' liie Faimeif,' Poultry Raisins Guide." This is the title of a new and valuable book on fwbltry raising forYrofit. This book answers in advance every possible question in respect to keeping and car ing for poultry, abd gives in the plain est possible manner all needed instruc tions to enable beginners ;or old hands tocagar on the business successfully, and* make money. If you desire to know how to* make hens lay the year round; how to fatten market poultry quickly ; how to dress and ship poultry and sell eggs to obtain the highest prices; how to build inexpensive hen houses and yards; how to discover, pre vent and cure all disseases of poultry ; how to select and obtain choice breeds, and how men and women of long ex perience in the business make money, then send-at once for a copy of the "Farmers' Poultry Raising Guide," published by I. S. Johnson & Co., 22 Custom House St., Boston, Mass. Price 25 cents. This book is profusely illustrated with engravings of model pouitrj houses and runs, also many of the best breeds of hens, ducks, turkeys, and geese. This work presents a mat ter of supreme? importance to every body, but especially to women,children and invalids, for there is probably no way by which a small but constant cash income can be secured with so lit tle effort as by keeping and caring for hens. From now until next March the price of ( eggs will advance higher and highereach month. I)o not, therefore, delay, but send at once and get a copy of this valuable book. During the season of high prices the hens should be kept busy. For 60 cts. in stamps, Johnson & Co. will send postpaid a copy of "The Farmers' Poultry liaising Guide" and two 25-ct. packs of slieri dans Powder to make hens lay, or they" will send a 21-4 pound tin can of Pow der at regular rate [sl.2o] and a copy of the "Guide" FREE. Of Interest to Farmers. There are lots of fools who drive horses, and one of the biggest is the • one who makes the horse trot down hiII.— FARM JOURNAL. An Illinois farmer gives his hogs red pepper tea on their showing symptoms of cholera, and claims this has always proved an effectual cure, and that he has never lost a porker so treated, while his neighbors have suf fered seriously. —CHlCAGO NEWS. A New York farmer raised one hundred bushels of shelled corn to the acre. It was from land that had been two years in clover. Under each hill was placed a handful of hen manure dusted with lime. This is a fertilizer that will bring good returns every time, but it must not come in direct contact with the seeds. Yet how lew farmers and gardncrs appreciate the natural fertilizer, thousands of tons of which gc to waste, while vast sums are paid for artificial fertilizers. — N. Y. POST. It may be surprising to some farm ers to be told that filling a horse's rack with hay, as some do, and per mitting a constant supply to remain before the animal, is one of the most probable means of producing disease, and the most positive in rendering the animal unfit for fast work. Large supplies of hay have the effect of making the stomach large and weak. Everybody knows, too, that the ven tilation of the stable should be as per fect as possible, so that all the odors and gases will have an opportunity to escape. —WESTERN RURAL. Too Much for the Preacher. A clergyman at Bath took strong measures on a recent Sunday to stop the practice of coughing and sneezing, in which so many people indulge while they are in church. The preach er, finding himself interrupted as soou . as he commenced his sermon by a perfect chorus of hacking coughs,shut up his book, observing: "lam sor ry to see that so many of-you are suf fering from coughs which you cannot restrain. The subject which I have chosen demands close attention,which neither you nor I can give to it,owing to your severe colds," and then he closed the service and descended from the pulpit. Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrove, - - - - - Penna. S. T. Frain, Proper. This Hotel has been remodeled and refurnished, and the Traveling Public will find it first-class in every respect. Latest improved Water Closet and Wash Room on first floor. { Bath Room in Hotel. HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK DEALERS. Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attached PATENTS Obtained, and all PA TENT B TJSINE SS a tended to PROMPTLY and for MODERA TE FEES. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL OR DliA WING. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS SE CURED. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and to tiie officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients in your own State or county, write to C. A. SNOW A CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C, TIIE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with GOOD and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS. NOTE JIEADS. DILL BEADS. STATEMENTS, EN T "EI. OPES, CI ECU LADS, I'OSTEES, and, in thirst, and ln.fi/ Job Printing of all kinds EXECUTED 7 'ROMPTLY AND CHEAPLY. PENNSYLVANIA 'STATE COLLEGE. Next Te uu begins September S. issd. This institi ition is located in one of the most beautiful an a healthful spot* of the entire Alle gheny regit n. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of study: 1. A Fu'.i Seientitle Course of Four Years. 2. A La.tin Seientitio Course. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of twoye; .rs each, following the iir*t two vears of the Set entilie Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (to NAT I KAL HISTORY: ic) CHEMISTRY AND PHY SIC-; ul> Cl\ 11. ENGINEERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE M Agriculture, o. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistrv. <> A reorganized Coarse in MECHANIC A';rs. combining shop-work with study. New 1) uihling and Maehinerv 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two vent's) in Literature and seience. for Young Ladies. 5. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for boitTd and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATIIERTON, ! L. I>.. President, -i-29 State College. Centre Co., Pa. Hiftls'?. If•; ii 1 ■F ■ ag hyc . iarco in tho ■ Kr —i' ' preparation of rncio B fel Thorns-. ! r.: -t: n f>r p.iu-nt sin ■ Hp t ... i' ■: ."ii le? £3 tries, the ; rr. of tho Scicntitio j p ! ■ : copy ■■ ' i H rights, e: rt' o United sni.s. nr. i to obtain p.u r. i' England, France", Germany, and •. 1 c c mtrics Their experi ence is une-jualvd tail th .r facilities tiro unsur passed. Drawing* and ' > prepared m ! {•'■ I In tit* Patentpffico en ri notice. I irn - very reasonable. No c .r, >; ;-tr.iniv.alion of laode.J or drawinps. A< .in > Patent sobtn n ! • . Po.r.r >".o*ic I In tho SCIEWTI . " lUICAN. which boa the largest circulation a: imoit intlaential I newspaper of i:; • • ! i-i tho world. The advantages cf E.UL J ever., pate::: c understands. Thio large and wilcmii trat Ineti iHtr> ] is published V." •i • . ;i ,.. ■, ; admitted to > j *.t. •. t" , j mechanics, i :-- atic . riag t v*... IM Other dopartmcnu of ind at - ■ pab. I lished in any t tin i of •U patentees and -t.-li } each week. Trj it : * . ... d ...or. | Sold by all n< If you bare an ini nti n write to . Munn A Co., publish .c:.r;.:o .Yiucrieass I 861 Broadway. N v Yor'; Handbook about p;.'..a:s froa. nasT papain,. MM ferr.ml ihv.c ISpS ICAs'-F r ,r-. A-for •:. 4sm. •'. Mfr., I .v."; tli c'n.ju •••:. .'it I, ,MLI'B !A, P.U \ | S. G GUTELIUS, DEYTISTa . - l r>. / • v fe --- X 7 MILLIIEIM, IJA.1 J A. Offers ids professional services to the public. He ts prepared to perform all op "rations in the dental profession, lie is now ft 4 Hy prepared to extract teeth absolutely wither.t pain soMSTHrtra' 2 J-E-W. NSTQRLD RUNOVprUD Tho Special Features of this Celebrated Plow are, tnat it Ist. KEVER CLOCS. 22. ALWAYS SCOURS. "d. YURtJS A PERFECT FURROW. VMQ THT.ro is lint belted to the landside. but—by aV- cf a etc el frog —is set directly in tho Cci.ci-o of tha hme of Draft, making r„ -toady light miming plow, and one that cannot bo Clog if it. See ouo before you buy, 7 f your A"cut has none write us for price. " ir\XUFa.CXUBED ONLY LY K I. CASE PLOW WORKS, KACINK, Wis. Groceries & Provisions. EW GOODS ! FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY DAY o o FINE FLORIDA ORANGES. BRIGHT NEW LEMONS. CHOK E WHITE GRAPES. NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNES. FIGS, DATES and I'KUNELLES. EIN EST CLUSTER RAISINS., j PRESERVED CITRON & LEMON PEEL CURRANTS and RAKING RAISINS. EVAPOR ATED PEAGUES & PEARS. ALMONDS and ASSORTED NUTS. An exceptionally line lino of PURE CON FECTION KKV at Gi l'V PRICES. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. MOLASSES CANDY (or Yafl'v) MADE BY Ot RSLI.VI S, ALWAYS FRESH. CALIFORNIA FRUIT canned and Evap orated. PURE HONEY in pint and quart jar*. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess. CRANBERRIES, Sound and Firm. PLAIN ami FANCY CRACKERS FINEST FULL CREAM CHEESE. PURE SUGAR TABLE SYR I PS. A'.full Hue Of NEW CANNED GOODS. RYJII: WHITE ROCKGANDY SYRUP in half gallon and one gallon cans. PURE M.YPLE SYIIUP in quart and hall gallon cans. FINE, FRAGRANT TE As. PURE SPICES. You can depend oil our ground peiqier for butchering purposes. It is strictly pure. FRE-SII SHELL OYSTERS opened to order, o o ALL OUIiSTOUK IS NEW AND F BBS 11. ON US FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT IN OUR LINE. —SECIILER A CO.,— G ROCERS, Bush House Block, BELLE FOX TE, PA. A Lifo Experience. Remarkable) and quick cures. Trial Packages. Sond stamp for sealed particulars. Address Di'c WAKD &, GC Louisiana, FVlo. SIQVES- ■ ■■' ■■ ■ [\< > w A(I veitisei nei i i .] Jacob JjJisenliutli Irishes to inform the public 'hat, hav ing jiitrchast d the machines and tools, together wifh. stools of Moves, Tin and I followire, formerlt/ the /im-perf;/ of I). /. Brown, and having the sere/res of that *jeatleman who is a jirael o-al mechanic, is now prepared lo Jit! all orders in (his line Hones & bant Snouting A SPECIALTY and satisfaction guaranteed. Ansf race i red a fine assort mod of the. best males of STOVES, Ranges. HEATERS, &c., Ac., &c. Ant/ person in want of a store fir cooking, baling or heating pur/mses will find itto their interest to call al the shop or sale, room, near Knarrd Loseds foundr;/, MILT II EI M. PA where Mr. Brown ma;/ be found af all limes to attend to the wants of patrons ft A-REM KM I :E it TH AT E ISKNHUTH*S STOVES MUST BE SEEN TUBE RIGHTLY AITKECIAT EL). Millhoini, Centre Co., Penna Summer Resort Two miles from Coburn Station. —=o=- THIS HOUSE has been thoroughly renova ted, Is newly fUVnished throughout and offers the very best accomodations to the trav eling public. FRONT ROOMS, ELEGA NTL Y FURNISH ED, ON SECOND FLOOR FOR SUM MER . BOARDERS. The celebrated "l'cnn's Cave" is but a short drive from town, and the good roads and line mountain scenery of the surrounding eountiy make it a very desirable stopping place. Horses and Stylish Car riages for use of guests. - Bus meets all Trains at dura - -} Moderate Terms. ~w. qARooiT. Pi'op'*. . —-GREAT BARGAINS —IN— •l * Usuf. * .*i jl*i i~ -i-jf JUuiL4* i*4 i('J' i JF-U3RJSTX TUBE hryvr:r:r r -T.r.rr.rr r.r.rrr.ryjJ -W. T. MAUCKS— FURNITURE STORE, Penn St., Millheim, Pa. II •/•:. ////■: OFFNHI.YI; CHEAT IIAUOAIKS I.Y ('haiuher Fuits, Ihuiiuj Hooui ior moiKj* refund. J. Sis jr. • ths treat un-nt tt the Inhaler in U -I;. f al f>3 onl* ii: cud th® lohi.lcrwill bofunn-nh 1 by .anil, i> > iK' paid', r.jul if. :t thoojpirat"• ~i oi :>• •< >i.-: ir .ii if. r. -i ij,t you art. i: t Mtistit-d Willi list tf. - ls, you iv.sy r i 'T- it, aud if fccoirud iugiu>J cimililmu, nnrnwHif will btnfoniM. L'iiMdor and tuwtiuioiiiaU mailed freoea ftj pIL-aiiea u Ha Da CUSHWIAN, Three Rivers, Mich. P. H. MUSSER, WATCHMAKER JEWELER, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., -t-JOPPOSITR TIIE ItA sK. X~- P7f\U P.iir Work a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your pat renege ic-fpectfully solicited. 5-Iv. HAR WOOD'S ■CHAIR SEATS I | WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY 8 To Replace Broken Cane. 1 RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. | In buying now Chairs, ask for those with I H UAM WOOD'S lied Leather Finish Scats. They never wear out. A T Mr?. Sarah A. Zeigler's PA KEKY At -/■ J;; . _F_ .. . J?... jf aSa CJ wßn on Penn street, south of race bridpe, Itlil lirini, Fa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of snj erior (piality can be l> light at any time and in any aro follovvocJ. SYSTEM OF DRESS CUTTING. ' I hart ai.d 1! ' M-: <■( full din : -e , : any one t. Cut and 1 ii pei iccily. I P'; e, $3.00. Sent by mail, post paid, on re* I .-< ipi ol puce. - * MIKE. DEFORESTS PORTFOLIO 017 FASHIONS AND WHAT TO WEAR. IN a 1 UV-- Mt. i/ lie > I i)■■ •■ 3 <■! 1 .inhi'll Note® and Sty!- -. Pin tr.: 1 v...'. ah- at | OOO Cuts, h. at j. i-t p. i 1 t.r 213 cents. Demorest Sewing Machine. Tla i & Stylo Only. $1 b - : i ■" if 2 ** r-rTV/M \v 'I [FID F% Y VA. ■ I; 'ht />, Lh' . . ' V j. • K ' it fe-' ... . . § %.!•>... r.iJ I TIIOULAKDS OI C:J T: CL? "R> o, . CV. ir: use ALU o.'ti" Ti Z WORLD AND oivif.c r-CNR:CT SATISFACTION. / a-Pnu'i pay thcr c* mpanies $ 40.0 Dpr *dl on a inn hin^MOTso coon AS TIB 1 >R ! > I'. bu buy direct of die naacfa tar r*. 8 atC.O. B. Writ© for OirctElarc. FASHSOK AMD SEWIINC MACHINE CO. t 17 Eaot Street, KowYork GJty , --i''' ' ''*sr S.VIFT |M. > j Ndki:-- |i SI:nll > X] '] i;ji CILENT felijji NEWARM, NEW MECHANICALFR.'NC/PLES and Bo %ry Movements, Auio ? L:rest c:d Perfect -fiction, Cf.indcr* £ui: * % €c"f cciiirj Nee dle, Positive Fe6d> No 1 'eio Pw*Ul JMinimum No 7 J.. i \ No Wecur, No Fai.r Ifo " Tan'> x -;me," Capa city unlimited, Always m Crder, Ri,ch'.;/Ornamerited, 17 Per i cited, and (%iucs Perfect Satisfaction. Send for Circular.- . AVERY MACHINE CO., 23 U.iicn Square, r.'cv; York. Organ. {O-olidly Made. •y-one Unrivaled. Hj-legant Finisli. ■y-eara of Popularity.^ ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SEXT FREE. Estoy Organ 00., Bratieboro,Yt MAR; IPS CYI "" [PER SKD c _/ <: -C lattfSSS " /' - .'-/iL, :d\ J? nswplsn.haviag s fr%p N :■,, -.or Ilea. 15 (j . IJ| <"■- w-:.:.-!: is usr.ch E m -'a?lßanJ < \ V: c" CN'C-isat thnn I j'A 1 * h eold style It "Z PI / N \ 3d n 3 has attachments q \ \ ' I o for Circular and 1 A '?Si 2 7,:; 1 for Erwict cu •s&irwe*-- ' ,o!f t ro Lculdiag. ITew. "iif /" novel, cad TH3 £2Ol inrentol Prioo OCO.OO end r.pwardg. Manufactured and sold by the Battle Creekrfoehinery Co., dat^cr£ES, -S3 x v— _ -21 •S co A\ j-S* s3 pis xMMm =|s "Warranted themost perfect Force-Feed Fertilizer L>riljin existence. Send for circular. A. B. FARQUHAR, York, fa. I Kgi N. w. EBY, . -DISTILLER OP— \\ Straight J§L.. PURE S| liu RYE whiskey f ; w FOR MEDICAL USEt Wootlv! qi THI ¥ 'P i\ r I. If W UNLIKE ANY OTHER SULKY IN PS: ? 'j v V ri a *. V THE WORLD, CAN ije ATTACHED IN fCi IRC \*< I" in & VJ - r. -1 To ANY COMMON % WALKING ura ' • Jiil rn — OYTf *7V I>LOW Ix FIVE MI NOTES TIME. £oA.UAvjahiW AND IS WARRANTED NOT TO — ~ i irm h/dliUAkAs INCREASE THE DRAFT ONF. " POUND. SO SIMPLE A CHILD I STRONG ENOUGH TO DRIVE A jC X / t VXj TEAM CAN OPERATE IT. WILL M TURN A SQUARE CORNER WITH j&x iVX v■. J: OUT RAISING THE PLOW. THE H '" -*&£ V i*vS • < .^BlP^$ v "V\ QN'LY PLOW MADE WITH A FOOT X f ] LEVER TO START THE POINT [ - .11/ OF I'LOW ABRUPTLY IN THE VsMIII GROUND OR ELEVATE IT TO \ ..JfexK. &• SKIM OVER THE TOP OF FAST r TgTkvi \-£-* r JMK. ■ sroxis. AROUND ROOTB, ETC. X' e \". f X /7il\\ X- i t V>'o want a good, livoiaan to actaa X % -JSV- s*\\ .ffl\ agent ia every tov\n in the U. S. . n v /I \ fj Writ® tw for our liberal tenna and _ Ws ' 's&? *&<"''■; v*\v pricefi <%> LS. DANSELS & CO.. —•-" ~slk*iz'.•<£** ■•'!' '-H*-- HAVANA, N. Y. - - - - - MM - - . Pri.i 6j '■-.*?% S., ■ 'H . ■ your dtaler to Rety<>u UlobjToastcr; J. • ~ | &35c.(vervsnieriorarticle<)Gl>berru*andJ Ilr "*~v . j Press, $1 23, U islo eqn il. Cake Mixt. dono Lov'l - t:s- j ..•• $1.75. Globeenmbined T ulcHara-a' r.KettloScraiv. - jr °r Hot Tan T.ifter,loe. Globe Bntllro t J lealer saves coal, 23c., &c.. &c. If y.nrdt tier is ontclnb with ] •' neighbors send money to us &wo will ship direct. CLOSE sVTF'G CO 92Q Wainut St. s Phifa,K^- (% THE ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEBIBATOR, A NEW PATENT STEAM €t MEDICATOR, INHALER, DISINFECTOR, Sec, constructed for the treatment of eucli diteax s aa CONSUMPTION. KACAL CATAjI23. EAT AN2 TO2E FEVIA, EIPETEE2IA. weoopinu C3u:s. ;u::>*:r, COLD IN TEE EEAT. SCEOFUIA swelungs. as^a! ESONCHITIS, PLEURISY, PNEUMONIA, NEUEALOIA, EUIfPS, LISXENbmCA. Thef.rst time "SOLIDS" could be used itt MEDICATiyO STL'AM. Nasal Catarrh, liny Fev,y, A.tlttaa. In all these diseases tho MeJicator ip vvorth ten times the price asked. Any Lady can lb-nut ify Iter Complexion after uslnc a few clave. HAIIMLESS BUT CEIITAIN. * It cis te used f:r a NUE3E or LUNGE LAY?, having as extra attachaest cf a Cap. Price, Complete, $3.00. Dy 3I|1, Medieator;—ljirge Profits, fivlls at Hight. One Agent sold Twentj'-seven Aiu one day. Write tor b ruis and circulars to the ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDICATOR CO.. ~ " 30 UNION SQUARE. NEW YORK. EUREKA' FOLDIM CANOPY ll',. f"| —' aiaws Ipgidigw Made in different sizes, anil rail be attached to nearly all wagons, bug _ I gies, phaetons and carts. Eiisily removed and folds like an umbrella. | \X If you cannot get it of your local fc ; wagon maker or dealer, send to us for i_ illustrated circular and price list. f/\ Agents wanted everywhere. D. C. BEERS & CO., \\V' /I \/ PATENTEES and MANUFACTURERS^ NEWTOWN, Conn. SHERHAN ROAD CART. \ g^^^^^^^L r * < * BESTCART ON BA R T H." 4J SINGLE DOUBLE and LIGHT, \ J 125 lbs. 150 lbs. 85 lbs. \ I / • 35 ' $37. S4O. / VVVtn/ EASY ' durable and CHEAP. \ y\ / \ >. \/ y Crated free on board cars. \ X V /\ \X. _ - ATOBESS— CHAp. T. ALLEN, MaqageL COLDWATER, Mich. Pv P__>7 { v l AsPiu-knses mailed to pa- /jmf fortlnse troubles, and all Qum-lts. 'lf-Pspu'xrr tients a larpe proportion / X hw whose only aim is to bleed their vies /Sa> [ ,®TTj- 3 r w4# tln,s - Take a SURERcmgi>t thatn.va were restored to health by use of $A \J9I ' J® CURED thousands, doe Sol Interferß ¥ Sg?& SEMINAL jrinconvenience iu Founded A Radical Cure for Nervous Debility. Organ in ruß acientific medical principles. By direct VV euknossnndPhysi ral Decay in Young or Mid-^C'7#?X ,^X-\^^ application to the seat of disease its speeifia die A;:od Men. Tested for Fight Yenra in influencel fe't without delay. The natural thousand cases they absolutely rec.toro ,u " e "°n®°fthc human organism restored. Tha aged aud broken down men to tho full onjovmentof le jnciitsof life ory given hack, the patient perfect and full Manly Strength and Vigorous Health. catnc * cheerful and rapidly gama both strength and iieaiih TRMTMENT.-Owlto^TvoHoik.lto., t? A. ork, or too free Indulgence, we ask that you send us ajannic nrurnv .. _ vov<-iinmovvnhr.tnt.oni.'nt of your trouble, and secure "AHRIS REMEDY CO.. WF'C CHEMISTS. A " t or^A , ML Uust ' d^ nmph L e^i c A IT. Tenth Street, ST. LOUIS, wa Rvr . Jku.D can have FREE j rial of our Appliance. Ask for TermsJ I >•'A X ' 1 W > ROMLfeIE A beau . t, " ful wcrk of 150 pages, Colored Plate, and mot. [ with descriptions of the best Fkwers W % fez" -S v *> >j* £/ n cgetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to crow vS X V Printed in English and Gcrmam Price onlv V t 11 r CenU ' Whlch >na y bc deducted from f>st ordfr ' Y 1& . 11 tcs w-hat you want for the garden, and how ti get it instead of <■{ > •:>. Jic gmcuy at t.ic last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to bc le f t over mJ^flnn p'vv V " disappointment after weeks of waiting. over, meeting EUY ° NLY V,CK ' B SEEDS A T HEADQUARTERS. iffiy, i . VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINB ., OTW , t* < . ' A. r '-A- -' £L —-reali y t the p " b,ica i ions at ' ht Pccs namld betew f JLM -•? ;?>• A e, v- 1 ! ma *' Jumcs / ? t 1 , c P' ce of on c—Century, $4.50 ; Harper's MoatMv ti ocv fei VC/ m&'XS&tfSia' Xt ,y ' fei! " . JAMES VICKv Rochester, N Yt