Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 10, 1887, Image 2

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    gfct IHUltuim iSoMrnal.
Published by R. A. BtJMILLER
DEMOCRATIC victory in New York
Fello\vs,t ho democratic candidate
for District Attorney, carried New
York by 25,000 majority, while
Brooklyn elects a democratic mayor
by about 5000 plurality. This is an
emphatic endorsement of President
Cleveland's administration in his own
state, and is a strong indication that
the Empire state will be true in 18SS
and go Democratic. Tho result of
this election puts a serious damper on
Col. Fred Grant's campaign lor the
Presidency and it will require super
human efforts on tho part of Mrs
Fred Grant, who practically engineers
the political canvass ot her husband
to overcomo the odds against them.
MARYLAND goes Democratic, elect
ing Jackson governor by at least 10,-
000 majority.
IN VIRGINIA the Democrats retain
the Legislature,
PHILADELPHIA bounces tho Repub
lican bosses and elects a democratic
sheriff. Decker was re-elected for
FORAKER IS re-elscted governor of
Ohio by about 40,000.
PENNSYLVANIA went Republican—
Hart and Williams being elected by
about 25,000 majority, Quite a drop.
CENTRE COUNTV sheds its democratic
coat on the county ticket and elects
Republicans to fill the county offices.
Cook's majority for sheriff is givcu at
500; Goss will be the next county
treasurer ; our townsman, J. F. Harter
walks off with the recordership, and
Henderson takes A. J. Griest's place
in tho commissioners'office. John A.
Rupp, tor Register, nud M. S Fiedler
for commissioner, are the only two
democratic candidates who succeeded
Such are the effects of the labors of
"kickers" in the Democratic party
Will Democrats over learn the lesson
that "iu union is strength" and that
"a house divided against itsell" must
fall ? As we are about going to press
we are not able to say more on the re
sult of the election this week.
The Vote in tlio Eastend of Centre
■j' ~ 2;
= "5 £. z. 2
= ji* i
-S y i
? 3 i. • J
® * ) McGranu, D 114 157 102 ... 242
J Hart. R 34 04 32 ... ts
S-H S Irish. P 4 3: - —' 'r j
) Thompson. D 114 15, 105 ... -41
s * > Wll,lams, R 30 33 3o ...
J Clarke. P 4 3 2
-i j Grove. D 102130104 ... 229
S-? > RhoadS. K 34 42 30.... i
S Derstiue, P - 4 2 - -
' ) Noll. TV.... 11? 151 Itf' 111 230
> Cooke. R 20 41 30 90 72
* ) 114 14V 102 i'i2 237
c Sg*S! K 31 40 32 87 .1
C. 1 Pair. P 2 1 1
. W > Rupp. IV. llO 154 104 .... 207
"5 f Gran. ley. R. 32 37 ... 100
K-)Mattrrn,r 2 2- . ... 1
. ) Morrison. 1) 45 13S 103 2:!6
g"S J Harter. R. 99 53 35 98 73
X~ ' Gephart, P 2 1 1
1 Griesl 10* 50 I*M ... 241
I Fiedler. D 113 134 9" ... 237
e ! Hendennon, R .. 34 38 31 07
= ! Decker, li 30 43 0. .
- 2 2
J Clemson, P 2 2 - .•■
•1 McKee, b - 115 1W 103 .... 240
r ~ \ Krtse. D 114 155 102 .... 244
S! Gray, R 31 3? 32... 67
•z ffiregt. K— 3(i $> 33 .... o,
5 I Bnkey. P „ 2 2 -
<J Dale, P.- 2 2 .. . .- ....
GOVERNOR MARTIN, of Kansas, has
commuted the punishment of the
young druggist,who had recently been
sentenced by a fanatic temperance
judge to'seventeen years imprisonment
and fined $20,000 for selling liquor,
to six months in jail and a fine of
S6OO. The governor took a more rea
sonable view of the case and the pun
ishment is considered sufficient
by all rational people.
IT would seem now that all imag
inable excuses and pleas are brought
to bear on the pending death sentence
of the Chicago Anarchists. Techni
calities of law have been nsed to in
fluence the jurors in .their verdict,hun
dreds of petitions for mercy have been
sent to the governor of Illinois and
many seem to be in favor of saving
the necks of these wholesale murder
ers and preventing their deserved
death on the garliows. We don't 6ee
why these wild and dangerous foreign
ers should be Ehown any more mer
cy than our common everyday mur
derers. Let them be hanged.
To be a member of the Presidential
cabinet is considered a great honor by
American statesmen, notwithstanding
the fact,that the salary connected with
such a position is not nearly adequate
to the responsibilities and labors
of the office, while the duties incident
to the place are the most exacting
and wearing. Of the men, whom
President Cleveland has chosen as
his cabinet officers two had already
to succumb to the mental strain which
their work brings along. Mr. Man
ning, secretary of the treasury, had 1
to take a rest on account of his health 1
and Mr. Whitney, secretary of the
navy, also was compelled to retire for '
recreation. It is the earnest desire of *
everybody that these eminent states (
men may regain their health as rLeir (
places would be hard to fill in case of 1
their permanent retirement. 1
IT IS NUT surprising that the momWrs of
the Chicago police force arc considerably
exercise*! over .the jioHHibility that the con
victs! Anarehists may escape the extreme
penalty of the law through the exercise of
Executive clemency. While the public
may have forgotten that the fatal bomb
which exploded in Haymarket Square de
prived seven faithful ]X)I icemen of their
L lives,besidesjwounding forty or fifty more,
' the surviving comrades of these victims of
dymamite have not forgotten it nor are they
' likely to. It will not tend to increase the
sea! or courage of policemen in the Alt are if
1 they are to understand that dynamite fiends
? incur less danger than the men who are in
; trusted with the preservation of life and
} property. Neither will Courts and Dis
trict Attorneys tool much encouraged to exert
r thenoelves to their utmost for the protcc
-1 tion of society if all their host efforts are set
I at naught by Kxecntivo interference.— Tltil-
adelyhia Sunday Times.
I (From our regular correspondent.)
I WASHINGTON, I>. t'., Nov. #, ISS7.
Among the prominent Democratic mem
bers of the Mouse who have arrived at the
Capital, 1 may mention the Hon. K. I'.
Bland, of Missouri, who is often reform! to
as "Silver Bland," on account ot the lead-
I ing part, taken by him in the legislation
that authorised the coinage of the "dollar
of our daddies," am! also because lit is on
all occasions the steadfast friend and chani
. piou of silver. Mr. Bland gives bis views
as to the probable course of legislation in
the Fiftieth Congress. l!o thinks a com
promise tariff bill will pass, ami that it will
include the repeal of the tobacco tax; be
believes that the tariff should be reduced
$100,000,000 ; the free list should be large
ly increased and there should be a reduction
of duties on other imjorts. He thinks there
will l>o no financial legislation except in so
far as tariff legislation atfeets the finances.
The question of changing the time of the
meeting of Congress, is again, as well as the
terms of the members, being agitated, and
there are numberless advocates in the af
firmative, while on the other hand, the dis
sentients can lie counted on one's tlngers.
I have yet to see a convincing reason why
Congress should meet, as it does at present,
thirteen months after the election of its
members, but on tlie contrary, there are
1 many grave objections to the system now in
vogue, among which (I may meiitiou that
' Congressmen should come fresh from the
people ; that their successors should not lie
elected until the incumbents serve out their
tirst term ; that the present custom is an
tagonistic to the progressive spirit of the
age. Congress now meets on the tirst Mon
day in December, and liefore that body gets
fairly to work, an adjournment for the holi
days is in order. Why should not Congress
men, like other elective otiicials, begiu their
duties on the tirst of the year and be jiaid
jvr annum.
The theory of States' right has certainly
received substantial encouragement from
tlie decision of the United States Supreme
Court in the Chicago Anarchist cases, and 1
doubt not, if such a thing IK* possible that
the spirit of tlie great Calhoun hovered
jubilantly over the historical and eventful
scene that in a measure vindicated the con
stitutionality of his distinctive doctrine of
the reserved rights of the States in the Fed
eral compast. But, however that may Ih\
1 believe the verdict, on its merits, is gen
erally nphlamled as just and righteous.
A young newspajier corrvsjioiidoiit of this
city took advantage of the occasion to send
a sham "infernal machine" to Chief Justice
Waite—making the impression that it was
a scheme the friends of the Anarchists,
for revenge on the Court. The reckless
youth made a sensation in the Capital, but
the sequel was his confinement in the
gloomy cell of the ]iolicestation until lailed
Earlier in the past week, Washington had
another senstion in the shajie of a cholera
scare, caused by two Italian susjiects from
New York, who together with their effects
were given a fumigation and permitted to
depart. If any more ships sttpi>osed to be
infected with cholera arrive in New York
harbor, the Government will unceremo
niously order them back from whence they
c line.
A Treasury clerk has caused no little jier
turbance in that department by inventing a
new counting machine- which, if it works
as the experiment promises, will do the
work of six persons better than they can do
it. And that is what carries sorrow to the
souls of the charming "countesses," a large
number of whom are operating the old
machine at a compe|satinn of from $1.50 to
$2 per day. Nor will tlie enterprising in
ventor lie benefitted pecuniarily, as he in
ven ted it while in Government service. So
he gets not a cent for bis ingenuity.
The air is full of rumors of coming Cab
ilift changes—whether unfounded or not
your correspondent is unable to say—to the
effect that ujion transfer of Secretary La
mar to the Supreme Bench, Posmaster Gen
eral Vilas will occupy tlie vacancy, while
the Wisconsin statesman will be succeeded
*by Don. M. Dickinson, of Michigan. On
the other hand, it is said to be the Presi
dent's purpose to ap]>oint a prominent
Union General as Mr. Lamar's successor,
and if this be true. I believe his choice will
fall upon Gen. Jcl:n C. Black, Commission,
er of Pensions.
Miscellaneous News.
Another Centennial Celebration.
NEW YORK, November 3.—A meet
ing of citizens of will be
held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel on
Thursday next, the 10th instant, to
take preliminary steps looking to the
Centennial celebration here in ISB9 of
the inauguration of George Washing
ton as first President of the United
States. The call for the meeting era
braced oyer 100 names of the most
prominent citizens of New York and
it is proposed to make this celebration
the /grandest of all the ceutennial
events which have occurred. It will be
national in its character.
Counterfeiters in Pennsylvania.
PITTSBURG, NOV. 4.—Tlie United
States Detective McSweeny has re
turned here from a tour through north
eastern Pennsylvania, where he and
other officers of the secret service have
been engaged for the past ten days in
securing evidence against Louis Beiger
Thomas Wombold, Ike Trumbull, and
other notorious counterfeiters, who
have quite recently been engaged in
circnlating counterfeit silver dollars
through Pennsylvania and Maryland.
These men have all been arrested and
are now confined in the Scranton jail
and will be tried at the next terra of
the United States court in that dis
trict. Mr. McSweeny says tlie coun
terfeit are very fine, and quite a
large number have been put iato ciicu
The Strikers KnouiiriiKril.
Wii.kicsitAKKK, November, ft.—The
Knights of Laber in this vicinity feel
con Intent now that the strikers in the
Lehigh region will win their battle, It
is learned on w hat is considered good
authority that Caiter & Co., individual
operators, will 6tart their mines at
1 leaver Meadow and Coleralne on
Monday, Riving the men the advance in
wages demanded. Carter & Co. were
the (list to make a stand against the
Tli Fidelity Hank Failure.
WASHINGTON, November ft. —K. M.
Watson, United States Assistant At
torney of the Department of Justice
has been selected by the Attorney
Gcueral to act in conjunction with
United Stales District Attorney Bur
net in prosecuting the parties recently
indicted for complicity lathe Fidelity
Bank robbery, aud w ill leave to morrow
morning for Cincinnati to take part in
the trials, which wi'l commence with
that of Ilurper, the vice prdsideut, on
the 2'Jth irstaut,
November Weather Predictions.
Mansell's Planetary Signal says the
principal planetary storm and electric
earth-disturbing dates for November
are located about the 7th to ltth, 13th
to 22d and 25th to the 30th. The storms
are likely to bo very severe from the
20lh to the 21st and 221, as Nept
une is iu Its opposition on the 20th, or
in the same position as it was when it
gave us the great storm in November,
ISSG. The temperature will probably
average above the mean of the season,
both In the States and Northern Eu
rope. November will be an unusually
stormy month, with the temperature
runuing to great extremes -likely hea
vy rain storms and floods in seahoun
dary States aud heavy snows storms i.i
northern districts. Sun spots will be
more abundant but fluctuating during
the last half of the period.
O'Brien, the Irish Editor must Wear
the Stripes.
LONDON, Nov. 6.— Yesterday a noti
flcation was received fioiu Dublin
Castle ordering that O'Biien and Mr.
Mandeville be forced to wear the ordi
nary convict dress aid conform in
every respect to the rules for the treat
ment of criminal prisoners. Mr. O'
Biien, who is in r.dmiiable spirits,
though very pale, is resolved to resist,
even to the death, all efforts to enforce
the gallir gj ke. lie has nool jectinns
to go through all the sufferings and
privations of his imprisonment, but he
will not submit to any indignity He
will do no menial offices,such as empty
ing slops. and he will not associate with
thieves and pickpockets in the exer
cise yard. They will have to tear his
I clothes from his back, and then lie will
i lie naked and die of the cold rattier
| than put on the ptison clothes. Ait
this wil' be dis.dx'dience and for dis
obedience he will be liable to imprison
ment in the daik cells. These are
h_>les absolutely devoid of light, and
cut (iff from the heat supply of tne
prison. Here a prisoner may be lucked
up roi any prriod Irour twenty-four
hours to a week at a time, without any j
food but bread and water, no bed but a
plank Led clothes whatsoever.
A llnudy Pocket Atlas.
An attempt to put in pocket size
the contents of a laige reference Atlas
is usually accompanied by rough, inae
curate, and inelegant engraving and ,
printing, but In the New Pocket At
las of the World, published by Ivison,
Blakeman & Co., 763 765 Broadway.
New York,this is HJt thefact. Ninety- |
one Maps containing nearly eveiy
geographical point of interest through
out the world, are given, and each is a
gem of the eugravei's art. Delicately
yet distinctly colored, these maps are
exquisite illustrations of the best color
printing to day obtainable. While the
the Maps leave nothing to be desired
byway of fulness, they are fully up to
date, and show every lecent discovery,
or change of boundary.
One hundred and twelve pages of
terse, well-arranged, and accurate in
formation concerning every important
country or state on the globe, follow
the maps in this compact volume. In
fact, the book is not only a comprehen
sive Atlas, tut also a condensed Ga
zetteer of the whole world, and all put
in attractive and substantial binding,
ai d sold for fifty cents. If not found
at your booksellers, on the receipt of
this aura the publishers mail it to any
Two Reading Lawyers* Undertake the
Settlement of a Feud.
READING, November ft —An excit
ing episode took place in the Orphans'
Court here this morning Judge
Schwartz was on the bench hearing ar
guments in a casp. The bar was full
of lawyers: Among them were Daniel
E. Schroeder, a nephew of Judge Ha
genman, and John F. Smith. There
has been a long standing grudge be
tween the two over the settlement of
an estate. Schroeder went in alsa to
get a book. They were alone in a room
and what passed between them is
not known, but those in the court 1
room heard loud words, and immedi
ately thereafter the double doors lead
ing into the court room from the law
library opened and Mr. Smith's figure
appeared, followed by the fiats of Mr. •
Schroeder, who seemed to be striking
at him from the inside. Mr. Smith's
eyeglasses fell and as he stumbled back
wards down the steps he almost fell on
his knees.
Quickly recovering himself, he
reached into his hip pocket, pulled a
thirty-two calibre revolver and through
the half closed door fired at Mr. Schroe
der discerned his movement and quick
ly darted through the door leading to
the platform, where the Judge's bench
is situated and where Judge Schwartz
was sitting. This undoubtedly saved
his life, as Mr, Smith's aim was direct
ly on a line with the upper portion of
Mr. Schrneder'B body. The ball passed
through his coat sleeve. The attorneys
sprangto their feet and Judge Schwartz
left the bench and cried out for the
tipstaves and lawyers to stop the shoot
ing, and his orders were obeyed. Tne
combatants were then separated. Judge
Schwartz will probably call the offend
ers up on Monday and administer pun
The Latest About HcdlMigs.
In tho cork log lie has worn since the
war Dr. Dsclend, of Waynesbuig.dis
covered a large colony of btd bugs last
week. There were at least S(H) of Iheui.
They seemed to breed in the knee
joint and in a hole on the limb. Ilia
wife, a vprv neat woman, fainted upon
the discoveiy. She had been my at ill
td by tlie fact that the la da in lier
splmded tnaitsioiia were infested with
vermin. House* that ulie and her hus
band visited by the leg being unscrewed
> and left on Hie lloor at night were ala >
filled. The New York Htm to which
the leg has been sent for cleaning says
that bed bugs have a |>artialhy for coik
Five .lilies or Horning Timber, and
the Situation Alarming.
ALTOONA, November 7. —'The pies
ent dry spell, the worst ever known in
this section, and the valley of the Al
legheniea, filled wilh layers of leaves
in many cases two and tineo feet deep
have been ripe for weeks for a great
conflagration. Last Friday I lie (lames
began in the valley below Scott's Knob,
and from Kittanuing l'oint, sported
on by high wind,have been iaging furi
ously. The scene is grand beyond de
scription, covering an extent of teni
tory five miles long. The woods about
Cresson Springs began burning yester
day, and unless rains speedily inteifeie
thousands of acres of oak,chestnut and
jack pine will be destroyed. The big
hotel is not in danger, but some of the
surrounding cottages ate in Hie direct
track of the fire.
The situation this evening is serious.
Nothing can pass over the Dry (Jap
road, Churlts and Gnfiilh Shannon,
of I his city, went to their father's
farm early yesterday morning to aid in
saving projierty and were time tines
cut off from fighting brigades. They
were neaily suffocated the last liuie
and weie rescued with difficulty. A
boy named Arnol was caught by the
fire and lost all the hair on his head,
j There were numbers of narrow escapes.
Itunnei's extensive lumber works were
saved after three days' hard fighting.
His place is below the Huckhotn.
The fiames are now sweeping to
wards Homer's Gap, the great beds if
dry leaves assisting in the speed. The
fire swept down towards Altoona this
afternoon at the rate of tiiree miles an
hour and the wiud iias bten blowing
a gale, but th 3 high hills saved the
city. The chestnut racks along the
the Wopsononck area total loss. The
j atmosphere is heavily freighted with
smoke and last night the city sheet
lights looked HS they do in a fog. A
rough estimate plce9 the value of the
lumber destroyed and injured from
S3O,(MX) to $50,000.
Dynamite HOIIIIH In the Anarchists
CHICAOO, 111., Nov. s.—The cells of
the seven condemned anarchists in the
I county jail were seaiched to-day, and
six loaded bombs were found hidden a
: way in a wooden box which was con
cealed under a pile of newspi|>ers in a
corner. Tho bombs were found in
Linggs' room, and were made of gas-
I pipe, eacli uHmt six or seven inches in
length, filled u it It some heavy substance
am] plugged at both ends. Jailer Full,
'one of the searchers, picked up one
which was closed at one end with a
round Iron stopper, and one of the of
ficers pronounced it a veritable dyn
nti'e bomb. Just then Sheriff Matson
arrivid at the jail and ordered that the
dangerous weapons le replaced In the
box and sent to a chemist for analysis
although there was no doubt ns to the
result of the examination. Tbn the
, i.i continued, but beyond a
quantity of rubbish, nothing was found.
It was decided, however, to change th*
cell. Ifingg. Englc, Fisher and Par
sons were removed to the floor below.
I and Sellwab and Fielden were allowed
to retain their old cells on the second
tier, while Spies was taken from his
! old cell. No 24, and put into No. 25.
just east of Shwab. All the prisoners
except Ifingg submitted to the ohtnge
a* d without dieptaving the slightest
emotion. Lingg seemed much worried
1 when he was told what was contem
plated and showed so plainly that some
tlii i was wrong that the jailors were
not so greatly surprised as they might
| have been over the discovery subse
quently made. Sheriff Matson was
seen on the subject during the after
noon "We have no reason," he said,
"to make the search at this particular
time. That is, we received no intima
tion that anything was wrong. It was
merely a precautions!v measure de
cided on some time Ot course, in
view of the developments of the
search, the most stringent precaution
ary measures will now be taken. The
prisoners will not be allowed to ex
ercise as much as formerly and the
number of visitors will be restricted.
No one w ill be allowed to visit any of
the condemned in the cage and if any
interviews are granted, it will l>e only
to near relatives, and only in the pres
ence of tt e jailer. As for Lingg, I
don't know that he is allowed to see
anyone, but have not fully decided on
that point " The news of finding of
bombs, spread like wildfite. A uni
versal reaction of sentiment was im
mediately apparent. Hundred* of citi
zens who had signed the petition for
clemency regretted their action and
wished they had never appended their
names to the pappr. The general opin
ion arouDd the police stations was what
ever might be the fate of Hie others,
Lingg's doom was sealed. The news
of the bomb discovery was received
with jeers and laughter at the social
ist's political headquarters.
In the Governor's Hands.
CHICAOO, NOV. B.—The last word
has been written, the la*t petition has
been signed. God speed has been said,
and the fate of the anarchists now lies
in the governor's hands. A special
ambassador of Chicago anarchists de
parted for Spiinglleld shortly before
midnight loaded down with papers, pe
titions and prayers. Captain Black
and Attorney Zelsler, in company with
Nina Van Zmdt, subsequently had a
short conference wilh Spies, Fielden
and Sell wab in the lawyer's cage to day
and obtained a formal written delara-
tion that ihey had absolutely nothing
to do with the bombs brought to the
jail. Then for the last time Captain
Black visited Parsons, Fischer and
Engel in the presence of JalLr Folz
for the purpose of inducing them to sign
the petition to Governor Qgelsby, ask
ing for mercy, It was all without
avail, Parsons voicing there determi
nation by the words, "If the state
can affors tp put rae to death I can af
ford to die." Iu this the trio remained
immovable, notwithstanding the heart
rending scene that had occurred a few
moments before when the wiyes and
children of Engel,Fischer and Flelden,
despairingly beseeched the men to sign
for their sakes,
Will Wait Until To-Night.
CHICAGO, Nov. B.— Sheriff Matson
said this afternoon "If I do not hear
from the governor by to morrow night I
shall at once begin work on the erect
ion of the scaffolds. We have almost
sutllcient material on hand to hang all
of the men,and aside from a few beams
and planks no new materia! will be re
SHERIFF'S SA I.KS.-lly v|itun of Hundry
wilt*of Fieri Facia*. Levari Facias and
Issued nut of the Court of Coiiinion Picas of
Vinin county. I'u.. nod to mc directed, will be
exposed at Public Sale, at the Court House, In
the Borough of He lief on te, on
at 1 H o'clock p.m., the following properly to
No. 1. All that certain in emu age tenement
and tract of laud situate In Potter township.
Centre county, I'u., hounded ad described us
follows to wit: beginning at stone thence a
lonu land ot Win. A. final north 55 degrees, east
lid 7 norchcM to atone, thence along laud of Al
t'Hir, llosterniau south .'lf degree* east 212
perches to stones thence along land of same
north 57 degrees cast .1:1 perches to stone,
thence alone, land of burkhohlcr heirs sooth
55)4 degrees east 51-1 perches to stone thence
along land of AleNuuder Kerr, south 35 degrees
wesititi-tl perches to st oiies, thence along laud
of Milium liable south 7<i degrees west 1274) per
die* to stone, thence north 52 degrees west.lH-7
perches to stone, thence south Pi % degrees
east lti-ti perches to Atone, thence north til de
gives west <> aerobes to stone,theiico along land
of north 12 'j degrees west tin 4 10 perches
to stone, thence north 86 degrees west lis) 2 per
ches to stono the plaee of beginning, contain*
lug two hundred and twenty (220) acres and
seventeen (17) perches. Thereon erected a
good bank barn 4Hx:>o feet, a static dwelling
house 40x15 fa t, corn crib, and other outbuild
lugs, also an orchard planted thereon with
choice fiult and a good well with never falling
water, also a good spiing.
No. 2. Al-o another tract In said township
ot rotter bounded and described as follows to
w It: beginning on p dot on Hue of land of Ja
cob Itunkle thence north IP degrees west 5s
iH'rches to post, thence north 31 degrees east hi
l-lo perches to post, thence along land of Alex
ander Kerr south 57 degrees east 4SH perches to
post, thence Sout h75 degrees 21 5 perches to
post, thence north -'si degree t east 2 peiefn-s to
post, thence south 23 degrees east 21 perches to
post, thence along laud of J. Mltterling, south
36degrees west 3" 5 perches to post, thence
north 45 degrees west 15 5 perches to post,
thence north 20 degrees west P-3 perches to post,
thence south til degrees w< st 37 perches to post,
tin' place of beginning containing eighteen (IS)
acres, more or less Seized taken into exccu
t on and to be sold as the property of John
No. 3, certain messuage tenement
and tract of land situate in (iivgg township,
Centre county. Pa., bounded and described as
follows to wit : beginning at stones and theuoe
along lands of R. 11. Duncan, south OJ degrees
west 30 perch' 8 to stones, thence along land of
Philip Lmtzell south 25 degrees east 32 * per
chcs to stones, thence along land of the heirs of
John Haiter deceased north tD U degrees cast
tinperclu-s to stones, thence by land of R. it
Duncan north tVO degrees west 47 perches to the
place of beginning containing t<-n (10) acres and
one hundred ami thirty (130) perches of land
neat measure. Thereon creotod a 2U story
frame dwelling house, a good stable ami other
outhuthMncs. Seised taken In exe anion and
to be sold as the property of Samuel Leitzell.
N.. 4 All that certain messuage tenement
and tract of land situate In Curtln twp . Centre
Co., l'a., bounded and described as follows to
w it: un the north by lauds late of N. J. Mltch
el i now of burdhie and James butler and John
MeCloskey on the east by lands of Itobt. Mann,
now of Jonn Maun, on the south hv lands of
Anthony Gattens. now of b. M. Haley aud
Roiit. Mann now of John Maun rml on the
west by lands late of Nelson Gunsallus now of
John H. Drvls containing about two hundred
aud flrtv (250) acres more or less. Thereon e
rectetl a log dwelling hons-, wagon *lied and
other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution
and to be sold as the projs rtv of Hiram Young.
Mitchell Young aud Ilarvey Young.
No. 5. All that tract of laud situate In Pat ton
township, Centre county. Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows to wit: beginning at stones
them-e by lands of Isaac Gray north it degrees
west 270 perches to a hickory thence bv lands
of lleury Umrkerhoff heirs mntli . % degrees
cjtsc 47 |H-re lies to a black iwik, thence along
same north 7s degrees east Is perches,thence
along land of Agnew Sellers south 20 rtegrces
east 2i'-7 jH-rches to a |>ost thence along other
lands of tin-said Davis Sellers south 13 degrees
"o perches to the place of ts-gluutng containing
one hundred and twelve (112) acres and thirty
six (36) p -relies strict measure. Thereon erec
ted a 2'^story frame dwelling house,work *hop,
wagon stu d ami log tmrn (i: other outbuildings.
No. 0. Also another tract of land situate tu
said tw o. ot Patton. county of Centre and state
of Pn., bounded and descrilied as follows to
wit: On the north by other latid of the said
Davis Sellers, on the cost by land of Agnew Set
lets, on t|ie sou'h by lauds uf Moses '1 hiunpson
and on t||e vest by lands ot Isaac Gray, eon
talnlng twenty live acres more or less. Seized
taken m execution and to la- sold as the proper
ty of Davis Sellers.
No. 7. All Unit certain lot or puree)of ground
situate in the borough of Hellcfouto, Centre Co.,
I'. bounded and dcscrlUaf > follows y'l Be
ginning at corner of houae of H. Y.wtltier,thence
•lonic tiiuli street east to line of lot of tleorge
Livingstone deceased.thei ec along line of said
Living tones lot north to j>lke alley, thence along
said alley to corner of lot of 11. V .Mitzer.thence
along line of said stiizcr to place of beginning.
No. s. One oilier thereof situate In said bor
ougli bounded ami described as follows to wit:
beginning at coiner of the line of Jacob Lllley,
thence along a strip four feet wide bought by
It. N. MeAllsteroti lVcatur alley in a.southern
direction .10 fet.thence in an easterly direction
aifeet parallel with the line of Jacob LUley a
foresald thence In a northerly direction pare I lei
with the line of If ;N. McAllister ,Vi feet to line
of stti<t Jaeob Lllley, thence along satd line J
Icet to beginning, being kuouu as the pln or
plan ul -;] dll Oolongll us IV.|1 V .| Mo, IK. .Villi m c 4U
No. 9. Also anoloyr Jot er niece of ground
situate In Hoggs township. Centre Co., I'a.,
iNiniKted ani described as follows, to wit: un
the north by public road leading from Mlles
burg to CUIIIIIS Works ou the north s'de of
Itald t'agle (reek, on the east tiy lauds of Mis
Margate! Ciegg, on the south by the Bald
eagle Creek, and on the west bv public road
leading from Milesbmg to Marsh Creek, con
taining s|a acres more or less, and being the
same premises which James A. Beaver and
Mary A. ids wife, by deed dated the 2nd day of
June, isTa.and recorded in l>ecd Book K No. 2,
Cage t'.il. granted and conveyed to the said K
lias Zimmerman, aforesaid, save and except
certain lots owned by J. M. Wagner and Jon.
Bullock. Thereon erected a story frame
dwelling house, goo I wash house, good stable
and other outbuildings. Me I zed "taken in exe
cutlon and to be sold as the properly of John
F. l'ottcr.
No. In. All the right title and interest of de
fendant lelng the undivided one half of that
certain farm and tract of laid situate in Bum
side Twp. Beginning at a white oak corner,
thence due imrlli 1IW perches, thence eaat 100
perches, thence south 1(W perches, thence West
l(*i is rches, containing lui acres and Itcing the
southwest part of tract in the warrantee name
of Joseph Forest and known as the "Walls
Farm," having thereon erected a small one
ami a half story log and frame house and log
barn and the usual outbuildings.
No 11. Also all the right title and Interest of
defuudaut In two lots situate in Moshannon
town, Snow Shoe Tw p., Beginning at the south
west corner of Walnut and Chestnut streets,
tnence south along Chestnut street pi) feet to
corner of lot No. 12, thence \yes| along KI NO.
12. lso feet to an alley, thence math along said
alley I2i' feet to Walnut street, thence east
along Walnut street fso icet Che.MmU street
the place of beginning, being lots No's Sand 10
having thereon erected a two story frame build
ing, formerly used as a store building but unyv
oecupied as a dwelling house, together ><ith
stable and the usual outbuildings,an j with the
right U connect with pipes Qou wylug water
from thu spring ou the Itanfel Bechdol farm to
the Hurxthrall dwelling house.
No. 12. Also tjll the right title and interest
of defendant being the undivided one half in
and to all that certain messuage tenement and
lot of ground situate on High street in Belle
(ante Borough, bounded on the west by lot of
Nancy A. McQuislian's heirs on the north by
same. on the east by the Bald Kagle Valley
Railroad and on thosouth by High street, be
ing itlx)ut 110 feet in front oh High street and
ex'endlngtn depth about 2to feet along said
railroad, having thereon erected a two story
frame plastered dwelling house and shop front
lug on High street, with stable and outbuild
ings. Also one large frame building a) xOO ft.
divided into four two story Ave room tenement
bouses fronting on Railroad street, with the
usual outbuildings. Also a one storv frame
building on Railroad street used as a Machine
Shop or Boiler Works. Seized taken In execu
tion and to t>e sold as the propeity of Mary F.
Blanchard. Administratrix of Edmund Blanch!
ard. deceased.
No. 13. All the defendant's right, title and
interest being the undivided one Itlthtn all that
certain farm and tract of land In Harris Twp.,
Centre county. Pa., bounded and described an
follows; Beginning at a post corner of lands
ol William McFartand, thence south 38)$ de
grees, east 24t! perches to post, thence by lands
of same south )$ degrees, west 84 perches to a
stone thence by lands of same south 88 >$ de
grees, east perches to a stone coiner of the
Henderson Survey, thence by lands of Mrs
Nancy Fox, south S6W degrees, west 01 porches
to a post, thence by lands of Oliver Campbell
north 33)$ degrees, wejt 3*7 porches to post,
thence by lauds of William north
•50t$.degreeg, ea*t 4)s porches to a post, thence
by same south 78 degrees, east 41 perches to a
post the place of beginning, containing 213
acres and 78 perches, having thereon creeled a
stone house, 2 hank barns, buggy shed ami the
usual outbuildings. Seized V>\ktin in execution
and to be sohl a* fhb Property of Rebecca
Haves, All that certain messuage teiimutut
i and tract of land situate in the valley of Kagle
vllle, Centre county, Pa.,bounded on the south
by public road, on the north by lands of Davhl
Kunes. on the east bvjlot of Mrs. .lane Hcvurly
and on the west by lot uf David S. Smith, con
tabling \i of an acre, more or less, thereon
erected a two story frame dwelling house aud
other ontbulldlugs. Seised takou In exeoullor
aud to be sold as the property of Lewis Miller
No. 15. All that certain tract of land situate
111 biggs Twp., Centre Co., Pa,, bounded and
described a* follows, to wit; Beginning at u
stone corner of land uf p. U. Ci lder and son.
thenoo along road leading to Snow Shoe and
land uf Win Suioyer. north 28)$. west til 4 rods
to u post, thfence uy land ot John Curtinand
Win. Nfarks, booth 61)$, west 75 rods to stone
near au old white oak stump, thence by land of
f rank Wallace, south 9urs.e;ist ,5'J rods to stone,
thfaiice along a public road and lauds of P. 11.
Under and son, north 04, cast 70.1 rods to the
Plawiaf beginning, containing 28 acres, more
or less, thereon erected a stable. .Seized taken
In execution and to be sold as the property at
J. A. Glider.
TERMS—NO deed will be acknowledged uultl
the purchase money be paid In full.
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa., Nov.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters testjunan.
tury 011 the estate of Mollie Eras her, late
of Miles township, deceased, bavins, been
granted to the undersigned, he requests all
persons knowing themselves indebted.' to said
estate to make immediate payment, ami those
having 'claims against the same topprese t
them duly authenticated for settlement.
42-6t Executor.
ORPHANS' OOl'ltT HAKE.—By virtue of nn
order of the Orphans' Court of Centre
Co., the undersigned, administrators of the
estate of lleury Yonadn, late of llalnes town
ship, dece tsetl. will sell at public sale, on the
pisnilscs of decedent, one mile northeast of
Woodward, on
Batpiioav. Novkmbkk livrif. lfW7,
at halt-past 12 o'clock, n ni., the following de
scribed real estate to wit:
All those certain nieces or tracts of land situate
in llalnes township, Centre county, Pa .bound
ed ami descrl!>cd as follows:
No 1 contains 271 acres and <H perch''* and Is
hounded on the south by lands of Haul. Vona
da. Kttingcr's estate, tract No. 1 ami Adam
Weaver, cube east by lands of J. O, Mot/, ami
l'litlip S. Dale, oil the north by tract No. 3 and
on the west by lands of (leu. anil Win. Vonadu
and Mrs. brassier. Almhil 200 acres thereof arc
ch-aied and hi cultivation, the balance In pluc,
hemlock, oak and chestnut timber. Thereon
creeled a HAW Mill,, Dwki.llnw (locs' . Hank
llakn, ami all other necessary oiithiilldlngs.
Spring and well water, us well as two orchards
of choice fruit on the premises.
No iin mains 223 acres mid 151 perches and
In bounded on the south by tract No 2. on tin
east by lands of Kami ami ben). Orndoif, on
the iioi ih by inudsof Henry Snyder, John (iarey
and others, und on the west by lauds of Thus.
lloNiertnan, Ounl. Miller and others. Altout7s
acres cleared and cultivated, with anew Pkami:
Ow ki.lino Hot nk. Dank Hams und other out
buildings thereon erected. Gissl spring of
water close to the house. A number of fruit
trees imi tin'premises. The balance Is covered
with good timber of nearly all kinds.
Tkuuh okSai.k One third of the purchase
mom y to lie paid ii|m>ii confirmation of sale,
oue third In one year, with interest, ami the
Interest of the remaining oue third to be paid to
Mary Yonuda. widow of said decedent, annua I
ly during her natural be time, and at her death
tne principal sum or one third to he paid to
those legally entitled to reo-Oetlie same, the
deferred payment* to Is- secured by bond and
mortgage on tbc promises.
K. I*. VoMADA,
T. E. Vo.VAUA,
Oltl'HANS' COl' KT SALIC —by virtue of nn
order of tin- Orphans' Court ot Centra
county, tlx- undersigned, administrator of the
estate of Samuel itupp, late of llalnea town
ship deceased. will sell at public sale on the
promisee of deocdcut, on SaiPMUAr, Novkm
iibk, '#. P<*7. at one o'clock, p. in., the follow
lug descilbed real estate:
That certain tiact ot land, situate In llalnes
township. Centre Co , bounded on the west by
laud <>t Michael Korinan, on the north,cast and
south by lands late of Daniel Heed, now Jaco" 4J
Wlukeiblecli and others, containing
SEVENTEEN ACRES, vokk og less.
| Tlio one-half of It Is in good cultivation.. the
other half wol! limbered with pluc :tn<" hem
lock. thereon erected a HwhlUXii HO' '\fe. Bask
Hahn anil all the necessary outhuihliags, A
spring of water and an orchard of ch)cc fruit
on the premises.
TXitMSor Sai.k: —One-third of tutguhftim mon
ey on contlrmallon of sale uud tat residue In
two equal annual payments w nh hiteiest to be
secured by boml and mortgai> on the premises.
1 Affirm that
that the uiost delicate stomach w ,il war.
Kl'l. HLOOD PUKIPIKh Superior toquiulnc.
Dr. F. E. Miller, house physician at St.
Francis Hospital. Now York,and visiting physl
clan to Si. Joseph** Hospital, New York, lias
used Kasktne for ver a year with constant and
unfailing snoenws. He says: "Kasktne is a
medicine of i fee highest value as iua an Heretic.
anti-rytmUW and antiseptic ll lowers the
temperature |ermanently produces no bad ef
fect, and is pleasant to the taste.
Other letters of a similar character frvss
prominent Individuals, which stamp K astute
as a remedy of undoubted merit, will be seat on
Kak|ne can betaken without any special med
ical advice. SI.OO per bottle.or sixltotUM for A'-.
Sold by
or wcut by mall on receipt of price.
K ASKINK CO.. 54 Warren St. New York.
fleanies h
Kauai Pssingc*
Inflnmnin 11 o v figg
Heals the
Menace or
mid Smell. BBf V USA-1
Try HAY*FEV€f{ |
A part Is!clunapplied Into each nostril and la
agreeable. cents at Druggists: by mall,
registered )cts, ' ELY HROTHhItS.23S Uieen
w leu St., New York.
Wholly unlike art I llct*l •yalrm.
Auy book learned In one readlaf.
Rooonimended by MAUK IWAIN, KICIIAKI
I'HOOTOJC. tho Solent lit. Hons. W. W. ASTOR.
I<Hl Columbia Law students; twotliMea of JO',
oaoh at Yale ; 4ouat University of Penn. Philip,
and 400 at Wellesley College.&c.and tluve larte
classes atChaut*uqual'ulvor*lty,4fcc.,L i osic*tas
cost fuke front
42 4t PROF. LOIBKTTK, 237 Fifth Ave. f*. T.
91. It —Genuine only with fnc-afnalta * t f!
llorou Llrblc'ii lKtiatnre|lß b* ne
acrosM lobe.
' ,ad of a" Storekeepers. Gro ?ers and
l-rruKkiMa* 42-41
(to K A week ami upwards positively se-
No humbug.>rr,&M IP oadw"y. NY.424t
Lady & gentlb' en agents
(treat oppomniit ".**7 greeable" amriT" At£
II A T|P r mo\F. A. I.elimann,
ril I rN 1 Wnwhl.nrton.O.
I I Pile I Ut' Scud for Circti
- iUt
anything in that line to be.liad at my
liar ness made to order, and reyaiiinff neatly
and-promptly done.
-*-Anytlilng not on lmnrf will be cheerfully
•especially adapted for farniers'use and all or
dinary team work. A STAPLE ARTICLE,
at prices to suit all purses.
A call at iny place and a trial or any goods
will conviuce you that I deal fairly * jtd squarely.
My customers and the public In general are respectfully Informed tbat 11 tare a
'B est or T-rimmings. ac.
I rcNpttef fully invite your patronage, assuring you that both my goods and prices will suit you.
A(. WKilVEfj, Afillhcim, Pq.
The undersigned respectfully Informs the public that she has just bpened
A cordial invitation Is extended to all to come and see my goods.
My prices will convince you that it 1* to your interest to patronize me.
% ' '
LINS, and all goods belonging under this head.
O VERALLS, and other articles which space does not permit to mention
the latest styles for winter wear, for Men, Youth* and Roys
a full invoice of all styles, all sizes, all prices, and all warranted good.
a large assortment of HOSIERY, LADIES' AND GENTS' UNDER
CHIEFS, Ribbons, and the thousands of other articles to be found in the
Notion Line.
• * Lnctn
an immense assortment containing the latest and loveliest styles in market
nnd Provisions, anything and everything for table use, always fresh.
So I start this Fall with a wonderful quantity
of goods, with the determination to have the
largest business ever known.
I'll depend on my very low prices making it
of interest to you to buy of me.
Cheap Store
]\fadisonburg, pa.
I would call the attention of the public to my
full line of
General * Merchandise,
omprising Indies' Dress Goods.ln all varieties,
Casslineres. lints & Caps. Boots and Shoes, ex
cellent line of Notions, Glass & Queenswarc,
Hardware, Groceries, and In fact everything to
be found In a complete mercantile establish*
44" Remember my prices arc low while my
goons are (resli and satisfactory.
CrII and oxarine.
Mo trouble to sbow goods.
L. B. Stover.
"By a thorough knowledge of the natural
laws which govern the operations of digestion
and nutrition, and by a careful application of
the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa. Mr.
Kpps has provided our breakfast tables with a
delicately flavoured beverage which may save
us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the Judi
cious use of such articles of diet that a const!
tutlou may be gradually built up until strong
to resist eery tendency to disease. Hundreds
ot subtle maladies are floating aiound us ready
to attack wherever there Is a weak point. We
may escape many a fatalshaft by keeping our
selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame."— Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk Sold
onlv in half pound tins, by Grocers, labelled
thus- JAM EN KPPN * CO., Homooo
pathicChemists, 42-4t London, England.
LADIES ARE OFFERED plain needlework
at their own homes (town or country) by a
wholesale house, Profltable.genuine. good
pay can be made. Everything furnished.
Particulars tree. Ad drew Artistic Needlework
Co., 1358t1i St.. New York City. 44-4t
■ ■MKlfAlimaile easy Manufacturing 1
■H HB Im Sb V Rubber Stumps. Send for
In UHL I Frice List of Outfits to J.
■II **■■■■ ■ K w Dorman, 217 East
German Street, Baltimore, Maryland U. S. A. I
has taken sole charge of the grain bouse, for
merly owned by Whitmer & Lincoln, and will
conduct the same in the most business like
manner. I will pay the
Highest Market Prices
for all kinds of
Grain, Seeds, &c.
And wl'l also keep ou band
Coal, Salt, Flour, Chop, &c.
which will be sold at reasonable prices.
491 -1 expect to deal fair ind square and treat
all alike. Thanking the patrons of the old firm
I hope they will continue to deal with me. l
invite all others for a share of their patronage.-
A. J, Campbell, Agt..
a week and you have the fluesl-pollsfaed stove In the
world For aal by all Grocers aud Stove Loafers.
HAIR balsam
sM Qlewnses and beontifles the hair.
H Promotes a luxuriant growtib
JHfl Never Fails to Restore Grey
Hair to it* Youthful Color.
CurcsacalpdismssrssTUl hatrtsM^
Tho safest, surest and best euro for Corns. Bunions, ita
Stops aU rain. Ensures comfort to the feet. Never talis
to cure. 15 cents at Druggists. Xiscox & Co., N. *,
LIME AND SODA. For Consumption,
Weak Lungs, Coughs, Asthma, Bron
chitis, and General Debility it Is an acknowl
edged Specific Remedy. Try It. Price 91 and
93 per bottle. Prepared only by
WINt UEfITEB * , Chemists,
163 William Street, Mew York.
Sold by Druggists. 42-it Send for Circular*