Miscellaneous News. Montana's Terrible Winter. FORT SHAW, Mont., Feb. 2.— The snow is still falling 1 . It is not possible yet to give definite information con cerning the loss of cattle and sheep. Cowboys are attempting to round-up the stock and beat paths for them through the deep snow. Nothing has yet been heard from the relief party which is searching for the missing Cho teau coach. It is reported that the Benton and Assinoboine coach is also lost. Ex-Alderman O'Neil Convioted. NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—After being out an hour and a quarter the jury on the trial of ex-Alderman O'Neil for bribery returned to the court room at 11:10 o'clock last night and rendered a verdict of guilty. This will be] start ling news to those who have based hopes of an acquittal on the testimony of the four new witnesses whom ener getic counsel forO'Neil haddiscoveied, and it is likely to give a hint to the bribe givers whose turn is coming that with every new conviction the accumu lation of the chances against them in creases, even if by law it ought'not to. ROBBING POST OFFICES. Seven Men Break Into One in Jer sey City. JERSEY CITY, Feb. 2.— The move ment to secure a new postofiice for Jer sey City received an unpleasaut impe tus last night. Half an hour before midnight seyen masked men broke into the building, bound and gagged the watchman, and proceeded to blow open the safe. The post office is the old Dudley Gregory mansion, at the corner of Washington and Sussex streets. It has three entrances—one on Washington street, one on Sussex street for the em ployes and another in the rear for the reception of mail matter. John Spring hand has been employed as a watch man for a number of years. He was standing in the rear of the distributing room after making bis 11.25 round wheu he heard a crash on the Sussex street side. He rushed down stairs and was confronted by seven men, one of whom presented a pistol at his head. The door was standing open, and Springhand made a rush toward it and succeeded in getting into the street. Then he shouted for the police. The burglars followed him and dragged him back into the building, when they clos ed the doors, bound and gagged him, carried him up stairs and threw him in to a corner. The safe and money order department is in the second story in the front of the building. The safe stands about six feet away from the window, The men bored holes in the front doors of the safe, and, finding that they could not get them opsn, bored a hole in the back, into which they placed a charge of gunpowder and proceeded to blow it up. They did not succeed, and fearing that the noise might have at tracted the attention of the police they made their escape. It is thought that they carried away considerable mail matter. The watchman was discover ed about 4 o'clock, when one of the em ployes came on duty, and the matter was reported to the police, who have 110 clue to the burglars. It is supposed that the men were a part of a gang of New York thieyes who have oeen rob bing residences on Jersey City Heights. After the burglars escaped they un doubtedly crossed the ferry to New York. The" gatekeeper at the Penn sylvania Railroad ferry at the foot of Montgomery street said tnat nine men, two of whom were tough-looking char acters, came into the ferry house at a bout 12:30 this morning and took the Cortlaudt street ferry for New York. It is thought that these may be the men. Inspector Brynes has been noti fied, and seyeral of his best men are at work on the case. - . rr Where They Use Stilt 3. It is in the largo plains called "Lian dees," in Southwest France, that peo ple use stilts as a matter of course. These plains are generally flooded, though not to a sufficient depth to en able people to get about in boats. The stilts are not held in the hands like those we are accustomed to see, but are firmly strapped to the side of the leg. The person wearing them carries a long pole to balance himself and to aid bim in walking. This pole has usually a crosspiece at one end, so that by putting it at a slant 011 the ground behind him, the person on stilts can sit down on it and rest. It is a common occurrence in that country to see men and women sitting and knitting in this exalted position, while the sheep they arej tending wander about the plain. They wear their stilts all day long, put ting them on when they go out in the morning and taking them off only when they ieturn home at night. PATENTS Obtained, and all PATENT B USINESS a tended to PROMPTLY and for MODERATE FEES. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL OR DRA WING. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS SE CURED. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and to the officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients in your own State or county, write to C. A. SNOW A CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C, guaranteed I•! 11 ■l■ •J >y Dr. J. B. Mav lil l■! B'llM 1 831 Arch St. M^2> hila ., Pa. Ease at once. No operation or business delay. Thousands of cures. At Keystone House, Rea ding, Pa., 2d Saturday of each month... Send fox circulars. Advice free. 5-ly THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with GQQJ> PR and a large assortment oj DISPLAY JYPE. LETTER HEA DS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCUEIRS, POSTERS, and , in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND CHEAPLY. pENXSYLVAMA STATE COLLKii E. Next Teim begins September B.IBSO. This Institution is located in one of tin most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of Study: 1. A Full Seientilie Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. 3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of | two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (b) NATURAL HISTORY : (e) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4. A short.SPECIAL COURSE m Agriculture. f>. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. New building and Maehinery 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of Individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATUERTON, I L. D., President, 27-29 State College, Centre Co., Pa. jiijl {' irs' I mmV/ o\-.. rirreo in tho ■ r.-.tion of rooro H FH K™ 6 * than Ono Hundred ■ Ihl Thousand nrpli.-.htions for patents ia ■ IN H the United si and Foreign conn- I M y tries, tho pn!>l of tho Scientiiio rlniw American continno to act ns solicitors I for patents, cave.-i.ts, trade-lliirka. copy ■■■■ ripllts. etc., for t!"l T nited States, nnd to obtain patent 3 in Canada, England, France, Germany, and nil other countries. Their experi ence is a:ri their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and pe:i"c.v.: -.3 prepared and filed in tho Patent Office on abort notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge f>r examination of model J or drawing* Advi by n Patents obtain.-1 • Mnnn.t Co.are noticed Inthe SCIKM': 1 which the largest circulate in and is tha in- t intluential newspaper of it 3 kind p-.tV'ished in the world. The advantages cf such a notice every patentee understands. This large and gplendi ily illustrated newspaper Is published at $3.00 a year, and ia admitted to bo tho be; t pr devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, . ncering works, and Other departments of in ;1 progress, pub lished in any country, f 1 main* the names of all patentees nr.,li d 1 >•. uv, nt. ,n patented each week. Try it four mouths for ouo doliar. Sold by all newsdealers. If yon hava r.n invention to patent write to Munn A Co., pnh!i*iier of Scientific American 3bl Broadway. Nov York Handbook about patents mailed froa. Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrove, - _ _ _ _ Tenna. S. T. Frain, Prop'r. This Ilofel has been remodeled and refurnished, and fhe rrayeling Public will find if first-class in every respecf Latest improved Wafer Closef and Wash Room 011 first floor. ■{ Bath Room in Hotel. l r HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK DEALERS. Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attached ryt. S. G GUTELIUS, DEYTIST. Milliieim, PA. Offers bis professional services to the public. He >s prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. He is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain SOMSTHHTO- ITEW. The Special Features of this Celebrated H Plow are, that it Ist. NEVER CLOCS. 2d. ALWAYS SCOURS. 3d. TURNS A PERFECT FURROW. Tho Beam is not bolted to the landside. but—bj -n aas of a steel frog —is set directly in tho I'eiitro of the Lme of Draft, making r. teail 1 ' light running plow, and one that cannot bo Jiairqi'd. See one before you buy. Tf your Agent has nou e write us for price. MANUFACTUKED ONLY BY J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS, UACINE, Wis. Groceries & Provisions. "XTKW GOODS I FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY DAY o o FINE FLORIDA ORANGES. BRIGHTNF.W LEMONS. CHOICE WHITE GRAI'KS. NEW CROl* FRENCH I RENES. FIGS, DATES and PRUNELLES. FINEST CLUSTER RAISINS. PRESERVED CITRON & LEMON PEEL CURRANTS and BAKING RAISIN'S. EVAPORATED PEACHES & PEARS. ALMONDS and ASSORTED NUTS. An exeentionallv line lino of PURE CON FECTION KEY at CITY PRICES. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. MOLASSES CANDY (or Yaffy) M ADE BY OURSELVES, ALWAYS FRESH.; CALIFORNIA FRUIT vanned and Evap orated. PURE HONEY in pint and quart jars. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess. CRANBERRIES, Sound and Firm. PLAIN and FANCY CRACKERS FINEST FULL CREAM CHEESE. PURE SUGAR TABLE SYR CPS. A full line of NEW CANNKDNJOODS. PURE WHITE ROCK CANDY SYRUP in half gallon and one gallon cans. PURE MAPLE SYRUP in quart ami hall gallou cans. FINE, FRAGRANT TEAS. PURE SPICES. You can depend on ot r Ground pepper for Luiteheriui;.purpose-. It is strictly pure. FKESII SHELL OYSTERS opened to order, o o ALL OURSTOCK "IS XKW AND FRESII. OTCALL ON US FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT IN OUR LINE. —SECHLER & CO.,— GROCERS, Bush House Block, BELLEFONTE, PA. A Life Experience. Remarkable and Quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Add-esa Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Mo. STOVES sk3e ™— —S TO VES [New Advert Lseinei i t.] Jacob JJisenhuth wishes to inform the put/tic that, hav ing purchased the nun-Junes and teds, together with stock of Stores, 'J in and Holloioare, forme rig the property of D.I. Brown, and having the ser rices of that gentleman who is a practical mechanic, is now fire-pared to Jill all orders in this line. Houes & Earn Spouting Joar"A SPECIALTY and satisfaction guaranteed. Just received a fine assortment of the best makes of STOVES, Ranges, HEATERS, C&C., GoQ. 9 cC'C. Any person in ivant of a stove for cooking, baking or healing purposes will find it to their interest to call at the shop or saleroom, near Knarr & Lose's foundry, MILLHEIM. PA. where Mr. 11 r own mag be found at all times to attend to the wants of jwtrons THAT EISENIIUTII's .STOVES MUST ISM SEEN TO HE UIOIITLY APPRECIATED. NATIONAL HOTEL Millhcim, Centre Co., - - Penna | Summer | Resort Two miles from Coburn Station. --0-- THIS HOUSE has been thoroughly renova ted, Is newly furnished throughout and offers che very best accomodations to the trav eling public. FRONT ROOMS, ELKO A NTL Y FURNISH ED, ON SECOND FLOOR FOR SUM MER ..BOARDERS. The celebrated "Penn's Cave" is but a short drive from town, and the good roads and fine mountain scenery of the surrounding country make it a very desirable stopping place. ijjifßeliable Horses and Stylish Car riages for use of guests. Bus meets all Trains at Horn \ Moderate Terms. }• GREAT BARGAINS -IN uiiaatia'jaaautiJEiiJ'-JaLiatyiLiiiajayaayMHiyaLjaaujyyuausjyyiJ TURE; nisiar:Br!rßnini3isr.BcnfSßßesiainninPißßßnnEßnisrrirr.rwrrnM'yLi —AT— -W. T. MAUCK'S FURNITURE STORE, Penn St., Millheim, Pa. II 'E.lllE OEEEJUNO CHEAT BARGAINS IN Elmndxr Sails, Ihniicj llnimi A' Eitrhin Furniture, Chairs, Lnunijis, Ccti lit Hackers, lidilis, (' rml hs, Hunk ('uses, liiirKdis, Hnlluii niul liml ( hiiirsnj nil sh/lis, lit ilsti ads, Ermms, Alnttn ssi s aj tin finest curled hair to tin cheapest striae. All kinds of SJ'JiJNUS. tig SOT I'NDEHSOLI) 111' AS V STORE IS THE COUNTY,. give ITS a call. W. T. Mauck. THE CELEBRATED Heading fjrgan. OVER ioj >OO IX CONSTANT USE. Buy Direct from the Manufacturer. Wholesale Manufacturing Prices from —540 It 51. — ELEGANT DESiGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CAJES. FINELY FINISHED. BEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTION, TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. SEND FOll CI 11C FLA IIS. " READING ORGAN CO., P. J. KANTNE2, Manager, 3Pa.- EE YOUR OWN DOCTOR. THE CI7ANDEST Remedy of the Age. •• r/i c ° —{Q esh MENTHOL INHALER, AsTartli quick relief of Neuralgia, Headache, Ilay Fever, ' Cr.tiirrk, Asthma, iua S7 coiiimtißß u:s A CGIZ. t~" ,'atisfnction (ruarantw-i or money rafundud. Si* tn< Ilm i —I iimiit larHonDt* ii nr ht*not tlu> Inh.-ilcrr in utocli. r-nd62 rc.t • in h'aiuji:. and the Inhrhrwill lie forwarded by in i.. paid, and if, at tlio**vtrati>>n uifivn days ir iu'r . • ipt yi i irtDot satisfied with its tlfacta y, ,i miy rtii'rn it. and if received m good condition, your money will bi rcfj.udj d. ... Circular and MlmoniaU mailed free on npidicalxa u H. D* CUSKRfJAN, Three Rivers, Mirh. P. H. MUSSER, \l \TI III] VKKK: .1 J 1.1111.Hi, Main Street. Millheim, Pa., —♦•JOri'OSITE TIIK HANK. J-t- IKT* Repair Work a Specially. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronise ie. c pfctfully solicited. 5-ly. B HARWOOD'S I CHAIR SEATS! I WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY | To Replace Broken Cane. I RE-SEAT, YOUR CHAIRS. I J No Mechanic needed. j I 8 In buying new Chairs, aek for thoae with I ■ llauwood'b Red Leather Finhtb Scats. They never wear out. j A T 7 Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler'a BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Millheim, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can he bought at any time and in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gather ings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your supplies at ex ceedingly low prices. 34-3 m 13 WEEKS. The POLICE UAZETTE will be mailed.se curely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONW DOLLAR- Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, a gents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, N. Y. TERMS! I TILL AUGAO OF ALL OTHERS. Arul c.uarontoc civoa porfoct fit vvhon direction". iro followed. miS. SEiO REST'S SYSTEM OF DRESS CUTTING. Chart mi l B. lcf fuM <1 •■ ■ n.>i , enabling any one t i i n! and 1 it pi-rlecUy. pKicr, $3,00. ;t hy mail, po3t paid, on rc* c-ipt of price. - ■ - MfWE. DEFORESTS FASHIONS AND VcHAT TO WEAR. Is a larv;-; M agar in- of So pngi-s >f I'.ishmn N"t<-s ami Styh , lilu tran-d with about JOOOC'uts. N. nl pi st p. i 1 lor 25 cents. TI-133 Oemorest Sewing Machine. Tliiss St3^lo f •' Iji \'f " ASKJS ;§ T:IOUSANOf IITPN THOUSANDS OF THfM IN USE all oven th: Woolo and giving Ptnrccr SATISFACTION. Jofarn>u't pay other companies $40.00 P r } > ''! 1 i i IJI.U liiiu- NOT FO GOOO AS THE I>KMOKI*> I*, hu' lmv dir.vl >f the manufacturers. Scut C. O. 1). Wl * i*o for oi i~cvlliftx'tc- DTiVIOREST PASK3CN AND SSWCNG CO. t 17 East |/*th Street. New York City I'' " t X; *:• i( simple WrSji new improved h/qh arm, SEV/MECHANiCAL PRINCIPLES and Rotary Movements, , Auio ma:io Direct and Perfect fiction, Cylinder Shuttle., Pelf setting Nee cle, Positive Feed, Pourings, Fez# Paris, Minimum Weight, No Friction, No Noisa, No Wear, No Fatigue, No "Tantrums," Capa city Unlimited, A Iways in Order, Richly Ornamented, iTickelplated, and &ivcß Perfect Satis faction. Send for Circulars. AVERY MACHINE CO., 23 Union Squara, New York. 5gJ-stey Organ. [g-alidly Made. \ ■y-one Unrivaled.' i 35 -legant Finish. of Popularity^ ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT FREB. Estey iHrgari Co., nratueboro,Yt. MARSH'S Y_VlS?[mzU BED = FOOT LATHE* = 3 | a c/lindcr Bel Xw moresinipleand < r/ya \ sA| o csavesicat than IsTl W N. M\ 2 has attachments S tfQKn >va I ■ o for Circular and 3 ak\+£| _ fftJE .. g" Scroll - Saving, 2 ByS-k—iT? IfWRi 3 and for Bracket a lZS 'i THE Prico $30.00 and upwards. Manufactured ar.d cold by the Battle Creek fviachSnervCo., DATT . L U ( R[ "> "Warranted the most perfect Force-Peed Fertilizer JDl'ill in existence. Send for circular. B. FARQUHAR, York, Pa. 1 ]>j yy EBY, Idon't §— DISTILLER OF— \\ 1 Straight Jgt PURE M , RYE WHISKEY J FOR MEDICAL USE. ■" > Ceqfife Go., t'cqijq "THE L I LEFT^ BEH' ) ME." Illustrated 1.7 the use of a Buggy made by T. T. Hnydock. which Is not only the Leading Itiv.-y In thin ).! tare, but TUB LrIADHG BCGOY OF AiUFKICA. lina Havilofk'g Saictv King Bolt uud Fifth Wheel. Ask you denier for the T. F. HE*. YltoCK. Itl GGY, with the Haydock Safety Ki£ and Flftll WheeL Life is iiise< ure riding over any other. (This j li-iuie will br furoLLvd ou a large printed In elegant style, to anyone who will agree te frame 1'..) CT \Vuofcu ß r^ U |.rJl a Cor. nam aud Twelfth St M fIHCIFIfATI, 0. AGENTS WANTED WHERE WE HAVE HONE! KO I ITU EST MEM T 60 PROFITABLE. nr*-r-T"T"7 - e WILL WORK EQUALLY AS WELL -a-Ae.-"— t K . ON BOUIJII STONY LAND A3 ON , . RK ,sn U/M */ Tlf /fITIT THE WEBTEBN PRAIRIES. IT IS £ lie EBB 1 *1" ft r fi.tfl w¥ UNLIKE ANY OTHER SULKY IN fjf! fl ft! lEi 1 % ffl THE WORLD. CAN BE ATTACHED ■ S \V t8 IB B fflfX? ¥FY7 PLOW IN FIVE MINUTES TIME aLiJldfcL ft# >SP 18. K W AND IS WARRANTED NOT TO ACT —- 1' 6y?Ii|JLlAlI INCREASE THE DRAFT ONE -—~1&1 POUND. 80 SIMPLE A CHILD yff' STRONG ENOUGH TO DRIVE A /' \ J XywH TEAM CAN OPERATE IT. WILL ~ X\ tL \ I J;, TURN A SQUARE CORNIER WITU — /' V \ OUT RAISING THE PLOW. THE JT\ /*\ | XVIatjyYWWWHP' QNLY PLOW MADE WITH A FOOT LEVER TO START THE POINT \ Is. [ V i // sr m OF PLOW ABRUPTLY IN THE X v ill GROT:ND OR ELEVATE IT TO \ MM W SKIM OVER THE TOP OF FAST V**v —/Wis I BTONEB, AROUND noon, ETC. V* \/ m " f 13 Wc want a good, live man to act as If 0 / agent iu every town in the U. 8. H\ Jm Write us for our liberal terms and r W 4jfif YiS. DANIELS & CO., _ UUZZIZ ft aU to too;. r . „ -- y p'S f, f , f i■ / •••' ••• '' EVERY family Y.'f *\ - your dealer to Retyu GloLeTcv.ssc: .isih^SY *v' . ' .y &35c. (ver--- sn!Hjriraniclo1 \ Jjr Crated free on board cars. A' Chl|. T. ALLEN, Haqagei". COLDWATER, Mich. TpPPjay,li?lil?l A'jpjbSll'i rr" ■(! ■ Thnnmnd Trial Avoid the impo.ition of pretentious rttne* f/fL rtWTTr ■ r Dxrwii' tion,salnrKo proix>rtionX3^aim vies ReKACE. Of^hom^k afulltreatPT MARK) jBcuRED thoucancis, duos not Interfere m W nsOTllTrnVOk attention to bul>n£i. STcaSlc Sln SEMINAL PAST HARRIS _OEm I pHL rfl, JI ILLLQ.\A FOR scientific jnedical principles. By direct A Radical Cure for Nervoaa Debility, to tne sest oi disease its specifia die Arrod Men. Tested for Eight r ears in the human organism restored. Tha thousand cases they absolutely restore prematurely wasiedanimating elements oflifearegiven back, the patient afted and broken down men to the full enjoyment of becomes cheerful sad rapidly gains both stiongth and health perfect and full Manly Strength and Vigorous Health. ——— — u __ To t hoso who sutler from the canny obscure diseases TREATMENT;—One Nootfc, $3. VOL 35. Tiltl, |? bronijhtabout by Indiscretion, Exposure, Over-Brain .. .. ■ ■ TVork, or too freo Indulgence, we ask that you send us HJ ARRIS REMEDY CO.. MF'C CHEMISTS. your name with statement of your trouble, and secure rl ** "-** * ffL J... ... JllT PACKAGE FRF.E. wit h lUust'd Pamphlet.Ao. SO6X N. Tenth Street, ST.LOUIS. MO. RUPTURED PERSONS can have FREE Trial of our Appliance. Ask for Terms! J irk@RAi.Gwjt /m* f jf) J A beautiful work of 150 pages, Colored Plate, and xooo (& E- 0 yr illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and El Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow \yr •' ' x —them. Printed in English and German. Price only to \ , "> cents, which may be deducted from first order. \ . It tells what you want for the garden, and how to get it instead of nmnlng to TX the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, meeting w 'th disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. jSvfV VICE'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 33 pages, a Colored Plate fjC;!®] JJ § in every number, and many fine engravings. Price, $1.25 a year; Five Copies for /5-|V J■/ fv Specimen numbers 10 cents ; 3 trial copies as cents. We will send to any address mgr Vick's Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below 1 —really two magazines at the price of one—Century, $4.50; Harper's Monthly, $4.00; (f St. Nicholas, $3.50; Good Cheer, $1.25; Illustrated Christian Weekly, £3.00; or vCvi (1 1 ' Wide Awake, Good Cheer, and Vick's Magazine for $3.00. VICE'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 210 pages, Six Colored /'ff\ ; Plates, nearly 1000 Engravings, >1.25, in elegant cloth covers. V JAMES VICE. Rochester, N. Ye j