Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 31, 1887, Image 2

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    ymiili gouruat.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
Democratic County Committee.
IN. W It. Y.Stitzer.
Bellefonte >S. VV Edward Rrown, Jr.
j W. W -lames Schofteld.
Howard Boro - A. Weber.
Mllesbttrg Boro A. C. Witherite.
Millheim Boro A. A. Frank.
Centre Hall Boro P.,?. Meyer.
) Ist W U. <. Herllng.T.
Phtlipsburg . 2nd W .....Henry i.ehman.
S3rd W A. J.Graham.
UnionvHle Boro A. J. Griest.
Benner two Thomas J. Kramer.
BOERS twp, X. F
W. r MUllgnn Walker.
" E. P H.L.Harvey.
Burnsidetwp AnsonV.Pougherty.
College twp ........John I. Williams.
Curtin twp David Brtckley.
Ferguson twp, E. P Henry Krebs.
"' " W. P Frank Rowersox,
Gregg twp. S. P. Iliram Grove.
" N, P loslah C. Kossman.
Haines twp, E. P William E. Keen.
44 w. P George W. Kelster.
Half Moon twp -..William T.Bailey.
Harris twp Frank K. Welland.
Howard twp John Glenn.
Huston twp-... William Irwin.
Liberty twp William H. Gardner.
Marion twp John Ishler.
Miles twp A. N. Gorman.
Patton twp J. C. Eekley.
Penn twp - Wm. H. Kt earner.
Potter twp, N. 1* - F. A. Foreman.
S. P W. W. Rover.
Rush twp, S. P Jacob M. Chirr.
N. P John B. Howe.
Snow Shoe, W. P Andrew J. Lucas.
44 F.. P.... James Redding.
Spring twp William Woods.
Taylor twp Wm Caidei wook.
Walker twp John 11. Beck.
Worth twp - ti. J. Woodring.
Union twp - Charles McGarvey.
Secretary. Chairman.
THEtreasurj department is informed
tLat many of the tradedollars present
ed for redemption at New Y'ork have
been filled so skillfully as to almost de.
fy detection.
THE legis ture of New Jersey propo
se sto allow women to vote for school
directors says the Harrisburg Patriot,
and adds that this is eminently proper,
but doseß't go far enough. If the wo
menof the state had the right to vote
for members of the legislature the
probabilities are that the standard of
statesmanship in that commonwealth
would be improved.
THERE seems to be a general dis
position favoring the location of new
capitol buildings, ifsuch are to be e
rected, at Bellefonte. Hon. J. A.Wood"
war done of the rep rese ntatives from
this county, was the first to offer a re
solution to that effect in the House,but
the legislature did not seem to be ready
for the question and tabled the reso
lution. SiDce then the press and the
people tave strongly expressed them
selves in favor of Bellefonte, as as uit
able and convenient place for the state
capitol, and it looks as it the mat ter
might assume a tangible shape. It is
beyond dispute that the capital of
Centre county is just as well adapted
for the capitol of Pennsylvania. One
of the chief points in its favor is its
central location and should Bellefonte
be chosen for the state's bureaucracy it
would make CENTRE county the ccutre
of the old Keystone not only geograph
icaily but in point of importance and
attraction. There is no town in the
state we think that would carry the
honors of the governmental seat with
more grace than thee t' of the "Beau
tiful Fountain". Should the buildings
go up we hope it will be at Bellefonte.
LEGISLATIVE business was brisk in
both Houses* this week. A large
Dumber of bills were finally passed by
the Senate and the House. Among the
bills passed by the Senate were those
providing for the payment of the ex
penses of the county commissioners
incurred in the conveyance of indigent
insane to state lunatic hospitals; to
prevent unauthorized persons from
wearing badges or other military de
vices; to traosfer the supervision 01
insane from the board of charities to
the committee on lunacv.
A resolution was adopted for the
adjournment of the senate from to-day
until next Wednesday.
ID the House the bill providing tor
a bank examiner to regulate bank
affairs,etc.was defeated by a vote of 7G|
to 71* The following bills were pass
ed finally: To amend the sixth section
of article 10 of an act to provide fcr
the health and safety of persons em
ployed in and about the anthracite
coal mines of Pennsylvania and for
the protection and preservation of prop
erty connected therewith, approved the
30th day of June, A. D* 1885, to a
mena the second section of article one
of the same bill to prevent the stale of
intoxicating drinks on Decoration day;
making an appropriation to the east
ern state penitentiary for the salaries
of officers, repairs, books and station
ery, for library $81,850 aod ten dol
lars to discharged convicts; an act
making an appropriation of $90,000
for tbe support of the Pennsylvania
institution for the instruction of the
blind; to authorize an additional law
judge of several courts of the Eighth
Judicial district; to make provision for
tbe compilation, printing and distrib
ution of information relative to pow
ers and traucbise of certain corpora
tions; to prevent tbe exemption of
property on any judgement of fifty
dollars or less obtained foi r boarding;to
encourage and authorize the formation
of co-opsrative associations,productive
and distributive, by tarmers, mechau
ics, laborers, and other persons; an
act to regulate the practice of pharma
cy and sale of poisons and to prevent
adulteration in drugs and medicinal
preparation in the state of
(From oar regular correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Mar. 28,1887.-
Seeretary Whitney has placed anoth
er brilliant feather in the caD of this
Administration Probably no Demo
crat, not even Samuel J. Tilden while
living, ever received such unstinted
praise from the Republican press as has j
been showered upon him during the
past week. Nothing lias been done by
any member of Mr. Cleveland's Cabinet
since it was organized more calculated
to win popularity than is the act of the
Secretary of the navy by which the
work of fortifying our seaports and
building ironclads is estaolished on a
•olid foundation,
• From every side his energy and saga
city is applauded, the work he has done
to beguile bidders to accept offered
terras, and the ability he exhibits in di
recting the general work of his Depart
ment. It really looks too as if the
name of Mr. Whitney would be associ
ated in history with the building of the
American Navy. The response to him
was so prompt that the work of lilting
up the Washington Nayv Yard as an
ordinance factory for the assembling
and completion of heavy guns and steel
forgings, will be begun soon and rapidly
carried forward. Needless delays can
be avoided tecause it is shown that the
gun forgings and armor plates can be
furnished in a much shorter time than
was supposed.
For more than eighteen months Sec
retary Whitney has bee i industriously
devising the means that make success
possible. He has been studying the
conditions of the problem— determin
ing the needs of defensive armor, gaug
ing the impact of projectiles, fixing oil
tests by which the Department will be
governed, and making the inducements
as at tractive as possible
It is to be hoped that there will be no
more lamentations for the present over
the failure of the Naval bills. At least
Secretary Whitney is satisfied with the
outlook, lie says the problem which
puzzled everybody is solved, and that
work of fortifying coasts and equipping
ships is in as good shape as it would
have been if the Senate bills had become
Since I wrote you the long discussed
Inter- State Commerce Commission has
been completed, announced, commented
upon approved—and now it is about to
organize and go to work. The five law
yers composing it, and who represent
the States of Alabama, Illinois, Michi
gan. New York and Vermont, are
practically placed in charge of private
pi owelty valued at about seven thous
and million dollars. This tremendous
responsibility is greatly increased w.en
it is rememliered that almost the entire
interna 1 commerce of the country is af
fected by the action of this new court.
No one doubts the honesty of the
commission, and they are all conceded
to be men of ability, but their labors
will be complex and comprehensive, the
new law is a vast problem; every feature
of its operations more or less perilous,
and whatever is done, the Commission
will be criticised and opposed on every
side. The railroad men, shippers and
travelers, producers and consumers are
waiting to pour complaints, queries,
communications and requests by thous
ands upon theCominissioners as soon as
they are ready to receive them, and will
make their lives burdensome of course.
I'lie effect of the new law upon this
city will he pronounced. Praeticullv
it gives the Capital a new Government
Department. A large important bu
reau at once, a large
clerical and official force will he ap
pointed by the Commission, legal and
other representatives of all the rail
roads in the United States will he
drawn here, besides thousands of peo
pie interested in questions brought be
fore the Commission. Altogether it
will greatly add to the activity of the
coming summer in Washington.
Miscellaneous News.
What yon nped is a medicine which
ts pure, < flieienf, reliable. Such is
Hood's Sirsaparilla. It pvjssesses pe
culiar curative powers.
Two lawyers fought a duel in court
at Newberry, S.C., the other day. The
trouble arose from Jones calling John
son a liar and tlie hot controversy re
sulted in both drawing their pistols and
firing at each other. The end of the af
fray was the killing of Jones, who is
hut 21 years old. Johnson at once sur
rendered himself to the authorities.
Pension Claims Filing Up*
WASHINGTON, March 25. The com
missioner of pensions, in a weekly re
port to the Secretary of the interior
states that 287,137 applications are now
before his office for adjudication.
Claims are being filed at the rate of 8,
000 a week, and the final adjudications
number about 25,000.
Couldn't Meet a Note and Suicided.
MIFFLINTOWN, Pa., March 27 —
Samuel Kennedy, a stone mason, resid
ing a short distance west of Port Roy
al, committed suicide yesterday after
noon by hanging himself in a ham near
his home. Before committing the deed
he wrote a note, stating that lie was in
his right mind and had a note coming
due on Monday which lie was unable to
meet, aud.for that reason he decided to
commit suicide. JJe was aged about 60
for the good of others that Dr. Kenne
dy's Favorite Remedy cured me. Rev.
S. C. Chandler, Lebanon Springs, N.
Y. I had Stone in the Bladder and
Gravel in the Kidneys. I used Dr.
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and am
now weil—E. D. Parsons, Rochester,
N. V. Price sl. Send 2 cent stamp
to Dr. Kennedy, Rondout, N. Y., for a
book on Kidney. Liver at d Blood dis
orders. Mention this paper. 11 4t
Another Case Where the Gun
Whs Loaded.
Lock Haven, Pa. 3 March 25. Joseph
Faron, a farmer living near Earrands
ville, was examining his rifle last eve
ning as ho sat. near the stove in his
kitchen. He thought the gun was not
loaded, but it was, and accidently dis
eharjed. The bullet struck the stoye
throwing the fragments of Broken iron
in all directions. His wife eat near the
stove with the Baby in her arms. Sev
eral pieces of iron struck her, one piece
going through her cheek, and half doz
en others making wounds on her neck
and breast, None of the wounds are
The Starving Fassopgers of tho Sco
tia at the Castle Lunclj Table.
NEW YORK, March, 27 —Five hun
dred and nineteen of the Italian passen
gers of the wrecked steamer Scotia, ar
rived at Castle Garden Jale this after
noon. Tlie scene that followed beggar
ed description. They rushed into the
rotunda pell mell shrieking and howling
for food like ravenous wolves. They
crowded around the lunch tables, climb
ing over each other and tramping on
helpless women and children, pande
monium reigned supreme for fuilv an
hour. The surging mob was utterly
uncontrollable. Women and clti'dren
were trarppled on, crowded and pushed
away. The officers of the garden aided
in the distribution by throwing loaves
orer the heads of those nearest to tfie
crowd. Every timeaJoaf was fired into
tlie crowd twenty or more scrambled
and in some c;>ses fought to get it.
That dry bread was a luxury was evi
aect the way the starving people gorg
ed theaiseivfi!). In a short time all tne
food was gone except some bologna sau
sage. Tite women and children were
cared for and miik and beer added to
jtheir portion.
William 11. Trayers, one of New
Y'ork's millionaires, died in Bermuuda
on the 19th instant, and iiis body was
brought to New Y'ork city for burial on
Sunday. His fortune is estimated at
An extensive cave-in occurred on
Monday morning in this stale by which
the lands of the Fairmount coal compa
ny, near Pittston station, on the Dela
ware and Hudson railroad, were seri
ousl) affected. Largo, gapping holes
appeared that threatened to swallow up
every thing within their reach. All the
direct openings of the mine were closed
by the crash and the ventilating ma
chinery brought to a standstill, cutting
off all air from the large numlier of
mules stabled in the underground work
ings, all of which are now no doubt suf
focated. The loss on property of the
company will reach over 101)000. The
track of the Delaware and Hudson rail
road has sunk from ten to fifteen teet
where it crosses the cave-in.
Eighteen Ho rses Killed by a Penu
aylanvia Railroad Accident.
PHILADELPHIA, March 27,—A collis
ion resulting in the loss of a number of
valuable horses, oc cured last night a
bout 9 o'clock on the Pennsylvania rail
road a short distance above North Petri
Junction. The stock train left Mantua
at 8 o'clock, and was running at a good
rate of spaed as it neared the junction.
A shifting engine was on the same
track at this point going slowly in the
opposite direction. Before the engineer
ot the stock train could control it two
locomotives came together with a terri
ble crash. The engineers jumped in
time to save their lives. Em/ine No.
917. of the stock train, was badly dam
aged, as was also the shifting engine.
The freight cars were badly wrecked,
and eighteen horses that had been ship
ped from Lancaster to a firm in New
Y'ork were cither killed outright or so
badly maimed that it was necessary
to kill them. The loss from the acci
dent will amount to several thousand
EASTOX, Pa., March 27 A collision
occurred on Hie New Jersey Central
railroad near Itockport yesterday morn
ing between a Height and a coal train
which were going in opposite directioi s.
William Dunlap. fireman of the coal
train, was killed; Nathan Belfoid, en
gineer of the freight train, badly scald
ed and Howard Dehart, engineer of the
coal train, severely injured. Both loco
motives were wrecked, and over 20 cars
damaged. The accident resulted from
the failure of tlie coal train to wait for
Ladies, Look Hero !
We otTer advantages to cash buyers that will
never l>e found in the oealen path of regular
trade. We buy immense jolt lots from haak
rnpt concerns who are force! to sell.n nil our
prices me final, OKCISIVK, ;.nl GUI SUING :
Following we ive facts and figures that irill
not ami cannot lie !
Ladies* elegant plush hand bags. LK* : Russia
pocket boo**, 2Se (worih 7x-); Alligator specie
imrses. nickel frames, bail snap, large size. 22c;
Ladies* two-bladed pen knifes, shell handle.
2hef Manicure knives, for the linger uaits, lac;
Charm knives, 10e; 'Gem' carpet stretchers,
the best. 35c; Madame Louise hair crimpers,
l'Y: Baby pins, flucgoM plated. With out letters.
'Baby,* 'Hurling.* 'lVt,'etc.. 2<eapair (worth.
I Vie):stereoscopes, fancy hood, -thea i air (worth
it.); stereoscopic views, A • eilean,, foreign,
comic, statuary, and actresses. .'oc per doz.
(worth *2 ); gilt edge play ing cards, .the a pack
(worth 7">o); Tom Thumb playing cards. 10c;
handsome leatherette photo albums, gilt edge.
2">e; Music boxes, very tine. #l.b>; '.Mikado'
bangle bracelets, latest thiiu; in ladies' jeu-try,
.MV: Opera feather tans, euuiiual. blue, pink or
white, bone sticks. .Vic (worth <d -i't); Ladies'
shears, niekle plated,C in., 2> o: Coloicd photos
of actresses, lOoeaeh, 3 for 2ac: Sew ing machine
oil (best sperm), 3 largo bottloS. 2ae; laihin's
Complexion Soup. 100 3cakes for2acj Lubin's
Beautifying Powder, 12c; •Cosmetieqne' for the
! hair, 12c; Lyon's tooth powder, large bottles,
be; Petroleum jelly pomade. 3 bottles for 25c;
Geranium cologne, a new and lasting perfume,
3tV (worth 7*>e); "Stolen Kisses.* an extra tine
nerfume, 40e (worth $1 ); t shoe dressing,
best quality, 3 bottles fin- 2"c. These arc all
great bargains. No orders filled for less than
one do!h r Handsome niekle watch locket.
chain and charm, all In a beautiful s- tin-lined
ease, y Iran free with every trial order amount
ing to ovei flee dollars received dm ing the next
30 days. As all goods not satisfactory may be
returned, you run no risk in sending us a trial
order. Address.
9St Syracuse, N. Y f
hereby giyen that the following named
persons hive filed their petitions for license in
the office of clerk of Quarter Sessions of the
Peace in and for Centre county and that appli
cation will be made In the next session of said
court being the 4t|i Monday °f April next to
grant t be same.
John Anderson, Saloon, Bellefonte Borough
C- G. McMiiicn, Tavern, *'
Daniel Gorman, " "
Emanuel Brown, 44 44 44
Peter Ashcroft, " Phllipsburg "
James Prtssutore i 4 " 44
John A. MoOjnber " " "
s. B. it*)\v ♦
John Kamsdalc f 4 14 "
Wm. Parker " f 4 "
John West 44 44 "
D.J.Meyer " Centre Hall 44
J. W. Newson " Howard
W. 8. Musser *' Millheim *'
H. G. Sha[er " " !?
Alois Kohlbecker " Bogus township
]>. H. Ituhi Gregg
John H Blbby
Samuel Long Saloon "
Thos.G.Edmunds Tavern Haines
J osepli Kleckner " Penn
John Odenkirk " Potter
Mary C. Nolan *' Snow Shoe "
John G. Uzzle
GoJUqb Haag " Spring
Henry Hobl, " Walker ''
Clerk's office Belle"onte R.. March 20h W,
SHKKIKF'B SALE—By virtue of sundry
wills of Fieri Facias. Levari Fuc'us and
Vcnd'ttoni Exponas, Issued out of the Court of
Common 1 leas of Centre County. Pa., and to
me directed, will be exposed at I'uldlc Sale, at
the Court House in the Borough of BeMefonte,
on SATrunAY AI'HH. 23rd, I*B7. at 'Vj o'clock P.
M . t'iii! iolluvvint! property, to wit : "
N'o 1. All th it o let.tin hull <}iiiir,located on a
lot or ' piece of ground situate la tnu town of
Snow Shoe, Centre Co. I'a. on u lot of ground
floating on 4th Street 60 feet and extending
hack 200 feet to an alley, bounded on Hie north
by 4th Jsl'Pt'ton tire smith by an alley on the
west by lot. No. 177 P*l tlie east by lot No.
2*79 and known as lot No. 2?H on the plan pt said
town. The said build Inn is a twustnrv plank
frame building 1*1x24 feet witty a two story
plank frame kjtctyen 16x16 feet attache*l. Seiz
ed. taken in execution and tube spkl ;ij Wie
property of James Me Gutyey,
No 2. All that pertain piece r parcel of land
situate in the township of Bonner in tlie Coun
ty of Centre and state of IVi,na. Bounded and
described as follows to wit : beginning at the
jmptty p-esterly corner of the w hole tract and
also n corner of iaojpf Kliztybpth Purdue ami
running thence 11st.j N. 551 degrees cast 41) n*t>-
ches to a comer tiince(2n*l) N. 31 degrees w.
115 perches to a corner thence (3rd) N. 51) de
grees east 20 5-10 perches to a corner tlience
(4fty) N 30 degrees west 24 perches to a corner
thence (sth) soufty Zip decrees W. 428 perches to
the line of lauds now or (onoerly of Elizabeth
i'urdue aforesai*! tliwnee (*Kty) along the fine of
said lands south 40 degrees east 140 perches to
tlie point or place of beginning, being a por
tion or tlie same premises con/eyed by Allen
Campoul) ap<J .John Vearson, Executors of
Cleary Campbell blee'd' to Edward Purdue
father or the said Jr. G. Purdue by < eeu dated
Angnst27lb 1811 and recorded in tlie office of
the UoQQtdgr of deeds & and for the said
County pf Cepjre Margty lOflt 1841), in deed book
'2' page 275 &c. and being also the mine prem
i>es devised by tlie said Edward Purdue to the
t-jiid Tho>pas G. Purdne. by bis last w}jl and
testament (I a tod May 14 tn ISIO and proved Oct
-30tl) 1847. The above described tracts contain
ing 34 i acres and allowance of six per cent, for
roads &c. Thereon erected a two and a half
story frame dwelling house, bank barn, corn
crib, wood house, and other necessary out
buildings. Seized taken in execution and to
bp sold as tlie property of Thomas G. Purdue.
p (J. All that certain situate in south
phijipabqt'g Rush towship Oeptne Co. Pa,
bounded and described !pi Joltdws to wit:
Bounded on the north by lamj of .John Matterd
on the soutli by land of John Matter ß on tlie
west by tlie same, on the east by Kail lioad
street, said lot being 42 feet in width and l-*0 .
feet in depth, thereon erected a Wash house. '
B izeU taken in execution and to be sold as the I
property ot Walter Starbjni.
Ti'.uvs—No deed wii be acknowledged until
the purchase money be paid in full.
Sheriff's office, Bellcfonte, Mar. 29 1887. Sheriff.
si ned. having been granted letters of
administration on the estate of Samuel Itupp,
late of Haines township, dee'd, requests all
persons knowing themselves Indebted to said
estate to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against i lie same to present tliein
duly proven for settlement.
OCt Administrator.
tice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore exist lug between ihe undersigned
in the steam saw mill business, near Cobtiru,
under the firm name or A. T Oretinhgcr &
Bro., has been dissolved to mutual consent,
12— 3t A. M. (iUKNNINOF.K,
rpilF. TOWN < tHM 11. OF *1 IFF II FIN
X HOMOUMII,In account with said Born.'
(A. Walter. Treasurer.)
Mar. 20,1886. tK.
To Balance at last Settlement so u
" Cash, Milton Jamison, Coll 1351
" June 15,1886. 413.75. Mar.
14. IMK7. ♦BVJS 43 (0
44 .101111 Ila 11 25
" Frank Kuarr, Coll ins 71
" 4 40 (HI
,4 Main's Show - , C. Burgess 3 (Hi
44 Fine,ll.> Alter, 41 50
44 Sterling show, 44 5 (Hi
44 P.Waliza.s Rink 44 2 (HI
44 Fanny Flyn Show 44 100
♦451 07
Balance due Treasurer 52 05
♦513 12
ByOrder.D A Musser .ground rent, < r
--der No I 3 uO
44 B A BumlUer.Fi li.ting.Order
No 2 250
44 It A Buimller Printing Order
No 3 1 (Hi
44 Auditors Ordor No 4 4 50
14 B O Deiulnger Clerk Order
No 5 1 50
44 It A Bumiller publishing or
der No 5 .... 1(1 (H)
44 Dennis Lu-e Work on] Bridge
order No 7 35 00
44 J W Stum Truck House Order
No 8 10 00
44 JacohSankey Shoveling Snow
Order No 9 .... 2 15
44 Jacob Sankey Serving No
tices Oruer No 111 3 20
44 JacohSankey Work It & B
Order No 11 554
44 11. O Deiulnger P. Digest Or
der No 12 13 50
44 B O Deiulnger Docket order
No 13 1 75
44 JacohSankey Burying Car
cass Order No 14 3 52
44 Jacob Sankey Lumber and
Work Order No 15 15 81
• 4 K C Campbell Lumber Order
No 15 1 00
44 K C Campbell Hauling Lum
ber Order No 17 75
44 J H lb eon Work Order No 18 30
J H Maize 44 19 555
44 .Jacob Alter 44 20 1 IH)
44 A King Work & Hauling Or
der No 21 4 75
44 W lteifsnvder Work Order
No 22 1 80
44 Mark Money Work and Haul
in Order No 23 200
44 John Buyer Work Bridge Or
der No 24 1 50
44 tieorge Royer Work Bridge
Order'No2s 150
44 LC Tobias Work Bridge Or
der No 25 80
44 Allison Milter Woik Bridge
Order No 27 140
44 David Soholl Work Bridge
Order No 2S 100
44 Jacob Bart ley Woik Bridge
Order No 29 .... 1(0
44 Jesse Writ Work Bridge Ol
der N 30 100
4 * Peter It ui. k Work Bridge
Order No 31 50
44 Michael Ulricli Flank Order
No .52 4 98
44 Jno M ltote Masoniy S 0
Order No 33 5900
44 .IncobSnmcey work ordcrNo34 2035
44 John* wartz 44 35 19 00
44 Will Moyer 44 35 K(4l
44 W I* Latinminn 44 37 350
• 4 Lewis snook Hauling Order
No 38 8 25
41 KCCampbell Hauling Older
No 39 580
4 * H Brown Smithing Or tier No
40 55
44 Mark Mooucy work ordci 41 275
44 Ira Avers h.iuilng 44 42 1 70
44 John Nicholson Work Order
No 43 1 (H)
44 M Maize Work Order No <4 50
44 Jacob Alter 44 45 1 !K)
44 J W Stain 44 45 1 (Hi
44 Jacob Keen 44 47 2 0(1
44 llgeu Musser 44 48 100
OW Albright 44 49 1 10
44 Jacob Uephart Hauling Order
Nti fitf 5 2*
44 Geo Mens;h work order no 51 50
44 Peter Barick 44 52 250
44 Oeo Royer 44 53 175
44 F F Wetzel Hauling X Work
Oruer No 54 5 75
David Sclioii worg order no 55 101
44 John Hoover 44 55 1 (Hi
44 Itobt Miller 44 57 350
John Miller 44 58 775
Allison Miller 44 59 1 (Hi
44 Jim Hartley 44 00 150
44 Peter Wall/a 44 61 50
Henry M ller 44 62 75
Turb Kreamer 44 63 125
44 Jno 11 Auuian 44 51 175
44 Jno Stoner Hauling & Work
Order N 0 <ls 525
44 L C Tobias Work Oid 4 r No 55 lon
4 < Jacob sankey Serving Notices
Order No 67 40
44 Muster & Smith Merchan
dise Order No 69 2 10
* 4 J W Snook Merchandise
stone Order No 70 24 05
44 II H Weiser Work Order No
1 75
** Frank Kuarr (Y.mmbaion on
Tax Order N<7l 593
,4 G W liai t<*r work Order No 72 1.5(1
44 Jno iller " 74 4 10
Jno Stoner Work & Hauling
Order No 75. 1150
44 L C Tobias woik Order No 76 375
44 W W Snyder 44 77 60
44 John Bartley 44 78 210
44 Jacob Sankey 44 " 79 4 *5
44 A D Waliza 44 80 50
44 Jacob sankey 44 81 310
44 p A Musser 44 82 300
44 Spangler A Hughes Services
Order No 3 5 00
44 Jno t HarterCosts Dvs Bor
der No 81 1915
A Miller ooom Rent Order
Nq 85 3 90
• J H MaUe Work Bal Order
No f6 .V)
44 Jac <b Sankey Work Order
No 88 35
44 Jacob Sankey Putting up Or
dinances Older No 89 50
44 J W Snook Stone Order No 90 75
44 Peter Brcon Fx 1> vs B Order
No 91 5 00
44 It A Bumiller printing Order
No 92 - 2 50
44 D F Fortnev SalarvOrder No
93 10 0(
M D F Fortney professional S
Order No 74 ■' 20 00
44 IVO Delnlhger salary <ird'r
Nil 95 20 00
44 BO Deiningei Clerk to Coin -
in it tee Oi der No 96. 5 0.)
44 BO Deininger Incidentals Or
<ler No 97 2 J>4
44 A Commission Older
No 98 9 83
44 F F Wetzell Old Series Order
No 11 ' 25
J w snook Services Auditor 1 50
K.I Brumgaid " " 150
J C Smith " " 150
F P Musser " Clerk 1 50
♦*>l3 12
jhiiance atsettlement Frank
Knarr Colleetoi 71 34
♦7l 34
Loan from Julia Roekey 175 00
Interest on above to date. 1575
\inoi)i|t due Tieasurer 62 95
$252 80
Excess of Liabilities ... slßl 85
We the undersigned Auditors for Milllieim
Borough have examined the above accounts
and j)ud them correct ami hereby appove the
sunpi. ' sJaryh 15188".
Attest ,1. W. SNriDK, j
Clerk. ./AMES C. SMITH,)
Frank Knari',Collect or o< Poor Taxes in aooount
Willi Mililieiin Boro 4
March 14, 1887. I)B.
To amount of duplicate 318 04
By Amount paid Jon Harter Overseer.23s 20
Percentage to the people 7 88
Commission 449
Exonerations 1 12
Balance due Borough 59 35
$3lB 04
Frank Knarr, Collector of Borough Taxes in ac
count with Milllieim Boro\
March 14,1887. DU.
To amount of Duplicate.. 32'2 86
By cash paid A Walter Treasurer 183 70
Percentage- to the People 9 93
Cast) pid A Walter 'Deas 113 69
Commission. 5 98
Exonerations 3 22
Bait uce due Borough 71 34
$392 86 '
We have examined the above aceouuts and j
hereby approve the same.
Attest j. VV. SNOOK, ) 1
Clerk. JAMES C. SMITH, )
| Jonathan Hurler & Noah P. Ktovor, Overseer*
or the 1 oor for tno Borough or MiUheiin
in uprount wjih said lioro'.
March 14,1887. DR.
To Amount Balance due iu last Settle.
me nt lo r,c W
Frank Knarr Collector 235 20
4111 is
By Kxnouses Mnintnlrtng M smith
K C ( ainphcll 2 HnrksFlour 2 30
it II 11 aitma ii Pork 10 17
K(3Cain|ibi'll Flour 885
J W Snook Merchandise 13 55
EC Campbell Flour 2 30
.1 II Reifsnyder Wood 17, Mi
A King Flowing Lot Ml
.1110 I tarter 2 Ctal Apple Butter 1 Ml
1. C Tohias Cutting Wood 1 (HI
.. . $57 57
By lt\. Maintaining; Maria llarter
•lulu Buyer Maintenance 78 (I i
Mrs. don llarter. 2 Fair Sock 25
•I Hplgehiieyer Clothing 207
♦SI 22
By Exjenes Mnintcning A Pansier
Anna K Roitsh Maintenance 52 00
Sewing 101
.1 W Snook Clothing 3 no
By Ex Maintaining Judith Miller 7800
1 L Zerhy Prep.iliugDuplicato 2 15
Beepl Frank Kuarr Percentage on
C'dl 4 72
Mlllon.lainison exoneration F F M 2 27
Services .Inn llartel* 1000
" Noah stover ...... 500
Balance due Borough 43 55
4! II IS
Examined and approved this 14th day of Mar.
A l>. ISS7.
Attest .1. W. SNOOK. )
F. F MUSSER,K. ,1. BBF M< Altl>, \ Auditors.
It lie ii iiintiNin ait <1 Neuralgia cured In
2 Dnjrai.
The Indiana Chemical Co. have discovered a
coinpnuiid which acts with truly marvelous
rapidity in the cure of Rheumatism and Neural
gin. \\ e guarantee it t* cure any and ev
ery eases ill acute Inflammatory Rheumatism
and Neiii algin in 2 DA V*. and to ji v• iiuine
dlate relief in chronic cases and etfeel a speedy
c u re.
t>n receipt of 30 cents, in t wo cent stamps, we
will send to any address Hie prescription for
this wonderful compound, wit ch ean be tilled
by your home druggiM* at smull cost. We
take this means of giving our discovery to the
public instead of putting it out as a patent
medicine, R being much less expensive. We
will gladly refund money ir snti*ra-lion is not
4-ly Crawforasvilie, Ind.
Asm A A
i The importance of purifying the Mood can
not be overestimated, for without pure blood
you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every one needs a
| good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich
the blood, and wc ask you to try' Hood's
DAfsiilior Sarsa P3rilla. It strengthens
j ■ GCUIIcir am j builds up tlie system,
creates an appetite, and tones the digestion,
while it eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
of the vegetable remedies used give to
Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- If coif
lar curative powers. No * " ILSGII
other medicine has such a record of wonderful
cures. If you have made up your mind to
buy Ilood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to
take any other instead. It is a Peculiar
Medicine, and is worthy your confidence.
Ilood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
100 DOSQS One Dollar
ely-3 qatA RR H
In II ft iii mat I on.
.Vo *.&AYFEVER||£|
KrstorcN Ihe /
Rrnm of Tnsto ■L-v' PI
K hiell,~llenrittK
A quick Kelt of. USA. |
A positive < ure.HAY-FEVER
A partie'e Is applied into each nostril and is
agreeaMe. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by
until registered 61 cts. Circulars fie -.
ELY BltOS.,Druggi-ts,owego,N. Y. 13—It
inllnni illation
Heals the Sore
Highest Honors at all Great World's Exhibi
tions sin co 1H67. 100 stylos, $22 to fIWO. For
Cosh. Kasv Payments, or lb-Mori. Catalogue.
p> pp, 4to, fioe.
The new mode of piano construction invenl
| eri by Mason & Hamlin in I<B2 has beer, fully
| proved, many excellent experts pronouncing it
tlie "greatest improvement marie in pianos ot
the century,"
For full information, send for Catalogue.
Wholly unlike Artificial Systems—Cure of Mind
Wandering. Any book learned in one reading. Great
inducement* to Corrcejwndrnee Cla*e*. Prospectus,
with opinions in full of Mr. RICHARD A. PROCTOR,
MARK TWAIN, and others, sent post freo by
237 Fifth Avenue, New York.
iZK the popular favorite for dressing
the hair, Restoring Color W*V9
gray, anil preventing pnnarutl.
r'AvWj"' cleansom the scalp, stops the
tW Leir railing, and Is sure to pleaje
. 60c. ami SI.QO at Druggists,
Thesnfest, surest and best euro for Corns, bunions. A*.
Stops all |>nin. Ensures comfort to tlie feet. NeverfiiU
to cure. 15 cents at Druggists, Jlwcoji <$ Co., N. Y.
DKA VHPW L ts oapsas, and a new and
|a/* Aiy Epy<3 -successful M'KK ut your
own lionp', by one who was deaf twenty
eight years. Treated by most of the noted
specialists without benefit. Cured himself in
thro# mintl.s, and since then hundreds of
others. Full particulars sent on application
T.S.PAGE,No. 41 West 31st St., New York CUv.
I— a rtf PROYEft ———
Package, 25 cents, makes 5 gal lons of a de
licious, sparkling.tempeiauce beverage.
purity and delicacy commend it to all. Sold bv
ail druggists and storekeepers. 13-4*t
W&NTED-WOMEN represent hVd
bqsiness in own locality. Permanent position
and good salary. References exohanged. Gav
Mfg. Co. 16 Btu clay-st, N. Y 13-4t
JJ 1 Of DT OIQ, vent lon and cure, being the
experience ot an actual sufferer, by JOHN H.
MoALVIN. Lowell, Mass. 14 years Tax Collec
tor. Sent free to any address. 13-4t
A Cftl "1" CS WANTED (Mmpieefree)
ALlkßl I O forQß.SfinTT'Jbeautiful
risk, quick sales. Territory given, satisfaction guar
anteed. Bit, SCOTT, 841 Broadway, N. Y,
OK LIME ami SODA. For 4'onmiutpt ion,
wcnh 1 nnir. A-ili hi it ilron
chill*. and (itinera' Dchjlliv it ii acknowl
edged Specific Remedy. 111 Y it. Price *1
and H'£ per bottle. Prepared only by
IYIM If t:K | <4 0., ('lienil*t,
Ki'i M'l Ilium Nt , Xew York
Sold by Druggist*. 1141 Send lor Circular.
l'eck'd Patent Improved Cushioned
Ear Drums
Perfectly Hewlore flic Hearing, no
matter Whether deafness h caused by ciihls, fe
vers. or Injuries to the natural drums. Always
in positon. but invisible to other* and
comfortable to wear. Music, conversation,
even whUpers beard distinctly. We refer to
those using them. Send tor Illustrated book of
proofs free. Address IMIINCO.\,HIt3 Broad
way, N. Y. II 4t
$2200 FOR $10
Semi us SI.OO and we will mail 3'oti
North'* I*lln. Mimical Journal, one
year. We uive evi ry si bseriber #2.00 woiith
ok Sheet Music selected from our catalogue as
a premium, and publish in the Jo iKKAb. dur
ing tin* year, music which will cost in sheet
form, #20.00, possibly more; thus every sub
scriber receives #22.00 worth of music for #I.OO.
The ,1 ot'it na I, |s published monthly and coil- .
tains instructive articles for the guidance of
teachers and pupils; entertaining musical
stories an extensive record of musical events
Irom nil over tlie world, and Sixteen Pages or
New Mt'sio in each issue, making it the most
valuable publication of the kind in existence.
Address. F. A NORTH & CO.,
No. 130BCiie<tnl't ST., I'iiiLAhßi I'IUA, Pa.
P A MfIDTUP. ,;vw Chestnut Street.
1, ii. RURin ff UUi Philadelphia. I'n.,keep
KvEUTTni kg IN Tim Mi'sical LINB. Sheet
Music. Music Hooks. Ait the foreign and
Amerieau Edition*. Pianos and Organs, by
tho best known makers, sold on liberal leruis.
Catalogues sent oh application. Mention this
VakiW tho I<*h.l; das riot corrode like tin or iron, nor
dceij likenhingle-i or tar composition*; Mjr to appiji
fir-rnu • • l <Lir!):o- t half the cost or tin. I Mao a
Sl''isTlTtfTK for PI.ASTKR nt Half the
< *i. CARPUTS nnd itl't.S of same material,
r. • i tbs .i-r of Oil, Catsl'srtiH and umplaa
t kLLL. W. 11. FAY A tO„ CAEDO, Nl A
I /V IN ONE MINUTE, that weary,
T ■ lifeless, all-gone sensation ever present
I with those of Inflamed Kidneys, Weak
' Back and Loins, Aching Hips and Sides,
: Uterine Pains, Weakness, and Inflammation, la
relieved and speedily cured by the Catlcara
Anti-Pain Plaster, a new, original, elegant and
infallible antidote to pain and inflammation. At
all druggists, 25c.: five for $1.00; or of Potter
Drug and Chemical Co., Boston*
Beautify Your Homes.
White and choice colore. Cheaper and Better
than wall paper or oil paint. Purifies all surfaces
ana kills germs of disease. Any one can use it.
Gold Medal nnd Highest Awards, Beware
fi'Sm"Vc°SriL'pHcS 8010 to
Dry Kalsomiiie and Fresco Paint Worts,
__2s&_27JohnSt., Brooklyn, N. Y.
J] MUSSER & ALEXANDER, Proprietorsr.
uyaaui— JJJJUJ —aaaaaa —aaaaaa —aaaaaa —aaaa:^ —ggaaaa
A" |\" u ' 50 f jjjonumjntS and jron i** I**■
aaaaaa—uaaaaa —aaaaaa —aaaaaa —aaaaaa —aoaaaa —aaaaa
Call on us at our shops, east of bridge, Main St., Millhelra, Pa. Correspondence respectfully solicited
J. R. SMITH & CO.,
Ncs. 20, 222 & 224 Front Street,
The Largest House Furnishing Emporium in
* Central Pennsylvania. •m
Come ami Visit a Pleasant Home, Artistically, Tastily and Comfortably Furnished.
On the Second Floor we have
—and thoroughly equipped to show our goods and how to arrange your home pleasantly,—
We sell the following celebrated Pianos:
A better Piano sold here at a'lower price than any house in the state. We have no rent and bar
supervision of our own business. All the PIPE AND CABINET ORGANS. Everything
at bottom prices. A postal card to us may save you 25 per cent.
The Finest Assortment of
Silverware, China, Glass and Stoneware, tamps, Chandeliers <fc Brle*a-Brae
ever seen. Our Curtain and Upholstering Department is not surpassed iu the cities .tf ytel
Churches and Private Residences Furnished at short notice and at low rates.
Our immense Building is literally packed with goods from attic to cellar. We are enabled to sell
the lowest because we sell the most. Everybody visits us and thinks our house a
marvel. Ihe handsomest Side-Boards. Escritoires, Chiffonieres, Writing
Desks, Hall Racks, Slate and Marble Mantels in the land.
Busy all the time. Every Bid a Sale
Curat PlearUjr, ™ V s
Uli*nrusilm, Lumbago,
B*ri.*ch, W**kD**(, Cold! la
of Imitation* mxtor annUar^^^^*
i Champion
Mowers and Harvesters,
t&T I keep n full supply of these machine ion
band constantly.
*&- Call on or address me at my place of
Prices ~ Reduced
Durham Bros. & Co.
Coburn, Pa.
Blankets from #I.OO to #L2s.from #1.85 fo #l.lO
Flannel Shirts, " 2.75 " 2.00, " 2.00 '* 1.50
" *' " 1.60 " 1.25, " 1.25 " 1.00
Shawls, " 5.00 " 4.2H
is still unbroken , but we would advise our pat
sons to call soon and get bargains.
■*%i COST!
Frinqe 8, Embroideries, Lace, Ribbons,
Hosiery, Wool Hoods, Jerseys, Con
sumer s, Yarns, Silks. Satins,
Underwear, }
Hats & Caps,
Boots & Shoes,
Groceries. Queensware, Glassrcare, Wall
Paper, Hardware, Ac.. Ac., Ac all
of which we will sell at ROCK
Please remember the place,
at S. Grenniuger's old Stand,