Miscellaneous News. Showers to Have a New Trial. LEIUNON, Fa., Nov. 10.—Judge McFherson to-day granted the applica tion of counsel lor William Showers, self-confessed murderer of his two grandchildren, to withdraw his plea of guilty and granted hun a trial by jury. Lamar for the Supreme Bcneh. WASHINGTON, NOV. 10.—There is : no longer any doubt that during the ' first few days of the coming session of congress the president will nominate Secretary Lamar to the vacancy on th • supreme bench caused by the death of Justice Woods and at the same time Postmaster-General Vilas wiil be nom inated to succeed Mr. Lunar as secre tary of the interior. Coal Famine In the West. PITTSBURG, Nov. 10. —Western Pennsylvaniaissuffering from drought. The Ohio river is so low that coal fleets cannot pass down, and. as a cou sequence, a coal famine is imminent at points below Wheeliug. Prices have advanced at Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis. The miners are idle, but have not withdrawn their demand for an advance. The arbitration commit tee which was to discuss the wage question bf the river coal miuers for the coming season, has indefinitely ad journed, and until the river raise and coal can be shipped again the miuers will have to remain idle. Raih fell this morning, but there was so little as to be only an aggravation. Among.the laws of ISS7 is one to preveut and punish the making and dissemination of obscure literature and immoral and indecent matter. The attention of those who are in the habit of defacing walls by obscure lines and pictures theie on is called to the third section of the act, where they will find that a penalty of a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars aud imprisonment not exceeding oue year, is imposed on those who indugled in that sort of a musemeut. Fences, walls, floors, ceil ing, closet, room passage, hall or eny other part of any hotel, court house, depot or and other public places or buildings are included in the law, or any obtcure drawing or picture, or print liable to be seen by others pass ing or coming near the same are liable to suffer the penalty of the law. The Pay of Miners Advanced. NAZELTON. Pa., Nov. 10.—At a re cent meeting of individual coal opera tors of the Lehigh regiou held in Phila delphia it was decided to give the mer. now wotking in thir mines au advance 0f44 percent, above the amount that was being paid whpn the strike begun. This advance is to date from Nov. 1, and is made in accordance with the in creased price of coal at tidewater or in accordance with the sliding scale A Pardee & Co., through their bosses, Weduesday notifitd the men now work ing for them of the advance. Coxe Dros. & Co., of Dritton, also posted notices on that daylto the same effect. It is not considered tii.it this advance is any concession to the men, but will no doubt have the effect of inducing mauy of the strikers to return to work. RUINKD BY RASCALITY. The Cashier of the St. Louis National Bank Under Arrest. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 10.— Developments in the Fifth National bank suspension show fraud and forgery, and the cashier C. C. Crecillius, is now under arrest, and charged with false entry and forgery. President Henry Overstoltz would have been arrested if not on his deathbed. He died yesterday after noon. He was formerly mayor or this city. It is reported that on the books the figures of raore than fifty entries have been changed. It is further charged that on two occasions Crecilius' reports to the bank directors were false. Cre cilius was interested in five concerns which the bank was carrying in sums ranging from $50,000 to $150,000 each without security. LINGG'S AGONY ENDED. The Young Anarchist Cheats The Hangman. CHICAGO, Nov. 10.—This morning at 9 o'clck Louis Lingg, one of the condemned anarchists, committed sui cide. Lingg ended bis life by means of a fulminating case He held the case in his mouth and lit it with a candle which was burning in bis cell. The explosion was the first warning that the jail people bad, the guard seeing him with the candle in his hand, sup posing that he was lighting a cigar. From the effects of the explosion half of the head was torn away. Immedi ately after the explosiou Deputy O. Neal rushed into Lmgg's ceil.wich was completely enveloped in smoke. There he found the young anarchist lying on his back with great holes in his bead, from which the blood was rushing In torrents He was at once carried into the jail office aud placed on a table. While Dr. Gray was examining him he coughed slight ly and the food poured again from his terrible wounds and from bis mouth and nostrils. After a while Jailer Foltz made an examination of the cell. On the floor he found the shell of a fulminating cap. The sheriff said there had undoubtedly been dyna mite in it. At 2.15 Lingg began to sink and at 2.50 he died. Sheriff Mat son says Lingg was stripped and care fully searched yesterday and the day before. The news of Lingg's dreadful deed created the most profound excite ment'at the sheriff's office. The in telligence was received there almost im mediately after the eyent. Whan Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria, Whan she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clang to Castoria, Whan she had Children, ake gars them Castori* He Swallowed an Eel. A Buffalo special relates the follow ing ; llenry Steiner coughed up a nineteen ounce eel this afternoon fainted when he saw it, and is now iu a very weak condition, but out of danger. The eel is sixteen inches long and a perfect fish, with the exception of the eyes which are wanting. The mouth is very long and shaped like that of a sucker fish. Last December Steiner, who is a wood carver, thirty-one years old, drew a pail of water from the city hydrant on Lemou street, near his house, and drank a glassful. In swallowing he felt a lump about the size of a hazelnut pass down his throat. Two months later he began to suffer the most terri ble cramps aud stomach pains, which have coutinued until to-day. Doctors treated Steiner successively for neuralgia of the heart, gastlitis, dyspepsia and tapeworm, administering morphine when the pain was severest. A week ago the strongest emetic failed of ef fect. Steiner became convinced that he had a tapeworm, and by the advice of his mother-in-law bought a quart of whiskey yesterday aud went 10 bed drunk. This noon wheu he arose he was in terrible agony, aud about two o'clock the eel appeared from his mouth, head first. The fish was cov ered with a slimy mucus from the membrane of the stomach and did not lacerate the throat. It was in a torpid condition when placed in water, but soon wriggled around and lived four hours. Killed In Atluiita. They were talkiug about the cheek of tramps the other day wheu a Wood ward avenue merchant said : "Two or three weeks ago a tramp came in and struck me for a quarter. Two days later he came again. In two weeks he called on me five times, get ting. something each time. I finally turned to and gave him an awful blast ing. He listened to me quietly and re spectfully, and finally said : " 'My excuse is that I served my country.' " 'You a soldier—bah !' " 'Dut I was, sir. They have got me iu the painting of the Dattle of Atlanta." , " 'I dou't believe it I" " 'lf you take me iu there I'll point myself out to you. If you don't see me represented in there you may kick me.' "Well," said the merchant, "I toow him at his word and went over to the panorama with him. He didu't hesi tate at all,but walking to the front and pointing to the railroad gap he said : " 'Tneie I am, sir.' " 'Where ?" " 'Just to the right of that dead horse,' " 'Hut that man is dead.' "'Yes sir, that is tie ba'lie I was k'lhd in !' "— Detroit Free Press. A Girl ss a C'ur Conductor. An Ausouian yonng lady had occa sion to act as conductor on one of the street cars one .lav last under pe culiar circumstances. In company with another young lady she was riding from Dirmiugham, and by mistake in depositing fares for both drop|>ed a qu irter of a dollar iuto the box whence no chauge couies. The quarter jingled the glass sides with an unusually loud sound that caused the driver to take his eyes off the road for an istant and place them iu the direction of the fare box. As his optics caught sight of the quarter settling itself down the glass toboggan they also noticed an out stretched hand belonging lo the young lady, and his ears heard the familiar sound of "Change please." The Jehu explained away aJI thoughts that the young lady had of ever getting her 15 cents change, and told her that the way be saw was for ber to collect three fares from the passengers as they entered the. car. Accordingly 'the young ladvv as any sensible person would do, bided her time, and from a trio who boarded the car collected the amount of her deficiency, thus balanc ing herself with the company treas ury. Chaffed the Wrong Man. A citizen who had just laid down S9OO for a span of carriage horses was driving when he met a farmer coming with a load of apples, Desiring to chaff the stranger a bit, he drew up and in quired : "Say.how'll you trade teams ?" The farmer halted, got down from his ve hicle. looked the team over, and slowly replied : "Wall, by gosh 1" "What's the matter ?" "If you hadn't stopped me, I wouldn't hove known the team." "Did you ever Bee these horses be fore ?" "Did I ? Why I raised 'em V Sold 'em both to[a horse-trader in town three wetk* ago. That nigh one has tie heaves and the other is a cribter and has two spavins. I'll trade you for $75, and that's allowing $25 apiece more on your horses than I got." The owner of the "spankers" hasn't seen a peaceful hour since that meet ing.— Detroit Free Press. — ■! Centre of the United States. _ An army officer, now in Chicago asked the other day : "Do you know where the exact geographical centre of the United States is ? Never thought any thing about it, probably ? Well, its marked by a grave—that of Major Og den of the United States Jarray, who died at Fort Diley, in Kansas, in 1355, during the cholera epidemic of that year. Major Ogden's remains wtre afterwards removed to Fort Leaven worth, and buried in the National cemetery,but his monument still stands on a knoll a little to the northeast of the post—Fort Diley—and it lifts its head toward the clouds in the exact geograhical centre of the United Stat es. This isn't a conceit: it's a fact, though probably of the hundreds of men, now at th e fort not one in a hun dred ever stops to think about it. Fort Diley is a few miles east of Junction City, Kansas, and is one of the most important calvalry posts in the coun try. " MR. liOWSKR AS AN ORATOR. MrR. Bowser He scribes Her Hus band's Attempt to Imitate Oemus theites—Ail Ignominum* Failure. I hope the public has not conceived the idea that Mr. Dowser and L are con stantly quarreling, or that he is a fail ure as a husband, says Mrs. Dowser in the Detroit Frtc Press. No family is happier than ours, and Mr. Dowser is one of the best husbands in the world, lie is simply a little hit queer. That is, we haven't been married quite long enough for me to tone him down. Like many other young husbands he wears a much larger hat now than he will a couple of years hence,but tins is a fault instead of ail evil. The other evening he came home in a state of excitement, promenaded around the house with his nose in the air for a while, and then in quired : 'Did those books come up, Mrs. Dow ser ?' 'There was a package came up. Ilaye you been getting auother batch of use less books ?' 'All books are useless to some people, Mrs. Dowser. If you were like some wives I know you'd encourage your husband instead of insulting hiui.' 'Well, 1 shall lie glad to have you read every evening. History or poli tics?' 'Neither. They are works on ora tory.' 'What ?' Mrs. Dowser, 1 have been advised by my many friends to take a few lessons iu elocution and delivery, and to then accept some of the numerous invita tions tendered me to address this or that society or organization.' 'Diehard Moses Dowser, can you be in earnest ?' 'That's it! Yell out at the top of your voice and tell everybody inDetroit that my name is Diehard Moses ! May be it sounds better than Major. Why shouldn't I pluck the laurels from the field of oratory ? If some people are satisfied to grovel in the dust they need not try to prevent others from soaring to the clouds.' 'Dut you have nopresence—no voice.' 'I haven't, eh ? I was present e uough, and made myself pretty well understood when I asked your hand in marriage! You [don't know me, Mrs. Dowser. See here.' And he drew himself up to his full height, which is a trilie over five'feet, swelled his stomach out, and as he lift ed himse'f up on his toes, he waved his arm and began .* 'Gentlemen vou may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace. The next gale that sweeps from the North will bring to us the clash of arms.' 'Yes, Mr. Dowser, but your voice is squeaky and you are very, very short. Please give it up. I should feel awfully bad if you made a failure.' 'Squeaky voice:! Very, very short! Make a failure! Mrs. Dowser you want to choke me off, but you can't do it! You will yet be deafened by the plaudits of the multitude who cheer my oratory.' lie had five or six books of speeches, I dialogues and lessons 111 preparatory I greatness, and as soon as supper was over he locked himself in the library ami began. He was still going it when I went to bed, and at miduiglit I was awakened to see him before the glass 011 the dresser and to hear him saying: 'I tell you, gentlemen, that the bul warks of American liberty are totter ing to their foundations. A few more such acts as these and —a few more—a few more—a few more such acts as— as ' 'lt you wake up the baby.he may have cramps,' I said. Mr. Dowser was so indignant that he would not utter a word iu reply, nor did he address me until after dinner next day. lie continued his labors for a week or ten days, raging in his out bursts of oratory from 'The Dying Child' to 'An Appeal for Liberty.' Then, from what I could overhear, I made up my mind that he was prepar ing an address for a special occasion. He couldn't keep the news to himself, but soon informed me that he was to address the Young Men's Liberty Club. 'Mr. Dowser please give it up. If you should make a failure of it you would feel far ' •Make a failure of it! Mrs. Dowser, you don't know me 1 Just attend to painting your old pottery and drum ming on that piano and I will take care of myself!' I pity the poor[man when I look back over those days. He wrote and rewrote. I thiuk he prepared as many as six or seven addresses before he got one to suit, and he spent at least fourteen hours per day trying to commit it to memory. He looked upon me as his enemy and refused to have any further conversation on the subject until the day of the evening when he was to speak. Tnen, being apparently very nervous, he remarked : 'Do you think my yoice has improv ed V 'I hope it has.' 'There you go! Do your very best to discourage me!' •Mr. Dowser, can't I prevail upon you to give up this idea of making an address to-night V 'Never! If I can succeed with my wife seeking to drag me down the hon or will be all the greater.' At midnight they brought Mr. Dow ser home in a hack. He was in a nerv ous chili. He went upon the platform to deliver his address, and began : 'FELLOW CITIZENS—Let me assure you that I highly appreciate the great honor paid me bv this club in selecting —in choosing—in picking me out to de liver—deliver—in picking me out—in— in ' That was as far as he got. One boy yelled out: 'Go it, Shorty !' and oth ers told him to take his nose off ; put a brick on his tongue, etc., and he broke right down. The papers next morning charitably refrained from even men tioning his name. I was looking to see if anything was said, when Mr. Dowser came down to [breakfast. I smiled at him kindly, but he shook one fist at the baby and the other at me and hoarsely replied : 'lt's all right—all right, but I'll pay you off if I have to wade in gore knee deep I' MORAL CONDUCT. Some Searching OMCHIIOIIH ami Con elusive Answers. How does physical welfare effect mor al conduct V This question is agitating the minds of tho best men of our country. Judges, scientists, legislator* are discussing it in private, as well as tlie workingmeu, the bankers,and the clergy. Our country, like tlie rest of the world, is fast illling up with men hav ing anarchical ideas, ami with other social and political extremists. May not our morbid tendencies come from disease of tlie mind, caused by disease of the body * Are they not due to some deranged organ, which, in its enfeebled state,diffuses poison through tlie system, thus affecting tlie brain? It is a long established fact that bod ily disease causes most cases of insanity and "softening of tlie brain." Tlie medical nrofessiou claims that tlie kid neys are the principal health.insuring organs of tho body. If they are dis eased they do not perform their proper functions and expel the poisonous mat ters. If these are retained and recircu lated through tlie system they produce most of our common derangements. We haye published in our columns from time to time,remarkable accounts of restoration to henlth from all man ner of disease (even of insanity, caused as above stated) by the use of Warner's sate cure. There is 110 doubt that this is tlie most popular remedy offered for sale, and from tlie very best informa tion we can obtain, the sale of it con tinues to increase. Why is tins V Public sentiment, as a rule, is a fair and just criterion. We dud Litis safe cure in the largest cities, and in the most remote parts of the world. Its merits are proclaimed by the consum ers, as well as tlie vendors. Miss Carrie L. Wallis, of Beverly, Mass., is reported to have been desperately ill from general female derangemeuts for years, and to have been restored to, and kept iu excellent health by this wonder fully popular remedy, and Miss Lillie Stephens, of 1223 Third street, Louis ville, Ky.. was raised by it from her death-bed,when her physicians said she was incurable. A prominent gentleman, high iu of- Qcial position, said to us the other day that if he was governor, and a petition for pardon was presented to him, he would require a thorough investigation as to the physical health of tlie criminal at the time the crime was committed. In view of such facts, tlie recommenda tions of such a remedy are well worth consideration. The solution of tiie relation of moral conduct to physical health, ought to be well established iu the minds of all,and our statesmen should be prepared to meet the issues growing out of it when they appear. TO CHOOSE A WIFE. The Author Knew Very Little About It Some doctor of divinity wrote a book entitled 'How to Choose 11 Wife.' The rules that the dear old mau laid down would woik well in buying a Christmas turkey, but tlie essayist knew little of the intricacies of female character or he would haye realized how easy it was to simulate the attributes which he con sidered necessary for a perfect wife. Tenderness is one of the virtues that any stone-hearted coquette can affect. The ancient divine had evidently wait ed for a lady to dress, for he mentioned tlie desirability of expedition in matters of the toiiet. I once knew a girl who would go to hor room at two o'clock and make every preparation for elegant street attire—all but putting on her hat. That was because at five o'clock she was going to drive with an ancient adorer whom she wanted to catch. Over all her paraphernalia she put a touching loose wrapper. William Hen ry would arrive. 'Oh ! my goodness !' would cry the deceitful fair one, '1 didn't dream it was so late, but I'll be ready in one minute.' Then, to tlie surprise and delight of the gentleman, she would return in no time, putting on her gloves, and he would subsequently tell his friends that no girl who ever lived could dress as quickly as his Mary Ann. He married her, and during the houeymoon lie dis covered the fraud. The crimping of the expeditious dresser's hair was tlie business of an hour. Beware of the girl who speaks disre spectfully to her mother, or harshly to her little brother,' says Pa Pentacost. Mr. Beau must board in the family to get at the true inwardness of Maria's temper. 'Mother, dear, won't you step here a minute, please V sings out tlie gentle daughter, and when tlie weary old lady shuts tlie door on tlie admiring swain, who sucks his cane on the parlor sofa, he doseu't hear the sweet girl saying: 'Now, if you haven't ironed me a col lar you just run down stairs as quick as you know how. The idea or my having to wait,when you knew he was coming. You'd provoke a saint.' Then the gentle sister says to little Tommy, before company : 'Here, you blessed baby, come witli sissy and get some cookies,' and she finishes tlie sen tence in the pantry: 'Now choke your self. you little beast. If you dare come into the parlor again this evening, I'll take your ears off the minute Mr. Pratt goes away,' and Tommy steals around and begs Deacon Pratt never to leave the premises, as his life depends on his staying. If I were a young man seeking a life partner I would introduce the girl of my heart to a score of actors. I would give her flirting proclivities plenty of room. It is an awful thing for a man to marry and then learn that his pretty little wife will sit beside him and smile and flirt with Tom, Dick and Harry, as I see them in theatres and cars, con certs and congregations. It is a good plan to examine Mariah's mother pret ty closely in many ways before commit tal. The condition of the old lady will let you into the treatment sho has re ceived, and if you want to know how your Dulcinea will pan out iu ten or twenty years from date, inspect the ex terior of Mrs. Del Tobosa. 'Beauty is but skin deep,' but alas! mankind is more given to top dressing than to the solid treasures beneath the surface, and the pretty, frivolous girl's chances are ten to one against that ex cellent woman who has croffi eyes. A friend of mine was engaged to a line looking girl, whose peculiar formation ot face was condoned by the freshens of youtii and the glow of health. The lady's mother was in the country, hut one day she got home, and Jeremiah lifted up his voice in lamentation. The projecting chin of his lady love, with the bewiteliing dimple, was a horiihle jaw to contemplate on tliej uiother-iu law. The aquiline uud delicate nose of the fair girl was formidable 10 antici pate us poked Into his domestic arrange ments. •Mie's a terror,' said lie to me. 'She looks like a nut cracker. To think of that nose and chin on the next pillow for the best of my life.' 1 am fully prepared for a breach of promise suit ugainst Jeremiah, hut if the old lady testifies in person, any twelve tneu will bring in Jeremiah jus tifiable. —John have you seen that woman ately '{ John, in astonishment: What woman t That woman picking Grapes for Speer's Wine. Just see her in another column and read about It,the wiues are found by chemists to be absolutely pure and equal lo the best in the World. The Board of Health in Large Cities and leading Hospitals have a dopted tlieit use where wines are need' ed. MPSBER HOW Cor. Main & North St., MILLIIEIM, - PENNA. W. S. MUSSER, Prop'r. HEADQUARTERS FOR COM MERCIAL MEN. Sample £looms. Ijr nll r and comfortable llus running to untl from all trains. FIRST-CUSS LIVERY ATTACHED. Fine Simjle and Double Teams always in readiness for the use if yuests. Keystone Hotel, Seliusgrove, ----- Penna. -aos- ——o -so*- This Hotel has been remodeled and refurnished, and the Traveling Public will flud it tirst-class in every respect -P— -504- Ltesf improved Water Clost and Wash Room on lirst floor. HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK DEALERS. Ternn Reasonable. Hood Livery attaobed uVi NC 81LIC A TliOrv*t llouaehold Moaner. A Majflc VrtllUat FIUh tor McOAIS of all k ltula, atul a lU clean aud scour Glaa*. Wood. ic , anf whrra a flno polish la ruQUlrtMl It to unun>* Fire IhppArtlucnU, Machine Sfiopa, Hrvsrerm, Ac, Ask your Grocer tir it, and If he doe* not keep It, cnd ua alx two-cent atampa, and wo wlli forward bo* by return mail. Agenu Wanted. GRIFFITH, TUTHILL A CO. HO Read. St., N. Y. •• - TO MAH.irtCTUBEPS • • •• Wo aro oin.tantlv r*|rwnnxl on tho rxiaoq wlh to wll to Grocery trade, that ha. not only merit but will compete a itb any aUul iar, let u* hear from you. GRIFFITH, TUTHILL * CO. BKOKKKS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 110 Read, at., N.w Yo'k City. $22s*ib!y more; tiius every sub serther receives $12.00 worth of music for SI.OO. Tlie Joi RNAL I* published monthly ami con- Tains Instruclive articles for the uuldanre of teacher* and pupils; entertaining musical stories an extensive record of musical events trom all over the world, and SIXTEEN FAGE* r NEW MUSIC In each issue, making It the most valuable publication of the kind In existence. Do NOT FAIL TO SCBSCKIBK AT ONCE. Address. F. A NORTH & CO.. No. L.W Chestnut ST.. PHILADELPHIA. PA. PATENTS Obtained, and all f'A TKX T I> t'FiyFES a tended to PROMPTLY and for MODERATE FEES. _ Our office Is opposite the AJ. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL OR DRA WISO. We advise as to patenlabilltv free of charge; and we make SO CHARGE IIS LESS PA TEST JS SE CURED. t , We refer here to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Monev Order Dlv., and to the officials of the U. S. Patent office. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual cllenLs In your own State or county, write to C.A.RSOWACO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, L). C, SI 13 WEEKS. The POLICE UAZF.TTF. will be mailed.se euroiv wrapped, 10 anv address in the United SLites for three months on receipt of ONJII DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, a gents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE. N.Y WORKING CLASSES ATTEXTIOX! We are now prepared to furnish all classes with employment at home, the whole ot the time, or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from SO cents to s>.oo per even ing. and a proportional sum l>y devoting all their time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this may send their address .and test the busi ness, we make this offer. To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address GEORGE STINSON a CO.. Portland, Maine. ■I Hhlp |f to l>e made. Cut this out ■B|||y L Wand return to us, and we ■■■ 11 IB ■ ■ will send you free, some ■ thing of great value and mportance to you. that will start you in busi ness which will bring you In more money right away than anything else in this world. Any one can do the work and live at home, hither sex; all ages. Something new, that just coins money for all yvorkers. We will start you; cap ital not needed. This Is one of the genuine, tin portant chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delay. Grand outfit free. Address TRUE & Co.. Augus ta. Maine. "SIOO A WEEK. Ladies or gentlemen desiring pleasant profit able employment write at once. We want you to handle an article ot domestic use that HEOO MKNim ITBKLK to everyone at sight. STAPLE AS FLOUR. Sells like hot cakes. Profits 300 per cent. Families wishing to PRACTICE ECONO MY should for their own benefit write for pui ticuiars. Used every day the year round In every household. Price within reachl of all. Circulars free. Agents receive BAMI LE Fhhh Address DOMESTIC MF O CO., MARIOW, OHIO. "Warranted tliemost perfect Forcc-Fced Fertilizer Drill in existence. Send for circular. LB. FARQUHAR, York, Pa. SPEER'S GRAPE WINES, ALSO UNFEIIMENTED GRAPE .JUICE. Used in tli* principal Cliurchc* feniD£ Properties are unsurpassed by any other Wine. Iteliiß produced under Mr. Sneer's own ]teroi.al su pervision, Its purity and jtenuiness, are guar anteed by tin-principle Hospitals and Boards of Health who have examined It. The young est child and the weakest invalids use It to ad vuntaKc. It Is particularly beueflctal to the accd and debilitated, and suited to the various ailiiH-iits that effect ill* weaker sex. it |s In every respect A WINK TO UK RE LIED OX. Speer's Unfermented Grape Juice. Is the Juice of the Oporto Grape. preserved In Its natural fresh, sweet state as It runs from the press by rumination, and electricity, there by (IrstroyiiiK the exciter o( lei mentation. It Is perfect!v"pure, free from spirits ami will keep in any climate. Speer's (Sociaite) Olaret. Is held In hlith estimation for lbs richness as a Dry Table Wine, especially suited for dinner use. Speer's P- J. Sherry Is aw ine of a Superior Character aid par takes of the rich qualities of the grape from which it Is made. Speer's P. J. Brandy. 18 A PUKE diatilatton of the grape, and stands unilvaiediu this Country for medical purimses. It lias a peculiar flavor, similar to that of the crapes from which It Is distilled. See that the signature of ALFRED BPEER Passaic X. J.. I* over the cork of each bottle. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS WHO KEEP FIRST CLASS WJMEB Ik ftkUtOUVlllLEffl lftlilllffi AID %DM!LITIWFFIALE*# DEC AT. A Life Experience. Remarkable and Quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD A CO. Louisiana, Rio. a • fit ■ Si-an live at home, and make more W |lll money at work tor us, ihau at any- IU thing else in this world. Capital ■ not needed ; you are started iree. Both boxes; all ages. Any one can do the work. Ctw.il v outfit and terms free. Better not delay. Coststou nothing to send us your address and find out; B you are wise you w ill do so at once. 11. MALLET * Co., Portland. Maine. F. A. KVEUTTIIIKO IN THE MUSICAL List. Sheet Music Music Books. Ail the foreign and American Editions. Pianos and Organs, by the U*st known makers, sold on liberal terms. Catalogues sent, on application. .Mention this patter - MII.V JIM JKTrff LUIJSIH.H at once. No operation or business delay Thousamls ol cures. At Keystone House.Kead. lug. Pa., id Saturday of each month. Send for circulars. Advice tree. My THE CELEBRATID Heading Organ. OVER 10,000 IN CONSTANT USE. Buy Direct from the Manufacturer. Wholesale Manufacturing I'rrci from —ILL TI JILL. — ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CA fcS FINHLY F.NISHED. DEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTION. TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORCAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. SESD /'Off CHICVLARS. . '.d trrrg READING ORGAN CO., F. J. KANTNES, Manager, Fa. JIM TO GROCERY" W<- W*nt A] rrL HT VjfS dent .■Ue.nien Vr HI CCUCiI ■SFTLT OFFICII Z R VTH A ■ —lino 0.n.1.t. of SI-KCIAI. STAri.R .11.1 1 M I'UKTKD GOODS ■By UMSI t>v 11.0 GROCERY or UENKKAL STORKS. * will wn.l complete lino of .ample. : among which are Rating Powder, llittera, RlacUug ir roll eh), Blueing, Canned Gomli, Chocolate. Oat Meal, Kal.lns, J'runea --ving ffVVv * " 3 CylisJcr Bel. c Ml - -1"^ ~U moresinpieand * a —S koullisc. Few. y jJy " ggSj; * 2d Prico $30.00 r.zid uiwarcls. Manufactured and sold by tho Battle Creek Machinery Co.. CAT ™ ®, KCK la M.'l'l uu loc 1.1 it,t MYER^SOH JriAc ENTS TIMES BUILDING PHfLADEtPU.A. CtTiLJATCH For*KlTSriP?B ABVFITIsnc rurr i.Ol IMfl ILO j;t Lowest Cr.iih ' ''LL stumps for myer & son's mmi THE LIGHT RUNNING* DUPLEXCORN&FEED MILLS THE BEST-MILL IMDE of any BENDFOR OEBCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR. THE DUPLEX MF6 GO, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. BEST ENGLISH TWISTTHE ITHACA GUN DARRELS^^^^^^^DAMASC^STEEL PtraiMr, rlr?o*. „n balaawf. All h.vre T->p Lerfr, I/r Hammer*. Babootxl. 1 • ■i "i*., ►*—i • i- ■ r • X'wM l.iwi, lUUfU UuU i'lato. C.'oso Hard Shooting Guns at Long Range a Specialty. fCNO VOM OXKOVT.A. W. ITHACA CUN CO., - - - ITHACA, N. Y. THOUSANDS GF THE BEST SOO g6ld JO WATCH EVER MADE ARE SELLING IN OUR CO-OPERATIVE GLOBS. THIS IS THE BEST, CHEAPEST, MOST CONVENIENT \nd only co-operative System of selling watchea. The watches are American lever Stem Winders, outciuing every eaicutial to accuracy and durabfl* cud have, in addition, numerous patented im xivements found iu no other watch 'lbey are i -lately tlio only Dust and Dampproof oreinrnU m&do in tlio World, and are Jeweled whout with ;KM'l\E Kl Uli.S. The . ..t r.totu Wlail mid Set is the btronpest I .m'dost mads. VU-y tiro fully ecjuul i- appearance, acciirncy, durability ud :>e-vice, to any 513 TVatth. Our Co-operaMrc ClubSyKtcin brings them within •a reech f cv ry one. ."/ went zn active, rcsponsi-'.a repro ductive in EVERY CITY and TOWN. Heavy it >fits guarantee! on limited investment. Wriio ior full particulars. HH P. 0. Ccx 023, PHILADELPHIA, PA KKFnr.KXCES: Mfod; CM J "rust Safe DrpatU , .r j Co., cr lir.j L JUMcrcialAyeHCg. ACCMCIEC: ~. r. -• ra latitat, iri. r rtrcit, !2tL Ct. Lcuis, 1!:. • Ti. T72a!agi, Ttl. -C;V, Lie., MS RURNETT'S ESSENCE OF r™sn LGINGERJ (Blue wrapper and white label.) An Immediate Relief for Cramps, Colic, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and all Stomach Dleordere, Powerful Stimulant Without Reaction. BOON TO EYKHY FAMILY. Used externally will relieve Muscular Rheumatism, Neural gia, Toothache, Headache. For tale by Grocers and Droggista tvsrywbwa TAKE NO OTHER. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO., BOSTON and CHICAGO. SWEKS a SIiOVILL VEHICLES, HIGH GRADE, LOW PRICES, j WE MANUFACTURE HEARSES, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS AND BUGGIES. ?vices and Catalogues sent on application. CPECIAL lnduec.Tor.t3 to larra Buyers, OA VERS C.CCOVILL, < • : rout; own DOCTOR. THE A:M\ of the Age ß -ousmwS" ■ ; 1 LV2£NTHGL GMHALER, Ifftnlj quick relief of .rou.ru.lgia, Headache, Hay Fever. Catarrh, Asthna, isv b? co::?i.:u:s ucs et-scts a ctoz. "fiai frr.arantH,l or mosey refunded. Six !-. > i!istrci!tin^ntior6<)o.'r.ts. 5; y.iur lri.tf.'jist li ,s not the Inhaler in stock, send 61 sia Ktaratis, rnd the Inhr'er will be forwarded by i il. T> wtape paid, „rd if, at iboetpiratinn oi five days ■rui's receipt yoa are not aatiaiied with its elTecls, I u m.y rut'im it. and if received ia good condition, i , . ir li: nicy will he refunded. Circular nod teLtiuiomaU mailed froe on application : " Ho Da CUSHMAN, Three Rivera, Mich* > I desire to call SPBCXAL Attention to im. portut point* of oxoollonoo found odf 1* THE CHAMPION LAMP. X. Combnitioa Ftrftcl gXTIKQUIoHKK u th ° ° &ly ■O-' ; . 1 only A>i>bl|MhH| OKLY which has a KpHH Lamp which curreat of air ttffgjMT Burns ALL the circulating OCT and tween th^Sjg9HE&M^^^^ thereby lap '* short* heating thereby or the ou' smoooH jw TBhll THE IMPOSSI- irnmo BLE. Pal* fa an forms. Plain or Fancy, Table or Hanging. Bead for Hlnstratod Circular. A. J. WETDEITEB, M Oner ef PitoL Mo. 3d s. Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. HARWOOD'S CHAIR SEATS d & § ■a O feo §2 x ffi - WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY To Replace Broken Cane. RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. Anybody eu apply "w So Mechanic seeded. SOLD BT Furniture & Hartware ffirl . TRADES. dflLlZ-mzai* In buying new Chain, ask for those with Eaawooo's Bed Test her Finish Seats, They never wear out. THE" MOORE COUNTY GRIT, PorUUi Own XUli and Xillitcnes. JSMT K ?* The Best in the World for making fine table meal; for grinding Com, Oats, Bye, Barley on any mixed feed. It cuts all fibrous matter bettefi than any known stone or buhr. , ipf Moal sent on application. 27. 0. XILLSTONZ C 0.,, „ PfIIIXEWOOD. MOORE CO.7H.C, The Palmer Boss Chum. OVER 150,000 Now in Use. $60,000 watt sold last. -/Bar. Largest Barrel Qmh*Fo --v tory in th world.. AihmJL It mattes mere batter, a stn**tr quality of but '■"TSßyifiß iWF'r *V IT harder, better grain. ed bettor, than any other ▼ chum aold. IIA Churn works so easily., RU Chum deans so eaaUy. It keens opt cold air; It keeps out hot airj It is perfect, so they all say. Ask your dealer for the ** Palmer Bon Churn," and if he doee not keep it, eend to us for circa lar and testimonial letters. ' H. H, PALMER &, CO.; Rockford, IIL THE BEST WASHER. Ladles and Laundries should A investigate this machlneat once fL If Jr. It will save yon time, labor and Ijf hti money. The only washer built ■ H4.) on the true principle. Will save 1 |uSc its cost in three months. You <|| JL^Ld*£gk have same control of clothes asl|9nglMH*k with your hands and wash board nS||MpufA and will wash them in half the y , *e' u TBu | time, as you can use hot sndsl kUN while rubbing thm, without putting your hands in the water. "if Don't spoil yoar hands and temper or allows your laundress to ruin your clothes with acids. ' Ask your dealer for ' The Boat Washer," or* send for circular to ' H,.H,J'ALSER tJ!fl.^RO(!kfonl,llU. >