Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 24, 1887, Image 3

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Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
—Easter Sunday—April 10th.
—First class job work done at the
JOURNAL office.
—lf you have any news please hand
it in or tell u about it.
—J. W. Snook made a business trip
to Bellefonte last Friday.
—Mrs. W. M. Ilartman is conflued
to the house by the mumps.
—The time for shaking carpets and
unjointiug stove pipes i& approaching.
—For the past few days the equinoc
tial wluds blew a stiff and northern
—Persons wanting anything in the
job printing line will do well to call
on us.
—John M. Rhoad inform us that he
intends building on Water Street next
—Clevau Dioges, of Centre Hall, was
noticed on our streets the forepart of
this week.
—Victor, youngest son of F.D.Luee,
is at preseut confined to the house with
the mumps.
—Jas. C. AfcClenehan,of Centre Hall,
is among those who were granted pen
sions last week.
—J. H. Auman, the assessor for
Millbeim Boro, is distributing the as
sessment blanks.
—Ladies' fine Kid Opera Slippers
for 80 cents at Musser'a Shoe Store.
Come and see them.
—J. C. Harper's residence in Belle
fonte had a narrow escape from being
destroyed by fire last week.
Flanagan, the jovial horsedealer,
shipped nineteen head of nice horses
from this place last Thursday.
—Miss Clara Springer,of Afiftlioburg,
is heie on a visit to hei mother and
brother George on Nortbstreet.
CHOICE BRICK.— The undersigned
has for sale a lo; of choice brick.
C. C. LOSE, Rebersburg, Pa.
—Regular services In the Lutheran
huvcb of this place next Sunday eve
ning by the pastor, Rev. Deitzler.
—A genuine solid French Kip Boot,
double sole and tap, 16-inch leg for
$4.50. J. H. MUSSBU & Sou.
—Cal. Breon, of North street, has
been elected a member of the Millheim
Band, and is learning to play the Bb
Mrs. Clara Grenoble, of Spring
Jfill, arrived in town on Tuesday even
ing, and is the guest of Mrs. Jou. liar
ter, for a few days.
—The popular blood purfler, Hood's
Straaparilla, is having a tremendous
sale this season. Nearly everybody
takes it. Try it yourself.
—Commissioner Wolf-had an attack
of iaflamation of the bowels last week
while at Bellefonte. We are pleased to
state that be is all right again.
—The public sale season is past and
the next thing to demand the attention
of many people is the moving of their
household goods to other places.
—Snow fell at Shenandoah on Tues
day to the depth of twelve inches, and
nearly all the colleries in the region
bad to suspend work in consequence.
—The veterans of the western part
of Union county contemplate the or
ganization of aG. A. R. post at Lau
relton aaya the Jfifflinburg Telegraph.
—Geo. Peters is having bills struck
at this office advertising bis factory
plot on North street as well as some
timberland at public sale, to take place
.April 9tb.
—Wigwam Slippers for Ladies and
'Gents. A novelty indeed in the shoe
dine. They are comfortable and dura-
and tn he had only at J. H. Musser
.& Son's Shoe Store.
—The carpenters expect to begin
work on A). Miller's house on North
Steet this week. Allison is improving
his bouse by building a new front porch
and weatberboarding,
—Jacob Vonada, of Mackevville,
Clinton Co., was in town last week and
paid his respects to the JOURNAL of
fice. He also attended Moyer's sale, at
Pine Creek, on Friday.
—The severe cold spell of the past
week was broken on Saturday, and
Monday, wbicb according to the cal
endar is the first day of spring, came io
with mild and pleasant weather.
—A charter was granted a few days
ago to the Nittany Valley Railroad
extending from near Bellefonte to near
Zion, ibis county. The line will be
aeven miles long. Capital $75,000.
—The Peb. Goat Brogans, in Pegged
and Sewed, are just the shoe for old
men who cannot bear the pressure of
bard leather on their corned and bun
ioned feet J. H. MUSSER & SON.
Active, Pushing and Reliable.
Mr. J. Eisenhuth can always be relied upon
to earry in stock the purest and best goods, and
sustain the reputation of being active, pushing
and reliable, by recommending articles with
well established merit aud such as are popular.
Having the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption, colds and
eougfcs, will sell it on a positi 'e guarantee. It
will surely cure any and every affection of
throat, lungs, or chest, and in order to prove
our claim, we ask you to call and get a Trial
Bottle free.
! —John M-. Blanchnrd, E>q., of Phil
adelphia, has been admitted to practice
law in the reyeral courts of this
—Daniel Dreibelhis, of State Cjllege,
I one of those staunch farmers of the
' good old kind, spent an hour in this
oflice one day last week in a pleasant
chat. Of course he didn't forget to
leave a dollar for the JOURNAL.
—ln his leisure bouis H. K. Luse, of
this place, changes his vocation from a
carpenter to a book agent, and canvas
ses the town and surrounding country
with "Platform Echoes," a temperance
woik published by John B. (lough.
—Both of Wm. Smith's son's, south
of town, Hie on the sick list. Herbert,
the youngest, has a very tioubleaome
aud painful boll 011 his neck. We
could not learn what ails William, the
oldest, but be is confined to the house.
—The public is hereby notified that
the undersigned have opened the butch
er business iu Aaronsburg and will
run a meat wagon through the valley
regularly every Tuesday and Fiiday.
Fresh beef, veal and pork will oe sold
at popular prices.
NOTICE.— The Committee on Per
manent Certificates will convene at
Bellefonte April Bth and 9th. Appli
cants for examination are requested to
bring their Professional Certificates
with them.
C. L. GRAMLBY, Chairman.
—Miss Rebecca Young, an estimable
young lady who for many years made
her home with David Krape, in Haines
towuship, recently took a partner for
life, the lucky groom being R*v. Zohn
er, of the Ev. Association, residing iu
Dushore, Sullivau Co., Pa.
FOR RENT.— A good property, sit
uate 3 miles east of Rebersburg, con
taining 25 acresof well cultivated land,
with good buildings erected thereon, is
for rent. For particulars and terms
address J. R. WOLF,
11.3t Rebersburg, Pa.
sion of Six Weeks, opens Monday eye
ning, April 25th, 18-H7. for the Teach
ing and Training of Young Ladies in
Vocal and instrumental Music. Ad
F. C. MOYER, Musical Directr,
Freeburgh, Pa.
Rliennmtlßin and Nenralgia cored In
2 Days.
The Indiana Chemical Co. have discovered a
compound which acts with truly marvelous
rapid it v in the cure of Rheumatism and Neural
gia. We guarantee it to cure any and ev
erv cases of acute Inflammatory Rneumallsm
and Neuralgia in 2 DAYS, and to give imme
diate relief in chronic eases and effect a sj>eedy
On receipt of 30 cents, in two cent stamps, we
will Mend to any address the prescription for
this wonderful compound, can be tilled
by your home drugctsts at small cost. We
take this means of giving our discovery to the
public instead of putting It out as a patent
medicine, it being much less expensive. We
will gladly refund money if sutisfadion is not
1-ly Crawforasviiie, Ind.
—The measles still hold forth in this
place. John Ker9tetter,on Penn street,
has H case iu his family, Loyd, his
little son being ID with them. The
daughters of landlord Shafer and Hen
ry Aliller and the children of IF. M.
Hart man and A. C. Afusser are also
afliicted with the disease.
—John Reighard, of 3/ifflinburg. was
up one day last week, to pay a visit to
hi 9 tenant farmer, L. J. Noll, who is
still confined to his room with rheuma
ti9m, but is gradually improving, we
aie glad to say. The prospects sow
are that he will be able to go out by the
time the warm, balmy spring days
—This office just completed an order
for B. O. Deininger's book store for
several thousand notes bound in con
venient book form. They are for sale
cheap at the Journal store and comprise
all kinds,such as Negotiable and Bank
able, Ironclad, Exemption, Full Judge
ment. and Sale Notes, put up in lots of
25 aod 50.
—A professional hotel thief by the
name of Bowen, alias Moore, was ar
rested at the Brockerhoff House, Belle
fonte, last Saturday morning. The
fellow worked his usual game, stealing
blankets, but was caught in the act by
Mr. McMillen, the proprietor, who had
him sent to Fort Walker, where he now
awaits his penalty.
—Mr. Crawford has an experienced
machinist on the ground to set up and
put in running order his knitting ma
chines. We understand that it is the
intention to put twenty-five machines
in operation in the northwestern part
of Lose's spacious planing mill and
carry on the manufacture of hosiery
there until the large factory building
on Penn street can be completed.
SMITH—HJSCXAIAN.—A brilliant wed
ding came off at the residence of J. F.
Heckman, near Penn Hall, on Tuesday
evening, 3farch 22nd, at 7 o'clock.
The happy couple having been joined
in holy wedlock was Jfr.Geo. S. Smith,
from Illinois and Jlfiss Lizzie Heck
man, daughter of J. F. Heckman. Rev,
Z . A. Yea rick performed the solemn
m arriage rites. The party were ushered
from a room up stairs to the parlor he
low to the strains of a splendid wed
ding march played by Jfiss Katie 3/us
ser. The bride was attired in cream
colored Nun's Yelling. After the cere
monies the many friends present show
ered their congratulations upon Jfr. &
Mm. Smith. The bride's father
then attended to his functions as
host and conducted the assembly
to another room where an excellent re
past had been prepared for the occa
There were ahout fifty guests present
to witness the joyful event, and they
had come from Union coun y, Aarons
burg. Centre Hall, and other places.
The bride received a large lot of yalu
able presents.
The couple will start on their wed
ding tour next Jfonyay and will visit
New York and the Niagara Falls, from
where they .will go to their western
home in Dakota. 111., where tne groom
has resided for the last few years. Mr.
Smith, the gentleman who has thus
entered upon a new part of life's pro
gramme, is a son of Jos. Smith, E-q ,
of Penn Hall The editor's best wish
es accompany the couple on their
journey through time to come.
! Moyer removed to Pint* Creek Mills on
Monday morning. AH statul before
Philip lecently pui chased the mill
property aud will grind out his own
E, H. Long, the merchant, is shift
ing quarters to J. W. Snook's tenant
house, tormeily occupied by Ira Ayers,
atid will hereafter breath the healthy
and Invigorating atmosphere of Penn
Mrs. Daniel Luse, of Spring Mills,
expects to move into Michael Ulrieh's
house, sooth of town,next week. Mis.
Lose is a sister to Mr. Ulrich.
Divid Ulrich, on Penn street, will
give up housekeeping, and Irviti Will
iams will move to grandpap Uliich.
E. Bartholomew will leave his rest
deuce on Penn street to move to Co
bum. Mis. Clapp, of llaitleton, ex
pects to take possession of the house
vacated by Bartholomew.
G. W. Stover will spread out and use
his whole house, and E. W. Mauck
is consequently going out and moving
tm Main street. He rented part of
Jacob Sankey's house.
Ira Ayers leaves for Union county.
Ft. E. J)uck, Esq, will occupy his
new biick residence on Main srreet.
John Confer will vacate the rooms in
Snook's corner brick building and will
move below Aurousburg.
Geo. Ilazel takes Henry Miller's
place in B. F. Kister's house on Main
Mrs. Elizabeth King makes place for
E. W. Mauck ami will henceforth
make her home iu Aurousburg.
Itev. C. Wort man's future abode will
be the new U B. parsonage on Penn
street. The reverend gentleman's close
proximity toyeeditor will no doubt have
a beneficial influence upon the morals
of the latter.
The one part of I)r. Mingle's hou
on Main street will be Geo. L. Spring
era's place of resideuce, while Mrs.
Sam ('lark will occupy the other part.
Confectioner A. J. Sylvia moves into
the house vacated by Mrs. Clark.
Michael Maize will tie the new occu
pant of David Sholl's house oil Main
D. I. Brown goes to the western part
of Main street, moving into Mrs. Hen
ry Brown's House. Daniel Hoy, to 3
present occupant, moves up on the hill
into ltev. C. F Deiuinger's house,
Samuel McMullen moves into the
house now occupied by William Wea
ver, who will emmigrate to Brushvalley.
North street will also have a few
changes. Mr. McCurdy, of Milesburg
takes charge of Campbell's mill, the
present miller, Heniy Breon moving
into his own house, now occupied by
Irvi'j Williams.
Judith Miller moves into John Hall's
William Moyer will vacate J. Swang
er's house on Water street and move
into John Musser's house on North
Josiah in Michael Ulrich's
house, south of Penn sheet, moves in a
nortnern direction and takes John
Confer's house.
Jesse Wirt leaves town and goes to
Poe Mills.
Robert Hacken berg will work and
reside on Jacob Gephart's farm.
Peter liearick is flitting to near
Lewisburg on Rev. Swengel's farm.
Mr. Campbell, of Flemington. will
move to and take charge ot D. A. Mus
ser's brick mill.
These are the changes of residence
so far as we could ascertain up to this
writing. We understand that there
are a number of dwelling bouses for
tent yet and standing empty.
—The letter of William Raker, of
Blue Wing, N. C., appearing on the
fourth page of this issue, is very in
teresting and worth reading. lie pict
ures the superiority and advantages of
the southern sphere in glowing terms
and in an entertaining way. Read it.
for the good of others that Dr. Kenne
dy's Favorite Remedy cured roe. Rev.
S. C. Chandler, Lebanon Springs, N.
Y. I had Stone in the Bladder and
Gravel in the Kidneys. I used Dr.
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and am
now well —E. D. Parsons, Rochester,
N. Y. Price Si. Send 2 cent stamp
to Dr. Kennedy, Rondout, N. Y., for a
book on Kidney, Liver and Blood dis
orders. Mention this paper. 11 4t
—We are informed that T. R. Statu,
a son of our townsman. Dr. J. W.
Stam, was elected mayor of West Un
ion, lowa, of which place he lias been a
resident for the last four years. There
were two candidates, the corporations'
and the peoples', and Russell was the
successful candidate of the people.
This speaks well for a man of Russell's
age and shows that he is a rising busi
ness man as well as a popular and re
spected citizen in his western home.
W# 0ik1 aur culnKr.sli.ul2ti.iau.
season of the year when your cows fail
in milk, your horses become rough in
coat, your pigs refuse to thrive, the
hens won't lay as many eggs as they
should, you will find a package or two
of McDonald's Celebrated Tonic and
Blood Purifying Horse and Cattle Pow
ders judiciously administered an invest
ment that will pay its dividends. They
are positively the besi Horse and Cattle
Powders made. Dissatisfied buyers can
have their money refunded. What oth
er manufacturer dare make this offer.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold bv J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
—lt is really amusing to hear how
some of Millheim's wise acres are go
ing to knock the bottom out of the
town council, out of the new ordfnau
cts and out of anybody and everything
that does not agree with their way of
thinking. We say stop and reflect a
moment. What good does it do to as
sume the roll of "kickers" in a commu
nity like this ? They will do nothing
less than heap the contempt of peace
loving and law-abiding citizens upon
their heads and after the points which
they see fit to dispute have been fairly
tested and drcwhd tLe eont nmacious
faction will hunt their holes sadder if
not wiser men. Better raise the (1 ig
of true 1 ) before suffoiing humiliating!
—On Friday looming news reached
Bellefonte #f the death of that g?.ntle
man, at Aiken, '\ U., where he had
pone for his health. The I hub/ jWtrs
gives the following ehetch of Mr. Al
exander's life :
Deceased was one of Beliefonte's
most distinguished He was
horn in Mitllin county and at the time
of his death was about f>l years of ape.
lie was a lawyer bv profession and at
tained a legal standing second to no
one at the Centre county bar. He had
interested himself in politics and was
elected by the dominant party in the
district to tepreseiit the people in tin-
State Senate, which he did with fidelity
and ability. His name was several
times mentioned among the available
democrats as a fitting candidate of that
party for Coventor.
Nor can we omit to mention the fact
that he was enterprising as a citizen.
Though not possessed of large means,
lie invested in industries which accrued
to the interest of our town. Notable
among his enterprises was an interest
in the glass works which tie held dur
ing the time when it was to a certain
extent an experiment,and which doubt
less his wise advise contibuted greatly
in rendering a success.
His health has rapidly failed of late
and, and despairing of regaining his
strength in this severe climate, tie tray
e'ed to the South, spending most of the
time at Aiken, S. C. Encouraging re
ports of his condition were received,
and the news of his death comes witli
shocking force.
He leaves his wife, a daughter and a
son to mourn his departure. Tue fun
eral took place at Be'lefonto 0:1 Tues
day afternoon.
Wonderful Cures.
W. I>. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale ami Retail
Druggists of Home. <ia.. say: We have been
soiling; Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric Hit
ters umt Ituckleu's Arnica Salvo for two years.
Have never handled remedies that sell as well,
or give such universal satisfaction. There
have been some wonderful cures effected by
these medicines In this city. Several cases of
pronounced Consumption have been entirely
cured by use of a few bottles of l)r King's New
Discovery, taken In connection with Electric
Hitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by
.1. Eisenbuth.
SCHOOL REPORT.— Mrulisonburg
Primary School - A. J. 11*7.-1, leader :
Number of pupils enrolled, ma lea 2G,
fe ma lea 30, total . r G ; No. in attend
ance during last month, males 23, fe
males 20, total 49; average attend
ance last month, males IS, females 19,
total 37 ; average attendance during
term, males 19, females 20, total 39 ;
per cent, of attendance during list
month, males 80. females 81, total 82
during tenn, males 80, females 84, to
tal 82. Scholars present every day
during last month : Herbie Stover,
Sallie Bierly. Eliza Royei,Bertha Lose,
Rosy Ilockman, Addie Hockman.Ney
an (Jockatian, Alice Hazel and Annie
R. Shafer. Number of visitors during
term, G4.
For the JoeßsrAL.
Philip Musser, in his 72ud year, and
his faithful companion in life, in her
75th year, living three miles east of
Aaronshtirg, were agreeably surprised
on the 19tli inst. by their children com
ing together to celebrate the fiftieth
anniversary of their marriage. All the
arrangements for the occasion had been
quietly made and were successfully
carried into effect. The loving parents
were quite overcome by the Glial affec
tion of their children, which was mani
fested in a graceful and unaffected
style. Five of their ten children are
still living, Emanuel 11., Rebecca, Mrs.
Charles Bower, Mrs. George M. Stover
and Mrs. Jacob Fiedler. Of their 26
grand-children 19 are living. They
have ore great-grand-child. The liv
ing were all present at this happy meet
ing except four of the grand-children,
who were absent on account of sick
ness. These with a few others who
were in attendance constituted a com
pany of about 35 persons who at noon
sat down to a sumptuous repast which
was greatly enjojed. The day was
speut iu conversation abounding with
innocent fun and reminiscences of the
Mr. and Mrs Musser have together
braved the conflicts of a long life, and
have realized the blessedness of a happy
union in wedlock. They now are near
ing the goal of the Christian race,steady
in faith and strong in hope. The one a
true Lutheran and the other a good
Reformed, they are possessed of a piety
neither austentatious nor sentimental,
but nevertheless genuine, and practi
cally demonstrate that" these old refor
mation confessions, unperverted, can
dwell together in peace and harmony
even within the sacred precincts of a
family. The blessings of Heaven at
tend them ! The Lutheran pastor was
also invited but was not present.
Z. A. Y.
tvonrly every. OUtJ In *>h The
system having accustomed to the brac
ing air of winter is weakened by the
warm days of the changing season, and
readily yi< Ids to attacks of disease.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medi
cine needed. It tones and builds up
every part of the body, and also expels
all impurities from the blood. Try it
this season.
A man who has practiced medicine for 40 years
ought to know salt from sugar; read what he
TOLEDO, 0., Jan. 10, ISSR.
Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co. —Gentlemenl
have been in the general practice of medicine
for most 40 years, and would say that in all my
practice and experience, have never seen a
preparation that I could prescribe with as much
confidence of success as I can Hall's Catarrh
Cure manufactured by you. Have prescribed
it a great many times and its effect is wonder
ful, and would say in conclusion that I have
yet to find a case of Catarrh that it would not
cure, if they would take it according to direc
tions. Yours truly,
L. 1.. GOItSUCH, M. 1).,
Ofllce, 215 Summit St,
We will give for any case of Catarrh that
can not be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure, Ta
ken Internally.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75 cts.
Neighboring News.
Dr. Hartswick, of Clearfield, I'd.,
was the guest of his hint her-in-law,Col.
James P. Cobtiiu, during last Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. \V. 11. Stover was confined to
his bed with sickness for nearly two
weeks. He is up and around again.
I). K. Musser, Millheim's popular
hoot and shoe man, was nursing a sore
throat tor several days last week. C.
(i. Bright, of Aaronsburg, had charge
of the store during D. K.'s sickness.
Kline says, "I'm all right again."
. Confectioner Charles H. Stover is off
on another business trip. This time
he is traveling through the western end
of the county. Charley carries a whole
sale grip. More of this later.
C. C. Bright is at Bellefonte serving
us a juror in a special term of court,
during which time E. 11. Kister will
have charge of Mr. Bright's hoot and
shoe shop.
The actual average attendance at the
Lutheran Sunday school of this place
has been about 150 members for the
last few Sabbaths. This school is in
creasing in numbers each successive
Our free schools are about closed.
We find there was not the usual com
plaint of scholars against their teachers.
Ilnpe the directors will notice this
change in our school government and
secure the same teachers for next win
ter's term. ANOTHER.
—FOR scrofula, erysipelas, tetter,
salt rheutn. skin diseases, humors,
sores, eruptions, pimples, blotches,
swellings, tumors, Iwiils, ulcers, scald
head, ringworm, hives and all blood
disorders,no remedy ever devised equals
in efficacy and power McDonald's great
Blood Purifier or Sarsaparillian Alter
native. Warranted.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenbuth. Millheim.Pa.
Andrew Vonada moved into his new
house. A Mr. Weaver from Wood
ward moved into part of the house oc
cupied ty Mr. J/ever.
Since moving to Fowler F. P. Bark
er has again commenced to practice
horse doctoring and is in great demand.
He recently performed a difficult ope
ration on a valuable mule belonging to
1). It. Kulp & Co.
Work is plenty around here at pres
ent and wages fair.
St. Patrick's day was made lively by
some who had a dose of benzine aboard.
A mouth battle was had In one of
our stores between two citizens, and
about the same time a citizen of Fow
ler was shooting off slang as fast as he
could at a freight train conductor at
the station. It all passed off without
bloodshed, but the following day the
same party was on hand issuing the
vilest of language. Mr Conductor
stood it for a time when Anally it came
too ron2h and he knocked the Fowler
gentleman down and gave lura a com
plete thrashing, which all said he well
Several would-be voung gentlemen
showed their breeding by their very
ui gentlemanly action at the depot on
Sunday afternoon. If we witness such
proceedings again we will have theii
names published in full,as well as their
There was preaching heie three times
last Sunday.
The Lutheran congregation are still
trying to raise the necessary funds to
build this summer aid we understand
they have enough subscribed among
their own members to warrant them in
going ahead, which they will shortly
do by getting material on the ground.
A great many obstacles have been
thrown in the way of the collectors
and they haye been discouraged on
nearly every hand, but they persevered
and will succeed. There is no reason
why there should not be other churches
here, hut some seem to think one
church is enough.
The sale of Jacob IFitmyer on last
Saturday was well attended and things
brought a good price.
An oyster supper was given at Kleck
ner's hotel on Saturday evenii gin hon
or of the new mill of JFhitmer & Co.
Some 20 persons sat at the table
Kurtz & Son,of Centre Hall,loaded a
car of wheat last week for their Centre
Hall mill.
F. P. Barker offprs his lot across
from the depot for sale. For price, Ac.
call on W 11. Kremer.
Several members of the Luthpran
congregation left for points east Wed
nesday morning to inspect different
churches in order to get some ideas for
their church. They were accompanied
by their pastor, Rev. M. L. Dei'zler.
—McDonald's Improved Liver Pills
are endorsed and prescribed by many
eminent physicians. They do not make
hair grow on bald heads or set broken
bones, but they are the best corrector
of a disordered Liver vet discovered.
Money refunded to dissatisfied purchas
ers. Hold J- Ki4*whuth. Milllieim.
Candidates are becoming as plenty as
bugs in potato time.
John Ilosterman seriously cut his
hand while opening a jar the other day.
There was quite a run on pepper,sail
and eggs at Coburn the other day.
Some of our young men who had been
indulging too freely in "Eby'a Best"
needed a remedy of that kind.
Newton Spangler visited his many
friends in this place over Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Hoy is on the sick list
Mrs. Oscar Atiman. who had intend
ed to move to Potter's Mills was de
tained by sickness and, we are sorry to
say, is still unable to be about.
Mrs. Lvdia Shunk moved her effects
to Danl. Hosterman's last .Monday.
The children around here feel happy
over the near close of school. Then no
more confinement until next fall.
One night last week two thieves, a
man and a woman, were seen at the
potatoes in Lot Condo's cellar. They
were not reC'igo 'ze i, but L fc says the
next time he will make sure to form
their acquaintance.
Just now some of our young folks are
in tiouble. which was caused by their
bad behavior in prayer meeting last
Sunday night. Our opinion
is that the whole thing will pass off
without costing more than a new pair
of shoe soles. ZITZKA.
Prof. TJierly disposed of his horse and
buggy. lie sold ih** horse to Newton t and the buggy to Uriah
Slautei bach.
John Wolf, while at Behefonte at
tending to business got. tick there and
was fetched home. He is improying
Cutting wood for next winter is the
go through here at present.
Reuben Gratnley bought a very fine
horse to he used on his farm Thos.
Walker also purchased a horse for
driving purposes and is now prepared
to make his mile in minutes.
Miss Ida Hoover left this vicinity
for a week to go home and nurse her
sick mother.
Gram ley *s school closed on Wednes
day last. Prof. Morris will now take
up his nursery agency again.
Rev. Aurand was here a few days
Visiting friends.
Harvey Gorman, who takes posses
sion of the Rr hersburg hotel on the first
of April, received a load of new furni
ture for the hotel. He intends keeping
a first-class boarding house.
Joel Morris received a stroke of pal
sy one day last week, which principally
affected his right side. Glad to leport
that he is getting belter.
Though the weather was very un
pleasant John Kreamer's sale on last
•Saturday was attended by a great many
Peddlers are plenty. As many as
three and four a day traveling through
this section.
William Hockman has moved to
town and taken possession of his own
home alongside of his blacksmith shop.
Mr. [limes, a western man, bought a
lot of horses to this section of country
and succeeded in selling three of them
light in this town.
Reuben Bierly and crew just got
through with repairing Jacob Brutn
eard's house. As usual he made a
good job of it.
John Scholl sold his black mare and
bought another and faster horse.
Meyer's sale was attended by a very
large crowd of people last Friday.
The grammar school in town closed
by an exhibition. The house was
crowded and a great many could not
gain admittance.
Willis Cole will move to Penn Hall
on Wednesday, where he will work in
the carriage shop.
Jonathan Ivreamer is in from the
west on a visit to his many friends.
A stranger arrived at Austin Gram
ley's and they say its bound to stay
Sixteen head of wild geese were seen
roaming around in our wheat fields.
Prophylactic is sickness.—"Typhoid
Fever has broken out here again, but
wherever Darbys Prophylactic Fluid
has been freely used there has lieen no
feyer."—M. B. Lancaster, P. M., Ed.
Central Alabama.
"The Fluid Is not merely a deodor
izer, hut a disinfectant—a destroyer of
the disease germs in an atmosphere
which cannot be breathed without dan
ger."—New York Evening Post.
Pike school closed on Tuesday.
J. H. Frank was up to Lemont and bought
two Hue horses.
\\ .F. Smith aiso putch wed two fine horses.
We hear that there was a grand hop at F. P.
Puck's place on Monday night.
Squire Duck was to Bellefontd on Tuesday
and Wednsday on business.
Miss Minnl-i Blcrlv, one of Brush valley's
best seamstresses, after a tour week's stay In
our midst, left for Axeman, P. 0., Centre Co.,
Fllttlngs are the order of the day. JL*>TBO.
Hotelkeeper Burris has rented the hotel at
Potter's Bank and will move on the first of
next month. Sorry to lose so popular a land
N. W. Kby will resume distilling near about
the first.
Frank Cuiswlte has gone to Brushvalley
where he will reside the coming summer.
A Miss Orndort will teaeh our summer school.
She has already quite a largo class. ARCJEXTI.
JUST SO ! Seven out of ten you meet
have a bad cold, and with coughiuff,
hawking and snoring aie about kept
busy. Do a good thing for yourself at
once by going to the nearest drug store
and getting a bottle of Dr. Kessler's
CVletrated English Cough Medicine. If
you are not satisfied that it is worth ail
you pay, the druggist will hand you
back your money.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
Ladies, Look: Here I
We offer advantages to cash buyers that will
never l>e tound In the oeaten path of regular
trade. We buy immense Job lots trom bank
rupt concerns who are forced to sell , and our
prices are .FINAL, DBCISIVK. and CRUSHING !
Following we give facts and figures that will
not and cannot lie !
Ladies' elegant plush hand-bags. 4oc; Russia
pocket-books. 28c (worth 75c): Alligator specie
purses, nickel frames, ball snap, large size, 22c;
Ladles' two-bladed pen knifes, shell handle,
21k*; Manicure knives, for the finger nails, 15c;
Charm knives. 10c; 'Gem' carpet stretchers,
the best, 35c; Madame Louise hair crimpers,
lc: Buby pins, finegold plated, with cut letters,
'Baby,' 'Darling,' 'Pet,'etc., 20c a pair (worth
->oc):stereoscopes, fancy hood, 40ca pair (worth
♦1.); stereoscopic views, American, foreign,
comic, statuary, and actresses. 500 per doz.
(worth *2 ); gilt edge playing cards, 30c a pack
(worth 75c); Tom Thumb playing cards, 10c;
handsome leatherette photo albums, gilt edge.
25c; Music boxes, very fine. $1.10; 'Mikado'
bangle bracelets, latest thing in ladies' jewelry,
30c: Opera feather fans, cardinal, blue, pink or
white, bone sticks, 50c (worth $1 *25); Ladies'
shears, nickle plated,6 In., 2tc; Colored photo 9
of actresses, 10c each, 3 for 25c; Sewing machine
oil (best sperm), 3 large bottles, 25c; Lubln's
Complexion Soap. 10c 3 cakes for 25c; Lubln's
Beautifying Powder, 12c; 'Cosmelicque' for the
hair, 12c; Lyon's tooth powder, large bottles,
15c; Petroleum jelly pomade, 3 bottles for 25c;
Geranium cologne, a new and lasting perfume,
30e (worth 75c); 'Stolen Kisses,' an extra fine
oerfume, 40c (worth $1.); French shoe dressing,
best quality, 3 bottles for 25c. These are all
great bargains. No orders filled for less than
one dollcr Handsome nickle watch locket,
chain and charm, all In a beautiful satin-lined
case, givenfree with every trial order amount
ing to over five dollars received during the next
30 days. As all goods not satisfactory may be
returned, you run no risk In sending us a trial
order. Address.
98t Syracuse, N. Y
Wholly unlike Artificial Systems—Cure of Mind
Wandering. Any book learned in one reading. Great
inducements to Correspondence Classes. Prospectus,
with opinions in full of Mr. RICHARD A, PROCTOR,
237 Fifth Avenue, New York,
No Bad Effect.
1 Ho Made.
[J? Hoßint'gEar?.
i/'y Cores Quickly
Pleasant, Pore.
that tlio most delicate stomach will bear.
and all Germ Diseases.
Mr. K. A. Miller. 630 East 157 th street. New
York, was cured by Kaskiue of extreme malar
ial postratlon after seven years suffer lug. He
had run down from 175 pounds to 07, began on
Raskins in .June, 1886, went to work In one
month, regained his full weight in six months.
Quinine did him no good whatever.
Mr. Charles Baxter, architect. 133 East 126 th
street. New York, was cured by Kaskine of
dumb ague In three months after quinine
treatment for ten years.
Mrs. J. Lawsoti, 141 Bergen St., Brooklyn,
was cured of malaria and nervous dyspepsia of
many years standing by Kaskiue, the quinine
treatment having wholly failed-
Kev. .las. L. Hall. Chaplain Albany Peniten
tlary. w/jtes that Kaskine has cured his wife,
after twenty years suffering from malaria and
nervous dyspepsia.
Letter from the above persons, giving full
details, will be sent on application.
Kaskhiecan be taken without any special med
ical advice. SI.OO per !>ottle. Sold by
or sent by mall on receipt of price.
THE KASKINF. CO., 54 Warren St. New York.
Tiii largest and finest Assortment of
in town. Thanking my friends for their libera I
Itatronape I desire to express my determination
to merit a continuance of the same by a low
scale of prices and completeness of stock, and in
this connection I wish to add that at my store
you will find everything in the line of
Ladies' and Gents' Gold $
Silver Watches, Clocks.
Jewelry, Silverware and
I buy largely for cash, and, doing my
own work, can afford to sell heaper and give
my friends the benefit, which I will alvoays make
a point to do. Remember the place, Main St.,
Millheitn, Pa., and come, see and be convinced.
Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay
And what's in a Shoe ?
There is certainly a soul (?) in it,
and some say there is a bottom too,
but not like a baby's. Be that as it
may here is
a thing worth considering
whether or not it will pay ycu to
Buy \ Only * Good t Shoes
And purchase them every time
For Very Little Money !
We would refer you to person* wear
ing our shoes,and see what you will do
about also giving us a trial. As ever
J. 1(. i(tissci< Soq,
Main St., Millheim, Pa.
lawks, ySrau
fI? i ses twtce a year.tups oin-e
by ;l wt ' ek von have the
Si gj finest polished stove in
1 lie world. For sale by all
Grocers and stove dealers. 11-41;