A Pen Picture of George W. Childs Picture to the eye one standing about 5 feet 7 inches, and well developed though somewhat stocky frame; a paunch just enough to indicate that good health and contented conscience make flesh ; a face round, ruddy and with deep flushes of russet at the cheeks; a broad head, with a wide fore head, unmarked by crease or wrinkle ; a complexion fair and lightened with the traces of the warm and generous blood which pulsates through it ; a mouth, not small or large, covering a perfect set of teeth, and lips of pink ; a chest deep and full; an eye of blue, full of expression and welcome; a yoice gen tle and assuring, and you have the out line of Geo. W. Childs. In dress Mr. Childs is scrupulously neat. His ev ery day costume is a dark cutaway coat with pants and vest of the best materi al, but of subdued color; oyer this an overcoat of black. He affects the typi cal American silk hat, looking spick and span. He wears but little jewelry. I should imagine he wears a wig, be cause his hair seems just a shade too dark to naturally match his environ ment. In habits Mr. Childs is most exem plary. He does not [use intoxicants or use tobacco. Soon after 9 o'clock he reaches his office, where he remains un til after 1 o'clock. Then he walks to Drexel's bank and lunches with Mr. Drexel, one of his warmest friends. No Sooner than on the street then he be comes the object of recognition. In a block he will be stopped a dozen times by his fellow citizens, who are justly proud of him. He returns to his oftice at 2 o'clock and remains an hour or two.—Phila. Cor. Cincinnati Enquirer. Cures By Prayer and Faith. Mary Shower, for Years a Cripple, Throws Aside Her Crutches. BEADING, January, s.—The Men no site Brethren in Chsist have been hold ing their convention in Faith Chapel, this city, during this week,and to-night the services consisted of prayer and faith cures. The Rev. Dr. Anderson, of Philadelphia, announced publicly this afternoon that a faith or healing meeting would be held this evening, and accordingly people flocked to the chapel from every section of the city. Many who were afflicted for years were among the congregation to-night. The rever end gentlemen present from other cities are Bey. Dr. Thomas Anderson and F. L. Haas, Philadelphia ;GvW. Ruth, of iyilmh>gton, Delaware, and James Trnmbaur, of Philadelphia. At 6 30 to-night Rev. Haas delivered a short address, and then inyited those afflicted to come forward. Among those to respond were two sisters and one brother named Shower and Joseph Lepseltser. These were carried to the altar. Prayer was offered and the af flicted annointed with oil. A few mo ments later Mary Shower, who was un able to walk for years without crutch es, threw them aside, and to the sur prise of everyone walked about the room. This was witnessed by hundreds. All those who were annointed received relief. The cures are exciting consid erable interest. Why Men Become Bald. 'Did yon ever notice what classes of men are most commonly bald ?' asked an expert hair-dresser the other day. * Why, retail salesmen, book-keepers and offioe clerks in certain lines of business. *Wby should baldness affect them more than others 'Because they habitual ly stand or sit nearly every evening un der gas lights. Book keepers always have a strong light right over their heads or Justin front of them. So do elerks who haye to work at nights. Re tail salesmen sell goods at night direct ly under two powerful burners, aud most of the time their heads are not more than two or three feet from the flame. The artificial heat dries out the hair, makes brittle and unhealthy, ygho si,t under the gaslight should wear some kind of a cool, non-conducting headgear to protect themselves. I haye an idea, too,that after the electric light has been in universal use for a genera tion or two, baldness will be as scarce as it was before gaslights and night work got common together.' Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrove, - - - - - Penna. ft, T. Frain, Prop'r, ., ' „ _ President, 27-S) State College, Centre Co., Pa. ■ ciperience in tho 9 preparation of moro. ■ than Ono Hundred. ■ KM ■ Thousand applications for patents in 9 M ■ tho United States and Foreign coun ■ P tries, tbo publishers of tho Scientific rXjll American cor.tnuio to net as solicitors 1 1 for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy-. HBMi riftuts, etc., for tho United States, and: to obtain patents in Canada, England, France. Germany, and all other countries Their exjieri— ence is unoijualcd and their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed in tho Patent Ottico on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models Or drawings. Advice by mail freo. Patents obtained th-ouro Munn.tCo.nronoticed inthe SCIENTIFIC X'TEitlCAN,which has the largest circ'ilaii.m a.i I i - the iuol i•itluenti.il newspaper of its kind pibli>!icd in the world. The advantages of euch a notice every patentee understands. Thia large and splendidly illustrated newspaper (■published WEEKLY nt §3.00 a year, mid is admitted to be tho best paper dovoted to science, mechanics, inventions, e >;inecring works, and other departments of industrial proaress, pub lished in any counirv. 1; contains the names of ■ll patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for ono dollar. Sold by all newsdoalers. If you havQ an invention to patent write to Munn A Co., publishers of Scientific |BI Broadway, New York , Handbook about patents mailed fros. OpgST PREMIUM. PHILA D. 1 .1876. J Grand Prise Medal, Purls, T Ask y.uir Grocer for it. MT North Front Stn .t. PHILADELPHIA, PA. S. G GUT ELI US, DEMIST, i fi _ .... - MILLIIEIM, PA. Offers b'.s pro fessional services to the public. He is pre pared to perforin all operations in the dental profession. He is now fully prepared to extract teeth a' jsolutelv without pain S .QMSTHItTG J fEW. WfpUSD R^jNOV?Nlp> The Special Features of this Celebrated Plow are, that it Ist. NEVER CLOCS. 2d. ALWAYS SCOURS. 3d. TURNS A PERFECT FURROW. The Beam is not bolted to the landsido. but—by means of a steel frog —is set directly in tho Cesitro of the L,,io of Draft, making a =>tea;ly light running plow, and one that cannot ho Clogged. See one before you buy. If your Ageut has none write us for price. MANUFACTUKEO ONLY EY J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS, RACINE, Wis. 3 Groceries & Provisions. GOODS ! FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY DAY o o FINE FLORIDA ORANGES. BRIGHT NEW.LEMONS. CHOICE WHITE GRAPES. NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNES. EI GS, IATKS and;P RUN ELLKS. FINEST CLUSTER RAISI NS., PRESERVED CITRON & LEMON Plt EL CURRANTS and RAKING RAISINS. EVAPOR ATKD PEACHESJ& PEARS. ALMONDS and ASSORTED;NUTS. An exceptionally fine line of PURE CON FECTLON KUV at CITY PRICES. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. MOLASSES CANDY (or Yaffv") MADE PY k OURSELVES, ALWAYS FRESH. CALIFORNIA FRUIT canned and Evap orated. I'URE HONEY in pint and quart jars. NEW PUCK WHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess. CRANBERRIES, Sound and Firm. PLAIN anil FANCY CKACKERS EINEST FULL CK EAM CIIE ESE. PURE SUGAR TABLE SYRUPS. A full line ol NEW CANN EIEGOODS. PURE WHITE ROCK CANDY SYIIUPJ,IiJ half gallon and one gallon cans. PURE MAPLKSYRUP in quart and hall gallon cans. FINK, FRAGRANTtTEAs. PURE SPICES. Yon can depend on our ground proper for .butehering purpose*. It is strictly pure. FRESH SIIELL'OYSTERS opened to .ordor. o o ALL OUUSTOCK ISJNEW AND FIIESII. rCALL ON US FOIL; ANYTHING YOU WANT IN OUR LINE. —SECHLER &;CO.,— GROCERS, Busk House Block, BELLEFONTE, PA. A .Life Experience. Remarkable and QUick cures. Trial Packages. Send etarr tp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Mo. STOVES STOVES r.New Advertisement.] Jacob JJisenhuth wishes to inform the public that, hae ing purchasi d the machines and loots, together with stock of Stoves, Tin and Hollo ware, formerly the property of />.!. Jtrown, and having the services of that gentleman who is a practical mechanic, is now prepared to fill all orders in this line. Houcs & Bam Spouting A SPECIALTY -ba and satisfaction guaranteed. Just received a fine assortment of the best makes of STOVES, Ranges, HEATERS, &c., &c., &c. Any person in want of a store for cooking, baking or heating purposes will find it to their interest to call at the shop or sale room, near Knarrd- Lose's foundry, MILLHEIM. PA where, Mr. Brown may he found at all times to attend to the wants of patrons THAT EISENIIUTII'S STOVES MUST PE SEEN TOPE RIGHTLY APPRECIATED. NATIONAL HOTEL Millheim, Centre Co., Penna. | Summer | Resort Two miles fromCoburn Station. -=o=- THIS HOUSE lias been thoroughly renova ted, is newly furnished throughout and offers the very best accomodations to the trav eling public. FRONT ROOMS, ELEGANTL Y FURNISH ED, ON SECOND FLOOR FOR SUM MER BOARDERS. The celebrated "Penn's Cave" is but a short drive from town, and the good roads and fine mountain scenery of the surrounding country make it a very desirable stopping place. Horses and Stylish Car riages for use of guests. Bus meets all Trains at Cobm I— — •{ Moderate Terms. [ AV. Q. hjOOFj, Ptfop'* GREAT BARGAINS -IN uuiM-j&MZi-jj'juuwj'j'jiiAWjM'j'jjsiwawiiu'j'jii'jtjiii'j nil SOLD R,y AN r STOKE IN THE COUNTY. GIVE US A CALL W. T, Mauck. [ THE CELEBRATED Reading |jrgan, OVER KMNM) IX CONSTANT USE. Guy Direct from ihe Manufacturer, j Wholesale Manufacturing Prices fruw —J4! is {lOl.- — ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CASES. FINELY FINISHED. BEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTION, TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. .VA.Vii FOll CIRCULARS. READING ORGAN CO., j F, J. XANTOSS, Xanagvr, XL i ' Sx. ZX —XT CX, jlPcv- BE YOUR OWM DOCTOR. THE CRAKDESY Remedy of the Age* t .. gg . MJMH.HSe. f MENTHOL. INHALER, : ArtU quick. relief cf Nci.rn.lcrin, Headache. Hay Fever, Catarrh, Ac thru a, AND EY CCISTISUED VZZ EPISCTS A CUSS. Cr-*""Sat isf.net ion ynarantee.l or mouujr rufuudtd. Six Qntitbii treatment lor 60 ounts. II your drupfrist has notthe Inhaler In stoc, send R2 cfbK lailalu|M, ond the lnlirlwwiH • f,.ro ,ri tiro dy iromits receiptyou are not satisfied with its oPWis, juu may return it. and if rucuivi d in £i>ud condition, your moony will be wfuiwyA ! Circular and toctiwuiii da mulled application ' 10 H. D, CUSHiWASS, Three Rivera, Mich. P. H. MUSSER, JEWELER, Main Street, Millheim. Pa., -n-JorrOSITE TIIB UANK.J-f— --ftayßepair Work a Specially. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage lespectfully solicited. 5-ly. I HARWOOD'S I CHAIR SEATSI 1 WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY I To Replace Broken Cane. I RE-SEAT,YOUR CHAIRS. | I >*o Mechanic needed. ] ■.;<■? >f Fashion Notes and >t\li-s, i.lu tra:i <1 with alioi = t 1000 Cuts, s. at 1 Dt pi . t lor £5 CCUI a. THE Demorest Sowing Machine. Tlaia &try lo Only# 0 0 a I r ;'l onamachinTKorso , 1to IKM f>R' -v. 1„. l„:. dirert i i tiie nuim.fa tar. is. i an. l . . "V\Tr.-it o for O i I*o \ iV: 13 *r •. ! DEJViOK!;"ST rASHICN AMD gjVii ."'3C M;.Cf"iii'4:i CO. 1 17 East |4lh fttrpgt. Lew York City F r.T ? I •. xa I-, w £4 V;ij U iS2 m (, i ~f- - - 1 'Li, I ■ - F.vLsf' i' • GY.il t Lv, ;;;L ; (Vj fit': SUkE 1 JEW m \i!GH ARM, NE I V MECHA N/CAL c. id Jxii 'y Movements, Auio ma: id Ej\ ic•: I Fvrrco t fieri, Cylinder* Shuttle, fßslfsetting Nee aia, Positive Feed, i\ 7 o Fr rings, Fci& Paris, Minimum Wright, No Frioiicn, No IF:s3, NO V/car, No Fatigue., F'o "Tantrum?," Cara city unlimitod, Fixe. .0 in Order, Rxhlg Ornamented, iTiokcfdated, and Gives Perfect Fa tie taction. Soiui Ci.cu!ars AVERY MACHIfJE CO., 23 Union Cniiare, Kew York. <. t// 7 Y \ j Or JOI-stey Organ. [s-oliclly Made. Unrivaled. Finish. of Popularity. t illustrated catalogues sent free, Estey iDrgan ito., uramei)oro,Yt Mah sirs rv lin Dr. 11 bed , . -r-jzA* Tiiis is a sew t *X Litho, and oa a ;n\ Fa Hcl -1 WaZSA V IS 1 O which is pmch g ffiji A L>•' O n.orcslnpleami < JiiMy* x ~ "MJ o ciavcniciit than O —TffiHk "* 'heold style It ® M o for Circular and ?. f g" Scroll - Saving, S .--'a 3 anil f°rßracket b -4f , '*V S Moulding. ITev. W "17 " revel, and TUT] 13251 1 Irvcrtoi. Price $30.00 r-iicl upwards. Manufactured and sc!d l>y the Satile Creek Machinery Co., E; * TT^ I RCEII, fd; - ' eo* „ r • FOR MEDICAL USE. Wood^£\i*d f Go., I?oi^l|q. "THE GIRL I LEFTBEHIND ME." V ILLU^ 4 rftt- DBY the NRE of R BUGJRT TOADE by T. T. TTaydock. WHICH FA not only the Leading I.ILFI' >■ ii, this picture, but 'IFLLK 1.1-! .4 !>!!> <• BUCSOV OF .ATOFISICA. LJAS - 11. IF rk's :.• Kins DOLT and Fifth Wheel. ARJC you dealer FOR the T. 1. TL.iVDOCK V, with the llayduck Safety King Loll and Fifth Wheel. Life is III.'CI'URE riding over any other. ( RUT: J.i '.arc AL.! BE FURTULIL CU C. C*4, PRINTEL IN elegant style, to anyone WHO will agree to frame it.) .EKCLOSE STAMP.) A?. A?, HATDOCK:, O A TEIUT? Cor. nam and Twelfth Sts., OHTIYNATI, O. AGE IT IS WASTED WHEBE WE HAVE NFLST! FO IIT7T3TMENT 60 PROFITABLE. C : WILL WORK EQUALLY AH WELL .BU J&LUJXM W ON ROUGH STONY LAND AH ON _,___ N? O%TIT THE WESTERN PITAIUIES. IT IS TV; [ LFTT - IF*} T\ R LPS W UNLIKE ANY OTHER HILKY IN 3Y •' J •/ RT iS! V AI W L WW"" THE WORLD. CAN REATTACHED IN fjfr K! IT) 1 W W • TO ANY COMMON - WALKING IU ■ I'i" W SO IB TILT \ AN* M7V BLOW IN FIVE MINUTES TIME. ETR XPIB.K ¥ AND 19 WARRANTED NOT TO / JJIIUFLLAA INCREASE THE DRAFT ONE J&FL 1,111 FOUND. SO SIMPLE A CHILD STRONG ENOUGH TO DRIVE A W%R* TEAM CAN OPERATE IT. WILL X' .VJLI%. TURN A SQUARE CORNER WITH OUT RAISING THE PLOW. THE WJT FV*E SR*" QNLY PLOW MADE WITH A FOOT S/! " • LEVER TO START THE POINT V--7 * \L . / U OF PLOW ABRUPTLY IN THE IWCFTM/ N GROUND OR ELEVATE IT TO J W BKNR OVER THE TOP OF FAST T^V-L STONES ' AROUND ROOTS. ETA \V A/ B| v J W"" //i - < /1 Wo want a good, live man to act aa \v VY_ AU HS \ 7/ agent in every town in the U. 8. \ \\>V M N V // Writo ua for our liberal terms and V . V * ,'• . \// prices. E. 3. DANIELS & CO., HAVANA, N. Y. - I.V £ , I R _ - 'fj ■*f J ■ W* | '■f ■ ■ I'' - ,// FV IA "I"?R" , ".LJI V N '° slltCSif/ . IT' ,-J-ftr* ' ! '. your dvalerlo • I &35C. (verv SU)eriorarticlos)Globe Fr:.itautlJelly —\ S Press, SI -3, LI Sno cqn 'L Cal;O MIX r. S tono BOW\ $1.75. Gfobeomfiinftl R,Keitloßemp. 1 • '-■■'-. cr Hot Pan I.iflr.LJC. ( Ucbe Snd I roa II eater save# ,\J. - I .CU (;ral, 25c., Sic., -J ueigliboraEcndmcasy to UAI WO will HLIIP direct. CLO3!I P.1 J F ? G CC 9;?Q P? T ,*% THE ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEWCATOEr A NEW PATENT STEAM MEDICATOR, INHALER, DISINFECTOR, &c, '- P Especially oongtructcil for the ticatmeut of such S -W—/ CONSUMPTION. NASAL CATA2SE, EAT AITD LOSE 7EVJ?., IIRETEZIIA, A WEOORILTS ::UON, QDHTSY, COLD IN TEE EEAD. SCECIOLA SWELLINGS, ASTEKA, FT IJR B2ONCHITIS, RLE'JLIST, rNEDKONIA, NEDEALGIA, EUEPS, DISKENO22EXA. The first time "SOIW#" could he used in MEDICA TISG STEAM, USN Nacnl Catarrh.. Hay Fever, Asthma. \\JL--IE 'J In all these diseases the Metlicator is worth ten times tho price asked. \ ( ./; / Any Lady can Denutify her Complexion after udna A few r\ UU. w your with rtatemont of your trouble, and secure N "K'TL3 KtreltUT BU,, PfF*C CHEMISTS. TIUAL PACKAGE FREE, with Illust'd Pamnhlet.Ac. 306VF W. Tenth Street. ST. LOTJI3 MQ. RUPTURED PTLRSONS can have FREE Trial of our Appliamw. Ask for Terms! I " —— ■ ■ — - —■ ■ . TC AWIFUL work of 150 pages, Colored Plate, and 100 C (fS.t|wJ illustrations, \v:th descriptions of the best Flowers and ><- V them. Printed in English and German. Price only RO cents, which may be deducted from first order. ~ TT TCIIS V OU WANT FOR }C garden, and how to get it instead of running M the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever seeds happen to be left over, mectina W disappointment after weeks of waiting. ** BUY ONLY VICIC'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. / • MIK ' S TTTRSTEATED SIONTHIY MAGAZINE, 3" Ps. A COLORED Hate C> 'Z>~/\J J ! . N CV X RY LNNBTR AND many tine engravings. Price, $1.25 a year; Five Copies for ?' . ->• -J &: , FP€<;NCN numbers 10 cents ; 3 trial copies 25 cents. We wiU send to any address C " X ICK MAFIAZ'NC anu any one of the following publications at the prices named below : #■, R-TCAHY two magazines at the price of one—Ccntuiy, $4-s®; Harper's Monthly, 34.00; i/~~Y Y V WT^ NLC * V ?3 A° ; , (^ D <-heer, *1.25; Illustrated Christian Weekly, jta.oo; or R (?; Awake, Good Cheer, and View's Magazine for $3.00. > ."II" X/ :5 FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, 210 pages. Six Colored ' L'-'A • EVV iatcs, nearly iouo Engravings, in elegant cloth covers. /L\RA V . JAMES VICA, Rochester, N, Y,