The Millheim Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY I\. K. 13TJA(TJ £ TcEf(. Office in the New Journal Building, Penn St.,near Hartman'sfoundry. SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR $1,126 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. Acceitable Correspondence Solicited Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL. Bus IXE s sOA D s AIIAHTEIT, Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, PA B. STOVER, Auctioneer, Madisonburg, Pa. H. REIFBN YDER, Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, PA. J W. LOSE, ~~ Auctioneer, MILLHEIM, PA. yyR. JOHN F. HARTER. Practical Dentist, Oflice'oppositc the Methodist Church. MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM PA. J3 R GEO L LEE Physician & Surgeon, MADISONBURG, PA. Office opposite the Public School House. p. ARD, M. D., WOODWARD, PA O. DEINIXGER, Aolary-Public, Journal office, Penn st., Millheim, Pa. Deeds and other legal papers written and acknowledged at moderate charges. yyEORGE L. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. Shop opposite Millheim Banking House. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooning, Dying, &c. done in the most satisfac tory mauoer. Jno.H. Orvls. C. M. Bower. Ellis L.Orvis QRVIS, BOWER & ORVIS, Attorneys-at-Law. BELLEFONTE, PA., Office in Woodings Building. D. H. Hastings. W. F. Reeder. -££ASTINGS& REEDER, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum & Hastings. J- C. MEYER, Attorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE PA. At the Office of Ex-Judge Hov. C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law BELLEFONTE, *SPA. Practices In all the courts of Centre county Special attention to Collections. Consultations in German or English. J A.Beaver. J. W.Gephart. ~p>EAVER& GEPHART, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street. North of High Street HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. C, G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to witnesses and jurors. QUMMINS HOUSE, BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., EMANUEL BROWN, PROPRIETOR House newly refitted and refurnished ervthing done to make guests comfortable. Ratesmodera 1- " tronage respectfully solici ted 5-ly JRVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODS"OALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good sameDle rooms forlcomraercial Travel ers on first floor. R. A. BUMILLER, Editor. VOL. 01. JAKE-EE™ — SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ For all Diseases of the liver, Kidneys, Sicmach and Spleen. This purely vegetable prr paratioii, now so cel< bratcd a.a Family Medicine, originated in the South in 1828. It act* voutly <>i> the liowol* and Kidney s nn 1 oorrt-ots the acti.-n of the Liver,and is,there fotv. the l)>st preparatory medicine, whatever the sick, ncss may prove to l c In all common diseases it will, tni nsdsttMl l>y any other medi cine, e licet a spt'otly cure. The Regulator is sale to administer in any condition of the system,and under no ct re U Hi nt a noes can it tin harm. It will invigorate like a class of wine, but is no intoxicating bever age to lead to intemperance; will promote di gestion, dissipate headache, anil gener ally tone up the system. Ihe dose is small, uot unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. No loss of time, no inter ruption or stoppage of business while taking the Regulator. Children complaining of Colic. Headache, oi >iek stomach, a tcn-poonful or ntorc will give relief. If taken occasionally by pa tients exposed t>> MALARIA, will exp.l the poison and protect them from attack. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. I have been practicing nu dicinc for twenty year*, an have never been able to put up a vrg. t..ble compound that would, like Simm ns Liver Regu lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to a lion, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening the digestive and assimilative powers of the system. L M HINTON, M D..Washington, Ark. r::n THAT YOU CF.T THE GENUINE. rr.ET .MTI D iiv / Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. How They Managed. 'Pack up your things as soon a9 you please, my dear,' said Mr. Chesney. 'We're going to move on Saturday.' Mr. and Mrs. Chesney were a matri monial firm—there was no question about that—but Mis. Chesney had al ways been a silent partner in the same. ('lf ever I get married,' said Elma, a bright-eyed girl of seventeen, 'I won't be put upon as Mamma is 1' 'Papa is a regular despot—that's w hat papa is 1' decided Will, a tall stripling of fifteen.' 'Where, my dear ?' asked Mrs. Ches ney, with a little start. 'lnto the couutry,' said the family autocrat. 'l'm tired of this city busi ness. It costs a great deal more than it comes to. I'm told you can live at half the expense in the conn try.' 'But,' gasped Mrs. C'nesnev, 'what is to become of the children's educa tion ?' 'There's a very good district school in the neighborhood, not more than a mile distant,' explained her husband, 'and exercise will do them good.' 'And what are we to do for society ?' 'Pshaw !' said Chesney. 'I would not give a rap for people who can't be society for themselyes. There'll be the housework to do, you know —nobody keeps a girl in the country—and plenty of chores about the place for Will and Spencer. I shall keep a horse, if 1 can get one cheap, foi the station is half a a mile from the place, and I've bar gained for a couple of cows and some pigs.' Will and Spencer looked askance at each other. 'lt'll do us good to walk a mile to school, 1 muttered the elder ; but fath er must have a horse to carry him half a mile to station.' 'That's father's logic all over,' ob served Spencer. Wtiile Mr. Chesney explained to his wife the various advantages which were to accrue from the promised moye. 'lt's unfortunate,' said lie, 'that El ma and Rosie arn't boys. Such a lot of women folks aie enough to swamp any family. Men, now, can always earn their own bread. But we must try to make everybody useful in some way or other. It's so healthy, you know.' added he. 'And the rent won't be hall of wnat we pay here. 'Are their any modern conveniences aljont the place ? timidly inquired Mrs. Chesney. 'There's a spring of excellent water about a hundred yards from the house,' said her husband Mrs. Chesney giw pale. 'llave I got to walk a hundred yards for every drop of water I want V' said she. 'And a large rain-water hogshead under the eayes of the house," added Mr. Chesney. 'And I've already got a bargain in kerosene lamps. As for candles, 1 am given to understand that the good housekeepers thereabouts make 'era themselves in tin molds. There's nothing like economy. Now I do beg to know Abigail,' he added, irritably, 'what are you looking so lackadaisical about ? Do you expect to sit still and fold your hands, while I do all the work ? Give me a woman for sheer natural laziness !' 'I am not lazy, George,' said the poor wife, with a bewildered air ; 'but—all this is so new and strange at first. Rut I'll try to get accustomed to it—l'll try my very best.' Nevertheless, Rossie and Elma and their mother shed many a salt tear in to the trunks and packing-boxes, on MILLHEIM PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 81., 1887 top of the woolen blankets and lugs and piles of domestic linen. 'I hate the country !' said Elma. 'l'd as soon go to prison and done with it.' 'Oh, EUie, don't talk so,' said ltose. 'There are wild-roses and robins there, j just as ono sees on the painted plaques in the stoie windows. And perhaps j we can have a flower-bed, and some little downy chickens !' But the first sight of Mulleinstalk ! Farm was dispiriting in the expreme. Between rock and swamp, there was scarcely pasture for the two lean cows that Mr. Chesney had bought at 'a bar gain,' and the hollow-backed horse, which stalked about the premises like some phautmn Bucephalus. The apple-trees in the orchard weie thiee-quarters dead, and leaned sorrow fully awav from the last winds, until their boughs touched the very ground ; the fences were all going to ruin, and j the front gate was tied up with a hemp string. 'ls this home ?' said Elma, with an indescribible intonation in her voice. 'We'll get things all straightened up, after awhile,' said Mr. Chesney, bust ling to drive away the pigs, who had broken out of their pen Mid were squealing dismally under the window. Mrs. Chesney cried herself to sleep that night, and awakentd the next morning with every bone instinct with shooting pains. 'And no wonder,' said Spencer. 'There's a foot of water in the cellar.' 'We must have it drained,' said Mr. Chesney, with an uneasy look ; 'but there's plenty of things to do first. And now began a reign of the strict est economy. Mr. Chesney himself paid for everything with checks, and not an article came into the house or out of it without his cognizance. New dresses were frowned upon ; spring bonnets were strictly interdicted ; or ders were issued that old carpets should be reserved, and broken dishes repaired with cement and quicklime. 'Save, save, save I That is the chief thing,' he kept repeating, briskly. 'Women-folks can't earn ; they should try their best to save.' 'lt's all very well for papa,' growled Will. 'lie goes to the city every day and sees something besides the pigs and the dead apple-trees. He orders a new suit when he needs it. Look at mamma's patched gown and Rosie's dyed bonnet-strings ! Why, they can't even go to church, they are such objects ! He gets his lunch at a res taurant, and we eat cold beans, and drink dandelion coffe and sige tea !' 'Boys,' fiuttpred Rosie, 'l've an idea. Mary Penn, who lives on the next farm, you know, came to see Elma and me yesterday. Papa is earning his lv --ing ; we'll earn something, too.' 'I should like to know how,' mutter ed Spencer. 'I might hire out some where as farm hand, if it was'nt for that wretched old horse, nd the pigs, and the wood chopping, and—' 'Oh, but there is something that won't interfere with the chores, nor with school !' said cheetful little ltosie. 'Just listen—all I ask of you is to listen !' And the weeks grew into months, and the red leaves eddied down in lit tle swirls from the little maple tree u , and 'pig-killing time' came, and, with the aid of a lame, one-eyed man, Mr. Chesney, laid down his own stock of poik and sausages for the winter with the sense of being triumphantly econ omical. The family had left off complaining now. Apparently they were resigned to their doom. Rut there was some things that Mr. Chesney could not ex plain at all. A new rug brightened up rhe dismal hues of their parlor carpet ; Rosie had a crimson merino dress, trimmed with tlack velvet bars ; Elma's jacket was edged with substantial black fur ; and grand grand climax of extravagance Mrs. Chesney had a new shawl, in place of the v>!d broche garment which had been tier mother's before her ! lie looked over the housekeeping books with renewed vigilance, ho con sisted the stubs of his check book with a glance that nothing could escape. •I— don't— know -how—they—man age it,'said he, scratching his nose with the lead-pencil that he always carried. 'I hate mysteries, and I mean to be at the bottom of this before I'm an hour older.' He took his account-book under his arm and matched into the kitchen, where his wife was clearing away the late supper. 'Abigail,' said he,'how is this ? I've given you no money. You've long left off asking for money. How have you managed to smarten yourself and the children up s> ? L won't bj cheat ed by own wife !' Elma set down the pitcher which she was wiping, and came and stood before her father with glittering eyes and cheeks stained with crimson, like a flag of battle. A I'AI'ER. FOR THE HOME CIRCLE. 'Papa,' she said, 'you must not speak to mamma so. Mamma would not cheat you nor anybody else. It's mon ey that wo haye earned ourselves. [ There ! Now 1" Mr. Chesney stared at the girl with incredulous eyes. 'And if you don' btlieve it, come a id see how,' said Elma, flinging down her towel. 'Mary Penn showed us. She toid us everything, and gave us the first swarm of bees. There are four teen hives down under the south wall. Spencer sold the honey for us ; and we planted all the nice flowers that grow down in the meadow, that you said was too stony and barren even for the sheep to pasture upon, and Will dug and hoed around them after the chores were all done, and we sent boxes and bouquets of lillies and verbenas to the city every day by Mr. Penn's wagon. And we gathered wild strawberries be fore the sun was tip, and got cherries oat of the o'd lane, and the mo.iey is all ours—every cent of it !' 'Honey, eh ?' said Mr. Ciio* ney,st *r ing at the row of hives, for El ma had dragged him out into the November moonlight to the scene of action. 'Well, I've seen these many a time, but I alwavs s'posed they belonged to Squire Penn's folks. And flowers, and wild berries ! Didn't think there was so much money in 'em. Guess I'll try the business myself next year. Queer that the women -folks should have got the start of me !' And after that he regarded his family with more respect. The mire fact that they could earn money had eleva ted them immensely in his sight. But when spring came he lost his able coadjutor. Miss Elma incidentally announced to him one day that she was going to be married to Walter Penn the next week. 'And mamma is coming to live with us,' added Elma. 'She can't stand the damp house and this hard work any longer.' But Mrs. Chesney did not go to the Penn Farm. Mr. Chesney hired a stout serving-maid, and lai 1 drain pipes under the kitchen stoop. If his wife really understood her bus iness so well, it was worth while to keep her well and active,he considered. 'I couldn't well leave papa, you know,' said Mrs. Chesney to Elma. 'lie means well, and now that Rebecca Heckel is coming here, and the kitchen is dry, we shall get along nicely. I wouldn't go back to the city for any thing now.' 'Nor I,either,' said Elma. 'And oh, mamma, 1 shall always love those bee hives under the holly-hocks, for it was there that Walter asked me to be his wife !' And Mrs. Chesney tearfully kissed her danghter. She, too, had been hap py once, and had her dreams. It was to be hoped that Walter Ppnn was made of different metal from George Chesney. To Elroa, however, all the world was cooler de rose. Had she not the eter nal t-lisman of i'outh and Love ? Helen Forrest Graves in Saturday Nvjht. A Level Headed Chemist. What might haye proved a very trag ical occurrence was adroitly nipped in the bod the other day by a Parisian chemist. An elegantly dressed young woman, wearing a thick veil over her face, went into a pharmaceutical estab lishment at Clichy and asked for a phial of yitriol. The chemist, whose suspicions were aroused by the myster ious manner of his fair customer, asked her some questions, to which she re turned evasive replies. lie then gave her, instead of vitriol, a bottle of per fumed water, and directed a man to follow the fair damsel and to watch her movements. The amateur detective did so, and soon saw the woman take up her position at a street corner, phial in hand. After having carefully un corked the bottle, she waited, and, as a young man well-known in the neighbor hood passed by, she (lung its contents, with a yell of triumph, in his face. The man received the perfumed water in his eyes, but, although it only made him smart for a moment, lie roared like a bull of Rashan, and cried out that he was blinded forever. Meanwhile, the emulator of Marie lleer, who thought she had inflicted a terrible punishment 011 her false-hearted Adonis, ran away with the speed of an Atlanta, vainly pursued by some of the bystanders who had witnessed the scene. The chemist's man, however, set even body's mind at ease by describing the pious fraud em ployed by his master tor the prevention of another Parisian drama. Loston Post. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. Eisenhuth. A Modern Xmtippe. .Tirti Akerswaaa small, tow-headed, knock-kneed man, with irregular teeth, which made his mouth look like a steel trap twisted out of plumb, says the i "Southern Bivouac." His wife was a large, raw-boned woman, fully a head taller and fifty pounds heavier than Jim. She had the temper of a half famished wildcat, and no darky just "gittiu' religion" was ever half as much afraid of the devil as Jim was of her; he had reason to be. When she was fairly on the war-path she breathed chain lightning and flung cyclones from the tip of her tongue. Nor did she con tent herself with words only, however bitter and furious. She very often brushed the poor little wretch with a hickory until ho felt as if lie had bor rowed. his back of a saint fresh from the grindiron. One bright, golden, delicious alter, noon in the latter part of May, Jim left the patch where he had been hard at work all day and "snuck een" to his cabin by the hack way. He proceeded hastily to doff his every-day clothes and don his Sunday garments, casting fur tive glances all the while at the blaek browed, terrible dame sitting in the front doorway knitting. With trem bling haste he completed his prepara tions and was shambling out again, when his wife, previously apparently of his presence, shot a fierce glance at him, which made him jump almost out of his shoes and brought the perspira tion out from every pore. ' Whar you boun' fur V she esked. 4 1 'lowed I wuz gwine down to the fish-fry fur a hour or two. Them boys is a hevin' ' 'Well, you 'lowed wrong. You jest histeoff them close and go back inter that patch and finish hoein' them per taters. Don't you distress yerself 'bout no fish-fries.' 'But I tole the boys I wuz gwine to be thar.' 'Well, you tole 'em a lie.' 'But Ed Sykes and Ilank Evans is a wait in' fur me now at the cross roads, and I'd ruther not disappoint 'em.' 'Well, I'd ruther you would. Shet up, now, and do ez votfre told.' Jim gasped and quaked with fear ; hut, for the first time in many years, he thoroughly realized the tyranny under which he was crushed. His heart was set on going to a fish-fry, and in that feeble, fluttering little organ *a faint shadow, a dim eidolon of spirit became suddenly- aroused. He hesitated a mo ment, ventured even to return the gaze of those glowing, wrathful eyes, and then started, saying ; 'Well, I'm a-gwine.' Great Jehosaphat ! Iloup-la ! She swooped on him like an owl on a mouse. The air was tilled and darken ed with dust and sandy hair and ago nizing shrieks. Ed Sykes and Hank Evans, at the "crossroads," became convinced that Jim's cabin had caught lire, and that he was perishing in the flames. They rushed in all haste to his assistance, but as they neared the spot the clatter subsided, and they heard a stern, femi nine voice, which caused them to halt and keep out of sight, say : 'Now I reckon you'll do ez yer tole.' Then they recognized Jim's piping voice," protesting between convulsive sobs : 'l'd sorter give out gwine befo'you spoke.' Sherman and the Youngest Soldier General Sherman is famous for his brusque manners. He has never al lowed the effete and luxuriant East to tame his wild Western nature. A few years ago he was at a big meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic at St. Louis, when a young man approached him and said : 'General, you don't know me, but I have known you for a long time. I sup pose I was the youngest soldier who served with you during the war, and I want to shake hands with my old com mander.' Gen. Sherman looked at the young man a moment and said, 'My friend,l suppose at least 1000 men have claimed the honor of being the young est of my soldiers. How old were you when you entered the service ?' 'I was just 13,' was the response. 'Well, if you were only 13,' said Gen eral Sherman, 'all I have to say is that you had better stayed at home with your mother.' Another Art Craze. The latest art work among ladles Is known as the "French Craze," for decorating china, glassware, etc. It is something entirely new, and is both profitable and fascinating. It is very popular in New York, Boston and other Eastern cities. To ladies desiring to learn the Art, we will send an elegant china placque (size 18 inches.) handsomely decor ited, for a model, together with a box of material, 100 colored designs assorted in flowers, animals, soldiers, landscapes, etc., complete with full instructions, upon receipt ol only *I.OO. lhe placque alone is worth more than the amount charged. To every lady ordering this outfit who encloses the address of live othei ladies in terested in Art matters, to whom we can mail our new catalogue of Art (oods, we will en- Hose extra and without charge, an imitation hand-painted brass placque. Instruction book in painting, 16 colored pictures Ac. only 15c. Embroidery Silk, best quality, all colors, 80cts per 100 skeins. Tinsel Bra d, gold or silver, tor art embroidery and need e work, large ball, only 15 cts Macrame Cold, white, 50c per lb; any color, 60c per lb. Other goods at equally lOW^HK e EMPiItE Nfcws CO.. Syracuse, N. Y. Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance. Amusing a Millionaire. A famous millionaire sat on the edge of a table in the Casino at New port one night and stared at his boots in dismay. 'Yaw!' he yawned in an excess of boredom as he raised his eyebrows and rammed his hands deep into his pockets, 'lt's slow; monstrously slow.' Apparently it was. One or two men in faultless attire smoked neer the window. Others sprawled in languid desperation in the deep arm-chairs, and an eminent stock speculator added drowsiness to it by snoring with sub tle but penetrating regularity in the corner. It was a sultry night, and the negro waiters mopped their black faces as they whispered together in the corridor. The ennuied millionaire could almost hear the lapping of the water in the karbor against the sides of his beautiful steam-yacht. His horses moved uneasily in the heat without and rattled the big pole chain impatiently. It was nearly midnight in the Queen of American watering places and noth ing was going on. The millionaire kicked his heels peevishly against the table and motioned to one of the waiters. They all scrambled forward in such haste that the oldest one slipped and almost fell. The great man smiled, whereat a wave of joy passed over the dusky group, and all but one retired with teeth in full review. Who is unhappy when a millionaire smiles? 'ls thecampagne well iced?' asked the man of means, good naturedly 'lt is indeed, sah. De las' bot'le •wuz froze dead hard'. 'Bring me some.' When the waiter poured it out it was so cold that it dribbled slowly in to the glass ftn d sent up a milk white mist almost as thick as foam that raced to the top of the glasses, while the dew gathered in beads on the bot tle. The millionaire smiled gently as he gazed at ithe campagne, and then he glanced at the panting waiter. 'Would you like to shiver, Thomas?' he asked solemnly. 'Me, sah?' said the waiter with a chuckle* 'Dereaint not'in in dis heah wuld ud make me shivah t'night sah— no'n' deedy., 'Oh, yes, there is.' 'Scush me, sah, but I'm roastin', I am; ri' I don' b'lieve I'll evah' be col' again.' 'l'll make you shiver in two minutes by the watch, or I'll give you fifty dollars.' 'Go ahead, sah!' Without more ado the railloinaire took the champagne bottle from the other's hand, turned it upside down thrust it calmy down the back of the darkey's neck, and left it there while the campagne dripped gently down the waiter's spine. Then, watch in hand, he waited while the loungers sat up, and the wuiters moved in from the corridors with their eyes fairly start ing trom their heads. 'Don' you shivah, yo fool,' said the foremost of them in a hoarse whisper to Thomas. "F y' do I'll —l'll kick yo' head offen y' body shuh! Y' got a chance fter pay me dem seving dol labs now, an' if y' miss I'll lam y'— I will fer a fac'. Meanwhile the waiter stood there with pursed lips, staring eyes, and clenched fists. His head bent for ward, and bis legs spread apart, while his breath came in snorts. The loungers were crowding round with their watches in their hands making bets rapidly, while the time wore slow ly away. Presently the millionaire shouted: i One minute! Oh! moaned Thomas in a yoice like the soulful roar of a cavern by the sea, 'l'm a-goin, I'm agoin!' Remember dem seving dollyebs! There was an awful hush, the sound of the grinding of teeth, a wild 'Huh wu-wu-whoooo!' followed by helpless chattering, and Thomas stood shaking like an aspen leaf, with one eye turued appealingly on the seven dollar man, while the other sought the face of the millionaire. ODO after another the waiters assayed the test, and for two hours the Casino was the liveliest spot in America. Then the famous mill ionaire climbed contentedly to the seat of his cart, and murmured as he drove homeward in the moonlight, 'lt wasn't so monstrously slow after all. ' — New York World. NO. 13 JNBWSPAPER LAWS If subscribers order the discontinuation of newspapers, the nuollsheis may continue to setul rhem until all arrearages are paid. Jf sufotcrlhers refuse or neglect to lake their newspapers from the office to w hlch they are sent they are held responsltde until they have act tied the hills ai.d ordered them discontinued. If subset Ibei s move toother places without in forming lite publisher, and the newspapers are sentto the former place, they are responsible. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 wk. imo. iSmos. 6moe. 2 vent 1 square *2 00 *4Ob | $5 00 *6 00 is CO X " "oo lotto 15 no .toco 40 0o 1 " 10 00 15 00 1 25 00 45 00 75 00 One Inch makes a square. Administrators and Executors' Notices Transient adver tisements and locals 10 cents ner line for first Insertion and 5 cents per line tor each nddiiio't al insertion' ' Don't You Worry." How Shrewd Busioess M*n Have Solved a Great Problem. "Is there a fatality among our prom inent men ?" is a question that we oft en ask. It is a question that perplexes our leading medical men, and they are at a IOSS to know how to answer it. We sometimes think that if the phy sicians would give part of the energy to the consideration of this question that they give to combating other schools of practice, it might be satisfactorily an swered. The fights of "isms" reminds us oft en of the quarrels of old Indian tribes, that they were only happy when they were annihilating each other. If Allopathy makes a discovery that promises good to the race, Homoeopa thy derides it and breakes down its in fluence. If Homoeopathy makes a dis covery that promises to he a boon to the race. Allopathy attacks it. It is absurd that these schools should fancy that all of good is in their meth ods and none in any other. Fortunately for the people, the merit which these "isms" will not recognize, is recognized by the public, and this public recognition, taking the form of a demand upon the medical profession, eventually compels it to recognize it. Is it possible that the question has been answered by shrewd business men ? A prominent man once said to an inquirer, who asked him how he got rich, "I got rich because I did things while other people were thinking about doing tliern." It seems to us that the people have recognized what this fatih ty is. and how it can be met, while the medical profession hayeheen wrangling about it. By a careful examination 'of insur ance reports we find that there has been a sharp reform with reference to exam inations [and that no man can DOW get any amount of insurance who has the least development of kidney disorder | because they find that sixty out of every hundred in this country do, either di rectly or indirectly, suffer from kidney disease. Ileuce.. no reliable company will insure a man except after a rigid urinary examination. This reminds us of a little instance which occurred a short time ago. A fellow editor was an applicant for a re spectab'e amount of insurance. lie was rejected on examination, because, un known to himself, liis kidneys were dis eased. The shrewd agent, however,did not give up the case. He had an eye to business and to his commission, and said : "Don't you worry; you get half a dozen bottles of Warner's safe cure — all dealers keep it—take it according to directions and in about a month come around, and we will have another ex amination. I know you will find your self all right and will get your policy." The editor expressed surprise at the agent's faitu, but the latter replied, "This poiut is a va'uable one. Very many insurance agents all over the country, when they find a customer re jected for this cause, give him similar adyice, aud eventually he gets tne in surance." What are we to infer from such cir cumstances ? Have shrewd insurance men, as well as other shrewd business men, found the secret answer to the in quiry ? Is it pessible that our columns have oeen proclaiming, in the form of advertisements,what has proved a bless ing in disguise to millions, and yet by many ignored as an advertisement ? In our files we find thousands of strong testimonials for Warner's safe cure, no two alike, which could not ex ist except upon a basis of truth ; in deed, they are published under a guar antee of $5,000 to auy one who will dis prove their correctness, and this offer has been standing, we are told,for more than four years. Undoubtedly this article, which is simply dealing out justice, will be con sidered as an advertisement and be re jected by many as such. 4 . We haye not space nor time to dis cuss the proposition that a poor thing could not succeed to the extent that this great remedy has succeeded, could not become so popular without merit even if pushed by a Yanderbilt or an Astor. Hence we take the liberty of telling our friends that it is a duty that they owe to themselves to investigate the matter and reflect carefully, for the statements published are subject to the refutation of the entire world. None have refuted them; on the contrary, hundreds of thousands have belieyed them and proved them true, and in be lieving have found the hicrhest measure of satisfaction, that which money can not buy, and money cannot take away When Baby was sick, we gsre her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clang to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, —SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. -First-class job work done at the JOURNAL oflice.