How She Lost Her Maid. Clara Bello, in one of her notable letters, says: Speaking of humbug, a Fifth avenue belle's maid, a trim pretty creature, suddenly disappeared recent ly: and it was a wonder, because the girl was well paid in proportion to her good looks—for it is deliriously swell now to have a pretty body ser vant She had not seemingly been dissatisfied with her work or wages. Her employer feared that some senti mental harm had come to her, and charitably went so far as to hire a pri vate detective to hunt her up. Where do you think he found her? She was an advertising exhibit in a hair wash establishment There is a boom on n that industry. Phenominally long haired women are posed in the win dows of stores where hair tonics are on sale, and competition is hot. The comely maid had luxuriant tresses, which grew so heavily and rapidly that she went periodically to a hair dresser to have them cut short. "How much wages do you get?" he asked her. "Twenty-four dollars a month," she replied. "I can get you double that," he said, "and nothing at all to do except to be admired. Oh, dou't be alarm cd—there's no harm in it. Messrs. Blank and Co., the well-known makers of Cerulian Glory, want to boom their stuff. You are just the girl they de sire. You will have your hair shaved close. Then they will show you free ly to their customers, telling them that you lost your hair years ago by fever, and had given up all hope of re gaining it; you have tried many per parations in vain; they are goiug to experiment on you. Your hair grows fast and fine—it is on view from day to day—it becomes a marvel—the fame of it spreads by word of mouth, and by the time your head has re gained its usual beauty they have sold 1,000 extra bottles of Cerulian, and you have received three months' extra wages, See?'' She saw; and that was how the Fifth avenue belle lost her pretty maid. Another Art Craze. The latest art work among ladies is known as the "French Craze," for decorating china, glassware, etc. It is something entirely new, and is both profitable and fascinating. It is very popular in New York, Boston and other Eastern cities. To ladies desiring to learn the Art, we will send an elegant china placque (size 18 inches.) handsomely decorated, for a model, together with a box of material, 100 colored designs assorted in flowers, animals, soldiers, landscapes, etc., complete, with full instructions, upon receipt of only (1.00. The placque alone is worth more than the amount charged. To every lady ordering this outfit who encloses the address of five other ladles in terested in Art matters, to whom we can mail onr new catalogue of Art Goods, we will en close extra and without charge, an imitation hand-painted brass placque. Instruction book in paiuting. 16 colored pictures Ac. only 15c. Embroidery Silk, best quality, all colors, 80cts per 100 skeins. Tinsel Braid, gold or silver, for art embroidery and needle work, large ball, only 15 cts Macrame Cord, white. soc per lb; any color, 60c per lb. Other goods at equally lowprioes. Address, THE EMPIRE NEWS CO., Syracuse, N. Y. Miscellaneous News. A Daring Train Robber. A Lake Shore Messenger Shot, Gagged and bound, and the Safe Robbed. FRANKFORT, N. Y., March 31.—Ex press Messenger Leake, who was rob bed between Clark's Mills aud Frank fort last night, reached here about mid night and was able to proceed to the office of Drs. Skiff & Richards, where his wound was dressed. He was shot iu the upper part of the right arm, the ball passing around the shoulder, caus ing an uuly wound. The doctors prob ed for the ball, but were unable to lo cate it. Leake endured the operation heroically, without chloroform. He was weak from the shock aud loss of blood, but walked to the station and took the 3.30 a. m. train for Albany, on his way home to Sharon Springs. He stated to a reporter that soon after his train left Clark's Mills a man entered his car through the side door, which he shoved back, saying as he entered, "Throw np your hands." Leake did not realize for a moment what was up, and failed to comply with the demand. The intruder there upon leveled his revolver at the messen ger and shot him. Leak fell to the floor of the car, and his assailant said : "Now, you, when I tell you to hold up your hands again you'll do it, won't you ?" The assailant then pro ceeded to bind the hands and feet of Leake, and put a gag in his mouth. One of his legs the robber tied to the safe. The desperado then took a bunch of keys from the pocket of the messen ger and unlocked the safe, which he rifled of its money packages. The a mount secured is believed to be between S7OO and SBOO. The robber left the car at the Delaware,Lakawanna and West ern railroad crossing. Before leaving the car the robber said to Leake:—"lf you say anything about this I'll come back and kill you." The messenger re plied: "You wouldn't rob a man and kill him too would you?" "Yes, I would,"said the robber,as he left. Leake tried to free himself, but did not suc ceed. At Uticahis car was opt-ned and he was freed from his uncomfortable po sition. At this place it was decided that he had better stop over and have his wound attended to. The messenger says his assailant was a large, strong man, wearing a mask that hung down over his chest* His hair was cut very short at the back and his hands were callous and dirty. i for Infants and Children. "Castor!* is so well adapted to children that I faitoris cnrce Oolle, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription I Bour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." IL A. ABCTTEH, M. D„ I vca *+ 111 So. Oxford BL, Brooklyn, N. Y. | Without injurious medioatton. TUB CXNTACB COMPANY, 182 Fulton Street, N. Y. "When Baby WM aick, we pare her Castoria, When the was a Child, she cried fur Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gars them Castoria, SERIOUS AND PERHAPS FATAL BOILER EXPLOSION AT ERIE. Five Men Injured, Two of Which are so terribly Burned that their Lives are Despaired of. ERIE, Pa., March 31.—A serious and perhaps fatal boiler explosion occurred this morning in the l>oiler works of T. M. Nagle, in which Edgar L. Sturte vant, of Cleveland, Ohio, inspector for the Hartford steam boiler insurance company; Patrick Kelly. William Mc- Cloud, James Welch and A. L. Murphy of this place, were injured. The lives of the first three are dispaired of. A hydraulic test of a twenty-horse power boiler has just been made and it was fixed up for the purpose of getting UD steam pressure. The gauge marked 140 pounds and Inspector Sturteyant was looking into the fire box when the Hue plate gave way .and superhead steam rushed out, enveloping the Inspector and Kelly and McCloud and burning them most frightfully. There is not a spot on Kelly's body as large as the palm of his band that is not raw. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THB BEST SALVE in the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv J. Elsenhuth. I lean live at home, and make more Wllll money at work for us, than at any ■ in this world. Capital not needed ; you are started free. Both xes; all ages. Any one can do the work. Costly outfit and terms free. Better not delay. C oststou nothing to send us your address and fiud out; if you are wise you will do so at once. H. HALLET it Co., Portland, Maiue. SIOO A WEEK. Ladies or gentlemen desiring pleasant profit able employment write at once. We want yo to handle an article or domestic use that RECO MEXDS ITSELF to everyone at sight. STAPLE AS FLOUR. Sells like hot cakes. Profits 300 per cent. Families wishing to PRACTICE ECONO MY should for their own benefit write for par ticulars. Used every day the year round in every household. Price within reach of all. Circulars free. Agents receive SAMPLE FREE Address DOMESTIC MFU CO.. MARI N, HlO. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with @QQD ®bbsse and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE BEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND CHEAPLY. FA WnDffln 9. Hfl I** Chestnut Street, iA. WUllill a 0U Philadelphia. Pa.,keep EVERYTHING IN THE MUSICAL LLNE. Sheet Music. Music Books. All the foreign and American Editions. Pianos and Organs, by the best known makers, sold on liberal terms. Catalogues sent on application. Mention this paper. - A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Pcnn street, south of race bridge, Mil'lieim, Pa. - ——v Bread, Pies &. Cakes 7 ** of superior quality can le bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Flcnics and other social gather ings promptly made to order. Call ut her place and get your supplies at ex ceedingly low prices. 34-3 m "PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Next Teiin begins September 8.1886. This institution is located in one of th* most beautiful and healthful spots of tins entire Alle gheny region It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of Study: 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. . The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (b) NATURAL HISTORY: (c) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4 A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining hop-work with study. New building and Machinery 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for bourd and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATHKRTON, I L. 1)., President, 27-29 State College. Centre Co., Pa. KTS~ GG U TEL I US, DEJTIST, MILLHKIM, PA. Offers his professional services to the public. He 5.00 per even ing. and a proportional sum by devoting ah their time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this may send their address, and test the busi ness, we make this offer. To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address GBOHQK STJNSON A CO., Portland, Maine. Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrove, ----- Penna. S. T. Frain, Prop'r. -XX- -504- This nofel lias been remodeled and refurnished, and the Traveling Public will find if firsf-class in every respect. -nx "O Lafesf ira proved Wafer Closef and Wash Room on fiisf floor. <( Bath Room in Hotel. } HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK DEALERS. Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attached P. H. MUSSER, W ATCIIMAKEK©&® JEWELER, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., -+JOPPOSITE THE BANK.J>- Repair Wrok a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Yuor patronage respectfully solicited. 5-ly. PATENTS Obtained, and all / A TEN TBI SJB ESS a tended to PROMPTLY and for MODERATE FEES. A Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL OR DRA WING. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS SE CURED. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Snpt. of Money Order Dlv., and to the officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients in your own State or county, write to C. A. SSOW A CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C, mm wn ■■ Mimfto be made. Cut this out Ml 11 H| Llf and return to us, and we |W| U|v C ■ will send you free, some ■ thing of great value and importance to you, that will start you in busi ness which will bring you in more money right away than anything else in this world. Any one can do the work and live at home. Either sex; all ages. Something new. that Just coins money for all workers. We w 111 start you s cap ital not needed. This Is one of the genuine, im portiint chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delay. Grand outfit free. Address TRUE & Co.. Augus ta. Maine. hire guaranteed IJ 11 >M ■II J■■ >y Dr. J. B. May | fc\V| • I ftl "l-r. 831 Arch St. Pa. Ease at once- No operation or business delay. Thousands of cures. At Keystone House, Rea ding, Pa., 2d Saturday of each mouth. Send for circulars. Advice free. GREAT BARGAINS —lN rirmcrjaau'jLiauauuaaaaaayaaaaauaaaaaEi'jjaaaaaaaac sFTJK,ITIT"TJK,E| EiBBBnBBBGBBiBBOBBBGBiSBEOBnonBBnBBnvsisBEBBBBBn Bam —AT— -W. T. MAUCK'S— FURNITURE STORE, Perm St., Millheim, Pa. WE ARE OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Chamber Suits, Dining Room A Kitchen Furniture, Chairs, Lounges, Latent Rockers, 'Tables, Stands, Cradles, Hook Cases, Bureaus, Itattan and Reed Lhutrs of all styles, Bedsteads, Frames, Mattresses of the finest curled hair to the cheapest straw. All kinds of SI*JUNGS. t&NOT UNDERSOLD BY ANY STORE IN THE COUN'x Y, GIVE US A CALL. W. T. Mauck. THE CELEBRATED Reading Organ, OVER 10,000 IN CONSTANT USE. Buy Direct from the Manufacturer. Wholesale Manufacturing Prices from —l4 ti $1. — ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CA;ES FINELY FINISHED. BEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTION, TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Address READING ORGAN CO., F. J. KANTNEB, Manager, 3? a.. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR. THE GRANDEST Remedy of the Age - CUSHM AIM'S- Affords quick relief of Neuralgia, Headache, Hay Tever, " Catarrh, Asthma, AITJ) B7 COHTIKUED USE EFFECTS A CHEZ. tTfPati.faction jnmr.antw.l or money refunded. Six ni i- tha treatment lor 50 cents. If your driijrK>*t ha not the Inhaler in stock. .end 53 •n-nta in Mumps, and the Inhaler will be forwarded by mall, postage |>aul, and if. at tiieexpiration o 1 tire dayn from it. receipt you are not witikfied with its effects, .ni may return it. and if received in good condition, money will be n-fiindinl. Circular and testimonials mailed free on application 10 H. D. CUSHMAN, Three Rivers, Mich. SSS3L 13 WEEKS. The POI ICE UAZETTE will be eureiy wrapped. ti any address in the United Slates for three months on receipt of ON*J DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, a geuts and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to • RICHARD K. FOX, Fkanklin SQUARE. N. Y. A MRVOIfeVIiALKor 1 IttKiKIKBB AM %DE6IUTI WFKIiLSM DECAI A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARP A CO. Louisiana, Nlo. HAR WOOD'S CHAIR SEATS * z sSoBHa 5 B * K I I I WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY To Replace Broken Came. RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. Anybody can apply *jj| No Mechanic needed. SOLD BY Fnrnitnre & Hardware tfrl _ TRADES. f In baying new Chairs, ask for those with GARWOOD'S Red Leather Finish Seati. They never wear out. RS"W. R^NDYCNEID The Special Features of this Celebrated r Plow are, that it Ist. NEVER CLOCS. 2d. ALWAYS SCOURS* 3d. TURNS A PERFECT FURROW. Tho Beam ia not bolted to tho lamlaide, buWby m aua of a steel frog —is se t directly fu tho lontvo of tho of Draft, making n toady light running plow, B-ad one that cannot bo 'logged. Soo ono before you bny, T f your Agent has none write us foyjfldce. manufactured ONLY BT J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS, KACINB, Wis., inn ■ • ' x * '^l ' I v. ▼ 4 ■Jf Kvp nw. EBY, < /||v -DISTILLER OP- Straight PURE Srj W RYE WHISKEY J FOR MEDICAL USE. "THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME." Hlmtrnted by the me of a Bony aide by T. T. Haydoet wWob ii notooly the Leading Buggy In this picture. buFTHE LEADING BUGGY OF AWEBICA. Has Haydock's Safety Kin* Bolt and Fifth Wheel. _ Ask__you dealer fpr_the T. X. HAvnorK Bi ntrr, with sh tieytoeeh sefetg King Bolt and Filth WheaL Life it insecure riding over any other. (This pleturo will be furnUhod aa a Ulf* 4, priated In elefant tyU, to say... wha will |tm U frame U.) .KKCLOSK BTAKF.J T. T. O Cor. Flam and Twelfth Sta., CIH(T*!tATI. 0. AGEHTB WANTED WHERE WE HAVE HONE I HO ISVEBTMEHT 80 PROFITABLE, pmTTTT! - to WILL WORE EQUALLY AS WELL -TJtXJ=* V ON ROUOII STONY LAND AS OS BjSM |/ f|f ATVf THE WfcSTKBN PRAIRIES. IT IS w% A mTTnf m 1 rl.liW UNLIKE ANY OTHER SULKY IN i 111 % 1 I IIV 11 THE Wi.RLD. CAN REATTACHED ■■ U 111 8 8i I- % to ■"" TO ANY COMMON WALKING Uiilulillu Us. SIN KY , ,I| POUND. SO SIMPLE A CHILD STRONG ENOUGH TO DRIVE A Jt\ I ■ TEAM CAN OPERATE IT. WILL W "%>. M \ I -Ti TURN A SQUARE CORNER WITH* - #X \ OUT RAISING THE PLOW. THE B X QNLY PLOW MADE WITH A FOOT * LEVER TO START THE POINT W I I "^ifflrrhf r^^li ll GROUND OR ELEVATE IT TO SKIM OVER THE TOP OF FAST —^af^n^^Ssd^ySP^ 1 STONES, AROUND ROOTS, ETCJ. / H \|y jj We want a good, lire man to act aa . A 1 // Write us for our liberal terms and ■ |j**'pfwtongg-^w ii ,M. r j \>y prices. - daniels & co., r-"/" EVERY FMlLYL'^r^l^lS Ts£ *vs£i your dealer to get yl \ / f Crated free on board cert. T. ALLEN, Haqagei'. I < COLDWATER, Mich. M r Pirnnfg H VPR\ w howi only aim iftQ_bl(d their viol harri^'SEMINAL PASTILLES^G^ 1 ??? ARttJicalOuroforNeryoaaDebility.Organic FOft nna medical princlploa Bjdirect \Ve*kne9 and Phrslcal Decay in Young or Mld-XJII.| <1 r VWK*J>P''otiontQ th. E.i ofdUew htapeeido die Acod Men. Tested for Eight Yeare in nBTwss?lll^mu a i n< ! ft't without delaj. The natural thousand cvims they abaolutelv restore premature!* or ?wiim rMomd. The TimmitT.-o*. M. rr. P Work, or toofree Indulgence, we ask that jron eend na Hiannin iiffieenif " —— ofyour trouble, and secure ~AKKIoREMEDY CO.. IIPB CNCIMTL TRIAL PACKAGE IHEE, with lUust'd Paro nlilet,Ao, 500W W. Tenth Street.ST LOTTTR XfW RUPTURED PERSONS oan have FREII Trial of our Appliance. Ak for Termel J vSsSpii \ i Fllil llHf V ' them. Printed in English and Pril \jMKito, ~, . ccnts ' which ma y deducted from first order. 10 l *rtr£"•"K"m.„r,= ,h bL p w te^£ ??sf 1 —•'- W disappoinUncm afur wpek# ftf waitiSg? happen to be left over, meeting BUY ONL Y VICK'B SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. *TfL^rUS°i Cn 9,T ntury ' •' Harper's Monthly, fi^ecv 4 1\ ITS_V JAKES VICX. KMSMIW, X. Xt