A VISITATION OF GOD. Calling on God to Paralyze Him The Challenge Answered. DOUGLAS, Ga., Jan. 10.—"I hope that God may paralyze me," wero the words spoken by William Burkett. At once his hands dropped to his side, his legs refused to move, and his eyes rolled wildly around. His prayer was answered, as he stood paralyzed on the soot where but a few moment before 1 e was a magnificent typo of physical manhood. He tried to speak, but his tongue would not move. Half a dozen men, who were present were rendered motionless by the evident visitation of the hand of God. When they recovered self possession they tenderly moved the afflicted man to his residence, a half mile distant. When Miss It body Bur kett saw the plipht in which her fath er was brought home, she screamed and fainted, and died a few days later. For years Mr. Burkett had been the ferryman at the Hawkinsvillo road crossing of the Ocmulgee itiyer. lie was of giant physique, with long gray locks, and became especially noted be cause of the brace of revolvers which he kept strapped to his waist. lie was a great hunter, and the ferry being in the midst of a swamp be was conven ient to an abundance of game. From those who lived around him it is learn ed that he is fearfully profane. When ever he sighted game and was called off he would pour out such a volley "of oaths as would make the flesh of or dinary men crawl. It was while in one of these profaue spell? he cursed his Creator, and wound up with the expression above quoted. The news soon spread . throughout the country,and scores of people called tisee the victim. He was at first completely prostrated, but subsequent ly was enabled to take a few steps, when he would fall. When spoken to he replies in an -inarticulate mumble, and acts in the most idiotic manner. The physicians can ascribe no natural cause for his affliction, but admit that it is a visitation of God. The preach ers in the neighborhood have used the incident in their sermons with great effect. A Sister's Bequest. An Interesting Story Related in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court yesterday heard a pathetically interesting story which surrounded the law point in volved in the appeal of Mary Magoo han from the decree of the Orphan s' Court, which awarded distribution of the estate of her sister, Annie, wife of "William C. Fitzpatrick. In anticipa tion of her maternity Annie Fitzpat rick lert SI,BOO to her sister, accompa nying the gift with these directions : "In case my child lives save the prin cipal for it and use the interest as you please. See that the child gets a prop er education, and do not let it want for anything you can give it. In case it dies you will have the money and no one will know anything about it." The child died soon after its mother, and the lather claimed the money un der the interstate laws as heir to the child The Orphans' Court held that the sister could not have taken the money unless the child had died during its mother's lifetime,and that as the child survived the gift became absolute, and at its death the money went to the father. It was claimed for the sister, in the argument on the appeal, that the words "in case it dies you will have the money and no one will know anything about it" fairly indicated an intention to will the money to the sister in the event of the child's death. The Supreme Court reserved its opin ion on the case.— Philada. Times. Every-day Religion. Every-day religion is the foundation of thoroughness, which is another word for truthfulness or honesty. Workmen that slight their work, whether they make shirts for a living or sermons, build houses or ships, raise flocks or raise families, will be some day or other found out. We want clothes that will not rip, vessels that will not leak, and bridges that will not breakdown. So we want characters that will stand temptation,and not snap asunder under the sudden pressures'of life. Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrove, - - - - - Fenna. S. T. Frain, Frop'r. This Hotel has been remodeled and refurnished, and fhe Trayeling Public will find it first-class in every respect. -X* XK- Latest improved Water Closet and Wash Room on first floor. Bath Room in Hotel. J* HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK DEALERS. Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attached PATENTS Obtained, and all PA TENT BUSINE S S n tended to PROMPTLY and for MODERATE FEES. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL OR DRA WING. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS SE CURED. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and to the officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients in your own State or county, write to C. A. SNOW A CO., Opposite Patent Office, Wasliiugtou, D. C, THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL ; JOB Printing Office i is now supplied with > Good F&esseß and a larijc assortment of DISPLAY JYPE. 1 LETTER HEADS, 1 NOTE HEADS, i 1> /L L lIE. IJ >S, I STATEMENTS, • ENVELOPES, CUWULAES, EOS TEES, and, in short, neat and tatty Job Printing of all kinds EXECUTED PROMPTLY' AND CHEAPLY. I . "PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Next Tenn begins September S. 1 ssd. This institution is located ill one of the most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny legion. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of sttniv: 1. A Full Seientilie Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. o. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, follow ing the lirst two wars of the Seientilie ('nur-c: (a) AG RUT L IT RE; (b) NATURAL HISTORY: e) CIIEMIs PRY AM) PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4 A short s I'lAl AL COP Rsl-. in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC , ARTS, combining shop-work with study. New I building and Maehinerv 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two vears) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully gradt d Preparatory Course. P. SPECIAL COURSES arc arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATI!ELTON. ! L. D.. President. 27-29 State College. Centre Co., Pa. fp j G AfG-r Forty years* W■ : c-a-oricroe in tha I !>-■■ I g : n 1 •" * nn p ** solicitors uriTTrlj . Un . a:: I to obtain psti a* > i:i i : a. England. 1 r.mm, Oaruianj. and all other c s itrk ■ Theiruptii enco is uuv. inaled tl fnniltttai an unsur passed. Drawings and -v side 1 na prepared and f.'.0.l in the Patent Offii notion. Terms very reasonable. N > cl; r. ! . • .ulioa of models or drawinrs. Air. • Patents obtain ' iJtCoannotioed Inthe SCI KV ■ ' . \N, which has the largest cire jlati n nn.ii :-t st influential ■■■■paper of ita 1 ' ; -!:<•. lin the world. The advantages c." _ . ev imtentea nnderstaiuA This large i d FT is published V. r n | admitted to Ijj tha I to u iac, mechanics, i vi . . - w i'.s, and ! other depart::, -it ■ t . . ; •pub lished in ar.y com ry. istlien lines of all patentees and i c:. .v, -i j .• ited each week. Try it four atha for one dollar. Sold by all new-.1j..! rs. If you have ioi i. ntk i t > j.:>-nt writo to llunn Jt Co., tuffil:-:. • of Sc:ciati.iu Aiyurica*. Btl Broadway, N" Yi : Handbook auout p .'.tuts la ..led .roc, FIRST premium. f FHILAD.': 1875. Grand Prizi- 7fc-'d:-I. Paris, IN7S. unt! us te ; " m ) $£ £ ' • A Askyour Groci-rfor it. AVisi. fJr-y 2u& North Front Street. PIftLADELPIIIA, PA* TAK. S. U GUTKLIUS, DE\TIST, ... T., j \ ' ' 2 -'- - _ v . MILLIIEIM, PA. Offers his professional services to the public. He >s prepared to perrorm all operatinns in the dental profession, lie is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain SOMETSnTG_ I fEW. AVQRI4D R^NOYCNnp) The of^this Celebrated Ist. NEVER CLOCS. 2d. ALWAYS SCOURS. 3d. TURNS A PERFECT FURROW. The Beam is not bolted to the landsido. but—by means of a steel frog —is set directly in tho Centre of the Line of Draft, making a steady light running plow, and one that cannot bo Clogged. See one before you buy. If your Ageut has nou o write us for I'rico. ImasufaCTUHED ONLY I-Y J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS, ItACINE, Wis. - Groceries & Provisions. GOODS ! FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY DAY o 1) FINK FLOIIIDA ORANGES. MtiailTKKW LEMONS. CHOICE WHITE GRATES. NEW CHOP Kit I'NTH PRUNES. Flos, DATES and PKUNKI.I.KS. I ! N EST CLUSTER RAISI \S,I PRESERVED CITRON & LEMON PIKL (.TRUANTS and RAKING RAISINS. EVAPORATED IKA< 11 ESS; PEARS. ALMONDS and ASSORTED NUTS. An t'\i'onliin:tlh tine line of PUKE CON FIN TiONEKV at CITY PRICES. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. MO!.ASSES CANDY (or Yaffv) MADE RY OURSELVES, ALWAYS FRESH. CALIFORNIA FRUIT canned and Evap orated. PURE HONEY in pint and quart jars. NEW RUCK WHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess. CKANRKKKIES, Sound and Finn. PLAIN and FANCY CRACKERS FINEST FULL CREAM CHEESE. PURE SUGAR TARLE SYRI'PS. AJfull line of NEW CANN ED GOODS. PURE WHITE ROCK CANDY SYRUP In half gallon and one gallon cans. PURE MAPI. ESYItUP in quart and hall gallon cans. FINE, FRAGRANT TKAs. PI'RH SPICES. Yon can d< pond on our ground ;• pper for butchering;purpoocH. It is strictly pure. FRESH SHELL OYSTERS opened to order, o o ALL OUII ST()t:K IS NEW ANI> FULFIL CALL OX US FOR anything you want IN OUR LINE. —SECULKR & CO.,— (i ROGERS, Bush House Block, liELLEFOXTE, PA. ft. .UHU'I IS .ILK o\\ WEAKNESS AND Wl/IBILIII vj> FEMLFiVJ DECAY. A Lifo Exporienco. Remarkable and Quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARP & CO. Lou Mo. STi M B IDH yft £§^" aß2s3ssaisssa [XowAdvf rliscvnont] * • p^senhuth wishes to t nfortn the public that, fiav~ in)l *, to /ether with* star'.- <>l Store*, Tin and I loUnware, formerly the jo'oj>ert)j of !>. /. ///•'. )<•/, and having the services of that tjvnlieman vim is a practical mechanic, is tune prepared to Jill all orili rs tu. l/i i* line. Houcs & liarn Spouting A SPECIALTY and salisfad ion (juaranleeil. •f est rvccieed a fine assort meat of the beet makes of STOVES, Ranges, HEATERS, &c., &c., '<-1 or money reJuaded. Six in , thi Ifilfflunt iur Oil iriiti, !t }> .ii-lira;-}'' l h the Inhaler In st-oek. Bond f>2 rent, in at ..ml tb* itvhiWwill b furwardad by • • pi4, ud if, *t tbeupirtlifln o 1 Ave day. ;r R.i i'e ro Mi>t y>u are sn't Mtihlicd with its otToi-i*. > ,u 1.. .y r< i .r.i it, and if received la good erudition, jroor n Cut aati lit jut h i lly. Fan $3.00. Font bv mail, post paid, on re- MME. DEFORESTS FASHIONS AND WHAT TO WEAR. Is a Ian;" Miupi/me of P<> uf f .i-.lm>n Notes nail Styh s, ilia tratuil with al-'iit |OOO I u,s --b. at post j.: 1 i tT 25 1 cut:.. THE Demorest Sewing Machine. r Styl^ $ i> imkx M i.k ' - k x § TItOUCANtiS I'POiJ THOUSANDS Or" THCI.I !N USC OViH fH'J WoniD AND GtVlt. S PKRr.-CT S \T!SrACTION. £s*n .n't pav o.ii-r c impani- s $40.00 , rhlne HOT • "■ ritsl'iM< >F I Sr, bu I liuyibii tof the manufa 'air.is. S ntL.O. 1. "VST r ; ' o for 01 rc\ i" 1 1asc. DESVIOREST iFASHJOW SEWCNC WSACHSNE CO. * i 7 East fTtreet. Now York City NEW //iwOfARM. NEW MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES end, lioiany Lloi-emcnis, Auio -5 E.j\—t ond Perfect -fleticn, Cylinder Shuttle Stf-eetting Ncc d'.e, Posit.eo Feed l\o Sprnngs, Feu Paris, 17 nirnum IFright, fro Friction, ITo lloise, fro Wear, P r o FatFue, fro "Tantrums," Cajra cityfrniimiicd, A lie aye inOracr t Rich?./ Ornamented, frichdpiaied, and &ivcß Perfect Fatisfacticn Send for Clrcelurs. AVERY MACHINE CO., 23 Union Square, New York. Organ. {s-olidly INIaQc. •y-one Unrivaled. $2-legant Finish. iST-ears of Popularity. t ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT FREE. Estey iDrgan Co., Brattiet>oro,Tt in AjjdNjiN (v rn nr. u nK d = Fobf "lathei= f._, This is a acv ~ ££f Lathe, and on a L— , Afrl-k ® rn - a Cyllaier Bed, in 3 which is much <2 ore simple and \ " o" ccaveaient than N, " \ S has attachments \ i A o for Circular and 'fk jl - g" Scroll - Gavin?, ll\Mf = antl {nr Bracket ff • ncvel. and T3B BE3T invented. Frieo $.10.00 and upwards. Manufactured and cold by the Battle Creek Machinery Co., CAT^U, RE "' •g O ® "Warranted the most perfect Force-Feed Fertilizer Drill in existence. Send for cUcuh,r - h. B. FARQUHAR, York, Pa. SCAS-, w. EBY, Idon't -DISTILLER OF- Straight PURE ffil U RYE WHISKEY FOR MEDICAL USE. Ilavdnck's Safctv King Bolt and Fifth Wheel. Ask you dealer for the T. T. AYimCK with the liaydock Safety King Bolt and Fifth WheeL Life is insecure riding over any other. (Thu picture will be furuLboi oa ft lfti o"l, primed la elffint style, to anyone who will acroo to frame it) t KMC LOSE STAMP.) rr. t. hjltdock:, o C r AV'bo^io°\Mri.r. n u d Cor. Plant and Twelfth Btft., CHICnniATI. O. AGEKT3 WANTED WHERE WE HAVE NOSE! HO IFVXBTMEST BO PROFITABLE. rrrtTTT" 17? Ik WILL WORK EQUALLY AS WELL —JL ■' * -*■ 9 . ON ROUGH STONY LAND AS OH —. ao* \l TIT A TIF THE WESTERN PRAIRIES. IT IS A TiTIF IB t W\ y 1.1 l W UNLIKE ANY OTHER SULKY IN tl It lis Bj 1 It li * "" " THE WORLD, CAN RE ATTACHED fiF IX If 1 il 1. 1 ~ TO ANY COMMON e WABKING ■ 3 A. Q K 113 MM B (tm 17V PLOW IN FIVE MINUTES TIME. JLAMJui Rft \ XIII.K I AXL> ls WARRANTED NOT TO El vr'lltsm IJUUHIs INCREASE THE DRAFT ONE d ——u POUND. so BJMPLE A CHILD yd? STRONG ENOUGH TO DRIVE A /y\ I TEAM CAN OPERATE IT. WILL "v V\ jfr \ I u. Jl. TURN A SQUARE CORNER WITH- A. AX \ OUT Raising THE PLOW, THE jP \ '-•♦ Xft Vytfif QNLY PLOW M ADE wira A FOOT V B wfin.*? LEVER TO START THE POINT \ * N I; OF PLOW ABRUPTLY IN THE IS GROUND OH ELEVATE IT TO \ >* — W*M BKIM OVER THE TOP OF FABT N^r- —TOryn STONES, AROUND ROOTS, ETC. V'-Ji / |si \\ Y /^i?lv ! V f§ Wewantagood, livotnan to actaa x. j£ v- B1 \ xja agent iu every town in the U. S. YY: Bl\v >7 Write ua for our liberal terms and 'JBKBBB' Y. DANIELS A CO., miiiiißflßAiß, isAsriE i sua an At go;, """ J***" 'TJ* ' "~- W -w—— -ryr-—. > . yonrchaiurto gotynuGlobdTruster utJiroilers,3o .ov;i $1.75. Glol>ecombined Tick Hamnv r.Kettla&crtp^ J or Hot Pan Lifter,lie. f!!ol>eSndlprn Heateraarea N°" c coal, 25a, 4c.. Ac. If pnrtjenier in .. i • - neighbors scud money to us &wo will shin direct. GLOBE WTFG CO , 926 Walnut, St 3S Phlla, Pa. .$ THE ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDIGATOR. ♦JaiaGyh a NEW PATENT STEAM MEDICATOR, INHALER, DISINFECTOR, Ac. Si A Eupeclally constructed for the treatment of such ditea>< sas E'lfA J CONSUMPTION- FASAL CATAE2S, EAY AFT BOSS FEVE2, tIPETHESIA, / wHOOP&O :OU3H, iUIFST, COLD IF TEE SEAS, SCEOITLA SWELLINGS, ASTHMA, 11 W\ BSOFCEITIS, PLIUEISY, PFSUMOFIA, FXEEALOIA, MUMPS, DISMENOBEHtEA. Jhk jpßt The Jirtt time "SOLIDS" could be used in MEDIC A TIXG STEAM. ItFTaJj .Vasal Catarrh, Hay Fever, Asthma, \ \L~-JjP r I In all these diseases the Medicator is worth ten the price asked. \ i if) I Any Lady can Beautify her Complexion after adng a few days. /qJ| J HARMLESS BUT t KItTAIN. tB_I n c " te usci ' :T 1 NU2SE cr LUFCH LAMr, Atrizg aa extra attaehaeat of a Cap. Price, Complete, #3,00, By Mail, #3.33. AGENTS WANTED.-Oood reliable Agents wanted to handle onr Vlediiator ,-—Larue Profit*,—Sells at Sight. One Agent sold Twenty-seven M j m-~ in one day. Write for terms and circulars to the ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDICATOR CO.. J asi" 30 UN , ON SQUARE. NEW YORK. EUREKA FOLDIH6 CAHQH Tw. R—ni2SS iIMB M JkJado )u different sizbs. aud can be attached to neatly all wagons, bug | gies, phaetons and carts. Easily removed and folds like an umbrella. If you cannot get it of your local wagon maker or dealer, send to us for /\ ' illustrated circular and price list. X .;,"! / A Agents wanted everywhere, I D. Cr BEBRS A CO., \/1 \f /\ y Patkntke3 and MANUFACTURERS, NEWTOWN, Conn. SHERIAN ROAD MET. /Yv BESTCART ON BARTH - ,i (n\ i SINGLE, DOUBLE and LIQHT,^ l | — —| 135 lbs. 150 lbs. 85 lbs. easy DURABLE and CHEAP. V Y / V>l \ Jjß Crated free on board cars, T. ALLEN, Maijage?, COLDWATER, Mich. M* ft_ ,TH~AXjPiiCkaaes rnuilfd to pa- /m3r forthews troubles,ni ul Ouaokt A r Psrtrary tientsalarsre pror>ortion whom only aim is their viol aALBIE. of whom took a full treat L ,® TPADr Tko SURJERSMKUT thunia niontn nd woro restored to health by use of Fd IJW, U^£ Mabi .K) MB CURED thoucswiTduer no* Vnterfera Harris-SEMINAL PASTILLES.^ FQB r ' n co n V^D ienoe jg anv*wy. A Radical Cure for.Nervoaa Debility. Organic medical prlriciplea. By direct WouknessnndPhysical Decay in Young or Mid-xg*7y^P*^Wrtppllcationto the Mat otdimue Its epocifig dlo AgodMen. Tested for Fight Years in ——influence l felt without delay. The naiural thousand cases they absolutely restore premnturely^£"S!T!a I L u ?i C,loD , ,o "™ e oifftnism restored. The trwtsew.^-omi^MJWH.I,M. IIK, Work,ortoo free Indulgence, we ask that you send us ajiDDio neuenw AM .. - your name with statement of your trouble, and secure YIAKKIS REMEDT CO., MPQ CHEMISTS. I3IALPAf!KAGE FHF.E.withlUuet'dPainiihlet.A o . N, Tenth Street.ST,LOTJIB. MOL RUPTURED PERSONS can have FREE Trial of our Ask toTT'e™! ) A beautifid work of 150 pages, Colored Plate, and 1000 (Mv . illustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and K tzy Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow V them. Printed in English and German Price only w v -. T , cents, which may be deducted from first order. ' ,t, J* *®!| s s'°" want for the garden, and how to get it instead of running to the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over m,iino wuh disappointment after weeks of waiting. ' mectln BUY ONLY VICK'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS, r%k iferrfl I VICK ' S F ,LUS T RATE ® MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 3 pages, a Colored Plate - CV | ry numbcr ' a , nd man V fine engravings. Price, #1.25 a year;' Five Copies for fplf ;>£lV l : u. SP M ime • numbers 10 cents r : ,3 trial copies 25 cents. W e will send to any address • u Magazine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below c ( re v-VT magazines at the price of one—Century, #4.50; Harper's Monthly, *4.00- pf St. Nicholas #3.50; Good Cheer, 11.25; Illustrated Christian Weekly Sioo* or Awake, Good Cheer, and Vick's Magazine for $3.00. ' PI H.OWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 210 pages. Six Colored C Plates, nearly 1000 Engravings, $1.25, in elegant cloth covers. /jvrajf JAMES VICK, Rocheator, N. Y* J