Make Your Homos Attractive. Mothers and fathers who have sons and daughters growing up, do not al ways realize as they should the great necessity of making home not merely a place in which their children eat, sleep, and are clothed, but one in which they find positive happiness and enjoyment. In nine cases out of ten where you see a wild youth or a giddy girl, go to their homes ; you will find them cheerless, unattractive, or perhaps actually disagreeable. The nature of youth is excessively restless; it has a longing for action and excitement, ambitions more or less vain, and always the irrepressible desire to know a broader life. Repress these natural instincts, and you will be sure to throw them into an\ soci ety that in a measure will gratify their longings. Your sons do not go to the public bar-rooms at first for the taste of the liquor which they have not as yet acquired ; they go for the gay companions they find there. The influence for good or evil that a moth er has over her sons, the control that she exercises over their destinies, is a graye responsibility. Throw open your best room to the children in the evening. Have books and a maga zine or two, even if you put away less money. Stimulate their ambition, and invent occupations and amuse ment for your children. Give them games and endear yourself to them by sharing their joys and plays. En courage thera to be affectionate. Do not with formal coldness starve them for want of caresses.— AMEßlCAN AG RICULTURIST for March. Ladies' Guide to Fancy Work. This work contains nearly 300 hand some illustrations with instructions for making hundreds of beautiful things, either for adorning your home or pres ents for your friends, at a most trilling expense, including all kinds of Fancy Work, Artistic Embroideries, Lace Work Knitting, Tatting and Net Work; contains designs for Mono grams, Initials, Tidies, Lambrequins, Ottomans, Cosnterpains, "Rugs, Car riage Itobes, 13rackets, Wall Pockets, Waste Paper Baskets, Work Boxes, Work Baskets, Work Bags, Pen Wip ers, Hanging Baskets, Catch-alls, Pin Cushions, Footstools, Haudkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes, Card Baskets, *So fa Pillows, Table Covers, Work Stands, Table Scarf Screens, Scrap Bags, Hand Bags, Table Mats, Toilet Mats, Lamp Mats, Lamp Shades, Pillow Shams, Pillow Sham Holders, Curtains, Toilet Stands, Slipper Cases, Letter Cases, Picture Frames, Toilet Sets, Cloths, Brush Holders, Hassocks, Cigar Boxes, Satchels, Fancy Purses, Slippers, Dres sing Gowns, Music Portfolios, Knife Cases, Fans, Flower Baskets, Plant Stands, Flower Pot Covers, Shawl Dress Trimmings, Window Shades, Feather Work, Spatter Work, Leaf Photographs and many other things. It is handsomely bound, containing 64 large 3-column pages, and will be sent post paid for only 30 cents. It is the finest book on fancy work ever pub lished, and every lady interested in household art should secure a copy at once. Address, THE EMPIRE NEWS Co., 9-8t Syracuse, N. Y. GENERAL LORINCPS GRIT. Dr. Steiner, now of Augusta, Ga., was the army surgeon who amputated General Loring's arm, which was shat tered at the battle of Chapultepec. Says the Augusta Chronicle : l Dr. Steiner says that Loring was the most self-possessed man he ever saw. In those days anaesthesia was just becom ing known, but not available in Mexi co, so Loring had to submit to tie knife without chloroform or ether. Smoking a cigar, elattd with victory,he Dever by so much as a cry or murmer or quiver of the muscles indicated t! a' he suffered the least pain as bis limb was sliced from his body. It was a magnificent exhibition of nerve ar.d soul defiance.' "When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clnng to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, LITTLE WOMEN. The seven-year-old daughter of a very busy mother who, in consequence of her husband's early death, was obliged to carry on his business, was asked one day by a friend what she was able to do in the way of help. 'I can only pray to God and then hem the dusters,' was the child's re ply, in all seriousness, but it showed that she had learned to do the du ty that lay nearest her, and as years went on she developed into the steady, reliable, cheerful girl to whom the whole household looked for help, and seldom, if ever, looked in yain. SIOO A WEEK. Ladies or gentlemen desiring pleasant profit able employment write at once. We want you to handle an article ot domestic use that iu:co- MENDS ITSELF to everyone at sight. STAPLE AS FLOUR. Sells like hot cakes. Profits 200 per cent. Families wishing to PRACTICE ECONO MY should for their own benefit write for par ticulars. Used every day the year round in every household. Price within reach of all. Circulars free. Agents receive SAMPLE FREE Add rets DOMESTIC MFD CO., MABIOX, OHIO, l Wliat time did John go away last night. Mary Ann ?' 4 lt was quarter of twelve, father.' Three, she said to herself, are a quar ter of twelve. Klieiunat ism ami Neuralgia cured in •2 Day N. Tho Indiana Chemical Co. have discovered a compound which acts with truly marvelous rapldltv in the cure of Rheumatism and Neural gia. Wo guarantee it to cure any and ev ery cases of acute Inflammatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia in 2 DAYS, and to give Imme diate relief in chronic cases and effect a speedy euro. On receipt of .10 cents, in two cent stamps, we will send to any address the prescription for this wonderful compound, wh'cli can bo tilled by your home druggists at small cost. We take this means of giving our discovery to the public instead of putting It out as a" patent medicine, it being much less expensive. We will gladly refund money if satisfaction is not given. " THE INDIANA CIIKMICVI.CO.. 4-ly Urawforasville, lnd. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with GQQP PBE and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS\ BILLHEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND CHEAPLY. p E NXSYLVAMA STATE COLLEGE. Next Teim begins September 8.1856. This institution is located in one of tin most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of study: 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. •T The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (.i) AGKICU LITRE; (b) N ATURAL HISTORY: (c) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4 A short SPECIAL COURsK m Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. A reorganized Course m MECHANIC A UTS, combining hop-work with study. New building and Machinery 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of Individual students. Military dr.ll is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATIIEKTON, l L. 1).. President, •27-29 State College. Centre Co., Pa. Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrove, - - - - - Pcnna. S. T. Frain, Frop'r. -JOC- ——□=- This Ilofel has been remodeled and refurnished, and fhe Traveling Public will find it first-class in every respect — Late st improved Water Closet and Wash Room on Gist lloor. ■{ Bath Room in Hotel. J HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK DEALERS. Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attached PATENTS Obtained, and all VA TEN TP I SIX IIS a tended to PROMPTLY and for MORULA TE FPUS. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than tlmse remote from WASI/IXGTON. Send MODEL OR DRA IF/A G. Wc advise as to patentahilitv free of charge; an. c, P. H. MUSSER, WATCH TIA K E K®.JEWELER, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., —e+OPPOSITE TIIE BANK.p- JBsafTtppair Work a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage iespectfully solicited. 5-ly. HH E&B 8™ %#'° ,)e "hide. Cut this out 11§U pa Wand return to us, and we Ivl W I ■ Ska ■ will send you free, some thing of great value and importance to you. that will start you in busi ness which will bring you in more money right away than anything else in this world. Any one can do the work and live at home. Either sex; all ages. Something new, that just coins money for all workers. We w ill start you; cap ital not needed. This is one of the genuine, im portant chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delay. Grand outfit free. Address TRUE & Co., Augus ta, Maine. | lean live at home, and make more Will I money at work for us, than at any- I U thing else in this world. Capital not needed ; you are started free. Both sexes; all ages. Any one can do the work. Costl outfit and terms free. Better not delay. Costs you nothing to send us your address and find out; if you are wise you will do so at once. H. HALLET & Co., Portland, Maine. -u re guaranteed I• 11 I• J| nil •J3l >y Dr. J. I>. May I g\" I HI * J If *"l t. 831 Arch St. ■■■■■l*"""" "Phila.. at once. No operation or business delay. Thousands of cures. At Keystone House, Rea ding, Pa., 2d Saturday of each month. Send for circulars. Advice free, 5-ly STOVES— mm -—-STOVES [New Advertisement.] Jacob ]j]isenliuth wishes to inform the public that, bav iny purchased (he machines and tools, tot/ether with stuck' of Sloces, /in and Hot lowa re, formerly (he projwrl;/ of IK I. Jtrown, ami hariny the services of that t/endeinan whit is a jtraelieal mechanic, is now prepared to /ill all orders in (his line. Hones A: l>;ini Spouting A SPEC I A I.TY -Ia and salt's/action t/uaranleed. dust reeeired a fine assortment of (he best makes of STOVES, Ranges, HEATERS, &c., &c., &c. Ant/ person in want of a store for cook'imj, bak ini/ or hcatimj purposes will find it to (heir interest to call at theshojtor sale room, near Knarrd' Losc's foundry, MILLHEIM. PA where Mr. Hrown mat/ be found at all times to attend to the wants of patrons CIFK KM KM UK 11 THAT EISKX HUTU'S STOVKS MUST UK SEKN TO UIC LIGHTLY A I'PEECI ATKD. NATIONAL HOTEL Millheim, Centre Co., - - Penna Summer Resort Two miles from Coburn Station. O THIS HOUSE lus been thoroughly renova ted. is newly furnished throughout and oilers the very best accomodations to the trav eling public. FJtOXT ROOMS', FLFAIA XTL V FFRXISII- Kl). OX SECOND FLOOR FOR Sl'M- Mi: 11 HOARDERS. The celebrated "Penn's Cave" is but a short drive from town, and the good roads und tine mountain scenery of the surrounding country make it a very desirable stopping place. riages for.'usc of guests. Ens meets all Trains a! CoMira Moderate Terms. }■ w. q. qooq, vrarntion of moro Si pjAxS?e&r-. , iiah ()no Hundred fed D Thor-;.:i:' r.t " it 1 mis for pntonU ia |K| nt ho Unit ad 1 • icn conn ■ K> ffi| trios ttl.- ' ra of tlio SScii-nt ifio W&H LV Amc'i solicitors | ■ 5 f-.rp.-iU-ii -, r.-s-'i ;a, t rntlc-innrks, copy -I——B rights, ct r.. fort ho United States, and to obtain pntonU in t'.-.nada, Fnglnnd, 1-rntice, Gorinany, and i I ol h'-r <■ mitries. _ l'h-ir experi ence is unequulcd tad their facilities uro unsur- Drawings and rpotificr. l i- tis prepared and filed in the Patent tub. -on notice. Terms very reasonable. Jfo chart •' ; uiination of uiouu.s or drawings Advieu ->y mail freo. Patent s obtain .-d iMr ui," .1 u-in ,V ( 'n. are not iced Intho St'IKA'TIPK \ Y Kit It' Awhieh. has the largest circulation and -■* lbs no 4 inthiont nil newspaper of its kind published i:i th world. Tho advantages of ouch a notice every patentee understands. This large and splendidly illntrated newspaper is published AYTsKK.LY ct tOO.I year, and in admitted to be the 1 - t;: • / devoted to science, mechanics, invention-, "i ccrlng works, nnd other departments < ■ i rial projtress, pub lished in any conn:--;.. I . mlsins the names of all pat on tecs nnd tit !•- of < -i invent ion patented cacn week. Try it. f-iur iiio.itin for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent xvrite to Hunn Co., publishers of Scientific Ainericiuv 361 Broadway. New York Handbook about patents mailed fro®. S. (j GUTELIUS, DKXTIST. /■*&&& a® X—v '' r MILLHEIM, PA. Offers iris professional services to the public. He is prepared to perforin all operations- in the dental profession. He is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without painl WORKING CLASSES ~ ATTE\TIOM We are notv prepared to furnish all classes with employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons ol' either sex easily earn from 50 cents to £>00 per even ing. and a proportional sum by devoting all their time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this may send their address, and test the busi ness. w'e make this offer. To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address GEOKGK STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine, GREAT BARGAINS —IN |ZFTTRILTI T'-CTREI M rrr r.r r.nrr.rr rrr.rrr.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.r.nrrrr.j.^fc -W. T. MAUCK'S— FURNITURE STORE, Perm St., Millheim, Pa. 11 '/■:. i a /•; (> f /■'/■: n/. \a an /•:. /rn./noa /. \,V /.A * ('lanuher Sail*, Ihiiimj litem A* hitrlu n Fnrui'nn, Fliuirs, Lomajts, I'atint liovkt rs. laldis, Stands, ( radlts, I look ('osis, Jinrtaus, liattaa and liud ( hairs of all sh/lts, />'l the jiiast curled hair to tin cheapest straw. All kinds of SJ'll/NdS. t!ntisf:irtion ,Tinrr.iitH 1 ormoney refunded. Sis m<> thstr, atinetit l.rsoeenta. If your druia. . 11; is not the Inhaler in stork. wml .12 h !ifs in statu pa, oml tin- Inhaler will tin forwarded by jhv ;v" j-uid. lint if. Nt tlm expiration o • livo day. fr<jlioat : cu lo H. S). CUSHMAN, Three Rivers, Mich. 13 WEEKS. The I'OI lei: e ettrt'ly \\rnppcd. li> any IUHI' SS in the lulled States for three inoulhs on receipt of ONL DOLLAR. Liberal lieonnt allowed to jiostinasters, a gents atul clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all ordei s to RICHARD K. FOX, Y KANKUN SQVAKE. N. Y. A Lifo Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD & CO, Louisiana, IVto. K HAR WOOD'S | ■CHAIR SEATSI WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY I To Replace Broken Cane. RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. | Anybody ran apply No Mechanic needed. SOLD JIY i TRADES. In buying new Chairs, aek for those with I HARWOOD'S Red Leather Finish Seats. They never wear ouU SOMETHItTa- 1 Tho Special Features of this Celebrated Plow are, that it Ist. NEVER CLOCS. 2d. ALWAYS SCOURS. 3d. TURNS A PERFECT FURROW. Tho Beam is not bolted to tb" landside. but—bj in aus of a BtCel frog— is set directly in the Coiitro of tbo Lino of Draft, making a steady light running plow, and one that cannot bo Clogged. Soo ono before you buy. If your Ageut has non e write us for price. manufactured ONLY BY J. !. CASE PLOW WORKS, ItAC'IMS, Wis. MLBEMKBTS RELIABLE PATTERNS! I TILL ;;I :.',D CF ALL OILERS. And Cunr.tntooJ to civoa perfect fit when directiono fire followed. fcKE. HEMOREBTS SYSTEM CF DRESS CUTTING. Chat t ami 11. n't pav other companies $40.03 l,"-.n .11 a 111 .1.111,• NOT c <> '.<><>!> AS Tint lIKNH HU -s I . I>U' l is dii'c. tof the inanufaeturera. SentC. I>. Write l'or Circ\ilars. FASHION A^D sciwcKG WIACH;NE CO. 17 East |/?th street. Mow York City ■■ r" I -Bu IS%y .• j* m:L 'Ms w "T iiWii- NEW H/QH ARM, NEWMEQHANtCAL PRINCIPLES and Movements t Auio nzziisL rest end Perfect fiction, Cfi.ndcr Sfutile, Self-selling Nee dle> Feed, No Spring% Fcio Paris, Mmimum Vfeight, No Friction, No Noise, No Wear, No Fatigue, No "Tantrums, Capa city Unlimited, A iueags in Order, Richly Ornamented, Nickclplated, and Gives Perfect Satisfaction. Send for Circulars. AVERY MACHINE CO., 23 Union Square, New York. 201-9tey Organ, ig-olidly Made. ■y-one Unrivaled. 3g-legant Finish. of Popularity.", ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT FREE. Estey Organ 00., Brattieboro,yt rvLYiviM: u = FO©T LATHEX = P i? U. : ch niicli < 5" convenient Uian low Jw, 2 hasattnehments " V*&l\ \ J a g for Circular and • ikUj 1 _ flklll -3" Scroll - Cawin?, S ■ -- 'i'VlTsi = nnil for Bracket r —n- n r 11 ; Moulding. Hex. j _ " novel, and THE BEST invented. Prico $30.00 unci upwards, Manufactured and sold by the Battle Creek Machinery Co., DATT MU reek ' .S Q3 / ii. esjiiagrf ,d X Q u -I* fl I I |l! ii Wmm.- rz s "Warranted the most perfect Force-Feed Fertilizer JJrillin existence. Send for , circ ' J,l,r - A. B. FARQUHAR, York, Fa. . Ebv £ , EBT, Idon,t ' • /pi —DISTILLER OF— m % Straight PURE Jp \£L RYE WHISKEY | " 3 ®®^" s " FOR MEDICAL USE. - J " WootVtfqi'd, Geqti'o Co., Poqqq "THE Gf ILEFT.BEHi: t **!Ws£BN A^H5 lug -V i-Itl.l- I'. turc. bat TIIF, I.KADVMI BIGGY Oft AnEUICA. Ha* ' \',U„ k'i < ktv King liolt and Fifth Wheel. Ask you denier for the T. 1. MAYIMMEL isC'i.liV. with the lluydock Balety King liolt and Filth Wheel. File is inseeure riding over any other. (Tbl picture will be furtkhei oa * largo eri, printed in elegant Style, to anyone who will agree to fres* ft.) .KWCLnSE STAMP.} rr. rr. o \&&SffiS2nS3? Cor. I'luiu and Twelfth St*.. CINCINNATI, 0. AGENTS WANTED WHERE WE DAVE NONE I NO INVESTMENT 80 PROFITABLE r-ra-trSTTCT" - n WILL WORK EQUALLY AS WELL .k. -JSS-Jt-c U ON ROUGH STONY LAND AH ON - DT /ftYlf THE WESTERN PRAIRIES. IT IS U if'- hi r fi.ltf W UNLIKE ANY OTHER SILKY IN fifi til Ifeß! Gift 4 ft iIiVIB • THE W< ItLD. CAN lIE ATTACHED filj ji Kl 384 9 Tl K " TO ANY COMMON * WALKING Hi n- I 9 8 b BF CITTT WTV rLOW 1N FIVE MINUTES TIME, j£jojk&i w JfcJaJtlo RJf Krjo.liY AND Is WARRANTED NOT TO tJ-tJIIALA. INCREASE THE DIUFT ONE U ' POUND. SO SIMPLE A CHILD il STRONG ENOUGH TO DRIVE A /I I TEAM CAN OPERATE IT. WILL *T A \ H TURN A SQUARECORNER WITH — \ #V \ HflT OUT HAISINQ THE PLOW, THE r \ ■'rV t QNLY PLOW MADE WITH A FOOT \ vi> k- LEVER TO START TIIE POINT \ Si\ ft B / OF PLOW ABRUPTLY IN THE • Vc \Jjr la GROUND OR ELEVATE IT TO X. ,!s■- RK )X 2 ~r~—AO SKIM OVER THE TOP OF FAST >yr-r Mi STONES. AROUND ROOTB, ETC. \v\ /Kj yr iy Me want a good, liVMMB to acta* \ /y' Lu Xv XAy agent iu every town in the U. S. 1 X. J!r Writ© ua for our liberal term* and S; .Jgf _ COURTIS SCALES, mSYLE 12'J?Z2 au la - . ,4/ EIICOV ETAU2I V nr ° :sthcs 'GO""as uicya-o fcw till I AnMLfi Ilia best and j *Se| $1.75. Globe combined Tick Hamnvr, Kettle Scrap. %*' 'V,- 1 . " cr Hot Pan Lifter, loc. GlobeSadlrou Heater saves * 2 - ,J • c '- ;cJ coal, 25c., J:c.. Ac. If your dealer is outclub with Brlol7 neighbors send ruoney to tis &. we will ship dircet. CLOBE M'F'G CO., 98Q Welnut St., Phila, Pa, THE ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDIGATOE. Wt A NEW PATENT STEAM MEDICATOR, INHALER, DISINFECTOR, Stc. Especially constructed for the treatment of such dkeas. a an ~ J CONSUMPTION. NASAL CATA2SH. EAY ANT SOSS FSVSa, tirnTHESIA, Ir •WHOOPIIT3 COHOS. CUIirSY, COLS 111 THE HEAD, SCICFULA SWIRLINGS, ASTEIiA, il W B2ONCEITIS, PLEU2I37, FNEUKONIA, NEUEALOIA, KUKPS, DISIONOSEECA, JMibrJjßt The first time "SOLIDS'' could be used in MEDIC A TISO STEAM, Nasal Catarrh, liny Fever, Asthma. ITJ W/ In all these diseases the Medicator is worth ten times the price asked. \\\ \) I Any Laiiy can Beanlify hertomplexion after uiing a few days, (JTilii J HARMLESS BUT CERTAIN. VgG __ It cm te used f:r a NYE3E or LTOOS LAMP, hiring in extra attachment ef a Cnp. Price, Complete, $3.00. By Mall, $3.25. AGENTS WANTED. —Good reliable Agents wanted to handle onr Mr^ Medicator;— Protite,—Sells at Sight. One Agent Bold Twenty-aeven (If in one day. Write for terms and circulars to the ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDICATOR CO„ 3O UNION SQUARE. NEW YORK. EUR EKA FOLDIHG CANOPY luf. Made in different sizes, and can be attached to nearly all wagons, bug gies, phaetons and carts. Easily - removed and folds like an umbrella*. \ \ _ If you cannot get it of your local wagon maker or dealer, 6end to us for Jy \ -w illustrated circular and price list. Agents wanted everywhere. iiwSwy D- °* beers & c °- x: 1 \ \}// \\/ PATENTEES and MANUFACTURERS, V ——' v NEWTOWN, Conn. SHERMAN ROAD CAET. BEST CART ON EARTH." ( i\\ SINGLE, DOUBLE and LIGHT,^ J J35 lbs. 150 lbs. 851b*. I 7 $35. $37. S4O. EASY, DURABLE and CHEAP. V y V >1 \ / j Crated free on board cars. ALLEN, Maqagef. V 1 COLDWATER, Mich. i^p^sffi3^sbbiia'iid,i=i,iM!m^i| ■ /flw Over Ten Thousand Trial QMS E Avoid the mpo.ition of pretentious reme Jmi M Packages mailed to _pa- /•# for these troubles, and all Quacks. It r Psrvirr tients a large proportion MM* £■ YKTI * hoß ® on .b "jm is to bleed their viol mentnnd were restored to health by us© of w£L MARW MRCUKEU thouGsndi, does not Intei itSm Harris'SEMINAL PASTILLES.V FOR in sny'w^.'^FiJuuidcd A Radical Curo for Nervous Debility, Organlo^#^^^T UU n scientific medical principles. By direct Weakness nndPhysical Decay in Young or Mid.M^/ITl^T'Wippilcatjon to the seat ofdieaae its specific die Agod Men. Tested for Eignt Years in influence 1 s ffellt without delay. Theuatural thousand cases they absolutely restore prematurely^^fffTri^ o ".^' oll , Bo ' human orgsni.m restore^, broiiqtit about by Inditcrotioa, Eilloeurel'oyar-Bn^ TREATMENT;—OaeMonth,S3, TvOlei. W. Three, IT Work, or too freo Indulgence, we ask that you send ue AJ ADDIC nrunnw „ _ _ your name wit h statement of your trouble, and aecure ~AKKIS R6WIEDT CO.. MF'Q CHEMISTS. TRIAL PACKAGE FREE, with Illust'd Pkmnhlet.Aa N. Tenth Street BT LoOIS KCI RUPTURED PERSONS can have FREE Trial S#?u7 A^toSSrSsk J A beautiful work of 150 pages, Colored Plate, and sooe } illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and , > ®) Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how tQ Brow V thc,n - Printed in English and German. Price onlf \ jiv'--. cents, which may be deducted from first order. ~ Tt tc,,s y°" want for the garden, and how to get it instead of runt. BUY ONLY VICK-S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. . VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 32 pages a CoWd Pl.t. y§l 1° '•" ,mKr - V— engravings. Pr"' 1" S a SSTSSiJC \r' r f. p c,mei ? numbers 10 cents ; 3 trial copies 25 cents. We will send to any address c -r>%P-L n Alagazlne ai } d an Y one of the following publications at the prices named beli,^ o, rea 3' l r Diagazinesat the price of one—Century, $4.50; Harper's Monthly, s..w ill. J 2 1 ' ° as i foj° : Good Cheer, 11.25; Illustrated Christian Weekly <- L ;or Awake, Good Cheer, and Vick's Magazine for $3.00. P1 .VICE'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 210 nam*. Six Colored ' M S ' nearly 1000 Lngravings, in elegant cloth covers, wwweq JAMES VICK, MNter, IT, T* '