obe iiUUluim TnURSDAY,OCTOILF.K 20TH. 18BT. Published by R. A. BU MILLER Democratic County Committee, ISB7. W - n.Y.Stltxcr. Bellofonte >B. W Edward Brown. Jr. lieneionie > w Tames Schofll ., d Howard Boro..- A. W CBCR. Milesbwrg Boro - A. I . VHtticrlte. M illhelm Boro A- A - Unlonvlllc Boro A. •' Grit Bonner twn j homa* .1. e rarer. Bote* two K. r JamesCoak'cy. uog£ MUHfPut Walker. •• K. P ILL.Harvey. Burnslde twp - A y. Colleeo twn 1. \V illlams. Curt In twp David Briekley. Ferguson twp. K. i* ''enry Krelis. " w. p Frank Bowersox. Gregg twn. 8. P - Hiram Grove. i.regg vw, w loslah C. Kossman. Haines twn. K. Y William B. Keen. •• yy, p Oeorge W . holster. Hair Moon twp - Wlffism' . Harris twp - - f r > u k h.„\N 1 Band. Howard twt>..... John Glenn . Huston twp- William Irwin. Liberty twp William 11. Gardner. Marlon twp - JOB" Miles twp A.N.cornia". Pit ton twn . r.cHjo). Ivnn twp... Win. H. Kl earner. Potter twp, N. P. & A - ►orenmn. S. P - W. W. Rover. Rush twp, S. P Jacob M Glarr. N. p. John B. Howe. Snow Shoe. W. P Andrew .1 Lucas. • K. P lames Redding. Spring twp. William Wood*. Tavlor tw p Win Catderwook. Walker twp John 11. Beck. Worth twp G. J. Woodrtng. Union twp - Charles Mct.arvey. 11. Y. SrtTZKU, JAMES A. McCLAIN, Secretary. Chairman. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR SVI'HKMK JVWJR, J. KOSS THOMPSON. FOR STATE TREASURER, It J. MuGRANN. DEMOCRATIC t OI'NTY TICKET. FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE, JOHN GROVE, of Gregg township. FOR SHERIFF, JOHN NOLL, of Rellefonte. FOR TREASURER, JAMES KIM POET, of Harris township. FOR REGISTER, JOHN A. RUPP, of College township. FOR RECORDER, XV. GALEK MORRISON, of Worth twp. Ft "IK COW ISSIONERS, A. J. OKI EST, of Unionville, M. S. FIEDLER, of Haines township. FOR AUDITORS, W. A. KRISE, Gregg township. H. A. McKEE, Spring township. WHAT A thorn Jack 'Griest must be in editor Fiedler's eve ! Last week's Gazette trots out about three columns of campaign literature which is all de voted to the annihilation of Griest. The funniest part of it is that all the Gazette may say is taken for what it is worth and the Democrats will vote for GRIEST and FIEDLER all the same. Two weeks from next Tuesday will be election day and we hope the Dem ocrats of the county have determined in their minds to* support the ichole democratic ticket We see the Re publican candidates are flitting arouud, banging on to the button hole of this and that democrat and trying to show the advantages (?) that may be de rived from electing republican officials. Don't waver, stand your ground ! Tote for GROVE, for associate Judge, for RUPP and MORRISON, for Register and Recorder. THE remarks made by Gov. Foraker at a republican massmeeting held at Cleveland, Ohio, the other day, were extremely edifying. He waved the bloody shirt with a vengeance, de nounced President Cleveland and the administration in the meanest terms tongoecan express, and said he was going to publish a book about those rebel flags as soon as be is out of office. We doubt whether conservative Re publicans will sanction that kind of talk any length of time. It is certain ly the best means of making new Democrats. WHEN voters are asked their suf frages for a certain candidate for of fice it is natural and right for them to examine the past record of such a candidate. And when we ask cur democratic readers to cast their bal lots for John Noll, for sLeriff, and James Kimport, for treasurer, we take pleasure in shoiviDg up the characters and merits of these two men. The one a veteran soldier who risked bis life for his country, the other an excellent fanner and prominent citizen. Roth are bard wcrking men, and both arc active and faithful democrats. Both are highly esteemed in their respective communities as honest men and kind neighbors. If the republican party of Centre county are able to place their candidates in a better light, then we'll take the water. IN the meantime we urge Democrats to vote for the best men, NOLL and KIMPORT. DEMOCRATIC meetings, at which the issues of this fall's campaign will be discussed, will be held in different parts of the county on the foil owing dates .* In Gregg township, Farmer's Mills, Wednesday evening, October 2Gth ; Murray's School House, Thursday evening, October 27th. In Miles township, Madisonburg, Friday evening, October 28th; Brum gard'S School House, Monday eve ning, October 31st. In Potter township, Tusseyville, Saturday evening, October 28th. These meetings will be ably ad dressed by J* L. Spangler, Esq , C. M. Bower, Esq., and others, and we urge the democrats of those voting districts to attend and hear the pros and cons explained in a clear and emphatic manner. Turn out. —Get rid of that tired feeling as quick as possible. Take Hood's Sarsa parilla, which gives strength, a good appetite aud health. COOPER, the chairman of the repub lican state commiltco is evidently get ting desperate. II" issued an address to the voters of Pennsylvania, in which he gets off the enormous lie that the liquor men have conspired with the democrats in order to defeat the Re publican state ticket. Cooper is well known as a man who for party pur poses would not shrink to do any thing, and his object in telling the people this falsehood about a demo cratic liquor combination is clearly understood. That the liquor clement will vote the democratic ticket on the Bth of November is plausible, because a republican legislature has struck a deadly blow at their interests by the passage of the high license law. Rut that the liquor men have united or will unite with the democratic party ; as conspirators is an untruth and Cooper knows it. Cooper hopes to work lots of mischief in the democratic ranks by this brazen campaign lie. lie expects to disgust those democrats who have nothing in common with the liquor element, so that they will drop their party and vote Republican, lie also hopes to re-enlist Republicans who are weak and shaky,and are on the verge of deserting. Stiil we think Cooper's game will be of no avail. The people at large keep themselves well enough informed to torm a sound opinion of their own and they will sooner believe facts than such a transparent campaign lie. THAT something must be doue to re lieve the people from the grasp of the telegraph monopolies of this country, is apparent, says the Patriot. The time is coming and is eveu now at hand, when the Western Union com pany will hold and control, as it wills, the entire telegraph business of the eountry. The rapid growth of monopolies in the United States is often commeuted upon. Companies whose charters were sold and purchased for a mere song a few years ago are to-day growu so great that their influence is felt not only throughout the length and breadth of the land, but in other lands as well. When a monopoly acquires such strength as this, regard for the law of the land aud the desires and wishes of the people have little weight with it What the people demand to protect them from these powerful monopolies is governmental interference, both ex ecutive and legislative, the one to en force and compel obedience to the laws in existence, and the other to eu act such additional laws for the re straint of those growing monsters as ! their increasing arrogance demands. In the case of the telegraph monop oly the government should first cause its laws to be respected and enforced, before it nnierflie tbe (|ne*tennb)e task of setting up on its own account in the telegraph business, with intent to eompete with a monopoly -which the government has shown itself un able to control. Another Straw That Tells. From the St. I.ouis Republican. Said Colonel .Joe Rickey at the Southern last night : "I asktxl Don Cameron some ' time ago what he thought of Cleveland, j The only thing that can beat him,' said he, j 'is some sort ot financial panic which can tie laid at the doors of the administration. In such a case he would probably belieaten, no matter whom we might put against him. As it stands now, however, I think he is sure of re-election. He has shown himself to Ire an honest, iude|>endent and heirless official, and the predictions that financial ruin would follow his election have lieeii disproved." 'Do you,' I :isked, 'talk this way to members of your own party ? i 'Why not ?' he answered. 'I have no de ! sire to cheat them or to cheat myself; the j conditions are plain. THE editor of the Minneapolis Tribune has had a lesson that ought to be of value i to him and to all partisan writers who suf - ' jKise that politics will furnish an excuse for had manners. He printisl a very coarse and [offensive article about Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland just after their visit to Minneap olis. It was not much worse than some of the things that Maine pnjiers in the East have printed aliout the President, hut the references to Mrs. Cleveland gave the ar ticle an esjiecial brutality. It rousil the w hole town and they have been making it very hot for the Tribune editor. He has been burnt in effigy ; crowds gather around his office and hoot him, and the City Coun cil has passed resolutions condemning the Tribune and demanding an apology. There has been 110 threat of violence, but simply a universal expression of intense disgust and indignation, all of which is very pleasant to read about. It shows not merely the jMipular respect for Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, but the respect for manly courtesy that is characteristic of Americans everywhere. WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our regular corre|>ondent) WASHINGTON, I). C., Oct 18, 1887. Of the many annual rejKirts now lieing prepared in the several Federal Depart ments. perhaps none are of such general in terest as is that of Commissioner .Sparks, ot the Genera lLaml Office, which has Just been submitted to the Secretary of the In terior and which speaks more than mere platform platitudes of the sincere desire of the Democrats to redeem their pledges to re claim and restore to the people the public domain of which Republican rapacity and venality have wrongfully deprived them. These vast funds are not confined to any particular locality hut impartially and un blushiugly penetrate and permeate every State and Territory of the Lmon, which shall for many years to come emblazon on the pages of our country's history the deg radation and infamy of the most corrupt party of the century. . The report in question shows that since March 4, 1885, 31,824,481 acres have been re claimed and thrown open to honest settlers. The investigation of land entries discloses the startling result that 2,312 cases covering "t7u 000 acres were condemned to cancellation and 1,153 entries, covering about 180,000 ceres were cancelled tor fraud, pure and simple. Added to this crowded catalogue of crime—its crowning climax—more than five thousand cases have been unearthed wherein perjury or subornation ot perjury has been committed in land transactions. The reports of several of the bureau of ficers—especially those of the Laud Office and the Pension Office, call for an jucrease in their clerical force- it appearing that these two grand divisions of the public ser vice are outstripping in rapid and substan tial growth alt of the others —w itli the pos sible exee|Bltn of the extension of the mail service throughout the country. Considering the uumlicr of ini|H>rtuut and interesting eases to lie uiljndieatisl. the Oo tober term of the Supreme Court of the I'lilted Slates promises to lie of extraordi nary interest. I'M Ist in magnitude is the trial of the Virginia State ottieials impris oned by United States .ludge lloinl for alleged contempt of court ill the celebrated "coupon crustier" ease, as this unheard ot proceeding involves a grave constitutional question in regard to the relation of the State and National Governments. Then there are the famous Hell telephone oases, tin-ease of the l'rellar murder at St. l/ouis—with a strong probability that the fate of the Chicago anarchists will also lie decided. Among the hills to lie introduced in Con gress next session will lie seven on pension legislation, prepared under the auspices ot thctirnnd Army of the Republic, with the purpose of providing aid for all soldiers who saw actual service. Rut if Congress should tie weak enough to sanction such a wholesale raid on the Treasury, President Cleveland will again stand like a stone wall between that tsnly of designing politicians —with a few honorable exceptions—and the coveted cotters of a great and generous p<-o ple. Another measure that coiues near the ieo ple will lie the of a bill pro viding for the licensing of railway engin eers and conductors —the object lieiug to ob tain for such service careful, temperate, a lid experienced men ami thus secure the satetv of the passengers. In this connection 1 may say that it is highly probable that Congress w ill abolish kerosene lamps and heating stoves 011 all railroads—replacing these death-dealing agencies with electricity and steaming ap paratus, attached to the locomotive. The eiti/eus of the National Capital are making an earnest effort to have the next National Democratic Convention meet in this city. The initiative was taken by the Columbia Democratic Club in bohait ot Washington, and the whole city is second ing their endeavor as a public meeting ill soon be called to consider the undertaking. Tin* chief obstacle to be overcome is the fact that the city has no hall large enough to ac commodate the convention ; hut it is pro posed to obviate that hindrance by the e rection of a large teiujiornry structure tor the purjiose. Another essential part ot the programme will Ik> the dining and wining and lioni/.ing of the National Democratic Committee when that laxly meets here next winter. Miscellaneous News. Suffocated lit an Attempt to Escape. PHILADELPHIA, IV, Oct. 14. Mis. Geotgo Goodman was suffocated in try ing to escape from Murray & Wilson's burning children's dress-goods house. No. 12 South Thirteenth, where she was employed as forewoman. Destructive Mountain Fire. CARLISLE, PH., Oct. 17.— The most destructive Are known here for years is raging along the northern ridge of the Blue mountains. Much valuable timber has been destroyed and the loss is very heavy. Gangs of men are at work, hut all efforts thus far have been unavail ing. Woolen 31111 Destroyed ly Fire. CHESTER, Pa , Oct. 17.—The large cotten aud woolen mill of the Park mount manufacturing company at Lenni, Delaware county, was destroyed by fire this morning. The loss will reach $50,000, and the insurance, $25,- 000. About one hundred hands are thrown out of employment. The origin of the fire is unknown. Fatal Lamp Explosion. Lucitida Gray, a colored woman, liv ing with tier husband in a one-story frame shanty, hack of Slate street 11 arket house in Harrisburg. was horri bly burned on Friday night by the ex plosion of a small oil lamp. Sitting with her husband rccounfimr H** day'a events the wick burned dowt. in the bowl and while trying to blow the light out the lamp exploded and her clothes ignited. Her injuries proved fatal. $."0,000 Fire In Pittsburg. PITTSUURO, IV., Ojt. 17. Shoitiy before 3 o'clock a fire btoke out in the packing department of Adam & Co's glass works on the cars on the street, south side, and the nitre glass work's plant, a row of tenemen's, two brick dwellings, three small stables and a pot lion of Jackson's livery stable were consumed. A number of other dwell ings were damaged. The loss is esti mated at $50,(H)0 ; insurance $34,<00. Freight Wreck at Mlnersville. POTTAVILLE. Octoler 15. —Another disastrous wreck on the Mine llill branch of the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad occurred at Minersville this afternoon. Owing to a misplaced switch, a train of loaded coal cars run into a freight train, the engine and thirty cars beingthrown iff Ihetiack and piled up promiscuously in a creek. The tracks were badly torn up and the total damage is* very heavy. Nobody was hurt. Yellow Fever Spreading. JACKSONVILLE. Fla., Oct. 14 - The fact that a death from yellow had oe cuired in Palatka just becoming known t ere, the president of the county health board immediately declared quarantine against IMatka and sent out * spcial train with extra officers to stop a train from Palatka at the border of the town. A special from Tampa says there have been six new cases and two deaths. I)r, Porter ai d nurses from Key West have arrived. WILLIAMSPOItT'S BIG FIRE. Several Large Manufacturing Estab lish meiitsJTot ally Destroyed. WiLLiAMsrouT, October 15.—Fire this motning burned the finishing room of Kline Brothers & Co., furni ture manufacturers ; the large frame building owned by the Novelty Mill Company ar.d occupied by that compa ny, J O. Redgers Co,, and Scully & Ilotchkin as a planing mill, sash an d blind factory, elc . and a brick build ing owned by E. Powell and occupied by E. Gundrum it Co's plaining mill. All the buildings and contents were wholly destroyed. The fire is thought to have been of incendiary origin. Over 100 men are thrown out of em ployment. WOMEN AND CHILDREN TRAM PLED. An Ohio Clothing Store's Oirt Enter prise Causes a Panic. CANTON. 0., Oct. 14.—The Canton One Pi ice Clothing company,occupying four large store rooms in Sha* iter's opera house block, gave a fall opening, and advertised to give each lady visitor a handsome piece of glassware The result was that a tremendous crowd gat lu red about the store and broke in doors and windows. In the general rush ten women and three children were trampled upon by the raercilees crowd. The jam was so great that the police had to be called to beat bick the crazy populace. Mrs. McKinney is bad ly hurt internally,and a twelve-year old girl, Ella Keatz, fell down a deep area. Both wili probably die. The other i: jured ones, although badly hurt, will recover. The proprietor of the store was obliged to put out the lights and close up in order to drive the crowd away. AIT Fngliic OH Willow Street, lMitla .lclplilu, Smashes u Dwelling. PHILADELPHIA, ONT. Pi.-- Engine No. ft-, of the I'hilndtlpliiii ami Rend ing Railroad, juinpeil Ilia truck on Willow HI root, west of Fifth, HI Ho' clock last night and smashed into (he largo tinea story hriek building at 500 Willow street. The structure is a tene ment house owned by Otto Nussbatun er, who lives with his wife on the lls' floor. There are seven other Dimities nu the upper floors. The engine, which was i mining west, was alt ached to alialn of fieight cats. Several people In neigh borhood say the train was moving at an unusually rapid rate. A worn down tail caused it to jump the track just west of Fifth street, and It ran Into Nussbuuniui'a house about leu feet a way. Charles Dlekens Here. NEW YORK. October, 17 Charles Dickens, son of the celebrated novelist of the same name, anived here by the Cnnnrd steatusliip A m ania. Mr Dickens is accompanied by Ids wife and ono of his daughters, and dur ing his stay in New York lio will stay at the Hotel Burnswek. A successful concert was held on hoard Hie Aurania for the Seamen's home. The sum of 81 SO was realized. Mr. D'ckensread"lJobSawyers Party": Mr. Paulton, the comedian and author of "Knidnie," contributed a couple of selections, "Now and Then" and "Proverbs" and Miss Lillie P. Berg, who lias just returned from n success ful London season, sang Gounod's "Mirella," and in response to an eu core gave some ballads. Terrible Hu 1 ling Aeeldcnt. NEW YORK. Oct. 17.— A four-story building in c nirse of erection at 433 East One Uundredaiui Fifteenth sueei to t>e used as a schoolhouse. tumbled this afternoon about 4 o'clock and many of Die workingunn were buried in Hie ruins. Tlie building had reached the fourth story. It was intended s a parocnial school for tlie parish of tlie Church of Our Lady of Ml. Carmel. At the time there were over twenty men in the building at work and they were all buried in the ruins. Search was at once commenced, and at 6 o'- clock tliis evening six dead bodies had been taken from the ruins. Four more were taken out seriously wounded and almost, suffocated. The supposition is that there are still fourteen me - : under neath tlie debris. I TWO WOMEN KILLED. Struck by a Fast Train While Driving Over u Crossing. LANCASTER, Pa. October 18—Mrs. Jacob Stoltzfus, residing in Leacock township, and Mrs. Barbara Stoltzfus, a relative who lives in Kansas and was visiting her, were Instantly killed on on the Pennsylvania railroad at Mus ser's crossing shortly liefore 2 o'clock this afternoon. They drove up to and partly on the track, and were waiting for a freight train to pass, when the fast line came around a sharp curve and struck the horse and wagon. Both women were killed, as was also the horse,and the wagon demolished, Mrs. Jacob S'.oltz'us and the horse were both horribly mangled, and their bodies were carried for several hundred yards. When the train reached this city evi dences of the awful tragedy could tie plainly seen on the wheels and cow catcher. A PLUCKY MAIL AGENT. He Kills One Ti ain Kobbernnd Fright ens ofl" tlie Otliers. EL PASO. Tem*. Oct. 15 —The train on the Southern Pacific Road which left here at 4.30 yesterday afternoon re turned three hours later with the mail car badly knocked to piecs by a bomb and a dead train-robber on board. When the train had reached a point about four miles east of here it was flagged and the engineer ttoppeu the train. Immediately three men ran up and hurled a dynamite bomb at the door of the mail car. The door was badly shattered and the mail agent con siderably shaken up, but lie recovered sufficiently to seize n double-barreled shotgun and wl en the foremost robber appeared in tlie door way to fill him full of buckshot. He fell dead and Ids two companions slatted away as fast as 'hey could run. The mail agent fired the second barrel at them and thinks lie hit one of Hum. The train then returned to El Paso and remained here last night. Fatal Destruction of an Insane Asylum In Ohio. CLEVELAND. 0., October 13 The North Ohio Insane Asylum was con sumed by fire on last Wednesday night. It is now discovered that tho fire starled in the laundry i-f the asylum which is pituated several miles from the city, and before the flames could be got under control six of the female Inti mates perished by asphyxiation, or were crushed to death hy the feet of the panic stricken lunatics. I' was Hie occasion of the weekly dance, given the more manageable patients as a healthy means of recrea lion. About three bundrrd and fifty of them, in charge of their attendants, were enjoying the diversion thus af forded them when the C>" of ."fire ' n arose.and flames a d smoke ponied up on them with bewildering suddenness. The attendants in charge of the pntients did their utmost to pteserve order upon the breaking out of the fl r e but as soon as the demented creatures real it J d thai they were in danger, a wild stampede occurred. The men bolted for the entrance to their part of the building and Hie women rushed for theirs.on the oposite side of the chapel. All the male patients got awav but some of the women were trampled to the floor, where they lay until over come by the smoke and fire. Tlie at tendees did all that was possible. A HAD INDIAN AGENT. Criminal Proceedings to be Instituted Against .1. L. Hull. WASHINGTON, Oct. 15.—The Secre tary of the Interior today requested tlie Attorney General to institute criminal proceedings against Jesse Lee Hall, agent for the Kiowa, Comanche and W.chita Indians In the Indian Territory, upon charges of malefeas ance in < ftlce. An inspector In the Interior Depart ment and a special agent of the Indian office, who 1 nve investigated the atfairs of the agency, agree that Hall is guilty of criminal conduct in bis manage ment of ttie agency by the presentation of fal e,fraudulent and fictitirm vouch ers in his accounts, running through a year or more *, in the conversion of his personal use of public moneys iu tiusted to him as agent ; in collusion with beef contractors for the purpose of defrauding the government, and a'so in conspiring with certain employes at the agency to defraud the Indians under his chargo by appropriating to bis own use large sums of money be longing to tlie Indiar.s placed in bis hands by cattlemen for rent of pasture 1 u ds. It is stated at the Interior Depart ment that Hall's defalcation will probably he found from §20,00 to $30,- 000. Hall was appointed agent July 20, 1885, and is under a §30,000 bond. Disastrous ('onflngrnt lon In Ulncln tintl'x Saw-mill District. CINCINN ATI, October IFT.— At forty mlnutt H paht twelve o'clock to-tiny lli tucke cut in Crane & CVB upper m'. ii ill iii tho ciiHteii) part of Fulton A sttoug Kttlo WHO blowing from Hie r Ivor in the (Ruction of the hills which imi paralt-llt-l to tlie liver and about a third of a mile dialaut from it. At the f< -t of the hill Is Eastern avenue, wI ieh iui a paia'cll with the liver. It WHH but a few minutes until every thing hetwten Eastern avenue and (lie r ivei between llayou and Lumlier stieets, an area of about (ho acres, was a muss of (laints. In this art a was about nine million feet of hard lumber, about twenty dwellings, nearly all of them wooden htiildinirt, and St. Rosa's Ro man Catholic Church, to say nothing of stables and other Authorises that a hound in this vait of tlie city. Tito wind pusliaJ the Amies from the river towaid tiie friiuieliouses on ihehill* sides and scoies of them were on tire,but citizens on house tops fought the tlalli es out. The (Irabrauds leaped clear over the roofs and ignited the grass on the bluff alopes of tho hill. Up these grassy steps the dimes climbed and set on lire the splendid of stable l)r. K Williams, tho oculist, 4Tn, lHt7, at halt-past 12 o'eloek, t> m., tlie following de sci Itied real estate to wit: All those certain pieces or tracts of land *ltuate In Haines township. Centre county, Pa .bound ed fvid described as follows: No. l contains 24 acres and 108 perches, neat measure and is bounded on the south by lands of Geo. Vonada. and others, on tlie east by land* of Adam Weaver, on tlie north by tract No. 2, and land* of Geo. and Pant. Vonada, on the west by kinds of Dam. Vonada and Sol. Kt tlnger's estate. About thirteen seres there of are In RINNI stnte of cultivation. Thereon erected S Loe Dwauiaa Hocsa, ST.UU.B sod other outbuilding*. Good spring of water and choice fruit on tlie premises. The remainder i* covered with g<>t digestion and mitrilion, and bv a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Gocoa, Mr. Kpps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by tlie judi cious use of suf-h articles of d|olthat a consil tutlon may be gradually built up until strong to resist e'erv tendency to disease. Hundreds ot subtle maladies are floating aiound us ready to attack wherever there Is a vvpak point. We may esoaue many a fatal shall hy keeping our - selves well fortified with pure bfood and a prop erly nourished frame."— Civil Service Oazette. Made simply with bolting water or milk. Sold onlv in half pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus- JAMES EPPN A CO., Homoeo pathic Chemists, 38-4t London, England. IHOOP'S/f| COMPOUND Tho Importance of purifying tho Wood can not bo overestimated, for without pure Wood you cannot enjoy good health. At tills season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich tho Wood, and wo ask you to try Hood's Doeidine Saraaparilla. It strengthens r 6CUI IHi ami builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones tho digestion, while It eradicates disease. Tho pccullnr combination, proportion, and preparation of tho vegetable remedies used give to riooti's Barsaparllla JHJCUI- Ifeplf lar curative powers. No ■ " HOC 11 other medicine hassuch a record of wonderful cures. If you have mado up your mind to buy Hood's Karsaparllla do not be Induced to take any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla ts sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Ilood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses Ono Dollar II CAMPBELL, Agt., J OOBURN, PA. t has taken sole charge of tho grain house, for merly owned by Whltmer & Lincoln, and will conduct the same In Hie most business like manner. 1 will pay the Highest Market Prices for all kinds of Grain, Seeds, &c- And wi'l also keep on hand Coal, Salt, Flo ur, Chop, &c. which will IM* sold at reasonable prices. Mm • I expect to deal fair md square and treat all alike. Thanking the patrons of the old firm I hope they will oont.nue to deal with roe. I Invite all otliers for a share of their patronage. Kcsjiectfully, A. J. Campbell, Agt. Cheap Store AT TVTadisonburg, Pa. ***■,♦♦ ft I would call the attention of the public to my full line of General * Merchandise, comprising Indies' Dress Goods.ln all varieties. Casaiineres. tints & Caps. Boots and Shoes, ex cellent line ot Notion*. Glass A Queensware, Hardware. Groceries, atid iu tact everything to bo fun oil u> a complete mercantile establish meut. M" Remember my price* arc low while my goons are iresli and satisfactory. Call and examine. No trouble to show good?. L. B. Stover. Wllllk Hill ALL. to energetic men and women everywhere. 9no (i week aiut nil ex)-en*es paid. Sam ples worth M-Y and lull )mitlculais free. Ad dress IV o Vlrkcry. Augu-t i. Me. Don t tuts* this chance Write to-day. KMt ————————- ' " " - - WHBPolluirblriHl Inn^H LA 01ES Enamel your Ranges twice a year, tops once a week and you have the flnest-pollsnN stove In tlis wort J tor sale Li> all Grocers and Stove Dealers. WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPIIITK OR LIME AND SODA Is a matchless remedy for rnaxnplloi In every stage of the disease. For ugh. Wea* I.ungs. Throat Dlaeaae, loan of Mean and Appetite, and every form of tioiiernl Debility it is an unequal, d Specific Remedy. egr-lIKSIKK ANIXiET \vi Nt'll LSTKK'S PKKIM RATION. 81 and MR per bottle. .-old by Drug gists WINt'HFATER dr Chemists. 3*-3t 162 William Ntreet, New York. ASK FOR LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT;MEAT and Insist upon no other substituted for it. Jf. It —Genuine only wlib fac-almlle of Itaron I.lebig'N algnatnre In blue arroaa label. Sold by B'orekecpcrs, Groceis and Druggists everywhere. 38-4t KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) More Stronily I VonckEd For \ Ota Drug * ""'St JMoiem Times. A POWERFUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach wUI bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESS FUL BLOOD PURIFIEIt. Superior toquinine. Mr. .John C. Scarborough, Selma,N. C.,wrltos: "1 got malaria In the Southern army, and lor a dozeu years suffered from Its debilitating ef fects. I was terribly run down when I heard of Kaskine, the new quinlue. It helped me at once. I gained 35 pounds. Have not had such good health In HO years. Other letters of a similar charaoter from prominent individuals, which stamp Kaskine as a remedy of undoubted merit, will be sent on application. _ , , Kaskine can betaken without any special med ical advice. SI.OO per bottle,or sixbottles lorss. Sold by or sent by mall on receipt of price. KASKINE CO.. 54 Warren St., New York. vm MnjtmaßT GOOSS J — 'SI i . IJII'.H AINL i HO public In general are respectfully Informed that I bare .1 —-: LARGE ASSORTMENT:— OF TKIMMKD AND UNTItIMMKD "HT ATS - - BONNETS AND ALLTIIKLATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. 'BEST "SELECTIONS OF TRIMMINGS, &C. Hp r I 11 H|M rtiully Inviti' your patronage, assuring fan that both my goods and priors will suit yon. ILjVJTK. WEAVER, Pq. JUST OPENED! The tin tier alined respectfully Inform* the public that she lias j oat opened .AT BEBERSBU RQ, o J A FINE STOCK OF I—o | * 800DS, |~~ A rnitlla) In vitation is extended to nil to come and see my goods. My pi Ices will rou r I nee you tliat It Is to your Interest to patronize me. BEST ENGLISH TWISTTHE ITHACA CUli BARREL^^MMASCJSmL Rtmnr. E*mpl. m*N IMIIMJOM!. All hs** TT> Lever, \r>m fTsmmon. Rebound init l iUn lut' gU,lw I'.rU. Trtunmaia Rib, iaeli-Furtemng C'mapwtmliiH • Font i-ud. liubUor Uult Plata. Close Hard Shooting Cuns at Long Range • Specialty. BHMD ron OIKOUI^AJS. ITHACA CUN CO., - - - ITHACA, N.Y. JUST COME! MY GOODS ARE HERE! THE BEST SELECTED, MOST COMPLETE AND ATTRACT IVE LINE OF DRY GOODS, consisting of CASHMERES, LADIES' CLOTHS, CALICOES, MUS LIES, and all goods belonging under this head. OX-iOTIEEIISr C 5-, comprising MEN'S FULL SUITS, OVERCOATS, BOYS' SUITS, 0 YEIIALLS, and other articles which space does not permit to men/ton. HATS As CAPS, the latest styles for winter wear, for Men, Youths and Roys. BOOTS