Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 29, 1887, Image 2

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    <ruc guilfectm goutual.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER
Democratic County Committee, IKB7
)X W H. Y.Stltwr.
Is W Kdward llrown. Jr.
Beiicionte j amo , schoneii.
Howard Roro A r^xvfihoriti.
Bssriri==fc I
Centre SSfiwr.
Phlt ll .nr,<^V ;rr:: Hr Ti^r n.
Ktip N P ~ JamesCoaklcy.
f MillUan Walker.
* K. P.... H. L. Harvey.
Rurnsidetwp f HI Urns' y "
Collcce twp - ••'<> ) Vxrl Aiv
Purlin two .......... Davul lirlcklej.
Vcrpiison twp, K. P Ilenry Kreba.
Ferpuson vrnpj* p iv>wersox.
iirccixtwP.9. P.. Hiram Grove,
6 N, P - Joatab C. Rosaman.
mines twe.K. P William R. Keen.
.1 w. P George W. bolster.
Hair Moon twp —>• William T. Bailey.
Harris twp -fmnkKWelland.
Howard twp Tohn Glenn.
Stw-I William Irwin.
Liberty twp - William 11 . Gardner.
Marlon twp John Ishler.
Miles twp A.N-J-™ 1 " 51 "-
Patron twp J- C. Rcbje>.
Penn twp '• • Kieamer.
Potter twp, N. P. F A. Foreman.
S. P.....—. W.NN. Rover.
Rush twp, S. P Jacob M. Clarr.
N. P John R. Howe.
Snow Shoe. W. P - Andrew J. lamas.
•• E. P James Rtnidlng.
Spring twp William Woods.
Taylor twp Win Caldei wook.
Walker twr John H. Reek.
Wortli twp G. J. Wood ring.
Union twp - Charles McGarvey.
Secretary. Chairman.
JOHN GROVE, of Gregg township.
JOHN NOI.L, of Bellefonto.
JAMES KIMPORT, of Harris township.
JOHN A. RUPP, of College tow nship.
W. GALER MORRISON, of Worth twp.
A. J. GP.IEST, of Unionville,
M. S. FIEDLER, of Haines township.
W. A. KRISE, Gregg township.
H. A. McKEE, Spring township.
OCTOBER BTH is tho last day on
which a voting tax can be paid.
THE Knights of Labor are in con
vention assembled at Minneapolis this
week, and the probabilities are that
Powderly will be re-elected to the po
sition of General Master Workman.
To keep Foraker oat of mischief his
political friends haye persuaded the
fiery governor cf Ohio not to attend
the G. A. R. encampment at St. Louis
this week. They fear he might get
snubbed again.
THE first of the three yacht races
between the American sloop olu n
teer and the Scotch cutter Thistle
came ofT on Tuesday, and starting
from a given point in the New York
bay, the vessels sailed out with the
best wind. The Volunteer beat the
Thistle by nineteen minutes.
THE Anarchists' doom is settled and
they will have to expiate their crimes
on the gallows on the 11th of Novem
ber. Such is the order of the Illinois
Supreme Court and the seven bomb
throwing foreigners, who threatened
to send whole Chicago to an untimely
death will Bwing into eternity where
they can do no more harm with their
death-dealing bombs. If anymore
anarchists advocate communistic prin
ciples thev should take a solemn warn
ing from "the fate of their fellow crim
THE old Keystone state has a regu
lar gala time this fall with its centen
nial celebrations. Philadelphia made
the start with its enormous constitu
tional centennial. Huntingdon county
closely followed with the centennial of
its existence and York county took up
the rounds where Huntingdon left off
and celebrated the centennial of the
county's formation last Friday and
Saturday. As the country grows old
er, centennials will become more nu
merous and we may as well make up
our minds to have one right at home
next year, it being the time for the
one hundredth anniversary of Mill
heim's foundation.
THE Prohibition convention which
met at Howard on Tuesday of last week
nominated the following ticket for the
the county offices : Associate Judge,
M. Derstine, of Centre Hall ; Treasur
er, W. T. Bair, Philipsburg ; Sheriff,
F. C. Flegle, Philipsburg ; Register,
Dr. F. G. Mattern, Milesburg; Re
corder M. C. Gepbart, Millbeim; Com
missioners, C. Buck, Unionyille, and
A. E. Clemson, Ferguson ; Auditors,
H. P. Sankey,Potter, and W. J. Dale,
Spring. This makes ticket No. 3 and
is likelj to be followed by another to be
nomimated by the labor party. The
personnel of the ticket is certainly a
sober set of people, but as to its possi
ble success there is no more chance
for it this year than there was in any
of the former years.
EVEN the Republican press of Phil
adelphia gives honor where honor is
due in mentioning of President Cleve
land's attendance of the Constitution
al Centennial. The papers all speak
in the highest terms of Cleveland's
agreeable and dignified deportment
during his short stay in the city of
brotherly love. They say he made le
gions of friends and predict that his
western tour will have the same effect
because he cannot fail to make a fav
orable and lasting impression wher
ever he goes. And finally they ac
knowledge that a man of his type and
popularity makes a very strong candi
date for President of the United
States and will give the Republican
party lots to do if they would defeat
bim." Exactly, it will take somebody
stronger than James G. Blaine to get
away with Cleveland.
PRINCE BISMARK, tho German Pre
mier minister, celebrated the twenty
fifth anniversary of his political dis
tinction last week. Tho old statesman,
since he became Prussian Premier a
quarter of a century ago, has played
an important roll in the political revo
lutions of Germany and several of the
neighboring European nations, among
them France, have felt his iron grip
ou uatioual politics during his long
term of service.
BY referring to tho Democratic
county ticket at the head of our second
page it will bo noticed that the name
of P. F. Jamison, for auditor, has
been taken down and substituted by
that of W. A. Krise, of Gregg town
ship Mr. Jamison having tendered
his declination on the ground of the
oftice interfering with his duties as
teacher, the County Committee at its
meeting last Saturday uominated W.
A. Krise in his stead. We are free
to say that Mr. Krise is fully compe
tent to fill the oflioe of auditor and the
change will not affect the ticket iu the
THE fairs, centennials, excursions,
picnics, and most of the farm work is
now past and the democratic voters
should find time to pay some atten
tion to their political duties. Thore
is not n particle of doubt that the
democratic county ticket will he elec
ted, but we should not rest there. It
should be elected by a large majority
and to do that it will be necessary to
organize in the several districts, and
see that every Democratic voter votes
Democratic from the head to the foot
of the ticket. None should stay at
home, all ought to be at the polls and
do their share in gaining a complete
and glorious victory. Let us all get
to work and not rest until after the
eigth of November.
Receipts lurgely Increased—Receipts
Largely Reduced.
WASHINGTON, September 25.— The
fruits of houest, busi uess-like govern
ment are strikingly exhibited in the
administration of the revenue laws,
which are the same under Cleveland
that there in operation under Arthur.
It is natural that revenues should in
crease to some extent because of the
steady growth of the busiuess of the
couutry, but the invariable tule hereto,
fore lias been for the expenditures, or
costs of collection, to increase all the
time, whether the revenues increased
or not. In both the revenues from im
ports and internal taxes, there has been
a steady and decided increase of levenue
and as steady and decided decrease of
t he cost of collection under the piesent
The figures ate taken from the offici
al records of lhaTieasury Department
and are thoroughly reliable. The fol
lowing are the receipts fiom justoms
for the fiscal year ending June 30,1885,
ISSG and ISB7 *, the year ending June
30, ISSS, being the last year of the
Arthur administration ;
Year ending June 30, 1885, $183,116,.
808.00. Year ending June 30. 1886
$104,189,350 00 Year ending June 30,
1887 $217,280,894.13.
Year euding June 30, 1885 SO, 918,221,-
19. Year ending June 30, 1886 80.-
427,512.00. Year ending JuDe 30,1887
The cost of collection in the last year
of Aitbnr's administration was 3.77
per cent : the cost in 1880 was 3.30
per cent. The same results are shown
in the receipts from internal reveuu e
and expenditures, as follows :
Year ending June 30, 1885 $112,497,-
725,45. Year ending June 30, ISS6
8116,805.836 48 Yearjending June 30,
1887 sllß, 337,201.06.
Year ending June 30, 1885 $4,555,430,-
27. Year ending June 30, 1886 $4,-
299.485.23. Year ending June 30,1887
it is these substantial and beneficent
results of administering the govern
ment on business principles, instead of
wasting the taxes of the people
plunder, which make Cleveland strong
with the people and compel politicians
who aie ever on the hunt for spoils to
support the policy of the President
even against their own inclinations.
The one inflexible rule now In force in
all public departments is that every of
ficial must perform his duty with the
same fidelity that would be demanded
in any business employment, and that
kind of government, tbe great mass of
the people of all parties want.
The Effects of High License.
(From the Pbila. Sunday Times.)
The new license system which lias been
adopted in several states, Pennsylvania a
mong the number, has not in any State
been in operation long enough to furnish a
complete test of its effect in reducing the
sales of liquor or the amount of drunken
ness. In Pennsylvania very few of the old
licenses have expired and it will require
nearly a year yet before a comparison can
lie made as to the relative number of drink
ing places under the old and new laws. Un
til the old licenses have all expired and only
the high-priced licenses exist all attempts at
comparison will be valueless and mislead
In Nebraska the law has been in effect
some time, and comparisons can be made
that are of some value. Omaha, the largest
city in the State, has 200 saloons, or one to
every 500 inhabitants. The cost of a license
is SI,OOO. In Syracuse, New York, where
a license costs $75, there is a saloon to every
L3O inhabitants, and in Brooklyn one to
every 170. Nobody would pretend that the
rushing, go-ahead people of Nebraska's
chief city were not as much inclined toward
drink as those of the two New York citlos
mentioned. The difference in the number
of saloons in proportion to ]>opulation is
clearly owing to the higher license fee.
In Minnesota, where the high license law
has been in effect since July 1, comparisons
are being made by the St. Paul Pioneer
Press with the number of licenses granted
under the new and old laws in the same lo
calities. The license fee is SI,OOO in all
towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants
and SSOO in all towns with less than that
number. A canvass has been "made of all
the considerable tow-ns and cities in the
State as to the workings of the new law.
Replies have been received from almost the
entire State. The result as shown in the
towns in which the law is in effect is a de
crease of fully one-third in the total num
ber of saloons, hut 1,100 licenses having
been granted where 1,650 were in force be
fore. The saloon-keepers who have paid
the high license as a rule are disposed to aid
the authorities in the enforcement of the
law and the suppression of illegal selling.
Beside reducing the number of drinking
places in a marked degree the increase jn
revenue js very great. In Minnesota, while
the licenses have been reduced one-third in
number, the amount realized to the muuici-
palitics has increased one-third. In the
large cities of Nebraska the public school*
are supported by the revenues derived from
licenses. Thus," while Iho amount of drink
ing and the evils attendant thereon are no
ticeably decreased, the increased revenue
derived from the restricted tratlic becomes
an Important item.
There is every reason to liellevo that the
x|M>rienee of Nebraska and Minnesota will
lie rc|teatod in Pennsylvania ami every oth
er State where the high license system is or
has lieen adopted. It will not bring In tho
millennium or abolish drinking entirely,
hut it has already to some extent and will
in the future to a greater extent restrict and
demiuish tho evils attending tho traffic. It
will lie wise, in view of these results, to
give high license a thorough and effective
trial to enforce tho law with all its wise and
necessary restrictions and observe itseffocts
before discarding it as useless or Ineffect
ive. So far as It has been triisl the results
are encouraging.
(From our regular correspondent.)
WASIUNGTGN, I>. ('., Sept. *Jti, IHM7.
That the action of the Government in Is
suing a call for the purchase of fourteen
millions in Kinds was wise and timely is
the opinion of able and exjierieiiced finan
ciers In all portions of the country, and there
is also a general finding that a financial
crisis was narrowly averted—due directly
to the constant and enormous absorption of
the currency by the immense surplus that
continues to accumulate with startling jwr
sistcncy. 1 know of certain staunch and ex
tensive business tirins, in some groat com
mercial centres of tho Union, that were ah
Bolutely unable to place loans, with the K-st
collateral, at JO per cent Tho ready re
sponse to the Treasury's measure of relief
has beeu so satisfactory that it Is believed
that there will bo no further tightness gene
rally seriously felt in the money market
until Congress will have the opportunity to
provide |H*rninnently for the country's finan
cial ills, brought on by the canker-worm of
our body politic—the Treasury surplus—
our troublesome heritage from tho unsound
fiscal policy of the Republicans.
The President and Secretary Bayard had
a confluence lasting nearly a day, tho past
week during which several Congressmen
were denied audience, and it is supjHMcd
that some affair of grave import—perhaps a
solution of the fisheries problem—was un
der discussion, though nothing has yet
transpired to indicate the subject matter of
the consultation.
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue is
preparing a statement that will show to
what extent the Government receipts would
bo decreased by a total repeal of the inter
nal revenue taxes, and the result, so far, is
interesting in oue aspect, at least as show
ing a decided change in the bibulous ten
dencies and inclinations of the citizens of
the United States. It appears that as coin
pared with the previous fiscal year there has
iieen a great falling otf in the manufacture
of whiskey—the decresed taxation amount
ing to nearly three millious and three
quarters—the decline having been noticed
for a number of years past. But, ou the
other hand, the manufacture of beer is so
rapidly increasing that It may he termed
the national beverage,—the increasing tax
ation of the past year showing a gain of a
bout two million aud a half dollars over the
preceding year. At an early date the Com
missioner proposes to have an analytical
test made of every brand of American beer,
as it is alleged that many brewers use more
alcohol in making their beer than the law
allows- hence itis thought the analysis will
can sco sensation. The Commissioner of Iu
ternal Revenue states it as his belief that the
steady decrease in the manufacture of dis
tilled spirits is due to tho rapid growth of
tern iterance reform in this country.
While all is so quiet in politics—this be
ing an off year—it may startle, if it does not
awe your readers, that a new Preshleuta!
ticket, and a wonderful combination it is,
too, linking as it does two of the great
names of the nation, has been launched here
in the Capital. And well may President
Cleveland, as he realizes the strength of
this "combine" quake in his boots, as he
sees his vision of a second term vanish into
thin air, for how does he dare to opjMse tho
Presidential aspirations of those mighty men
of renown, those eminent statesmen who
will favorably compare with the fathers of
the Republic—Lincoln and Douglass ! Yes,
I repeat it, Robert Lincoln and Frederick
Douglas. The glorious deed was done at a
banquet given lo Douglas. u..7
gTTo.t JraTc nogio race, on the anniversary
of emancipation day, and though, by a
strange coincidence, Robert, the son of l is
father, happened to be in this city at
the same time, I do not know that lie is
committed to the movement, yet his presence
here on such an occasion may be significant.
The frisky ami wayward Kiddleliergcr,
feeling that"he has been snubbed by his Re
publican Senatorial associates, threatens to
give the majority trouble next winter by
voting with the Democrats and tying the
Senate whenever it suits the whim of the
erratic Virginian, which judging from his
past course, will bo quite often. Kiddle
liergcr will be tho pivotal power of the
Senate, and he will make the most of his
exceptional opportunity to keep the Re
publicans in a constant state of suspense.
Miscellaneous News.
Whiskey Record Broken.
DAYTON, O , Sept. 26.— George
Zelgler Saturday evening stopped in a
corner grocery,where Daniel Alexander
agreed to pay for all the liquor Zeiglet
would drink. Zeigler drank twenty
two glasses of five cent whiskey,walked
two hundred yards home, sat down and
soon died.
An Old Bank President Dead.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 25.— Joseph
Patterson, the oldest bank president in
this city, having been president of the
Western national bank since 1842, died
to day at the age of 84. Mr. Patterson
was also director of the Lehigh Valley
railroad, aud was well known through
out financial circles.
A Town In Ontario Burning Up.
GRAVENHURST, Ont., Sept. 23.— A
terrible Ore broke out nere which bids
fair to wipe the town out of existence*
All efforts to check or subdue the
flames have proved unavailing, owing
to the inflammable nature of the build
ings. The Orillia Ore brigade is on the
way to the town's assistance. The ex
citement has been terrific, and it is im
possible to ascertain how Lite Are
originated. The loss will be enormous.
Telling Children's Ages by Their
BOSTON, Sept. 23 —A special com
mittee of thelegislature inspected a large
oclton mill at Salem, which is manned
almost exclusively by French Canadians,
mostly children. All sorts of expedients
are resorted to by the parents to obtain
the necessary certificates for children
under the legal age of 14 years. The test
now applied in each case is an examina
lion of the teeth. A dentistiu the Salem
school board quickly detects the age of
every applicant for a certificate by the
child's teeth. Unless the proper molars
are there, due at 11 years, no certidcate
is issued.
Town Councils ShouldTuke Warning*
POTTSVILLE, September 24.— A suit
against tbe borough of Polt&ville for
SIO,OOO damages was decided by ver
dict here to-day. The plaintiff, Miss
Ann Buckley, tripped over a stone in
the pavement projecting four inches a
bove the surface in December last, an d
fell so hard a9 to sustain a rupture of
one of her lungs, making her a perma
nent invalid. Notice of tbe dangerous
condition ol tbe sidewalk had been re
peatedly given the borough officers
prior to tbe accident, but they neg
lected it until afterwards. Tbe jury
gave tbe plaintiff a verdict for §l, 445,-
Jacob Sliurii's Sentence Affirmed.
NKW YORK, September 20. —The de
cision in Die Sharp case has been af
flitntd by the general term. All four
of the judges concur.
Jacob Sharp did uot hear of the ad
terae decision of the supreme court uo
until Lawyer Stickney called at 8 30 P
m. to day. Tiie news afTcc.ed him Lut
little, Mrs. Sharp was yeiy much
overcome. There is no apparent change
in his condition. Assistant lho.-e
--culiog Attorney Nioholi says Sharp
will lie on tils way to Sing Sing within
forty-eight hours.
Asiatic Cholera In Now York Hay.
NKW YORK, Sept. 2*2.—The steam
ship Alesia. which arrived below last
night from Marseilles and Naples with
OiK) passengers, has Asiatic cholera a
board. Eight of her passengers died
on passage, and on her arrival at quar
antine the health otlicer found four cas
es on board, lie lias sent the Alesia
and her passengeas to West Hank in
lite lower bay. The Alesia left Mar
seilles August 30 aud Naples Septem
ber 3. She is consigned to Jauies W.
El well & Co.
Dr. Hamilton, Surgeon General of
the Marine Hospital Service, says to
uight that the arriyal of a single ship
at New York infected with Asiatic
cholera need not need give occaaslon
for alarm. In his judgement the Health
Officer at New Yoik will be able to
handle the cases at Quarantine without
difficulty. The sick will, of course, he
said be properly isolated and well re
moved to a safe place, their clothing
and baggage fumigated and disinfected
the ship thoroughly cleansed aud her
cargo removed and disinfected.
Two Hostile Hands MarchliiK South
From the San Carlos Reservation.
TUSCON, Arzu, September 25.
Most intense excitement prevails in
this city over the reported outbreak of
the San Carlos Apache Indians. A
courier arrived at Pantano late yester
day notifying all the settlers in the val
ley that two bands left the reservation
and were marching south. This is
supposed to be the result of the k illing
of Ilorton, the poet trader, who was
murdered by the Indians Friday.
The outbreak bids fair to be of a very
serious character. Already two bands
are reported to be out and if such
is the case destruction of life and
property will be great. Kskimizin's
baud will most surely j-io forces witti
the San Carlos Apaches and make a
force of neatly 2*l) well armed and
equipped hosliles. No news has been
rec dved, either at Benson or Wilcox.
Many do uot believe that the outbreak
is as big as reporled.but dread auy kind
of one.
Messages have been sen t in all direc
tions notifying the people to gather ail
stock aud the wildest rumors are in cir
culation, uone of which can Le traced
to leliable foundation. The people a
round Florence are in a great state of
excitement, fearing Hn outbreak there.
TerrlOtc Storm In Texas.
BROWNSVILLE. Te*. *"P*- 23. —A
cyclone passed over this section on
Wednesday night, the storm being ac
companied by a tremeud us rainfall,
whicli reached by actual measurement
ten incites. Seventy small houses in
this citv were blown down and three
hundred others partially damaged. Tele
graph wires were badly disortahixod,
and this prevented earlier infoimalion
of the disaster reaching the outside
world. The total monetary loss is be
lieved to be $1,000,000. No one was
killed, but many sustained injuries.
The village of Santa Cruz, opposite
Brownsville, was eutiiely submerged
for several hours The Rio Grande
rose rapidly and raged like a sea, the
back water overflowing many miles of
fertile country. The wind reached a
velocity of over eighty miles an hour,
blowing for two hours.
In Matamoras dozens of houses of
the better class aud 150 to 200 houses
were prostrated, while4oo to 500 others
are unroofed. In the country on the
American side of the river incalculable
damage was done. Countless numbers
of cattle and sheep have been lost.
Crops of cotton,corn aud sugtrcane are
completely prostrated and destroyed.
In Brownsville the chief suffeiers are
among the poor. Between sixty and
eig lily jacals, or cheaper class of dwell
ings have been blown down and fully
three hundred have been partially un
roofed and rendered unhabitable. There
is great suffering among the poor,
many of whom are without resources.
William Showers Confesses That He
Killed Ills Two Little Grandchil
dren .
LEBANON, Pa., Sept. 23.—William
Showers, the aged murderer of his
grandsons was brought into court at
9.30 o'clock this morning to be tried.
Some thirty-nine witnesses, all resi
dents of the vicinity of Annvllle, where
the murder was committed were in
court. A. Frank Saltzir, esq., counsel
for Showers, is confined to his room, se
riously indisposed, and District Attor
ney Ehrgood stated that he was willing
to postpone the case until to-morro*-,
A sensation was then created by the
handing of a written confession to
Judge McPherson which covers Ave
pages of legal cap paper. Showers con
fesses that be killed the two little boys,
as charged inthetwo bills of indictment.
Judge McPherson read the confession
amid an almost breathless stillness in
the court room. Betsy Sargeant, the
would-be housekeeper of Showers at
Annville, and who was to have married
him, is implicated as an accessory in
the confession. Showers says the
woman held the light while the terri
ble deed was done, and while he buried
tnem, and that she assisted him from
beginning to end. The woman's friends
do not believe she can be guilty of so
heinous a crime. Her arrest was made
this afternoon. The witnesses were
discharged and Showers was remanded
to prison, the confession having ren
dered a trial unnecessary. The hoary
headed murdcrei will be brought up
for sentence in a few days. Drs. I.
Reilly Bucher, Samuel Weiss and J. R.
Beckiey, made a thorough examination
of Showers' condition. They discov
ered his alleged illness to be, in their
opinion, feigued. Showers appeared to
be yery feeble while in court to-day.
Armldl for Helping Boodlera E*-
CHICAGO, HI., Sept. 23.—Captain
John Freer, of tliescnooner Marsh, who
li said to liave assisted boodler Mc-
Q.i igle to escape lo Canada, WHS ar
rested (his morning upon reachiug the
oily, lie promptly gave in the sum of
$4,000 and was released.
A Young Man Aeeldentally Shot.
SHENANDOAH, Pa., Sept. 25. How
aid Slayer, aged 17 years, was accident
ally shot lasteyeuing hy George Wes
ley, üboul ihu same age, from the ef
fccta of which he died this morning.
They were out gathering chestnuts uud
had a gun with them which was ac
cidentally discharged. Both weiesons
of leading citizens.
I had Stone in the Bladder and
Gravel in the Kidneys. Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite 1 turnedy disinte
grated the stone and deliveied mo from
it. I urn now well. 1 should long ago
Lave been six feci under the sod if 1
had not takeu Dr. Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy.— D.D. Hoag,la?banou Springs,
N. Y., Price sl. Send 2-cent stump
to Dr. Kennedy, ltondout, N. Y., for
his book on Kidney, Liver and Blood
disorders. Meutiou this paper. 23-4t.
The New Gunboats.
WASHINGTON, S-pt. 2 F>. —lt is
rumored iu navy circles that l'almer &
Co., who made the lowest nid ou the
two 1,700 lou gun boats, have encoun
tered some obstacles iu getting control
of Mr. ltoach's old yard at Chester,
where they are to do the proposed work
within three mouths from the award of
the contract. If Palmer & Co., fail to
get control of the Chester yard it is
said to be problematical whether they
will be able lo comply with this pro
vision of Hit law.
A Novel Bet.
While I am not a betting man, said
F. J. Cheney, of the Arm of F. J. Chen
ey & Co.. I considered it my religious
duty to make that fellow a bet, you see
he was about dead, and 1 guess he
would of died before Spring, If 1 would
not of got him on the bet. You know
some men had rather lose their life
than lose a hundred,well be was one of
that kind, and we both came near be
ing out, but 1 saved my hundred and it
only cost him ten dollais. How's that?
He sent for me one day and said the
doctors had all given him up to die.
with the catarrh. 1 told him that 1
would bet bim SIOO that Hall's Catarrh
Cure would cure him or I would give
bim SIOO if it failed. He took the lat
ter proposition. This was three months
ago; you see bow he looks now, don't
you, as well as any ooe, and a dandy.—
Anurican , Toledo, O.
All the Year Round
la open ami ready lor buslnes*. Ol course dur
ing the lloliOuy v-a*on more effort la mado on
MH-elal lines and display, but oilier tunes and
seasons have their special runs too. Just now
envelopes for business men and flower paper
(or the dear ladles are all the go. But I say
aKatn that
"All the Year Round"
I koep a full assortment of
All kind* of School Supplie, Writing Paper
Sunday School Supplic*, Hiblc s,
llymn Hook*, Album*, Toy*,
Game*, Vases, Blank
Book*, Purse*,
Book*, Tablet*,
Doll*, Kasle*,' Fancy
Match Safe*, Stamped Linen
Gootls. All kind* of Card*,and Many
other fancy article* not found in other store*.
Jacob ffisenhuth
wishes lo inform the public thatfiav•
ing purchased the machines and tools,
together with stock of Stoves, Tin and
Holloware, formerly the property of
D. I. Brown, and having the services
of that geutleman, who is a practical
mechanic, is now prepared to fill all
orders in this line.
House & Barn Spouting
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Just received a fine assortment of the
best makes of
&c., &C M &c.
Any person in want of a stove for
cooking, baking or heating purposes
will find, it to their interest to call at
the shop or sale room, under D. I.
Brown's residence, Main St,
where Mr. Brown may be found at all
times to attend to the wants of patrons
Mlllhelm Market.
(Jo rooted every Wednesday,
by Hartgeo & Son, Coburn, Vn.
Red Wheal, new V
" " old H
White " .... "
Corn V
Rye I
Gats, new k
old -. - SO
Hlickwheut ....... fit*
Flour, Roller l.*'
Halt.per barrel 1.40
Laud Halt, per ton - 7.87
Plaster, k>OIIII<I 9.00
Cement, per bushel - 45
Barley. - tt
Tymclhyseed - 1-60
Flaxseed 1.00
t'ioverseed 4.0U-4.50
Mutter 10
Hams 14
Sides 0
Veal - - -
Fork 4
IU ef 8
Potatoes 40
Lard *
Nut coal s,'>.oo
small stove s.<*>
Large '* MX)
Kiftt conl 4 7ft
i'.-a coal 3.00
Woodlur coal 3.7 ft
Soft coal. 3.00
(Special prices to lime burners.)
L E (I.IL .7 DI r E It TISE, 1/ EJYTS
CAUTION.— Havlnu purchased at private
sale, August 22nd, IHK7. all the |>crsolia|
properly enumerated 111 the schedule annexe.l.
of t'urtls W Kleckner. of Halm s township,
Centre Co.. Pu.. I hereby caution all peiam *
not to meddle or In anywise Interfere with (lie
same, as 1 huve led the prnperiv | tl me hunds
of C w. Kleckner during my pleasure. As fol
lows: 2 Cook Stoves, 4 Metis and Bedding,Kluk,
2 Tables, Wasli.staiwt I'halrs, 2 Rocking Chairs,
Carpet, Jail of MeddMitt, Cupboard. Chest.
Writing, Iron Kettle, Cookiug Utensils, i
Clocks. Scott Horse, Black Mare, Old Maie
Macule, Sanford Mare, 3 Two-hone; Wagons,
Hprlnc wagon. Top MUCKY. Chains and 110 >k.
I lay, Cog Wngon.2s t)u>fiels of Wheat, Potatoes
In the crouud. Cow, 3 I'lcs, 3 Setts of Uarties;-,
Muccy Harness, 2 Bob Sleds. Cutter.
Woodward, Pa., Sept, 22nd. 1887. S7-3t
EXKCI'TOIUS NOTICE - Letters testa
rneutary on the estate of John Carey,
late of llalnes township. Centre Co.. Pa., liav
liiK Wen cranted U> tlie subscriber. all persons
kiiowlnc themselves Indebted to said estate are
requested to make Immediate pavmeiit, and
those havliic claims attalnsi the same to present
theiu duly authenticated for settlement. Time
and place for setlh-inent, forenoon of Septem
ber 3rd. ISB7, at the late residence of decedent.
DU i LA' DVV I'" causes, and a new and
ftAf HMo successful (TBK at your
own home, by one who wus -leaf twenty
eight years. Treated by most of the noted
siM-elaiUts without benefit. Cured him*et/ In
three montl'S, and sine* then hundreds of
others. Full particulars sent on application
T.B.PAGK.NO. 41 West 31st St.. New York City.
_ . -iClTlßiVnlluw
Eu-onel your Kangi-s twice a year, top* once
• week ami you liave (he finrsl-poludted stove la the
world For sale hy all Grocersaud Stove Dealers.
matchless remedy for t'onssmptlsa In every
SURC of the disease. For Coaghs, *eaa
Laags, Throat Olseaae, I oss of Flesh
aud Appetite, and every form of Ueneral
Debility It is an unequaled Speelflc Remedy,
trllt SI HE and out WINCHESTER'S Pn*r-
NATION. $1 and 92 per Imttle. Sold bjr Drug
gist* WIXt'HKKTEK 4k CO., Chemists, 162 William Ntreef, New York.
W'bolljr unlike artificial syateiu.
Any book learned In one reading.
Recommended by MARX T WAIN, liicUAttU
PHorwcm. the Hrtenttst. WRn. W. \V A-tou,
■ii oaii P. UUKJAMIN, |r. MINOR, Ac. Class of
lit) Columbia Law studeuts; two classes of 2to
each at Yale ; 400 at University of Penn. Phi!*.,
and 4t) at Welles ley C-dlegeAc .and three laige
cla-ses aK'li.iutuuqua University,Ac,, Prospect us
rout fhek from
36-41 PROF. LOISKTTE. 237 Fifth Avc.,N. Y.
"By a thorough knowledge of the natural
laws which govern the operations of digestion
and nutrition, and by a careful application of
the flne properties of well-aelecUrd Cocoa, Mr.
Kpps has provided our breakfast tables with a
delicately flavoured beverage which may save
us many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by tbe Judi
cious us-- of such articles of diet that a cousil
lutiou may be gradually built up until strong
to reshit e 'erv tendency to disease. Hundreds
ol subtle maladies are floating aiound us ready
to attaok wherever there Is a weak point. We
may escape maiiv a fatal shaft by keeping our -
selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erlv nourished frame."—CYrff Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk Sold
only In half pound tins, by Grocers, labelled
thus: JAHRk EPFM A CO., Homoeo
pathic Chemists, 38 4t London, England.
cont airu i no injurious drug* and ha* no off en
sin, odor.
Price SO Cents, B HFAn]
Will Do pJ
Than 9500
Expended i J
AnyOtherWay.j MAY-FEVER
Js not a liquid, muff or powder. Applied into
nostra* t* quickly absorbed. It cleanse* the
head. Allays inflammation. Heal* the tore*.
Bestore* the senses of taste and smell.
50 cent* at Druggists: by mail, registered,S o ctr
OAce. 235 Green vttdit. New Tort City.
* ore sirti,ii "
| Vonckei For
' a 'DrDl
4 1 Times.
that tlio most delicate stomach will bear.
FUL BLOOD PURIFIER. Superior to quinine.
Mr. John C. Scarborough, Selnia.N. C.,writes:
"1 got malaria In the Southern army, and for a
dozen years suffered from Its debilitating ef
fects. I was terribly run down when I heard of
Kaskine, the new quinine. It helped me at
once. I gained 35 pounds. Have not had such
good health iu 20 years.
Other letters of a similar character from
prominent individuals, which stamp Kaskine
as a remedy of undoubted merit, will be sent on
application. . .
Kaskine can be taken without any speoial med
ical advice. fll.Ou per bottle,or six bottles lor 65.
Sold by
or sent by mall on reoeipt of price.
KASKINE CO.. 54 War ran St.. New York.
Health and Strength Regained'
is Power: Read! '
Tha above cut repreaenta the obveraa and re*erneaJdae of the GOLD and JEWELLED MEDAL
praaented u> Dr. W. n. Parker by the NATIONAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, In recognition ct
hi*masterly Medical Traatiae, entitled tbeBCIENCE OP LIFt Oil SELF PREBKR
VATION, which treat, upon Nervooa and Pbyakal Debility, Pmnature Decline, Kxhauatad
Vitality, and the ten thoutand ill* that fleeb it heir to, whether arialng from Error* of Tooth, Improd
enee. Over Taxation, Esceaaea, Accidental or Conatitntlonal Predlapreitkm. It la an invaluable traatiaa
for the Young, tlie Middle-Aged, and even the Old, whether In health or diaeaae. No other work equal
to It haa ever been published. It haa been highly pvabed by the newapaper preaa throughout the country,
and even in England. Three h utdred page*, anbetantially bound, anboaaed mnalin, full giM. Contains
lM extraordinary preemption* for prevailing dUeasea, either one of which la worth tve time* the price
of tha book, while eone of then are afaaoioteiy Invaluable, gad ahoold be in the handa of everybody.
Onaranteed the beet work upon the above named subjeeta, or the mooey retaraed la every iaatuacu.
PRICE ONLY ONE DOLLAR, pamphlet, prorpectna, free, if yoa aend BOW. Cut thla out, at
yon may never are H f gain. Addreaa I>n. IV. n PA It K Fit, No. 4 BIJLVINCH ST., BOSTON.
MAHM., Who ts the <lll HP C'Ottaill.TlMti ritTNIOIAN of the PEABODY MEDICAL
INHTITI'TE, and may be confidentially eooanlted on all dlaeacea raqulring ddfl and experience,
Strong, atmpla. wall balanced. AII have Ton Lerar, Iw ft.liiwan. Itahliued •
J®® later=heriai J l Parte. Kxtanaiou tub, MiJTaa4ain ComisuaaaUcg a
Vuf i-ud, Itubtwr BuU Plata.
Close Hard Shooting Cuna at Long Range a Spoolalty.
ti END yon nrvnTrr.A at,
LINS, and all goods belonging under this head.
O VERALLS, and other articles which space does not permit to mention.
the latest styles for winter wear, for Men, Youths and Boys.
a full invoice of all styles, all sizes, all prices, and all warranted good.
a large assortment of HOSIERY, LADIES' ASD GENTS' I Is DEB
CHIEFS, Ribbons, and the thousands of other articles to be found in the
Notion Line.
an immense assortment containing the latest and loveliest styles in market
and Provisions, anything and everything for table use, always fresh.
So I start this Fall with a wonderful quantity
of goods, with the determination to have the
largest business ever known.
I'll depend on my very low prices making it
of interest to you to buy of me.
anything tu that Une to be.had at my shop,
Harnett made to order, and repairing neatly
and promptly done.
Anything not on hand wilt be cheerfully
especially adapted for farmers' use and nil or- ,
dinary team work. A STAPLE ARTICLE,
at prices to suit all purses.
A call at my place and a trial of my goods
will convince you that I deal fairly and squarely.
mm ||l|F If made easy Manufacturing
■ F. W. Donnan. 217 East
Gorman Street, Baltimore, Maryland, U. 8# A.
Cor. Main A North St.,
Milliikim, - Pbnna.
(8$o& jfrnupU
Fine and comfortable But-running tm
and from all train*.
Fine Single and Double Teams always in
readiness for the use of guests.
■afc, PAftKES'A |
• M Clea—rs ud b—utllWa ttthfc
m promotes a luxuriant growth.
Newer Fails to Bsstoro Gray
-*! MI Curaiscal ,
toourm 14 oasts at Druggists. Xhcox*Co,iTC