Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, June 09, 1887, Image 2

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    the HHUlftrim journal.
THURSDAY, Ji'sjf 9TH, 1887.
Published by^R. X. BUMILLER.
Democratic County Commit to., IS.S7.
IV w Y.Stltw.
_ W „ Inward Rnmn, Jr.
> W JUNES Schoflfld.
i nJvT f Weber.
Mt^a<V>rp r : ft', I' Meyer.
e eatre Hall ®P™. c.G. Herllng.r.
NI.I„U.HR. IND W. Henry Lehman.
PhlHpabur* > A ~ (, RAHJIM .
_ . ... -I'JV* *A. J. UrtaAt.
UNLNWYLLTE BM*" Tliomiw J. Franer.
Hen ne r t wp-
BOF IWPUJ- £" """""MHIIUHII Walker.
„ v P* H.L.Harvey.
N..N.MOHRA L ..N AnaonV.lXmßlwrty.
gffPW'J John 1. Wllllama.
ColleeeWp David Rriekley.
SLIILUN ?WIV R. P~ Henry Krcba.
FERGN ~W, P...Frank Rowerao*.
g, p' ... Hivain Grove.
■ p .Install 0. Knssman.
DA I NMLV|) V. p ........ William K. KIS 11.
Haines twt , B-r <;eorgo W Kelster. WIMW TWP.T. —William T.Rallej.
— Frank K. Wetland.
tWP John Glenn .
NLXNTWD ... William Irwin.
K tw P — ?'j.!w 1 it li;ir,,uer '
Marlon twp JO>*N "MAR
MHe twp V?'itokl?V
S^.T—'-wi,: H. KrUor.
rer. w s. p p~r:w.V^"'
Snow Shoe, W. P Andrew .1. Lueaa.
811 .. u. P James Redding.
Snrina tWB • William wood*.
Tartar twp WW Caiderwook.
WAL kertwy John ".'TACK
Worth tWP...m.M>• U. J. Woodritig.
USKSTSPIT Charles Mctiarvey.
Secretary. than man.
GENERAL Sherman and James G.
Blaine walking arm-in-arm was a
sight that created some surprise in
New York the other day. Well, the
WAYS of politicians are dark.
THI first anniversary of Mr. & Mrs.
President Cleveland's marriage oc
curred last Thursday and Grover and
Frankie quietly and pleasantly spent
the day in fshingi near Saranac Inn,
N. Y.
PRESIDENT Cleveland has justly hon
ored another of Pennsylvania's dis
tinguished democrats by appointing
Hon. W. A. Wallace as a member of
the board of visitors at the naval
academy at Annapolis.
PUILADKLPNIA wants an elevated
railroad. A syndicate backed by
thirty million dollars is ready to build
fortj miles of road. Pennsylvania's
metropolis has • pushing set of busi
ness men and when they put their
shoulders to the wheel it is generally
a "go."
TMT Philadelphia Times of last
Friday agitates the question of get
ting up a rousing Fourth of J uly cel
ebration in the Quaker city this year.
Being the birthplace of American In
dependence there is no place in the
Union where that important event
ought to be rejoiced over and appro
priately commemorated with more
vim than in the city of Philadelphia.
THE great number ot distinguished
men of this country who have gone to
eternity in the past two years has been
joined by two more in the death of
EX-Yice President William A. Wheel
• er, which occurred on Sunday last, and
that of Chief Justice Mereur, who died
last Monday. A short biography of
these men may be found in another
MARSHALL Dill was sworn into of
fice in the United States district court
by Judge Butler on Tuesday morn
ing. Mr. Dill's bondsmen are Will
iam M. Singerly, of the Philadelphia
Record , and Juan F. Portuondo, a
cigar manufacturer ot that city. The
bond is $20,000 ami the new United
States Marshall and his two sureties
each qualified in that sum.
CURRENT reports have it that ex
governor A. G. Curtin may re enter
the political field as a candidate for
congress from the newly formed
twentieth congressional district, con
sisting of Centre, Clearfield, Clarion,
Elk and Forest counties. If true it
will be a surprise all around as the
ex-governor was pretty generally con
sidered to be on the retired list of poli
THAT the people of this state are
thoroughly aroused by the injustice
which would naturally result from the
failure of the new revenue bill, which
was blunderingly allowed to be lost
at the late session of the legislature is
shown in the following circular which
is being sent to the commissioners of
every county in the state :
WILKESBAKKK, Pa., June 3, 18K7.
To the Commissioners of — Co. GENTLE
MEN :—Your attention is called to the fail
ure of the revenue bill, and the jiosition of
the Governor upon the subject. In justice
to your county and its tax-pajiers it becomes
necessary for you immediately to urge upon
your Senator and members to insist U]K>II
an extra session, and liave all your local
papers demand the same. By this blunder
(if such it be,-) a great injustice has been
done to the people and it should be remedied.
Yours respectfully,
Chairman Co. Corn's. Convention.
GOVERNOR BEAVER vetoed the State
Capitol improvement bill and gives as
bis reason the "uncertainty as to the
revenues." Now we never thought
mnch of patch work on public build
ings and especially not on the state
capitol buildings, and since the pro
ject of erecting a new capitol has gone
under we are satisfied to see the repair
bill go along with it. But the Gov
ernor's reason for vetoing the bill
brings us back to the mysterious fail
ure of the revenue bill. If according
to his opinion the revenues of the
state are uncertain, or in other words,
unequal to the expenses, then the loss
of the new revenue bill is indeed a
great loss to the treasury of the state,
and we join in the general sentiment
of the representatives of the people aud
of the press,which urges the Governor
to call an extra session of the Legisla
ture for the purpose of re enacting the
lost bill. True, extra sessions are ex
pensive, but the gain by having the
revenue bill made a law would exceed
that expense by $2,000,000, and con
sequently the recalling of the Legisla
ture would pay in the end. If noth
ing is done in the matter it will sim
ply bo another illustration of how cor
porations are layered and how they
can do as they please.
Since writing the above article wo
see that Governor Reaver's chief oh
jeetion to calling an extra session is
removed, as nearly nil the momliers of
the legislature expressed their willing
ness to serve during such session
without pay.
EVERY day President Cleveland's
popularity seems to increase and his
strength as tbo next candidate for the
high office which he now fills with
such undisputed efficiency becomes
more and more npparant. Thefollewiug
conversation which was had ontho sub
ject between two representatives from
Texas and a no wspaper reporter at
Washington will explain itself and
cau be taken as a finger board to
the approaching campaign of ISSB :
"What Jo the people of your state think
of the president ?" asked the reporter of
Representative Stewar.t who had eoiuo to
the National capital the other morning.
"There is no opposition in Texas to the
president," was the reply. "The Texas
delegation will le unanimous for his
nomination. And on this suhjeot 1 can
spenk for tho entire South. The whole
South is for Cleveland. There is no op{>osi
tion to him and in the eoiiventiou |h will
have the solid, hearty and enthusiastic sup
port of our people. His popularity increas
es as the people know more of him. He
has given the country an honest and eeono
mical administration, and in the national
convention next year lie will le renomina
t<<d by acclamation. He will !*• renomina
te! and re-elected."
Representative Savers, of Texas, who has
just come from his home to attend the
commencement exercises at Annapolis as
one of the board of visitors to the naval a
cadenty, was also interviewed. He corrolt
oruted all that Mr. Stewart had said in r--
gard to the democratic enthusiasm for the
president in Texas. He said there was hut
one sentiment in that state as to the next
canvass, and that was for Cleveland."
The Governor Approves Some But
Finds Many to Veto as Well.
HARRISBURO, June J.—The following
hills were signed by Governor Beaver U
Amending an act for the better protection
of the wages of mechanics, miners, laborers
and others; providing the manner of collect
ing claims when liens have been tiled
against the real estate of the employer ; to
fully compensate St. Paul's Orphans' Home
at Butler, for educating soldiers' orphans ;
amending the act regulating mutual insur
ance companies ; to aid the State Normal
School, of the Thirteenth district ; relating
to husband and wife, defining the rights
and power over the property, to make con
veyance and contracts, etc ; supplement to
an act to amend the grant of public lands of
the United Siat*s to the several States ; and
appropriation hills as follows :
For the Southern Home for Destitute
Children of Phibulelphia, for Pennsylvania
Working Home for Blind Men,for the Will
iamsport Hospital, for additional buildings
at the Erie Soldiers' Home, for Harrishurg
Hospital, ior monument over grave of Cor
poral lthial, for balance due Thomas H.
Singley, keeper of Marion Hospital at Erie;
for monument over grave of Governor
Thomas Mifflin, f<r Allworth Hospital, for
New Castle Hospital, for Reading Hospital,
for Bradford City Hospital,for Philadelphia
Orthopanlic Hospital, for llamat Hospital
Association of Erie, for Northern Home for
Friendless Children, for Central State Nor
mal School, at Lock Haven ; for Lancaster
Home for Friendless Children.
The following bills or parts of bills were
vetoed :
Making an appropriation for the insane
hospital at Nornstown of $20,000 for addi
tional furniture and equipments ; the item
of $15,000 for liquidating the bolauee of in
debtedness on the Homoeopathic Medical
and Surgical Hospital and Dispensary at
Pittsburg; the item of $5,000 for the comple
tion of buildings at the Pennsylvania In
dustrial Home for Blind Women : the item
of $25,000 for payment of mortgage indebt
edness on the Allegheny General Hospital ;
the item of $12,000 for completing and fur
nishing buildings for Lackawanna Hospital
at Scranton ; the item of $0,500 for the erec
tion of a laundry and kitchen at the West
ern Pennsylvania Deaf and Dumb Institu
tion: the item of $50,000 for the year IKK" for
the erection, completion and furnishing of
a building for 120 feeble-minded children
afflicted with epilepsy at the Training
School for Feeble-minded Children at
Elwyn, Delaware county; the item of $25,-
000 in the appropriation for the centennial
celebration of the anniversary of the fram
ing of the Federal Constitution at Philadel
phia in Septemlier.
Wonderful Cures.
W. D. Hoyl & Co.. Wholesale and Retail
Druggists or Rome. Ga.. say: We have been
selling Dr. King's New Discovery. Electric Hit
ters and Bticklen's Arnica Salve for two years.
Have never handled remedies that sell as well,
or give such universal satisfaction. There
have been some wonderful cures effected by
these medicines in this city. Several cases of
pronounced Consumption have been entirely
etirea by use of a few bottles of Dr King s New
Discovery, taken in connection with Electric
Hitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by
J. Risenhutli.
-♦• ♦
He Passes Away to the Realms Above
on Saturday Morning.
MALONE, N. Y., June s.—Hon.
William Alrnon Wheeler died here at
10.10 O'CIOCK Saturday morning. He
was born in this place on the 30t.1i of
June, 1810. His lather died when he
was eight yers old, leaving his mother
in poor circumstances to take care of
him and his two sisters. Mrs. Wheel
er worked hard and succeeded in keeping
her son at school until has was capable
of earning his livelihood as a teacher.
Later on he went to the university
of Vermont for two years and there
studied law for four years, when he was
admitted to thebar. From that time
on until he was relieved of the vice
presidency he always held public office
of some kind. Briefly, some of the of
fices to which, he was at various times
elected were town clerk, school com
missioner, school inspector, Malone ;
district-attorney of Franklin county,
twice a member of assembly, and once
state senator.
113 was a representative in congress
thirty-seventh and forty-seventh ses
sions, and in 1877 took possession of
the vice-president's chair with It. B.
Hayes as president. Shortly after go
ing into this office his wife died, and
thereafter his whole nature seemed
changed, and he rarely appeared in
public at any of the receptions in
Washington or elsewhere.
When his term of office I ml "xplied
lie retired to his home in Malone and
secluded himself as much as possible
from all liis old friends. Lately he de
clined rapidly and it was apparent
that his demise was only a matter of a
short time.
Dr. Gay was in almost constant at
tendance, and the dying man could
hardly hear him out of sight. Friday
afternoon ho seemed more cheerful
than usual. He talked with unusual
animation, but as night approached his
spirits tailed and he became alarmingly
worse. Finally he lapsed into a com
atose condition and passed quietly
without a sign of recognition of those
about him. The once strong and ag
gressive political leader was wasted to
almost a shadow of his former self.
Of late years Mr. Wheeler spent a
gieal deal of money in charity and im
proving the condition of the poor In his
native locality. Mr. Wheeler hud heen
a republican from the formation of the
party and before that time had been a
• • • ♦ ♦
l>cnth of Chief .lustlee Mereur.
PHILADELPHIA, June 6.—Chief Jus
tice Mereur,of the state supreme court,
who has heen ill for the past ten days
with pneumonia, died at the residence
of his son at Walliugford, Delaware
county, this morning.
Hon. Ulysses Mereur was ls>rn at Towan
da, I 'a., May 2S, tsis. He graduated lYom
the Jefferson college, I'unonshurg, at lin
age of 21. He read law in the oltiee of
Judge William MeKeioion, of Pittsburg.
He was a delegate to the convention that
nominated John C. Fremont for president,
and was a Lincoln presidential elector in
IStk). lie was apjktintcd judge of the com
mon pleas court of Bradford county in 18fi2,
and was subsequently elected to till the
same intuition for a term of ten years, in
the fall of ISU4 lie was elected to congress.
He served several terms in congress. He
became a chief justice of the supreme court
in January, IHS3. His ancestors went to
Bradford county front Lancaster county,
anil his early professional career was sj>eui
in that locality, where lie had eminent suc
cess at the l>ar, and was conspicuous in pol
itics. He was formerly a democrat, and as
such ttx>k an active interest in polities, and
was elected to the Thirtieth congress, He
was a frequent delegate to state conventions
and a leading eounseller in the party. The
detection of David Wiluiot, and other cir
cumstances before the war changed the jo
--litieal complexion of that region and Mi-r
--cur leoamo a republican. 11• was elected
to judgeship of the local courts, but after
Ave or six years service thereon, resigned
to accept an ejection to the Forty-second
congress which lie served with much dis
tinction. ill 1X72, in the famous Huckalcw
llartranft campaign, he was the nouiiuce of
the republican party for judge of the su
preme court,and was elected by a large ma
jority which his party had. Since then his
career has IR-011 solely judicial, and in tin
course of time he attained the chief justice
ship of the court from which, had he lived,
he would have retiml on January 1. He
was a known candidate for re-election, but
Quay and otln-r republican liosses had de
creed his defeat and it was generally !*•-
lieved he would not have been nominated,
though many of the lawyers of the state had
declared for him and he had a great many
inAuontial friends. His daughter is the
wife of Colonel It. Frank Eshleuia,of Lan
caster. His son Rodney is a practical law
yer in Towanda. ,lames resides at Wall
iugford. John practices medicine in l'hiht
dclphia. Another s.u, l lyss.s, jr., is a
student in Philadelphia. Judge Mercur's
wife, who survives liim, is a sister of Gen.
W. \V. H. Davis, of Dovlestowii.
A Candidate for Justice Mercur's
WILKRSDARRE, June 7.—The lieath
of Chief Justice Mereur having created
a vacancy in the supreme court to be
filled by Governor Heaver, Charles E.
Uice, president judge of the Luzerne
county courts, will be strongly urged
for the posit ion. The Record earnestly
advocates his appointmeut.
The Failure of the Revenue IIIU Labi
on the Senate.
Representative John 13. Robinson,
was in the city yesterday, in speaking
of the revenue bill, said ; "The Gov
ernor ought to call an extra session. It
would; cost the State nothing as the
members would not have the cheek to
ask for pay for a few days' service.
The same mistake about an important
bill took place last session, but fortun
ately the error was discovered in time
and the bill called and signed .
"Regarding whose fault it is that
this revenue bill has failed it wi.l
probably never be known, but I have
my own conviction, based on what oc
curred with bills 1 had in charge, that
the fault is on the Senate side. Mes
sage Clerk Taylor was one of the most
careful and conscientious officials on
the Hill and won the resect of all the
House side by his cleverntss. The Sen
eat has a fashion of chatgingevcry error
on the Ilouse.Chief C'erk Losch, one of
ihemost competent of officials,was dur
ing the session charged with some mis
take; so was Resident Clerk Voorhees,
another excellent and accuiate officer
by the Senate Clerks, and when it was
investigated it was found the fault
was on the Senate side.
"The revenue bill did not go through
in the last bouts, but early in the last
week, when there was plenty of time
and no particular rush."
BLOOMINOTON, Ills., Sep. 18. 1882.
Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
Ohio Have taken Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Had catarih all my life ;am 48
years old. Had asthma l'J years, and
a d.eadful cough for five years. Have
taken everything ; went to the Hot
Springs; I have doctored with the doc
tors here; I have done nothing but take
medicine fjr l'J years. When I com
menced using Hall's Catarrh Cure I
was almost dead. I sent for the doctor
the day I got Hall's Catarrh Cine and
I told him that 1 would die any way
and that I w.,uld try your medicine. I
was very bad. How I suffered for t)
years! I could hardly breathe at times.
1 saw Hall's Catarrh Cure advertised
in the papers and commenced taking it.
I would have been under the ground to
day if it had not been for that. 1 have
not had one bad spell of coughing since.
In breathing my head feels well and I
am well. It has done me a thousand
dollars worth of good. There are ten
of my friends, on seeing what it had
done for me, taking it, and it is helping
them. I only wish thateveiy one who
has catairh, asthma and a had cough
could see me, so that I could tell them
all to take it. All that know me here
kr.ow how I have suffered, (I have
been here since 1558.) and say to me
that "I am so glad that you found
something that could cure you." Ev
eryone says, "how much better you
look." The doctors say they are glad
I found flail's Catarih Cure as they
could not cure me.
I cannot express my gratitude to you
for the good Hall's Catarrh Cure has
done me. You can use as much of this
letter as will do the alfiicted good. Pub
lish it to the whole world—it is all true
and tney should know it.
400 East North Street.
Miscellaneous News,
AuJKiiginc Glows up,
CHESTER, PH., June 7.—At S. 1 5 o'-
clock this tnorulnjfshifting cugiuo Xo.
SJJ, on tin* Halliinoru am) Ohio mil
roafi,exploded oiqwßlto the new passen
ger Million on Twelfth street, killing
one tnan and wounding twelve otlici
persons, two of them pet Imps fatuity.
Showers* Case Post polled.
LEBANON, l'a., Janefi.—The case ot
William Showers, the Annvillo mur
derer, was argued this mottling be
fore Judge Mcpherson by bis attorney*
Colonel A. Frank Seller and C. It.
I.antz, K*q., who were allowed to eon
linue the case t September teini of
ITe Crown I'rlnee'w MaLnly Fatal.
I ,(IN DON, J lino B. - I'rivateinforinat ion
received bete Indicates that the I'mwn
Piinet* of Germany is really in a preca
in lis condition. His disease, riotwitli
stan liog icpeaud denials, is cancer ot
the throat from which lie cannot re
cover. This is so well tindetstool that
the personal qualities of his young son
and the probability of his succeeding
Emperor William ate being freely dis
—A. Crownovcr, Saulsbury, l'a.,
writes : 'J. A. McUouuld.
Dear Sir r—Your ldvur Fills are giv
ing good satisfaction here, and there is
quite a demand spiinging up for them.
Please send me three dozen boxes at
once, as 1 am out and some of my cus
tomers won't have any other.'
Comment needless. Dissatisfied pur
chasers can have tlieir money refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Milllieiui.Pa.
Eighteen Days Without Food or Wat
HARTFORD, Conn., June 3.—Two
car-loads of Texas ponies which had
l>ecii shipped from Texas to Eastern
Pennsylvania, and which had been
wrongly transhipped to Hangor, Me.,
were unloaded here to-day. It is under
lfiat thev had been on the cars eighteen
days without food. Several of the ani
mals were dead when the cats were
opened, and those that wer? alive were
in a teiribly emaciated condition. No
drover was with them.
Much Damage by High Water.
JOHNSTOWN, Pa., June 7.— The
heavy rains of the past forty houis
I caused the mountain streams to oyer
i llow their banks to day and great dam-
I age was done in poitions of Somerset
and Cambria counties. Stony creek In
Cambria county, was a raging torrent
this afternoon, and trees, fences, barns
'and outhouses were swept down the
I stream. At Johnstown tlie Cone
-1 maugb river rose so suddenly that
| many people had to fi. e {or their lives.
The abutment of the Johnstown bridge
was washed away, and the lower part
of the city was inundated. The loss
will reach many thousand dollars.
Serious Shortage of Ilrieklayers in
CHICAGO, June ti —A local pHpei
says the master builders ate thinking
seriously of sending to Canada for
bricklayers to take the place of the
strikers. It is generslly admitted that
bticklaycrs a e not coining very rapidly
in answer to advertisements.
The Cooperative lbick company was
organized Saturday, with a capital
siock ot £"o,< 00. The knights of labor
| control seventy-five shares and the
biicklayer's onion tweuty-fiye shares.
The now company lias completed the
purchase of land which the knights of
lalioi have been trying to get hold of
for a long time.- The brick-making
machines are bought and set up. Over
10(1 men, it is stated, will commence
making brick at once, of .the
new enterprise. President Yorkeller of
tlie bricklayers' union said : "If the
dealers won't supply organized labor
with materials, oiganizid labor will
supply itself."
•lay Could About to Monopolize the
Entire Western Freight Traffic.
CHICAGO, June A local paper as
serts that Jay Couldhas successfullytak
en the first step toward the completion
of a most important railroad scheme.
It cointemplitts relieving St. Louis
and Chicago of the necessity of dis
tiibutine grain and provisions, and even
live stock, to the East and European
markets, and draining Hie grain pro
ducing sections of the sontbwest into
the Mississippi liver below tlie ice
point, and thence by barge lines to
New Orleans and by steamers to
foreign poits, or by the same means of
transpoi tation or rail to eastern domes
tic points of consumption.
The article says; "'i'lio first inti
mation of Could's cont( mplated scheme
was given by the purchase of the Little
Hock, Mississippi & Texas and the Lit
tle Hock te Fort Smith raHrouls. At
first it was not thought that there was
any ix'Culiar significance to the trai s
action but it now tianspires that be
means to use them as a link for a new
outlet for Ins Missouii Pacific system
to the East and Europe.
The next step, it is stal(d, will be
the linking of the Little Pock putchus
es with the Missouri Pacific system,
which w ill be done at Fort Gibson, on
the Missouri, Kansas Texas. The
contracts have just been let for tlie
construction of u line from IJuren,
on the Little Hock & Fort Smith, to
Fort Gibson. Tins will give a direct
line to Atkansas City on the Miseis
sippi river.
Heavy Storms in the West.
CINCINNATI, June <. A terrific
thunder-storm, accompanied by heavy
rainfall, visited this region. The thun
der was almost continuous, and it wus
of that detonating kind unaccompanied
by reverberation. Lightning struck the
rod of Hie spire of the second I'resbyte
tian church, and near the ground leap
ed to shade tre and Hue it to splin
ters. It disabled h>o telephone instru
ments by melting Hie wires. No other
serious damage by lightning lias been
reported. The rain Hooded cellars in
Newport seriously, and in Cincinnati
caused much damage by washing de
bris fiom the hillsides into the high
Further advice from the storm at
Oberlin state that the water carried a
way neai ly all the town bridges, and
rose several feet above thelloors on Pro
fessor, Mill, Main, and Pleasant street.
Dr. Bunco's oflico was floated away
several feet. Tho gas works were del
uged, Gilchrist's lumber yard and
planing mill was much damaged. The
front of the carriage works was block
aded with logs ftom Swift's lumber
yard. About fifty houses were Hooded.
The damage is estimated at from sls -
000 to $20,C00.
AtZauesville, Ohio, lightning struck
the Black Diamond manufacturing
company's works, and the establish
ment was burned. Loss §20,000 ; in
surance about §70,000. Lightning was
unnsually destructive at various points
throughout the state.
Deadly K(>NiiltM of Premature lllicd*
in Stone tjuarrles.
HUNTINGTON, I'll., HUH f, —At 'J
o'clock vest to day afternoon n preina
lure ex plusioii of dyuumitu occur rod at
at the Cambria stone quarry near Bir
mingham, in this county, killing seven
men and .ie\icly injntiiitf Keveial ot'i
cta. An nnntiuallv lieavy blast bad
been prepared in the morning, which
failed to explode, and in the afternoon
while using a chain drill in llu? same
n|icnitig a spark from the limestones
ignited the powder and dynamite,
causing a terrific explosion, which
burled ttnineiiHe rocks in every direct
lion. The men weie all assembled at
the mouth of the opening when the ex
plosion occurred, and home of them
were hulled over the able of the moun
tain, four hundred foot la-low.
The Latest l-'ront t lie Accbtenl.
A L'l'ooN A, I'll., June 5.- Tliff scene
of the disiiatei was visited today liy
thousands of people fitun all the sur
roundimr towns. Five of the victims,
Messrs. Weber, Myeis, Soddeis, Hoop
and Stewart were buried to day. Wil
c will be iuteried to-morrow at Ty
rone. Neill'ti b(ly will lie taken to
Shaver's Creek and Thernfell'a le
mains which weie gathered up in a
blanket will be sent to Ardenbeiiu. Pa ,
for Interment. Of the injuied, Mich
ael Wolfner, a Hungarian, is at the
Altoona hospital and said to tie in a
dying condition. Tom and George
I Una to, Hungarians. Casino Gasha.a
llussian, and Xael Varna, moie or less
liurt are recoveiii.g. The litter bad a
narrow escape from instant death. He
was standing close to the dnileis when
the explosion took place. Twenty tons
of stone fell within ten inches of him,
but be was only slightly injured. Some
huge boulders fell on the bodies of My
eis, Hoop and Neil, crushing them into
an unrecognisable mass. The follow
ing is the verdict of the coroner's jury:
"Death was caused by an explosh n in
the Cambria iron company's stone
quarry at Hirmingham, l'a., supposed
to be caused by the action of a
drill on the rock, which i > ill was in
the hands of Stewart and Sodders, who
weie endeavoring to takeout. the tamp
ing, and this caused a spark from fric
lion to explode the powder, which was
supposed to have been exploded be
fore." Within hdttet of the scene ol
the calamity is stored l,f(H) kegs of
powder and thousands of dynamite
111 ilitic* Is to Kiirope.
AUGUSTA, Me., June -Mr. Blaine
left this city for New York and will
sail from New York for l-'urope on the
Xoith German Lloyd stiauiei Kill! on
June S. Mr. lllaiue was in the best of
health at d was met at the depot by the
large party of ftiemls ;unl neighbors,
who bade him good bye and Godspeed.
—Oh ! Oh ! This how ling.jumping
laging toothache ! I would give any
thing for relief. Well, it won't cost
you tnuch. la cents will get you a bot
tle of the Great Zingtia Toothache
Drops. Guaranteed. For toothache
and neuralgia the Great Zingara hits no
cqua'. Keep them in the house, they
may save you hours of agony.
JOHNSTON, ll<>Ll.on'A rt CO.,
Philadelphia Agents.,
Hold by J. Eisenhuth. Milllieim, l'a
77.. /UMstr ' th* prices
f>im 10 t "clii'iif* at .''.!>/• •"
Trt'iimirir, { ■' % >S. .ri'.
611 Kit 111".
\\V :r- .luth'ii .1 l ' .u unco ANIUK .1 .
(K KKU. of WIU— town-hip. :is :i candidate fur
Sheriff, wubleet to the decision id the Democrat-
Ic County Convention.
WE AM authorized to announce WILLIAM
IULKR, of Banner low n*hin. as a candidate for
.Sheriff. Mibject to the docbiou of the Democrat
ic County Convention
WE ar<- authorized to announce JOHN (J.
Mi I.I s. of Huston ti-wn-idp. a u < andhi.ite lor
Sheriff, subject to 11st* it : ion of tlie Demo
cratic Couldv (''invention.
We are authorized to announce .1. J. Itor. of
Marlon town-nip. as .i candidate for sheriff,
subject to th. deci-lou of tiie Democratic
County Convention
We are authorized to announce .1 icon ICISEX
m MI, of MlUhetm Boro igh. a> a candidate for
County Treasurer, suiJ'd t the decision of
the Democratic County Convention.
We are authorized to umounee JOSHUA T.
POTTER, of Potter town-hip. as a candidate for
County Treasurers i Ject to the deoislooof the
Democratic County ( (invention.
We arc authorized to announce JOSEPH
SMtTll, of Gregg township, as a candidate foi
County: Treasurer, subject to the dtdrtot ot
the Democratic County Conventhm.
We nre authorized t" announce tirono* W.
SPA SOI ot Potter town<h lp. a- a candidate
tor County Treasurer, subject to the decision
of the Democratic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce W.J.CAIU.IX.
of Miles township. as a candidate for Register,
subject to the decision oi the Democratic Coun
ty Convention.
We arc authorized to announce JOHN A.
Iti'pp. of College township, a-a candidate for
Resistor, subject to the decision of the Demo
cratic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce 1. b. Zrr.nv,
nf Miilhcim Borough, as a candidate for the
office of Recorder, subject to I lie decision of
tlie* Democratic County Convention.
We arc authorized to announce W.G\I.BK
M OHI. 'i-ox. of Worth township, us a candidate
for Recorder, subject to the decision of ttie
Democratic County convention.
Wc are authorized to announce J icon EMEU,
ICK, of Penn township, for commissioner. MILS
jecl to Democratic rules.
We are authorized to announce M. s. KIED-
I.EIE. of 1 fames township. for Commissioner,
subject to in mocratic rules.
TATK —The undersigned, .idministra
ior of the estate of Samuel lCupp.late of llaines
township, deceased, will sell al public sale on
the premises of decedent, on
SiTl HDAY, Jl NE —)T1I, lss;,
at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following described real
That certnin tract of land, situate in Haines
township, li.iti way between Woodward aud Co
burn, bounded by lauds of W, 11. Me (Ten, Mich
ael Gorman and others, containing
SEVENTEEN ACRES, xmnr. on i.r.*s,
The one half of it H in good cultivation, the
other half well timbered with pine and hem
lock. Thereon erected a
necessary outbiilldiuna A spring of water,
and an orchard ol choice fruit on the premises.
Terms will be made known on dav of sale.
administration having boon granted tothc
nudor-sluned on the estate of Rebecca Eraser,
late of MIVs township, deceased, all persons
knowing thcnuMrca Indebted i<> said estate are
hereby requested to make immediate payment
aud those having claims against the same to
present them duly proven for settlement.
21-0t Administrator.
NOTICE.— Notice Is hereby Riven that the
undersigned has applied for one hundred
acres ol unimproved land*, situate in llaines
township, Centre Co.. l'a., adjoining lands of
George Calhoun on the cast, Lewis Dorinan on
the sou'li, John Bowersox or vacant on tlic
west, and Andrew Wert on the north.
May 21th, 1*37. 21-
SLTTLEMENT NOTlCE.— Notice is hereby given
that all accounts owing 1 'Grenoble, Bart
ges & Co. must be settled within thirty days
from date of this notice-, otherwise they will be
placed in the bands of Hie proper parties for
collection. The books are with tlie undersign
ed at tlieir office, at Cohurn, l'a.
DEO'D. The undersigned having been appoint
ed try said Court an auditor to make and report
distribution of tin-balance in tho handset If.
E. Duck, Administrator 1.1. a. of said decedent,
to and among those legally entitled to receive
the same, will meet the parties in interest at
his office in l'.ellel'onte, l'a. Monday Jnue 13th,
ISB7 at 10 o'clock, a. in. to perforin the duties of
said aunolntment, when and where those in in
terest, if they desire, can attend.
22-3t. J.C.MEYER
"1 hnvo ti-ed Siiuiibdi l.lvcr
Regulator for many ears, Lav
ing made it my only Fuiully
Medicine. My mother befuro
mo avium very partial to it. It is
a safe, good and re! La bio medi
cine for nay disorder of tho
system, and if u-< d lu time la
yriut jit nut ire </' *i< A/OAS,
1 ofien re nininciiil It. to my
friend:, und . i til continue to
(to ho.
"Hev. Janus M. Ilolltna,
•T'a/itorM. B.chureli,'•>. F.ili fU ld,\ a."
altrny* /,-eef>/>i|/ Simmon* L.lvrr
llrynl.itor It i the bonne.
"I hnvo found Simmons IJver
K< gulutor the best family mc<l
lcino 1 ever used for anything
that may happen, luive used it
In hitHijtatioH, C.J Ir, Jilnrrhertt,
fhhmiiiiMf, nnd found it to re
lieve Immediately. After
ingii hearty Kuj>i-r, if, on going
to lied, I take about a t< ;ihjnxin
fnl, 1 never feel the effect* of
the Kttpper eaten.
"Ex-Mayor Maeon, Ga."
Has our Z Btsmp on front of Wrapper.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., Sole Proprietors,
Price, fc I .(H). I'll it.ADlCl.l'illA, PA,
c > ~T — i Tin -T—it— > JQ
bTD XT -P i P l-trO CD
l'cd in the principal Churcliet for Commun
ion. Excellent for tenia tea. Weakly |K-IMIIS
ami the nged.
SiKXTsPorttirape Wine!
rpillS CP-I EBRATED WJNK 1- tlic pure
L. Juice ol the d* .id ripe (>|Mirto (irape. rain
ed lu Sneer'* vineyards, aud left hang until
thev slu'tukand tircoine partly ralstued before
galln ring. Its Invaluab.c.
Tonic M Slreiiitiioßiiii Properties
arc unsurpassed by any other Wine. Itefng
produced under Mr. Sj.cer's own sti-
JHTVIKIOU, Its purity and genulncs-. are ruar
anb-Cfl by the principle Hospitals sud Hoards
of liealCi who have examined ii. The young
c-t child and tin- weakest invalids 11-e il to ad
vantage. I; is parti.-ulnrly bcnclicial to the
a--< <1 and debilitated, and suited to the various
aliments that effect llie weaker -ex.
11l • v.i y rc.ITT A XYIM'. TO NR. UK
1.1 ED ON.
Speer's Unfcrmented Grapa
Is the Juice of the oporto (Jrape. preserved in
Its natural fresh, sweet slate a* It runs from
Ihe press p\ luminal ion, and eleetrlclt y, fhere
by deslro)iiiß the cxi iler of b riueiitaflon. II Is
iM-rfecf Iv pme. lice from spirits and will keep
in any climate.
Speer's (Sociaita) Claret.
I* held lu high estimation for lis richness a*
a Dry Tabic Wine, especially suited for dinner
Speer's P- J. Sherry
is a wine or a Superior Character and par
take- of the lieli qualities of the grape from
which It is made.
Speer's P. J. Brandy.
IS A I*CUE di-til.ilion ot the crape, and
stands umivaied in this Country for medical
purpost A.
It lias a peculiar flavor, similar to that of the
pra|H-s from which It Is distilled.
See that the signature of ALFRED STEER,
I'assaic N. J.. Is over the cork of each bottle.
r Plaff's
An odorleAe. eolorls liquid, powerful, efficient
and cheap. I mincdlately dcrtroys oil had odors,
purities every in inure epot nnd chemically neutralize*
ail infectious nnd discas©-prodiictng matter.
ISVAI.VARLK in tlic sick rewm. Sold by Drug
giaUl every w here, boltlca 60 ccnti.
* 2 the i-.putir fnreriln for drondua
nKj the hzUr, la-storing color l.<-n
prar, cuid |uvitliUnf P.-indruir.
F J kl :■> ft cleanses (ho scalp, stops tl.o
hair falling, and is sure to plocuo
IrWt'- a* 1 - - V] BOr. MI.I fU.ddat Piumrl-ta
Thesnfsst, surest nnd ls-tcuro f-.r Corns. Bunions, Ac.
Ftopsallisiin. Knsnrescomfort tu the fret. Nrverfails
to cure, li edit aat I'rugKkta. Hisco.. & Co.. N. Y.
' Aching backs, hips, and aides, kidney
nnd uterine pains, weakness and inflani
mation, rliciiniatlc, neuralgic, sciatic.
VmY sudden, sharp and nervous paioa ami
I ■ strains relieved in one minute by
tiiat new, elegant and infallible antidote to juiin and
inffanimation, the Cutieurn Anti.Tain Plnalrr.
'Z. cents; 6 for #1; at all druggiaia or TOTTRII
Dnuo a.ND CUEMKJAL CO., Bostou.
DI? 11'\' fWC R causes, and a new and
LIJA AIL Eoiii successful ( I UK at your
own home, by one who was deaf twenty
eight years. Treated by moat of the noted
socialists without beiietlt. l\in d ItimMlf la
three months, and since then liimdrcds of
others. Full particulars sent on application.
T.S.PAGE,No. 41 West 31st St., New York City.
Package, 25 cents, makes S gut ions of a de
licious, sparkling, tcmpeiance bever a g e.
purity and delicacy commend it to all. Sold by
all druggists and storekeepers. 21-it
matchless Remedy ior Consumption in ev
ery -tage <f the disease. ForCong-hN, Went*
Dines, Thront IIISCHMMI, I.oss of Flesh
ami Appetite, ami every f,.mi of t.encrnl
Debility it is an uncuualcd Specific Remedy.
Hvnos. HI and Hi per bottle. Sold Lv Drug
gists. IVI XCll KNT'EIt .V (.. Chemists,
23-lt IG'JW illlaiii .Street, New York.
.I.I I Lif MEN who wish STEADY EM
PLOYMENT to take nice light work at your
home and make easily from &1.00i083.00
a day. You should address with stump
21-lt 294 Viue St., L'inciuuati, O.
WB ~ =WB
I wleh to Inform my cuß.omorp and t.ho piKH<* ! • ~nneral that I have
opouoil tho Spring and Summer 66A*ou of IGJY a'l'l. .1 j
Ml 1 M 1 > 111 I 1 1 ).J L
mm ftQD K
*** F
I respectfully Invito your patronage, assuring you that both my goods ami prices will suit you.
ANNA M. WEAVER, Millheim, Pa.
The object of this advertisement is not
to tire you with a lengthy list of articles
but simply to attract your attention to
the arrival of our enormous stock of
o o o- o o o o o o o o~ o o
SFMf. \ VtfA I?8VM
oOOO(i00O o o o o o ~*
We know that nothing that we can say
will interest you enough to listen. There
for we'll let our goods and our very low
prices speak for themselves. All we ask
is that you come within hearing distance.
We will not enumerate goods because
they must be seen to be appreciated.
Comparison will show that in variety
and taste our goods are
O O <1 (I O O 0 0 o o O OOP
I***" 0000000 000 O
cfforod elsewhere. Again, you will find that our prices
are jnst as low as the lowest asked by other merchants.
Tho fact that we mean what wo say will be apparent
as soon as you enter our establishment. Last, but not
least by any means, you will find our store brimful of
everything belonging on the shelves of a first-class gn
eral merchandise house.
I can't give you that, but I can give you the nicest and
on earth. If you come iu stood season to select from au ele
{pint stock of
Si. Elmos, Hidalgos, Dagmars
HA TS, Wakfields, Oak views, Mountaineers BONNETS,
JIATS, ami a lovely lot of Children's Hats, among them BONNETS,
• s
JIATS, J Also a splendid Assortment of BONNETS,
HATS, Flotf CtfS, Fcqthci<s, liqcc, | BONNETS,
of every description. Any stylo hat trimmed in
j] j yo the latest and most iashionable way. BONNETS
' SVLadles are respectfully Invited to call at my place,
Main Street, Miliheim, Pa.,
HATS, near Campbell's Store, where they will always receive BONNETS,
- prompt and satisfactory aUentlou.
The undersigned respectfully Informs the public that she has Juat opened
600BS, 1
A cordial invitation Is extended to all to come and see ray goods.
My prices w ill convince you that it is to your Interest to patronize me.
ay-Shop iu J. G. Meyer's residence, opposite the Hotel.