I t spin f*jMT I—-* t Wt -r - at urn ma am of tm fc* aammkammm , ma jobs ks*x u* Mi 2 : i*s pMP v WmM Ml ii mgwai' m him* Ms OhßßStierißiß. M Mm*** . ahm> has m> mllr worn 4mws ttw rmm asTkl •UvH >ry * of tt* iC*l dam, Wt as abm would the vmiotorv *- baud ih*as. sad now tiny thmui U> aa the riasr. >aet north at s prtwt hsmcadft far the dame, md the If Bigks and day In oniasfiag their ay ■rarisns, natfl now it would take a strong fore* ittboers to reasove them wkhMt ferae of arm*. The state now take the metier In hand and will bald a ansilng for that parpooe at Harristowg. aw KPT awat bv FLOODy. Mm; Him*** CmrrUH f oft Mfu, TriM, mmd tm Urn Seffhtwriag Pleeea. Mono ax, Tex.. Sept. I.—Tbe bard est rain that ever fell is this county be gan ou Tooaday night and continued without carnation. The damage to farmers ia the lew valley lands in every portioa at torn county ia estimated at thm—ndi at doOarm. The Central and tha Golf Colorado and .Santa Fe rail ways an being badly damaged, and it will be many days before either of them eau move trains. The following bartaeee faooaee with all tneir goods went down fteqoe river: Sellers A Hamilton's dry good* store; Sam Frank.groeeriea ; M. Mcllai2.gr v eenes ; J. H. Justice, nuidler snoo ; Anderson, furniture store, and three cotton gins. Nine dwellings were washed away. Betides Jieee houses, which me entirely gone, every boose in the sawn is damaged. At Whitney, twenty-two miles eaftt in Hill county, a number of houses were washed away. At Mf ridan a man was drowned in swimming to his hoses Between here and Cleburne a diatance thirty miles, there are eight —uhuufa on the Sanfie Fe road. Three of the number we tbe large iron bridg es wtueh span the S iiam river. Two large iron bridgee, which have stood tin* Cum fbr J—V are completely de stroyed. Between here 'jmd. 3.en. cm dm Central road, thirty-one miles iWMni,!IIIIIII ateeteuenbrtdgae weahed away. The lemis aver MflfcCOa. Wool Tat., nept. L—The Brazae aver wy nign soda wide *xgana* of irn bettoat ande with the nest if the JBftim srap n Coitrai T.-xaa * ■lUßti isp I. -MnaCxr '2a ice and 'riwn er 2oae saws pianra tm a the bet mmm. Them am and x dm miiak .f ■eemttfimMhat. The Bma sB 8b —.j yt amounting xp n he -e- SBsag mbb nmnnarsin-x m Me Mm mm nfaa inenf in a daprsd uritt gnnpowte- end ca-Terl ® tie ka 4BL weight rorih Tbe eM* ia srtuck the meoal m hqtt Mr ardmary ner id Imeiiwii hu. by band ;fter icnt being ad Is met a great extent. Br ihx pracma, however, only one surface BDuifl he pMwaj and te obviate this difficulty xnlfing wifUs were invented. Prior te their invention nearly all the tinfoil w imported, hat their use has completely revolutionized the trade Tbe mrtal ia now placed between two heavy rollers, which green it a finished surface aa bath aides. It is then cat iate widths of from 12 te 15 inches, rolled upon wooden reels and earned to cutting aiachmee, where it is eat ac cording to order. It is then packed in boxes of 100 pounds each, being laid in vtthoot pleasure. There is another difference between the foil which is beaten and that which is rolled. Tbe former Is fnO of small botes, bat tbe foQto be used for tobaeeo wrappers moat be air tight.— BaJtimort Sxn. 1 'Don t you "think," sbe asked softly, 'that the sea is lovely ?" "Yea J think it is sort of lovely, bat not as loyely as —bat what makes you ask ?" "Just to giye you a chance to say something. But you dont seem to have tbe nerve." It was the last walk she ever took with him. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. SorS mo d d tor Cats.Bruises, Fever Sore 8 ' Tetter, l.napped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin MMntaM?*' porttt !?J r care Piles, or no pay ® t* znaraateed to give perfect sat mS 25 cents per box. ror sale by J. Elienhuth. yaw ur awAAiv rtjtmmmm OVdwteaftw wr urn Prtf ft i.II.Si : aiatimim. aitmkat tm liiram m Vm. * Wind ti* rrwiini af lim i jwrv? ismru* uowwc dacwrwg mhw rttedamym* -| bumewfteta. I, t * iinrwftk'iw* ta* fMatSwrm tnf—r*rf by ti* CMiVuwt** ate cut dial* ftppirn. Ii M* ana* apian a i*>wku'. o* ore. I! ftwosl*- lsi*l muC ti* princmftv uput i vtuet' ti*g yaatf appro* to 'ti* aaß t Imam Of tt* people t**dft ut auppiv awir, or exphumt**. ** To tUw pru.- , j caw i* baa laitpf ut* teiand m afi im publsc an*xmuom. V lurcher f - 'r brm that ti* platlurai adupGd by our . rt*tv cotiwuliub of lw*. uad it view uf ti* exwttug coodfUuti of ti* publac tnwaurT wv duuumd with empuuft* ' that ti* large surplus already is ti* tftaaury shall I* used to pas ti* public 1 debt, and that ti*current and uuawoes * aary mexoaar going as beyond ti* ' | needs of govftrumettt shall br munedi ' Btwy preveutnd by unarand prudent re * ooctloß of intcrnai taxatma and of duties oa imporu in accordance with ► ti* foregoing declarations. I 2. That we fully endorse the adaua -1 wt ration of President Cleveland, as I wine, aagacaooa and patriotic. lie has restored confidence to the busineaa in- Uveala of tbe country in the democratic party, has Jiracted the financial affaire , at the government with apt ability, haa strengthened tbe public credit, and thereby given us a priod of great in dustrial and commercial prosperity. Toe apprehension in the minds of some that the advent of oar party to the con trol of the federal government would ' be dangerous baa been dispelled. Our people are mote contented and well-to ' do than in rears; is more respected than 1 ever by other nations ; bis period of ad ministration has neec pare .economical, cool and fear leas and meets tbe approv al of all fair-minded and conservative : citizens. 3. We recognize tbe material benefits which tha country has received from immigration. We endorse the legisla tion of congress against tbe importation of contract labor and to compel tbe re tura of paupers and criminals. We commend tbe national administration fir its effcrts to rigidly enforce these laws, and while we are opposed to any illiberal restrictions, we favor such ad ditional measures of regulation as may j be found necessary. A We favor liberal pensions to de serving Union soldiers and sailors and refer to tbe action of the present ad ministration in adding to the pension roils a larger number than was ever be fore placed on within a corresponding -period, while at the same time protect ingthe treasury from fraudulent aa proof of this fact. A We point with pnde to the bet that noce the iemoerata have been in power, in any branch of the federa. ZDvemmenr. not me acre if tha public amis jaa been granted Us corporations nor baa nv And grout been revived or ex i, ended. A The Allure rf Me Kate revenue bftii after x had bsen carefully perfect d and nearly inamamuaiv immed. by bath lroncnes if the egraiauira van a mine uftmag ziia iaiorC7 rf the weaith. wtiereny the nsnnie mist pay a ■milinn fnilx imnailg that md wrmid bare been paid by the carna ticnM. and Me Aiiure rf Me sate ux tm rf Me ■vmngtming nr exposure rf Mac fraud or mmaa ipgert mmuuiert j—uii- aid i lart —ii Me srammacy rf mx~aie jx 3-mnsvrvunia. X That an nauSrnx nr iww .ai.atim tkmsawril wroperw nfira Ma jn ■jaßßtm rf ae; aewsuaet rf Me -wrcr u karfksairkt arfbrfrf pwrilamJ. s aid -rrixoCT rf ul tt Ma ai px.-g rt al m. i—luww reujug lor twr- m iVOL UHfLjnii" in—ir *n*n- wa €?— jvmst iw Ma wpk rf Mia Tnua m tm nuit rf Ma ui ursemszc rf Ma osnu nrairr yoior. The giamnr rf nana rue it Izeiaiic a fit* as Ma ananow aogaaac. rf a lyref mnerszc right, mnf Tin- ylwwr CUi (be cried (or Caftoria, WW* die In i ■■■> Mi* the clung to Cantor*, When she hsd Children, she gnre ihem Cwtoria, i I Is Chicago.—Young Penny wait—Oil' Ethel! I loye tbe very ground you walk on. Ethel (aside.)— Date say. Corner lot, worth $75,000. The engagement ia not yet an * nounced. —First-class job work at done tbe I I JOURNAL office. |WM * Jm* jwr fur liar Ywm my* Umiti u> w jmw at. a Owtfs OatUiiUf wcdft utoOr" lift art: * arwfft r. of watr A tuds mtU u* all rf |. ft ftfthd! tt a iti jptftl ft hue eucsadiMOft of am. war flat •hurta aiC pihuwt rf U*-cuuct w*-iwue Site MMk of U* liduiM repm* ul tbr air was m. nttuwsil and MUjOtukait if |*U) tuj ftl aft -w* M ti* Uut%sud Of U* uM ftide kill !**•}. pMr.ure ul tu Uwk. Ti*m. with a window upet Sur ti* *oi Bir 1 gv. m and A dour upea lor U* humidity U. get uot. mt kfed MS te Wf and rote ti* anw rf Mwyiatm. It Olkft iauor -Wt**rifg MftfDOd to CftJJ MB fruftL MitWfi. Xlatr JUUtU WM fttli rf |*B uyrvyal and rousquitues. Tl* top uf ear berf. snmawr load felt like a lad**' reUeok full of but Ltekury nut#. Ob U* lack of oar mack was a lump that felt aa large and as warm aa a carriage lamp. Only a mosquito Ute, that, as tt gradually faded away, we aaed fur two weeks as a collar-but lor. Oar body felt like a buy's pouts filled witit stolen musk melons. aueb was U* moan Lain and valley system of tbe mosquito ereatiuo. We felt 1 :ke a Col orado valley fall of bot springs that had lifted the sod op like a convention of haycocks bat had not yei burst. There were not quite two millions of mosquitoes in tbe room, as seventeen of them had gone to ilackenaaek to in vite a few tribes from that district to come over to a pennyroyal feast. One moaquito sat on the edge of the bottle that was half full of pennyroyal wbc-n we went to bed, and was feeling down into It for encouragement. Tbe cork bad been pried oat and sucked dry. Tbe bottle would have been tipped over but for the fact that it was bedded in mosquitoes. One old boss mosquito sat on tbe left-band upper comer of a frame that surrounded a worsted "God Bless Our Home" motto .and motioned out — "Them's my sentiments, Alabama!" Here we rest. Half a dozen regular old New Jersey mosquitoes bad taken our pants down from the corner of the clock, got oar bocketbook and were counting our cash to see if we had enough to buy a barrel of oil of penny royal for the next night. A fnend of ours in Newark, going borne from the lodge about 11 o'clock. smelt what be thought was the ad end of a drug store coming toward hup. but it proved to be only a moaquito tbe size of a woodcock dying borne with an ail of pennyroyal lunch. Yes. oil of pennyroyal appears to be good for mosquitoes.— P tmrr'nj' t AiL mncz I hamtkt. ~rope" Hurt eke Pauw Tradm. Hepurahie iaaiers in "Virginia pea sant sew summing ww the iininii i n— ry pronation of Jiir summer Cnde. Tbw seventy fennono* h mra eg ttnoufrrf win ha** been tending ibr wam a artpe piantity rf surfs tanoa •*>■**. "* tuts are iiaftt #- mngn a he oiowa mt it M mr-.ng mil enme oesnu is are 30430* Jbr mer aeaciif morn e m —** "" he jhoMoml Mm atagpert n mxrx thfw bb2 aaaimt qutat m mneti jntMt hns He BQvanm stag iwri aecirt truaiwurtpv goods. —Sew Task Trit- Sac nmr aec Murk Twain was trav eling in the country, injqirvl noe evening at a bow* presided over by an eideriy waroan. He was Bbovni tea room somewhat bare at ornament and furniture and yet slept peacefnDv until morning. When morning > and he arose, he became mindful of the fact that although he had provided Mmdf with a tooth brush, he had few gotten his tooth powder. He had conftoted himself with tbe idea that there most be tooth powder lying about some where. After a brief search be discov ered something in a small box ou tbe mantle which certainly resembled tooth powder. At any rate be used it vigor ously on his teeth, and found it satis factory. When he got down stairs be apologized to his hostess for using her tooth powder. She appeared surprised. 41 What tooth powder ?" she inquired, blandly. "It was on the mantle,*' Mark re plied. "On the mantle ?*' she repeated. "Yes, a small box; it was excellent," he declared. "Good gracious I" sbe ejaculated, "that wasn't tooth powder." "What was it?" asked Mark,now slightly alarmed. " Why, that was auntie !" said sbe. It seems that "auntie" had been cremated. . —Subscribe for the Journal. flff ' XAWft- MC MC Mt> ISMtHMMbg. gm*- or ntevK wi or pmrifcx octr. * im a ni rcr fgM to ft piiliim* ihmt awy yvur ry* A turn 1* WUJlrr . cumr i*£ Nd * cast Of Ar&a it. April, on' 6a mr Or lmwd ail, , nututua lur intra; aJfijciwd uio. an* kg | iwanMC) cur b. *lf kilf or yuL liw rib am g wit* \tt Or Or urn' ieui/'ma f Mietngiu. <*•• ' j ■ay o wurtf. Xubwdy wiii MKC yvm [ d you giy* Or lftck ftftftT.Mi' 0? iwftt*.' HKMT (UMBLOF UTF H—J LGT. DFTL )L At*/w eutlui/ Mi fit. >o msdii fur m * W bes ttftb CUM U> yen m mm ut~ 1 ttttic at tnt tn4ur|iottnOii>iwi * " fttiy On his Ikxiurj m yom would ft [ bunk td ounttd bt*f Watch Or hd*o cte ft 1 0)t. MU hi* vie si* ' bar fat. Lis rent two wwltii behind, ft&' his grocer a*' butcher tryia' to ftod biS trail ' 'When you L'sr a puaaon tryia' to convince bis fellow-mortals dat dis world wasn't created i&stde of a tbous ' sod f'rs—dat 4e flood was only a tbirt) [ foot rise is de Übio Ribber—dat Ada Ui an' Ere nether existed, you git outer ' dat crowd an' skip fur borne. If be f borm any axx*ej of you be'li nebber pay it back, an' if you aeejmmodate ( him with a chaw of loccj be'li take the boll plug. 1 'ID case any of you fit on de fack dat dis world an fwioe to eand up at a sar ' tin date doan' say anytbin' to de rest of : as. We cant stop de affair from com. 1 in 1 off, an' it woaid only make us feel oad to know it. 'Dsr'ar' mec who humbly bow de bead an 1 say it is de Lawd's will when ; anythinc happens. Look out fur 'em ! I>sy will borry yer mule an' drire him ter death an' call it de Lawd's will to fit abet of a lawsuit, liar's a heap of people in dis ken try de Lawd nebber beard of, an' dia chap belongs to dat class. •When you haye a theory, he sure dat your rent am paid an' dat your fam'ly kin sot out ruth in' besides cold 'later* when company drops in. If you he* a doctrine, doan' be seen buy in' bedbug poison in de daytime, an' doan' git within a dozen rods of anybody's hen roost at night. If you haye an opinion, keep it in a bar'l of water about a week befo" you cry to to'ce it off upon de gin eral public.' 3AVI3MI THE PIEf ES. IrtSwU tdoytcd by Plate Ulsw In wasre Men to Reduce Appanot "Our business ia not m raky as ire usurancr. mid the Agent of a snaps ay that .OSUFRS ft tin 'beeanae ww can hetuir protect lorseiwan rgaiuac ovar ym nation sod our Lamm ant saaM by mivaga. ?'.ata giaas wusdoma. m a pi"* -u -j - njr. Nt with iwsam Sum 2ns different, grown. Flru kwrnyt m arnnfi malice. wuiia a few am unwn aay wmi norma Ik m ww? ■Kdum aiat a wuufcam aim ladly tttwt- pmaat at hoairi me mm United "r-" zruwsr Bnatnr 2i m tt* fnc Uw Rt BnpWßTltf Off UIM. fciufi DM ewer akuji. The ofirer* susampaftef thai thn Did VDUM tnn upmm it and Bleed Itiey eiipwai a pt loudues for it, and wittst as extubam b turned oat large cakees! re within lb mmate* tad they went wAd with delight. A few din later the ing offioer of the veaael mm aarpriaed to r.ihaLi* & creel crowd el people eroaamg th* yard in the Araataoa off hie veaael. la froope af three and (oar they ap proached the gang-plank and begged pens MOD to go 00 board. The sailor* had imaed a general invitation to all their acquaintances to rkit the craft and inspect the ice-making machine. All that day the visitors called, until it became necessary to refuse them the privilege of going on board. Naval Master Mechanic Brown say* the machine i* used only a* an experi ment. The trial is made for the pur pose or equipping vessels on the Asiat ic squadron. The government has fouDd that in hot climates the officers and crew suffer from a want of ice, sod it is believed that the innovation will be great economy and a tieoeflt to tbe navy.— Brooklyn -Eagle. A FRENCH woman sued for a divorce recently because her husband kissed tbe servant girl. "You want tiiis man punished ?" asked tbe judge. "I do," said she. "Then," said tbe dispense! of justice, "I shall not divoxce you fiom him." pawi' wsc r. mm-am Hum Hr. maw ft a Art la as wmana. Tsww mm m nr ins mwiir n mc tiwmwt tb tmt auaL. Tut Iwear'n wmtor Urn ou'.'.r Shi Htm <* .*u Z Z ZZZZ ' tow sweet. What taw wmc gum U> taw Wlwnuj lur a amljw of inwurr* tut nagmg ammti of tic kink as ti* borne. and be uses twy eudewww U unneutral appetite Plated mateis la dues SMt care fur. and artca ida>< la him be wiE anew bas 6a 1 me by um si ■ iuf lus soar. Iks tbe (nam axe offend on the shell. Wwrvtsr Jut rraaa bis ; hwuie by as esjceusnufa tbst pur takes almost tbe nature vt a smile as be ounuumes dat-ii after Ocaen of tLe Tbe easdy-cating dog Is owrnad by a cigar-dealer cm Guard avenue, above Eleventh street. Upon Use southeast earner of tbe two streets is a booth ■but stick candy is sold, mad tbe k* p er of tbe stand classes tbe dug among his best customers. Passengers at the transfer Mat too near by often notice the dog coming away from tbe stand with a stick of candy in bu month, and tfary generally believe Ue kind-hearted old man bas given it to tbe animal. Not so, however, for tbe dog nays for each stick he gets with the pennies giv en bus bj tbe frequenters of tbe cigar store. He takes the penny ia his month, and dropping it uooo the pave ment at tbe booth, receives his candy sod returns borne to enjoy it. A few eights ago be bad unusual good luck, three pennies being given to nun. The lirst two be spent upon himself, but on the third trip be made to the candy tand bo had a smaller dog with him. After getting a stick of candy be bit it ia tc equal pa: tsouul giving one piece to the smaller dog, took tne other him •eif. The two animal* then trotted to Girard avenue to hnnt up a place where they could eat their sweetmeats unmo lested.—Pkila. Record A Midnight Bwttle With Panther. A few dnys since John MeAntee, s prom:neni mountaineer of West Vir ginia, started from a neighbor's resi dence at nightfall for his borne, several aulas off. The path be followed lad through thick woodlands. It hmt grown intensely dark, and he was stambling slung the path when hi* blood curdleii at the hoiriltie scieam of a panther, avtwmitv some dtetawen s~ way. Be hesitated to retrace hie steps, when the scream wae heard swain, this time much cioeer. McAtee remiimd thac the brane was in hta traiL, sod drawtnc s targe stianch-Suite, the aoly wespeo ie carried, he wtidiy poshed forwacxl. He Had '.rawM perhaps iwu ton drat jwnrfa wien Uie tracking if . twigs n a sv in* a 2bm jwda skmat muiwmzrnd jie malum. Leaking op mm two fkrghCfhi halls of ire far at at aim. The am —mmk xtm Mmgnsgipas im. A steady w- TMCs ail I saw a mew swag k Im n.rteff j,| mwg mff mm fllwwgkr m km mwm- STOVES— STOVES [New Advertisement] Jacob JJisenhuth to inform the psddsc that,har togJthrr with stock of SUmes, Ttn and HolUiwarr, formerly fir of D. I- Brvwn, and hating the am*ora of that gentleman, who u a mechanu. to wnr jirepared to JUJ mil orders ua this line. House & Barn Spouting ear ASIUTIALTT "% and ml it-factum guaranteed. Just rereiatd'a fine assortment of the best makes of STOVES, Ranges, HEATERS, &c., &c., &c. Any person in want of a stove for costing, baking or heating purposes will find it to their interest to call at the shop or sale room, under D. I. Brown's residence, Main St, MILLHEIM. PA where Mr. Brotcn may be found at all times to attend to the wants of patrons 0-BUEXBKB THAT EISKXHUTH'S STOVES MUST BE SEEN TO BE RIGHTLY APPRECIATED ierr-ra* z-vte'L -'■wm^pgpmm— PATENTS iWawiJL and at #eTKW W M t-MSe a; VHW.t u rmrvmrTZ-T mw e oman r.s r ■ rim i ~s m ?i jaimSw mmmJmrn. ewe ywwr. St rrw ivrSn imejwi SaVa'wWM* W? wrnurr peitu gS.iS eetS *€ ■* Sw ikaS tame Wemt-vr uurin !• tw > Iwte am e (wfW-; m c ■ WIIWW an nVtiKt, twwi na ah e tfar world, mm* Hint* r>cw • r St* Mi WK m cad uw. aakat ft is* rnmmt •StaMr phtelM td Ibr klWIk flWi arr. If, lOR XUL T* • II mm *IM AT #*X iMrrw r. a surra a ou. No law C*T*rr Sr . NIUMUIU. ft WORKING CLARES Amsnss! W AXT M irmrd to farakW sk th*M wits taytoyaru at bam*, the etwle d thr Owe. or for Unr apex* anartti hMMw ■ew. Mght and preteihAe Pmuw of atthrr ■es east: y earn fraa S ce*U to tSgM per w iC. aaS a eop>(Uoul sum hy ee*oflnf aU their I lota, to He AWIMM. Mf* aad r*r earn nearly as aid as wra. That all who srr this any sraS their aUUtesa. aai ted the Sa-- bm. wo wake this >Mex To wwh as are aot •tfl aatiSotf we will sod owe SotLar to pa? ' the iroaUe at wnu&r Fall parUeaUrs aaU oetftt free. i-kn(iaoab(PTWo>iCo, Purtlao*!. Malae. IS fSBIW nWt.. be wsde. Cut thW set MONEYS zj-ZZ " w * ■ ■ thias f great value anS uwportaaee to yoo. that will start yea ta bwd aeas whtek will brtnc faw m we money ratfcl away than anything eWe in taw world. _ Any one can 4>> the H-* ami *•* at Some Either sea . ail ages. SMaetluug new, thai Just <-o*a wuwey lor aU worker*. * will start yww;enp ttal not aee-led. This ia nwoof the cenatne. Bn portant ctianrn of a lifetime Thune who are •ntiioau* and eaterpnonie wUt not delay, i.raiui ontSt tree. Addnam ht ift CO- Aacna ta. knie. §lOO A WEEK. Ladle* or pea tie Men dednac phwoaat proftt able empluyweot write at onee. We want yon to handle an article of dowedie ear that *KO ■kim rranar in ereryme at suckt. STAPI.* UIFLDCI. aeks like Set cakes. FTwdt-. WS pereeot. Famt.ies oisbuuc to raoCTti a acuwo wr Shoobl tor their osrn brnedt write for nnr uealara Used every day the year rowad to every bnaoebtod. Tr to* wtttoa £***£=" Orenlars freo. Scent* tsmw ASBrIS r Addrnea SOSCJSTIt ITS CWL. MAJUW9. omi V il I asmSmterS AM at any to "rwd tan yowr addraaaad tau *S;ir jwaare wwnynw otU do m at one*. a. F. A. IQSTSI9. great mi wa 2o -1 f o7- 7 JC ~ci ~ Z-ZJ 3 am r._jT #y. V 3 fZ US' - - *■ -111 - —3- -- * ** Bta - jl. r vssdA C , a* * il f i-i> BE YOUR uWIDOGT*. Remedy of the Age. -CUSHPWAf^S MENTHOL INHALER, isz it m rrrxm a m gr !*'m '**"** i~*m iHiiMb i ■ 11it iii iw i■ mM hmtm miMMi " H. D. CUSHMAN, Thm Rirert, Mlrifc MARSIfS CYLnDKR BED = FOOT LATHE! = E S L-orc'ea^ianJ i 2 attSiMtt IMI NJ I 1 f r :imlir and §£^i Price R30.00 and npwmnL. Manufactured and sold by the Battle Creek Machinery Co., "". I theuchtbmmbkH x l-m MjlLi fT.IgT wrpc. I SPRIHCFIELD, OHIO. | A THE EnOPUS Tim iQ^TSL MEDiCATOft WHALoTDSatFECTCa. 4c * Sos?i^^Hg^s^Bc f l* I I"T1 • WtLL HgTitirtawm A ly __ Mt>C -a TO3T Ull) A* UM niiiPm p is* nan mil aj^. M 531 sgaj® pan * r \ JT \ *i T rzi* a * aer tutmm mm tmm. mm f \MaiyW Q* fC*r*u*wrnn.socrr I HI (Mr piijw AMBCPTur ni n [ f , aa^^nnayriK ivimu -4i .-* DBT ■ x"**wMW-^#£/WsBsWauw2lSS?!'irS! ! . , ilSi a JJSI?"!2!2!S2! TTTir J *-- *'thr *—r- ■— — •jtSmmm^^^S^fSSS^Sm gartaiHl tuA.Jtmms^9ummmii fctSytS"ibT P|jjjjjjjj|. Jf , IJLII | flfcNO O^ Mi *I iiiiiir *l* ■" —' m r m inr —own an. i Jir ■ P i:osns. FIiTTrC i:>ai 2. EC. RURNETTS ESSENCE OF r^sri I GINGER J Cnia, Mt, Draaa, Mpfla. BOOM TO KVZBT FAJCLLT. • B I li in%oMwfc— Muscular Rheumatism, Biol gia, Toothaeho, llaaSarhs. TAKI NO OTHBN. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO* BOSTON tnd CHICAGO. HARWOOOS CHAIR SEATS! S p^H .Ife. 2 ** , I BBti T ■ ■— lili - iiMfci ■Mill—l 1 Ba=aS flram * aai 3CaBQRBK —IIIUL MrS^^oa^^SSISBE. __ MOW #■* c&HBOLmBB. Tte Pater Mb Oh. MM9i ir> BM ij( # * htar Sab CBBfe** ' 1 L^h ■and m Wiofco%:. 2 M, H, MUEX 4 CBL, ->hi, ML* ACEIITSmS I w .T er. Dewbie, **4 he i ^stiessßt,