Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 10, 1887, Image 3

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Ebt IHitUtfim 31 ovnn 1.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
*&-Sales advertised through this office trill he
inserted under this heading free oj ehar<rc.
Feb. Uth—Jonathan Harter, agent for tlie
heirs of the estate of Geo. Breon, late
of Gregg township, dee'd the farm of
decedent, three miles southwest of
Spring Mills.
Feb. 19th—Samuel Frank, ltebersburg, live
stock, wagons and household goods.
L. B. Stover, Auct.
Feb. 19th—W. L. Bright, administrator. Mill
lieim, real estate of Sarah Bright,
dee'd. on Main street.
March I—Philip Frank, 2 miles west of Madi
son burg, live stock and farm imple
ment. L. B. Stover Auct.
March 10th—K.S. Shaffer, near Madisonburg.
live stock, farm implements and
household goods.
1). M. Morris, Auct.
March 18th—Jacob and Daniel Moyer, execu
tors of the estate of Philip Mover, late
of Hi.tnes township, dee'd, live stock,
farm implements and;household goons
of decedent. \J. M. l.eltzell, Auct.
March 22nd— Jacob Gephart, Millheim, live
stock and farm implements.
J. M. Lett/.ell, Auct.
March 23d—Emanuel Eungert.Haiues township,
miles east ot Aaronshurg, live
stock and farm implements.
,1. M. Leitzell, Auct.
—Election next Tuesday.
—Sunshine after the rain.
—Fresh Oysters at Stovers grocery.
—The stores Hie decorating with sale
- Finest Cigais in town at J. W.
—Best Florida Changes at J. W.
—This office enj;>ys a brisk run of job
vyvork at present.
First-class job work done at the
JOURNAL office.
—Fine Sweet Fotatoes just received
at J. W. Stover's.
—Most beautiful lace valentines at
the Journal store.
—The farmers are hauling their
grain to market. Good sigu.
—Notice Jfusser & Son's changed
shoe "ad" iu another column.
—License petitions preoccupy the
minds of the landlords just uow.
—Watch the sale register--secure
• dates and engage your sale bills.
—The frame work of the Knitting
Factory building is nearingcompletion.
—Young lads and lassies, did you
see the valentines at the Journal store?
—The band meets three times a week
now. Result of haying permanent
■ quarters.
—The Btatedepartmenl encampment,
A. R , is in sessiou at flarrisburg
• this week.
—The young folks will watch the
mail eagerly next Monday in expecta
■ tion of Valentines.
—A good building lot, located in the
'central part of town, for sale. Inquire
;at this office.
—What has become of our Thespian
♦Club i Has it gone where the wood
<bine twineth ?
—The Express business of the Read
ing railroad is nowiu the hands of the
Attems Express Company.
—A large lot of imported flo .ver pa
per, leaves, wire and other material,
just received at the Journal Store.
—Finest assortment of groceries in
town and as cheap as the cheapest at
J. W. Stover's store on Main street.
—The date of Philip Frank's public
sale, near Jtfadisouburg, has been
changed from Jfarch 3d to March sth.
—Wonder what'll be next—a New
York undertaker has received an order
to furnish a coffin for a lady's pet par
—Remember that this office turns
•-out neat and attractive sale bills at low
;ptices. If you intend miking sale call
• on us.
—Turify your blood, tone up the sys
'teni, and regulate the digestive organs
'by taking Hood's Sarsaparilia. Sold by
. all druggists.
—C. W. Albright is getting up a
:a yery attractive barbersign for Geo.
L. Springer. It is to be an entirely
new pattern.
—The late rains haye cleaned the
•crossings and sidewalks in town of all
the ice and suow to the unfeigned de
light of pedestrians.
—The sale of farm stock and house
hold goods of John Harper, dee'd, late
of near Centre Hall, will take place on
Tuesday, March Ist.
—J. R. Kauffman, Sr., of Northum
berland Co., was in town last week,
the guest of his children, Mrs. E. 11.
LoDg and D. S. Kauffman.
—There is no mistake about it, but
that there is as good a line of Men's
Fine Shoes at Musser's shoe store as
you will find in the county.
—Bear in mind that a full supply of
elegant Valentines has been received at
the Journal store. They will be sold
at panic prices. Call and see.
—Endorsement of a leading physi
cian.—"l have used Darbys Prophylac
tic Fluid extensively a3 a disinfectant
and deodoriz j r. and find it an admir
able preparation. Whenever there are
offensive discharges from wounds, ab
scesses, etc., it is wonderful in its ac
tion. I consider it the best preparation
I know as a gargle in diptheria or scar
let feyer." J. Creswell Lewis, M. D.
AFTER DlPHTHEßlA.— Diphtheria is
a terrible disease, requiring the great
est medical skill to effect a complete
cure. Even when its power is broken,
it clings to the patient with great per
sistency, and often leaves the system
poisoned and prostrated. Just here
Hood's Sarsaparilla does a va3t amount
of good, expelling impurities from the
blood, giving it richness and vitality,
while it renovates and strengthens the
—Eml. Eungert, who lives on John
Homan's farm, a few mile 3 east of Aa
ronsburg, favored this office with a call
on Tuesday afternoon. He engaged
bills for his sale of live stock and farm
ing implements which is to take place
on the 23d of March and also ordered
the JOURNAL sent to him for one year.
That kind of customers are a delight
to the poor printer's heart and pocket
book aud we certainly would be very
williDg to devote an hour of our time
every day to such business. Come a
—This month closes the 11th busi
ness year of the Millheim Building St,
Loan Associaton. Their annual finan
cial repott will appear in our next
—The protracted meeting in the E
vangelical church at litis place contin
ues to be attended by overflowing con
gregations and is favored with remark'
able success.
—Voters, elect none but good men
for the various borough offices next.
Tuesday. You will Und it to your own
interest to put the right men in the
right places.
—Since groundhog day last week the
weather has softened considerably and
it would seem as if the time-honored
groundhog prediction is coming true,at
least this week.
THE Great Zinguri. For toothache
and neuralgia it has no tqual. War
ranted. Only 15 cents at all drug
stores. Johnston, llolloway A Co.,
Philadelphia Agents.
—Mr. M. C. Gephart, our primary
school teacher, contemplates holding a
term of summer school in town the
coming season, lie will announce fur
ther particulars iu due time.
—Mr. Jos. Shafer, and wife. ofNit
tany Valley, spent a few dajs in town
with their daughter. Mis. E Bartholo
mew on Penll sheet. Dining his stay
in town Mr. Shafer favored us with a
—J. Eisenhuth infoims the public
that he has added to his ding stock the
EY and other pure liquors. Sold only
on prescriptions of physicians,for med
ical use. 33-om.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
THE BEST SALVE iu the world for Cuts, Bruises,
Sores, Uleers. Salt liheum. Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands. ChiUdaius. Corns. and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay
required. t is guaranteed to gi\e perfect sai
isfaetion, or money refunded, Price £> cents
per box. For sale bv J. Eisenhuth.
—Judge Frank, of Rebcrsbtirg, will
make sale of his personal property,con
sisting of one cow, one heifer, wagons,
sewing machine, organ, and a lot of
household goods, on Saturday, Feb. lfi.
See bills.
—Prof. Geo. P. Bible and wife, for
meily of Bellefonte, are now corafoi ta
bly located in the Nor.ual school at
Lock Haven, Mr. Bible having accept
ed a permanent professorship in that
—Rev. M. L. Deitzler will preach in
the Lutheran church at this place next
Sunday evening. After the services
there will he a congregational meeting
for the purpose of transacting impor
tant business.
Prof. I). M. Wolf, superintendent
of public schools, honored the Journal
with a business call yesterday afternoon.
He reports his health improved, but
does not feel quite strong enough yet
for the cumbersome duties of Lis office.
SOMETAINO NEW.— Genuine Seal
Skin Shoes at Musser's shoe store on
Main street, guaranteed to have doub
le the streughc and durability and to
outlast the best calf made shoe. A
written guaranty given with each pair.
—Rev. J. A. Clemm, P. E., will
preach in the U. B. church of this
place next Friday evening. He will be
on his way to Rebershurg where he ex
pects to conduct quarterly meeting in
the U. B. church on Saturday and Sun
—Sullivan, the champion slugger,
had to ur.dergo a severe operation be
fore his fractured arm could be set suc
cessfully. The arm had to be broken
again bv the doctors and then reset.
It is said that John fainted dead away
during the operation.
—Clark Gramley, of Rebershurg.who
recently sold 1 is printing press to Von
ada & Burtboff, of Unburn, purchased a
new press of a larger sizs and now
turns out sale bills, and the like. But
oh, Clark, what's the matter with your
grammar, punctuation and display ?
Wonderful Cures.
W. D. Jloyl & Co.. Wholesale and ltetail
Druggists of Koine. <.. s*y: We have been
selling I)r. King's New Discovery. Electric hit
ters and hucklen's Arnica Salve for two years.
Have never handled remedies that sell as well,
or give such universal satisfaction. There
have been some wonderful cures effected by
these medicines in this city. Several cases of
pronounced Consumption have been entirely
cureo by use of a few bottles of Dr King's New
Discovery, taken in connection with Electric
hitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by
.1. Eisenhuth.
—A letter from Joe Crawford states
that h's brother John, who has been
here in the Knitting Mills interest off
and on, is at present confined to his
residence In Philadelphia by sickness,
which accounts for that gentleman's
delay in moving to Millheim. We
hope he will recover rapidly and be able
to attend to the factory busiuess.
—Our readers of town and iramo
diate vicinity will be gratified to learn
that Mr. D. A. Musser intentds to
erect a brick hank building on the lot
adjoining 11. E. Duck's residence on
Main street, this summer. Though
we had hoped to see that institution
occupy the old hardware corner at
some future day, still we are glad to
hear of the new building going upon
the remaining lot left vacant since the
—The value of a printed envelope,
that has your address or business card
printed upon its surface, is evidently
unknown to many people in this sec
tion. The value of a printed envelope
lies in the simple fact that the letter
will be returned to you without going
to the dead letter office, which always
consumes a great deal of time, in case
the postage is not sufficient. Call at
this office and have your envelopes
printed at hiding cost.
—The interior of the new U. B. par
sonage erected on Penn street by
Messrs. Elias Luse and A. It. Alexan
der is being finished in fine style and
before the first of April the building is
to be weatherboarded and painted and
a front porch attached. It will lie
one of the handsomest properties on
Penn street when completed and will be
a decided improvement to that part of
—Large Posters advertising E. S.
Shafer's public sale of farm stock, im
plements, wagons, household go-)ds,&c ,
will be printed at this office tiffs week.
The sale is to taae place at nis premises,
near Madisonburg, on Thursday, March
10th, at 9 o'clock, a. m. Mr. Shafer
expects to emigrate to the west imme
diately aiter the sale. Miles township
will lose one of its best and most enter
prising citizens and a Democrat who
was "dyed in the wool,"
—The best place in Ihe valley for
Valentines is the Journal store.
—Mrs. Rote, of Tyrone, Mis. Brum
gard, of Lewisburg, Mrs. Shuey. of
College twp., this county and Miss
Carolina Wise, of Aaronshurg, all
daughters of the late Mis. Wise were
visitors at B. O. Deiniug,>r*s house last
Mis. Wm. Maize lias been confined
to her lesidence, at the western end of
Main stieet, by sickness for tlse past
three weeks. It is supposed to be a
case of iiitlain ution <>f the bowels and
the lady at times is snl j.ctul to exci u
tiating pain. We shall he clad to hear
of her ultimate recovery.
ARM BUOK KM. —(1 l over, the three
year old son ot A C J/usser, on J/a in
sheet, had a fall from the lower step of
the stairs leading to Hie second story of
the house oa Tuesday evening and
broke one of his arms. I I s parent 4
at once summoned surgical aid and ihe
little fellow does as well as ho can
under the cirouuntane vs.
—We hear of quite a number of
persons who intend moving to Mill
heim from neighboring valleys and
towns this spring. Right, let them
come, establish homes and get Into
business. There is lots of room for
more at d they all may find something
todi. Miliheim is a good place to come
to, especially if you mean business.
—We hear that 11. G. Shafer, of
Spring Mills, will become the proptie
prietor of the National Hotel at this
place. The present landlord W. G.
Rook has rented a large hotel at Ber
wick, Columbia Co., Fa., the manage
ment of which he assumed list week,
and where he will move between tins
and the first of April.
—THE horrible, nauseous worm-seed
vermifuges and worm syrups have had
their day. It's downright cruelty to
compel a child to take them when Mc-
Donald's Celebrated Worm Fowdeis
are so easy and pleasant to take that
children tako them and never know a
medicine is being administered. Can
l>e procured at any drug store for the
small sum of 25 cents.
l'hiladclphia Agents.,
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Fa.
—B. O. Deininger, Esq., we are sor
ry to say, still suffers with malignant
boils on his neck and his a hard lime of
it. lie is under medical treatment and
must endure considerable pain, lie is
able to be about but his general indispo
sition arising from the boils partly un
fits him for business. We trust to
he able to report his full recoyery
very soon.
—Flossie, the little daughter of mer
chant E. 11. Long of this place,is down
with a severe spell of sickness, origina
ting from a bad cold. Mr. Long ex
periences a great deal of sickness in his
family. Hardly a week passes but
what one of the family is not a dieted
with some ailment. It was only last
week that he himself managed to work
oyer a case of chicken pox.
two or three of McDonald's Improv
ed Liver Fids for first dose and follow
with one pill every night at bedtime.
So quietly and surely will they correct
a torpid or disordered Liver and regu
late the bowels, that you will feel like a
new person by the time you have used
one tiox. Money returned to dissatisfi
ed buyers.
Fhiladelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Fa.
—There will he a convention of the
West Branch District L idge, 1. O. of
G. T., comprising Lycoming, Clinton
and Centre counties, at Centre Hull,
to-day and to-morrow. Rev. W. E.
Fisher, of the Lutheran church, was
expected to deliver the address of wel
come, but whether he will do so now
since his accident WT are unable to say.
The meeting on Friday evening will be
—The voters of this borough are re
mindel that the Ward caucuses will
he held in the customary places on
Friday evening to elect delegates for
the convention on Saturday afternoon
when nominations will be made for the
following boro' officers : One person
for Chief Burgess, two for Town Coun
cil, One for High Constable, two for
School Directors, one for Overseer of
the Foor, one for Asssesor, one for
Judge of Election, two for Inspectors,
one for Auditor.
Active, Pushing and Reliable.
Mr. J. Eisenhuth can always bo relied upon
to carry in stoek the purest and best goods, and
sustain the reputation of be ion active, pushing
and reliable, by recommending articles with
weli established* merit and such us are popular.
Having the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's
New Discovery lor consumption, colds and
coughs, will sell it on a positi r e guarantee. It
will surely cure any and every affection of
throat, lungs, or chest, and in order to prove
our claim, we ask you to call and get a Trial
Bottle free.
It is a matter of regret that in intro
ducing Hood's Sarsaparilla, its proprie
tors aie obliged to overcome a certain
distruat by some people who liaye un
fortunately bought worthless com
pound.! mixed by persons ignorant of
pharmacy. Messrs. C. I. llood & Co.
are reliable pharmacists of long exper
ience, and they make no claims for
Hood's Sarsaparilla which cannot be
substantiated by the strongest proof.
And we say to those who lack confi
dence, read the unsolicited testimonials
in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
then proye its merits by actual person
al test. We are confident you will not
be disappointed, hut will find it'a med
icine of peculiar curative value, which
can implicitly be relied upon.
—REPORT of the Millheim Primary
School for month ending January 31st
—M. C. Gephart. teacher : No. of
scholars, males 35. females 3'.),total 74 ;
average attendance, males 29, females
29, total 58 ; Per cent, of attendance
during month males 80, females 75, to
tal 81 ; per cent, of attendance dur
ing term, males 88, females 82, total
85. Visitors : D. L. Zerby, diiector,
Geo. Buck and J. F.-Barter.
—Report of Gram ley'a school, Miles
township, for month ending Jan. 25th,
Jno. (J. Morris, teacher No. of schol
ars in attendance, malas 19, females 17,
total 30 ; Per cent of attendance, males
77, females 81, total 79 ; Visitors —
Thus. J. Shaffer, Miss Rosa B. Morris,
Adam Lamey, Jacob Gephart, director,
Newton Brumgaif, Perry Winters,
Philip Gram ley, .Miss Annie Gram ley,
Wm, M. Emerick. Henry B ck, Win.
Zeigler, Amnion Bieily.John C\ Gram
ley, Jasper Gram ley, Ervin Burrows,
Jas. 11. Bowersox, J. It. Wolfe, Jas.
W. McUurly, Agnes Bierly," Thos.
XV ate.
—The Clinton bcvmmil thus recti
fies a wrong impression which seems to
prevail about Gov. Curtin's eyesight
which was recently restored : There
is is one thing about the cure of Gov
ernor Curtin's eye. The impression is
general that lie was blind in one eye
and couldn't see much out of Hie oth
er, at.d tluit both eyes weie ccmpletely
cured, so that tie could see as well as
anybody. This was not correct. One
of Gov. Curtin'H eyes is a glass eye,and
the other through sympathy was badly
affected. It was this one ere th it was
cured by Dr. Loiing, of Washington.
Even the distinguished surgeon did
not consider himself sufficiently skillful
to restore sight to the glass eye.
Another of those transitory stores
has opened in Musser & Smith's corner
building 011 Man street by Augstadt XS
Co., gentlemen hailing from Lewis
bin g, we believe. We are told that
the town council w : II make an ordin
ance which will after this impose a li
cense fee in llieue short-lived establish
ments and wo think that to be a
very proper move. A business firm of
that kind will snatch away a largo a
inount of trade from our home mer
chants and at the same time is of no
benefit to the interests of the com
munity, aid consequently should be
taxed for the privilege of doing such
quick and profitable business.
'1 11 K Most Remarkable Case of all. —
A gentleman writes us from Philips
burg, Centre Co., Fa., that bis little
girl was horribly alllicted with scrofula.
Her body was full of sores, ears dis
charging continually thick yellow purid
matter, and her eyes so swollen and in-
U.uned as to be almost blind. Oiu bottle
of McDonald's Blood Purifier has to all
appearances entirely cured her. Our
neighbors, as well as ourselves,consider
the cure remarkable.
A bonalide case. The address of the
family can be obtained from the editor
of this paper.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold bv J. Eisenhutli. Millheim.Pa.
IllieiimntiKiii il Neuralgia cured In
*2 Day N.
The Indiana Chemical Co. have discovered a
compound which acts with truly marvelous
rapiditv in tie* cure of Rheumatism and Neural
gia. We guarantee it to euro any and ov
ary on** of acute Inflammatory Pnonm iti-on
and Neuralgia in 12 IAA ". and to give imme
diate ivliefiii chronic cases and effect a. speedy
e are.
On receipt of .Vl cents, in two cent stamps, we
will v nd to any address the prescription for
this uonderiul compound, wh ch can be tilled
by your borne drugsMa at small coat. W
take this means of g|\ ing our discovery to the
pu'jlic instead of putting it out as n patent
meljeine, it being much les- expensive. We
will gladly refund money if satisfaction is not
given. THE INDIANA! HEMIUAI. (to..
4-ly Crawforusvillo, Ind.
—Already we arc reminded that next
fall will be the election for county otfi
cers by the fact that candidates are
looming up in different sections of the
county. For tlie office of Register we
see the name of G. W. Rumberger,
commissioners' clerk, mentioned. For
Recorder,our townsman, I). L. Zerby,
lias concluded to be a candidate. Mr.
Zerby lias rnanv claims upon his party
as a consistent and working Democrat,
while as a man and schalar lie is par
ticulaily fitted for the office, lie does
not expect to make a personal canvass
of the county in away that
candidates for county olfices are
wont to do,but intends to let the voters
knowhiscindidacy by means of publica
tion and then leave the result with the
good will of the Democratic party.
who would like to know all the valua
ble secrets of dressmaking, and to
learn how to cut a dress so that it is
certain to lit witli out trying on,should
subscribe for the great home monthly.
The Housekeeper : Read the series of
articles or. Home dressmaking, and
get as a premium free, Moody's Perfect
Tailor System of dress cut tine, with
di agrams, and t book winch gives com
plete instructions 011 dressmaking.
TIIP retail price of th a premium is
ttie price of The Housekeeper is SI pet
year ; £9 for $1 'JO ; Send M (and JO
cts. for postage 011 the premium) NOW
as the time is limited. Address Buck
eye Publishing Co., Minneapolis,Minn.
—The musical convention at Aarons
burg is a thing of the past and that
winds up the season for such gather
ings. The attendance at the conven
tion was unusually largo and it was
consequently a financial success. The
coffers of the Reformed Ladies' Mite
Society treasury are well filled and the
ladies are in the best of humor. J/us
ically the affair was also a success.
Prof. W. C. J/oyer, of Freeburg, who
wielded the baton as conductor, is a
very pleasant and talkative gentleman
and at ttie same time a good musical
instructor. Ho was ably assisted by
Miss Jfoyer, the. organist,and Calvin &
Cyrus J/oyer accompanied the chorus
es on their cornets. There were a
number of prominent musicians pres
ent, such as Profs. Bierly, King and
Lowell M. Meyer, the latter favoring
the large audiences in the conceits
with his select end most popular songs.
Following is a i'M of the members of
the class with their p< stollice addresses
and respective parts :
AAiiox->ciao— Soprano, Maggie Weaver. An
nie Maize, Annie Datwiler. Clara Shurtz, Dora
Edmonds, Minnie (Tonniiller.Tumiule Stover,
Rertiia Loitzol, Delpho Boworsox, Maggie
Leilzell. Mary Musser. Carrie Stover, Cora
Hetzel, Saniaiit'ui Hafiley. Bella Mlugie, Jen
nie Stanibacl), Reekie diaries, Kate Bell, Ellen
Alto, Emma Edmonds, Emma .lonian, T ('
Weaver. Ered ('rouse, John Wolf, liW Wylo,
Clara Phillips.
Tenor, As Stover. Prof J G Meyer.
Jiass, T F Mull, EG Mingle. Kinaniial Cron
miiler, II A Mingle. Sani'l Piehl. W H Phillips,
Elmer Weaver, AS Musser, I)r C S Musser,
Rev Z A Yearick, J H Crouse. John Foster, U
A Slamboelj, Amnion stover, .7 E Hupp. Roilin
Wvle, llari'.x Dielil, 11 E Crouse, (' A Weaver,
|)il Foreman B K Edmonds. II 11 Weaver.
WOODWVRD— Soprano, Jennie Stover.
Jiass. T (J Weaver-
FIEDLER— Soprano, Tainmie Weaver, Vienna
Bower, (on Stover, Annie stover. Kiltie
Alto, Clymer Dover,
Tenor, A Z Meyer.
Com:atN — Sopreino, Ella Cassler. Laura Mey
er. (Organist.) Mrs Mary Kleckuer Alto.
Tenor . J C Deliass.
Jiass, Win A Guisewite, Prof-Ins Kloekner,
Thomas Meyer, Isaiah Walter. Calvin Meyer
(Alto Soloist), CT rus Meyer (cornet soloist.)
PENN II AM,— Soprano, Lizzie A Snyder, Ent
ma O lleekinaii.
A Ho, Ella Fisher.
Jiass, -1 s Meyer, W C Meyer, D G Smith.
CENTRE HALL — Soprano, Emma R lleekinan,
Annie Keller, Annie Kunkle.
Alto, Laura Rankle.
Jiass. (' II Meyer, Sain'l Kreaiuer.
FREEKUROH—Prof. WM Moyer (Conductor).
Soprano, Lillie Moyer, Annie Mover (organ
Tenor , Wm Hillhish, Win Tool, J A Artier.
Woi. FES' STOKE— Soprano, Mallie Emcrick.
Annie Wolfe.
REREiism'iaa— Soprano, Mrs Emma Wolfe,
Mrs Emma Carman.
Tenor. A N Cornupi.
Jiass, Prof A N I'ierly, W II Oorman.
SPRING MlLLS— Soprano, Mrs Florence Rear
lek, Annie Gettig, Myra Hettinger.
Alto, Ida Miller, Carrie Hettinger.
Mi LLIIELM —Soprano, Mrs John F Hurler,
Mary Keen.
Tenor, R A Bumiller.
CEDAR SPRINGS -'Soprano, Ella KreWor.
Jiass, Prof Cyrus lyreidor.
WALKER, l'\.,—Sopra?io, Lillie YearLk, Sue
Jiass, Win Veariek.
C Meyer.
Tenor, (J C Meyer.
LEWISBUKG— Gertie Uussel, Ivy Russet.
PLEASANT CAP— Prof Lowell M Meyer.
Neighboring News.
Thunder showers on last Wednesday
and Thursday.
The Reformed L adies Mite Society's
Musical Convention was a success.
The concerts on Friday and Saturday
evenings were largely attended. The
gross icceipts will figure up close to
SI 40.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rural, living
not Hi of town, who have been down
for the last six or eight weeks with ty
phoid fever, are at present on a fair
way to recovery.
Michael Harper, living at M. M.
Musser'a, and who has been confined
to the bouse neaily all winter by sick
ness has recovered sufficiently to take
an occasional out door walk. lie took
in tlm convention one day last week.
Mrs. J. G. Kurtz. 3/ilton, I\i., Mrs
L. I). Kurtv, Miityiubuig, Fa., and
Mis. Henry Foster, Hairisburg, Fa.,
are hero visiting their father, Mr.
Emaiiuel Ettinger and other near rel
atives and ft iends.
Rev. Deitzler's protracted meeting is
still in progress and judging by the at
tendance and the interest shown by
ttie members and people generally the
meeting will continue for a week or
twq longer. The house was crowded
at last Sunday evening's sei vices.
The news just reached us that 3/is.
John S. 1 lonian, residing below town,
broke one of her limbs. Ah to how,
when and where tills accident happened
we have not yet learned.
Chas. 11. Stover, our tannery hill
confectioner, starts out to day (Thurs
day) with a full line of cigars, and cut
smoking and chewing tobacco. lie is
agent for a first-cl ass eastern whole
sale house. There is lots of business
snap in Charley and he is bound to
make things go. ANOTHER.
A great many of our citizens attend
ed court in Bellefoute hist week as
Only about one more week until elec
tion time and we have as yet heard of
no candidates who are anxious to l>e
elected to ttie township offices. We
should have a justice residing at Co
burn and trust some one will lie elected
who is competent to fill the ollice.
Testimony was taken on Tuesday
last at K leek tier's hotel in the suit for
divorce of Thus. Keen.
On Tuesday evening last the Ladies'
Mite Society of the Lutheran congrega
tion met at the home, of Mrs. SerifT.
The congregation is the youngest at
Coburn, but we understand it is in a
flourishing condition and their only
drawback is the want of a churoh of
their own, which we hope they will be
able to erect ere long.
The rains of the past few days have
raised the streams considerable and
catching fi*h is now the order of the
Davy Rillmyer came up from Ingleby
the other day all smiles and happiness.
When asktd what was up he replied,
'*Oh. it is twins this time and boys at
that." YALE.
The recent rains have raised the wa
ters of Fenns ('reek with slight damage
along its course.
Most of our young folks attended
ttie two concerts at Aaronsburg and
were highly pleased, espeeially with
"Family Squalls" and "The Fortune
Tne icy condition of the roads caus
ed the teamsters in Mr. Sober's employ
to greatly damage the fences of G. W.
Stover and the question now is who is
to pay for the repairs.
Reuben Bracht, who had intended to
go to Illinois has changed Ins mind and
concluded to stay with us another year.
Glad to have you stay, Reuben.
Saml.Ri umgard was a visitor at Joel
Herb's. We learn that Mr. Brum
gard's object was to purchase several
horses for his farm in IJrushvalley and
also secure a lured man for the coming
summer. Come again, this neighbor
hood is a good spot for buying horses.
Mr. Crosswite, the excellent saddler
from Bellefonte, is again working at
his tiade in this place.
Daniel Garey lui3 come to the conclu
sion that he can till the office of consta
ble and still run his blacksmithshop
and will therefor keep his shop open
for custom the coming year.
Daniel Gentzel has just returned
ftvra his trip with a fine lot of horses
which he will offer for sale.
Jared Snook, living on the Satikey
farm, intends to move to ttie Geptiart
farm above Millheim. Sorry to see
you go but wish you succtss.
Tiro coon scrape is settled and no
body hurt.
Mr. Benjamin Tyson, from Sugar
Valley, who is employed by J. B. Fish
er, as milkman, moved his family to
this place last week.
Messrs. J. C. Condo and J. W.
Bartges wore attending court last
week. Mr. Condo says he took in the
whole business and thinks be can now
run a law ollice too. Wonder whether
Jim will make Democratic or Republi
can stump speeches.
A. C. Fisher and David Sowers are
out buying up cows. At that rate our
town will be in need of a creamery be
fore long.
We understand the kids had a party.
James Wert, the boss thresher, is at
present thrashing for F.D. Ilosterman.
a number of our young folks
were in attendance at the Aaronsburg
concert last Saturday evening. Those
attending during the week were Ella
Fisher and Emma C. Heckman.
The debating society will meet 011
Friday evening. DENVER DAN.
—WHEN your children are threaten
ed with croup or whooping-cough, be
ware how you lull them to sleep with
cough syrups whose principal ingredi
ents are morphia and opiuui. The nat
ural effort of the lungs to expel the suf
focating mucus is coughing. Dr.Kess
ler's Celebrated English Cough Medi
cine contains no morphia or opium in
any form,and by its stimulating actions
I 011 the kidneys, bowels,and pores of the
skin, more than any other remedy, as
-1 sists Nature in breaking up and expell
ing the worst colds from the system.
Money refunded to dissatisfied purchas
ers. bold everywhere.
Philadelphia Agents,
Sold by J, Eisenhutli. Millheim.Pa.
Mr. IV. F. Smith, from Smithtown,
wis here on Tuesday, lie ivas much
tiken with the creamery, where he
s tent, a few hours with liis old chum,
Mr. Mallory.
Chan. I*. Long still makes his regular
visits to Nittany Valley. There seems
to bo some special attraction in that
Jonathan Condo, from Nittany Val
ley, has rented Mr. Crawford's house
with the intention of moving here in
the spring and become a citizen of this
place. He has connected himself with
a largo Root & Shoe establishment of
Philadelphia as traveling salesman.
Jerry Philips, Esq., of Philadelphia,
spent a few days with his brother, P.
I). Philips, last week;
Geo, A. Runk has returned fiom his
western trip. llis many friends are
glad to take him by the hand and
welcome him home. *
On last Thursday Benjamin Smith
moved from Centre Hall to Wolf's
Store where he now occupies Mrs. Sal
lie Wolf's house.
Guiswite & Co. have for the present
quit woik on their saw mill. They
have removed the old engine to make
place for the new one which they will
shoitly receive.
Clark Gramley has lately purohascd a
large hand power printing press.
C. C. Lose has sold his store to John
llarter,hiß former clerk. Mr.llarter is
just ihe man to run a general merchan
dise store and we wish him the best of
On last Friday some of the scholars
of Gramley's school paid back the visit
of Wolf's scholars and presumably haye
received due credit.
Some of our capitalists talk of erect
ing a creamery in this immediate vicin
ity. Hope it is not empty talk for we
want just such an en terprise here.
Another wedding is on the tapis.
This time it will be our fur dealer.
Well, that is what we looked for long
ago, Ammon.
The members of the Lutheran church
of this place contemplate erecting a
new parsonage next summer on the
same lot on which the Lutheran church
stands. This will make a very conven
ient home for the pastor.
Next Saturday evening there will
a caucus meeting in the brick school
house to nominate a ticket for town
ship officers. SQUIBOB.
On the 21st of Dec. l>Wd, at Madisoaburg, by
Rev. J. Dotterer, Mr. Ellas Miller to Miss
Amunda Grimes.
On the 221, Uebersburg. by the sara?,
Mr.J.W. Gramly, of Uebersburg, to Miss
Jos. Sellers, of Logan Mills, Clinton Co., Pa.
Home Evidence
No other preparation lias won success at
home equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. In
Lowell, Mass., where it is made, it is now,
as it lias been for years, the leading medicine
for purifying the blood, and toning and
strengthening the system. This " good name
at home" is "a tower of strength abroad.*'
It would require a volume
PGOpIO to print all Lowell people
have sa|d in favor of Hood's
O' • Sarsaparilla. Mr. Albert
Low fi I I Estes hving at 28 East Pine
Street, Lowell, for 15 year*
employed as boss carpenter by J. \Y, Bennett,
president of the Erie Telephone Company,
had a large running sore come on his leg,
which troubled him a year, when he began to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The sore soon grew
less in size, and in a short time disappeared.
Jos. Dunphy,2l4 Cen
tral Street, Lowell, had Praise
swellings and lumps f
on his face and neck, HOO O 8
which Hood's sarsapa- Sarsaparilla
rilla completely cured. K
Mrs. C. W. Marriott, wife of the First As
sistant Fire Engineer of Lowell, says that
for 10 years she was troubled with stomach
disorder and sick headache, which nothing
relieved. The attacks came on every fort
night, when she was obliged to take her bed,
and was unable to endure any noise. She
took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after a time
the attacks ceased entirely,
Many more might be given had we room,
tin the recommendation of people of Lowell,
who know us, we ask you to try
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists, fl; six for $5. Preparcdonly
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
. No Bad Effect.
I No Macho,
j No Nausea.
| y NoßioftEars.
Cures Quickly.
4 JjJtJPliasaEt,Piire.
that the most delicate stomach wil bear.
and all Germ Diseases.
Bellevue Hospital, N. Y., "Universally suc
( "Every patient treat-
SLFrancisHospital,N.Y. <ed with Kaskine has
( b'n discharged cur'd."
Dr. L. R. White, U. S. Examining Surgeon,
writes; "Kaskine is the best medicine made."
l>r. L. M. Glessner, 300 East 121 st St., New
York City, has cured over 2tk) patients with Kas
kine after quinine and aU other drugs had fail
ed. He says;-It is undoubtedly the best medi
cine ever discovered."
Prof. W. F. Holcombe, M. D., 54 East 25th
St., N. Y. (late Prof, in X. Y. Med. College)
writes: "Kaskine is superior to quinine In Its
specific power, ami never produces the slight
est injury to the hearing or constitution."
ltev. Jas. L. Hall. Chaplaiu Albany Peniten
tiary, writes that Kaskine lias cured his wife,
after twenty years suffering from malaria and
nervous dyspepsia. Write him for particulars.
Thousands upon thousands write that Kas
kine has cured them after all other medicines
had failed. Write for book of testimonials.
Kaskine can be taken without any special med
ical advice. SI.OO per bottle. Sold by
or sent bv mall on receipt of price.
THE KASKINE CO., 54 Warren St, New York.
jto. PARKER 1 *
Q- Ma the popular favorite for dressing
nKH(|£ / the hair, Restoring color when
gray, and preventing Dandruff.
cleanses the scalp, stops the
hair falling, and is sure to please.
st\ 60c, and gi.oa at Prugptsta,
The safest, surest and best cure for Coras, Bunions, Aa.
Stops all pain. Ensures comfort to the feet Fever raUp
W euro, id cents at Druggists, Bxscos & Co, V.T,
The largest and finest Assortment of
in town. Thanking myfriends for their liberal
patronage I desire to express my determination
to merit a continuance of the same by a loss
scale of prices and completeness of stock, and in
this connection I wish to add that at my store
you will .find everything in the line of
Ladies' and Gents' Gold £
Silver Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Silverware and
tO'lbuy largely for cash, and, doing my
own work, can afford to sell heaper and give
my friends the benefit, which I will always make
a point to do. Remember the place, Main 9L,
Millhelm, Pa., and come, see and be convinced.
; ■■■■■ i
Boots I Shoes!
Anything In the line and at prlcea we shall
leave the people le Judge.
€vm) Jtoar guarantttd fa givt
Inquire of persons who have seen oar shoes
nn not help but Ukh
them for the QUALITY AND PRICKS.
at prices, you woa ldn't believe U.
Gondola Kids, 12.70. usual prtos 18.75.
Dongolas. 1.75, ** " 2.75.
Freuch Tan'd K1d5.2.75, M " 4.00.
Other Kids, 1.90, " " 2.50.
And no better line in Men's and Children** at
corresponding prices.
erlf we have given you the lie,
mark us and never come again.
But come to see us anyway, whether you wil
be wanting shoes or not we know you will be
feel the better for it.
In best Inner sole and grain outside.
Very truly Yours.
J. <%; Soq.
Trade does not end at Christmas by any
means. The seasons have changed. From
now on is the regular time for trade. SO WR
See Especially Our
Sugars, Coffees, Mo
lasses, and all Staple
See Especially Our
Canned Goods, Con
fectioneries, Tobacco
& Cigars, Rice, Oat
Peaches, Dates and
such like.
Best Cider Vinegar al
ways on hand. Also
Fresh Tub Oysters.
Uain Stsrt. Millheim. Pa.
FOR AIX. Permanentem
l||f 11 U V ployraent given to energetic
WW ml fl 1% men and women everywhere.
■ " " ™ S3O a week and expenses paid.
Samples worth *5 and all particulars sent free.
Address at once P. O. VICKERY Augusta,
Maine. Don't miss this chance. Write to day.
nffllShll LADIES.
rfff ■ IZelelCSiclK* B tw i ce a year,tops ouee
<l° S3l a week and vou have the
53 f Iflnest polished stove in
world. For sale by all
G i ocers and Sstove dealers.