£he WUluim journal. TiiritsnAY, Ji nk JfH 1887. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. Local Paragraphs. —Try n for fine job printing. —Ladies, buy your line shoes at J/us sers' Shoe store. —'Tuesday's Ilarrisburg Patriot came out with A now head. —The state board of agriculture met at Bellefoute yesterday. —Green apples will soon be the for bidden fruit for the small boy. —Did you see those Summer C olli dross goods at D. S. Kauffman A Co's. —J. 11. Breon, on North street, lias erected a substantial barn on his prem ises. —J. J. Iloy's announcement tor Sher iff appears in this issue. And still they come. —Clinton county will hold Its demo cratic convention on the 2Sth of this month. —Strawberries have made their ap pearance in Millheim and sell at Ift cents per quart. —Miss Bertha Wormian and Miss Eva Kreamer of this place siKHit last Week m Bellefoute. —A band of gypsies inhabited A. It- Alexander's woods, south ol towu, sev eral days last week. —Last Saturday was pay day in Crawford's factory at this place. Mon ey was no object then. —Rev. E. Lenhart, of ltebersburg, wishes to make kuown that he has a full setter dog for sale. —Clinton county tobacco growers are abandoning the Havana for the old Pennsylvania seed leaf. —Miss Sarah Taylor, from Farmer's Mills, was a visitor at 11. E. Duck'* residence on Main stieet. —Miss Minerva Mauck, of Salona, was here a few days ago, on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. C. Smith. —A new Reformed church will be dedicated at Pine Hall, near State Col lege, next Sunday, June 12th. —Owing to the chilly rains and damp weather of last week a little fire in the sitting room was quite acceptable. CHOICE BRICK.— The undersigned has for sale a lo; of choice brick. C. C. LOSE, Rebersburg, Pa. All are invited to call at J. 11. Musser& Son's shoe store where you get your money's worth of shoes every time. —lt is stated that during the past year 6000 persons visited the celebrated Penos Caves, seven miles west of tnis p'.ace. —Boils, pimples, hives, ringworm, tetter and all other manifestations of impute blood are cured by Hood's Sar sapatilla. —Such garden insects as the cabbage worm and corculio will soon be in their glory. Make battle on them early in the morning. —Cabbage, Peas, Bean's, Strawber ries, Pine Apples and all kinds of green groceries, just receiyed at D. S. Kauff man & Go's. —Centre Ilall citizens are making an effort to reorganize their band which organization has been defunct for the last few years. —Jotn Miller, the former butcher, now handles the ribbons of 11. G. Sha fer's bus team,and he makes a safe and reliable driyer. —District Attorney J. C. Meyer, of Bellefonte, was seen in town last Sat urday. We think he looks improved since he is married. —The scholars of Miss Laura Keller's school presented their teacher with a large photograph album last Saturday in honor of her twenty-first birthday. —B. K. Jamison, the Philadelphia banker, is riding over the couutry in his tally-ho turnout. On his round trip he took in Bellefonte last week. —Green county, at tha southwestern extremity of the state is way ahead with harvest. They will be cutting grain in a few weeks. —21,000 new buildings are to be erec ted in Philadelphia this summer. The one thousandth part of that would be considered a boom in this place. —Miss Sallie Warntz, staying with John Wagner's at Bellefonte, spent the greater Dart of the week with relatives and friends in this and Brusbvalley. —The hotel registers of this place last week were crowded with the names of commercial men, representing nearly every branch of general merchandise. --Dennis Lose, of this place, carried his arm in a sling last week,having had an ugly felon on one of his lingers. He is now rid of the painful inflammation. —M. L. Wagenseller, of Selinsgrove, a very successful commercial man for a Pniladelphia firm, pleasantly greeted his many friends in this place last week. —Mrs. Sarah Emerick, who has her home with her parents, Peter Itarick's, on Rev. Swengle's farm in Snyder county, was up on a week's yisit to friends. —To be economical don't wear holes in your pockets by carrying the wagon wheels but take them to Kauffman's store where you will get $1.50 worth of goods for them. —J/rs. Luse, who had temporari'y been residiug with Iryin Williams'on Penn street, moved on Jfichael Ulrich's renovated property on the island south of town yesterday. LOST.—A cream-colored linen cro chet collar was lost uy J. 11. 13. Hart man's daughter. The finder is kindly requested to return the same to the owner's residence, Penn street. —Children often need some safe ca thartic and tonic to avert sporoachiug sickness, or to relieve colic, headache, sick stomach, indigestion, dysentery and the complaints incident to child hood. Let the children take Simmons Liver Regulator and keep well. It is purely vegetable, not unpleasant to the taste and safe to take alone or in con nection with other medicine. —For good and cheap goods go to Kauff man's store. —l.ast Thursday started in with a number of heavy thunder storms and rains and it has l>eon taitiing more or less ever since. Out door work is great ly delayed by the wet spell. —,l. 11. lteifsnyder, Esq., is absent on a business trip t> Erie, I'a. We un derstand that lie islookingalterthenew engine which the Knitting factory company are purchasing from a linn at that place. —Harry A. llall, of Elk county, who will lw remembered by most of our readers as one of the political stump speakers in last fall's campaign, has as sumed editorial control of the St. Mary's (ia;oliticians in the coun ty has secured an important position in the oillce of tin Secretary of Internal Affairs in Ilarrishurg. —Belle font e was treated to music hv a Bavarian hand last week, and in view of ltcllefonte not having a band of their own, the Doihi .Years editor pro poses that the town engage "dot leedle German band" permanently. VALUAULE HORSE FOU SALE.—W. S. Musser, of the Musser House, Mill heim, offers for sale a One, jet black horse, weight 1240 pounds, guaranteed sound, and suitable for all work. For particulars inquire of owner. —The band lost one of its old mem bers in the person of Samuel Weiser, who resigned all band property in his possession last week. Here is a chance for one of our young men to become a musician by tooting the tirst Eo Alto horn. —Bey. E. D. Keen,of Liverpool, I'a., was here on a visit to his parents, Ja cob Keen's. He was accompanied by his wife. Mrs. Rev. M. I. Jamison, of Clinton Democrat, I'a., also spent several days at the parental home in this place. —On Monday evening will be the next regular moot ily meeting of the Millheim Building and Loan Associa tion. Since Mr. Delninger, of Centre Hull, fails to put in his periodical ap pearance, one is aut to forget the time ( of these meetings. —Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Musser took the Monday morning train to go to Lutherville /Seminary and attend the commencement exercises there. Their daughter Mabel, who is a member of the junior class, will return home with her parents after commencement. —By some mishap one side of E. W. Mauck's foundation wall on I'enn street was put up wrong, the southern corner being five inches oyer the line. He thinks he will have to tear the wall out and have it rebuilt. The frame work of the building was raised yester day. —The petitions in circulatihn for the pardon of the proprietors of the Will iamsportSundayGrit are said to contain already over four thousand signatures. Last week a petition was returned to the Grit office bearing the names of fif ty-five ot the leading newspaper men in Philadelphia. —ln the line of improvements the town council at Us regular meetiug on Monday evening ordered the construc tion of a new crossing uear Fred Cath erman's residence on North street, and gave notice to Wm. Walker to recon i struct the side walk in front of his property 011 Main street. —Our Bellefonte exchanges contain an account of a pleasant wedding which came oil at the Bush House at that place 011 Tuesday of last week, the con tracting parties being Geo. G. Ilieter, of Miftlinburg and Miss Alice Foote, daughter of Geo. W. Foote, editor of of the Mifllinburg Times. --A "dispatch to the Philadelphia Times from Lock Haven says that the spring wheat crop in Clinton county is a failure. The Hessian fly has destroyed at least two-thirds of the entire crop of Clinton county. The farmers are dis couiaged and little wheat will be sown this full. All other grain is thriving. —A number of young men played a a scrub game of base ball on Saturday afternoon. What's worth doing at all is worth doing right and we advice the orgnization of a regular club. It's all the go and the game is of a healthier and purer character than many other games that are being played around here. —lt is gratifying to observe, says Menamiu's Printer's Circular , Phila delphia, that the socialists and all the many expounders of new-fangled doc trins of labor and capital, make few or 110 converts among the printers. They are too intelligent to be fooled by the crazy theories which are floating around in every direction. —Democratic candidates for county oflices should not forget that it will pay them to announce their candidacy in the JOURNAL. The truth of the mat ter is they can hardly expect to reach all the democratic voters in this demo cratic stronghold unless it bo through the columns of the local paper. A word to the wise is sufficient. —"Let your light so shine," that oth ers may get over the .ground safely, is evidently the maxim which guided Musser & Smith, the hardware mer chants, when they illumined the dark boardwalk leading down Penn street from their corner on Main, by a bright street light. The lamp post was erect ed on Tuesday. Next ? —What would be in the way of get ting up a grand Fourth of July celebra tion in Millheim ? Besides the M. E. festival there could be band music,mar tia' music, parades, fireworks, &c. Let some of our younger people stick their heads together and fix on a plan to ar range matters and solicit the nec essary funds. It will certainly benefit the town and the festival. —A lot of Men'a and Women's line shoes at J/ussera' shoe store this week. —Dr. John F. Hurler is improving pail of his time in laying the curb stones in front of the M. E. church on Main street, and judging by his pulls yesterday forenoon lie had been doing u heap of muscular work. Go in on it, Doe, yon are working for a good cause. —The associate editor of the Dentin County VYitn.s is awfully jealous of the book and ladder boys here. The reason is that Smith is just dying to belong to a book and ladder company ami can't find anything of the kind in Centre llall.—Dai/// AYirs. We invite editor Smith to come to Millheim. He cnnhuU'Cie book .ilid ladder truck of this place all to himself, consider himself the company, fill all the otliees and do all the work. We are quite sure nobody wilt object. —John Chambers, of Milllinburg.who about seven years ago was a citizyn of this place, made his appearance in this his former home for the first time since his moving away. and his many friends welcomed him warmly. John is the same jolly good fellow as ot old. He is selling trees for Chase A .Co's nursery in New York and as he expects to give this section a thorough canvass he will likely be with us oil and on during the next few months. For a time my life was despaired of. My trouble was with the Kidneys. Liver and Bladder—also Constipation. Finally I used Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and in tuy opinion it saved my life. 1 make this statement to save those who suffered as 1 did.—A. J. Gilford, Lowell, Mass. Druggists ; sl. fcH'iid 2 cent stamp to Dr. David Kennedy,Rondout, N. Y., for his book on Kidney, Liver and Blood disorders. : Mention this paper. 23-4 l Rev. M. L. Deitzler has received a pressing invitation to assist in laying the 'corner stone for a new church building at McClure, Snyder county, in Ins former pastorate,on June 12th. He i has accepted the invitation and I'royi ; deuce permitting will go. The appoint ments at St. Paul's congregation for June 12th, 10 a. m.,and at Aaronsburg 7. 30, p. m. will therefor be postponed. The next regular services will be June 26th, at Aaronsburg 10 a. m.,and at St. Paul at 2 p. m. —Last week's Clinton Democrat is authority for the follow ing snake story: Sunday, while the employes of the Beech Creek construction train were clearing up a wreck near Peale,Bome of them strayed a short way into the woods when they suddenly found them selves near a large tl it rock on which to their surprise they discovered lying in the sun ten large rattle snakes. They succeeded in killing nine of the snakes, and brought the rattles home for tro phies. —John have you seen that woman lately ? John, in astonishment: What woman ? That woman Picking Grapes for Speer's Wine. Just see her in another column and read about it,the wines are found by chemists to be absolutely pure and equal to the best in the World. The Board of Health in Laige Cities and leading Hospitals have a dopted their use where wines are need ed. —Two young strangers peddling rags and tin passed through town last Thursday with a one horse conveyance on their way lo Coburn, when they were overtaken by one of the thunder gusts which were a frequent occur rence on that day, filling the air with sharp electricity and heavy claps of thunder. One of these electric charges frightened their horse, which became uncontrollable and upset their wagon breaking the shafts and otherwise dam aging the vehicle. Nobody was hurt, but they had to lay over for repairs uu til the next day. —Large and bushy shade trees in front of private residences and along the streets are ornamental as well as useful. But when they are allowed to grow iu anyshape and the lower branch es are but seven or eight feet above the pavements they become a nuisance and an inconvenient impediment to pedes trians. A tall gentleman wearing a silk hat or persons carrying an umbrel la on a rainy day will haye to dodge or else run the risk of spoiling their hat or umbrella. We have a number of sucli trees in this town and we suggest that the owners trim them and thus confer a favor upon the public. GNARE JUICE FOR SICKNESS..— The arl of cultivating the Oporto vinos and fermenttug the Oporto Grape into wine in this country, and of preserving the Grape Juice Iresh without fermentation has been brought to a greater degree of I>erfection by Mr. Alfred Speer, of Passaic, N. J., than by any other per son; in fact, he was the pioneer in in troducing and 'advertising Native Wines, lie has purchased hundreds of tons of crapes, besides his own vintage. Mr. Speer's success has arisen from the strict purity and valuable properties of his wines for invalids and feeble per sons,and his reputation extends around the wot Id. Hotspur Remarks. "The sun doeth nourish Agues," therefore in the Summer months it is only a measure of common prudence to guard against malarious diseases, in termittent fevers, agues and billious at tacks. "Many cases of Fever and Ague. Dumb Ague and Congestive Cnills were promptly arrested and entirety banished by the use of Simmons Liver Regulator. You don't say half enough in regard to the efficacy of that val uable medicine. Relieve mo when I say I was a sufferer for years and only found relief by its use.—ROIIERT J. WEEKS, Batayia, Kane Co., 111. SOMETHING NEW.- Outsiders fre quently wonder where the railroads ob tain proper return for some of the in genious but costly methods adopted in advertising thiir lines. One of the lat est K> attract our attention is a nicely hound G4 page book entitled, "What to Do,"containing a descriptionand the correct rules of a large number of gam es suitabte for parlor or lawn, which lias been issued by the Passenger De partment of the St. Paul, Mi: neapolis & Manitoba Railway, and will, under stand, be foi warded postpaid upon re ceipt of 8 cents by O. 11. Warren, Gen eral Passenger Agent at St. PunL. It is a book that would ornament almost any table and interest both old and young. •— l The (Hinton Dtiuocrnt suggests lo the yolers of that county to re-elect one of the present democratic Incumbents of the commissi*.iter's office, pointing out the inconvenience which may arise from electing three entirely new men. The suggest ion is aw ise one and what is more, we think, would answer ts well foi (.Villi*) county, ll stands to reason that tlit* ull'aiis of our Imard of commissioners, which huvo been well regulated and successfully handled during the last six years, will suffer more or less in the hands of new and in* X|iei ieiict-d melt and we repeat editor Furev's advise to retain one of the old tlemoetat ic commissioners, as applica ble to tins county. —We want mo'tey and we want it bad. Tins may fecnt a blunt, utiooin* promising statement, but it is neverthe less true, and the truth might as well he admitted. And to Im still more frank, we want those of our subscribers who owe us fioMi three to live years' sub set iption and who have repeatedly re ceived statements t> that effect from this office, to settle up promptly. In order to give them u chance to do so willi the Vast inconvenience we have secured the services of a collector who may call on them during the next few mouths and we hope they will be pre pared to meet our demands. As said before we need the money to run the Jot una i. successfully and that is the reason for these straightforward re marks. Thanks UETUUNF.i.--My humble and sincere thanks are hereby extended to those kind hearted people of Mill heim, who visited the U. H. parsonage onTuesday evening and left a lot of gro ceries and eatables. Those who re member God's embassadors in such a kind and substantial way are people who appreciate the Gospel and show clearly that they are under its hallowed intlueuce. Not once only, but several times within the past few months have the pastor and his family lieen remem bered in this manner by those kind jieo ple, and I wish to say to each of them, accept our warmest thanks and may your kindness to God's servants be re membered before the throne on high and cause the blessing of kind heaven to follow you forever. C. Woktmax. —What more certain sign of real prosjKTity than numberless railroads ? says the Daily Netcs. That is just what Bollefotite is now getting tne ben efit of, and soon can claim the site of the State Capitol, not only liecause of its central location, but also because it is the radiating point for the groat highways of travel. Another is added to the list, the Lock Haven Democrat being informed that the Wilkesbarre and Western railroad company are now surveying a line for a railroad from Watsoniown through Sugar and N'it tany valleys to Bellefonte, with a branch from Washington Furnace to Mill Hall to connect with the Beech Creek road at that place, with a view of carrying coal from the Beech Creek coal basin to the eastern market. It is said this will ln> the shortest line from the Beech Creek and Snow Shoe coal fields to New York. —From last week's Centre County Times : Sunday afternoon C. F. Smith, of Centre Hill, and Miss Sadie Mitchell started on horseback en route for How ard, the home of t lie latter. On reach ing the Fort hill, Mr. Smith's horse stumbled and fell upon the rider, break ing one of the bones in liis foot. The lady's horse tTightened at the scram bling of the falling animal, leaped over a stone pile and threw the rider from his back. Miss Mitchel, who is a good horse-woman, on seeing the danger a liead losened her foot from the stirrup, but unfortunately her riding skirt caught on the saddle pommel by which she was suspended while the steed made several leaps in the air. The skirt gave way finally and the rider fell to the ground, receiving no other in juries than a bruised limb, caused by a kick from the iiorse. Ttikee Effects.— The thousands of remarkable cures which have been accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla are due simply to three effects which this great medicine has upon those who take it : First. It puiifies the blood. Second, It strengthens the system. Third. It gives healthy action to the digestive organs. With these three ellect3 no disease can long retain its hold. It is forced to leaye the system, giving place to health and strength, through the po tent influence of Ilood's Sarsaparilla. Sold ny all druggists. Try it. —The annual statement of the re ceipts and expenditures of the Millheim Borough school district for the year ending June 6th is posted up and shows a balance of $56.59 in excess ot liabili ties. The receipts during the year a mounted to $1379.54 while the expenses were $1162.95, leaving $216.69, in which amount are included a balance of $56.33 from the duplicate of ISBS, $113.76 from the duplicate of is,s6 and cash on hand $46.60. After the payment of a loan of $l6O there will be a balance of $56.59 in the treasury. This is a creditable showing, consideiing the heavy item of expense for new furniture. The schoolboard has also made ar rangements with Mr. F. A. Foreman, of Centre Ilall, to teach a term of se lect school in this place, after harvest and has engaged the gentleman for the winter term of the grammar depart ment. It is to be hoped that our peo ple givo the select school their hearty encouragement and support as it is just exactly what this town needed for some time. Should the work warrant it Mr. Forman is authorized to engage an as sistant teacher. A bottle of Curtis'Carmelite Cor dial should occupy the handy corner of every traveller's satchel. No prudent person willthinkof undertaking a jour ney involving-changes of climate, diet and water, without first procuring a bottle. It never fails ! It never disap points ! Money refunded in every case when a single bottle, as directed, fails to cure any case of cholera, dysentery, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, cramps, pains in the bowels, or any intestinal irritation. Sold by all dealers. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAYS: CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. IjtM'ill CoiTCS|)oll(lcil<'o. (OIHKN. Cohiirn had quite a runaway one day last wwtk. A team ul' horses belonging In a Mr. Gramley licriimc Iri^l>t<*■ iI at the ears ami tow louse from the grain house, run ning across tin' bridge ami striking a wagon ill front of tin* hotel. In front of the store they struck a buggy belonging to Mr. Iet wiler, lilting it up pretty badly. The team wan caught here liefore iloing any more damage. Koyer ami Shoop received a ear ln.nl of reapers ami mower* from Hpriuglbld, lii, las.' Kriil.ty. The ear wiw followed in hy representalive* of the Knight*of Labor who eireiilateil through the vieinity Isiyeolting the niaehi lies ami giving Koyer X' Slump Home trouble to get the machines out. Ileeeher \ Holier have Imiight a large tract of laml along the lUs-eh frii-k It. It. ami will NliortJy disjMtso of their Intercut* here ami remove there. Kev. Aiiuiaii pre.u heil for the Ueforme< llelbnte, lust Monday afternoon. Win. It. Mussina and son, from Cowan, l"a., w ere among the last week's visitors to this place. William looks natural. There are still some families in and alsutt town who are sulfcring with the measles. The wet weather seems to Is very encour aging to this particular disease. Miss l'olly Stover lias had her front yard enclosed with a new fence. This makes a great improvement to the lady's property. Mr. and Mrs. I>. H. Janker wen- to Dauphin county last week attending the funeral of the gentleman's mother. Dr. C. S. Musser left last week for Chica go to attend the National Mistical Associa tion. He w ill continue his journey to lowa and probably to some of the Southern states. P. Gross Yea rick, from Pliiladelphia, is 1 mying his annual visit to his parents, Thus. Yeariek's. We noticed attorney C. M. Dower and family, of ltellefonte, pass through town one ilav last week. They no doubt paid the gentleman's father. Mr. Jacob llower, living Isdow town, a visit. Mrs. J. P. t'ohurn and her sister, Mrs. Eva lingers, arc visiting in Philadelphia and other Eastern cities. Almost daily we see candidates for the different county otiiees llitting liaek and forth through town looking up their pnliti eal friends. AnoTHKU. KKKKMIKIAK. The gypsies were in this ndgblorhiioil plying their usual avocation of Is-gging, liorset railing and fort tine-telling. The late heavy rains did considerable I damage to corn fields, meadows, Are. How ever, the present outlook is for an abun dance of hay. The school house in the Gentzel district is fast being nndermimsl hy the waters of Penns Creek and one more tiwd would lie likely to take it away altogether. Mrs David Necse returned from her western trip last Saturday. She seems to lie delighted with the writ and Illinois in particular. Mr. & Mrs. Womeldorf, of Sugar Valley, were the guests of Mr. Joel Herb last week. There is quite a change the in jsilitieal talk since the announcement of Jacob Eineriek for Commissioner appeared in the papers. Mr. & Mrs. Neat hers ami Mrs. Noll, from Zion, were the guests of Mrs. Funk, a sister of these ladies. Our genial and kind-hearted overseer of the jioor is liked by all his dependents. George Charles was in our village last week with two horses. They were not ex actly of percheron or Canadian breed, but they were gissl eaters. George always has an eye for a trade. One of the Jacobs' of this place has at last succeeded in obtaining a clear title to bis land in Florida. Last Saturday evening this place was the scene of quite an interest ing debate between two of our lielles, each contending to hare bad the most beaux. Zit/.ka. SPRING MILLS. John Nofska, a bright young man from Altoona, has ls-en s|iendiug a week with his aunt, and other relatives in this place. Joli n Stover lias accepted a position as operator in a telegraph office at Derrysburg, Dauphin Co., Pa. Hope be may prosper in bis new field of labor. The creamery is running at its full capac ity and is turning out gilt-edged butter quite fast. Farmers are realizing the bene fit of this enterprise niul are therefore anx ious to sell their cream and save the trouble and work of butter making. Wm. Gray, the young man who had his limb amputated some time ago, is getting along very well. Dr. Van Valzah is the at tending physician. Wm. H. Jones, one of Altoona's best bus iness men, is spending a few days with David Hurree, of this place. John I), ollrner, who had made quite an extended trip through the western states, returned home on last Saturday. Ho is much taken with the west and expects to move to the state of Nebraska. Mrs. Moore,widow of the late Col. Moore, spent a few days among her old friends in this place. * Active, Pushing and Reliable. Mr. J. Eisenhuth can always ba relied upon to carry in stock tlio purest and best goods, and sustain tbe reputation of being active, pushing and reliable, by recommending articles with weli established merit and such as are popular. Having the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, colds aud coughs, will sell it on a positi 'e guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection ot throat, lungs, or chest, and in order to prove our claim, we ask you to call aud get a Trial Bottle free. SMITH TOWN. Wet and muddy. Wheat is blossoming and harvest is not far "IV. Wui'k is progressing on the new township road leading from this point to the X roads and will soon lw re ulv for travel. John Kimport planted several thousand euhhuge plants. John look out for Hollow Eve. Several Is .id of cattle are roving around in this iieighltorhiMid. II Is hu|i|m>hihl that they Ktru.ved from Drushvalley. Theowner ought to he apprised of the way they got here. Joseph Grossman's home was greatly im proved hy several coats of paint which his house and ham reeolvtsl lately. Several of Smith Town sdogs are attlieted vvitli a disease wldeh makes them very slek. George Koyer, John HatwhlM-rger and W. Din k eaeli hoiight a cow from Jacoh Iverstetter. Last week Wm. Koyer and t'layt Duck discovered a nest of white ruts with ml eyes under a large piuu tnst iu Jon. Barter's woods. They say ll was a novel sight. Jt'MUO. KEHIKSHIKG. Our regular correspondent "Nanod" tak es a little rest this week and in his stcml one of his friends furnishes the following items. Thos. Walker bought a horse from Eli.is Stover. Consideration $l4O. Clark Gramley can claim the honor of having helped to increase Miles township's population. He is a full-tledged pap now. "Gut ter der Drinker." Scott Stover is on the sick list hut is get ting 1 letter. KuebctiGratuleyJhc wide-awake supervis or of Mi lies township has a large force of men at work on the turnpike east of itebers burg. J. li. Kreamer and C. C. Ltstse, of this place, are shipping a carload of cattle this wis-k. Geo. Wate returned home for good from ten-k Haven. Austin Gramley'h farm buildings are completed and make uu excellent ap|iear ance. John Hosteriuau was unfortunate in los ing a valuable horse. His l*y was riding the horse while fetching the cows home from the fields, w hen the horse tell and broke his leg. The animal had to Is- kilhsl. John Harter put on the matrimonial yoke hy marrying Miss Ida Wolfe, adaugh ter of Commissioner Wolfe. The writer of fers his hearty congratulations. Our school board held their settlement last Monday and find themselves between S2OO and S.IOO in debt. A new school house is being erected in Hruuigard's school district. Tin* building w ill be a frame structure. Harry, the sou of landlord Gorman, is sick with quinsy. < >ne of the Itoard of school directors of Miles school district refuses to give C. S. Gramley, our teacher, the winter school in this place. We are sorry that such is the case ami hope. that the rest of the hoard will outvote his decision. Philip Gramley and wife returned from a week's visit to Nittany, Iss-k Haven and Wayne station. They enjoyed their trip well". Nearly all of \Ven. Snyner's horses are siek with distemper. Dr. Ilafer, the ltellefonte dentist, was in town on a visit to his mother. A party from York county was here on a visit to Jeremiah Haines. They were some of his relatives, whose names we could not learn. MADISONIIt RG. Wilson Hazel has his house np and the plasterers have given it the first coat. Jacoh N. Uoyer's three children have the measles. Andrew Gtiiser has treated his yard fence to a coat of paint. J. L. Roiish came home from Franklin and Marshal College, at Lancaster, to sjtentl a few days with his parents. His friend, Mr. Abner Dechant, is with him. Mr. Koush exjiects to return to college in a few days when lie will graduate. He carries one of the honors on a German essay, the prize being valued at thirty dollars. So much for the Hrushvailey Dutch. Mrs. Mary Kline, of Marysvilie, Dauphin Co.,is paying her father, Mr. Andrevv Shatfer' of this place a visit. It would lie quite a comfort to the church going people if the sextons would give ven tilation a little more attention. Mr. George Hoy and wife, of Jackson ville, spoilt Su inlay with Mrs. Rebecca Koy er, near town. Mr. Middles worth and wife, and Mr. William SjMsiit and wife, of 1 leaver-town, Snyder couuty, siciit Saturday and part of Sunday with Mrs. Eiseinan, the mother of Mrs. Specht. Mrs Eiseinan has lieen quite siek for the last six weeks, hut at this writ ing we are glad to say, is on a fair way to recovery. # —Druggists as a rule are extremely jealous and careful of the honor of their profession,and are loth to praise a med icine whicli they do not from personal knowledge know to be a meritorious article. They all agree, however, that for smallness of dose, easiness to take, and effectiveness as a worm destroyer, McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders are the best and most desirable vermi fuge in their slock, and do not hesitate to recommend them. Dissatisfied buy ers can have their money refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold bv J. Eisenhuth. Millheim, Pa. —Don't get caught this spring with your blood full of impurities, your di gestion impaired, your appetite poor, kidneys and liver torpid, and the whole system liable to be prostrated by disease —but get yourself into good condition, and ready for the changing and warmer weather, by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It stands unequaled for purifying the blood, giving an appetite, and for a general spring medicine. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Thk 11 est Sai.vr in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sal! Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv J. Eisenhuth. MARRIED. On the stli Inst., at the bride's home, ly Kev. K. Lenhart, Mr. John W. Harter to Miss Ida A. Wolfe, both of llebcrsburg. Millheim Market. Corrected every Wednesday by Whltmer& Lincoln, Coburn, Ta. Wheat .red 87 " white ... 82 Corn 45 Kye 50 Oats white 3O Buckwheat - — 50 Flour, ltoller 1.50 Salt,ner barrel 1.40 Land Salt, per ton 7.87 Plaster, ground 9.00 Cement, per bushel 45 Barley 40 Tymothyseed 1.25 Flaxseed 1.00 Cloverseed 4.0U-4.50 Butter 18 Hams - 10 Sides ti Veal - - Pork - 4 Bfcef . 5 Eggs - 10 Potatoes 4o Lard. 6 IHOOD'S^ COMPOUND EXTRACTyV^S^ /JKa \4 L The importance of purifying the Wood can not be ovcrcitinmtcd, for without puro blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this aoaaou nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, nd enrich tho blood, and we ask you to try Hood's D | • _ r Barsat'arilla. It strengthens I CCUIIDI A J„] build* up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Barsapaiilia iMJCuI- Itc/aff lar curative powers. No ■ l*s>Csll oilier tncdiclne has such a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to take any other instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared hy C. I. Ilood Si Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar ~p K N X SYLVAN IA STATE COLLEGE. Next Tetm begins September S. 1086. This institution Is located In one of thi most beautiful and healthful spot* of the entire Alio- I glieuy legion. it is open to students of both I sexes, and offers lite following Course of Study: I 1. A Full Scientific Course or Four Years. 2. A Latlu Scientific Course. H. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (b) NATURAL HISTORY; (cl CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL KNGIN KKtttNO. 4 A short SPEC! A LCOURSK lu Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC 1 ARTS, coin hlniiig i course dur ing the Holiilav season more effort Is made on special lines and display, but other times and seasons hare tbetr special runs too. Just now envelopes for business men and flower paper for l lie dear ladies are all the go. If lit 1 say again thai "All the Year Round" I keep n full assortment of All kind* of School Supplies, Writing Paper, Sunday School Supplies, Bibles, Hymn I tools. Albums, Tys, Barnes, Vases, Blank Boots, Purses, Bone ij Boots, Tablets, Dolls, Basics,\ Fancy Batch Safes, Stampeil Linen BOCHIS. All hind* of Cards,and Many other fancy articles not found in other s or#. CALL AND SEE. DON'T MISS THE PLACE, "No 20" PENN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. B. 0. DEININGER. HARNESS & COLLARS, WHIPS & FLYNETTS, anything In that line to be had at my shop, AT THE TOLLGATE, NORTH OF MILLHEIM, PA. Harness made to ortlcr, and repairing neatly and promptly done. LOWEST RATES. Air Anything not on hand will be cheerfully ordered. HORSE COLLARS, especially adapted for farmers' use and all or dinary team work. A STAPLE ARTICLE, at prices to suit all parses. A cull nt my place and a trial of my goods will convince you that 1 deal fairly and squarely. J. 11. AVOOMER. ELY'S HATARRH CREAM BALM PoaltlveCnre. BAINS IS WOHTH a&J^CU3 B CO^I $lO 0 3\J TO ANT MAN MPI Woman or Clulfl |T y Jlfi suffering from CATARRH. | Not a liquid or sni/JF-nAY"I" EV L A partlc'e Is applledllnto each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mail registered 60 cts. Circulars free. ELY BKOS.,l)ruggists,Owego,N. Y. 21-U I TTTlllir|| LAD! ES TO WORK FOB 1 >V All 111 II US at their homes. 17 to %iof per week tan be quietly made. No photo > painting; no canvassing. For full particulars, I please address, at once, CRESCENT akT CO., I 147a MUk St., Boston, Mass. Bo* 5170. 23~4t KA S KIN E (THE NEW QUININE.) I Ku Sail AKttite, I W HtiStremtl. | y Xifif |/\ Happy Days. 4 Er^ swtslcc p. A POWERFUL TONIC that tho most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESS FUL BLOOD PURIFIER. Superior to quiulue. Mr. K. A. Miller, 6,10 East Unfit street. New York, was cured l>y Ka*k(ue of exlreran malar ial po-i ration after seven years suffeilng. Ho had run down from 175 bounds to 7, began Kaskiui in dune, 18M. went to work fit one month, regained bis full weight in six months. Quinine did hi in no good whatever. Mr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one of the nio*t respected dttzen* of Bridgeport. Corn., says ; **l am ninety years of age, and for the 1 st three years have suffered from ina larta and the effects of quinine poisoning. 1 re cently began with Kasklne which broke up tho malaria and increased my weight 21 pounds. Mrs. T. A. Hotomons, of 150 HalUday Kt., Jer sey City. writes: My wu Harry, eleven years, w:ii cured of Malaria by K ask inc. after fifteen months' Illness, when wo had given tip ail hope. Letters trom the above persons, giving full details, will las sent on application. Kaskiueeaii lie tl;on without any special med ical advice. #I.OO per bottle. Hola by or sent by mall on receipt of price. K ASK INK CO.. 61 tt'armi St. New York. Y O U N O MEN AT J TUa l/ Williamspori ? Commercial I Collejc. ■ Nsllarsrtion or ffoney ItrfiiiulNl. 2.t4t Address F.M.ALLF.N.WilHamsnortTa STOP and SEE The largest and finest Assortmcal of Groceries in town. Tk ant ing myfriewlsfor their libera t intronafK I desire to express my determination to merit a continuance of the same by a low scale of prices and completeness of stock, awl in this connection J wish to add that at my store you will find fneryiWsjt In the line Of CANNED GOODS, CUE EXE, ST ARC 11, SYRUPS, SOAPS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, PRUNES, RAISINS, PEA CIIES, TO li A C CO, ClO ARS SPICES, CONFECTIONERY, PURE DRUGS AND PA TENT MEDICINES, CLASS