of Hcllefonte on
at I o'clock p. in., the following properly to
No 1 All that certain messuage tenement
and tract of land situate In Potter township.
Centre county. Fa., bounded a-.d deseribed as
follows to wit: Beginnim; at stone thence a
long land of Win A. lioal north 56 degree*,east
ltd 7 perches to stone, thence along land of Al
t'cl F. Ilosterman south 31 degrees east 212
Im*relies to stones thence along land of same
north .'>7 degrees cu-t .1-3 perches to stone.
Uience alone land of Bnrkholder heirs south
55)4 degrees east 51-1 perches to stone thence
along land of Alexander Kerr, south 35 degrees
west 66-6 perches to stones, thence along land
of Klinon ltuble south 76 degrees west 127-6 per
ches to stone, thence north 52 degrees west 18 7
lurches to stone, thence south 46 '4 degrees
east 16-6 perches to stone, thence north 03 de
grees west 0 pen-lies to stone.thence along laud
of no rill 42 )* degrees west 69 4 10 perches
to stone, thence north 26 degrees west 100 3 per
ches to stone the plat* of beginning, contain
ing two hundred and twenty (220) acres and
seventeen (17) perches. Thereon erected u
good bank barn 48x00 feet, a stohe dwelling
house 40x45 f-et, corn crib, and other outbuild
ings, also an orchard platted thereon with
choice fruit and a good well with never falllug
water, also a good spring-
No. 2. Also another tract In said township
ot Fotter lxunded and described as follows to
wit: Beginning on p >lut on Hue of laud of Ja
cob Kunkle thence north 19 degrees west 58
i*rcbes to post, thence north 34 decrees east 16
4-lo perches to post, thence along land of Alex
ander Kerr south 57 degrees east 48 s perches to
post, llteiice south 75degrees 24 5 perches to
post, thence north 35 degrees east 1 perches to
post, thence south 23 degrees east 21 perches to
los:. thence along land of J. Mltterftng. south
36 degrees west se 5 perches to post, thence
north 45 degree* west 15 5 pcrenea to p<>t.
thence north 2U degrs-es west M |*relies to post,
thence south 64 degr-es \\*t 37 perches to post,
the place of beginning containing eighteen (18)
acres, more or less Keizod taken Into execu
t on and to be sold as the property of John
! No. 3. All that certain messuage tenement
and traet of laud Minute in Cregg township,
| Centre oounty. Pa., bounded and described as
I follows to wit : Beginning at stones and thence
ulong lands of It. 11. Duncan, south W degrees
west 3d perches to stones, thence along land of
Pldlip Laitzel! south 25 degrees east 32 8 pei
elics to stones, thence along land of the heirs of
John Matter deceased north 68 U degrees east
68 perches to stones, thence hv laitu of It. II
j Duncan north tV> degrees west 47 jM'rches to tlie
place of beginning containing ten (10) acres and
one hundred and thirty (130) perches of land
neat measure. Thereou erected a 2% story
frame dwelling house, a good stable ami other
outbuildings. Seized taken In exe utlon and
to be sold as the property of Samuel i.oitaell.
No. 4 All that certain messuage tenement
and tract of land situate in Curt In twp .Centre
Co.. Pa., bounded and dcitcritied as follows lo
wit; uu Lfe north hv N - ?M u i h "
ell now oriiutaine and James Butler and John
MeCloskev on the east by lauds of Kobt. Mann,
now of John Mann, on the south bv lauds of
Anthony Caltens. now of H. M. !>aiey aud
Kobt. Mann now of John Mann end on the
west hy lands late of Nelson <un*al)u* now of
John 11. (>■ vis containing about two hundred
and fifty (250) acres more ur less. Thereon e
rocted a log dwelling house, wagon shed and
other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution
and to le sold as the nroperty of Hiram Young,
Mitchell Young and Harvey Young.
No. £.. All that tract of land situate In Patton
township. Centre county, pa., hounded and de
scrlls'd as follows to wit: Beginning at stones
thence by lands of Isaac Cray north degrees
west 270 porches to a hickory thence ov lands
of Henry BniokerholT lielrs lioilh 38 degrees
east 47 perches to a black oak, thence along
same north 78 U degrees east 18 perches thence
along land of Agnew Sellers south 29 degrees
east 367 |>erches to a post thence along otlter
lands of the said Davis Sellers south 13 degrees
70 jH-rches to the place of ls*glunlng containing
one hundred and twelve (112) acres and thirty
six (3d) perches strict measure. Thereou erec
ted a 2'-^story frame dwelling shop,
wagon shed and log tmrn & other outbuildings.
No.O. Also another tract of laud situate in
said twt>. of Patton. county of Centre and state
of Pa , bounded and described as follows to
wit; On the north hy other land of the said
Davis Sellers, on the east hy land of Agnew s|.
lers. on the sou'li by lauds of Moses Thompson
and on the west by lands of Isaac Dray, con
taining twenty live acres more or less. Seized
taken In execution and to be sold as the proper
ty of Davis Sellers.
"No. 7. All that certain lot or parcel of ground
situate In the borough of Bellefonte. Centre Co..
Pa., bounded and described as follows ylz : Be
ginning at corner of house of 11. Y sstltzer,thence
along high street 'east to line of lot of tleorge
Livingstone deceased.thence along line of said
Living tones lot north to pike alley,thence along
said alley to corner of lot of H.Y.SUlzer,thence
along line of satd%tltzer to place of beginning.
No. 8. One other thereof situ te In salo bor
ough bounded and described as follows to wit:
Beginning at corner of the line of Jacob l.llley,
thence along a strip four feet wide bought by
H. N. McAllster oil Decatur alley jn a southern
direction .50 feet.thence In au easterly direction
j 20 feet parallel with th<" line of Jacob l.llley a
; foresnld thence In a northerly direction purcUel
with the line of H.;N. McAllister .V) feet to line
of said Jacob l.llley, thence along said line 21
feet to lieglnnlng. lsing known as the plot or
plan of said borough as lot No, 113 with the ap
No. 8. Also anotoer lot or piece of ground
i situate In Boggs township. Centre Co., Pa.,
bounded and described as follows, to wit: On
the north hy public roa<l leading from Miles-
I burg to Curtins Works on the north s'de of
; Bala Eagle Creek, on the east hy lands of Mrs.
Margaret (iregg, on the south by the Bald
Kagle ( reek, and on the west by public road
leading from Mlleshurg to Marsh Creek, con
taining six acres more or less, and being the
same premises which James A. Beaver and
Mary A. his wife, by deed datvd the 2nd day of
June, 1875, and recorded In I>eed Book K No. 2,
Page P.M. granted and conveved to the said E
lias Zimmerman, aforesaid, save and except
certain lots owned by J. M. Wagner and Jon.
Bullock. Thereon erected a 2S story frame
dwelling house, goo I wash house, good stable
and other outbuildings. Selzed'takeu In exe
cution aud to be sold as the property of John
F. Potter.
No. 10. All the right title and Interest of de
fendant being the undivided one half of that
certain farm and tract of land situate In Buru
sldo Twp. Beginning at a white oak corner,
thence due north 160 perches, thence east 100
perches, thence south 160 percnea, thence west
100 perches, containing 100 acres and Wing the
southwest part of tract in the warrantee name
of Joseph Forest and known as the "Walls
Farm," having thereon erected a small one
and a half story log and frame house and log
barn and the usual outbuildings.
No 11. Also all the right title and Interest of
defendant In two lots situate In M shannon
town, Snow Shoe Twp., Beginning at the south
west corner ot Walnut and Chestnut streets,
tneuce south along Chestnut street 120 feet to
corner of lot No. 12, thence west along lot No.
12,180 feet to an alley, thence north along said
alley 120 feet to Walnut street, thence east
along Walnut street 180 feet to Chestnut street
the place of beginning, being lots No's 8 aud 10
having thereon erected a two story frame build
ing. formerly used as u store building but now
occupied as a dwelling house, together with
stable and the usual outbuildings,and with the
rtght to connect with pipes conveying water
from the spring on the Daniel Bcchdol farm to
the Hurxthral) dwelling house.
No. 12. Also all the right title and interest
of defendant being the undivided one half in
and to all that certain messuage tenement and
lot of ground situate on High street In Belle
fonte Borough, bounded on the west by lot of
Nancy A. McQulstlan's heirs, on the north by
same, on the east by the Bald Kagle Valley
Railroad and on the south by High street, be
ing about 110 feet In front on High street and
extending In depth about 240 feet along said
railroad, having thereon erected a two story
frame plastered dwelling house and shop front
ing on High street, with stable and outbuild
ings. Also one large frame building 30x60 ft.
divided into four two story five-room tenement
houses fronting on Railroad street, with the
usual outbuildings. Also a one storv frame
building on Kallroad street used as a Machine
Shop or Boiler Works. Seized taken |n execu
tion and to be sold as tli* propeity of Mary F.
Blanchard, Administratrix of Edmund Blanch,
ard, deceased.
No. 13. All the defendant's right, title and
Interest being the undivided one flfthin all that
certain farm and tract of land in Harris Twp.,
Centre county. Fa., bounded and described as
follows: HculnnliiK nt a post corner of lands
o| William M('Kmland, thence south SIR de.
green, east 246 perches to post, thence by lands
of same south degrees, west 54 perches to a
stone thence by lands of same south 33 % de
grees, east 55)4 perches to a stone corner of tlio
Henderson Survey, thence by lands of Mrs.
Nancy Fox. south 56W degrees, west 61 perches
to n post, thence by [amis of Oliver Campbell
north SJR degrees, west 327 perches to post,
thenc by lands of William McFarlaud, north
66'4 degrees, east 84)4 perches to a post, thence
by same south 7* degrees, east 41 perches to a
post the place of beginning, containing 213
acres am* 78 perches, having thereon erected a
stone house, 2 bank b>rns. Iniguy shed and the
usual outbuildings, seized taken In execution
and to be sold us the property of Itebecen
No. 14. All thatcerlatn messuage tenement
and tract of land situate In Hie vahey of Kairle
vllle, Centre county, Fa . bounded on the south
by public mad. ou the north by lands of David
Kunes, 011 tbe east by lot of Mrs. Jane Heverly
and oil the west by lot of David H. Smith, con
taining of an acre, more or less, thereon
erected a two story frame dwelling house and
ether outbuildings. Seized taken |n execution
aud to be sold as Hie property of Lewis Miller.
No. 15. All that certain tract of land sltuxte
111 Hoggs Twp., Centre Co.. Fa., bounded and
deseribed as follows, to wit: Beginning ut a
stone eoruer of land of I*. It. Crlder ami son.
Ilu-nce along road leading to Know Shoe and
land of Win. Kinover, north 29)4, west (51 4 rods
to a |mst, thence by land ot John Curtln and
Win. Marks, south 61U, west 75 rod* to stone
near an old white oak slump, thence by land of
Frank Wallace, south *B4.east 5u rods to stone,
I hence along a public road ami lan J* of F. 11.
Crlder aud sou. north 64, east 76 1 rods to the
place of beginning, containing 28 acres, more
or less, thereon erected a stable. He zed taken
In execution ami to l*e sold as the property of
J. A. Crlder.
TKUMU— NO dead will be acknowledged until
the purchase money lie paid In full.
Sheriff 's Office, bellefoiite. Fa , Nov. 1, 18*7.
13 XECI)TOR'S NOTICE-Letters festamen.
J tary on Hie estate of Mollle Era*her, tale
of Miles township, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, lie rei|UsU all
persons knowing themselves Indebted to said
■•slate to make Immediate payment, and tliiwr
having claims against the same to present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
42-6t Executor.
ORFHANS' COl UT KALE.—By virtue of an
order of the Orphans' Court of Centre
county, the undersigned, administrator of the
estate of Samuel ltupp, late of Haloes town
ship deceased, will sell at public sale on the
premises of decedent, on HAiL'KtOT, Novgn-
UKM, 26* H. 1887. at one o'clock, p. m., tbe follow
lug described real estate:
That certain tiact of land. Mtuute In Haines
township. Centre Co , bounded on the west by
laud of Michael Kormati, 011 the north,east and
south by lauds late of Daniel Read, now Jacob
Wlukelblech and others, containing
The one-half of It Is m good cultivation, the
other half well limbered with pine ind hem
lock. thereon erected n Dwcuiw HOPS*. BANK
BARN and all the necessary outbuildings, A
spring of wat r and an orchard of choice fruit
ou the urcmlses.
Txutia or SAI.K:— One third of purchase inon
ey on confirm .tlon of sale and the residue lu
two equal annual payments with Interest to be
secured by bond aud mortgage on the premises.
Cheap Store
I would call the atteution of the public to my
full Hue of
General * Merchandise,
oin prising Lubes' Dross Coods.ln all varieties.
Casslmeres. Hats & Caps, Boots and Shoes, ex
cedent line of Notions, Glass & (Jueensware,
Hardware, Groceries, and In fact everything to
bo found iu a complete mercantile establish
45T- Remember my prices are low while my
goods are lrpsh and satisfactory.
Call and exa rine.
No trouble to show goods.
L. B. Stover.
anything In'that line to at my shop,
Harnett made to order, and repairing neatly
and promptly done.
*Br Anything not on hand will be cheerfully
especially adapted for farmers' use and all or
dinary team work. A STAPLE ARTICLE,
at prices to suit all purses.
A call at my place and a trial of my good*
will convluce YOU that I deal fairly and squarely.
has taken sole charge of the grain house, for
merly owned by Whit mcr & Lincoln, and will
conduct the same in the most business like
manner. I will pay the
Highest Market Prices
for all kinds of
Grain, Seeds, &c-
And wl'l also keep on band
Coal, Salt, Flour, Chop, &c.
which will IK? sold at reasonable prices.
49 -1 expect to deal fair uid square and treat
all alike. Thanking the patrons of the old Arm
1 hope they will continue to deal with me. 1
invile all other* for a share of their patronage.
A. J. Campbell, Agt.
Ladles or gentlemen desiring pleasant profit
able employment write at once. We want you
to handle an article ot domestic use that HKCO
MKSOS ITSKLF to everyone at sight. STABLE
AS FLOUR. Sells like hot cakes. Profits 3UO
per cent. Families wishing to VRACTICK BCONO
MV should for their own benefit write for nur
ticulars. Used every day the year round lu
every household. Price within reach of all.
Circulars free. Agent* receive SAMPLE FREE
J.VFV7 CENT FREE to men canvassers for
Dr. Neott's Genuine Eleetrie Belts,
Brushes, Ac. Lady agents wanted for Elec
tric Corset*. Quick sales. Write at once for
terms. Dr. Scoot, 844 B'way. N. V, 46-4t
WANTED In every city and town. A
great opportunity. Agreeable work. Ad
Nassau street, New York. 44-4t
MM jm si ■■ if made easy Manufacturing
411 111 H W Rubber Slumps. Send for
|Y| U |M C ■ Price List of Outfits to J.
""■ F. W. Dormau, 217 East
German Street, Baltimore, Maryland U. S. A.
My customers and (he public In general are respectfully Informed that I hare a
I respectfully Invite your patronage, assuring you that both my goods and prices will suit you.
AJSTN 3 - M- WEiIVEH, l^illl t eirn, P3.
The undersigned respectfully Informs the public that she has Juat'openrd
- ■ ■ 1 1 -
A cordial Invitation is extended to all to come and see my goods.
My prices will convluoe you that It Is to your Interest to patronize me.
JttHS* &OVIS& flifflV.
LINS, and alt goods belonging under this head.
O VERALLS, and other articles which space does not permit to mention
the latest styles for winter wear, for\Men, Youths and Boys
a full invoice of all styles, all sizes, all prices, and all warranted good.
a large assortment of HOSIERY, LADIES' AND GENTS' UNDER
CHIEFS, Ribbons, and the thousands of other articles to be found in the
Notion Line.
an immense assortment containing the latest and loveliest styles in market
and Provisions, anything and everything for table use, always fresh.
So I start this Fall with a wonderful quantity
of goods, with the determination to have the
largest business ever known.
I'll depend on my very low prices making it
of interest to you to buy of me.
t'leanses th rOl^
Alloy. P In "" d
I n flam in lie n,nßv <Y|H
lienl* the
Rentes of Tsstr|EhH^K<(
and Smell. UAA. |
Try the fare. HAY-FEVER
A pnrtlc'e is applied into each nostril nnd is
agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mail,
registered. 00 cts. ELY BROTHKKS.23S Green
wich Si., New York.
Guaranteed Genuine ty Baron Liehis;.
Highly recommended as a nightcap Instead
of alcoholic drinks.
Genuine only with foe-simile of Bo
rou l.iehig'n slgnoiure In bine oeroon
Sold by Storekeepers, Grocers and Druggists. 45
Feel's P't'n 'lmn'Ted Cushioned Ear Drams
INU, whether deafness Is caused by colds, fe
vers or Injuries to the natural drums. Always
in position, but Invisible to others and comfort
able to wear. Music, conversation, even wins
l>ers heard distinctly. VNe rerer to those using
them Write to F. HIHCOX 849 Broadway,
cor. 14th St., New York, for illustrated book of
proofs free. 46-4t
and SODA Is a matchless remedy for Con
sumption In every Stage of thedisease. For
tough*. Weak Lung*. Throat IH.eaae
1 ok* of Flesh and Appetite, and all forms
of General Debility it is au unequaled
Speelfic Remedy. 49"8k scbe and GET WIN
CHESTER'S Preparation. 91 ami 83 per bot
tle. Sold hv Druggists. WINCHESTER A
CO., 163 William Street, New York. 4fi4t
iM I EH I t°rdre
LM ADIES ARK OFFRKED plain needlework
at Ihelr own homes (town or country) by a
wholesale house. Profltable.genulne. wood
pay can be made. Everything Is lied.
Particulars tree. Address Artistic Needlework
Co., 135 Bth St.. New York City. 44-4t
HaTsypa Cough. Bronchitta, Aithms, IndigMtkm! Cm
hucurad mujrwtM worn mm and to tin but remedy
far all affection* of the throat and lung*, and dl—aw
orbing from Impure blood and ezhnuMtoa. The feeble
and tick, ttruanrilng against rtleee.ii. and slowly drifting
to the rrnve. will In many eaaas recover their health by
the timely uee of Parker's Ginger Tonic, but delay it dan
gerous. Take It in time. It U Invaluable for all pains
and disorders of stomach and bowels. Ma at OruggMa
a week and yon have the fluent-iioliKhed stove In thn
world tor sale by all Grocers and Stove Dealers.
BSJH Cleanses and beautifies the hair,
f ■ Promote* aluxuriant growtla
= Never Fails to Restore Gray
I Hair to its YouthfWl Color.
Cures scalp diseases and hair falling
to cure. UoenUat Drugglsta. Risoox A Co, M. T.
Who y Hal kertlliaiy(te.
Any book learned In one redlf.
Recommended by Mask twain, Richard
Pboctok, the Scientist, lions. W. W. Astob,
Judau P. Ben IS mix. Dr. Minor. &c. CUUw of
100 Columbia Law students; two classes of 0
each at Yale ; 400 at University of Penn. Phlla.,
and 400 at Wellesley C'illege.&c..and three large
classes atChautauquaUiilverelty.&c.,Prospectus
pout free from . „ _
42 4t PROF. LOIBETTE, 237 Fifth Ave.,N. Y.