Miscellaneous News. vl■ I THE WATER STILL RISING, j SEVERAL INDIANS BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN DROWNED IN DAKOTA. BOWDLE, Dak.. March 24.—The wa ter has backed in Swan creek and car ried off the bridge between Lehonn and Scranton, and flooded the bottom lands eight feet deep. It is believed that sev eral Indians have been drowi el. To family of Garett Barry escaped with their lives and lost their cattle and household effects. The steamer eral Tomklns is in the ice a total wreck. The Missouri is steadly rising. ATrniutioes Throng 1* i\ It ridge. LYNCHBURG, Va., March 24.—A train on the Norfolk and Western rail road went through the big Otter river bridge this afternoon. It is stated that eight persons were killed, but. the par ticulars cannot be obtaiued. A wreck ing train with physicians has gone to the scene of the disaster. The bridge was in process of repair and eight or nine workmen were killed and. several others wounded. None of them were train hands as far as known. The en gine and several cars crossed the bridge safely before the structure gave way. Burning the Tramps About Three Hundred Put to Death in a Chinese Town. SAN FRANCISCO, March 24.—Steam er Belgic, which arrived to-day from China and Japan, brought news of a dreadful tragedy at Ilisia Shib, China, twenty miles northeast of Ilongebo.v. Over three hundred tramps appeared in the village and the inhabitants be ing greatly irritated by their presence, inveigled the whole body of tramps into into the temple and the night set lire to the edifice. Only forty of the tramps escaped from tho blazing build ing, the remainder being burnt to death. Thrilling Incidents of the Flood. BISMARK, Dak., March 24.— A1l at temps to break the Sibley island gorge with dynamite are unavailing. A man was Been last evening riding down the river on a cake of ice, frautically calling for help, but it was impossible to as sist him. Twelve families near Licton ia had a most thrilling experience, af ter being on the roofs of the houses for twenty-four hours, a thin crust formed oyer tne river, and on this they walked to the shore two miles, some breaking through several times, but bein£ res cued. Fort Lincoln army officers here are still of the opinion that the people opposite the post,on the lowlands south of the city, perished in the flood. This belief is becoming prevalent, and as the reports come in from remote river dis tricts the story of suffering and loss of life is intensified. The Nanticoke School Board Break into a Church. A Case Which is Creating Consid erable Excitement in the Thriv ing Mining Town. WILKKSBARRE, Pa., March 24.—Be fore daylight this morning the members of the-Nauticoke school board,with the aid of a large force of workmen, broke open the bethel of the Congregational church, threw out all the furniture and tore down the building. They claim d the right to do this under the will of * the late John Mills, who left the laud for school or church purposes, and it is claimed further that the church socie ty never obtained legal possession. The action of the school board has created intense excitement in Nanticoke. The church trustees declare that they in tend having every member of the board arrested on criminal charges, and that they will also sue the school board for heavy damages. Died From Fright. A Married Lady Becomes Hysteri cal on Discovering a Stranger in Her Home. PHILADELPHIA, March 24 Mrs. Thersa Weistdied suddenly early this morning at her h0me, 1539 North Twen ty-fourth street, under peculiar circum stances, and Willian Adair, a street car conductor, aged 36 years, has been arrested on suspicion of hiving caused her death"; which is supposed to haye resulted from fright- Adair about midnight visited the saloon kept by- Mrs. Weist's husband and asked per mission to go up stairs to'see two old ladies who lived on the third floor. A few moments later Mrs. Weist's cries in her room on the second floor were re sponded toby her husband aad she in formed him that Adair had been in her room. She became hysterical and died in about a half hour. Adair was ar rested at about 10 o'clock this morning and held to wait an investigation. Ladies' Guide to Fancy Work. This work contains nearly 390 handsome il lustrations with instructions fov making hun dreds of beautiful things, either for adorning yourlioine-or presents for your friends, at a most trifling expense, including all kinds of Fancy "Work, Artistic Embroideries, Lace Work, Knitting, Tatting and Net Work; con tains designs for Monograms, Initials, Tidies, Lambrequins, Ottomans, Counterpanes, Rugs, Carriage Robes, Brackets. Wall Dockets, Wasle Paper Baskets, Work Boxes. Work Baskets, Work Bags, Pen Wipers, Hanging Baskets, Catch-alls, Pin Cushions, Footstools, Handker chief Boxes, Glove Boxes. Card Baskets. Sofa Pillows, Table Covers, Work Stands. Table Scarf Screens, Scrap Bags. Hand Bags. Table Mats, Toilet Mats, Lamp Mats. Lamp Shades, Pillow Shams, Pillow Sham Holders, Curtains, Toilet Stands, Slipper Cases. Letter Cases. Pic ture Frames, Toilet Sets. Cloths, Brush Hold ers, Hassocks, Cigar Boxes, Sachels, Fancy Purses, Slippers. Dressing Gowns, Music Port folios, Knife Cases, Fans. Flower Baskets, Plant Stands, Flower Pot Covers, Shawls, Dress Trimmings. Window Shades, Feather Work, Spatter Work, Leaf Photographs and many other things. It is handsomely bound, containing 04 large 3-column pages and will be sent post paid for only 30 cents. It is the fine-it book on fancy work ever published, and every lady interested in household art should secure a copy a; o/ice. Address, THE EMPIRE NEWS CO., 9-St Syracuse, N. Y. for Infants and Children. "Caatorla is so well adapted to children that I C Astoria cures Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription I §P" r Stomach, Diarrhrea, Eructation, known to me." 11. A. A..-nmi. 11. !>.. I * UJ A reorganized Course m MECHANIC ARTS, combining Miop-work with study. New building and .Machinery. 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies S. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 0. SPECIAL COURSES are arrauged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young holies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATHKKTON, I L. 1>..- P resident, 27-29 State College. Centre Co., Pa. S. (I GUTELIUS, DEMIST, % r„. * V * \ '* W V J MILLHKIM. PA. Offers Id* professional services to the public. He's prepared to perform all operations in the dental profe-sion. He is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain WORKING CLASSES ATTEATIOX! We are no !> ;rr> rrrrrrrrrrrrr.rrr.rr.r.rrrrr.r.rrr.rir.rrrrr.r. r.uEi -W. T. MAUCK'S— FURNITURE STORE, Penn St., Millheim, Pa. II . //;/•: OFFERING CHEAT BARGAINS IN ('/iambi r Fait*, timing I loom A Kilcliru Furniture, ('heirs, Lounges, Futcnt liwkirs, 'Jubbs, Stiuuls, Crudb s, Hook Casts, jin rants, Italian ami lintl < hairs of all stifles, Jkilstcuds, Francs, Mattresses of lla Jlmst curia) hair to the cheapest static. All kinds of Sl' lIING 8. X-frXOT VN l)h 11 SOU) li VAN > r STOLE IN THE COUN'i Y. (jive us a call. W. T. Mauck. THE CriERRATED Heading Ifrgan, C- V-. .wr-.2 OYltt # i 10,000 IX CONSTANT USE. Buy Direct from iho Manufacturer. Wholesale Munuf i tilling Trices from —541 li fl, — ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CA ES FINELY FINISHED. BEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTION, TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVF. YEARS. si:xi) ion circulars. AiUlrtsS BEADING ORGAN CO., T-. J. KANTNES, Manager, Z?3._ BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR. THE CrtA?4DEST Remedy of the Age o tl „ V V ..".'.'AfA**' y fAT.JAN.St IBe6. 1 —"CP EEW MENTHOL INHALER, Afronli quick relief of NeurrAtria, Headache, Hay Fever, Catarrh, Asthma, AL"3 ii7 CO:ITI:tz3 ccs A :ZZZ. C : ""SnMnfiirHon punrant"*.! or money refunded, fiix ni • t!- twatrai'iiiLriilivnts. If your druciristlriii not ti'.n Inhaler in stock. send 62 • in Ktrunjis, ntsd tho Inhaler Will bo forwarded by il. ti,.■{.■:* ni d if. Nt thoex|>iration oi fit** l doys lPim I'm tv • f ijit you are n,ia'.iMfd with ita etTectii, > .i u.. y i .*t it. and if acaivvd in guud cunditiuu, j .or nio'iiey c. :il bo refunded. Circular and tent iinoiiiob mailed free oa ui:>lic.it:on ' H. D. CUSHIWAM, Tiirce Rivers, Mirh. £3 ' 13 "WEEKS. The l'Ol I< •: fiAZF.TTi: will he maileil.se eureiy wrapped, to any address in 'lit* United States for three months on receipt of ONtt DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to jhis! masters, a gents ami eluhs. Sample copies mailed free. Address nil orders to iiICHARD K. KOX, FuaNKUN SQt'AItB, X. Y. \ &ttEAMESS AM) WiißHiii wn:aALt'iltf DECAY. . A Life Expcrionco. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send etamp for sealed particulars. Add-ess Dr. WARD &CQ Louisiana, Rfto. HARWOODS ■ CHAIR SEATSI | WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY | To Replace Broken Cane. I RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. | H Anybody ran apply I Xo Mechanic needed. I SOLD BY I r I In buying new Clmire, ask for those witll I H HABAVOOD's lied Leather Finish Seats. Tliy never wear onu I■■ ■ . ■■ ■. i■. wm - mm Tho Special Features of this Celebrated Plow are, that it Ist. NEVER CLOCS. 2d. ALWAYS SCOURS. 3d. TURNS A PERFECT FURROW. The Beam is not bolted to the landside. but —by nmans of a steel frog —is set directly in tho Centre of tho Line of Draft, making a steady light running plow, and one that cannot bo Clogged. See one beforo you buy. If your Ageut has noue write us for price. MANUFACTURED ONLY by J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS, lIACINE, AVIS. X STOVES twa:aisg -' a STOV ES [New AilvcTtisoinont.] Jacob J?isenhuth wishes to inform the public that, hav~ ituj purchased the machines and tools, loi/ether with slock of Stores, '/ hi a ad IJulloicare, fornierli/ the propert;/ of I). /. Itrown, and having the services of that (jenlleman who is a practical mechanic, is now prepared to Jill a II orders in this line. Houos & barn Spouting A SPECIALTY and satisfaction guaranteed, dust received a fine assort meat of the best makes of STOVES, Ranges, HEATERS, &c., &c., &c. Aug person in want of a store for ' cooking, baking or heating purposes will find it to their interest to cull at the shop or sale room, near Knarr d~ i Losc's found/'//, Nil LLREIM. PA. where Mr. Itrown mag be found at all times to attend to the wa nts of patrons Cqf*Ukmemueu tii.vt Eisknii urn's STOVKS MUST UK SKEN TO lIE ItHHITLY A IT MUTATED. NEW IMPROVED HIGH ARM, NEW ME CHANiCAL PRINCIPLES and Rotary Auio ! ?::a L.rcM ond Perfczt fiction, Cylinder Shut \ Eclf-zciting Nee iff, Pocit.do I-ccd, Ho Eprinos, i i ; V:j fui'.A / num. V/nghf, No Friction, H olTcico, I'd Wear, No Fatigue, No " Tantruma," Capa city UrdimiiocL, Always in Order, :/ Ornamented, 1. ickclpiaicd, and Gives Perfect Satisfaction. Send for Circulars. AVERY MACHINE CO., 23 Union Square, New York. Organ. [g-olidly Made. 'J-one Unrivaled. 52-legant Finish. of Popularity., ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SEXT FREE. £sley Crgan io., Bratueboro,vt MARSHA CYLINPRR 3ED x jy w ATM EI = ui \z.y u LU3w N i U Utl Ilea □ ,• Ctfl This '' a 2CV I % 'V .'N .-aid oar. e f-. "wrpli3l.av.nL ?. //hV ?b\ ,> a Cylinder Red. V: " which h niicli E V'f'ik\ ja U r.;orcciupl;a:i-! <|X if' £T convenient than O K * the old style 1; T, /low' /f-fft Shasattnchnest: " Ifl o for Circularaur. 3 TO ]LJ i . §• Unroll - Caviar. 3 - I'• >P< = UrErackh o IliulSing. ITcvr. xP s tevd. and THH tW' y LSrj? invented. Prico $30.00 r.:-.1 upwardu. Manufactured r.:: AS ON Sr. IltfK WTO TT jfinT THE WLBTEKN PRAIRIES. IT IS & jli fi Ml hi P l! II W UNLIKE ANY OTHER SULKY IN |1 IF I J I \ll THEWiRLD. CAN HE ATTACHED |K t\ - fills In Ucar Cliff I7V FLOW IN FIVE MINUTES TIME? LJLLV &AU2M W V VSjBFi W AND IS WARRANTED NOT TO AT*' " " w W 11*11 • INCI EASE THE DRAFT ONE rwSl =——■- |^ UNt) SO SIMPLE A CHILD jG: STRONG ENOUGH TO DRIVE A f. \fVf TEAM CAN OPERATE IT. WILL ~ VS. /£ \ fc—& -A*l. M TURN A SQUARE CORNER WITH v\ FX \ I OCT Raising THE PLOW, THE fr \ ' a QNLY PLOW MADE wira A FOOT \. LEVER TO START THE POINT r W ' : 1 H L\A 0F PLOW ABRUPTLY IN THE X M lu GROI:ND OR ELEVATE IT TO X*® 5 £*?s; wt&fI"SKIM OVER THE TOP OF FAST X' ! "\ 7W*m. • li BTOSKB. AROUND ROOTS, ETC. / N \A /y tfjVNw Jj Wo xvaQ t a g >ol. live man to actaa #l\ agent in every town in the IT. 8. *yH XJ3 Writo U3 for our liberal terms and ' L 8. DANIELS & CO.. til.' " HAVANA. N. Y. crjsisiD CC:LL:, ICAKIS 4 rirpa fcr GC;. gj'jF EVERY FAMILY i4't 4,.. -11° "~ l fX your dealer to get;, ou Globe Toaster J irci!crs, 30 v v ' &35c. (verv snperi jrarticle-:)Gl>bn Trr.iia-id Jtflly \ 4; Press. SI 25, li .suo equ il. Cuke Mix-r. tens bowl Srirrrr: Cb.rrsa- | $1.75. Globe combined Tick Ham nvr.Ke! tie Scrap cr Hot Pan T.ifter.lso. GlobeSmllronllcaiersaves cool. 25c., A'c.. Ac. If yonr di aler is ont club with T> - i neighbors seud money to us &wo will ship direct. GLOBE M'F'G CO , 926 Walnut.6*,, Phila,Pa. THE ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDICATOH, MiKCSk A NEW PATENT STEAM MEDICATOR, INHALER, DISINFECTOR, t&C. Mall, $3.'A3. ißi Mi AGENTS WANTED.-f' >od reliable Agents wanted to handle onr Meditator Profits,—Sells at Siglit. One Agent sold Twenty-seven M \iu one day. Write for terms and circulars to the ~?*s£pL- ; ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDICATOR CO., 30 UNION SQUARE. NEW YORK. EUREKA FOLDING C4SOU lur. M Made iu different sizes, and can be attached to nearly all wagons, bug gies, phaetons and carts. Easily removed and folds like an umbrella. ■7! i y° u y° ur local wagon maker or dealer, send to us for / illustrated circular and price list. Agents wanted everywhere. D - c * BEERS & co., V)lc I \ y and MANUFACTURERS, NEWTOWN, Conn. SHERMAN ROAD CART. on earth -" ( [NA SINGLE, DOUBLE and LIGHT,^ t — — J 125 lbs. 150 lbs. 85 lbs. I 7 $35. $37. S4O. Y ' DURABLE and CHEAP. V J\ / \ x. \/ / Crated free on board cars. \ \/ \ \J / t ADDRESS— V A GHAFT T. ALLEIH, HAQAGEF. COLDWATER, Mich. Q/f V, amvirr' )ver Ten! housand Trial C"" Avoid tlu -.lupotition of pretentious reme. H* JA j TrQAL Paekiures mailod to pa-/y dies fbr the* troubles, and all Quacks. A. r RirtrHrE Gents a larpe proportion Mg* whose only aim is to bleed their viol 'J3il.lvAuE.of whom took a full - Take a SURE REMEDY that HAS inentnnd wore restored to health by use of ww..^" A SKJ CURED thoucands, does not Interfera HARRIS-SEMINAL Qk p or Inconvenience in any*vr^r. C Foui'-ded A Rndicul Cnre for Nervous Debility, Organic scientific medical principles. By direct WeakneßsnndPhrsicnlDecay in Young or MI d I^^*PP ! 'cation to the seat oidisease its speoiflo die Aftod Men. Tested for Years in thousand cases they absolutely restore prematu^ely^iS£!!^^^t.L^?• c,,oD , ,o '*"® "®jaan organism reatored. The aged nud broken down men tothe full enjoymentof are given back, thepatient perfwtnnd full Manly Strength and Vigorous Health. bc 0011168 chcerihl and rapidly gains both strength and health TRtATMEMT.-^.S M U,.O. Tlmo, n Work.ortoofreo Indulgence, weaskthntyoa send us .UADDie nrurnv MA -- your nnmo with statement of your trouble, and secure ••aKltlo tC&IVICIsT bU,> Mr G UHEkftSTS. TILL\L PACKAGE FREE, with Illust'd Pamnhlet.Ao. SO6K N. Tenth Street. ST LOUIS. MO. RUPTURED PERSONS can have FREE Trial of our fof T!! J 6i\ m,,V n V Uftll wor u °I 150 P a S es . Colored Plate, and 1000 v""r i l , r ns ' Ith dos I c . n P! lons of the best Flowers and E J _ egetahles, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow Pnnted w English and German. Price only ro V —, cents, which may be deducted from first order. A the Jroccrv at t'heT?st Z'in th >f gar ? en> an' fine engravings. Ji7 5 3 a Five •• ' M " numbers so cents; 3 trial copies 25 cents. We will send to iwelddrea* -reillv wn aZlne any °j" e of . the follow 'ng publications at the prices belovt ^ 0 ma K azin es at the price of one—Century, $4. So • Hanjer'. fclait bW fe.so; Good Cheer, $1.25; Illustrated ChPlstia!?^ Awa,ke, Good Cheer, and Vick's Magazine fot *' FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 2K> pages, Si* Colo4 Uiates, nearly 1000 Engravings, in elegant cloth covers. JAMES VICE, ROCSMUP, H. X, J