MISLED BY HIS WIFE. Her Doecription was Mor© Than Glowing-, But the Words Came Cheap. The picturesque is always a feature of a woman's description of any thing. She talks grandiloquently of colors, and if you hear her discribea tablecloth you fancy its' a gorgeous thing of tap estry or some effective picture. 'My wife,' said the husband to the man in the store, 'has sent me for something she looked at yesterday.' 'Yes!' 'This is the description of it,' aud he pulls outa piece of paper which has in it a full description of tin elaborate pattern of myriads of colors, and all in nomenclature that sounds like some elaborate picture. 'You'll excuse me, I can't remember the blamed thing ' 'That's all right.- I know what she means.' 'You'll please wrap it up very care fully, for if it gets spoiled before it gets there she'll bo mad-' 'Certainly.' Then the man goes to a shelf and pulls out roughly a piece of something. 'Hold on,' says the husband, that can't be the thing. That's chintz, or damask or something, ain't it?' 'This is the article, sir. 'What does it cost?' 'Forty cents a yard.' 'Great Scott! Forty cents a yard! I thought from the description it would come to about one dollar.'— San Fran cisco Chnonicle. Another Art Craze. The latest art work among ladies is known as the "French Craze," for decorating china, glassware, etc. It is something entirely neir, and is both profitable and fascinating. It is very popular in New York, Boston and other Eastern cities. To ladies desiring to learn the Art, we will send an elegant china placque (size IS inches.) handsomely decorated, for a model, together with a box of material, 1(0 colored designs assorted in flowers, animals, soldiers, landscapes, etc., complete, with full instructions, upon receipt of only #I.OO, The placque alone is worth more than the amount charged. To every lady ordering this outfit who encloses the address of five other ladies in terested in Art matters, to whom we can mail our new catalogue of Art Goods, we will en close extra and without charge, an imitation hand-painted brass placque. Instruction book in painting, 16 colored pictures Ac. only 15c. Embroidery Silk, best quality, all colors, SOcts per 100 skeins. Tinsel Braid, gold or silver, for art embroidery and needle work, large ball, onlylocts. Macrame Cord, white, otic per lb; any color, 60c per lb. Other goods at equally low prices. Address. THE EMPIRE NEWS CO., Syracuse, N. Y. Criminals in Court. Judge George 0. Barrett , before whom are brought many of the great criminal cases in tnis city, said recently that he found the trial of an important criminal of intense interest. "Nothing is more fascinating," he said, "than the argu ments of keen and sagacious counsel* I think, too that I can do more good to the people in such trials than in the ad judication of civil cases and the adjust ment of merely private wrongs. The law is only a plain statement of the Uni ts of good conduct in a civilized com munity. It is often disol eyed because it is not understood. I have frequently tried men who have committed murder in belief that they were acting in self defense, and when I have charged the jury I have seen in their faces signs of a rebellion against the law as I laid it down. A little man who has been struck in the face by a big one is not justified in diawing a pistol-and shoot ng his assailant down. He must be lieve, and on reasonable grounds, that his very life is in immediate danger be fore the law gives him the right to take the life that threatens his. The A.iglo- Saxon does uot like this law and you must appeal to his reason. After I have done this and the jury have vindicated the law, I have been merciful in yisit ing its effect upon the prisoner. This case only serves to illustrate the theory upon which I endeavor to try a crimin al cause. I want its lessons impressed upon the community. It has been a source of profound satisfaction to me to watch the effect of a trial upon those present in the court room, and to see even among the lowest and crime Joying classes the conviction slowly made that the law is just and its administrators are merciful and without malice." When Baby waa sick, we gave her Casiorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clang to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Ladies' Guide to Fancy Work. This work contains nearly 300 handsome il lustrations with instructions for making hun dreds of beautiful things, either for adorning your home or presents for your friends, at a most trifling expense, including all kinds or Fancy Work, Artistic Embroideries, Lace Work, Knitting, Tatting and Net Work; con tains designs for Monograms, Initials, Tidies, Lambrequins, Ottomans, Counterpanes, Rugs, Carriage Robes, Brackets. Wall Pockets, Waste Paper Baskets, Work Boxes. Work Baskets, Work Bags, Pen Wipers, Hanging Baskets, Catch-alls, Pin Cushions, Footstools, Handker chief Boxes, Glove Boxes, Card Baskets, Sofa Pillows, Table Covers, Work Stands, Table Scarf Screens, Scrap Bags, Hand Bags, Table Mats, Toilet Mats, Lamp Mats. Lamp Shades, Pillow Shams, Pillow Sham Holders, Curtains, Toilet Stands, Slipper Cases. Letter Cases. Pic ture Frames, Toilet Sets, Cloths, Brush Hold ers, Hassocks, Cigar Boxes, Sachels, Fancy Purses, Slippers. Dressing Gowns, Music Port folios, Knife Cases, Fans, Flower Baskets, Plant Stands, Flower Pot Covers, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Window Shades, Feather Work, Spatter Work, Leaf Photographs and many other things. It is handsomely bound, containing 64 large 3-column pages and will be sent post paid for only 30 cents. It is the finest book on fancy work ever published, and every lady interested in household art should secure a copy ai once. Address, THE EMPIRE NEWS CO., 9-8* Syracuse, N. Y. for Infants'and Children. "Castori* is so well adapted to children that I Castorta euros Colic. Constipation, [ recommend it aa superior to any pruscriDlion I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." IL A. AETHER, M. D.. I Km iS^ n8 ' Kivc# slwp ' promote® di -111 So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. | Without injurious medication. TUB CENTAUR COJITANV, IS2 Fulton Street. N. Y. A Curious Custom Which Flourish ed in a Now York Town Years Ago. It, used to bo the custom many years aero in old Esopus, now Kingston, for all thrifty dames to prepare "grave clot lies" for the different members of the family. With the growth of a child the old "grave clothes" would be dis carded—perhaps given to an improvi dent or shiftless neighbor to be used in time of need—and new garments would be promptly made to replace the old. A story is told about a relative of the late Judge West brook, of Kingston City. Mrs. 's grave clothes had been laid carefully awav for many a long day. When grown yellow or mussed-look incr the old lady would "do them up fresh" with her own hands, and a teeling of blissful readiness and security would again bo hers. One day a neignbor called on the old lady, and the latter was found greatly perturbed oyer some thing. "Guess you'd be flustrated too," said the excited dame, "if somebody came and borrowed your gi aye clothes just after they'd all been doue up fresh. That shiftless Miss , I knew she wouldn't have anything tit to wear when she came to die; and sure enough it was borrow, borrow even after her death. fc>uch shiftlessness I never could endure ! Now I've got to go to work and make up another set, or I may be catched in the same box." The old lady, who was then past ninety, went promptly to work and had fresh grave clothes made up, and it is assert ed on good authority that she lived only a few hours after their completion. \S ■ A can live at hoino, ami make more Willl money at work tor us, than at any ■ thing else in this world. Capital not needed ; you are started free. Both boxes; all ages. Any one can do the work. Costly outfit and terms free. Better not delay. Costsvou nothing to send us your address and find out; If you arc wise you will do so at once. H. HALLE r.* Co., Portland. Maine. SIOO A WEEK. Ladies or gentlemen desiring pleasant profit able employment write at once. We want you to handle an article of domestic use that IIECO MENDS ITSELF to everyone at sight. STAPLE AS FLOCK. Sells like hot cakes. Profits 300 per cent. Families wishing to TRACTIVE ECONO MY should for their own benefit write for par ticulars. Used every day the year round in every household. Price within reach of all. Circulars free. Agents receive SAMPLE FREE Address DOMESTIC MF C* CO.. MAKIOX, OHIO. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with GQQB Presses and a large assortment oj DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND CHEAPLY. F A UfIDTII P. ffl 1308 Chestnut Street, f i a., rlllulli u OUi Philadelphia, Pa.,keep EVEKTTIII N'O IN THE MUSICAL LINE. Sheet Music. Music Books. All the foreign and American Editions. Pianos and Organs, by the best known makers, sold on liberal terms*. Catalogues seut on application. Mention this paper. A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street,south of race bridge., MiUhrim, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gather ings promptly made to order. Call at her place and g t your supplies at ex ceedingly low prices. 34-3 m pENNSYLVAJNIA STATE COLLEGE. Next Teim begins September S. I>'S6. This institution i located in one of tho most b< aut ilul and henlthfuLspots of the entire Alle gheny region It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of study : 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. A Latin Scientific Course. 3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AG KlrU LITRE; (h) NATURAL HISTORY : (c) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. ( d) CIVIL ENOIN EFKINO. 4 A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. f>. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. t A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining Oiop-work with study. New building and .Machinery 7. A new SPECIAL COl'RsE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. S. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL Col'KsES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for hoard and incidentals very low. Tuition free. \"., President 27-29 State College. Centre Co., Pa. pu. a G GUTELIUS, DEMIST, i' vv .4} 'CX X * K "'' -—.LI # "hi. MlLLii kim, PA. Offers his professional services to the public. He is prepared to perform ail operations in the ! dental profession. He is now fully prepared to ! extract teeth absolutely without pain WORKING CLASSES ATTEATIOA! We are now prepared to furnish all classes with employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to *■".<*> per even ing. and a proportional sum by devoting alt their time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That till who see this may send their address, and test the busi ness, wo make this offer. To such as are not well satisfied we will scud one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address ii BOKO e FTINSON a CO.. Portland, Maine. Keystone Hotel, Scliosgrove, ----- Pcnnn. S. T. Frain, Prop'r. -7oc- —— -:oc ; This Ilofel lias been remodeled and refurnished, and fho Traveling Public will find if first-class in every respect. -705- —Q— Lalest improved Water Closet and Wash llootu on fust iloor. { Bath Room in Hotel. )■ HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK DEALERS. Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attached P. H. MUSSER, WATCHMAKER?&?JEAVELER, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., —ct OPPOSITE; THE BAKK.Jh ©3T Repair Wrok a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Yuor patronage lespectfully solicited. 5-ly. PATENTS Obtained, and all PATEN T JUSJMLSn tended to PJIOMPTL Y and for MOD Eli A TR FEES. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than timse remote from WASI/TNG TON'. Send MODEL OR DRAWING. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and wr make NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT JS SE CURED. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order l>iv., and to the officials of the U. S. Patent office. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients in your own State or county, write to C. A. KNOW di CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 1). C, ■■ H 81H|to he made. Cut this out If and return to us, ami we 0 will send you free, some thing of great value and importance to you. that will start you in busi ness which will bring you in more money right away than anything else in this world. Any one can do the work and liver at home. Either sex;all ages. Something new, that just coins money for all workers. We will start you; cap ital not needed. This is one of the genuine, im portant chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delay. Grand outfit free. Address TRUE & Co., Augus ta, Maine. fejifaftlhijKgg i'liila.. Pa. Ease at once. No operation or business delay. Thousands of cures. At Keystone House, Rea ding, Pa., 2d Saturday of each month. Send for circulars. Advice free. 5-ly GREAT BARGAINS -1N- TURBs nrrr.rrrr.r l r.r.nrrr.rrnrr i r.r.rrrrrnrrrF;nnr.rrKnrr.r,rur/jb -W. T. MAUCK'S— FURNITURE STORE, Pone St., Millheim, Pa. II "/•;. HIE OEFEJt LA'G GIIEATBARGAINS LK Chutnlur Suits, Dining Room <(' Kitchen Furniture, Chairs, Lounges, I'utcnt Roch< rs, 1 übles % Stands, Cradles, liooh' Fuses, Httvcetus, Rattan uml Hud ( hutrs of till stifles, Jtedsteuds, Frames, Mattresses of the Jinest curled hair ta tlu cheapest straw. All hinds of SI' JUNGS. KFNOT FN I) hit SO LI) LI Y ANY STORE IN THE COUN'J F. GIVE US A CALL. W. T. Mauck. THE CELEBRATED Heading Qrgan, OYER 10,000 IN CONSTANT USE. Guy Direct from the Manufacturer. Wholesale Manufacturing Prices from J4DIi 51, — ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CA ES FINELY FINISHED. DEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTION, TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. FVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. Si:\D FOR CIRCULARS. Aildt'cSS READING ORGAN CO., F. 3. KANTHEK, Kanager, i—' ZEE IX-T GK RVo.. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR. THE GRANDEST Remedy of the Age° —CUBHM AMI'S c - O -V, - 1 ii \ \ PAT..'AH. 5 icas. J \ AAIC** C t, Ti-'i MENTHOL INHALER, Affords quick relief o Neuralgia, neaciacbo, Hay Fever, Catarrh, Asthma, AITN rr CONTXSV2D res EFFECTS A CTSS. C ififncjJi.'n Knnrar.ttHl or money refundnl. Six 1:1 > Ihs tr , :itm*nt 1 rWcnta. Ilyour druKrirl ha. r -ttho Inhaler in atnrk. a*nd&2 ••r:iK in :: rftii ';, iiinl tin* Ir!i; !-r wil! Ih forw.mh-,1 hy ... .it. 1 •!.!!.'.•; in!, and if, nl tlm ext>irali<>n <> five days iron: its receipt you arvnot (.itinSrd with its otTeita, ,v,.it itny r> !' rn it. and if received in ko<"1 condition, i ir money will be refunded. I itvtilar and testimonial mailed froo on niui.iea.tion 10 H. D. CUSiHSfIAKi, Three Rivers, Mich. &-r\, 13 WEEKS. The IOI iff. DA2S I TTi: will 1-0 curt'ly wrnnjH'd. to any address in the United States for throe months on receipt of ONW DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to post to asters, a- Kentsaiijl clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address nil orders to RICHARD K. FOX, t'UANKI.IN SQI'AKE, N. Y A Lifo Experience. Remarkablo and quick euros. Trial Packages. Send Btamp for sealed particulars. Add~es3 Dr WARD & CL\ Louisiana, ft• ~rmril* Th's is a Y* Y* Lathe, and on a C L-b ® newplan.having 3 - a C 7lindcr Bed. U S_n o which is much 1 C uUVm- i?"'" c< * g ' g frrj iS moresimpleand < \ MJ ? convenient than o {m3jjv~ " -V —~m theoldstyle It fflw \ lp\ 2 has attachments h; \| 1 2 for Circular and '? fAiS.! - -rT 2-roll - Sawing, s* OV7S>r.--._„ IsMr! 3 and for Bracket a <" ~ a o Llculding. I'er. (f £, " novel. and TUB LEST invented. Prlco PU0.03 r.:icl upwards. Manufactured and sold by tho 3atlie Creek Machinery Co., CATT M t ?, RE " *~l| -'iS "Warranted the most perfect Force-Feed Fertilizer Drill in existence. Send for circular. A. B. FARQUHAR, York, Pa. SKM N # w. EBT, "T" -DISTILLER OP- I|) Straight PURE M i C RYE WHISKEY [_ FOR MEDIOAL USE. Wood\\qie T. W. II Al iioCK ifl'li€*Y, with the llaydock Safety Kiug Bolt and Fifth Wheel. Life is insecure riding over any other. (Tbl* picture will be famished M S Ut| e'd, printed In elegant Style, to anyone who will pw to fume It-) .ENCLOSE BTAMP.) T. rr. n-A."2rjdock:, o Cor. Flu. and Twelfth Sto., CINCINNATI, 0. AGEHTS WASTED WHERE WE HAVE ffOHEI HO IHVESTMEHT 80 PROFITABLE, eweirrxn n WILL WORK EQUALLY AS WELL - e jCJb*.JZ£ B ON UOUOH STONY LAND AS OS _ „ ~ TIT A YTT THE WESTERN PRAIKtBS. IT IS TI A *BTTITIT 'life ® r S Si WW UNLIKE ANY OTHER SULKY IN l/iW'fisi I. W A All/ if THEWuRLD. CAN RE ATTACHED ■1 £1 ft; IX aK 1 Y u •- - TO ANY COMMON •* WALKING life 1 3 tfi 31 Bfi e - (1777 17V PL °W IN FIVE MINUTES TIME. Iliill lAIAI M Vflftßm XIII K I AND IS WARRANTED NOT TO ftjUliU As INCREASE THE DRAFT ONE t.l "" POUND. SO SIMPLE A CHILD STRONG ENOUGH TO DRIVE A jC-\ i \J\5 TEAM CAN OPERATE IT. WILL ▼ A \ 5 A Jji) w TURN A SQUARE CORN LB WJTH _ TV ArV \ E*^r P *y<^7Tiirj^ P5 |M' OUT RAISING THE PLOW. THE QNLY PLOW M ADE WITH A FOOT ~ fl LEVER TO START THE POINT x.- Ir^fEigrMlll OF PLOW ABRUPTLY IN THE fc \m GROUND OR ELEVATE IT TO W SKIM OVER THE TOP OF FAST X —fWfl STONES. AROUND ROOTS. ETC. N. ',\ / ® ,y fa Wsatgood. tflv O IX. agent in every town in the U. 8. 1 X /y Write ua for our liberal terms and XE DANIELS A CO., v u '° sthesjfiO.d...-ucj wo .C/. - X l .. Juf, fel till ■ AwlLs the beat and lica;a*t Ave J) your dealer to pet you Globa Toasters lil-roilers, 30 y - A:3sc.(veryßUierior article<)GloboFrr.it atul Jelly ,x .Press, $1.25, Lusuo equal. Cnko Mix T, i tone bowl Stiff!®*j* !*?sl .75. Globe combined T ickHamtu' r,Kottlo Semp er, "v 'l. -.'OcT y cr Hot Pan Lifter, 15c. G lobe Sad 1 rou II eater saves No. s!!£>*■ each coal, 25c., Ac.. Ac. If your dealer is out club with t j . ..- neighbors send money to us &wo will ship direct, 13011 CLOBE M'F'G CO s 936 Walnut SL.Phlla, Pa. ' THE ENTERPRISE VAPOR HEDICATOR. A NEW PATENT STEAM MEDICATOR, INHALER, DISINFECTOR, &c. X Especially constructed for the treatment cf such disenst s ta ,ir-Ttl! J CONSUMPTION- NASAL CATA22B, EAI AND LOSE mtt EIPBTEIEIA, ft m BEONCHITI3, FLEUSISY. FNEUKONIA, NXUSAMIA, KUKFS, DISXXNOUHOA. The first time "SOLIDS" could be used in MEDIC A TISG STEAM, lIFnSI \asul Catarrh, Hay Fever, Asthma. \nj! W j In all these diseases the Medicator is worth ten times the price asked. \ \ :l}f Any Lady can Beautify her Complexion after using a few days, l (73 I HAKMLF.SS BUT CERTAIN. X _lt coats nsel for a NUESE or LUNCH LAN?, hiring la extrt ittaehnnt of i Cup. Price, Complete, $3.00. By Blail, $3.89. AGENTS WANTED.r9- ood reliable Agents wanted to hsudle onr Jg fi iHSyuv "N iu one day. Write for terms and circulars to the Mfr- ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDICATOR CO. v EUREKA FOLDING CANOii iui'. E! BfißMfc Made in different 6izes, and can be attached to nearly all wagons, bug gies, phaetons and carts. Easily removed and folds like an umbrella, i\ \ If you cannot get it of your local wagon maker or dealer, send to us for / j ' illustrated ciroulftf aud price list. A^ents wanted everj'where. \ ' D - c - BEERS & CO., \J \ I \ PATENTEES and MANUFACTURERS, \l NEWTOWN, Conn. SHESIiD ROAD CART. e" BEST PART ON EARTHS ( I\V }? \ SINGLE, DOUBLE and LIGHT, —J 185 lbs. 150 lbs. 851b % I / $33. $37. SAP. V yC J VXi \/ j Crated free on board cars. V S?. T. ALLEN, MaqageP. COLDWATER, Mich. G vp rleaThoniand Trial I'A - / "^ALPac-kages inailod to pv- JmJr XP3A die* for these troubles, and ail Quaoka. K r Rpirxrv tients a Inrpe proportionwhoso only aim is to hltwul tht ir vir- XALKADE.of Binun. ~7?s. xMutlm*. Take a SUHIRSMSPY thafnAs men t n nit were restored to health by use of .MAFK# XBBCI'RED thouoanili. does not Intcrft ™ harris'SEMINAL PASTILLES.V p _ 3rinconvenience in any*wy.'Founded A Radical Cure for Nervous Debility, Organic scjonlige medical pra.ciplea By direct Weakness ondPhyslcnl Decoy in Vounnor appHestjonto the seat of disease lu specifle die A*ed Men. Tested for Eight Yeare in manrPons of the best Flowers ami iws \ eZ< f) X) Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to them. Printed in English and German. Price onjy SQ V cents, which may be deducted from first order. Jy' . Tt tei's what von want fbr the garden, and how to get it instead of mnntnr to. K- the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left avei matins?, X WU d,SR PP° lnu " cm weeks of waiting. tm S BUY ONL Y VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS, in .XK K n'„ S mS , '', S „H¥ ,ra ? MONTHIY MASWt 31 i Co "= ikmir /\h J] c|7 number, and many fine engravings, PW7i*-25 a year; Five Copies fot VU' P m ? num^ ers *o cents; 3 trial Qvpies 25 cents. We will send to any lAAr __ r , ,n ! agazlne a " d an y °, nc of publications at the prices tvawd below c a 'l y magazines ?t th* price of one—Century, 14.50; Harper's Monthly, <4.00; -* J AMES VICE. RwkMtet, X T.