Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 03, 1887, Image 1

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    The Millheim Journal,
I{. A. DUAnitTtUl].
Office in the New Journal Building,
Penn St. ,near Hartman's foundry.
Acceptable Correspondence Solicited
Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL.
y 13. STOVE if
Madisonburg, Pa.
Offlce'opposite the Methodist Church.
Physician A- Surgeon,
Office opposite the Public School House.
TU*. R. ARD, M. D.,
Journal office, Penn St., Millheim, Pa,
43* Deeds and other legal papers written and
acknowledged at moderate charges.
Fashionable Barber,
Shop opposite Mill heim Banking House.
Shaving, Ilaircutting, Sbampooning,
Dying, &c. done in the most satisfac
tory manner.
Jno.H. Orvis. C. M. Bower. Ellis L.Orvis
Office In Woodings Building.
D. 11. Hastings. W. F. Ueeder.
Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of
the office oeupied by the late firm of Yocum &
At the Office of Ex-Judge Hoy.
Practices in all the courts of Centre county
Special attention to Collections. Consultations
in German or English.
J A. Beaver. J. W.Gepliart
Office MI Alleghany Street. North of High Street
* —r—
Good Sample Pioom on First Floor. Free
Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to
witnesses and jurors.
House newly refitted and refurnished. Ev
erything done to make guests comfortable.
Katesinodera*" tronage respectfully solici
ted 5 -y
(Most Central Hotel in the city.)
Good sameple rooms for commercial Travel
ers on first floor.
R. A. BUMILLER, Editor.
VOL. 61.
To Bogniato
I Hp warr.inicl not to contain a mii.-.'c | u-
Js 4.LvJ tide of Motvr.ry >i :i> injuiious suli
stuitcc, bol is purely \, j'.otilie.
It will Cura r.ll caused
by Derangement of Ilia Liver,
Kidneys and Stomach.
If your Liver is out of orffrr, th :i y ur
whole lyiten is denra d. The biood is
impure, ihc breath offensive; yoti have
headache, feel languil, liispiit .1 aii.l
nervous. To prevent a mono seiioi.i >,
tlition, take at once Sitnnii: s
■■Bl# ■ M -c.Vmaty life, or :!!' r vth
JUIw U Kidney AU'oe' ions. u g
stimulants and take Simmon.. Liver
Sure to relieve.
If you have cot n anything hard of
digest., n, vu f el heavy after r.i ..Is or
Sleepless at night, take a dose ..a I you
will feel relieved and sleep }!e..s.uiily.
If you are a miserable sufferer with
Constipation, Dvspcpsin a.i t
ItilinuMiCss, seek relief at one • in
Simmons Liver Regular r. It does i t
rcouirc continual dosing, and costs but a
trine. It will cure you.
If yon wake up in the morning with a
bitter, bad taste in your m nth.
X Jl&JbwJv the Hi uth, an : i leans, s 'he 1 .1
Tongue. Children otten need s nu u! i'
tic and Tonic to avctt aj pi a,hire siekner .
Simmons Liver Regulator will rei> . I' ! He..
ache. Sick Stomach, lndige-tl. n, Dysentery, and
the Complaints incident to Childho
At any time you fee! your system net s
cleansing,temug.n ulntim with utvi bi.t
purging, or stimulating without intoxi
cating, take
J. H. ZEILIH & CO.. Philadelphia, Fa,
A lovely afternoon in the spring,
when the balmy air and the fresh,
bright toilets of the ladies made a kind
of gala day, even on Broadway, Philip
Hayes stood at his office door, thought
fully pulling on his neat-fitting gloves.
I say 'thoughtfully,' because that word
just describes his state of mind, which
was that of halting between two ouin
ions—whether to go for his usual up
town stroll, have a comfortable dinner
at the Westminster, and a little llirta
tion with Jessie Mabin, afterward, or
to cross the river and take a train for
his brother's lovely place in Jersey,
lie told himself, .as he was buttoning
his right glove, that the cherries were
ripe, and that he really needed a little
fresh air and country milk.
But he knew of a far better reason
yet, if he would have acknowledged it ;
and what is mote,other people knew it,
too. Brother Will was wise enough to
credit bis sister-in-law with Philip's
remarkable fraternal ;.ffVrlion, at d lit
tle Nona Z tbri.-ka bets* If had a shrewd
guess as to what kind of cherries Mr.
Philip Ilayes c.nie to the country to
Well, on this particular afternoon
the country proved to be finally the
most powetful attraction, and in an
hour and a half after the gloves had
bpen fitted to a nicety they were taken
off again, that the wearer might clasp
the hands of the dearest, sweetest,
brightest little country maiden that
any man with the light, kind of heart
or eyes could desire to see.
What i'ii lip sai l to Nona, and what
Nona said to Philip, the cherry trees
and the evening star probably know ;
but it was very delightful, and so sat
isfyi: g that the y.iung people came
back to the house without any cherries
at all, and presently there was a gieat
deal (;f hard-shaking and kissing,
which ended in a bottle of champagne
and mutual good wishes.
Well, after this, for a couple of
weeks, there was r.o hesitating at the
office door. Philip said Strawberries'
now, when his friends rallied him
about his sudden passi >n for the coun
try, and the straw-beny excuse did just
as well as the clieriies.
But as Che weather grew better, the
subject of summer tesorts grew upper
most. Philip's mother and sister were
going to some fashionable Virginia
springs, and he greatly desired that his
little Nona should go with tin m.
To tell the trull ,he did wi-h she w.9
a little mote sljlish, at d would pot i.p
her curl?, at.d ; Ich n ajtois, ai d
dress like Jeesie Mahin did. 'i hat
Moeld perfectly sat i-t'y him,lie thought.
V, ?. Nona Z bi'tka. dn.-sd like Jes
sie Mahin, would Id tve him nothing to
He went abm! hi.* phius with lliat
tact which young men who have sisteis
easily acppine. A little present fiom
Tiffany's,and a modest clnquc 'just for
spending money,' made his sister Ce
cilia sufliciently ioteiested in his pro
'Nona is a dear little girl, Cecilia,'
he said. 'All she wants is a more
stately manner and stylish dress.'
'lf that is what you desire, Philip,
why do you not marry Jessie Mahin ?
I thought you liked her well enough.'
'Because, Ccciie, I want a heart in
side the dress— a pure, flash, loving
'lt seems to me—' But heie Gcile
stopped. She was wise enough to know
she would be 'throwing v.o;ds away,'
The next d lfiemty was to make
| Nona ui deistai.d his wishes, and in
duce her to accept the invitation sent
her by his mother and sister, lie ap
proached the subject under the most
favorably circumstances ; the moon
light did not tot ray his confusion, ai d
his eneiieli m? arm held hei clo.-e Ihis
heart that he had no ten* of not secur
ing attention if aiguinent or e\| lana
tion became necessary.
'I am so glad. Not.a, that you are
going with Cecile. lam sure it will
ilo you good.' And then he stepped
and kissed her for emphasis.
I *T go to i lease you, Philip. 1 am
: quite well, t hank you.'
'Oh, but I don't mean about your
health, Nona, you little witch ! Who
could have such bright eyes and red
lips and not be quite well? I mean
about dress and deportment and those
kind of things.'
There was an ominous si'tnee, and
i then a low, grieved voice :
'I don't think 1 undeistand you,
'No, dear ; and upon the whole I am
glad you never understood so far. You
see, when we are married and live in
the city, we must dress and behave as
city people do. Cecile will slow you
all about it, darling, so don't trouble
your pretty little head.'
'I thought you liked me just as I am,
Philip. What is wrong in the city that
is proper and pretty in the country,
will you tell me ?'
'Certainly, Nona. Your loose, (low
ing hair and short dresses, and your
frank, familiar ways, all so perfectly
charming just here, would occasion re
mark and unpleasant criticism in the
city. I want my little girl to be as
fashionable and as stylish as—as—well,
as Jesse Mabin.'
'Ah 1 She is your ideal, is she ?'
Much more to the same purpose,
mingled with kisses and compliments,
but nothing in it deceived the wounded
woman's heart. For Nona, though
not a fashionable woman, was a true
woman, nevertheless, and understood
not only what had been said, but also
all that had been left t-> be inferred.
It was not possible for him to leave
his business entirely, but it hail been
arranged that once a month he was to
pay a few days' visit to the springs,and
In the intervals be refreshed and com
forted by regular and plentiful supplies
of letters.
The supply was pretty fair the Grst
week, but fell off gradually afterward,
until several days passed without any
token of Nona's faith ai d trni: iv.
Still, he diil not feel much ti rubied.
He thought that be quite undeistoid
Nona's reasons, and at any rate he re
lied with implicit confidence 011 the ef
fect which IMi'lip Hayes in his own
proper person, could not fail to make.
The confidence did not agree with
events. lie ainvid at the springs and
found Nona out diiving with Jack
Christie—a young man whom he partic.
ularly disliked for his pretentious man
ner. lie WHS on the piazza when they
returned, and be was certain Nona
saw him, though she kept her eyes on
Jack's face, and pretended the greatest
interest in his foolish conversation ;
for of two things I'hilip was certain:
first, that her interest was pretended,
ami second, that Jack's conversation
was foolish.
Then he, unaccountably, ai d, as he
veiy well knew, unreasonably, chilled
by the greeting of the splendidly-dress
ed Nona, who calmly and 1 < chalai.tly
extei did the tips of her gloved lii gers
to liiui, drawing < ut the while a pietty
little assurance of beii g 'so glad to see
Mr. Hayes,' with the iufoimation that
Cicile has been expecting him the
eai ly morning train.
'cYcile !' he said reproachfully, 'At d
you too Nona V
'Oh, no, Mr. Hayes. It is too ex
hausting to cxi Ict anything. One at
a time is sufficient.'
Philip was shocked ai d silenced for a
time. For one distressing half hour he
tried to assume his lights as her be
tiolhed, but site kept Jack Christie ; er
si-le: ly between them ; and so, at gry
and hint, be sought his sister CVeile.
Ceci'e,' he siid, 'what A change
theie is in N na ! What is 11: • cause V
'A wot deifu! el, n go ! I never -aw a
giil i.npioveso rapidly. I suppose you
are the cause. 1) > yoq know that sl;
is the be)Jo 1 Jack Christie and PI.
Forsyth and a half dozen others ait
raving about her. Positively they ate
'Very kind of them, but '
'Well, so it is, you know. Very
many families, and all < [ that kind of
.tiling, you know. Upon my word,
brother, I belieye Nona will make a
sensation nxt winter. Mamma is
quite sati.-fi d now.'
But Philip wi > not. Not. at all. Far
from it. Tha' 1 ight at the hop Nona
lookrd lovely et i- g;; i d enough for a
queen; her guVt n hair anaiged in
some pictuieu] i style, which Jack
Christie audibly -elared to lo 'just
the thing,' yaids of satin ai 1 lace mak
ing a track of glory 1 ehii.d her, and
gold and jewels flashing from her head,
her throat and her wrists.
All in vain, h nvever Philip pleaded
for a dance. Noi.a hail been engagtd
for every set since breakfast, and Hie
reminded him rather maliciously of the
necessity of conforming to the usages
of society. So ho bad the satisfaction
of watching the social triumph of the
future Mrs. Hayes.
Three miserable days of continual
disappointment, and then Philip iletir
mined to go back to New Voik and
see Nona no more until Hio leturned
to her country home.
lie h nle hia mother and decile g vnl
by, and gave thejregulation kDs to No
na, who received it with perfect placid-
Hy and many kind wishes for his pleas
ant j -limey ; for, as he was to leave
very early in the morning, the ladies
did not expect to sue him again before
his departure.
As t hey p used out of the p triors,
Nona turned a moment, and \ 11 isli of
the ol 1 tei denies-, made her face beau
tiful ; her lips parted, and she hesita
ted a moment :n if she would speak,bilt
finality passed on and away.
Po u- Philip ! He took his cigar and
satdow silent bale my,
m'serable enough. But in about half
an hour a timid little figure stole
through the deserted room, and with-
out warning laid her hand upon his
shoulder. lie turned rapidly, all the
passion, which had grown to deeper
intensity in his stiff. ;:: g, bursting out
in one in)i-luring whisper, 'Nona !'
'Philip !'
Well, you know the end. Philip did
not like the fashionable Nona at all;
his whole heart cried out for the sweet,
natural girl that he had never prized
enough till he believed her gone forev
er. The tangled curia the short dress
es, even the little ri lllul aprons, never
more looked homely in his eyes.
Ever afterward ho had the most
wholesome fear of Nona turning fash
ionable ; and she to this day, when he
is in tiio 'opposition,' reminds him
of his one experiment in managing wo
men, d assures him lie would not
like his own way it he got it, and so he
takes hers, which, after ail, I have no
doubt, is the most sensible thing lie
can do.
Killing a Bull Elk.
From an account of a hunting tiip in
the Shrra Madre mountains, by Frank
Willieson in the New York; Times, we
qu<>tp as f'>ll iws : Late in the after
noon I react ;-l the wo nled poi it i e.r
which the deer had been killed in the
morning. 1 was exceedingly tired. I
walked slowly up the hill to its top,
where the timber was sufficientJy open
to sie through for 150 jaiils. There I
sat down behind a large boulder to rest
and to smoke. While smoking I heard
a noise behind rue. 1 looked around
the "boulder and saw a large, handsome
bull elk standing motionless, with his
l ead high in the air. His almost coal
black inane waved briskly in the brerz 1 .
My heart sprang into my threat, and
there struggled and fluttered. I drew
my rifle mound and pointed it at the
elk, but I could not hold it on him.
Trees, rocks, bushes filled lite Sights,
and now and then the elk would spiing
over the sights in a most unaccountable
manner. S> I crouched down and
waited until I got hold of my nerves,
and then again I thrust the nil* around
ihe m ck. The elk was still there, look
ing through large, beautiful eyes at the
blue mountains beyond the creek. lie
was not more than s. verity live y.r ds
from me. 1 civ-'ie.l his forehead, and
o.a; ji I going to pull the trigger,when
he quickly dropped his muzzle almost
to the gtoned, drew a long biiatli, and
threw his head high in the air, his
mouth slightly open, hi 3 wide-spread
antlers rest in j on his hack, and bugled
lovingly for a mate to come to him
Ileal d close by I lie n< te is not as sweet
•a3 when it is mellowed bv distance.
After bugling, llie bull stood motion
less, n| patently listening intently. A
gaiu he bugled. I was no longer eager
to kill hi n, bat we were shooting meat
on the saF of which my comrade and
his family dtvend d for their winter's
orovi.-d >ns, so I mm mured to myself,
'WVII, meat is meat. I will have to
gather you ia and tii3:i I shot liirn
thnugh tlm head. I dressed him, and
threw his liver and heart and lungs on
the ground, where parrots could get
them to eat.
'Bessie, 1 hear your sister is sick.
What nil. her V
'1 don't know, ru.i'am. May be it's
the diploma '
'The what, ohiid V
•The diploma. I heard mother say
t wit she took it at sc.h > d,
A lazy man who has invented a
way to lie in bed and build fires and
feed pigs by pulling a wire will never
be content till ho possesses a contri
vance for buttoning collars automati
-1 callv.
in the very heart of London there
exists a fiery mine of so excitablo a
disposition that no artificial light of
anv description has ever yet been al
lowed to be brought even into its
neighborhood. Its product, however,
is not coal, but ruin.
The rum shed, as it is called, of the
West India Dock, covers a space of
200,000 square feet, with vaults of
corresponding size, all crammed with
huge casks of spirit, from every pore
of which—and the most carefully clos
ed have pores in plenty—the fiery
vapor is forever streaming out into
the air only begging for the smallest
chance of converting the whole area of
the docks, with their 250 odd ships
and 200,000 or uOO.OOO tons or so of
cargo, and their more or less incalcu
lable stores of timber and tea, silk and
sugar, cigcrs and corcals, coal and cot
ton, wine, wool, whiskey, whale-fins,
and what-not into the most magnifi
cent bowl of snap-dragon ever imag
ined m infant nightmare.
Into these fiery regions not even a
bull's-eye lantern is or e\;or has been
allowed to penetrate. Even the wharf
along the side where the great punch
cons are landed is forbidden to the ap
proach of vessels, every cask being
transferred from ship to shore in the
company's own lighters
Every cask in that vast range of
dim, dai'k vaults is marked and num
bered, and on the right reading of
these marks and numbers depends the
efficient execution of every one of the
numerous operations to which every
cask has to be subjected before its
contents can go forth for the mixing
ot the world's grog. It is a feat
worthy of a Japanese juggler.
Ho Botter Than Stealing.
•How yer like yer new place, Mary
Ann ? Does dey treat yo' like one ob
de fumbly ?'
'Goodness sakes, no. Pey's orful
mean and stingy. I's gwine ter leab
nex' week.'
'Wot dey do dat's mean V'
'Fus' place, de ole man lock up de
blac'beny wine so I karnt git de metes'
taste. Second place, yo' karnt hab no
company in de kitchen after 'le'en
4 Wot nex' ?'
4 W ussy it. When de missus send
yo' out wid a baskit ter buy some vege
tables, she axes fer ue change soon as
you git back. Ebery time, Sarah, she
axes ter de change fum de money.'
4 Axes fer-de-change fum-de- money ?
Why, Mary Ann, dat's no belter den
Cutcness of tho Company.
'Why don't they open some of the
ventilators and get some of the smoke
and had air out of this car ?' inquired
one passenger of another,on the smok
ing car ola surburban train. 'Oh,
that's the cutcness of the railroad
company.' 'Cutcness of the company?'
'Yes. In case of an accident to the
train, and a lot of the
smoking car should be found dead in
the wreck, the coroner wouldn't be
able to tell whether they were killed
by shock or lnid died from suffocation
before the accident occurred. In that
way the company would escape all li
ability for the death of the passengers.
See ?'
How to Fix George.
Bachelor Uncle— All, my dear, you
look as pretty as a picture. I don't
wonder George thinks so much of >ou.
11 as the rased proposed yet ?
l'retly Niice—No, uncle, be hasn't.
I really believe he's afraid to.
'Why don't you encourrge him a lit
tle, my dear ?'
'I do, uncle ; but you know it would
not be modest to do too much encour
'No, I supp >se. I'll tell you what to
do though .'
'What is it you dear old thing V'
'Just wait till lus birthday and pre
sent him with one of those mottoes —
'God Bless Our Home.' If that does
not fix him nothing will.'
Kept Waiting.
'Your restaurant gives a man a good
'Glad to hear you say so.'
'Makes a man hungry to come in
'You flitter me.'
'Who i I come in here, I don't have a
bit of appetite,but before Igo out lam
liqngry as a bear. 5
'Why how's that ?'
'Have to wait so long after giving
my order to the waiter I nearly starve
to death,'
Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance.
An English Railway Stoker's Tor
rib'.e Adventure.
[Chambers' Journal.]
I have thought it over and over, and
cannot come to any definite conclusion.
Was I justified in killing the man ? If
I was, I am a benefactor to some of my
fellow-creatures ; if I was not, 1 am a
murderer. My readers shall have an
opportunity of judging.and I hope their
judgment may be lenient. Some years
ago I was well off, and received the ed
ucation and bringing.up of a gentle
man ; but partly through my own folly,
and partly through unfortunate specu
lations, I gradually lost all my capita),
and about two years ago I found ray
self penniless, and saw starvation grin
ning at me within measurable distance.
Then 1 determined to attempt no long
er to keep up appearances, but to try
and earn a bare existence in any walk
of life that was open to me. After some
fruitless efforts and a good deal of the
"hope deferred" which "tnaketh the
heart sick." I obtained, through the
kindness of a gentleman connected
with tlie (treat Junction railway, the
position of stoker. I never was given
to drink, so that I was well enough
able to fulfill the lowly duties of my po
sition. I am now a station-master;
and ii is during my few hours of leisure
that I prepare this plain narrative for
the decision of a discerning public.
It is a great point for a stoker to be
on good terms with the engine-driver,
and I gent rally found little trouble in
making friends with my nearest travel
ing companion.
On the day when I went through the
most disagreeable experience of my
life, I was traveling from Padington to
Cowchester on the well-known—to rail
way employes—engine named "Pluto."
She is a fine upstanding, bold sort of
engine, and when in good temper, does
her work right well. The engine-driver
on this occasion was a man named John
Morgan. I had not often traveled with
him before, only two or three times,
and I never could get on comfortably
with him. lie had been many years in
the company's service, and bore an ex
cellent character for steadiness, but
was considered rather taciturn. lie
seemed to be always in the sulks, and
was, 1 suppose, of a surly temper. Be
fore we started, he hardly answered
any remark I addressed to him, and
seemed more surly than usual. Once
w hen I took up a cloth to brighten one
of Pluto's taps, he called out to me in a
savage tone; "Let her alone, can't
you ? 1.1 make her with
out your bothering."
I made him no answer, as I did not
sec the good of having a quarrel in the
small space we were confined to. The
train was to start at twelve noon, and
before that time we on the engine were
all ready ; but it was a quarter past
twelve before we got the signal to
moye. There was such a crowd of peo
ple of all classes on the platform that
room could hardly be found for them
in the train. Iloweyer, at last the
head-quard gaye us the signal, and
Morgan turned the handle,and we mov
ed slowly and steadily out of the sta
tion. When we got well out into the
country Morgan turned to me and said:
"More coal."
Now, in my opinion, 110 more coal
was wanted, as tlieie was quite enough
in the fire to keep up the usual speed.
However, as a ;stoker, I was only an
underling, and must obey reasonable
orders. So 1 stoked as bidden, and
then curiously watched to see if the en
gine-driver would turn on full speed.
He did nothing of the sort,but sat with
his back to the boiler and began to talk
to me quite affably. Amongst other
things, he said he was quite tired of
this perpetual traveling, and that he
meant to look out fur a wife with a lit
tle money, and never set foot on an en
gine again. There was nothing at this
lime peculiar in his manner, except
that he was more talkative than usual,
and would now and then turn half
round io the engine and call out: "Get
on, old girl, get on !" We had before
us a 11111 of an hour aud a half, and by
that time we were due at Blinton, a big
junction, at which every train must
stop,* so ,ve had plenty of time to talk.
About an hour after leaving l'ading
ton, Morgan stopped suddenly in the
middle of a sentence and said: We'l, I
must get to work now.'' Then he open
ed the fire-box door and called out to
me: 'More coal."
1 expostulated with him, and pointed
out that we were going at a high rate
of speed, and would not need more coal
before Blinton ; but this seemed to ex
cite him terribly. "Shove it in !" he
roared, with an oath ; "I'm going to
make her travel."
To pacify him, I took up a shovelful,
and managed to upset a good deal of it
before I reached the fire-box.
"You clumsy fool!" he oal'ed out ;
"here, giye it to me and snatching
the shovel out of my hands, he cram
med on as much coal as he could get in.
1 was beginning to get alarmed ; and
looking out over the well-known conn-,
try—for I had traveled that journey
! many and many r a time before—l saw
' that we were much nearer to Blinton
NO. 5-
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than we ought to be at that hour.
However, I thought it did not much
matter, for the line was signaled clear
in front of us, and the damage done
was, as yet, simply a little waste of
Coal. In a few minutes our speed in
creased enormously, and I calculated
we were traveling at the rate of seventy
miles an hour. I thought it was time
to remonstrate, and turning to Morgan
1 noticed that the indicator showed full
speed. I called his attention to the
fact and begged him to reduce the speed
or we should run into Blinton without
being able to stop.
"Ha, ha !" he cried in reply.' "Stop I
I am never going to stop again ! I told
you I'd make her travel. What do you
want to stop for ? Get on, old wench,
get on!" Then he burst into a hide
ous peal of laughter.
A cold sweat of absolute terror broke
out on me as I realized the state of
things. Here was a raving maniac, a
far stronger man than myself,in charge
of a train full of people. I bit my lips
and clenched my hands, ana tried to
collect my scattered ideas and decide
what was best to be done. Meanwhile,
Morgan sat on a rail near the boiler
flourishing a shovel and shouting up
roariously. The train rushed on With
incredible speed, not steadily and even
ly, but with leaps and bounds, that
threatened to cast the engine off the
line at every yard. There was no doubt
the man was as mad as a man could be,
and he was also master of the situation.
I made one effort to reach the handle
by which the steam is turned off ; but
the madman was too sharp for me.
"No, you don't!" lie shouted, and he
brought his shovel down with a tremen
dous blow on the rail at my side, just
missing my head. It was plain I could
do nothing by force. Would stratagem
be of any use ?
I looked out at the country; time was
running short; we were not more than
twenty miles from Bliuton Junction";
and if we did not stop there, the whole
train must inevitably be wrecked, and
probably not one passenger would
escape uninjured, and but few with
their lives. I looked back at the train.
Outside the windows were hands gesti
culating, and frightened,alarmed faces.
At the end of the train the guard was
waving a red flag. Something must be
done, and by me,or we should all be in
eyitably lost. I made up my mind. I
turned to Morgan with a smile on my
face, and said : "Old boy,you're quite
right; this is a fine pace ; but it ain't
quite fast enough. Look here !" and I
caught him by the arm and led him to
the side of the engine next to thedouble
rail. "See !" I cried; "there is another
train coming up faster than us.aud she
will pass us ; we must go faster ; but
let's see first who is driving her ; lean
forward and look. Can you see ?"
The poor maniac outside the
rail and leaued forward to look for the
imaginary train, when I gave him a
sudden push, and he fell in a heap on
the rails audj was killed on the spot.
With a gasp of relief I sprang back to
the engine and turned off the steam. It
was not a'raoment too soon. We were
well iu sight of Blinton Junction be
fore I had the train properly under con
trol. I pulled up at the platform all
right, aud then I faiuted.
When I came to I was lyimr on a
nench in the waiting room, and the in
spector was standing oyer me, with his
note book in his tiand,preparing to take
down my statement. What I stated
was, that the engine driver had gone
mad, and that, to save the lives of the
gassengers, I had knocked him off the
engine just in time to get the train un
der control before running into the
station. This was corroborated by the
guard and several passengers, and the
case was brought before the solicitors
of the company. I gave my evidence
at the inquest and heard no more of the
matter until one day the passenger su
perintendent handed me ten sovereigns
and a letter appointing me station-mas
ter at Little Mudford. It was evident
that the directors condoned my con
duct, and I hope that my readers will,
agree with them, and, in consideration
of my haying saved a train full of peo
ple, will acquit me of murder, and
bring in a verdict of justifiable homi
A Remarkable Climate.
At a point where the twor ranges of
the Cordilleras, the eastern and west
ern, which traverses Peru from north
to south, meet,and form what is known
a3 the junction of Pasco (el nu lo de
Pasco) is located the city ,of Cerro de
Pasco, 150 miles from Lima. It is
built upon honeycombed foundations
and possesses a most remarkable cli
mate by reason of its ereat height
above the sea level. From December
to March, a season which the people of
the Cerro term their winter, whereas
in reality it is their summer, the tem
perature duriug the day is from 12 to
13 degrees above zero, at night it falls
to near zero, but |the water seldom
. During this season the sun appears
at times, and from the purity of the
atmosphere the heat caused by his rays
is almost unbearable. A person may
be standing partly in the shade ; that
portion is disagreeably cold, while the
part exposed to the sun is uncomforta
bly warm. It would be difficult to find
another locality where the atmospheric
changes are mote diatinotly marked.