Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 28, 1887, Image 3

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    Z)\t journal.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
Local Paragraphs.
—Trv us for fine job printing.
—Apples find a ready market just
—The rain on last Saturday was last
ing and heavy.
—Rain and sunshine—sunshine and
rain, every day.
—All kinds of Watches, Clocks and
Jewelry at J. W. Stovet's.
—E. T. Jfusser, of this place, took a
trip to Centre Hall on Tuesday.
—Register McCiain publishes a long
list of Register's notices in this issue.
CHOICE BRICK.— The undersigned
has for sale a In; nf choice brick.
C. C. LOSE. Rebersbnrg, Pa.
—F,. (\ Cample 11 and wife were to
Nittany Valley last Satutday on a visit
to relatives.
—The Reading R. R. company is en
larging and improving its depot at
—Sam'l.Drumholler.who was stabbed
by Wenrich, at Selinsgrove on the 4th,
is recovering.
—At Stover's grocery on Main street
you will always find a fine selection of
Cigars and Tobacco.
—Mr. & Mrs. 11. G. Shafer, of the
National Hotel, visited Lancaster the
latter part of last week.
—A new lot of Watermelons. Cante
lopes, Cabbage and Bananas just re
ceived at Htover's grocery,
--Mrs. Aggie Nople, of Philadelphia,
is paying a visit to her parents, ex-sher
iff Musser's. on Penn street.
—Geo. Hazel lias quit his clerkship
In Spigelmyer's store. He is on the
look out for another position.
—Some of the Millheim Athletes ex
pect to participate in the tub race at
Coburn next Saturday evening.
—Elias Luse & Son have improved
tbe>r planing mill building by inserting
a large door for a front entrance.
—Rev Deil *ier J s regular appointment
for services in the Lutheran church at
this place is next Sunday forenoon.
—John Kerstetter, the mason from
Sugar Valley, is at work on the engine
house for the knitting mills this week.
—Rev. Z. A. Yearick, (Reformed)
will hold Harvest Thanksgiving servic
es at Coburn next Sunday at 2 30 p. m.
—J. R. Kauffman, Sr., of Fisher's
Ferry, and Wm. Raker, of Blue Wing,
N. C., were iu town a few days on busi
—Judge Adam Iloy, of Bellefonte, is
reported to be ailing with what is
known as Bight's disease of the kid
—J. C. Harper and Mr. Fettingil,
from Bellefonte, are circulating among
acquaintances in Penus Valley this
—A daughter qf ML Swengle, one of
theCoburn merchants is attending Miss
I McElroy's summer school ou Penn
* .itr eet.
—On our first page this week will be
'found an interesting statistical state-
by the American Sunday School
t A peculiarity of Hood's Sarsaparil
la* is that while it purifies the blood, it
imparts new vigor to every function of
th& body.
—Sheriff Musser's candidacy of As
sociate Judge gives this town three
candidates for office. That'll do for
M illheim.
—The complaint over the irregularity
of the mails is a frequent topic of con
versation in this place. Where lays
the fault V
—Spring Mills lost one ot its most
prominent citizens by the death of Geo.
A. ltunk which occurred on last Mon
day morning.
—Robbers entered the Bell wood post
office, Blair county, on Saturday night,
and stole thirteen registered letters and
S3OQ worth of stajnps.
—A most elegant assortment cf Bug
gy Whips just received at J. W.Stover's,
which are sold at exceedingly low
prices. Go and examine them.
—The grass and weeds in the Penn
street school house yard were mowed
down on Monday and the yard has a
more presentable appearance now.
--Bear in mind that the Millheim
Meat Market alwas supplies its patrons
with the best meat, fresh every day and
selling as cheap as any in the market.
—John Kelchner,of Bloomsburg, Pa.,
and Mr. Ollie Reighard, of I.ightstreet,
a brother of Mrs. E. W. Manck, were
guests at that lady's residence last
—The Sugar VaUey Journal is very
hopeful of seeing the railroad completed
through that valley before long. We
hope Scott's expectations may not be
—Miss Mahela Stevens and Miss
Carry Lyter,both staying with landlord
S. T. Frain, at the Keystone Hotel, Se
linsgrove, are here on a visit,the guesis
of F. D. Luse's.
Mrs. Lydia Brumgard and her son
Fred were to Lock Haven and Salona
the latter part of last week. They re
turned on Monday evening and report
9 yery pleasant trip.
—Nfiss Mary Candy, who has been
working at the tailoring trade in I. W.
Back's shop on North street, returned
to her home in Howard on Tuesday af
ternoon, to remain several weeks.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
THB BEST HALV* In the world for Cuts,BruiseH,
So'ivs, Ulcers. Sail Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chapped Hunds, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, lll, d positively cures Piles, or no pay
required. It ts guaranteed to give perfect sat
isfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
ppr box. For sale bv J. Eisenliuth.
3 large arrival of a job lot of Ladies'
Shoes from Boston, New York and
Philadelphia. 500 pair aye coming, yes
they are here. Let them come. Ladies
do come and see them t
-At (> HEES'A Sl* 1(1 EL M YE IPS
;i large lot of Ladies' and Gents' Hose,
30 doz. at 5 cents per pair.
—Vicksburg, a station ltd ween Mif
llinbnig ami Lewishurgfiias a now pass
enger depot. That is something, we
think, Coburn needs very badly.
— Hev. E. 11. Leisenring, the pastor
of the Lutheran church at Lewisbuig,
experts to come to Centre Hall next
week, to spend a month's vacation
don't rush by, stop and set our 5 cent
I'iints and Fancy Laces. A full line
of Lawns down to 3 cents. Lookout
for bargains.
—We learn that Johnny Claik, the
little street musician will bA taken to
the Home of the Philadelphia,
next month. Wonder how John will
get along without his "butty".
—Frank Kern, from near Hellefonle,
paid a brief visit to his parents, Jacob
Keen's, and other relatives last Sun
day. Frank has a healthy look about
him and is as jovial and egieeable as
t ver.
IIOMK AGAIN.— Last Saturday W.
T. Mauck returned home safe and
sound from his week's visit to Free
port, 111.. where lie superintended the
funeral obsequies of his deceased broth
er, Joe Mauck.
Fon SALE.— The property of John
Swartz, Sr., late of Millhciui, deceased,
situate on North street, is offeied for
sale. Apply to or address
G. W. Swartz. Executor,
Lewistown, Pa.
—Candidates Iloy, Miles and Isliler,
all aspirants for the sheriff's office were
in town this week. They are alniut
winding up the canvass and are on
their way home where they will await
the results of their labors.
Excepting the case of Mrs. Emma
Toiulinson. who is just convalescing
from a severe attack of inflammatory
rheumatism, which had spread through
her whole system, there is no sickness
of a serious nature in town at present.
—At the meeting of the Republicans
of Centre county, lield at Bellefonte
last week.John P. Harris.of Bellefonte,
and W. P. Shoop, of (Jentre Hall, were
elected delegates to the Republican
Statt Convent ion at Harrisburg,August
Wra. Gann, who about thirteen
Years ago was a resident of this place,
looked in on old Millheim acquaint
ances last week. Time has not changed
him much as to looks and disposition,
and his frieuds were glad to meet him
—We hear that a number of our
young men made quite a stir the other
day by representing an elephant. It is
said that the imitation was good. But
why not advertise your shows in the
JOURNAL, boys, so that all may have a
chance to see it.
NOTICE.— Qn the 14th of June. 1887,1
sold my photographic instruments and
fixtures now being in the gallery InMiU
heim to Bond Fisher and from above
date my business connections with said
gallery have ceased. T.S. BELL,
27-3t Bellefoute, Pa.
—J/r. Adam Bartges publishes in this
week's JOURNAL a notice of the disso
lution of the firm of Greuoble. Bartges
& Co., dealers in grain, coal, etc. The
new firm taking hold of the business
will be Bartges it Son.
—Besides the parties who daily re
turn from the mountains with baskets
and buckets full of huckleberries, dray
man Geo. Ulrich hauls the berries up
from Coburn by the bushel. An im
mense amount of that fruit is being
consumed by people around here.
—Most of the boardwalks in this
town are in a dilapidated condition and
should have the immediate attention of
the council.. The large holes in
some of tne plank may be the cause of a
broken limb on a dark night and the
borough will have to stand the dam
—Everybody complains ot the plenti
fulness of the fließ this summer. They
seem to be more numerous than in pre
vious summers, but if the old saying
that, when flies are plenty it is always
healthy,holds good we would better put
up with the annoyance for the sake of
—Lightning struck into the fire clay
mines near Farrandsville, Clinton Co.,
during a thunderstorm on Jfondav af
ternoon and in an instant all the cham
bers were filled with the electric fluid.
All the miners were stunned and a few
were knocked clown, but none were
seriously injured.
—Nearly every newspaper we pick up
contains the pointed advice to minis
ters to cut their sermons as short as
possible during this hot season. To off
set the suggestions of the newspaper
men the ministers very frequently got
in some pungent lemarks about the
iukewarmuess of these critics.
—Any person who wants paying
work as local or traveling agent for
warranted nursery stock should apply
at once to Jus. E. Whitney, nursery
man, Rochester, N. Y. No experience
is necessary, and comp'ete outfit is fur
nished free, steady work the year round
and all stock warranted to be in good
condition. 2Gl2t
Yesterday's J/iftiinburg Telegraph
enumerates the following jiersons from
that town who have gone or intend go
ing to Penns Cave Hotel near Spring
Mills, to spend a week or two in the
shade: Jfiss Sue Pontius, Mrs. Dr.
Gast. Mis. James 11. Snodgrass, M iss
Nettie Stitzer, Mrs. Gemlierling. John
A. Beard and Oliver P. Badger.
Jop DEPARTMENT.— For fear some
of our business men might forget it, we
wish to call their attention to the fact
that this office can turn out the best
class of job work on short notice. We
have all facilities to do just as good
work as can be had in the large cities,
and at reasonable prices. Patronize a
home institution and help to sustain it.
—John have you seen that woman
lately ?
Jp/m, in astonishment: What woman V
That weman picking Grapes for
Speer's Wine. Just see her in another
column and read about it,the wines
are found by chemists to be absolutely
pure and egual to the best in the
World. The Board of Health in Laige
Cities and leading Hospitals haye a
dopted tbeii use where wines are need
HANI* FESTIVAL.— The Rebersburg
Itand will hold a festival in the school
house in that town, afternoon and eve
ning of Saturday, August G'.h, l*s7.
lee Cream, Candies, all kinds of Tein
iHManee Drinks, and a good Sapper will
tw furnish td at reasonable prices.
Hood music will heighten the pleasure
of the occasion. All are invited to be
present. See posters.
—A prominent Democrat of Spring
Mills riqests us by letter to announce
.John Grove, of Gregg township, as a
candidate for Associate Judge, giving
as his reason that"! lie democrats ought
to have an A No. I man on their ticket
for that ofHce 1 ' and the writer of the
letter thinks Mr. Grove would till the
bill exactly. The announcement will
be found in its regular place.
Quite H number of our local demo
crats are willing and anxious to attend
the approaching County convention at
I telle fente, il they can get accommoda
tions to rHnin on the same evening.
We hope Chairman McCluin may Is* ll
ble to arrange with the railroad com
panv for an excu.onn train, and thus
give the democracy of this end of the
county a chance to take in the conven
The undersigned offera the following
machines for s.tle : One eight-horse
power Separator, motive power on four
wheels. One eight-horse power Steam
Vibrator, engine and all complete. One
eight-horse power Steam Vibrator, en
tirely new. Having secured these ma
chines at a bargain I can and will dis
l>ose of them at very low figures. Ad
dress or apply to F. P VON ALT A,
20-tf Madisonburg.Pu.
—Two new announcements of candi
dates for Associate Judge appear iu
this issue. Henry Beck, Esq., of Mad
isonburg, is the one, ex-sheriff \\\ J,.
Musser, of this pace the oilier.
Both have grown gray in the set vice of
their party, and are so well known to
the voters of I lie county, that any com
ments from us are superfluous and the
matter will have to be left to the judge
ment of the people.
—There will be a bush meeting in the
grove of William Wolf, about three
miles east of Aaronsburg, near St.
Paul's, beginning August 4th, ls>7. It
is the same ground which was occupied
last year. No huckstering of any kind
will be allowed within the limits pre
scribed by law.
The quarterly meeting of the Ev. As:
sociation will take place immediately
after preaching on Saturday afternoon.
—One of the first sensations on last
Thursday morning was a very eleva
ting (V) mouth battle on Main street be
tween two of our citizens, whoso names
we withhold for their own sakes. Their
quotations were not exactly from the
Bible nor even from Shakespeare or
from Ryion, but they were heavy
enough to jingle in the ears of the more
refined people and they furnished as
stounding instruction for young Amer
—Miss McElroy, an accomplished
young lady from Centre Hall, who has
betu engaged by the Millheim school
board to teach the primary department
next winter arrived in town on Monday
morning to take charge of Prof. F. A-
Foreman's summer school. She has a
right fair class and will teach ten
weeks. IB all appearances she has already
won the love and respect of her pupils,
a thing most essential to success iu the
school room.
Mrs. Uosie Lust, of this place, has
at her residence on Jtyiin street a night
blooming cereua, a genus of the cactus
plants that is verj rare. This plant
produces a large and beautiful flower,
about the siae of a common stuoer,
which opens at 7i o'clock in the even
ing and remains open until 12 o'clock.
She, of oourse, prixes tlie plant very
highly and many of our town ladies vis.
it hei in the evening to see the strange
and interesting sight.
—OnFriday last David Miller,of Peun
St., received a dispatch from Fretport,
111., stating that his son, Wesley, in the
employ of the railroad company there,
received injuries while at work in the
roundhouse which caused his death.
We could not learn the exact details of
the accident, but his injuries were evi
dently of an internal nature, as he was
but slightly cut about his body. It
is supposed that he was crushed while
coupling an engine and car.
—Week before last Mr. & Mrs. A.J.
Ilarter were over to S toner's hi]l. west
of I'enn street, to look for rich ground
which they wished to use on (lower
beds. They came in contact with some
poisonous plants and the next day both
began to suffer from the effects of the
poison whch covered part ot their
bodies. The afllicted parts were badly
swollen and Mr. Ilarter especially had
to endure excrutiating pain for several
days. Both are about cured now.
—Chronic looseness of the Rowels re
sults from imperfect digestion. The
cause lies in the torpidity of the liver.
A regular habit of body can be secured
by taking Simmons Livei Regulator to
aid digestion, to stimulato the dull and
sluggish liver,and rid the system of ex
cessive and poisonous bile. The Reg
ulator corrects acidity of the stomach,
cures dyspepsia and insures regulaiity
of the bowels alike free from laxity or
—Members of the Board of Health, of
New York and Brooklyn and other
prominent physicians who have visited
Speer's vineyards, use Speer's N. J.
wine for their patients and in their own
families, much on account of the iron
(blood making property) contained in
it from the soil on which Speer's vine
yards are situated. Tribune. Mr.
Speer furnishes this wine end his Un
fermeuted Grape Juice to Drjggists.
—The Williamsport Gazette cfc Bulle
tin of a recent date contains the follow
ing about a gentleman who is well
known to most of the readers of this
paper :
Judge Whitmer, of Sunbury, is fast
becoming one of the leading luml>er
■men of the West lirauch valley. He
sides owning and successfully operating
a new planing mill here, he is interest
ed in thirteen saw mills in Lycoming,
Union, Clinton and Centre counties,
and lately purchased a large tract of
timber in West Virginia, near Pied
mont. He is sharp on a 'dicker,' of jo
vial disposition aud looks exactly like
P. T. j'arnum.
—Last week'.a Clinton fyemocrut tells
of a little boy who was run over in the
street by a horse and buggy in front of
the Opera House in Lock Haven, while
the band, was playing and goes on to
say that these little kids should be kept
off the street. They haye a habit of
playing rignt in the middle of the
streets and the practice is not a safe
one, especially when so many vehicles
are passing while a band plays. It is
precisely what the Millheim kids are in
the habit of doing whpn the band plays
on the square, and parents mus| not be
surprised to haye Que pf their little
boys brought home half killed bv get
ting under a horse's hoofs or under the
wheels of a wagon one of these days.
foriut-il Church Ladies' Mite Society
hereby respectfully invite the public to
mi Ice Cream Festival at Aaionsburg,
on Sat unlay afternoon ami evening,
July 30! It, ISN7. To avoid confusion
all are requested to anply to the money
changers stands for ticketa before CAII<
ing for ice cream. (ood quality and
plenty of It will lie served by the young
ladies to those holding tickets. The
proceeds are for the lienellt of the
—By turning to the legal advertise
ments on our second page our readers
may notice the announcement of
Messrs. I>. S. K.tufTinau and E. 11.
Long, stating that they have by mutual
consent dissolved partnership. Mr.
Long retires from the linn and 1). S.
KaufTiuaii.the senior member, *lll con
tinue the business in Ills own name,
and will lie ably assisted by that iwpu
lar and ex|>erienced salesman. A. A.
Finnk. This business transaction was
consummated on Monday evening and
as we understand Mr. Long intends
starting tip store business for himself
at some other place Mr. Kaiiffman,
while thanking llie public for their pat
rouuge in llie past respectfully
requests a continuance of the same,
assui ing his customers of the best
treatment and fairest dealing.
—An invalid, alleging to come from
Snyder county, was Imulud through
Millhcim iu a buggy last week, for the
purpose of eu'iisling our people's sym
pathy for his case. His story runs that
lie has lieeu in the late war, where he
contracted a malignant fever, which
has been in his system eyer since, final
ly drawing to his left leg. He uncover
ed that member for Inspection and re
vealed an open wound about the sizs ol
a child's hand, the Utah appearing to bo
eaten away to the uone. It was a sick
en ing sight ami proved his story to tie
true at least in part. His solicitation for
contributions towards a fund to have
the liipb amputated was liberally re
sponded to. Ilui, is it possible that the
doctors In Snyder county are so inhu
man as to refuse to perform au ojiera
lion upon this INK):* cripple flue of
charge V There most be something
wrong either with the doctors or witli
this iuva'id.
Is MKMOKI AM. —The following reso
lutions were adopted by the LL B. Sab
bat li School, at Milllteitu:
WHEREAS, In the wisdom and provi
dence of G*l in calling from our midst our
Ikeloved pupil Maul Irene t'onfer, we retog
nize the hand of our heavenly Father, wlw
is tHi \\ ise to err and too gi*l to IK- unjust,
therefore, resolved.
Ist. That from tiki* 8- 8. <•*! has pluck
el a bright and precious bud apd trans
planted it into the gatileh of ckrulty, where
it xy ill di;velo|ke jutq a pure and perfeot
ijml. That (ho whuol keenly IWU ami
deeply iiiuurti* Jin- low* of Iter who whh so
clio'fful niul ever ready •*> ilo that whh'h
was ho iioljlk ami kind thus hy h< r gentle
disjiosltiou whining the ri-sjHs t of all.
3rd. That wo extend tho silent hatul of
sympathy to tho lather ami mother realiz
ing that no wool of ours can bring consola
tion, ami whisper* to them of the (Jreat
Physician who only is able to heal ami hitul
such woitmls.
4th. That these resolutions be published
in tho Millheiiu Journal ami lU-liginus
Teles* -i ijh'.
F. D. Lr.SK, l
M us. Ansik St am m, iCouiuiitlco.
" Kate Lamky, )
—Bellefonte had a stabbing affray on
Satutdav evening. A man by the uatne
of Hugh Hiddle was standing at the
popular loafing place, the south side of
the Diamond, when one William 0'
Urieii, who was under the intlueuce of
liquor walked up toliiddle.nnd demand
ed some money. This being refused,
he asked for Kiddle's pocket knife,
which wasgiyenliim when he thrust
the o|ieti blade into Kiddle's right leg
indicting a wound about an inch in
length apd probable au inch and a half
in depth. William Heed an eye*witness
of the affair said that he was sitting
near the Ikockerhoff House with his
boy, and that Hiddle was there. O'.
linen came out and said to Hiddle,
'Have you any money y' "
' Hiddle answered,' Not a cent."
"Then O'llrien said,'l,et me see your
knife.' "
"Hugh lliddle gave him the knife
when he immediately stabbed him with
it. Hugh raised up, grabbed lite knife
and said, 'See what you have done,'
allowing his leg where it was cut.*'
"O'Brien said 'I did not think I
cut you so bad.' "
"lie then ran into the Brockerlioff
House and from there to thcCummings
House, where he was arrested."
Both of the men bear bad renuta
tions. O'Brien now holds forth in
Fort Walker, while his victim
is improving, witli chances of get
ting well if secondary hemorrhage does
not occur.
—The Belief on te i),aily News of
Tuesday gives the following account of
how a citizen of Coburn, who wanted
pension money,personated his own wit
nesses, but was caught io tiie trick and
arrested :
John Ernst, a citizen of Coburn, is in
trouble because Ins desire to procure a
liensiott led him to commit forgery and
perhaps ikPijury. John Ernst is partial
ly deaf, which affliction, he says was
caused by his experience in the war, as
a member of Company D, 76th Reg't.,
P. \. It is necessary to have witness
es in regard to such disabilities, and
cither becauae he could not get them or
because it was too much trouble to do
so, John unwisely concluded to do all
the business himself.
Accordingly, it is alleged, he went to
'Squire J. S. Leiser, in Snyder Co., and
under the name of Isaac C. Mussul
man, a member of his company, made
affidavit in his own behalf. It is also
said that he went lief ore 'Squire J. C.
Boal, in Centre Hall, and there, over
the name of William Walter, of Wood
ward, averred that he was deaf when he
came form the army and had been deaf
ever since. He made similar affldavit
before 'Squire Samuel J, Herring, at
I'enn Hall, there personating William
Keiser. Still other similar fraudulent
atlidayits are alleged against Ernst.
The matter was investigated by United
States Commissioner McDevitt,of Sun
bury, who made complaint and Ernst
was arrested. He was taken to Will
iamsport, where he will be detained un
til the meeting of the next United
States Court in that city.
GKOHOE A. HUNK DKAl>. —George A.
Hunk, of Spring Mill.*, dletl last Sunday
night, aged (i'J year*. He \V;IH WII In New
Jersey and when hut a young man, went to
California where he remained for thirty
years. While there he was engaged in min
ing for gold, and was also U. S. contractor
to carry the mail* ovet the I took y mount
ains. He was successful in all his husiness
transactions and had accumulated consider
able wealth. He saw some of the places on
the western slojke where now large cities
stand, when hut one house marked the spot.
Alkout eight years ago he left California
and'came to Spring Mills, Pa., \yhoro lie at
once manifolded hi* gloat business abilities.
Whenever an enterprise was talked of he
was one to encourage it, if he thought ac
Dial giVkd'toaj' tVsult front it, otherwise he
would d'enrttilled it. His fcouhsel was sought
when any public business was to be trnns
iu-ted, his advice was always found valuable
He was kiiid-lieartwl and ever ready to haul
a helping hand to his neighbors who needed
assistance. Politically he xVas flriulv at
tached to Republican principles, but was
honest and straightforward, never stikoping
to trickery. His death cast a deep gloom
over the entire community, each one real
izing that they liavij lost a kind'friend. On
last Tuesday at 4 p. ip. the funeral services
were held at his late residence and a large
concourse of friends gathered to pay their
last respects tf) the (pie they lpypjl so well.
Rev, lit - . WjlWPi Ml* York assisted
by Pfcys. D M- Wqlf apd f. Reek man
uftndqctqd the services. The remains were
taken to Fleiriington, New Jersey, for in
tertuent on Wednestiay moruiiig. Peace
to his ashes.
Local Correspondence.
Prof. L. Gramley started hi* select
school list week and has sixty nebular*.
Nodnuht it x, ill Imx u successful lerni of
Samuel Riue pureha*e>l a Hue Winches
ter Repeating rille from Sain'l Slroheeker.
Dora Meyer and family, of Northumber
land, Npeut a few day* In lid* vicinity.
(Sen. Gulswito lust one of hi* teaiuster*
last week one day.
The rain la*t week Ik-I|m-<I the cum along
wonderfully hut did lota of damage to the
ripening oats.
Dau'l Buyer sold a valuable horse, and
Jacob (icphurt a good eoxv.
The farmer* are busy plowing and new*
i* scarce. NASOII.
New* are scarce and (lie writer is almost
too buay to gather them up.
The farmers who an* not done hauling iu
(heir grain have a tuul time of it through
this wet weather.
Some have commenced to cut their oat*
which yield* a very goisl crop.
Mis* Minnie Hierly is among us plying
the needle.
The visitors iu this vicinity for the past
week were too numerous to uieiitioc.
Tw o ladies of the Lutheran congregation
of Coburn were through here to sec how
lunch milk and small change they could
gather up for their festival next Saturday
Corn and pttalous look very promising.
Hen. M. Musseraiul wife from Williains
|s>rt w ill N|M<ml part of the hot season with
their panuit*.
Prof. Stahr from Lancaster illlcd Rev.
Yeariek's pulpit on Sunday.
S.J. Heriug and wile visited friends nt
Siinhury hist week. The Squircwas also a
witness in a pension suit at Llyyt iJaoo.
D. J. Musser is sliipping a ear lo.ul of
walnut lumber to Williauisport.
R. Is. Rartges is clerking at Pen us Cave
part of the time.
Joseph Smith's broken U slowly tin.
proving. q. F l . Mark and O. F, Mussfif
startol to sclesd nit Monday with the Inten
tiott of pr|vtrilig fur Oettyahurg College.
We wish the boys success.
Act Ave, Pushing and Reliable.
Mr. J. Ktsenhuih can always ba relied u|on
to carry tu stock tin* purc*t and best good*, und
sustain tin* reputation ot being active, pui'duii
and reliable, by recoiiunendiuK arpclfiA with
well established merit and such as are popular.
Having the agency (or the celebrated Dr. King's
New Discovery for oonvutnplioii, colds and
coughs, will sell it on a posltl -e guarantee. It
will surely cuv any and every affection ot
throat, lungs, or chest, and In order to prove
our claim, we u-k you to call and get a Trial
Bottle free.
A. Sternberg, of candidate
for recorth f, \\as in town on Tuesday.
The new Methodist church huiidiug is
up aud the roof is being put on at once.
Win. F Rearick became suddenly ill on
Monday last. It is *up(>o*sed to hayu IKVU
a mild case of sun*troke. He bytter ami
by a little, care lie will no doubt be abje to
IK* around iu a few days.
Philip Shook has sold a tine lot of limlier
to NVhiuuer X Co., of Sunbury, w h(^exi* - c
to cut aud Kiiw the same .as aoott as
Death has again visited \)itr little town
and has called from our midst Gm. A.
Hunk. He breathed his last on Monday
morning after a two month's sickness. He
was a good citizen and neighbor and liis
death will IK- keenly felt in this communi
ty. The funeral services were held at his
house on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Quite a number of our young folks are at
tending school at Spring Mills.
Mr. Jacob Kern sold his house to|Dauiel
Kreater of below Coburn.
On Wednesday of last week three four
mule tenuis from the coal regions jtassed
through here en route to John Decker'* pyo||
timber contract, nine tnilys from Spring
Mi*s Kl\a ktGM* is home from Rcllcfontc.
She exiteds to teach a fall term of school at
All the talk at present is "are you going
to see the tub race at Coburn next Saturday
Mr. Tressler, a young xluxvmakex from
Ilcllefoiite, is here with a view of renting a
shop. Tliiit just w hat we uecrf.
Mr. Solter has been picking ripe tomatoes
in his garden f<ir qujte a while, He kuow*
how to cultivate vegctaVdos.
Mrs. Scott Royer, from Easton, is visit
ing at Jacob Herbs.
Some of the memliers of the Reformed
Mite Society of Atironsburg were hereabouts
last wwk soliciting aid for their festival.
A number of ghosts and sjiooks have
I keen scs-u around here of late, and the siqker
stitious were consequently in a big flurry.
Rut it turned out to Ike nothing hut a mis
chievous lad in disguise. ZLTZKA.
Wonderful Curon-
W. I>. Ilovt & Co., WholeaaF Retail
Druaglsts qt Rubie, O*.. says We have been
selling Dr. King's Now Discovery. Klectile Hit
ters ami Huekleii's Arnica Salve tor two years.
Have never handled remedies that sell as well,
or give such universal satisfaction. There
have IK'CII some wonderful cures effected by
these medicines In this city. Several eases of
pronounced Consumption have been entirely
cure., by use ot a few bottles ot Dr. King's New
Discovery, taken in connection with Electric
Hitters. We guarantee tbeiu always. Sold by
J. Kiseiibutb.
A sailing has IM-CU ' put up across the
bridge, which is considerable of an Improve
ment, hut could have l>ocu made more HO
if it had lkoen put up properly. It seems
the pike company make all their improve
ments when forced to do so on as cRvAp a
scale as ikossihle,
flur Sunday school was broken up for a
few Sundays on account of the Sunday
school literature not coming to liaml
through carelessness of the mails. The
literature having arrived school was again
miened lust Sabbath with an attendance of
Miss Klla Necse opened a term of eight
weeks' school here on Monday morning.
Jacob Piatt was stricken with a paralytic
stroke while sitting on his steps on Friday
last. At this writing he is improving.
Mrs. Coony has opened a millinery and
dress-making establishment depot.
The Luthefaii fostiyal on Friday and Sat
urday evening promises to lie a success,
should the weather prove favorable.
The tub race will IK; a siiccetUk i\* ono.ugb
money has already been subscribed for the
and no doubt pjher sjiorts will bp
added tq the list apd ttVilmrn is likely to
have a crowd. The MiUheim Band will
enliveu the (kooasion with some of their se
lect music. The Irnys are practicing every
evening in order to got iu shape to scoop up
the first prize. VALE. -
MADISON 111 ltd.
Rain allium! every day.
The llshiug party mentioned in oar last
came home xx ith a few llsli. Miller,
one of the fishermen, lias IMMII eoaiine.l In
his IM<l{ ever since their return.
Sam'l l.lmliert, of Lock llavea, paid a
tlyiug visit to his brothers and sister* in this
place on Sat unlay and Sunday.
Miss Itoash, of Itcllcfoiite, is visiting her
grandparents, Mr. Iteiij. Polish's.
On last Thursday lieuj. Limlkcrt and his
son Stanley met with quite nil accident.
They were on their way to lask Haven
with some produce. Somewhere Iwtwcell
the tollgutc and Potto's mill the front ante
of their wagon broke and Mr. Limls-rt was
thrown oat and dragg<*l a considerable ills,
tanee lie fore lie could get h*e from tin l
wagon ami lilies, lie reeeived a numlM-r of
painful bruises. A piece farther on tin- boy
was Ibrown out ami rwi'ivwl three very
ugly euls on his right leg near the knee.
A soli of Mr. Crawford caught the horses
ami gathcnsl up the fragments, except the
butter ami eggs which were in tin* worst ]*>*
sildc shajte. Mr. Llmliort and son are eoi -
tkmsl to Issl witli their injuries hut at tlds
writing they are doing as well as can IK- ex
J. L. Roush is leading law with Dr. Lee,
of this place.
Jacob \V. Hazel was at home with bis
family over Bund ay. He returned to his
work at Altoona on Monday. #
A good appetite is vaseuttal to good
health; but at ibis season it is often
bat, owing to the poverty or Impurity
of the blood, derangement of the diges
tive organs, and the weakening effect
of the changing season. Ilooi's Sarsa
pat ilia is a wonderful medicine for cre
ating an appetite, tonin; ttie digestion,
and giving strength to the whole sys
tem. Now is the lime to take it. Be
sure to gui Hood's Sarsaparills.
Wortlelierries are very ftlenty pi the
mountains surrounding to U-.
has moved, with his
| iuindy, to isM-k Hsven, Pa. He has en
gaged to work in Scott & Soil's tlour & feed
Chas. H. Stover is now prepared to make
.% qts. of ice cream at oim mating. Festi
vals ami ottun ice cpuaiu gathering* should
, pik. iiuic ul this can. They obtain ids *r.
vices or the- urn- of bis fTvetm*.
M. Mingle was to Lock Haven last week
to "look tor something to do." Haven't
heard wether be was successful in securing
a job.
11. H. and F. J. Weaver are lack from
York state with two car loads ejf \c*-y hue
Hot stein rattle, tliyy a|so brought with
them almqt •>* iW of "Siiuoii pure" maple
Mrs. Swab from near Centre Hill, daugh
ter of Itev. Ellas Stambaeh, was down dur
ing last Sahliath paying her parents a visit.
Harry,son of 8. H. Itclhl of this plagy lias
gone to Freeburg, Pa., to takoa six week's
course iu iustfuiuoutai music,
i J, b. Looker who has lately gone into
the mercantile business at Lemout, l'a ,
was down to take in the Lutheran festival
last Saturday afternoon & evening. Jpu
says he likes Lemont and the store business.
Hog Cholera, qi a disease similar to it, is
dupig bad work among the farmers' hogs in
the lower valley. Some farmers have lost
all, and others a part of their hogs by this,
it seems intarable disease.
L E. and C. H, Stover comprising the
firm of Stover Hrs., tanners, are getting iu
a large lot of lurk from the chopping north
of Woodward.
Merchants doing business close by Aa
roiishurg, especially those rateriug to the
hat trade will learn by this uotice that Aa
ronshurg has a tree that bear* hats. We
notice it produces the Black Iterby kiud
which hat seems to Ire the most popular.
Place your orders early gentlemen and no
further questions.
The gross result of the Lutheran festival
on last Saturday afternoon & evening was
about |BO. The committee and congregation
are very well satisfied considering the incle
ment weather. ANOTHER.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward tor any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh
F. 4. CH KNKY * CiV, Proprietors,
Toledo, O.
P. S.—Hall's Caiarrh Cure Is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucus surfaces of the sys
tem. Price, 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists.
On the 24tli inst., at (Ireenburr, Clinton
Co., Pa., Catharine Kessler, widow of Peter
lvessler, deceased, aged 73 years, ( months
and 'Jit days.
The remains were interred in the Re
formed cemetery of said place, the jastor,
Rev. J. Dntterer, conducting the services.
■ lilhelm
Core®led every Wednesday,
Uy Whltiner & Lincoln Coburn, Pa. HO
" white ••
Corn .............. ...... —... —- 45
Bye - - SO
Oats white .... 30
Ituckwheat SO
Flour, Roller b*>
Nalt,oer barrel 1.40
Land Salt.per t0n...... 7.87
Plaster, ground 9.00
Cement, per bWhel 45
Uaiiey. 40
Tymothyseed 1.25
Flaxseed l.OO
Cloverseed 4.ftJ-4.50
Hains ..... 14
Sides - • t>
Pork -..J... .. 4
hn* ............ .... 5
KkK - ]2
Potatoes 40
Lard H
Cor. Maiu $ North St.,
W. a, MUS3ER, PropT.
fif Fins and comfortable Bus running to
and f)-otn all trains.
Fine Single and Double anoays in
readiness for the use of guests.
Mb A
The Importance of purifying the Wood can
not bo overeat limited, for without pure blood
you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every one need* a
good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich
the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's
D or -, |j - y Karsaparilla. It strengthen*
r CCUllal m )( ] imihu up the system,
creates an appetite, and tone* the digestion,
while it eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination, projstrtiou, and preparation
of the vegetable remedies used give to
Hood's Barsaparilla pecul- Ifcnlf
lar curative power*. No ■ ® lIoOIT
other uiedicinc has such a record of wonderful
cures. If you liave made up your mlud to
buy Hood's Sarsapartlla do not be Induced to
take any other Instead. It Is a peculiar
Medicine, and is worthy your confidence.
• Hood's Barsapnrilla Is sold by all druggists,
rrepaied by C. I. Huod & Co., Lowell, Mast.
100 Doses One Dollar
Next Teim begins September 8.1886.
This institution is located In one of th* most
beautiful and healthful spots of tlio entire Alle
gheny legion. It Is ojjcn to student* of berth
sexes, and offers the following Course of 8 tod) t
1, A Full Scientific Course of Four Years
2. A Latin Scientific Course.
K Tkw follow tug ADVANCED COURSES, O(
two years each, follow tua the first two years of
the Mrteuttfte Oou— e: (a) AGItICC LTl'ItE; (b)
4. A short4PKCIALCOURSE in AgrlcuiluifO.
5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chernlsiry.
6 A reorganized Course tu MECHANIC)
A UTS. combining shop-work With study. New
building and MuoUmnry
7. A new m*ECIALCOCBHg (two years) In
Literature aud science, for Youug Ladles,
a. A (iRi eluiii graded Preparatory Course.
9. sI'RCIAL Coulttiß* are arrauged to meet
thy wauls of iudivldual students.
M IMlqiy Ut .il is required. Expenses for board
ana Inotaeutals very low. Tuition free. Young
ladle* under charge of u competent lady Prin
For Catalogues, or other Information address
27-29 State College, Centre Co.. Pa.
I'sed In thtnrtuetpalChurches for Commun
ion. Excellent lor females. Weakly persons
ami the aged.
Speer's Port Grape Wine!
Juice of the dead ripe Oporto Crape, rais
ed In Hpeer'a vineyards, and left hang until
they slirfuk and become partly raislned oefore
gathering- Its iuvaluable.
Tunic And Straittaini Properties
are unsurpassed by any other Wine. Being
produced under Mr. Bpeer's own persot-jU su
pervlslon. Its purity and ecnulncss. are guar
anteed by the principle Hospitals and Boards
of Health *ho nave examined It. The young
est child and the weakest invalids use It to ad
vantage. It is particularly beneficial to the
aged and debilitated, and suited to the various
ailments that effect the weaker sex.
It ls in every respect A WIN* TO BE EE
Sheer's Unfermented Grape
i As the Juice of tlio Oporto Crape, preserved in
its natural fresh, sweet state a It runs from
the ureas by fumigation, and electrielty, there
by destroying the exciter of fermentation. It Is
G*rfect tv pure, free Iroin spirits and will keep
any climate.
Speer's (Sociaite) Claret.
Is held In high estimation for its richness as
a Dry Table Wine, especially suited for dinner
Speer's P. J. Sherry
Is a wine of a Superior Character and par
takes of the rich qualities of the grape front
which it is made,
Speer's P. J. Brandy.
IB A TURK dlstllation of the grape, and
stands militated in this Country for medical
It has a peculiar flavor, similar to tliatof the
grapes from which it is distilled.
See that the signature of ALFRED SFEBR,
Passaic -V J., Is over the cork of each bottle.
All the Year Round
ts open and ready for business. Of course dur
ing the Holiday season more effort Is made on
sjieeial lines and display, but oilier tunes and
seasons have their special runs too. Just now
envelopes for men and flower paper
for the dear iudh* are all the go. But I say
again that
"All the Year Round"
I keep a iuil assortment of
-&U kttute of School Supplies, Writing Paper,
Sunday Sehool Bibles,
Hymn llools, Albums, Toys,
domes, Vases, Blank
Books, I Struts,
hooks, I\blets,
Bolls, Busies,\Funey
Mutch Sitfes, Stamped Linen
Goods. All kinds of Cards,and Many
other fancy articles not found in other stores,
j K A 8 K I N R
i gives
I ] |jfe cf Good Ap.ctilP,
I (f NcwStrtaim,
f J Qnitt Nerves.
IfK Happy Days.
* "ffc .^SweetSleep.
that the most delicate stomach will bear.
iind ail Germ Diseases.
FUL BLOOD rUKIFIKR. Superior tofiulnine.
"Foreight years 1 had<lumi>ugueintolerably.
Wished myself den In score of times. I never
round a medicine worth the boliic that held it.
until I took Knsktne. That was a ha|pv <lav
forme. It gave me apatite and stniigtli. I
can steep like u top. 1 stand by every word of
tills —Two*. Toole, Hchuyloriilte, N. V.
Mr. John C. Scarlomugh.Keiinn.N. C.,WTites:
"I got malaria In the Southern army, and for a
dozen years suffered from Its ilcbiiitaitng ef
fects. I was terrlblv run down when I heard
ol Kaakine, the new qulntue. It helped me at
once. I gained 35 pounds. Have not hurt such
good health in 2<> year*.
Mrs. Caroline Asten, Aslorla. N. Y., sav* :
"Last winter 1 ran down so rapidly from malar
la that 1 would faint away sluing tn my chair.
I heard of Kasklne, the new quinine. Using It
three weeks 1 was well. It caused a general
gelling up of my nature. 1 Uituk but for Kak-
Ine I should now be dead.
Letters from the above persons, giving fnil
details will Im- sent on application.
Kasklnecau Urtakvn without any s(>ecial med
ical advice. W.oo per hot tie. Sold by
or sent by mail on receipt of price.
K ASK INE CO.. 54 Warren St.. New York.
Have you tried a pair of shoes yet
at J. H. MUSSER & SON'S shoe
store, Main street., Millheim, Pa.
Tte largest and finest Assortment of
in town. ThtttUing my friend* for their Ul-cral
ixUrorunfC I desire to express my determination
to merit a continuance of the some bu a low
scale of prices and completeness qf stock, ami in
this connection I wish to mid that at my store
you will Jimi everything in the line of
Ladies' and Gents' Gold <S'
Silver Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Silverware
and Spectacles.
I buy largely for cash, and, doitw my
own work, can afford to sell cheaper ami give
my friends the benefit, which I will always make
a point to do. Remember the place. Main St ,
Millheim, Pa., and come, see and be convinced.
f. m S rj's.
contains no injurious drugs and has no offen
sivc odor.
Is attended by an
Rained couditlou
tlie lining mem
brane of tbe nostrils,® ml
tear-duct and
affecting tbe luuKM,. vcrv
An acild mucus is^yw-f
chargers accoinpun-jBT /
burning sensalionlHMHK^^
There are seven
spasms of sneezing
frequent attacks (i!gsHF\v'Jr. . 1
blinding haartimha hMmMt u.SA. |
watery and inOatnedU AY. CFI/fT D
state of the "■ w E>f l^
Is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into
nostrils ts quickly absorbed. eteanses the
head. Allays inflammation* Meals the sores.
Restores the senses of taMe. and smell.
50 cents at Druggists; by mail, registered j%) ear