The Millheim .Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY I\. iL. BUAITIcLEIi. Office in the New Journal Building, Penn Sfc .BearHartman's foundry. I I T r * I * SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR $1.86 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANOB. tejtaße Comspflence Solicited Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL. BUS INE SS CA BS ■ HARTER, Auctioneer, . U V MILLHEIM, PA B. STOVER, . Auctioneer, Madisonburg, Pa. H.REIFSNYDKR, Auctioneer, J W .LOSE, Auctioneer, MILLHEIM. PA. 13 JOHN F * HARTER * Practical Dentist, Office opposite the Methodist Church. MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM PA. D R GEO L LEE ' ' Physician & Surgeon, MADISONBURG, PA. * Office opposite the Public School House. P. ARD, M. D., WOODWARD, PA O. DEININGER, Jiotary-Pabllc, Journal office, Penn at., Millheim, Pa. other legal papers written aud acknowledged at moderate charges. QEORGE L. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, MAIN STREET, MFLLHEIM, PA. Shop opposite Millheim Banking House. Shaving, Haircuttiug, Shampooning, Dying, &c. done in the most satisfac tory manner. Jno.H. Orvis. C. M. Bower. Ellis L.Orvls QRVIS, BOWER & ORYIS, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA., Office in Woodings Building. D. H. Hastings. W. F. Keeder. TJASTINGS & REEDER, Attorneis-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of the office ocupied by the late firm of Yocum A Hastings. TO. MEYER, T"V AUorney-at-Law, BELLEFONTE PA. At the Office of Ex-Judge Hoy. M - C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law BELLEFONTE,?PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county Special attention to Collections. Consultations In German or English. J A.Beaver. J. W. Gephart. "JGEAVER & GEPHART, Attorneys- at- La w, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street. North of Hieh Street HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. C. G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free Buss to and from all traius. Special rates to witnesses and jurors- QUMMINS HOUSE, BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., EMANUEL BROWN, FROPRIHTOB | • \ * House newly refitted and refurnished. Ev erything done to make guests comfortable. Ratesmodera" tronage respectfully solici ted #, ikijf - v s-iy JRYIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) COBNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS LOCK HAYEN, PA. S.WOODSOALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good sameple rooms forjoomnxerclal Travel ers on first door. R. A. BUMILLER, Editor. VOL. 61. THE GREAT DISEASE. t R' (,rr pr tMe in mouth: $ I I*ll I U ITIO a toujnie coatcra\h. or indigestion; lander cv and a. id eructations; bowels alternately i ustive and las . headache I loss of memory, with a painful sen sation of having failed to do something whiih wight to have lieen done : debility I low spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes; a dry .ougti; lever; rest lessness ; the urine is scanty and high-coiurcd, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, PURELY VEGETABLE, AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Dyxpepsla, Constipation, Biliousness, Wek Heartache, Janndlce, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Etc., Etc., Etc., Is generally used in the South to arouse the Tor pid Liver to a healthy action. It acts without disturbance to the system, diet or occupation. It regulates the Liver, and causes tne bile to act as the purge. The excess of bile being removed, a tonic effect is produced and health is perfectly restored. The Regulator is given with safety and the happiest results to the most delicate infant. For all diseases in which a laxative, altera tive or purgative is needed it will give the most perfect satisfaction. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World ! f THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS I LIVER REGULATOR! See that you get the genuine, with the red Z on front of Wrapper, prepared only by J. H. ZEILIN & CO., SOLH PMorBiXTOKS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A NICE NEIGHBOR, 'I don't think I should have taken this house if I had known there was a marble-yard so near,' said Mrs. Graf ton fretfully. 'lt almost drives me frantic to hear that man chip, chip, chipping all day.' 'You can hardly call that a marble yard, mamma,' Laura answered sooth ingly, as she glanced across the way at the solitary workman under a small shed, where perhaps half-a-dozen blocks of due white marble stood ready for the chisel. 'I call it an aggravation. They said it was a nice neighborhood. Well, it may be, but I don't fancy watching a man making tombstones all day.' 'ls that what he does V' asked Laura, looking pensiyely at the workman over the way. He displayed a fine set of muscles, a9 he stood with his flannel shirt open and his sleeves rolled up, looking about for a place to put a large new block of marble. He was a tall man, close-hnit and supple, with a good head and eyes of great power. Laura stood watching him, and won dering how many times that little chis el he held had chippe i out 'Sacred to the Memory.' etc. The little shtd was an aunex to a small one-story struc ture. *1 suppose he lives in there, poor man !' she mused ; 'all alone, cutting tombstones from one week's end to the other. Oh, mamma !' Her cry of dismay came from the fact that the stonecutter over the way had attempted to lirt a large block of marble on to a small truck, and it was too heavy foi him. There was a great crashing thud,and then he dropped to the ground, white and insensible as the marble beside bim. 'Oh, mamma,mamma !'cried Laura, springing up, 'be has killed himself !' She dashed downstairs and out at the front door, over to the marble-yard, where Mrs. Giaftou followed her at a more leisurely pace. The man was lying on the ground, and a small stream of blood was ebbiug from his lips. Laura lifted his head and bade her mother bring salt and water, while sho summoned a little boy, who ran for the doctor. ~ r < ■—- 'Stefano I' exclaimed the physician, as he beut anxiously over the injured man. 'This is too bad ! I was afiaid it would come some day. How did it happen ?' 'He was lifting one of those horrid tombstones,' said Mrs. Grafton resent fully, 'I should think those working men would learn to be careful, when they know that so much depends on the preservation of their health. I suppose'he has a wife and four or five children to support 1' "No, madame,' said the doctor with a peculiar glance at the patient ; 'he is a single man. That will do, miss,' he said to Laura, who was helping two volunteer aids to lift the injured man on to an improvised litter. 'Take him right into the house, please.' Tbe.'house' proved to be one large room, furnished for the most part with pieces of marble, wrapped in drapery of brown muslin. The floor was littered with chips of marble and dust, while the bare white walls were rudely mark ed with charcoal outlines aud certain abigious drawings, which Laura fan cied were the beginnings of monuments and other funeral stone-work. There were, besides, a couch and sotne chairs, a table and an extinct fire place. MILLHEIM PA., THURSDAY. MARCH 24., 1887 The injured man was laid down on the couch, and made comfortable with pillows and covers, which Laura brought over for him. The doctor worked with him anx iously till he opened his eyes and be trayed signs of consciousness. 'You must not speak,' said the doc tor waruiugly. 'Lie perfectly still and put your hand on the place where the pain is. Ah, is it there ? Not here ? Are you sure there is no pain here ? Good !' He made a careful estimate of the extent of the injury, and then called Laura aside. 'lt is not so bad as 1 feared,' he said confidentially ; 'but he must not be moved on any account. Everything depeuds on his being kept quiet. And yet,' he added doubtfully, 'I don't see how we can manage here.' 'I will take care of him,doctor,' Lau ra said quickly, 'if that is what you mean ' 'Laura, my dear,' Interposed Mrs. Grafton. 'Well mamma, we can't leave him here to die !' He must have friends somewhere. They ought to be sent for.' 'I happen to know, madame,' observ ed the doctor, 'that he is quite alone. He is a foreigner—an Italian, I believe. They call him Stefano.' 'I will stay with him,' Laura reiter ated. And stay she did, though Mrs. Graf ton was scandalized by her uncalled lor devotion. As the man began to recover she made him all manner of dainties,which were set forth ou tempting china. When she found that he cared to read she scoured the library for books that would please him, but failed to tind what he liked, uutil on day he ask ed for Petrarch, and Dante, and Ariosto. 'What are you thinking, signonna ?' he asked one day, as she sat with one of the great poets in her hand, after an hour's readimr. T was wondering,' she said hesita tingly, 'why you ever chose to be a marble-cutter ? 1 should have thought some other trade would have suited you better.' 'How, signoriua ?' he asked with a peculiar smile. 'There is not much scope in tomb stones or a love ef he beauti ful. What are you laughing at ?' she demanded, as he iudulged himself in a merry outburst. 'I was laughing at the idea,' he said, striving to regain his gravity. 'Yea. it is a mean business, cutting tomb stones.' 'And I don't suppose it pays very well ?' said Laura, doubtfully. 'No, not very well. When one is sick and can't cut tombstones, he might as well give up aud get one of his own.' This was uttered with such a sudden accession of gloom, that Laura hasten ed to say : •Dou't get deßpondent,Stefano. You will have some work just as soon as you are well. My mother wants a tombstone for my grandfathei's grave —indeed, lam not quilej sure but it will be a monument—and she has promised to let you have the work.' Tam much obliged, signorina,' he said in a smothered yoice that, came from behind his hand. He coughed yigorously for several minutes, and then he managed to say : 'How can I ever repay you for all your kindness, Signoiitm Laura V Will you let me teach you Italian when lam well ? I should like that.' When I/aura proposed this to her mother. Mrs.Graiton was up in arms, but Luuru hail Luir way. tuiL withstand ing. and the lessons began. T saw you out in the shed this morn ing,' said Laura reproachfully, one day when Stefan J had goue against the doc or's orders. 'True ; but one must liye !' he an swered with a fchrug. 'And there is your grandfather's tombstone.' 'Never mind that. lie has waited eighteen years for it, and he can wait a little longer. You must take care of yourself, Stofauo. It is not fair to me for youlto overtax yourself.' His face suddenly lighted with joy. 4 ls it possible that you care, siguori na ?' he cried eagerly. 'I—I want to see you well. If you get sick again, it will throw discredit on me as a nurse. Ido wish you would give up marble-cutting altogether.' 'One might if he had some inspira tion,' he said in a low tone 'I could giye up anything for you. If I thought some day you would love me one-half so well as 1 love you, I would do any thing-make any sacrifice.' 'Stefano !' she cried indignantly. 'You forget yourself. You must not talk like that to me.' 'Forgive me. I did not mean to of fend you. One cannot help loying what is good and beautiful, if one does cut tombstones.' A PAPER FOR THE HOME CIRCLE. 'Oh, 1 never dreamed of this ?' cried Laura, bursting into tears. 'You must go away, and never come here agaiu.' The next day he was out in the shed, chipping marble again. Laura went by and saw him. 'You ought not to do that, Stefano,' she said reproachfully. 'You aie not able ' 'lt matters very little to me now whether I live or die,' he said sadly. 'lf I did not hate cowards,l would soon settle it.' She went'home, and for some time he did not even see her face. Meauwhile lie went uu working, and one twilight he threw himself down on the couch in his work-room, tired out in mind and body. A9 tie lay there with his face in his hands, a voice that,sounded to him like the voice of an angel called : 'Stefano !' It was Laura who came towards him, holding other hands. 'Stefano,' she said, 'I did not know that 1 loved you, but I have found it out, aud I have come to tell you.' He uttered a low cry and fell at her feet. "My angel !' he said, kissing the hand she held out to him. 'Can it be that you love me well enongii to be * come the wife of a marble-cutter ? '1 have,made up ray mind not to cure about the tombstomes,' said Laura, smiling. And Stefano caught her in his arms, laughing gaily, radiant witli jov. 'My love,' he said, *the tombstones existed only in youi fancy. Lan not a mere marble-cutter, If you please ! My name is Stefano Michetti.' 'Michetti 1' Laura echoed. 'Stefano, it cannot be that yon are the sculptor of the famous has reliefs iu the Hall of . Justice ?' 'Even so, signorina,' he sai l, laugh ing. 'They who know me call me gen erally nothing but Stefano.but my fam ily uarae is Michetti. I rejoice that its fame has reached you.' 'Oh, how could you deceive me ?' she cried reproachfully. 'I never tried to. You jumped at a conclusion, and I let you alone ;* first because it amused me, and then be cause I hoped to win your love, even in the capacity of a pooi stone-cutter. Laura am, the sculptor would not have cared for the heart that was too proud to bestow its treasures on the statuary.' '1 could not resist you,' she murmur ed, 'in any capacity.' lie kissed her fondly, and then, glan cing afouud the room, he said : 'This is my studio-my ateher— but elsewhere I have a beautiful home, where you shall reign as a queen I See, my darling, here is my work !' He drew aside the brown drapery, and reveak'd the most exquisite panels and fret-work,beautiful sculptured has. reliefs iu Carrara maible, about which the art-world was raving. 'But you need not cancel the order for your grandfather's tombstone,' said Stefano mischievously. 'I will ex ecute that as I promised to.' What Mrs. Grafton said when she heard it all is a matter of small conse sequence as long as she yielded her an tipathies gracefully. Laura was married very soon after wards, and Stefano's fame still rises. He has just mads a splendid stone capital, embodying a frolic of cupids, forts will be astonished at the num ber of prominent yictims of these dis orders. Many statements have appeared in our paper with others to the effect that the diseases which carried off so many prominent men in 1886 are really one disease, taking different names accord ing to the location of the fatal efftcts. When a valuable horse perishes, it becomes the nine days' talk of the sporting world, and yet thousands of ordinary horses are dying every day, their aggregate loss is enormous, and yet their death creates no comment. So it is with individuals. The cause of death of prominent com ment, especially when it can be shown that one unsuspected disease carries off most of them, and yet "vast numbers of ordinary men and women die before their time every year from th 3 same cause." It is said if the blood is kept free from uric acid, that heart disease, par alysis, nervous prostration,pneumonia, rheumatism, and many cases of con sumption, would never be known. This uric acid, we are told, is the waste of the system, and it is the duty of the kidneys to remove this waste. We are told that if the kidneys are maintained in perfect health, the uric, kidney, acid is kept out of the blood, and these sudden and universal diseas es caused by uric acid will, in a large measure, disappear. But how shall this be done ? It is folly to treat effects. If there is any kuown way of getting at the cause,that way should be known to the public. We believe that Warner's safe cure of which so much has been written, and so much talked of by the public gener ally,and which can be obtained of deal ers everywhere, is now recognized by impartial physicians and the public as the one specific for such diseases. Because public attention has been di rected to this great remedy by means of advertising, some persons have not be lieved iu the remedy. We cannot see how Mr. Warner could immediately benefit the public in any other w r ay,and his valuable specific should not be con demned because some nostrums have come before the public in the same way, and more than that all doctors should be condemned because so.many of them are incompetent. It is astonishing what good opinions you hear on every side of that great remedy, and public opinion thus based upon'an actual experience, has all the weight and importance of absolute truth. At this time of the year,the uric acid in the blood pneumonia and rheumatism, and there is not a man who does not.'dread these monsters of disease; but he need .have 110 fear of them, we are told, if he rid the blood of the uric acid cause. These words are strong, and may sound like r an advertisement, and be re jected as such by; unthinking people, but we believe they are the truth, and as such should be spoken by. every truth-loving newspaper. The Judge Needed the Money. I have just heard the following good story on Chief Justice Bleckley. All who know Judge Bleckley and recall his long waiving hair and beard will ! appreciate the story. Judge Bleckley : was on his way to the supreme court | one morning, when he was accosted by a little street gamin, witli an exceed -1 ingly dirty face, with the customary "Shine, sir lie was quite' a importunate, and the judge,' being impressed; with the op pressive untidiness of the boy's face, said : *1 don't want a shine, but if you will|go aud washjyour face I'll giye youja dime.' 'All right, sir.' 'Well, let me see you do it.' The boy went over to the artesian hy drant and made his ablution. Return ing, he held out his hand for the dime. The judge said: 'Well, sir, you've earned your money; here it is.' 'The ooy said : 'I don't want your money, old fellow; you take it and have your hair cut.' Saying which he scam pered off. A boy was asked what meekness was. He thought a moment and said 'Meekness gives smooth answers 1 rough questions.' NO. 12- ;NBWBPAPBR LAWS If subscribers order the discontinuation of newspapers, the publishers may continue to send thein until all arrearages are paid. If subwrllxTS refute or neglect to take their newspapers from the office to which they Are sent they are held responsible until they have settled the bills ai d ordered them discontinued. If subscribers move toother places withoutln forming the publisher, and the newspapers are aent to the former tdace. they are responsible. ADVBBTOUMO BATBB. 1 Wk. i mo. I 3 mos. 0 raos. 1 yeaj 1 square t2 uo 14 001 $a oo $ 6no *8 co H " 700 10 00 15 00 30 00 40 00 1 " 10 00 15 00 1 25 00 45 00 75 00 One Inch makes a square. Adminlstratora and Executors' Notices #2.50. Transient adver tisements and locals 10 cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each addltlou al Insertion* Divided Responsibility. There are k three brothers in the Pat rick family —ooe of the sisters is the wife of Editor Medill, of the Chicago Tribune— Abraham; James, aa ex- Common Picas Judge, and Andrew, a banker. Abraham (of New Philadel phia, Ohio), who read law here, tells this story himself: When the three brothers were boys their father purchased a litter of young pigs of a particular breed quite uncom mon in those days. During their in fancy he watched those pigs with a very jealous eye, and would have missed bis supper at any time rather than to have seen the porkers go to their nests hungry. One day be took Abraham aside and said; "My son, I am called away on busi ness and expect to be gone a week. I want you to look after the pigs and see that they get all they want " "All right, father," said Abraham. Going to James,the old gentleman said: "I am going out of town for a week, James, and while gone, you feed and water those pigs, the same as I have done." "I'll givejtbem my personal atten tion,said James. "Andrew," said old Mr. Patrick, asking the young man aside, "1 charge you with the pigs. Don't to feed them at least three times a day while I am away." "You may depend on me,father; I shall see that the pigs do not suffer," 6aid Andrew. Having delivered his commands,the old gentleman climbed into his carri~ age and took np his jonrney. Eight days later he returned. When he en tered the house he met Abraham. "Did you feed the pigs?" he asked. "No, James did," said Abraham. "Meetiug James he asked: How are the pigs?" "I don't know," replied James; "An drew took care of them." Hunting up Andrew, he exclaimed: ''Well, Andrew, have the pigs pros pered under your care? "I haven't seen the pigs," said An drew; "the other boys looked after them.* The old gentleman, with a horrible suspicion under bis hat, rushed to the pen. There, in death's cold embrace, lay the young porkers stiff and stark A few minutes later three young men were being reasoned with in the wood shed, and it is altogether likely that they experienced a change of heart be fore the old gentleman and his cowhide left them.— Cleveland Leader. The German-American Registers. His German accent was undeniable, and as be floated into the register's of fice the boys all stood around to hear the fun. 'Name and residence ?' asked the clerk In a peremptory sl2sa-month tone of voice. ( I live in dot same blaces where I live for twendy years.' •Well, where is that ?' •Don't you found dot in dose gread rechister V' • Whatis'your name, anyhow ?' 'Varrom you ask so many iukivlsit quesdions; ain't dot name mit de gread rechister like the odder, eh ?' •But unless you give me your name and residence you cannot register.' I Vy gaot I recnister ? I haf been a citizen fourteen years, und my name is Ludwig Auerhausen, don't it ?' 'Oh, Ludwig Auerhausen. Well, Mr. Auerhausen, where do you reside ?' •Der teufel I Don't I already haf told you dot dree dimes? I von't talk some more. I gome pack here again und talk mit your employer. For vyyoa be imbudent mit me V If you gome to my house somedimes I don't tread you like dot.' •Where is 3 our house ?' 'On Lombard street, between Mason aDd Powell, of gourse. I haf always lived dere.' •All right, here you are. Thirty fourth district. Take this slip and go over to that counter and give it to that clerk.' • Yot I go ofer dere for; don't I shust half gone away from dot blace ? I von't rechister some more at all. Ober I'll haf you discharged mit incompe tence, shust as soon as I gan 1' and he went off in a rage, neither turning a round nor stopping at the registration counter. A gentleman whose son is a grad uate of the University of Texas, to test the young man'sjknowledge.asked him: "What's the difference between ihe regular and irregular Greek verbs?'' "We get more lickings trying to learn the irregular ones," was the reply. — Texas Siftings.