Young' Girls Natives of New Bruns- Came to the States to Their Living but Dis- They Take Hat Poison Together—Kept Quiet by the Police. BOSTON, Dec. 29.—The last sad act of one of the most sensational tragedies ever enacted in this city occurred Wednesday forenoon at Mount Hope Cemetery, when a double casket, con taining the earthly remains of two young and pretty women, was lowered into a double grave. The story of the death of these two women is a tragic . one. Neither had seen twenty years. Yet both had found that life was not worth living and had in each other's company deliberately bidden farewell to the world on what to most people is the happiest day of the year—Christ mas. Sadie Bigelow and Lizzie Hart were respectively eighteen and nineteen years of age. The former was a very pretty brunette, with dark brown hair and eyes. She was an able conversa tionalist and a fayorite with all who knew her. The latter was a handsome blonde with light blue,fascinating eyes, golden hair and a slender, handsome figure. She was well educated and an easy and bright talker. The girls were born in St. John, N. 8., of poor but respectable parents. They were near neighbors, and from their earliest childhood were bosom friends. Two or three years ago, find ing it hard to make a iiying at home, they came here and secured situations at small salaries as saleswomen in the store of Jordan, Marsh & Co. They proved themselyes invaluable to their employers, and by their good nature, guileless and graceful bearing made friends of everybody. No ill word was ever breathed against them, although their vivacity at times might have at tracted some little attention. Some time after coming to Boston Miss Ilart married a Boston man of respectable connection, whose name is not given. The marriage proved an unhappy one and the couple separated, the wife re turning to liye with Miss Bigelow in a south end lodging house. Last fall they heard of an opportunity to better their condition in New York,and going there they got work at the dry goods store of Simpson, Crawford & Simpson. The situation proved only temporary. Two weeks ago the girls returned to Boston. They were unable to get work. Their only income consisted of such small sums as could be spared to them by their parents and they soon became utterly discouraged. On Christmas afternoon the girls took dinner at Vercellie's restaurant. After dinner a telegram came announc ing the death of Miss Bigelow's mother. At one o'clock a. m. Henry Yillard, a friend of the girls, was aroused by a knock at his door, and on opening it he found Miss Bigelow in an unconscious condition and just able to say that she and her friend had taken rat poison. The girl was laid on the bed, a doctor summoned, and antidotes applied, but too late, for after suffering agony for six hours she died. .*. SINGERLY'S TEMPLE THEATRE AT PHILADELPHIA BURNED. Half a Million Lost. The Temple Theatre and Egyptian Musee, on Chestnut street, below Eighth, was totally destroyed by fire on Monday, Dec. 27tb. The loss on the theatre and three adjoining proper ties will foot up about $500,000. The theatre building, which was known as the old Masonic Temple, belonged to William M. Singerly, the editor of the Record and was insured for SIOO,OOO, about one-fourth of its value. There was only $27,000 insurance on the en tire contents. The wax figures alone cost $60,000. The Washington Hotel was damaged to the extent of about $25,000 by falling walls and water. Two firemen were buried early in the afternoon in the interior of the theatre by falling walls. One fireman was badly injured and a number were cut by cracking glass and falling brick. The fire burned stubbornly from 11 o'- clock in the morning until midnignt. The Last Brother Gone. WiLKESBARRE,Pa., Dec. 29.—Thos. J. Kivler, aged twenty-eight, was crushed to death in No. 1 shaft of the Susquehanna Coal Company, atNanti coke, under a mass of rock. The death of Kivler brings to mind the disaster in No. 1 slope in December, 1885, when twenty-six men and boys were buried alive. Among these were four broth ers of Kivler, named William, Frank, Oliver and John. Thomas was the last of the family of five stalwart brothers, and was the sole remaining support of his aged father and mother, who have thus within a year lost every child by disasters in mines. Automatic Sewing Machine Co. \ 72 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. m v We invito special air \ tention to our Nsw PATENT AUTOMATIC TKN HON MACHINE, making ttflr /MET precisely tko same I fSf /iVV stitch as tbo Wilcox & A If UR. Gibba, and yet, if not preferred to tbo Wilcox & Gibba Automatic Ten sion Machine, can be returned any time with ' 1° 30 days and money refnnded. But what la more remarkable still, we never knew a woman willing to do her own family sewing on a shuttle machine after having tried our new Patent AUTOMATIC. Even Shoe Manufacturers find it best suited to their work—its elastic seams are more durable. Truly - Automatic Sewing Machines are fast super seding shuttle machines, and it is no use to deny it. Truth la mighty and does prevail. Shuttle Machines havo seen their best days. , • Send for circular. Correspondence solicited. INVALID ROLUKU GHAII^ lor circular to only manufacturers of reclining rolling ohalrs. t* Easv Chair New Haws. Cooa. * THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now supplied with Goov 'S and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS. BTLL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULA POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND CHEAPLY. PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Next Term begins September S. 1886. This institution is located in one of the most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny legion. It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of .Study: 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years.. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. 3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (l>) NATURAL HISTORY : (c) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. New building and Machinery 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent ludy Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W.ATHKRTON, J.L. I)., m President, 27-29 State College. Centre Co., l*a. W fcj , U.5U,' ALulil preparation of mora I El Thau Ono Hundred flKjl Thousand applications for patents ia ■ KID tho United States and Foreign coun )B IM B tries, tho publishers of the Scientific I AA I American continno to net as solicitors | | for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy ■■■■■■l rights, etc., for tha United States, mul to obtain patents in Canada, England, France, Germany, and all other countries. Theircxperi ence is unequaled and their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed in tho Patent Otlieo on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No cliargo for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained t hrourrli Mtinn A-Co.are noticed intbe SCIEVTiFIC A TfETtIC.W, which lias the largest circulation a:; 1 i- tho nio-t i n illicit tint newspaper of its i. nd j tishod in tho world. The advantages of su-.h a notice every pat ou too understands. This largo and splendid'v illustrated newspaper is published WEEKLY at $3.00 n year, and is admitted to bo the best pap.; devoted to sciouco, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, ami other departments of ir. i.i-lriul progress, pub lished in any country, li contains the names of ail patentees nnd title of every invention patented eacn week. Try it four mouths fur ouo dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent write to Munn .t Co., publishers of Scientific America*. 961 Broadway. New York v Handbook about patents mailed free. IRST PBEMfUM. Fh'ILAD. 4 .187 G. Grand Prize Medal, Paris, IB7S. Ask your Grocer for it. Win. Ureyiloppel.Mfr., North Front Street, I'll 11,.\I)FI.1MII A, PA. JQR. S. G GUTELIUS, DE\TIST. ' & ■, MILLIIKIM, PA. Offers his professional services to the public. He is prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. He is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain "WQRISD iq^OV^NTFJ) Tho Special Features of this Celebrated y Plow are, that it Ist. NEVER CLOCS. 2d. ALWAYS SCOURS. 3d. TURNS A PERFECT FURROW. Tho Beam is not bolted to tho laudside. but—bj means of a steel frog— is set directly in tbo Centro of the lazltt* of Draft, making t. steady light running plow, and one that cannot bo Clogged. See ono before you buy. If your Ageut has none write us for price. MANUFACTUBEP ONLY BY J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS, RACINE, Wis. Groceries & Provisions. GOODS ! FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY DAY o o FINE FLORIDA ORANGES. BRIGHT NEW LEMONS. CHORE WHITE GRAPES. NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNES. FIGS, DATES andIPRUNELLKS. FIN EST CLUSTER ItAISI XS. i PRESERVED CITRON & LEMON PWEL CURRANTS and BAKING RAISINS. EVAPORATED PKACIIES|S PEARS. ALMONDS and ASSORTEIVNUTS. An exceptionally lino lino of PURE CON FECTIONERY at CITY PRICES. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. MOLASSES CANDY (or Yaflfy) MADE BY IOURSKLVES, ALWAYS FRKSII. CALIFORNIA FRUIT canned and Evap orated. PURE HONEY in pint and quart jars. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess. CRANBERRIES, Sound and Finn. PLAIN; and FANCY CRACKERS FINEST FULL CREAM CHEESE. PURE SUGAR TABLE SYRUPS. A fun line or NEW CANNED;GOODS. PURE WHITE ROCK CANDY SVRUP|iin half gallon and one gallon cans. PURE M APLE SYRUP in quart and hall gallon cans. FINK, FRAGRANT'T EAS. PURE SPICES. Yon can depend on onr ground popper for ,butchering"purposes. It is strictly pure. FRESH SHELLfOYSTEKS opened to£order. r o o ALL OURSTOOK AND FRESH. rrr rft —AT— -W. T. MAUCK'S FURNITURE STORE, Penn St., Milllieim, Pa. TVK AllE OFFER!NG GREABARGAINS Chamber Suits, Dininij Room C' Kitchen Furniture, Choirs, Louiujes, i'atcnt Roeki rs, Cables, Shouts, (' null* s, J took' Casts. Jlurtaus, Rattan and Rml ( hairs oj all sli/bs, I ted steads. Frames. JtJattrcssis oj the Jinist curhd hair to tlu cheapest striae. All kinds of STJtINOS. KvrXOT UNDERSOLD D 1' AN Y STORE IX THE COUNTY. GIVR US A CALL W. T, Mauck. THE CELEBRATED Heading ffrgan, OYEIt 10,000 IX CONSTANT USE. Buy Direct from tho Manufacturer. WlioloKftlo Manufacturing Price* from —5 ta 51, — ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CA';tS FINELY FINISHED. BEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTION, TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. SKXI) ROR CIRCULARS. M READING ORGAN CO., ! F. J. KAHTNSK, Manager, SfcE-A-XDI2TCF. 2Fsu BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR. THE CRANDEST Remedy of the Age o -CUSHRfIAW'S" ' I r'r.V. J.-.t. C- j *2--—{Jls ECW RTINTHOL INHALER, Affords relief of Neuralgia, Hcadacho, Hay Fever, Catarrh, Asthma, AND BY COIJTISU2D UCL ZTTZCTa A CY2i. C 7 *.Sni isfaot i-m Kuamntw>,l or money refunded. Six in >_tht. iKMtm.'iit l<>r 50 cunta. If your drutmUt has not tho Inhakr In t toot. wnd 53 in hi.uii|iß, nnil tho lnhnl.-r will !-, l.irwanhd I,y :j;nil, t>>t.•!<;<• l aid. and if, at the expiration o 1 li\ day. from it. r'f*iptyou art* not B*l billed with it. effect., ..mi tuay return it. r.tid if received iugood condition, yoar rnngt, will bn nfuixM. Circular and totUmonials mailed fr_oou application j H, a, CUSHSWAK, Three Rivers, Mich. p. HTMUSSER, WATC mi AKEU & .lEAV El, El l, Main Street. Millheim, Pa., ' j+JorrOSITE THE 11ANK.J+- BQTRepair Work a Specialty. Sat-! isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 5-ly. MWffltßffiT -*fflfr^7MTTi¥-- TrA HARWOOD'S CHAIR SEATS! WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY I To Replace Broken Cane. RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. I Anybody can apply No Mechanic needed. SOLD BY TRADES. I In buying new Chairs, ask for those with I HABWOOD'S Red Leather Finish Scats. Tlmy never wear out. J A 1 Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Millicini, Fa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can bo bought at any time ami in any quantity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gather ings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your supplies at ex ceedingly low prices. 34-3 in 13 WEEKS. The POLICE UAZETTE will be mailed,se curely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONW DOLLAR Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, a gents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, N. Y. r ■< . ■ . : , ;3TS RELIABLE PA fTERNS! GTILL AHEAD OP ALL OTHERS. And Guaranteed to civo a ported fit when cJirectione are followed. MKE. DEKGKESTB SYSTEM OF DRESS CUTTING. Chart and I'- 'olc i f full dii < ii"i> >, < ■ :i!i!ui{* any oii t.> Cut and 1 it J" i li-ctly. PRICK, $3.00. Si :it h)' mat!, post paid, on re* ""'""ik. MREST'S PORTFOLIO 01 " FASHIONS AND WHAT TO WEAFt. I:, a l.irip- Mnjr.v no < f fa pajp-s ol IL. hum N*..t. 3 an 1 Siyli-s, lilu tralut JOOOC'ntsi. S-at i" -i p. i 1 lor 25 cuius. •X'l 133 Demorest Sewing lactone. Tlai. ; Stylo Only. I J THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF THEM IN USE ALL ovtit T ic WORLD AND GIVII.G PERFECT SATISFACTION. if yPan't pay i rc. mpanica $40.p0 p r 'fi| on A machine NOT so cool* AS TIIL. 1 IKIFI M* I Iti luv d ; i*i't > i the fa- tun-oj, H< ut C. O. I>. Wriio for Circulars. DEFOREST FASMiGN AND SEWifiC. JVJACHJNE CO. * 17 East 14th Street, Plow York City ■! p-;3 n a F% ¥ x - i:2: W SWIFT ! Ifgg ~0l . * pi.'' y SURE J&bf v Ho„; Si 'PLE > \}ii | if s;t rWT jrv'X'i ; NEW IMPMWEMIQH ARM, NEW MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES ' cd i Rotary Movements, Auio ■ 7:1 ? Dire i end Pen fed fiction, j Cylinder* Shuttle, Sclfcctiinj Mce- C.e, Feed, ivo Sjcrincs, Fcio Parle, Minimum VEce.fnt, l?o Frieiio'i, MoR oice, l- 'o Wear, Mo Faiu-ue, Mo " Tantrums," Capa city Urilimit xZ, Always in Opw, RiFf /Ornamented, Mickelplated, and Crivcc Per fed Satisfaction. Scud fur Circulars. AVERY MACHINE CO., 23 Union Squire, Now York. 3§S-stey Organ. f§-olidly Made. 'J-one Unrivaled. 1 305-legant Finish. of Popularity.\ ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT FREE. Estey Organ £o., Brattieboro,Yt MAPjS? I CY y.TNIM-1 1 rjKD = FOOT LATHEI = ,JTva _ , -crraif* This is a a2V ksF ✓SGJU Lathe, and on a A > X *7" ~.~TI JP CCWplau.having 5 M' w" I) lnoreclnplcaiui < \ "' o ccsrenient than o SliSr® — )|PV "* theoldstyle It **" AmTIW n. !r*i\ S hnsattachments ° ATwbn \| I H 2 for Circular and a ff®l - SdJl • o" S:r3U " Cav:i!: - 2 „ I 'Ov J 3 nnd for Srackct aefc's'r'"v- I_ Tv " ccvcl. and THE *— BEST invented. Prtco $.10.00 r.riil npv/arc!c. Manufactured and sc!.! hy th.3 3atiie Creek rtlackiaorv Co., DA7T S C S SK -es /CT:'> — Tl a |£ Ssg^ 2 - sis g y • 23 "Warranted the most perfect Force-Feed Fertilizer Prill in existence. Senfl for circular. B. FAHQUHAR, York, Pa. SKUI N. W. EBY, "T ' r ' 'Sw^' —DISTILLER OP— T Straight PURE || . ]iC RYE WHISKEY J FOR MEDICAL USE. W"ooth\ r qi'd, Gcqji'c Go., Pnqqq, " CHEAPEST AND BEST-!? PETERSON'S MAGAZINE SIT,UNHID I'RKMIUMS FOR 1887! FULL-SIZE DRESS PATTERNS • mm FrrEnsoji'g MAGAZINE isthn test find cheapest of the lady's-books. It gives more for the mon ey, ami combines greater merits than any other. Its Immense circulation ami long established reputation enable Its proprietor to distance all competition. In short, it lias the BEST STEEL-ENGRAVINGS, REST ORIGINAL STORIES, BEST COLORED FASHIONS, BEST WORK-TABLE PATTERNS, BEST DRESS PATTERNS, BEST MUSIC, Etc., Etc. The stories. novelet A, etc., in "Peterson," are admitted to lie the best published. Alt the most ]>oj'tihir ft utu/j writer* ....ntHbnf- *o It. Every mouth a FITLb-HiZic DIIE&s-I'ATTKHN is giv en, whicii is alone worth the price of the number. Every month, also, there appears a MAMMOTH COLORED FASHION-PLATE! engraved on steel, TWICK THE SIZE of OTIIEKS. and superbly colored. Also. Household Cookery, ami other receipts; article* on Art Embroidery, Flower Culture, House Decoration—in short, ev erything interesting to ladies. TERMS, ALWAYS IN ADVANCE, $2.00 A YEAR. *-l NI'ARAU.EI.KI) OFFERS TO CUJBS.-S* •_ Copies for k ;., r .o s With the "Hook of Renuty," splendidly illustrated, or a large stcel-en- I 3 " 1 .">o J gnn lug. "Mother's Darling," for getting up the Club, f Copies for S Willi an extra copy of the Magazine for 1887, us a premium, to the per- •• " / son petting up the Club. 5 Copies for Ns attached to nearly all wagons, hug tries. phaetons and carts. Easily removed and folds like an umluella. wagon maker or dealer, send to its for A \ > illustrated circular and prico list. i \i Age everywhere, D - °* BEERS & co., 1 V/ 1 J v/L\R /■ \\7 PATENTEES and MANUFACTURERS, J " NEWTOWN, Conn. SBERHAN road CART. BEST CART ON EARTH." ( (\A SINGLE, DOUBLE and LIGHT, —J 135 lbs. ISOlhs. 85 lbs. I / 535- ~"537. S4O. \^- —■ \7/f EASY, DURABLE and CHEAP. \ / y N. \/ jr Crated free on board cars. \ A LN. yXv AumtEss— V T. ALLEN, Manager. I COLDWATER, Mich. Ac^inEi.4 I £SCT, r SSS|y wererestorsdmhealth by uso of gfi) Z®CUREp thousands, dots Sot teterttre HSggfo SEMINAL PASTILLES.Wf*f a t^"-^ A RadiciHCurofor NcryousDebility.Orcnn^acientific medical iirlnetok* Bvdirect \\ eakneasndPhysleal Decny in Young or dtoAgodklen. Tested for Eight Years in influence is felt without delay. Thenaturnl thousand cases they absolutely restore prematurely^™™"fYl,i a ". c,ion . #ofth e human organisn. restored. The aged nud broken down men tothe full enjoyment of „\ a ole jncnt9 of life arc given buck, the patient perfect and full Manly Strength nnd Vigorous Health. " t - come ß cheerful and rapidly pilas botit rtnuycth aad health Tothosowho euffor from tlio mnny obscure diseases TRPATUCUT * broughtubout by lndiscretion, Exoosure, Over-Bruiu Kltn I,—OlO uOEU, $3. Tvo Jfofl. $5. ffhTflS, 57 Work, ortoofroo Indulgence, wo ask that you send us •UADmo neuenu . your namo with etntoment of your trouble, and Rocuro Ft,© A\L jj fe g z) Vz'.:Sl "-S "st- ~ | • fT\i Vegetables, prices of Seeds w ! bcst . J lowers and y them. Printed in J- r .,q i' j ~n ts ancl bow to grow c :il u,tvlad i , Price ° ! y f 1 It tells what you want for the garden !!v fim ordcr - BUY CNLY VICK 'S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS. ' :i ' rVr.Vc : "sMoMhfy, WWe Awake ' Good ® >ew - oa. eldy ' fooo: or I 71? TO " JAMES Vica. Koctostar, N. T,