JTlif WiUluiut 31 oit vnn 1. THURSDAY, FEU. 3 HP, INST. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. REGI US-Sales advertised throvph this ojlice fill he inserted tinder this headin. M. Morris, Auet. March ISth-.Tacob and Daniel Mover, execu tors of the estate of l'hilip Moyer. late of ll;.lues township, dee'd, live stock, farm implements and,household goods of decedent. J. M. I-eltzell, Auet. March 22nd—Jacob Gephart, MiUheim, live stock and farm implements. M. Left/ell. Auet. ' LOCAL NEWS. —SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —The town clock teems to have a cold again. —First-class iob work done at the JOURNAL office. —Tf ashington's birthday, Feb. 22nd, is the next legal holiday. —A good building lot, located in the central part of town, for sale. Inquire at this office. —Boyd, the smallest child of our townsman, G. W. IJaiter, is reported seriously sick. —As large a variety and good an as sortment of shoes at Musser's store as you ever saw. —W. L Blight's sale on last Satur day and W. J. Springer's sale on Tues day afternoon was well attended. Miss Libbie Mingle, of Woodward, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. Ilarvey Swartz, on North street. —Geo. Buck the photographer at this place, has been suffering with the muraos, but is about couvalesing. —Arainon Strayer, of Wolf's store, is agent and takes orders for copying and enlarging photographs,tintypes,&c. Remember that this office turns out neat and attractive sale bills at low prices. If you iutend making sale call on us. —Mrs. Sankey, of Bellfonte, the wid ow of John Sankey, dec'd, was recent ly thrown from a sleigh and had a leg broken. —Miss Ada Corraan, of near Wolf's store, has gone to Boalsburg. where she expects to work this winter and next summer. —The office of the Centre Democrat in Bellefonte has been moved up to Al legheny street, which gives it a more central location. —Dr. Smith, one of our Associate judges, was not able to take his place on the bench in last week's court, on account of sickness. —The sale of farm stock and house hold goods of John Harper, dec'd, late of near Centre Hall, will take place on Tuesday, March Ist. —"100 Doses One Ddlar" is true onty of Hood's Sirsaparill 1, and it is an unanswerable argument as to strength and economy. —On Friday night and part of Sttur day we had a heavy rain and the rem nants of snow have been growing beautifully less ever since. —Mr. and Mrs.Kauffman,nee Maggie Boyer, are in from Kansas on a visit to relatives. They were the guests of Mr. George Mensh in this place a few days. —Rev. Heckrnan will preach in the 11. E. church of this place next Sunday forenoon at half past 10 o'clock, instead of in the eveuiug as previously announ ced. —Miss Laura Keller, the charming -daughter ot Prof. Keller, teacner of our grammar school, is up from Snyder /County on a visit to her father and friends. —Miss Carrie Kerlin, who makes her home with Mrs. Maria Frank, on North street, has become an apprentice in I. W. Buck's shop to learn the tai loring trade. —District Attorney Meyer had bis first shake at legal oratory in last week's court and is said to have gone through with the job with admirable self possession. THE Great Zingari. For toothache and neuralgia it has no equal. War ranted. Only 15 cents at all drug stores. Johnston, Holloway & Co., Philadelphia Agents. —Henry. Wirt, and John Wise, both of LogansvUlt*, Clinton Co., weie in town on Monday, the former a guest jat R, O. Deininger's residence, the lat ter at Rev. Sweugle's. —On Monday and Tuesday there were no less than 27 drummers in this place and the merchants had their hands full just with entertaining them, business must be looking up. —Among those attending court at J3ellefonte this week were Dr. J. F. Harter, D L. Zerby, Win. Miller, Con stable G. W. Harter and J. 11. Heif- Snyder, Esq., all from this place. rj. Eisenhuth informs the public ihat he has added to his drug stock the celebrated MAET WHISK EY and other pure liquors. Sold only on prescriptions of physicians,for med ical use. 33-6 m. —THE horrible, nauseons worm-seed vermifuges and worm syrups have had jttieir day. It's downright cruelly to compel a child to take them when Mc* PoqajcPs Celebrated Worm Powders ar£ AO easy and pleasant to take that children take them and never know a medicine is being administered. Can be procured at any drug store for the small sum of 25 cents. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & CO., Philadelphia Agents., £old by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. —Mrs. 11. K. Ltise, who had been away several weeks on a visit to her sister, Mrs. ltev. Bollinger, at llallL i more, returned home yesterday morn | big. —All ministers of the neighboring towns are hereby kindly it quested, to I furnish us with marriage and death notices as soon as possible for publica tion. —February 11th will bo Valentine's Hay and a full supply of elegant Valen tines will be for sale at the Journal store on Penn street. Ca'l and see them. —A history of the life of Hon. A. G. Curtin, to be written by himself, is lU mored to make its appearance at some future time. We predict that if such is the case, the wotk will sell 'Mike hot cakes." —The financial statement of the commissioners and treasurer of Centre county will make its appearance in the county papers next week. It is a doc ument of great interest to the tax payers. —The Evangelical reviv il meeting at this pi. ce continues with good suc cess. Several converts have been made and a number of seekeis are out every evening. Key. Swengle conducts the meeting. —Judge Frank, of Kt-bersburg, will make sale of his personal property,con sisting of one cow, one heifer, wagons, sewing machine, organ, and a lot of household goods, on Saturday, Feb. 18. See bills. —XoGriping.noDrastiePurging.Take two or three of McDonald's Improv ed layer PiMs for first dose and follow with one pill every night at bedtime. So quietly and surely will they correct a torpid or disordered Liver and regu late the bowels, that you will feel like a new person by the time you have used one box. Money returned to dissatisfi ed buyers. JOHNSTON, HOI.LOWA Y .£' CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eiseuhutli, Millheiui, l'a. —John Stover and wife, of Milllin county, were here last week, having been called to the bedside of his moth er. Mrs. Margaret Stover, who was se riously sick, but has somewhat recover ed in the last few days. —Harry Keller, who for the past two years has been doing duty as assistant under Recorder Bible and Register Me- Clain, in Bellefonte, received a fourteen hundred dollar appointed in the Adju taut Geueral's office at Harrisburg. —Our shoes recommend themselves. We take it as an almost unanimous approval of our goods that nearly every person has called the second and even the third time after their fust pur chase. J. 11. MUSSEII & SON. While a great deal is being said lately about the ability of young wives to COOK, remarks the Philipsbuog Jour nal, the ability of young husbtuds to provide them with something to cook ought uot to be left out uf the question. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. S.ilt lilicum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. 11 is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction, or money refunded, Price do cents per box. For sale bv J. Fiseuhuth, —Geo. L. Springer moved his barber tools and furniture to bis new quarters, between Musser's jewelry shop and J. \V. Lose's grocery, last Thursday. George prefers to be on the ground door with his shop and so do his many customers. —New Lounges and Extention Ta bles just received at W. f. Mauck's furniture store on Penn street. They are elegant in design and are made in a substantial manntr. Call on Mr.Mauck if you ate in need of anything in the furniture line. —Mr. Hicks and family, of Lewis burg, moved to town last Friday and occupy the second story of the new hardware building, corner of Main and Penn streets. In connection with his barbershop Mr. ilicks expects to open a billiard and pool room. —The schedule of the Bellefonte and Lemout road has undergone a few cnanges. The train which formerly left Bellefonte to go east on this road at 1.30 p. m. will now leave at 2 o'clock, which will give the people a half hour's longer stay in Bellefonte. A LOT OF RUBBER AND LUMBER MEN'S GOODS. — Wool and Ankle Boots Rubber Boots and Lumbermen's Overs, &c., are offered tit almost cost at Musser's shoe store. They prefer selling their goods at low prices to re turning them at the end of the season. Mrs. J. W. Stover, Mrs. Geo.Buck, and Henry Keen and daughter Lizzie, all from this place, took in the concert at Spring Mills on Friday evening. Miss Alice Ulrich departed 011 Satur day's afternoon train to visit friends at ihe same place and attend the conceit in the evening. Saved His Life. Mr. D. L. Wilcoxson, or Horse Cave, Ky.,says he was. for many years, badly afflicted Willi Piillpsic. also Diabetes; the p.ifus were almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him into convulsions. He tried Klectrie Bitters and got relief from IJrst bottle and af ter taking six bottles, was entirely cured, and bad gained in flesh eighteen pounds. Says lie positively believes lie would have died, had it not been lor the relief afforded by Electric Bit ters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. ISiseu hutli. —lt is strange that while this town can boast of quite a number of singers, we can't of late as much as get up a little concert. All around ns theie are rousing musical conventions and festi vals, but in Millhelna outside of the regular church singing and an occa sional tune by the baud, .music seems to lie dormant. —On last Thursday Rev. W. E. Fish er, the Lutheran minister at Centre Hall met with a painful accident while on his way to fill an appointment. He was on horseback, the horse slipped and fell, throwing its nder off. One of Rev. Fisher's aims was fractuied and he will be unable to attend to pastoral duties for a while. 1 HE Most Remarkable Case of all.' — A gentleman writes us from Philips burg, Centre Co., Pa., that his little girl was horribly afflicted with scrofxla. ller body was full of sores, ears dis charging continually thick yellow puvid matter, and her eyes so swollen and in flamed as to be almost blind. One bottle of McDonald's lllood Purifier has to all appearances entirely cured her. Our neighbors, as well as ourselves,consider the cure remarkable. A bonafide case. The address of the family can bo obtained from the editor of this paper. JOHNS TON, HOLLO WA Y & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Miliheim, Pa. —The king-post trusses for the roof of the factory bniMing were erected all but one on Monday and Tuesday. The fall of snow and sleet on Wednesday again put a stop to tho wotk, but the crew of carpenters will get there in good shape and in due time. —A man by the name of Patsy Good win, who last Thursday night stabbed a woman in Rush township, was taken Captive near Centre Hull last S.ituidny morning and is now a piisotierin tho county j til awaiting trial. Should the woman die of in r wounds there would bo a murder trial for the next court of Centre county. Don't Experiment. You cannot afford t> waste liuu* la experi menting wlien your line.;* arc in danger. ( sumption always scums, nt first, only u e >M. I>o not permit any ileal* rto impose upon you with sonic cheap Imitation of Dr. Kiwi's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Col. ls. hut he sure and get lip' genuine. UeeatiMi ho can make more profit ho may toll you lie has some hinix just a* good, or just the same, "out he deceived, hot insist upon petting Hi'- Kim 's New Discovery, which is guaranteed to give re lief in alt Throat, Lung and ( host affect tons. Trial hollies tree at .1. Klseuhulh's Drugstore. -We had the pleasure of meeting 8. 11. McAkivy, of Elkhart, Ltd., on our streets on Monday. Ile is a na tive of thiri ttuvn but left with his par ents lor the west about twelve years ago and reports that ihoy are getting along very well. lie himself is engag ed in railioaduig. Mi. McAlayy is a gonial gentleman and one of our tegu lar subscribers, which made the meet ing all the more gratifying to us. THE FIRST KEEN TWINGE.—A 9 the season advances, the pains and aches by which rheumatism makes itself known, are experienced after every ex posure. It is not claimed that Hood's Sarsapar 111a is a specific for rheuma tism—we doubt if there is, or can be, such a remedy. But the thousands benefited by Hood's Bats.ip.tiilia, war rant us in urging others who suffer from rheumatism to take it before the first keen twinge. —Do not forget tlmt Prof. Lowell M. J/eyer, "the sweet singer from Israel" as they call him, is in attendance at the Aarouslmrg convention this \y ek, and will render a number of songs which are of the most taking sort , with fun enough through them from ohe end to the other, and which develop his genius to tho fullest. Prof. A. N.Bierly.a splendid bass singer, is also billed lor the concerts and will delight tho au dience with some fine sot gs. No dan ger that you w ill not get tho worth of your money if attending. Go ! Horses, Cattle and Chickens.—For colic and grubs, for long fever, cough or hide-bound, I give Simmons L\ar Regulator in a mash t.vice a day. You can recommend il to every one having stock as the best medicine known for the above complaints. In using it with tnv chickens, for cholera and gaps, I mix il with the dough and feed it to them once a day. By this treatment I lost none where the Regulator was given promptly and regu'any. E. T. TAYLOR, Agt. for Grangers of Ga. —The Millheim band has at last found a place where to meet, transact business, practice music, and store their instruments. They have rented the room 011 the sfcoiul story of Snook's building on Main street, formerly oc cupied by J. P. Sjlvis, the shoemaker. The boys are delighted with their snug quarters and expect to make them as comfortable as possible. They also swelled their treasury bv a serenade given Mr. Hicks, the new barber,- who liberally tewarded them for the com pliment. —During our stay at Spring Mills last week we were hospital) y entertain ed by landlord Shafer at his well-equip ped hotel, and we must say that Mr. Shafer and his pleasant landlady con duet the place so well that everybody feels at borne there from the time one enters the house. As a cook Mrs. Shafer has few equals and if any of hei guests go away hungry it is certainly not her fault. . Minehost Shaftr is al ways ready and prompt in accomodat ing his patrons to the best of his pow er, and the result of all this is that the house grows 111 popularity every day. — WHEN yoijr children are threaten ed with croup or whooping-cough, he ware how you lull them to sleep with cough syrups whose principal ingredi ents are morphia and opium. The nat ural effort of the lungs to expel the suf focating mucus Is cougning. Dr.Kess ler's Celebrated English Cough Medi cine contains no morphia or opium in any form.and.by its stimulating actions on the kidneys, bowels,and pores of the skin, more than any other remedy, as sists Nature in breaking up and expell ing the worst colds from the system. Money refunded to dissatisfied purchas ers. Sold everywhere. JOHXS TON, 110 LL() 1 V AY & CO.. Pniladelohia AgentS, Sold bv J. Eisenhuth. Millheim.Fa. fitlieumntiKin and Neuralgia cured in •2 Day*. The Indiana Chemical Co, havo discovered a compound which acts with truly marvelous rapidity in the cure of Rheumatism mid Neural gia. We guarantee It to cure any and ev ery cases of acute Inflammatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia in 2 DAYS, and to give imme diate relief in chronic cases and effect a speedy cure. On receipt of 30 cents, in two cent stamps, we will send to any address the prescription for this wonderful compound, wh.eh can be filled by your home druggists at small cost. We take this means of giving our discovery to the public instead of putting it out as a patent medicine, it being much less expensive. Wo will gladly refund money if satisfaction is not given. TIIE INDIANA CHEMICAL CO., l-ly Crawforosvillc, Ind. —Report of the North St. School, for the month ending Feb. Ist: No. of scholars belonging to school since Oct. 4th, 188G, males 32, females 32, total 01; No. of scholars attending during month males 30, females 25, total S.r, Average attendance males 23, females 22, total 4o; Per cent, of attendance males 81, females 77, total 70; Visit ors, Misses Jl/innie Smekz-r, 7i/ary Candy, May Hartmati, Alice Uliich, Emma R. ileckman, Geo. At *nhi uster. i\ G. SMITH, Teacher. —Penn Hall School Report for the month ending Jan. 2oth, 1887—Geo. F. W. Mark, teacher : No. of pupils enrolled, males 11, females 10, total 30 ; average attendance during month, males 9, females 14, total 2 > ; average | attendance during term, males 10, fe males J. 3. Per cent.of attendance dur ing month, males 78, females 73, total 70. Per cent, of attend tnee during term, males 79, females 7.8, total 78. Pupils present < very day ; Carrie Con do, Clara Condo, Eila Ileckman, Susan Condo and JllO. Cundo. The school is in a prosperous condi j tion, but ought td have more visits : from the directors and j arena. This l is one of their plain duties,but, they full far short of it. —Mr. A. J. Sylvis, of Aaroushurg, started a confectionery shop in W. J. Springer's former barbershop, along side ol KanffmaiPs store on Main st roet. Millheim is full of business and as far we know they all manage to make a liv ing. —The case of Philip S. Dale vs. Town Council of Millheim, which came up hi fore Court on Monday was drchled in favor of tlio dt fondants, the plaintiff to pay all costs of prosecution. The oi iuiu of the case dates hack as far as last June a year ago when a hog be longing to Mr. Dale found its way into this hoiough, was captured and locked up, and afterwards mlv erti be d an d sold ti) Peter Breon, o t Penn township. Mr. Dale instituted legal proceedings.against the c uincil or. the ground that G. W. Halter. who during High Constable Keen's tempor ary absence attended to the duties of that office, was not legally authorized to sell itie bog. The matter was dis cus; ed pro and con for a long time and dually taken to court with the above result. Judge Furst "in his charge to the jury made 6omo w iglity rema'ks about the powers of town councils. Feihutary Stll and 9tii, Tuesday and Wednesday. —To the Public : Dr. Clemens, graduate of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, an 1 of twenty live years' experience, whose principal ollice is at Allentown, Pa., specialist in all chronic affections, and'who treats piinciptlly by inhalations, will visit Williainsport once a month for the pur pose of examining patients for all chronic affections, and who are diillcult to treat in any other way. After the examinations, nil remedies, including inhalations, will he sent to the pitienta from his tegular < tllce. Will he in Bellefonte on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. Sth and 9h, lAU, with officii at the Broekerhoff House and will attend patients from Tuesday evening to Wednesday evening, Dec. Sth and 9th. Do not forget the dates. 11. S. Clemens. M. D. N.B.—Send for testimonials. 4 2t The Spuing Milt.sConvention.— That feast of song will be a bright spot in the memories of the musicians who congregated there last week for years to come. There was an exceptionally large class of singers and the chor uses discoursed were of a high order and were well rendered. Prof. B erlv has few peers as a conductor and he succeeded in doing full justice to the muMJ selected. His even Dinner and pleasant, gentlemanly ways hardly ever fail to win the good will of his pupils and the respect of the public. He was faithfullv and ably assisted on the or gan by Miss Sallie lloffer,of Bellefonte, who is a lady of raie musical accom plishments. Prof. I.v.vell M. Meyer did his full share in making the con vention a complete success. His ring ing voice which has an unusual com pass and is well cultivated was of great value in the choruses and quaitettes. while his s dos which are principally of a comic nature, are inimitable. The go,id people of Spring Mills had pre pared'ihemselvt s for the entei tainment of their musical guests from a distance and they did play the host, admirably. Everybody was well taken care of and all bad a ical nice time. The concerts on Friday and .Saturday evening were splendid exhibitions of vocal talent and the audiences went away well pleased on both evenings. There was a pleasing variety of choruses, semi choruses. quartettes, duets, solos and, as usual Prof. Lowell J/eyrr brought down the house with his comic songs. The follow ing in a complete list of the singers present : Si'Uino Mu i.s—W .1 /.eiglpr. n Soru s. A Kon iii'lly. OS Date, Hll Deu el, a M Rankle. S A Kiape, \\ E Ream. D Weirieh. Gertrude Npig elniver. Maud I'nltison. Alice S Nci sc, Ett a (Has*. Willis P llreon. It H MUlr. M N .Miller. A Ma Dealt v. I'.lnlle It Krajie, ( A Krape. •! R-I A lUson. Emma Zcrfftter. Mary Zelxier. Lottie Spigclin > er, Maggie Comln. Maggie Rlbby, G 1! Lunbert, W (' Stover. U U Pear. W It From, Lessle Miller, Sadie Jamison. Maggie Unnell. I* \V Lett '.ell.l* s Dab'.S al.le Dale. I ia Grenoble, (i p Ream, Anna Gettig, John (" Stover, Ka tie <' McGool. Cor.l Gefli-J. U D RtUikle, |> K Runkle. M A Sell >'!. Eml Krumrlne, Gates Keimeliy. Geo Mertz. Khney Pick. Sue I) Miller, Dave Siue.tzer. Rolit Neese. Ida Frederick, James KtGinger. Tt>sktvii.i.e— J E Smith. SJ Watrner, \V .1 Wagner, R W Alpcs". E \V Cravfoid.S .1 Roe e Maggie SpauMur, W It Spanglcr S G (IcUigj liatle Moyer. Emma Ki umrim . ('Km-itu Hale— J A G-man. Anna Runkle, Carrie At hamper, Saint tl Runkle. Pen - . llam.— Lultier Musser.'S G Rurretl. .1 JI Ilestei'in ill, Ida M RurreJl, Anna Hloom.Kni ma Bloom. AY C Horn -r. Geo F Aluik. Cul AJoy ei*. Spear Burred. Frabk Pislier. It I.LHFOM'i; —t'iie*l|e Krape. Sallie 11 off *r. I i.e vs vxt G ai—l'rol Lowell M Meyer, Mag gie Sw.n tz. rdsler. Comas— Jos Kleckrer, Alary A Kleckner, Jcniliu \" lie-term an. KEpEKSBL'Ktt-frol N A Plerjy, Maggie J Bieily, K J Btird. Geo E KrumVitic,' C'has (J VVootlling, He .Mu--er. A N Herman, Emma Ivorman, Air* AV S Miller, \Y G Miller. ALuusoviimui—Lizzie Ocker. Ida Oeker, An na llierly, '1 lies lIUaH. I'hos F Yvolf. PoTTCiG Il.vNK—Sadie M Smith, G A Hen nigli. A AUON->nriio—C A Weaver, A S Stover. Mii-LH'-IM—ll A pumiller, Etta .1 1> Bnmillcr. WTicn Baby waa sick, wo gave her Castoria, Wlicn sho was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When sho hecamo Alias, alio clung to Castoria, Wbcu sho had Children, sho gavo thciu Caatoria, Neighboring News. PENN HALL. S:imuol Runkle, of Centre Hall, was seen in town on Saturday. Those who took part in the Spring Mills convention f. om our town were Luther Musser, F. M. Fisher and W. C. Moyer. C. F. Musser and A. C. Fisher were in attendance a3 specta tors. We presume thoy were more of a nuisance than anything else, except on Saturday evening when the l >ys had somebody along to take care of them. Jac d) Shearer and wife, from Centre Hall, accompanied by Mrs. Siueltzer, from Howard were visiting at Jos. Smith's last week. .T. B. Fisher Ims made the necessary arrangements to furnish the creamery with a good amount of cream and has also hired Benjamin Tyson, from Su gar valley, to attend to the milk. We are sorry to iecord the death of one of the coons we made mention of in our last items. The following epi taph is written to his mem -ry : Hera lie* a coon, Olio of the three, Stolen from the too Or a I I'VJ oak true, He died troin tie effects oil hat terrible sti ng. Received from the thief Their captive to bring. We hope that his bones May not rest on the bench As the leather from the shop . Was taken for revenge. Denver Dair SMITH TOWN. Wo are glad to state that ltoyer'a children have recovered from their sick ness, although Mrs. Royer is still bed fast. W. F. Smith and family were up in Ihe Loop last week, visiting. By the death of Philip Mussel's son, Phiiip now receives his pension. This is quite a lift for Philip. A letter from K. 11. Frank, Bridge water, Dak., a sou of Titos. Frank, of Aaroushurg, states that they liaye line weather out there, though very eold sometimes, 40 degrees below zero hay ing been the coldest, lie Pi>jo)Bgood health and likes the place light well. The spelling bee last Thursday even ing in tin? Pike school house was a per fect success. This (Thursday) evening it will !>. repeated and a challenge giv en to any speller in the county. Come one, COflM all. JUMBO. AARONS3URG. The days are perceptibly lengthening. The funeral of widow Wise on last Friday was largely attended, ltev. Vearick, (lief.) conducted the services. Aaroushurg has a soft coal yard. Tims. Harper is the proprietor. A. J. Sylvis has moved his confec tionery to Millheim. This leaves anoth er opening here for a confectionery. Who is next to start in the business ? Miss Maiy Bollinger, our primary school teacher, is nursing a fellon (not a fellow). Therefore thn little folks will have wsyera' days vacation. Hope Miss Mary will soon be able again to call together her little dock. By the time this item comes before the Journal readers our musical con vention will be in full blast. Quite a large number of singers from different parts of the county have promised to take part in the exercises. ANOTHER. SPRING MILLS. The musical convention h9t week was a complete succers, notwithstand ing the unfavorable wealhqf. The committee that the! proceeds amounted to a little over SIOU. John W. Runkle, Esq., of Middle burg, Pa. spent a day here with bis parents. Mr. Runkle is engaged r the mercantile business and reports business good in bis section. Monday and Tuesday of tli's wepk seemed to be commercial days in this place. Nearly all blanches of business WHO represented by commercial drum mers. The boys who tried to disturb the convention last week made a narrow escape from the clutches ot the law. Boys the law is severe in such cases. J. S. Auman has been appointed postmaster at Farmers 1 Mills, Pa. The appointment is a good one. Mr. An man was formerly postmaster and rendered good satisfaction. Win Whitmer is making arrange ments to put up a saw mill at the sid ing near the Beaverdam school house. He has bought a large tract of timber from Mr. lmmel. * REBERSBURG. John Brumgart and family, of Union county, spent last Sutuiday and Sunday i i this vicinity. Jesse (Jarret, of near Wolf's store, sold his small farm to George Ruhl for St-00. Guiswite & Co. the other diy pur chased a flue safe of C. U. Lose. The protracted meeting in the Luth eran church, conducted bv Rev. Len liart, 13 favored with splendid success. Saml. McAlvey, of Elkhart, Ind., is at present here visiting old acquaintan ces. Sun looks hale and hearty. .7 no. C? ram ley sports the finest sulkey in tliis i eighborhood. He also pur chased a flue sleigh of Jno. Kreamer. Monassis Gilbert has rented the Meyer grist mill, situated at Centre Mills. Mr. Gilbert will take charge of the mill in the spring. Daniel Wolf is slowly recovering from his late illness. As the time for holding the township elect io-8 is drawing nigh the candi dates for the different offices are becom ing more numerous. The citizens of lveamcrville will make a desperate struggle to elect a school director from that place. If successful.they are put ty sure of getting a school house elect ed in their iitilo village. Last Friday was an exceptional dav for vi-itors at Gramley \s school. Six teen scholars of Wolf's school found their way to Gram ley's school and paid the pupils there a friendly visit. All present enj iyed themselvis. SQUIBOB . COBUItN. Your correspondent failed to turn up last week on account of being away from home. Our obliging postmaster is again con fined to the house with a swollen face. He certainly has hud a serious time of it. A great many of our people attend church at J/osser's (L'aradise) church every evening during the revival meet ings which are now going on. Station Agent Kreamer recently spent a night with friends at Shamokin. Quite a number of our citizens aie attending court ibis week as witnesses. All the vacant houses are taken up for spring and a number could still be rented were they here. Woik has commenced on the new mill which will be rapidly completed. The township elections are drawing near and there is likely to be a scram ble for fat oll|c 'S. We as yet know of no candidates in the field. Wo leave at least two offices to fill which in our opinion aro important. We refer to school director and justice of the peace. In the selection of candidates fr the former office special care should be tak en and a mau should he elected who takes the greatest interest in school matters and wha will use all fair efforts to have a better school building here. IF. 11. Kreamer has been appointed chairman of the township. There is now a j >b printing office in Ooburn, conducted by Vonada and Gartlioff. Unburn also boasts of a bar bershop run by JFm Korstetter. 71/ss Katherman, of 71/ ftfinburg, is visiting her sister Mrs. Kreamer. Jos. Kleckner and wife to>k in the convention at Spring 71/ill3 last week. There was quite au excitement around the„depot Monday evening by tho appearance of an officer from JFlle fonts who had an attachment for sev eral parties as witnesses to court. Boys, the next time get there on time, I. • YALE, WOODWARD. .1. C. Molz purchased of John Gnia wite his timber tract in Pine CTtek Hollow. Mr. Beuj. Orndorf nrd Miss Sarali IThieh were joined In matrimony last Sunday, Itey. Swenelo olllciating. Mrs. Rhone, the mother of our dis tinguished Representative, Hon. Leon ard Rhone is visiting her twin sister, Mrs. Young, widow of John Young, dtc'd. On last Friday, the 74th year of their birth, they enjoyed a dinner with their friends sit Mr. Adam Weave i's. S. M. Motz bought all the pine tim ber on \ he Dale property. Mrs. Isaac Orndorf presented her husband with a line son. AItGENTI. GREEN BRIAR. The not appearance of my items the last few is owing to lack of time and scarcity of news. The big meeting in Paradise church is still in progress with eight penitents sit the belief. Some of our best citi zens got religion during this meeting § Dayid ErteL I am sorry tosay,shows no signs of improvement. All the talk now is about going to the convention lit Aaronsburg and how to get there. The roads between this point and Cobuin were almost entirely blocked up for a while with logs intended for Whitmer's saw mill. They ire clear again, thanks to our supervisor. Last Saturday Mb Sober had the largest log hauled we have seen this winter. Six mules and four horses could not move it. apd it took addi tional horsepower befoie it was landed at Sobei's station. Jfiss Ida Funk, after staying a few weeks with her sister, litis again return ed to her old home at U. W. Stover's. John Funk's shop is again occupied by a shoemaker, tilliug a long-felt want. Last week three of young men left this neck o' woods for parts un known. What's the hurry, why not wait till spring? Mr. G. W. Stover is at present una ble to leave his room on account of rheumatism. The teacher of the school makes the following report tor the month ending Jan. 24th : No. of pu pils enrolled, males 12, females 10, to tal 22; average attendance males 11, females 10, total 21; Percent, of at tendance, males 88, females 96. Schol ars present every day; P.obert Shunk, Rob't. Auman. John 3/ullen, Charles Kerstetter, Daisy Auman, Sallie Au man, Laura Kerstetter, Kate Wingard, Sarah Auman. Zitzka. MA II HI ED. On the 30th ult., at Woodward, by Rev. J. G. M. Swciigje, Mr. Benjamin Orndorf to Miss Sarah IMrlch both of Woodward, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar medicine, and is carefully pre pared ly competent pharmacists. The com hination and proportion of Sarsaparilla, Dan delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other remedial agents is exclusively peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving It strength and curative power superior to oilier "prepa rations. A trial will convince you of its great medicinal value. Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifies the Plood creates find sharpens the appetite, stimulates tho digestion, and gives strength to every organ of the body. It cures the most severe cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Boils, Pimples, and all other affections caused by impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kidney and I.iver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu matism, and that extreme tired feeling. " Hood's Sarsaparilla lias helped nie more for catarrh and impure blood than anything else 1 ever used.*' A. BALL, Syracuse, N. Y. Creates an AppetjtQ " I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave me a good appetite and seemed to build nie over."' E. M. IIALE, Lima, Ohio. . "I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and it began tq aei unlike anything else. It cured the humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and give nie new life." J. I". NIXON, Cambridgeport, Mass, Send for book giving statements of cutrcs. Hood's Sarsaparilla 6,iKhy idt ih nrrgist.*. £1; six for £3. Prepared only by C. I. II(K'l) IX CO., Apothecaries, Low ell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar KASEINE (THE NEW QUININE.) . No Bad Effect. (| NO leafed*. J W No Nam. f j NoßioE'gEars. Cares Quickly. * r .^Pleasant, Pure, A POWERFUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach wit bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. and all Germ Diseases. Belleyne Hospital, N. Y., "Universally suc cessful." t •' Every patient treat- St.FrancisHospital,N.Y. . L. Hall. Chaplain Albany Peniten tiary, writes that Kaskine has cured his wife, after twenty years suffering from malaria and nervous dyspepsia. Write him for particulars. Thousands upon thousands write that Kas kiii<' lias cured them after all other medicines had failed. Write for book of testimonials. K:\sktneean betaken without any special med ical advice. *I.OO per bottle. Sold by or sent bv mail on receipt of price, THE KASKINE CO., 54 Warvon St., New York. ""PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM JjPf tho popular farorito for dressing tlxo hair, Kestoriiigr color when ju|&3 prav, and preventing Dandruff. \:XsjSpFTfljSjS It cleanses tho scalp, stops the '■ liau' falling, and is sure to pleaoe VM " SOc. and SI.OO at Druggists. ii m"■ mm —Mm ■■■■■— HiNDERCORNS. The safest, surest and best cure for Corns, Bunion*. Ac. Stops all pain. Ensures comfort to the feet. Never fails to euro. 15 cents at Druggists. Hiscox & Co.. N. Y. STOP Ld SEE The largest and finest Assortment of Groceries M .Cf. • in town. Thanking my friends for their Itoeral patronage I desire to express my determination to merit a continuance of the same by a low scale of prices and completeness of stock, and fn this connection J wish to add that at my store you will find everything in the line of CANNED GOODS, CHEESE, STARCH, SYRUPS, SOAPS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, PRUNES, RAISINS, PEACHES, TOBACCO,CIGARS SPICES, CONFE C TIONDR Y, PURE DRUGS AND PA TENT MEDICINES, GLASS* Q VEENSWA COMMON A,ND ROLLER FLOUR. CA KES AND CRA CKERS, FRESH OYSTERS. TRUNKS and SATCHELS, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, TINWARE, BRUSHES, OIL CANS, LANTERNS, LAMPS, • Ladies' and Gents' Gold Sf Silver Tlatches, CLocks. Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles. I buy largely for cash, and, doing my own work, can afford to sell cheaper and give my friends the benefit, which I will always make a point to do. Remember the place, MOin St., Millheim, Pa., and come, see and be convinced. J* TP. STOVE®. 4Boot I Shoef 1 zzz: i cm w ~ •*STQBE! J. H. Musser & Son have just opened a targe Boot & Shoe HUre on Pain St., piHbrim, fa. stocked with boots and shoes for everyone and at Most Reasonable Priees. Men's, Women's and Children's Wear, all kinds and styles, from coarsest to finest,, from highest priced to lowest. Ladies' Fine Shoes, in Kids, Kangaroos, Gondolas. Pebbles, Ac from $1.50 to $4.00 and over. Men's ut same price and a line of Children's shoes that will quite suiprbe the country. We certainly have as good a lot of course and everyday shies and boots as you ever saw. Shoes from SI.OO up and fine boots, hand and machine sewed and pegged—solid calf—from $2.00 to $4.00. We have also a nice lot of KUBBKR BOOTS AND SHOES.the only WOOL tIYEKS. all LUMBERMEN'S GOODS, iu fact everything included in-a complete stock oi beets and shoes. All we ask therefor Is that yon come and see us, und take our word for it. you will not go away disappointed. |lteniember this Is a STRICTLY BOuT AND SHOE STORE, and we respectfully ask the patronage of all who would wear good shoes at the very lowest, prices. Our idea Is to Trade and Keep and we know our shoes will do this for us. Be sure to call on us soon and be convinced that what we have told you is true aud that we mean exactly what we say. Very Respectfully, J. I\. Aftisse* Soij. WHY, NO! IT USED TO. BDT WS BIPFEEEST SOW Trade does not end at Christmas by any means. The seasons have changed. From now on Is the regular time for trade. SO WE START IN AT ONCE. See Especially Our Sugars, Coffees, Mo lasses, and all Staple Groceries. See Especially Our Canned Goods, Con fectioneries, Tobacco & Cigars, Rice, Oat meal,Hominy,Prunes, Peaches, Dates and such like. Best Cider Vinegar al ways on hancL Also Fresh Tub Oysters. ——• OJSTK TO KUIjl. CALL ON. J. W, LOSE, Hain Steet. Millieim. Pa. llfflßll# FOR ALL. Permanent em- Mf 11 U V ployinent given to energetic mm U Hi 1% ,nen Hnd women everywhere. ■ 9 9 ■ ■ m S3O a week and expenses paid. Samples worth $5 and all particulars sent free. Address at once P. O. VICKERY Augusta, Maine. Don't miss this chance. Write to-day. JM&m LADIES, jSffBS ff fi fetal Ses twice a year,tups once kmUg m a week and vou have the 21 JP | finest polished stove In hht the world. For sale by all Grocers and Sstove dealers. 3-4t