Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, January 20, 1887, Image 2

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    ?lu HUUKfim "ilonvniU.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
EX-LIEUT. GOV. Charles W. Stone,
of Warren, Las accepted the portfolio
of Secretary of the Commonwealth
under Goyernor Beaver.
berland, was selected by the demo
crats of both bouses of the legislature
as the candidate to receive the demo
cratic vote for United States Senator.
Of course it stops right there, as the
Republicans in the majority and
elect Matthew S. Quay to go in place
of Wolverton. Sad but true.
AMONG the several candidates spok
en of for the mayorship of Philadel
phia, John Wauamaker, the merchant
prince, is the most prominent The
idea is that an Independent shall
head the municipal ticket with a dem
ocratic nominee for Receiver of Taxes
if the ticket is to win. The nomina
tion of Mr.Wanamaker would certain
ly draw a large vote from Republican
business men aud his well-known ex
ecutive ability makes him the man
best adapted to carry out the provis
ions of the new city charter.
PRINCE Bismark's army bill, provid
ing for an increase of the standing
army and necessary appropriations
for the maintenance of the same, so as
to be safe in case of war with Ger
many's rank enemy, France, was de
feated in the Reichstag at Berlin, and
that body immediately adjourned.
Whenever the European war minis
ters become fidgety about armies aud
ammunition it may be put down as a
settled thing that somebody is spiling
for a fight. Things out there look as
if Europe's peace might be shaken at
any moment. -
DAVITT, the father of the Irish land
league, and a fine lecturer, addressed
an enthusiastic audience, numbering
about twenty-five hundred people in
Music Hall, Philadelphia, the other
night. The meeting was precided
over by Attorney-General Cassidy.
Mr.Davitt spokeof the present gloomy
outlook in Ireland,where evictions are
numerous and are conducted in the
most cruel manner. But bright pros
pects are ahead for poor, abused Ire
land. The very outrages committed
under landlordism are making con
verts in England for home rule and
the Irish people have more reason to
be hopeful for better times than ever.
THE inauguration of Governor
Beaver at Harrisburg on Tuesday
was fittingly gone through with. The
city was beautifully and richly deco
rated and the various organizations
on hand to participate in & grand pa
rade upon the hard frozen streets
formed at 11.30 a. m. The inaugura
tion ceremonies took place in the
House of Representatives at 12 o'-
clock, Chief Justice Mercur adminis
tering the oath. After delivering ,his
inaugural address Gov. Jas. A. Bea
ver viewed irom the front of tiie exec
utive mansion the procession of 10.000
people marching past in parade. It
was a gala time and it is said that
this occasion far exceeded former inau
gurations in splendor.
THE following three gentlemen will
compose Governor Beaver's cabinet
and their names have been sent to the
senate : Charles W. Stone, of War
ren, Secretary of Commonwealth, W.
S. Kirkpatrick, of Northampton, At
torney General, and D. H. Hastings,
of Bellefonte, Adjutant General. All
these gentlemen are considered as
thoroughly competent for their posi
tions and will make trusty advisers to
the new governor. Mr. Stone has
presided over the Senate as Lieut.
Governor and has some legislative ex
perience. Judge Kirkpatrick served
a brief term as President Judge of the
Northampton bar very creditably and
has the necessary legal attainments
for the office of Attorney General.
Col. Hastings surely is the best
looking member of the cabinet with a
fine military appearance and is a de
voted and personal friend of the gov
report of the state finances gives the
receipts for the fiscal year ending Nov.
30tb, 1886 at $7,520,711,13, expendi
tures $7,203,295,42 leaving a balance
of $2,101,457,57 in the treasury. He
severely criticises the inequalities and
inconsistencies of the present revenue
laws and calls attention to the
fact that the auditor general is
general auditor only in name as
he disburses by his own warrants only
about 47 per cent, of all the state
moneys annually expended, the other
state oflßcers drawing the amounts
neccessary for their departments inde
pendently. This makes it impossible
for theauditor to make a detailed state
ment of receipts and expenditures of
the state at any given time.
CIIAS. B. FARWELL was nominated
by the republicans of the Illinois leg
islature for United Stated Senator, to
fill Gen Logan's unexpired term.
AnioNG the bills introduced in the
house of the state legislature on Mon
day were tho following: lly Mr.
Coilins a liquor license bill which pro
vides for a board for granting licenses
in each county, consisting of the
County Commissioners, the Clerk of
the Court of Quarter Sessions and one
Magistrate, Alderman or Justice of
tho Peace, and that the person to
whom the license is granted, the own
er of the house licensed and two free
holders shall give SIOOO bail each.
A bill by Mr. Brooks regulating the
sale of intoxicating liquors. By Mr.
Shoe waiter, forbidding the sale of to
bacco, cigars or cigarettes to persons
under the age of eighteen. A concur
rent resolution, presented by W. F.
Stewart, providing for a committee of
five members of the House and two
Senators to investigate the manage
ment of tho soldiers' orphans' schools
was adopted.
PATENTS GRANTED to citizens of
Pennsylvania during the past week and
reported expressly for Tlie JOURNAL by
C. A. Snow & Co., Patent lawyers, op
posite U. S. Patent Cilice, Washington,
1). C : () .1 Baldwin, North Clarendon,
oil well pump and scraper. J K Bit
ten bender, Bloomsburg, printing ma
chine ink fountain. J Anderson, Alle
gheny, garbage burner. J \V Cloud,
Altoona, car wheel. F W Crandall,
Montrose, toy spring gun and target.
C Fogelberg, Erie, organ attachment.
C L Goehring, Allegheny, wood mold
ing and stave machine. F E Landis,
Waynesboro, traction engine. C I.ind
strom, Altoona, machine for truing car
wheels. A J Mux ham, Johnstown,
railway attachments. W W Neuer,
YVilkes-Barre, transom lifter. I) M
Omwake fc W 1' McGee, Zollinger,
drag saw. J N Pew, Pittsburg, gas
regulator. J R Perry, Wilkes-Bane,
piano. M O Roberts,
power. G W liodgers, Bellefonte, try
gage for steam boilers. C E Small.New
Paris, brake block holder. W L Yoel
ker, Morton, electric lamp and making
carbon. S S Woodbury, Bradford,
stopper fastener.
(From our regular correspondent.)
The passage of the great Inter State
Commerce bill, which is the result of a
popular movement beginning twenty
years ago, marks the past week in Con
gress. There was a good deal of im
portant legislation besides this, howev
er, such as that giving the Agricultural
Department Executive importance and
its chief a seat in the Cabinet ; that ex
tirpating the hierarchy at Salt Lake
City, and that doubling the militia ap
propriation for the year. This last act
will doubtless be well received every
where ; for the time has come when it
is acknowledged that the citizen sol
diery of the land ought to receive moie
attention than has even yet been shown
It was eirpecLd that the Senate
would settle the vexed question or
Cuinmerce by Railroads as it did,about
the hour of midnight on Friday, but no
one knew how many morcSpnators would
be found supporting than opposing the
bill. It came triumphantly through by
a vote of forty-three to fifteen, although
a number of Senators who voted for the
measure were dissatisfied with it. These
decided to set aside their own views
and follow the dictates of their constit
uents, saying in tiaio jngljince, where
legislation is necessarily experimental,
it is safe to give the people the benefit
of the doubt.
The Interstate Comerce uiil was
framed and pressed forward by men
who were mostly honest :a their effort
to relieve the people, but there are a
good many legislators who doubt its
efficacy. 'Some say the railroads wjll
put up their through freights instead of
reducing their way freights, and thus
insure the equality which the law de
No.v that the Anti-Mormon bill has
been passed by the House, one hears a
good many comments which indicate
an appreciation of the seventy of the
measure. It not only makes polygamy
a felony, but dissolves the financial cor
porations known as the Latter hay
Saints, and the Perpetual Emigration
Fund Company, and practically abol
ishes all the machinery, religious or
political, that is now employed direct
ly or indirectly in the maintenance of
the Mormon Church system. There ato
differences of opinion as to tlie wisdom
and justice of the policy,but the friends
ot the measure just passed assume that
the malady is of such a terrible nature
as to require heroic treatment. Its op
ponents say it would be better to wait
upon the slow attractions of time and
the pressure of public opinion to wear
the evil out.
The Republicans pledged Ihemselvfs
to eradicate polygamy in 185G, more
than thirty 3 ears ago. They held pow
er for nearly a quarter of a century and
as Mormonjsm still flourishes it is left
for the Democrats to perform a duly
which the Republicans neglected or
else could not do. Of course everybody
desires that the ''twin relic of barbar
ism" shall be destroyed, if it can be
done without straining the Constitu
tion. Hon. Randolph Tucker, of \'a.,
who reported the Anti-Mormon bill,
held that there was nothing in it that
could hurt the conscience even of a
Mormon, If he thought there was, he
said he would vote against it.
The State reception at the White
House on Thursday evening was gor
geous in the gold lace of the. guests of
honor, the Diplomatic Corps, with mu
sic, gaslight, flowers and plarps on ev
ery side, a crush of richly costumed
women and a crowd of famous men,
many of them in brilliant uniforms.
Besides the otlicial world of the Capital,
about sixty persons in private life were
invited to the reception. Among these
was noticed Mrs. Frank Leslie, and it
was difficult to decide whether she or
Mrs. Stanford, the wife of the Senator
from California, wore the largest or the
finest or the greatest number of dia
— ——
Charles E. Wilson, a Huntingdon
county youth of 1G summers, weighs
200 pounds and stands 6 feet 5 inches.
Miscellaneous News.
Tiios. J. Cluverius, who murdered
his cousin, Miss Fannie L. Madison,
on the 14tli of March. IKSS, was hanged
for his crime in Richmond, Ya., last
John Wilson, the confessed murder
er of Anthony W. Dealy, was execut
ed at Norristown last Thursday, lie
made a long speech on the -scaffold lie
fore being hancred, in which he blamed
rum for Ins sad fate.
A joung couple went to a Lancaster
minister to get married. When the
man answered "yes"' the preacher
smelted whiskey on hiui, and refused to
proceed with tho ceremony. They
went elsewhere to have the knot tied.
Chairman UonsePs Successor.
II ARRISIU'RG, Jan. l. r . —Dallas Sand
ers will have a competitor for chairman
of the Democratic State committee in
Edward Kerr, of Bedford, Corporation
Clerk under Auditor General Schell.
The committee will meet in this city
next Wednesday.
—JUST SO. The .vise and prudent
man now procures a bottle of l)r. Kess
ier's Celebrated English Cough Medi
cine and keeps it in the house to be pre
pared lor croup and whooping-cough
emergencies. It never tails. It never
disappoints. Instructions for treat
ment of croup and whooping-cough on
each wrapper. Nothing like it for
colds and all lung troubles. Dissatis
fied buyers can have their money re
Philadelphia Age nts
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Milllielm, Pa
Ex Senator Lnird Perhaps Fatally
GREENSBURG, Pa., Jan. 15.—The
veteran editor and proprietor of the
Pennsylvania Ar<ius, ex Senator 11. P.
Laird, who is in the 87th year of his
age, met with a probably fatal accident
at noon to-day. While walking on the
icy pavement he fed in front of tho res
idence of nis son, Captain James M.
Laird, lus head on tho stone
step. lie was carried heme on a
stretcher, where he now lies in a very
precarious condition. The fall caused
paralysis of his lower limbs.
Robbers on Board.
PITTSBURG, Jan IG.—Five masked
robbers boarded a Pan Handle freight
train near Sheridan station, just at the
outskirts of the city, Friday night, but
they were detected in the act of throw
ing freight from the moving train, and
in a desperate fight which ensued, lire
man Curley was shot through the I iglit
thigh, and a brakeman was knocked
senseless with a stone. The trainmen
then gave up tiie light to attend to the
injured men and the thieves escaped.
The train was loaded with merchandise
and express matter.
Four Claimants for ono Reward.
CHESTER, Jan. 14. —There aro four
claimants for the reward effeted for
the arrest and conviction of the niur of John Sharpless and eaeli one is
piessing the County Commissioners for
the money; but that body will make no
award until after the Supieine Court
passes on the case, and not then if the
defendant is given a new trial, which
many think will be the result. The
claimants are an Upland citizen, a
North Chester borough policeman.
Special Oflicer Alexander and Beponor
Curley, of the Philadelphia JfrcarJ.
One of Carlisle's Justices Convigted
CARLISLE, January 14. —The case of
'Squire Martin, indicted for the com
mitment of children to the County .Tail
A3 vagrants, with hard labor, was con
cluded this morning. Judge Sadler
charged the Jury just before noon. At
2 p. m. they came into court with a
verdict of guilty. Sentence is deferred.
The defense have filed an exception to
the Judge's charge, 'i'hb case of 'Squire
James A. Green, charged with the
same misdemeanor in office, has been
held oyer until the March term of
court. The verdict gives general satis
Tffo Two Coming Centennials.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.—The Senate
special committee on centennial cele
brations to day decided, with reference
to the centennial of the promulgation
of the Constitution, that the celebra
tion shall consist of an address and
some civic and military displays, the
details of which arc to be settled here
after. With respect to the four hun
dre'.h anniversary of the discovery of
America, it was decided to recommend
that a joint committee of the two hous
es be raised to take the subject of an
appropriate celebration in Ist>2 into
Land Returned to tho Government
DES MOINES, lowa, Jan. 14.— Gov.
Larrabee lias certified back to the na
tional government 20.017 acres of land
situated in the counties of Plymouth,
Woodbury and Osceola. This land, to
gether with other thousands of acres,
was granted to the state for the pur
pose of assisting the construction of
certain railways. Ihe state in turn
granted it to tho Sioux City and Pacific
Railroad conditionally on the company
fulfilling certain stipulated contracts.
The obligations imposed upon the rail
way before the land could be patented
have never been fulfilled.
The readers of tlie JonitNAL will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis
ease that science lias been able to cure In all
its stages, and tliat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now Known in
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con
stitutional disease requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In-.-
ternally. acting directly upon the blood and
mucus surfaces of the system, thereby cfesiroj -
lug the foundation of the disease and giving
the patient strength, by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing its
work I The Propi jetors have so much faith In
its curative powers that they offer one hundred
dollars, for any case it fails to cure. Bend iur
list of testimonials. Address,
' ' ff. p . CHKNEY & CO., Toledo, O.
#rSold by Druggists, 75 gts,
for Infants and Children,
''Cfwtorlai.i so well adapted to children that I Cant or! a cures OoHe, Constipation,
I recommend it oa superior to any proscription I S 0, " Stomach, Diarrhoea, Enictalinn,
known to me." 11. A. ABCHKU, M l)., I auJ promote® dl
-111 Ho. Oxford &L, Brooklyn, N. Y. | Without injurious medication
Tus CKNTAUU COMPANY, 1J Puitou Street, N. Y.
I 11' lii iiiiininii i iwiiii in iiiiiiiiiiM— Hl II I I ■ ipm ■ 111 mil mil II II 111 ■nmm mini
A Gap tain's Fortunate Dis
Oapt. Coleman, spltr. Weymouth. plying be
tween Atlantic City and N. V., had been troub
led with a couch so that he was unable to sleep,
and was induced to try Dr. King's Now Discov
ery for i oiisuinptlon. It notonly gave hi in in
st.uit relief, lint allayed the extreme soreness In
Ids breast. Ills children were similarly a fleet
ed and a sinule nose had the same happy effect .
Dr. King's New Discovery is now the standard
reliedy in the Coleman household and on board
tlr schooner.
Free Trial Mottles of this Standard Remedy
at J. Eisenhulh'd Drugstore.
McQuade Goes Up.
Xf.W YORK, January I<>.— McQuade
must ffo to Sitiff Siiirr to-morrow morn
ing. The clerk sent out by Mr. Mar
tine returned with the order vacating
the stay of proceedings signed by Jus
tice Pratt. The document was filed
with the county clerk, and a copy serv
ed upon the sheriff. When a reporter
called at the Tombs prison be found
Harney McQuade there. He said that
his brother did not feel depressed in
spirits by Justice Pratt's decision, and
at bis near removal to Sing Sing. He
said that be had been prepared for such
a result, and bowed to the inevitable.
—MUST GO. The horrible nauseous
worm-seed compounds called vermifu
ges and worm syrups, many of them as
worthless as they are obnoqious, have
bad their day. It's downright cruelty
to compel a child to take them, when
McDonald's Celebrated Worm Pow
ders, so easy and pleasant to take that
children will take them and never know
a medicine is lieing administered, can
be procured for the small sum of twen
ty-live cents. Any case of failure to
cause expulsion where worms exist, the
money promptly refunded.
Philadelphia Agents.,
Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
'- • ■
\X OK DIN ANCK—(•ranting right of way to
the Central Pennsylvania Telephone .X
Supply Co. H It ordained by the burgess and
town counoll of the Boro' of Milliiciiu hi coun
cil assembled and it is hereby ordained by au
thority of the s ime, J'hat the right of way for
the building, erecting,maintaining ami opera
ting a Telephone line <>n streets, lanes and al
leys of the Boro' of Mliilieiin is hereby granted
to*the Central Pennsylvania Telephone and
Soppiv Company, so long as Die said right of
way shall be used tor Telephone lines a id pur
poses. Provided that the said Telephone poles
and lines shall la* erected so as to cause as lutlu
damage and injury to the Main streets as possi
ble, In a safo, substantial, and workmanlike t
manner l'V the said Central l'enna Telleplione }
and Supply Co., iindet the direction and saner
vision of the Street or Highway Commltttee.
And |irlded turtbnr that ail <laioau<* caused
to the streets, lanes and alleys of said Moro". or !
to private property by the erection of Tele- I
phone poles and the maintaining of Telephone
lines in the Horo', shall be repaired and paid j
for by the Central Pennsylvania Telephone
and Supnly Company.
That upon tlie failure of the sabl Central Pa - 1
Telephone and Supply Company tq iuouudiate- i
ly repair all damages cursed to the streets.}
lanes ;>!}d alloys of said Horo', by the erection I
ot the poles and Hues us aforesaid, the same j
.shall t>e done by the street or highway e nnnilt- '
tee oT s lid Boro', and whatever cost op expense j
is ec iisioncd thereby pj tbo a iht llorq', shall be '
pati) by thuviid Ouiiiral l'-onna. Telephone and
Supply Company, ami such amounts shall ne
collectable before any .Justice of the iVaoe in
said Borough, by the s;pno process and in like
manner that debts of a like amount are now
collectable, ordained and enacted into an or
dinance the Bth day of Jan.. A- !>. lss;.
Attest: ' JOHN F. IIAKTKK.
It. O. DKININGKR President.
Approved Jan. loth, IS*7. Chief Burgess.
ITtXBCUTDK'S NOTlCE.—'.settlers bo tnu.n
--j tary on the estate of SebastianMitHsor,late
Of I'oi.n piwuslun.dueoased. hiving been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves Indebt 'd to s iid estate are request
ed to make Immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same to present
th'-nr ju)jnr<#veii fr settlement
WM. iD ;S; | ,:xeoutQl S '
d fit.
17^ XECt"l'DIts' NOTICE.—TIio undersigned,
J having been granted letters testamen
tary upon the estate of David Wolfe, late of
Wolfe's Store, deceased, request all persons
knowing themselves in debt to said estate to
make immediate payments and those having
claims against the same to present thctq dqly
authenticated for settlement.
J\. signed having been granted letters of ad-r
mlnUtnqio ion the estate o( Henry Vonada.
deceased, late of Haines tow nshlp. hereby re
quest all persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to said otate to make immediate payment
and those hav ug claims against the same to
present them legally ai tlicntlcated for imme
diate settlement.
T. I:', VONADA,' i Atlml,,ls trfttor.
Woodward, Centre Co-, Pa, l-6t
LAN I).—The undersigned administrators
of the estate of Jacob L. Roup, late of Fergu
son township, deceased, will sell at public sale
by virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Centre Co. on
at 10o'clock, a. m.. at Woodward, Centre f°-.
Pa., a Turner OF TIMBRKLAXP, covered with
excellent timber, and situate in Pine Creek
Hollow, Haines township. Centre Co,, Pp.,
bounded by lands of John Hess, (formerly)
Thus. Ilostcrnian and others, beginning at
stones, thence south 72% degrees, west .'ll 1-lu
perches to stone, thence north by lauds of John
Nehligh 22 degrees, west 132 1-1< perches to
stones, thence north by mountain <KV% degrees,
east 311-Jt)perches to stones, thence south 22
degrees east Ida perches by lands of Jacob
Neidigit to the place of beginning, containing
Twenty-live Acres and 139 Perches.
TBKXS: One half of purchase money on eon-
D I 'ination of sale, balance in one year, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage, judgement or
other satisfactory security.
Kit WM. ROUP? i
8100 A "WEEK.
Ladies or gentlemen desiring pleasant profit
able employment write at once. We want you
to handle an article ot domestic use that RECO
MKNDS rrsKi.F to everyone at sight. STAPLE
AS FLOUR. Sells like hot cakes. Profits 300
per cent. Families wishiug to PRACTICE ECONO
MY should for their own benefit write for par
ticulars. Used every day the year round in
every household. Price within reach of all.
Circular# free. Agents receive SAMPLE FREE
Address DOMESTIC' MF'G C<|., MAltfO\,
We are noiv prepared to furnish all classes
with employment at home, the whole of the
t'nip, or for their spare moments. Business
bmv, light and profitable. I'eisons of either
sex easily earn from < r >o cents to $ >.OO per even
ing. and a proportional sum by devoting alt
their time to tho business. Boys and
earn nearly us much as men. That all who see I
til is may send their address, and test the busi- j
ness. we make lliis offer. To sucii us are not ;
well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for I
the trouble or writing. Full particulars and
outiit free. Address Cj eoi}U k stinson &. Co., 1
Tor (lipid, Maine,
A Great Work on Manhood, Nervous and
Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man,
Exhausted Vitality, Ac., Ac., and the untold mis
cries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses; 800
pages, riibstr.ntiallj bonnd ta gilt, muslin. Con
tains mora 125 invniuablo prescription#,em
bracing ever/ vi :;ct.V !J remedy i:i the pharma
copeia f r r.'.l r • lie : id chronic diseases. It is
emphatically a I Ook f->r < very man. l'ricc only $1
by mail, post paid, con calod in j.lain wrapj>cr.
Young and middle-aged inou for the next ninety
days. Send now, or cut this out, as you may never
see it again. Address Dr. W. 11. DARKER, 4 Uul
;lrch street. It > ton. Ma.s.
B| ni mm |f to IK> made. Cut this out
Hffl I 1 N fa Wand return to lis. and we
lyl Im ■ w ill send you free, sotue
■ thing of great value and
importance to you. that will start you in busi
ness which will In iug you in more money right
away than anything else in this world. Any
one can do the work and Hvoat home. Either
sex;all ages. Something new, that just coins
money for all workers. We will start you; cap
ital not needed. This is one of the genuine, im
portant chances of a lifetime. Tlloso who are
ambitious ami enterprising will not delay.
Graiui outfit free. Address TRUE A Co.. Augus
ta, Maine.
Q K ■ loan live at home, and make more
Will I money at work for us, Hunt at auy
-8 ej thing else in this world. Capital
not needed ; you are started free.
Moth Boxes; all ages. Any one can do the work.
Costly oiitlit and terms free. Better not delay.
Costs \ou nothing to send us your address and
find out; it you are wise you will do so at once.
11. HALI.ET A CO.,
Portland, Maine.
DV II2YI7WW it" causes, and a new and
rj;ll\llW> successful nntK at your
own home, by one who was deaf twenty
eight year#. Treated by most of t lie noted
specialist# without benefit. Cured hansrlf in
three nnntbs, and Hlnee then hundreds of
others. Full particulars sent on application
T.S.I*AGE,No. 41 West 31st St., New York City
Please Don't Forget It
That Dr. H. James Cannabis Jndica is prepar
ed in Calcutta, India, from Hie purest and nest
Native Hemp, and is the only remedy, either lu
that country, or this, that will positively and
permanently cuiet iimiimpttiui, Itroiietii
11*. Asthma, Nasal Catarrh nnu Norvou*
Debility, or break up a tresh cold In 24 hours.
#2Au per l*ott|e, tvce bottles Craddock
A Co., Jhoprietors, lu 12 Race Nt. Philx 1-41
! J
I 1888 - 1887.
L\i\ Klogqqt hh\c
Hats, Bonnets,
Caps, &c.
will constantly be kept In stock at my place on
Main St. Millheim, Pa.
My selection ot
Tiuw, 'l9l)l)cm.s, J-'catliffS,-
©rnnweuts, Ac.
Is large and varied enough to
" *
Call on me if in need of anything in my
line. Satisfactory work guaranteed
liydiq G, Tkn]ix|gqi<d.
Fall Anuouncement!
Durham Bros. & Co.,
Coburn, Pa.
WcwisUtooall the attention of the Public
to tho fact that we have In stock a full line of
Our LADIES' SKIRTING can't be beat. La
dies'. Gents' & Children's UNDERWEAR,
Frinyis, Embroideries, Lace, Ribbons,
Hosiery, Wool Hoods, Jerseys, Gos
samers, Flannel Shirts, Knit
Jackets, Yarns, Shawls,
Skirts and Blankets,
Hats & Caps,
Boots & Shoes,
Groceries, Qucensicare, Glassware, Wall
Daper, Hardware, J;c., Ac., A'c., all
of which wc will sell at ROCK
We also buy Hides,
Please remember the place,
at S. Grenninger's old Stand,
Have yon Congh. Bronehitta, Asthma, Indigestion t Use
PARKER'S TONIC without lielny. it has cured
many or the worst cases and is the best remedy for alt
aircctions of the throat and lungs, and diseases arising
from impure blood and exhaustion. The feeble and sick,
struggling against disease, and slowly drifting to tho
grave, will in most cases recover their health by the timely
Use of PAHKEU'S TONIC, but delay is dangerous. Take FII
in time. Cure# when all else fails. Gives new life and
strength to tho aged and infirm. |1 at Druggists.
& ALEXANDER, Proprietor
|{indsof J|onum<nsand jron |endn 9 , f ms, tc 4.
yyyyyy—yyyyyy—yyyyyy—yyyyyy—yyyyyy—yyyyyy— osbqq
Call on ua at our ahopa, aast of bridge, Main St., Mlllhelm, Pa. Oorraspondanoa raapaotfully solicited.
The Holidays are past, but a lot of holiday goods remain on our hands,
and toe will sell these goods at a
Whvt we icish to say to our customers is this : . That we are going to
sell cheaper than ever before.
First — Because this is a dull season in general. But toe are going
to male it lively by selling goods way down and selling much.
Second — Because we have a big supply of winter goods on hand,
1 that must be sold in order to make room for a spring stock.
Third — Because we can afford better to sell winter goods cheap than
carry them over the saason.
Fourth — Because we have the "Swing 11 and are bound to keep it.
I . • ...
We have anything from a needle to a hogshead of molasses—a good
Sewing Machine or a house and lot.
JWLAJ3ST ST, M-n-.r.-Frßmu I>_A.
J. R. SMITH .& CO.,
Nos. 2 20, 222 & 224 Front Street,
The Largest House Furnishing Emporium in
* Central Pennsylvania.
Come ami Visit a Pleasant Home, Artistically, Tastily and Comfortably Furnished.
On the Second Floor we have
—and thoroughly equipped to show our goods and how to arrange your homej pleasantly.—
We sell the following celebrated Pianos:
A better Piano sold here at a lower price than any house in the state. We have no rent and have •
supervision of our own business. All the PIPE AND CABINET ORGANS. Everything
at bottom prices. A postal card to us may save you 25 per ceut.
The Finest Assortment of
Silverware, China, Glass and Stoneware, lamps. Chandeliers A Bric-n-Bra©
ever seen. Our Curtain anil Upholstering Department is not surpassed in the cities. Hotels,
Churches and Private Residences Furnished at short notice and at low rates.
Our immense Building is literaily packed with goods from attic to cellar. VV e are enabled to sou
the lowest because we sell the most. Everybody visits us and thinks our house a
marvel. The handsomest Side-Boards, Escritoires, Chitfonieres, Writing
Desks, Hall Racks, Slate and Warble Mantels in the land.
Busy all the time. Every Bid a Sale