MifwlljineousNews. . Diptheria in Tamaqua. TAMAQUA, Fa., Feb. 17.— -Diptheria which in the beginning of the winter prevailed in this borough in an epidem ic form, has continued invading fam ilies and threatens to become general as heretofore, when a number of deaths occurred. Ernest Reiman, residing on Gray street, has lost three children, who fell victims to the disease, and the fourth and only surviving child is in a critical condition. A great many chil dren in different parts of the borough are sick. Fatal Aooident to Small Boys. PniLAPELPiTTA, Feb. 17. James, Harry and George Smith, brothers, aged ten, eight and five years respect ively, and Roderick O'Connor, aged nine years, were playing this afternoon around a foundry near their home when a pile cf heavy flasks fell, burying the boys beneath: Their cries and moans attracted some of the workmen and they were soon released, but it was found that George Smith had been crushed to death. His brothers were badly injured and O'Conner had a leg broken beside being badly bruised a bout the head and tody. A Destructive Fire at Petersburg.] PETERSBURG, Va., Feb. 17.— Late last evening a fire was discovered in the drying-room of the immense brick to bacco factory of David Dunlop, and in less than half an hour after the fire broke out the whole building was en veloped in flames. The factory was one of the finest in the United States, and gaye employment to over 400 cu ratives. The entire building was burn ed to the ground, with stock, fixtures and machinery. It is impossible to as certain the exact loss, but it will reach fully $200,000, partly covered by insur ance. A handsome brick residence ad joining the factory, owned by Mr. Dun lop, was also burned. A Corpse Comes to Life. KINZCA, Pa., Feb. 17.—Eddie Coose, aged 16 years, was found ljing appa rently dead on top of an oil tank near this village on Sunday. A number of physicians were summoned,who agreed that life was extinct and that death had resulted from the inhalation of poisonous gasses rising from fresh crude oil. The boy was cofiined and prepared for burial at the home of his parents, near Cory don, Pa., and the services were in progress yesterday af ternoon when signs of life were shown in the supposed corpse. He was remov ed from the coffin, medical aid again summoned, and this morning the lad gives every hope for his complete re coyery. He Liked Them. United States Senator Sawyer, of Wisconsin,"told this story to a group of his fellow Senators : In early times up in the pine woods, when our folk weren't all millionaires, some of us used to get up a chopping syndicate. A dozen fellows, all good with the axe and hand-spike would club together, chip in and buy grub for the winter, and go into the woods to chop and log pine. Iu the spring they sold their logs,substracted the winter's expenses, and divided profits. One fall such a party was made up in my town. They were all ready to go into the woods, when some one asked who was going to cook. 'I wou't' said one. '1 can't,'said another. A third said he could, but he'd be blamed if he would. It went on, and nobody would cook. In those times, as now, a cook got big pay, Dot less than SSO a month. The syndicate could hardly afford that. Finally one fellow said if they couldn't hire a cook they'd got to havo grub, and there was but one way out, they must do the cooking themselves. lie suggested that they draw cuts, and whoever got the shortest straw must do the cooking. The first man who should complain of the grub would have to relieve him. This was agret d to, and they went on into camp. The first meal in camp was dinner. The cook had seen his mother cook beans. It looked easy, and he decided to have beans for dinner. He put a peck in the kettle, chucked in a big piece of pork and a double handful of salt. In time the men sat down to dinner. Every body helped himself. The first to dish out some beans put a big spoonful in his mouth. They were smoking hot and somewhat salt. The fellow spewed the stuff out with a big swear word. 'Those are the doggonest beans I ever ate. Still, I like them—l like them.' When Baby -was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, PATENTS Obtained, and all PATEN T BUSINESS a tended to PROMPTLY and for MODERA TE FEES. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. , Send MODEL OR DRA WING. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS SE CURED. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Djy., and to the officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients in your own State or county, write to C. A. .SNOW A CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C, i 3HHP ,,I V3^ u re guaranteed I*J 11 •JB ■II *J TB jy'Dr. J. B. Mav- I II 1 1 MB f I 831 Arch St. Pa. Ease at once. No operation or business delay. Thousands of cures. At Keystone House, Rea ding, Pa.. 2d Saturday of each month. Send for circulars. Advice free. 5-ly —tiie— MILLHEIM JOURNAL ctoib Printing Office is noufsupplied with Good &besse& and a large assortment oj DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tastg Job Printing of all kinds EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND CHEAPLY. PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Next Teim beigins September S. lssf>. This institution is located in one of tlm most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of Study: 1. A Full Seieutiilc Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Seieutiilc Course. 3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the lir-t two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (t>) NATURAL HISTORY: (c) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4. A shortSPKCIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistrv. ti A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. New building and Machinery 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of Individual students. Military dr.ll is required. Expenses for board and Incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATHKItTON, I L. I>., President, 27-29 State College, Centre to., Pa. PjjP fcsfr, J Is*? p~" : '. j After Forty years* l e; -V' V-1 ! experience in tho I IfcT —rv'eF.3 !*>.' , - 1 1 reparation r.f more a F7t K - ' ' than Otto Hundred ■ Hi Thousand applications for patents in ]■ K£ R| the United tvat. s and Foreijen coun ■ IS 8 tries, tlio pahhshcrti of tho Scientific American ccr.tinno to act as solicitors I I for patents, caveat% trade-marks, copy ■mniiw.a rights, etc., for tho United States, and to obtain patents in Canada. England. France, Germany, and ail other countries Their experi ence is unetjualed and their facilities cro unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed In tile Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice 1 y ma I free Patents obtained t hro.m'i M twin A" Co. are not ieed in the SCIENTIFIC A >1 EilIC V\, which lias the larpest circulation and 1 the m.l influential newspaper of its kind published in tho world. The advantages of 6ucli a uotico every patentee understands. This lanre and splendidly r.owsp.nnor is published XVEEIv;.! at t?XOO.v year, and is admitted to ba the bast pa; r ti. voted to science, mechanics, inventions, < twiecring works, and other departments of i . >tri:il progress, pub lished in any country. J • intaina the names of ail patentees and t itb- of < °i >• invention patented eacn week. Try ii four months for cue dollar. Bold by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent write to Munn A Co., publishers of Scientific 861 Broadway. New York v Handbook about patents mailed free. Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrove, - - - - - Penna. S. T. Frain, Frop'r. —□ — This Hotel lias been remodeled and refurnished, and (lie Traveling Public will find it firsf-class in every respect. —-□ La test improved Wafer Close-f and Wash Room on liisf lloor. { Bath Room in Hotel. )■ HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK DEALERS. Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attached yyt. s. G GUTELIUS, DEYHST, MILLIIEIM, PA. Offers his professional services to the public. He l PURE CON FECTIONERY at CITY PRICKS. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. MOl ASSES CANDY (or YaT\) M ADE BY OURSKIA I S, ALNVAYS I KESII. CALIFORNIA FREIT canned and Evap orated. PURE HONEY in pint and quart Jaw. NEW BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess. CRANBERRIES. Sound and rlrm. PLAIN and FANCY CRACKERS FINEST FULL CREAM CHEESE. PURE SUGAR TABLE SYRI'PS. Aifull line o! NEW CANN EDIGOODS. PURE WHITE R< K'K CAN DY SYRUPJ.In half {gallon and one {gallon cans. PURE MAPLE SYRUP in quart ami hall igal.on eans. FINK, FRAGRANT TEA*. PURE SPICES. Von can depend on our uround pepper f>>r butchering purpose- . It is strictly pure. FIIESII SHELL OYSTERS opened to order, o o ALL OUUSTOCK IS NEW YXl> FIIESII. ifSTUALL ON US FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT IN OUlt LINE. —SEC I ILK II & CO.,— GROCERS, Bush House Block, BELLEFONTE, PA. A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Add-ess Dr. WARP & CO. Louisiana, IV".o. STOVES ——STOVES [New Advertisement] Jacob JJisenhuth withes to in form the public that, hav ing purchased the machines and tools, together with stock of Stores, Tin and Holloware, f'ormarlg (he propertg of !>. I. Brown, and having the services of that gentleman who is a practical mechanic, is now prepared to Jill all orders in this line. Iloues & Ilant Spouting J&*~A SPECIALTY -"uJ and satisfaction guaranteed. Just received, a fine assortment if the. be.si mates of STOVES, Ranges, HEATERS, &c., &c., &c. Any person in want of as fore for cooking, baking or beating jmrposes will find it to their interest to call at the shop or saleroom, near Knarr if Lose'sfoundry, MILLHEIM. PA. where Mr. Jlrown may be found at all times to attend to the ironts of pat rons TIIAT ELSKNIIUTII \s STOVES MUST HE SEEN TO HE HIOIITLY APPEECIATED. NATIONAL HOTEL Millhcim, Centre Co., Penna Summer | Resort Two miles from Colmrn Station. THIS HOUSE has been thoroughly renova ted, Is newly furnished throughout and offers the very best accomodations to the trav eling public. FRONT ROOMS, EL KG AN TL Y FURNISH EDi, ON SECOND FLOOR FOR SUM MER BOARDERS. The celebrated "Penn's Cave" is but a short drive from town, and the good roads and fine mountain scenery of the surrounding country make it a very desirable stopping place. fSjgflteliable Horses and Siylisli Car riages for'uso of guesfs. Bus meets alt Trains at Goto \ Moderate Terms. }• "W. q. qooq, . GREAT BARGAINS l— N|:FTx:R,2sri tttzrje! ctr.p ir,? n rrir:riisr,Bi3raKiscisCCKr.rir:i!2CJErccr^cccrrr.ccr/j*Ju -W. T. MAUCK'S— FURNITURE STORE, Penn St., Millheim, Pa. —- - 1 mi I'l Hiia> I ii'K.riu:oFFEiirxa it heatha at;a ixs tx ('handn r Suits, Dinitaj Fount L Kitchen Furniture, Chairs, Lountjcs, I'atent Fockers, ftdtles, Stands, i' rutllt s, Hank Cases, Fartaus, Fattan and Had < hairs of all stubs, J taint* ad.*, Frames, Mattressis of the finest curia) hair to the cheapest straw. All kinds of SJ*KINGS. t&rNOT VXD LK SOL J) FY AX V STUFF IX THE COVXTY. (a vk usa c'.\i.i.. W. T. If auck. THE CELESRATID | (' Villi 10,000 IN CONSTANT USE. Buy Direct from the Manufacturer. Wholesale Manufacturing Prices from —513 It 5133, — ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CAGES. FINELY FINISHED. □ EST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTION, TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. A A XD run CIRCULARS. A READING ORGAN CO., F. J. KANTNEB, XtnAger, | iVr- V 0l J S OWH PO3YOR. THE GRANDEST Remedy of* the Age X*> rj BKiIS PJ ft,2*/"* -&YTAH F! E/W$ - . - ••-;T'IRT ' 'A- " ■■■.' V" ,-rvM ••• ■ M- -; \- '• I UJ 'MIL OTS WHALER, Al ords ijt>lck relief of Neural. Headache, Hay Fever, Catarrh, Asthma, IM 27 C6BTZSQSS "cz ZT:Z::Z A CUM. C . "f-Btisfnctii n arnnrut*e,l or mom /refundud. Six ni > ,l.:i -iN-nt 1 >r iJ ci-ut#. I, j. cr ilrii, lri. .1 th Inhnlrr In itn<-k, r. nil f>2 . hi and tin- Inhaler will l> for-> n ,ili d 117 • 1 1!. pod •.. t uidif. atthoexpiration o flndiji r ;f j . . jvu i-ro . . c.it iKlicd v.:th its •• fret a, 1 tai." :". it. and it n I'o.vod uiguin) cocilitii.i:, \ r 1.: Will ti vi l .(l il. drtmlu and ItiUßWftinlt mailed frcaca ippHottifltt l " H. B a GUSHRfIAN, 'Three XUvers, Mich. P. H. MUSSER, \VATCIIJIAKEUb& JEWEI.EK, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., —t-JOITOSITK THE lANK.+ C£f*Hepair Work a Specially. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage iespectfully solicit!d. 3-ly. GARWOOD'S I CHAIR SEATS 1 WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY I To Replace Broken Cane. I RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. 1 & Anybody rnn apply 0 >0 Mechanic needed. SOI.D JiY E 1 Furniture & tjjg|j|g Hardware . ' % TRADES. PAaF> H 1 In buying new Chairs, ask for those with H H HABWOOD'S lied Leather Finish Seats. They never wear out# | A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on r'iin street, south of race bridge. Mil hciin, i'a. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can he bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gather ings promptly made to order. Call at lier place and get your supplies at ex ceedingly low prices. 34-3 in 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed,se curely w rapped, to any address in the United States for three mouths on receipt of ONtt DOLLAR. i Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, a- j gents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. j Add ress all orders to • RICHARD K. FOX, _ Fit ANKLIN SQUARE, N. Y. '" "kL .^|j IV:LS . tL H in n A p*n terns\ •,, it. WW: cr ALL ori'r.ns. And Qua— ... t > elvo n perfect fit whon directions aro foNowtd# : . '= s -iV(3 SYSTEM OF DRESS CUTTING. Chart and Look I ull d pnabiuiir any one to (. i I t-'tt pt iii tly. I' l a 1 , ?3.C0. • ' I'L I! pi t paid, "it rc ei-ipt >f pi ICC. iM;". Hri"3HiBTB PORTFOLIO 0 "" FASHIONS AND WHAT TO WEAR. la .- ! iry< M.i -.. :. . t . . ]j| .-a of Fai liion Notes and :-iyl- s lllu- tra-.--d wnliah. | OCO Cut*, b- at post pel I lor 25 A fh F 0 ep 1 a .y s FM',M i N, fjdz .*■ i i V— • - ill I X r I?- ' ' I I j THOttBAMOS L.r L:! TKCUCANOB CF THClit IN OJ.E ALL C'Jd.l I '.VwitL Alio C - If. a rznrrcT ACTIOI-i. *yrv>. t corn • UF0.03 profi: i - N.l AS T: KIM MlU\! aJ\ I,U' bay dir tof the maaufiicturcrs. ScatCO.lX W3*llo fcP.- Giro VL! i Ia 1 •- m- r-m rn /** > ol*# 4 .'"* /* ?- " F '\S ft ' iJ xj (\ il. •> I k t. - 9 iv - KC/1:.... • . 00. t 17 Eact I/?th Street, Now York City . - ♦ f. ' • * - ' ~ • * • - wLi ~ - fr, f. r* k. I: u ! f • 1 Li j L • 4 SO.7S MIFPSL \ ; e.c' r |, .fli-n J \:i>i ?ifeVr Mil f r L i Lpi/fr j; j K? A) |S)Mi 1 HIQH ARM. NEW MECHANICAL FiiiNC/PLES iid B ■'y Movemente, Auio i s Direet ond i V t*"czi ficiicn, Cylinder {Shuttle, Self-setting Nce l ate, PoeiUve Feed, ivo Springs, ! Feu Parte, 1. levjnum I 'Weight, JVb i Fr: dion, I. ilTcice, i.'o V/ear, No jFatig u \ ITo '' Ta tllru m B,'' Capa j cityu .limit id, Ahoocya in C f *acr, Richly Ornamented, 17: ?r:e'.j'laied, j and (rives Perfect Satisfaction. Bcr•;?—. ATZnZiIA- ca = F@@T Li4THEI = M This is aaw Lithe, and on a HSFflan.having HSFflan.having ?. a Cylinder I!ci. 3 which is much w more simple ai d V convenient than for Circular and . 3- Scroll - Caving, , 2 ?I vl ,^ r Bracket o Moulding. ITev. IJja - y EEC? invented. Prico $20.00 axid upxvards. Manufactured and r.c'd by t!:o Saiilc CreSkmacSiincrvCo., CATT^ c^ EER ' *2 h*. Ac" ~'i ■ xsrivf'jtfa O o ?- : I 2. & = =;n j "Ml; -M • Warranted the most perfect Force-Feed I Fertilizer Drill in existence. Send for circular. jb. FARQUHAR, York, Pa. igp u. W. EBT, Idon,t —DISTILLER OP— \\ % Straight PURE !-C RYE WHISKEY Jf FOR MEDICAL USE. Woodvfqi'cl, Cenfi'e Go., Peiiqq "THE GIRL I LEFT,BEHIND ME." lilu' r • ••• 1 t": •of r. I'.urir7 made by T. T. Haydock. which Is not only the Leading i. v;• m-. b;.; TfISP. LFADINU BUCJJY OS' AMEItICA. Has il V 1... i; s v King lL.lt and Fifth Wheel. At-k you denier lor the T. 1. k;.IVISJk agent iu every town in the U. 8. y* \ V ■/ 11 // Writu UJ for our liberal terras and prices. E a 8. DANIELS & CO., ' * HAVANA. N.Y. 9 . . tiismzum, rsAsras t asss ats c v;. , V', • •" —a,- #>•■> J "• 11 ! • K'lSDVrrirafi v IUC -' ,hc ;c : r Lh ell£ rfcUfHL is ii:.; 10.%t arart!cl{ss)Gl' ita .i jel".? - , / ,~r ' 1 ross, $1 23, 1; sro c-.-.u .1. Cak .ills t< >9Lowl 1. ; - t .'ninf.lT•.-1i11..r: •;. r,K- '.t' >.Scr.tr. ''y or Hot Pan Titter,loo. J i cater saves 1 c.al. 25c., &a.. Ac. If y.air denier in out club v.ith _ -i ,(- neighbors scud money to us & wo will ship direct. ' GLOBE M'F'C CO ; saC Walnut St iS Phifa,P^. A THE ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEBICATOB. A NEW i'ATENT STEAM MEDICATOR, INHALER, DISINFECTOR, &c. Especially constructed for the treatment of such disease s att j) CONSUMPTION- 2'ASAL CATA2S3, EAT AND ECSE !TVr2, DirETSIIIA, / WZOOPIN3 COO3S, QUINSY, CCLD IN UKS LEAD, CCUCIULA BWILLINCS, ACTELA, /; Vf BEONCSITIS, riIUSISY, YNZUKONIA, NEU2ALCIA, kUKPS, DISXENOSSSKA. 1 ~-jßk JV.tf first time - SOLIDS" could be used in MEDIC A TISG STEAM. iTl —iSm Nasal Catarrh, Hay Fever, Asthma. / In all these diseases the Medicator is worth ten times the price ashed. \ 1 ill/ Any Lady can Beautify her Complexion after using a few days. / (rr.Aj \ n v km Ip:SS HUT CERTAIN. V n It can te c:ei f:r a NU2SE or LUNSS LAKE, taviag an extra attachment of a Cup. Price, Complete, 53.00. By Mall, AGENTS WANTED. —Good reliable Agents wanted to handle onr Medicator ; Protlts, —Sells at Siglit. One Agent sold Twenty-seven M >■ in one day. Write for t rms and circulars to the "fr- • - ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDICATOR CO., 30 UNION SQUARE. NEW YORK. EUREKA FOLDING CAiwH iu. -'-■V- '.Tiiffivtimgß Made in difTereut sizes, and can bo attached to nearly all wagons, bug gies, phaetons and carts. Easily removed and folds like an umbrella. V^jlf you cannot get it of your local f . ' wagon maker or dealer, send to us for illustrated circular and price list. TX Agents wanted everywhere, - D. C. BEERS & CO., \y PATENTEES and MANUFACTURERS, *** o 9' NEWTOWN, Conn. SHERMAN ROAD CAET." X^^^^^g^- ,A"r'l en Thousand Trial jp2kr .imposition of pretontiows reine. 9Cb , TRIAL Piu' kHKOS mailed to pa- f%3r dle for these trouble., Hnd oil Ouacka, r\ rvrL, X n larce proportion JIB hosoonly aim 19 to I bleou their vio^ XAnKACE.of whom took a full treat FyS TRADE MABih^nßrtrßF-n^nnrf muntn ud were restored to health by use of f A I JM. - Interfere pnAp ArftJißiiil PiAhTCI IfA vQL with attention to busmets, or c*ue pain KARPK 9 SEm IH AL I ASS!LLbSiV#\i JCy or inconvenience in any way. Founded Curo fo rN orvo us Debility. OrcarncV^^ o R on .. fcie . .^ cdica . 1 dlo Acred Men. TestedforEightTMf of the human orpmnism restored, The thousand cares they abol utel rest ore ? wasted animating elements of life ore given back, patient become cheerful Md rapidly gain, both b^&J?S;¥u r dra h or&°uWSSSS TE*nroiT.-ft>. satt. w. n mm. tiro, w Work, or too f reo Tndulscaco, we ask that you send us .M £DQ|G DFMPHY CO llew RuruifiTa your iinmewithFtntementof your trouble, and secure "AKIIIO KCITICIS I vV/>, Mr li Vint Mid 13, TRL\L PACKAGE FRETS, with Illust'd Pemphlet.Ao. SOStf N. Tenth Street, ST,LOUIS, MO. RUPTURED PERSONS can have FREE Trial of our Appliance. Ask for Terms! J Jfl , rt A beautiful work of 150 pages, Colored Plate, and iooq /yi\%y-'"• Specimen numbers 10 cents; 3 trial copies 25 cents. We will send to any address 5 i* • V 'y Vick's Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below —redly two magazines at the price of one—Century, $4.50; Harper's Monthly, ->St. Nicholas, Good Cheer, $1.25; Illustrated Christian Weekly, 93.00; OT Y0 f, ii Wide Av/ake, Good Cheer, and Vick's Magazine for $3.00. VICE'S PLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 210 pages, Six Colored ■§£ Plates, nearly 100& Engravings, 9 1 - 2 5 > in elegant cloth covers. v 'm% y JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. 7 (