Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, June 02, 1887, Image 2

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    sht sHiUtuim Jlnuvwal.
Published by B, A. BUMILLER.
DemocnkUc^> H nt y Commit too, 1887.
IN. W H. Y. Stil/er.
BeUefonte >B,W- Krtward Brown. Jr.
\ #. W --James SchofleUt.
nnn ) Bolt)- -.A. Weber.
sl™ r Bow A.C. Wlthcrtto.
Millholm A. A. Fiank.
ZL. K;s:„, r .
TTnlontrlllo Boro ,
lienner ~ 1 borons J. F ta*er.
tWI V: P—.—~ MllUgan Walker.
•• R. r..~—~—D. L. Harvey.
Burmtde twp— —~ Anson V.lVMißherty.
rolleeeTWp- —...John I. Williams.
reiyum M T Fnuak Bowersox.
fire** twp, 8. F-..—. -..Hiram drove.
" S\ P... —Joslah C. Kossman.
Haines twp. V'. P— William K. Keen.
"" " W. P George W. Ketster.
Half Moon twp Wlinam T .BatVey.
Harris twp..—.~....—. .Frank h. Wellaud.
Howard twp John Glenn
Huston twr>._._ M llliiun h win.
Liberty twrp...— William H. Gardner.
Marlon twp-~—— Jolinlsliler.
Miles twp A. N• Corraan.
Patton twp —J. C. hekley.
Finn twp... Wm. H. Kiearner.
Potter twp, N. P. F. A. Foreman.
" S. P... W. W. Hover.
Rush twp, 8. P Jacob M. Clarr.
N. P John B. Howe.
Snow Shoe, W. P Andrew .1 Lucas.
' K, P... James Redding.
Sprint twp— WUHam Wood*.
Taylor twp— —Wm Cwderwook.
Walker twr John H. Heck.
Worth twp— .• J. Wood ring.
Union twp Charles Medarvey.
H. Y. Stitisr, JAMKS A. MoCLAIN,
Secretary. Chairman.
THX increased interest which was
manifested all over the country in the
observance of Memorial Day goes to
show that tbe sacrifices and cnduranc
-08 of tbe fallen heroes and their living
comrades of the late rebellion are fur
from being forgotten.
One of tbe duties devolving upon
Governor Beaver within a very short
time will be the selection of proper
men to serve upon the committee
which is to take charge of affairs con
' nected with the approaching centen
nial of the adoption of the constitu
tion of tbe United States, to take
piAn in Philadelphia next September.
It is said that he has already a large
bulk of applications from which to
AN extra session of congress is now
looked upon as a certainty by most of
the members of the cabinet, and tLe
president fully expects to be obliged
to call it The cabinet officers are
guided in certain department matters,
which would be affected by a call, by
the assumption that congress will be
here in October. A large number of
senators and members are in the city
this week, and they nearly all expect
a call-
IT is principally due to the efforts
of our worthy representative, Hon.
John A. Woodward, that the legisla
ture made an appropriation of over
SIOO,OOO to the Pennsylvania State
College, located in this county. It
has been President Atherton's desire
for several years to make necessary
repairs and improvements on the col-
IpffQ IHBHIiIMn tiul I"* JawljUm
much gratified that the needed money
is forthcoming now. State College
will soon rank among the first of its
kind in the country.
IK the usual rash of unfinished bus
iness, incident to the adjournment of
the legislature, the new revenue bill
which would increase the revenues of
the state by two millions of dollars
annually, by laying a just tax on
moneyed corporations, failed to be
come a law on account of not being
signed by the President of the Senate.
It may have been accidental, but it
looks suspicious, because its failure
benefits the very parties who are least
needy of exonerations.
The Patriot advises Governor Beav
er to call an extra session to rectify
the mistake and reminds him that be
can only realize his ambition of doing
a good deal of debt-paying by having
this additional revenue.
AMONG all the traps in which hun
dreds of souls are being rushed into eter
nity by the fire fiend, the opera house
with its narrow and winding staircases
andits inadequate means of exit, is the
worst The recent conflagration at
Paris adds another to the long list of
these horrible fatalities. The Thea
tre Comique of the French Capital
was burned to the ground last week
and over two hundred lives were lost.
The death scene among the ruius beg
gared description. The fire was caus
ed by a gas jet which ignited one of
the wingß,and the stage was in flames
in less time than it takes to tell it. The
theatre was the oldest in the city and
its condition was considered danger
ous more than a fortnight ago. Old
theatres ought to go the way car
stoyes are intended to go
COMPLAINTS about the Democratic
national administration are always in
order with the Republican papers.
The Philadelphia Press squeals be
cause Republican United States offi
ere in Pennsylvania are discharged,
and says that Philadelphia has but
two importantjOffices filled by Republi
cans, while there are only thirty Re
publican postmasters remaining in of
fice. Such is the case. But what of
that Supposing the Democrats had
been in power and a republican presi
dent had succeeded a democratic presi
dent, would not every office in the
gift of the United States government
be Riled by republicans in less than
two months ? The answer is obvi
ous. Every democratic official would
have to go instanter. We don't see
anything wrong about Democrats
holding offices while they have a
chance to do so.
RHODE ISLAND had n big time on
Tuesday wlicit they inaugurated their
democratic governor, .John M. Davis.
The fact that for the first time in nian v
years the Democrats havo a hold of
the state government greatly added
to the excitement and enthusiasm ol
the occasion. Newport was lavishly
decorated and there were grand pa
rades and tho usual amount of noise
and confusion.
A CORRESPONDENT to the Philadel
phia Times writes from Washington
that the administration contemplates
meeting tho great tariff issue with a
earefully drawn up bill of its own,
which will be a distiuctive measure
upon which tho Democratic party
may safely conduct the national cam
paign. lie goes on to say that for
some days there has been more or
loss informal talk in administration oirolos
on the tariff question. From intimations
dropped in those quarters it may Ik- an
nounced that Secretary Falrehild is serious
ly contemplating a movement with the ap
probation of the President and his colleagu
es looking to a concentration of the lVmo
crats in the llonae of Representatives and
the Senate upon a measure of tarritf .reduc
tion. After careful inquiry it has loei as
certained that every member of the Cabi
net is favorable to such a programme. Af
ter the experience of the just two Congress
es the President is conviueed that but one
(Stnriui ntiHßlws fo tl%o Ihoititcratii' jur.
ty and that is the formulation of a bill in
consultation with such men as Randall and
Carlisle and others representing the diverse
positions of Democratic sentiment on the
subject for the purpose of bringing them to
gether upon some common ground of agree
The President has seen for some time
that an issue will IK- made on the tar it! and
has urged that it would In- more sagacious
to get to work at once ami prepare a hill to
IH> submitted to Congress as a measuree of
administration policy than to let the qnes
tion continue to play havoc as a tlrehrand
in the ranks of the party. It is proj>osod to
make the bill an administration question in
the House and thus bring it Wforo the JHXV
pIe as a distinctive issue upon which the
1 kniiocratic jurfy will stand in flic next
Judging from the present situation of af
fairs among the party 1 nailer* jt will take a
large amount of pressure to bring the opjst
site v lews of Messrs. Carlise and Itandall
together. It has Wen suggested in Treasn
ry circles that Kentucky whisky infill euro
the tobacco men. and the protection Demo
crats can only reach a basis of set ilcment
by pooling their differences and evolving
some sort of a compromise. If this sh >uld
fail a bill will be prepared at the Treasury
supposed to strike between these conflicting
Secretary Fairchild is v*y ducjded in his
advocacy of reductions of revenue from
customs. The necessity of some action of
this kind, he thinks, will make itself felt
very soon. The accumulation of surplus
will now go on steadily and will
lead to formal action on his part ln-fore the
Cabinet as soon as the first indications
manifest themselves in the monetary "itera
tions of the people. The theory of re luctiotj
will be in placing raw materials, like iron
anil wool, on the free list and reduction ot
rates, on certain manufactures. There is an
idea, notwithstanding the ruinous *-
... j-icsuut rates, that certain manu
factures of iron and steel can stand a re
duction. Members of the administration
believe that there is a point at which modi
fications of tb tariff can be made without
detriment to American industry, It is no
ticeable iu their conversation that as a
rule they favor putting most of the articles
they intend to touch at all on the free list
as the ohly way to reduce revenue,it having
been the usual esjirrjeuce that reduction of
duties ou articles of home manufacture and
of large demand increases rather than di
minishes the revenue,
(Prom our regular correspondent.)
The past week has been very
lively and interesting one in Wash
ington. The National Drill has been
the great event of course, and the pro
gramme was so arranged that eacli day
of the week had some important event
of its own, so that there was variety
and interest all the time. To-day (Dec
oration Day) is H legal holiday. The
Departments are closed, and the Gov
ernment employes are free.
Unusually elaborate memorial ser
vices have been arranged to take place
at Arlington, Soldiers' Home cemetery,
the Congressional cemetery and at Gen
eral Logan's tomb. The soldiers who
have participated in rhe National Drill
will Join the Grand Army of the Re
public and the Army of the Potomac
ia processions to these places,and there
will be music and oratory aud prayers
and poetry and flowers.
The contests of the Drill are over.but
the encampment does not break up un
til this evening. The military compa
nies which went through the ordeal of
the competitive drills.after their duties
were ended, gave themselves up to fun,
sightseeing and the enjoyment of camp
life. The soldiers from Maine add New
Elsmpshire think it is pretty hot weath
er in Washington aud on some of the
parades a few of them were oyeicome
by the heat each day. But the lads
from Texas and Louisiana think it is
very cold for May, and shiver and put
on their overcoats. Altogether the
health of the camp has been good, con
sidering there are so many soldiers
here from various climates who Lave
been subjected to changes of different
kinds and to unusual exertion aud fa
tigue. Still the hospital has proved an
indispensability of the camp and there
ha 3 been constant demand for the ser
vices of the Red Cross Society, which
has charge of it.
When the rain and wind amounting
almost to a cyclone struck the city of
tents on three successive afternoons,
making havoc with camp paraphernalia
of every kind and buffeting and drench
ing the soldiers,the latter felt that they
were having a taste of the realities of
military life on a war basis which the?
had hardly anticipated. The rain
storms were quite disastrous, too, to
the finances of the Drill. Besides un
roofing the grand stand and causing
other damages which represented actual
outlay, they caused a postponement of
the pyrorama performance on two eve
nings, depriving the Drill Committee
of receipts Irem that source, and thev
also cut out a portion of etch day's
programme, as for instanco the dress
parades, at five o'clock, p. m., which
would have attracted many spectators.
General Cireely visltoJ headquarters
shortly after tho first storm and in re
aponse to somejocular reproaches about
tho weather promised that it should be
food for tho rest of tho week.
The General of the Virginia Brigade
and tho members of his staff expressed
themselves as much pleased with the
results of the encampment so far as
t heir men were concerned. They si id
it had boon a camp of instruction to
them, many of whom needed such x
--l>erieace. The strictest military disci
pline has been maintained and tbe
troops have been required to attend to
every camp duty with as much fidelity
as though they were actually in service
in the field. One of tbe odicers also
said that the encampment had boon of
great benefit to many of the ofilcers.
They were good drill officers in their
own armories but knew little of tho du
ties required of them in tho field. Some
of the captains have had their men up
and in line at five o'clock in the morn
ing, and no point has been neglected to
give them all the benefit of instruction
that a camp off mis.
The chief interest of the Drill now
lies in that which nobody lias yot found
out,namely: how the various companies
stand in me competitive drill, and
which will get ihe $3,000 prize. The
announcement of the awards will be
made by the judges at three o'clock
this afternoon at tbe Drill grounds,
with due ceremony, and until this for
mal presentation no one but the judges
will know who are tbe winners. Gen
eral Sheridan selected tbe army ofiicers
who are the judges of the Drill and lie
will present the prizes to the successful
The State CunnotTmpnsc a Tax on the
tlross Receipts of u Steamshlp|Com
pany Derived from Transport
ing Passengers.
I WASHINGTON, May 27.—When tbe
I United States supreme court assembled
at noon to day there was a largo attend
ance of telephone people, including rep
resentatives ol interested pirlies in
Boston, New York and Philadelphia,
who anticipated a deciston in the tele
phone cases, Tiiey were ail, however,
disappointed, us no decision in those
cases was made. Judgements were
briefly announced in about forty cases,
the most important of which are as
follows : No. 202. The Philadelphia
and Southern Mail Steamship Compa
ny versus The Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. In error to ihp supreme
court of that state. Tho decision in
this case whether tbe state can con
stitutionally impose upon a steamship
company incorporated under its laws a
tax upon tho gross receipts, derived
from the transportation of persons and
property by sea between diffiueut stat
es. and to and from forofjn r umtL->.
The court, in a long and careful opin
ion by Justice Bradley, decides that the
states cannot impose such tax, for the
reason that it would be regulation of
interstate commerce. This drcison,
so far as it relates to taxation of inter
state commerce carried on by corpora
tions, applies equally to domestic and
foreign corporations. The capital stock
of the former, regarded as iuhabitants
of a state or their property, may be
taxed as other corporations carrying on
foreign or interstate commerce, so as to
make the tax in effect a tax on such
commerce ; but their business as carri
ers in foreign or interstate commerce
cannot be taxed by a state under the
plea that they are exercising a fran
chise. The judgement of the supreme
court of Pennsylvania is reversed.
The court rendered decisions to-day
in about forty cases. Only a few of
the judgments announced are of public
interest. Tho petition for a hearing of
tbe Maxwell land grant case denied,
Tbe court adj tnrned for the term.
Hood's Sursaparilla is peculiar to
itself and superior to all other prepara
tions in strength, economy and medioi
nal merit.
Miscellaneous News.
Pottsville to Have 811k >llll.
POTTSVILLE, Pa., May 31.—Negoti
ations were concluded to day between
a syndicate of Pottsville capitalists and
the Phoenix manufacturing company,
of Patterson, for the establishment of
a large silk mill here. The mill will
employ from GOO to 1,000 hands.
The work of Greotion will be commenc
ed at once.
A Postal Agent's Accident.
F. J>. G.! who tuna as pos
tal afcent between Ilarrisburg and
Lock Haven had his hand taken off on
Tuesday. Tlie train he runs on gener
ally slacks its speed to give him a
chance to jump off at lined station his
home. On Tuesday morning as he
landed on the ground he missed his
footing and was thrown heavily. In
his efforts to save himself he accidentia
allythrew hisright arm across the track
and the hand was cut off above the
wrist. Mr. Westfall was very popular
among the postal chrks and was pro
ficient In the service.
Killed by a Careless Workman.
JoiiNsTOWif. May 27.—About ten
o'clock last night a man named Bitt
der, while employed in lining one of
the cupolas of the Bessemer Steel
Works of the Cambria Iron Company,
of this city, received fatal injuiies by
the carelessness and neglect of one of
the chargers of the cupola named Mish
ler, who did not look down Inside of
the cupola, but dumped eight hundred
pounds of cold pig metal upon the un
fortunate man, mangling him in a
terrible manner. Bittner lived until 3
o'clock this morning, when he died in
great agony, lie leaves a wife and
three children.
Tlic Hessian |-'|j In (Ju Wheat,
HEADING, IV, May 31.— lluporta
received to-day from various points lit
in Harkfl, ladtigli atul neigh
boring cotintii'B, HIIOW tltat lh ; s year
wlieat will reuliza only about half a
crop. The destructive Hessian lly,
which hud entirely diuappaared for
the past two yeura Is again ravishing
the wheat field*, and acres of it are
dying in consequence. The Colorado
tmetlo, which has inhabited those coun
ties for the past thlrtoou yetlrs la also
doiug considerable damage.
j >
Chlcaso's (.rent Strike .
NEW YoitK, May 3 >.-The next six
days are liable to witness the critical
period in the great attike of the build
ing Hades. For four weeks strike Ims
followed strike, terminating In a lock
out affecting to a greater or less ex
tent almost eveiy trade in the city of
Chicago. Fully 17, (KG men are idle,
and it is stated upon good authority
that over 1,000 flist class niechahics
have left the city. A careful estimate
sliows that wages to tho amount of
$1)00,0)0 have tieen lost to the strikers,
it is impossible to estimate the amount
of capital which lias been diverted
from the building trades. Well known
eastern capitalists have instructed ttieir
Chicago agents to make no invest
ments pending tlie adjustment of the
sliike, and iu several logo entur
pnses w ill be dropped until next year,
and pet haps for ever. The master ma
sons realizing that so 1< ng us trades
unions were governed by their present
iaws and customs the strike was liable
to bo duplicated at anytime,resolved to
make a supreme effort to force the ab
olition of the abuses of which they
were conspicuous victims. The code
of principles and working rules adopt
ed would, if enforced, result in tiro
complete abolition of the unions as
now constituted. Tho developments
of last week have d- monntrated that
this is accomplished it must le dono
by the master masons. They formula
ted the plan of the campaign and have
asked the kindled trades to indorse
their code of principles and follow it:
their footsteps.
A Horrible Crime
Yesterday's papers contaiued the
news cf a t.onible mutd r which was
committed by William .Showers, a ci
g.irmaker at Auuviile. Lebanon county,
l'u. Showers is the gtandftiter of
two bright little Lot?, aged 3 and 5
years, respectively* They were the
illegitimate offs f his daughter,
who died, and their support devolved
upon the grandfather. It is alleged that
Showers, whose wile dh-d some year?
ago, desired to have a middle aged un
married woman to aeep house for him
and that she consented to do so pro
vided bo would place the hoys out with
another family. Tills Showers agreed
to do. It is further allegid that at
o'clock in the morning, on May 17,
Showers left home in a one-horse wag
on with two boys He said ho was go
ing to take the hoys to a family at or
,ur Tor" Ci. ."phUJKHI COUIItV,
twenty miles away, lie returned this
afternoon without the children.
Owing to conflicting sloths and
>h<iwers' strange manner during the
past week the pea pie iu the vicinity of
Annville had their suspicions aroused
and the excitement brcame intense.
Thecisewas reported to the district
attorney, who prfleicrj Showers to be
taken into custody pending a thorough
Showers finally confessed the ctime.
The corpses of the children were dis
coyered on Tuesday in a ditch about
100 yards from Showers' lrogse, and
when found the bodies of the boys were
nude, except their nights shirts, show
log that they had been liken froqj bed
and murdered in cold blood. They had
been strangled with ropes found a*
round their necks and their skulls had
oeen crushed in with a cluh.
A Son of Graham mid
Three Others Killed—A Number of
Passengers Fatally and Seri
ously Injured.
AI.TQON.V, Pa., May 27.—T0-night
as the fast line west was i.earing Kit
tanning Point the wheel cf a car on a
train east burst and trie car crashed iu
to two passenger coaches with terrible
effect, killing instantly four men and
injuring many others. Telegrams were
immediately sent to this city for phy
sicians, and all that could be procutcd
were detailed to the wreck. The kill
ed arc as follows i
Dal. Graham, son of ex Speiker Gra
ham, Allegheny, Pa.
J. 11. SlauflVr, of Lewisville, Ohio.
Wymer Snyder, a one-legged man
Slramokin, Pa.
John Dorr is, newsboy, E ist Liberty,
Frank McCue, 7~> Est Thiity-lhird
street, New \ r ork oily, will die.
Chailes Beidelman, of Urinfleld, No
ble county, Indiana, dying.
The injured are •
A. Agen, Fayettyille, N. V., head
and side ; not serious.
Clara Albert, Flint, Mich, slightly
inj ured.
Rev. John Alford, Heaver Falls,
slight injuries.
Uattie Luckett, colored, Alexandria,
Va., not seriously hurt.
Rev. It. 11, Porter coloied, Detroit,
M ich.
Edith Geise, aged 11 years, traveling
with her mother, was prostrated by the
shock, and was carried outside the car,
but was not injured to any extent.
None of the passengers occupying
the sleeping or par lor cars were injur
ed. The accident was an unavoidable
ono and the worst thai has happened
for years on tiro Pennsylvania railroad.
The injured were brought to this city
and made as comfortable as possible.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
THE BEST SAT.VE in the world for Cuts, Bruises,
Sores, Ulcers, sail Blieuni, Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skjn
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat- j
isfaction, or money refunded. Price 85 ceuts
per box. Tor sale by J. Eteeuliutlr.
| Niui-l iiloii 31 cit Flro Into, a Crowd
of LIALK II(H of Labor.
NATUOSA. P , May -D.—Tlioufth It
hud been evideut for several weoha
that a ctlata of a serious nature must
bo tlie outcome of tho strike at the
Salt works here, nobody seemed to be
prepared for the outbreak that came last
night. I'ho threats nnd tt.e first steps
taken intheproc ssof evicting Knights
of Ltbcr from their little homes, lie
cause they saw tit to demand bitter
terms at the hands of the manufacturers
than was accorded, have stirred up a
uoiul bit of bitterness. Indeed, it has
lieou deemed unsafe to leave the works
and the non-union wotkers without
guards at the close of each week.
Fleece guaids have been on hand re
peatedly. All litis has embittered the
Htrikeis and tended equally to enrage
their op| using workers when any im
mediate cause of provocation has aris
en. The SSOO sent on a day or two n
go to aid the Knights in their stiike
did not soothe the feelings of the other
fellows, but had the opposite effect.
List night number of unionists at
the works engaged in a quarrel with
live or six Knights who had come
down ftvin Creighton. Hot words and
threats passed rapidly from both sides,
and in less time than it takes to tell it
the non-unionists had fired Into the
crowd of combatants on the other Fide.
Two of tho ICuigM# w-rc wrtntltTrft.
oOC I'f incur, a man named Green, was
at first supposed to be fatally hurt, but
the doctors, on further examination,
decided that his wounds might not
prove so serious. Tho other wounded
man sustained quite insignificant in
juries. To adequately deaci ibe the ex
citement that accompm o l and followed
the shooting, would be u difficult task
The disputants weie, for the most part,
drunk, and some of them raved around
as if they were quite willing to engage
in a general riot. Eveiy man whose
sympathies have been moused on eith
er side, seems to be so easily insulted
that it would have been easy, for sev
eial hours, to have pi evoked a riot of
of lurge dimensions, llut hostilities
are tor a time suspended.
The /oJloteinfl ae< the />eiet chnrocf for
announcement* in tha paper: /sheriff, Al.Or','
j Tn usurer, IfS.OO ; all other office*, fJ.OO.
i, of Hen tier township, a* a candidate for
.Slierlir. subject to the dewMoti of tb<-Democrat
; lut'oullt) Oouvolltiua
| Wo ar<- authorized (> announce .Ton* if.
j Mtt t. ol HuMon town-hip. as a eaadldate for
Sheriff. subject to tlie decision of tl.o Demo-
I cr-dlc County Convention.
I We are authorized t< announce JAOOR KISEK
m Tii, t.f AtHllit*iut Borough. a* a candidate for
County Treasurer, subject t- the t' ecffiou of
| the Ih-mocratic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce Josnra T.
1 I'OTTEK. of Potter township, as a candidate for
! County t to the deci-lotiol the
| Jvroocratic County Convention.
We are authorized to atuiotinee tonrn
SMITH, ofiiirxn township. au a candidate for
■ County; Treasurer, subject to the decision of
; the Democratic County Pouventloo.
We are authorized to nnnouiitf Groan* W.
! SI-ASOLEH, or Potter tow ns| Ip. A a candidate
for County Treason i, subject to the decision
of the Democratic County Convention.
We are nut It aired to announce W. .1 CARIIX.
of Miles tov it--li:i>. as a candidate (or lteglslcr.
subject to t!>e decision o. the iH-mocruUc Coun
ty Convention.
We 4ji ..uii. Hl i*. t to announce .Inns A.
ttfl'f. of College township. a-a candidate for
j Ucgister, subject to the declsiou of the Dcino
i era Up County Convention.
We arc authorized to announce I), f.. Jtrnnv.
j of Miilheitn U<-rough, as a candidate for the
j oflloe of Iteeotder, luhji'cl to the decision of
| tli* Democratic Couuty convention.
We are authorized to nnnounec
I Mom if-os.i f Worth township, as a candidate
j for Itrcorder. "-uhji ct to the decision of the
, Democratic County convention.
We are authorized to announce D O on EMEU.
OK, „f l'umi TOWNSHIP. for coin lMP •toner, sub
ject to Ih'inoeratio rules.
We are authorized to announce M.S. FIEII
j iJtti. of Hume* lowiisliln, for Commissioner,
subject to Democratic rules.
LEG. iI.. 1 p VER 7 iSE.HKMS
TATE—'The mulct-signed. administra
tor of the estate of Sammd Kupp.lutc <>f Haines
township. deceased, trill sell at public oil
t|ic promtacs of decadent, on
evrt itDAV. Jt SE 25TH, 1887.
at 1 o'clock, p. m.. the following descrilcd real
That certain tract of land, situate in Haines
tmvr.ship, halfway between Woodward and Co
burn, hounded iiy lands of W. 11. Steffen, Mich
ael Cormau and others, containing
The one half of it is in good cultivation, the
other half well tin) Pored with plno and hem
lock. Thereon erected a
ndeeszary ontbulMinfta a spring of water,
and an orchard ol choice fruit <n tlie premises.
Terms will l>e made known on dav of sale.
ADM IN ISTPATOR'B NfiTlCE.—tatters of
admiiiistratlou having been granted totlie
undersigned on the estate of Kcbecca Frnscr.
late of St Pes township, deceased, all persons
knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are
hereby requested to make Immediate paviie lit
and those having claims against the to
present tiicm July proven for sotileinent.
21 -Ct Administrator.
NOTICE.— Notice is licrciiy civen that the
niulerslcncd lias applied tor one hundred
acres of unimproved lands, situate In Haines
towugh|p, Centre Co., Pa., lulJolnpiK Innds of
(reoi-ge Calhoun on the east. IA-WIS Herman on
the inpili, .lolin Powersox or vacant on the
west, and Andrew Wert on the nortli.
.!. P. P A It NElt,
May 24th, 1887. 21-
SETTLEMENT NOTICE Notice Uhereby given
that all accounts owing t > (irenoblc, Bart
ges & Co. must bo settled within thirty days
from date of this notice, otherwise they will he
placed in the hands of the proper parties for
collection. The lawks are with the undersign
ed at their office, at unburn. Pa.
May 26th, LSTF. UUEKOIU-E, BAKT(JF.S & Co.
pin'D. The undersigned having l>cen appoint
ed liy said Court an auditor to make and report
distribution of the balance In the hands or H.
li. Uuck. Administrator e. t. a. of said decedent,
to and among those legally entitled to receive
the same, will meet the parties In interest at
his ofllce In Bellefonte, Pa. Monday dune 13th.
18*7 at 10 o'clock, a. in. to perform the duties of
said appointment, when mm where those in In
lorest. ]f tlicy desire, can attend.
22-3t. J.C. MEYER
NOTICE OK APPEALS.—Notice Is hereby
Kiveh that Appeals will l>e held at the
Commissioners' olnce In Bellefonte for tho dlf
ferent townships and boroughs AS fotiows ;
For tho townships of Miles. Poun, Haines and
(■'regg, and Mllllietm borough May 31.
For Hauls, College, Ferguson, llalfmooh and
Potter townships, apd Cpntio Halt borougli
"Juno |.
v For Rush, Taylor, Huston and Worth town
ships, and Phtlipsburg borough June 2.
For Union, Burnsldc. Snow shoe and Hoggs
townships and Uniouville and Mllesburg bor
ougiis June 3.
For Howard, Curtln, Liberty, Marlon and
Walker townships.mid Howard borougli Jupoti.
For Unner, Patten ami spring townships,
and Rciiefontc borougli June 7.
Assessors are required to be present and have
their transcripts with them.
Attest, A.J'. GRIEST,
lO3T Cleric. Coipmiss}ioners.
WT\TP|T I.\l>u:n mid UENTEE-
A * I SO' MEN who wish BTKAUT KM
PLprMEMT to take nice light work at your
home and make easily from 81.00i0tf3.00
a day. You should address with stamp
UttOWN JlF'tl CO ,
21-tt 2'JL Yiue St , C'iuciuuati, 0.
TOP I? -
•! VJf .'I, • • >. .
fit' 4 P FAVOf .TJC iiO'JK 111 \: H ,
3 l 1 V„ii!. I i.i i lot nt,-..n > i .rif i >'•
2s A.*,11 ticlc <1 '•!{•. -1/ IT i y iiy; i.uiHl ib-
Ut. but in jiurilj' t Us li.Vj.i-,
It will Cat i r.ll rttcr.c?,i caused
by Derantuaof tl)a Liver,
illci:. •. re. t Ctcjii.irb.
If your iivr I" •<n<f ■• a -i- t y nr
8 1.. > y.l 111 . ;1. I 'I < I I
lni;i' rr p.- I•. ~.. ' . \ I • Uche, •! I. il. i Up-.ii'.t n I
llcrV.H,* 'ia pi. 1.1 . 111-.i" > l' % ' lit!.
mm I
t<mutant* anJ u'... :~. n. , Li tJc k .,Uii.f
Sure tu relieve.
If you iuvf ti u aajoliiiig -1 •'
dif* i > n, or f cl U T ?• r ,r
• I' - I . . .il >1
8 ILL 1* I. I 1 , • ,1 11" HL .LL;
If y'.ii a f-.i'iv-.i. i v. f'kt. i viiiH
('i)!!kU|>aU:i, H,;I#MI In an i
IlillV*tie*, ,-ck , ( -v • i,
Fuiji.nii IJvi r l;.(;u),t.r it >; ii t
r, o'jlr* fcnili. I auj i,..*-.! W •
iiiila. il 8k! c .}c J-1.-J
If y a w.ile i p i i ike maniiiig *Uh a
I iiizr, baJ ia u f i • ur ni
JL £* lb* I'i . iii, ai. JU.aa* > . I J
Tr.nLue t'iiililr. .1 >J'i J > tr.i i.k iMb .i
ti-.- r-.1l T. I.!'- I, fvvt . , .III; . ;.e-*
tin.'.. "- ll* r lie... ,lu-8l:li V.! .I .• J
ache. SiA .Si. r.i.n ,i H 't y, • -J
t.ic Cv..:p! itin mrl-ie. I ; li.S ..
Aiai.yi". > -if. <!> ui sy tm i-.i.
cl.-ai.',inc, u n.'i- ul .1.1-|- iik-ntvi I r.t
jl.i,;ii.j;. -a fcl.uia. L4.i Wi.n.'.a ift.-JU
WtrAS',s CY
J.;/. ZEiUH & CO. . Pit HADE! >, >J, Pa.
t'ar-0 tu tlio iii'liicljiai ClißKlus for Com man
ion. Exrellt'iit for tcinutes. Weakly persouN
ami (be sgerf
Speeds I 'art Grape IViue!
rpiUS CELIinitATIIH WINE Is the pure
JL J lie •ot (lie dead ripe |hjilh (.rape, rais
ed I" Kpeer's vineyards, atul left hang unvil
lltey shrink and heroine partly raistiiefi bigore
hei ing. lis Invaluable.
Tonic M Stroo£tbcaißi Proserties
ire unsurpassed by any other Wine. Ik-inn
produced under Mr. Rpeer's own persotoil su
l?ivision,lis purity and Eeituiuces, are guar
.niteed by the principle Ilosplials and Hoards
ot Health who tiavu • laiu iiol It. The young-
-i child and th 6 weulu-s! invalid* n-e it tQ ad
vHiitaao. H is partienlarty bene{joj(|l to Hie
aued and deldllnied. and xniipd to il|e various
uitliietlts effect the Wo.iki
It |S in every rc-ip. ct A WINK TQ till ltE
Speer's Unfermented Grape
I* th Juice of tho Oporto Grajv*. t>reserved In
its natural frr-sh. sweet state xs It runs from
the press by iuinißatioii, and electricity, tbere
ly desiroyiiiK the exciter of fermentation. It is
JH-i feet ly pure, free iroin sjdi its and will keep
iu any climate.
.Speer's (Socialite) Claret.
I* held 1R hUh estimation for Its richness as
i. Dry Table Wine, especially bulbed fur dinucr
Speer's P. J. Sherry
Is a wine of a Superior Character aid par
takes of the rich qualities of the frape lfoin
which II is made.
Speer*s P. J. Brandy.
IS A I'l'KE distilation of the grape, and
stands umlvaicdtn this Country for medical
It ha- a ]>ectiliar flavor, similar to that of the
grapes from which it is distilled.
Nee that the signature ot ALFRED STFEK,
t'assaic N. J., Is over the cork of each bottle.
lluuid, powerful, efllcicnt
and clicsn. Immediately oestmya all bad odors,
pudStM cveiy Impure spot nnd chemically m uirulixen
Ut Infectious nnd duß\n-c-j>roducing matter.
INVALUAItLE in the rkk ronm. Sold by Drug
gists everywhere, quart bottles 60 cents.
WEAKNESS, Ac . and a'l disorders brought
on bv iiidiscrctlotis. exotases or overwork of
the (train it nil Nervous System, speedily and
radically cured by
a mtraly vegetable preparation, the most mc
x-stul remedy known. Send tor Circular,
l'rlce 81 t>er Ik>x : s|x Boxes. Why limit. WIN
CItEWI EK A 4 .,t liciiilstM.tOg VVHHnm
Fit., New York. 19-it
I'V, jgjll the popular faverMo h>r droaatng
tho U.vlr, licstoiti:a oulor when
year, and provcuilng l>andniS.
C- "jnM It elunx* ilio scalp, stops tlio
hair tailing, and Is euro to pleaso
St\ 60c, and SI.C 9 at PrtimH-Ca
Thosnfrst, surest and hosteuro for (-om", fluxions. An.
Plopsall pain. Knsures comfort to tho hvt NeVorfalls
to euro. 15 ecnU at lu-ujrtirtx lllsoeiX & Co.. KY.
-c-L/ Aching backs, hips, nnd sides, kidney
&£& Jei and uterine pain*, weakness and inflam
mat ion, rheuiuattfi, neuralgic, sciatic,
B suddon, elinrp and nervous pains and
V CD N* strains relieved in one minute by
that new, elegant and infallible antidote to pain and
inflammation, the Cuttcnra Anti-Pain Planter
25 cents; 6 for $1; at all druggists or Puptkii
Dnuu a.ND CuEMicaL Ca, Boston
eistalilhbcd FAY'S 1860.
T .'ik'H (he load; d- •'* not corrodo like tin or iron.nar
ii ■•.iy easy to apply I
Irtn oy nud d.irahlo; nthnlf tho cost of UIL W WSO a
hi :t• TITCVf: for PIiASTKU ulTllulf tho
Co-1. (■AItPFTS snd UI'IJIH of same material,
donhle tlio wesr of Q;1 (Jlotha. Ontslocu" and samples
C UKIS. VV. 11. rAV A CO., CAMDE.V, Ji. At
D|? 4 I'lUUiiti D-s causes, and a new und
EiATilEtkSijsuccessful CIJKK at your
own home, by one who was deaf twenty
eight years, ''reatcd by most of tlio noted
specialists without bonelit. Cured himself in
three months, stud since then hundreds of
others. Full particulars sont on application.
T.S.FALSE,No. 41 West 31st St., New York City.
Package, 25 cents, makes 5 g-allons of a de
licious, sparkling,tempeiance beverage.
purity and delicacy commend it to all. Sold by
all druggists and storekeepers. 21-41
I wit h to Inform my oustomors and tho publio In gouoral that I have
opoued the Spring and bummer boason of 1887 with the
>J}iltlsi i I I ii i
I reapcotfully invito your pulrouago, a*ui lug you that both my goods and prices will salt you.
ANNA M. WEAVER, Millheim, Pa.
B *
The object of this advertisement is not
to tire you with a lengthy list of articles
but simply to attract your attention to
the arrival of our enormous stock of
O o ii o ob o o o o o o o
o o o < o o o o o o o o o
We know that nothing that we can say
will interest you enough to listen. There
for we'll let our goods and our very low
prices speak for themselves. All we ask
is that you come within hearing distance.
We will not enumerate goods because
they must be seen to be appreciated.
Comparison will show that in variety
and taste our goods are
O O O O O 000000000
* o o o nooooooooo
offered elsewhere. Again, you will find that our prloea
are j oat as low as tho lowest asked by other merohanta.
The faot that wo mean what we say will be apparent
as soon as you enter our establishment. Last, but not
leaot by any means, you will find our store brimful of
everything belonging on the shelves of a first-class gn
eral merchandise house.
j I can't giro you that, but I can give you the nicest and
rr . rr,c tastiest
ou earth. If you come iu uood season to select from aa ele '
gont stock of
St. Elmos, Hidalgos, Dagmars
HA TS, Wakfiolds, Oak views, Mountaineers BONNETS,
11A IBY and a lovely lot of Children's Ha ts, among them BONNETS,
HATS, Also a splendid Assortment of BONNETS,
HATS, 171o\Cei<s, Fcq|l]ci<s, liqce, BONNETS,
liibboqs a qd Ti<iiri mill gs
of every description. Any style hat trimmed in
IIA TS 'be latest and moat fashionable way. BONNETS
S9*latdics are respectfully invited to call at my place, * *
Main Street, Millheim, Pa.,
IIATS, uear Campbell's store, where they will always reoeive BONNETS.
prompt &ud satisfactory attentiou. '
The undersigned respectfully informs the public that she hM Jwst opened
1 miMmms mom*"
A cordiul invitation Is extended to all to eome and see my goods.
My prices will convince you-that It is to yeur interest to patronise me.
AWSliop in J. G. Meyer's residence, opposite the Hotel.