She pitlheim THURSDAY, JAN. 6fii,-1887. Published by R. A. BUMILLBR. LOCAL NEWS. ISS7. —Uappy New Year ! — SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —Best Resolutlon-Tomind your owu Business. —Gum Boots at Kanflfman's store for $2.50. —First-class job work done at the JOURNAL office. —Lancaster Almanacs, only 5 cents at the Journal Store. —Prof. Keller spent tho holidays at Bis home in Snyder county. —Don't fail to read Mussel's Shoe Store advertisement in this week's pa per. —lnnocent and amusing Games of of all kinds, very cheap, at the Journal Store. —A full supply of all shades of Sax ony Wool just'received at D. S. Kauff mau & Oo's. —A good building lot, located in the central part oT town, for sale. Inquire at this office. —Musser's shoe store is certainly the place to buy good shoes at a very reasonable price. W. Albright has been chosen :sextouA?f the Lutheran church, vice A. .J. liar tor, retiiing. —Most of the advertisements of the Millheim merchants underwent a trans formation tills week, —Monday and Tuesday were gener ally considered the coldest days we had this winter. _ With the new year wo have the , > of adding a number of new Ltecribei^ourli*. Work on the factory building has been temporarily the nec essary lumber not L oa the ground. —The distressing dist x,se Rheum is readily cured by Ilood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. b ? ai] druggists. —Landlord Rook and bis two sons are spending the greater pare of this week at Philipsburg, the gentleman's former home. —Something less than a million of tno&i beautiful Scrap pictures, as well as a fine line of Scrap Books, at the Journal Store. —Was it not amusing though to see everybody so greatly excited while emerging from Musser's shoe store oa Saturday last ? —Be sure and call at the new shoe store on Main street when you come to town. Don't you forget you'll go away with a pair of shoes. Lutheran congregation of this Vlaee ai 0 observing a week of prayer at present, w.'tb various interesting top ics for eaeh evening. —Our townsman, W. L. Bright, ex pects to make sale of his personal prop erty and real estate on Main Street, Saturday, Jan. 29tb, ISS7. —We are pleased to state that Mrs. Anna M. Weaver has fully recovered "from a severe .spell of rheumatism,with -which she suffered seyeral weeks. —lavitations are pjit for a birthday party'to be held at INJUIVO lieifsnyder s residence, Main street, on the 10th inst. in bunor of Miss Clara's birthday. —J. Eisenhuth informs the public that he has added to hi& drug st,lCk t!l0 ■celebrated KEYSTONE WHISK EY and other pure liquors. 4,T, 8 V on prescriptions of physicians, l""* ical use. 3^ —The Mifflinburg Times sports a "new heaa." But it's brother Foote's "old head" that makes the paper live and sparkling. Success to you, George, in 18S7, —The father of Hon. .T. A. Wood ward died at his residence at Williams port recently. Mr. Woodward, Sr. is said to have been a prominent citizen of that city. —Back again—Mrs. Susan B. Ilarter fc'rom ber holiday visit to Ilarrisburg friends, which she seemed to enjoy *ery much. She reports the best time silt 1 ever had. __Y P- &T. E. Yonadu, of Wood ward K * ve nnt,ce * n another place that j they werv > appointed administrators of the estate . Henry hi'o o; Haines town dee'd. CAED.— The subscriber J. sn-l\y re turns his sincere Fbauits to a , ntr-uis public for a yery li.Vral paTunage ,° vei tho Holiday season. B. O. DEININCEE. 1 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Outs,Bruiser Son's, Ulcers, Salt ltliauni, Fever Sores, Tetter' Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction, or money refunded. Price 13 cents per box. For sale by J. Eiseuliutli. —Among the legal advertisements on our second page our readers will find a notice of the public sale of valuable Timberland in Ilaines township. Tim tract is part of the estate of Jacob f, Jioup, late of Ferguson township.decM and is offered for sale by A. J. Orndorf & Win. Roup, administrators. —All kluds of Writing Tablets, 3 cents up, at the Journal Store. : PERSONATES. Among those who camo and went during the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. John Toner, of Beech Creek, who visited at ex-shenlf M usser's. John Musser and family, of Boals bnrg, were guests at J. C. Smith's, Penn street, oyer Christinas. Mrs. Ilogan, of Unionville, daught er of Mrs. Anna M, Weaver, Ponn street, spent several days with her mother. Mr. Williams, of Way no Station, Clinton Co., visited his son Irvin Will iams on North street. Samuel Zeigler, Esq., of lowa,tarried in town a few days. Miss Sarah Dcininger and Miss Dinges, of Centre Ilall, greeted their friends in this place over Sunday. Thos. Ilarter, editor of the Middle lmrg and lady, paid a short visit to relatives on Sunday. W. T. Auman, of Lancaster college, is spending his holiday vacation at home and will return to his studies to day. Mr. Sam. Workman and family, of Ronzeverte, West Va., are guests at Peter Walizer's, on North street. Miss lleese, of Lewisburg, a sister of Mrs. Geo. Buck, is here on a visit. Miss Cable, of Milton, is visiting at John Kerstetter's on Peiin street. —DIARIES for ISS7, good and cheap at the Journal Store. DON'T MISS THIS.— Tiio winter sea son is advancing and we have a big lot of winter Clothing and Oveicoats ou hand, which will positively be sold way down. I>. S. KAUFFMAN A Co. —On Wednesday evening, December 29th, Miss Mary Gephart, daughter of Hon. J. P. Gephart, was married in St. John's Episcopal church at Bello fonte to Mr. William 13. I)ix, of Day ton, Ohio. —We are informed that Mrs. Sarah Catherman is confined to her residence on North street by erysipelas in the face. We trust she may soon get rid of this unpleasant illness and be able to go out again. —The JoiK/itikle of E. IT. Long's happiness has no measure since the ar rival of that bouncing boy at his house. While the jovial papa is iu hilarious spirits,the rest of the parties concerned are doing splendidly under the circum stances. — ! The Lutheran Sunday school of Millheim turned a new leaf by electing the following officers for the year ISn7 : Supt. 13. O. Deininger; Asst. Supt. I)r. Geo. S. Frank ; Secretary, A. A. Frank ; Treas. Ilenry Breon ; Li brarian, S. 11. Alter ; Asst. Librarian, Carrie Kerlin. Excitement in Texas. Great excitement, has been caused in the vi cinity of Paris, Tex., by the remarkable recov ery of Mr. -J. 1:1- Corley. who was so helpless he could not turn in be J. or raise his head: every, body said he was dying of consumption. A frfa! botlitf of Dr. Kind's New Discovery was sent him- Finding relief, he bought a bottle and a box ot l)r. King's New Life I i is; by the time ho had taken two boxes of Pills aud two bottles of the Pisceyjry, he was well ami had gained in flesh t'iirtv-six b.uiiiH. Trial Pottles of this Great' >i-eovery rorCon suhibiojf Jree at J. Tasenliuth's. —The Stab if.ent made a few weeks ago of Itev. Swenglds retirement from the ministry and removal to his larui in Union county needs be explained more fully. Mr. Swengie is obliged to take this step on account of his health and will only cease to preach temporarily, with hopes of resuming his ministerial labors in a year hence. —W. 11. Weaver, a sou-in-law of our townsman, Daniel Hoy, ariived in town with his family last week and will make Millheim his future home. He formerly resided at McAlevy's Fort, I's., where he whs engaged in the milling business, lie moved into the house lately vacated by David Miller, on Main street. - IVst -:0S, G. A. It. take this means of returning thanks to the, M. E. anu Ev. churches for the loan of chubs and bandies at their public in stallation of officers, Alro to the Mis ses Mabel M. Musseraud Eva IFelzel , u P'", ( mbr Mist. last. The bells of tire Evangelical and .Lutheran ehmcho; we.o rung end thus our go U people were rem iris] I Tat another year li.vl joined its preih eessors. On New Years day in the afternoon the hand tonka fdninmridtt t. Anronsbui *d Cubnm to pav tneir compliments i a <* . „ , ** season with a low sp.riu*l sunes. or lh >aia and misery suffered liy i I 110 1 , 1 \rc afflicted -with dyspepsia I those who ; r „. .. . ' . The distress-oft lie I are mdescrib , , , , , , . ©r -surpassed by t!iO] body is equal's* . Ct , - , 1 J Httwaif the trend, %is , confusion and to. i • i stiifer'double i making i's vicf'nis - • , it | ° 11,3 it. £-rA'ti byUe ,> .. ~ rc . .... , tli •i-;anr! < XQ )'* Sars.iparilla has caused „ >:■; t. • JOiifO. !•■ thankful f'c tb.s preai „ . 'lisp.'H t-hn of d\ „„ j-lor mantle , at thu Journal Stoic '* Since tho holidays avo over wo have been using the cutting knife freely and cut prices through the middle. That means goods go almost at halt price. D. S. KAUFFMAN & Co. We are under special obligations to Representative Woodward for a lot of ollicial literature, consisting in Ag ricultural reports, geological survey of Penna., Annual Reports of tho Adj. General, Auditor Goneial, Secretary of Internal Affairs, Suit, of Public In struction, &e., all well bound in sopo rate volume?* Tho Verdict Unanimous. W. I>. Salt, Urutff.lst, Hippns lml., teslltles: "1 oun recommend Electric Hitter* us the very best remedy. Every bottle sold lias given re lief in every ease. One man took six bottles, and wasotm d ot IMteumatism of 10 years' stand ing." Abraham 11 ate .druggist, liolleviUe,Ohio, nfflrnts; "The best selling medieine I ever handled in my years' experience, is Eleetile Hitters." Tltmi,sands of others have added their testimony, so that the veroiet isuuanimeus that Electric hitters do cure all discuses of the lay er, Kidneys or lllood. Only e half dollar a bot tle at J. Eisenhuth's Urugsiurti. —We find it necessary to inform our western subscribers that tho Millheim post oillee is not a money order ofiico and that consequently we are unable to collect postal notes sent to us in pay ment of subscription. We hayo re ceived several of these orders and were compellel to return them to tho sen ders. The postmaster at this place lias repeatedly been urged to get the money order system and lias promised to take steps in that direction. It should be a money order cilice by all means and as soon as it is wo will notify our readers of the change. In tho mean time please send your remittances by registered letter. —The New Year brings Calendars by the score ; but Hood's Household Calendar-Almanac is literally "head and shoulders" above all others. Tho beautiful child's face, in colors, will ornament any home for the whole of ISsT.and will constantly grow in favor. The pid,containing the months,is neat ly at d concisely arranged, profusely il lustrated by wood engravings, and con tains besides the usual Calendar feat ures, all the information worth having which is usually given in almanacs. Hood's Calendar-Almanac is beautiful, condensed, practical. It may bo had at the druggists, or by sending six cents in stamps to C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. —■Tobogganing is getting to bo a very popular amusement in t'.o larger places. It is practically coasting on an improved plan and both ladies and gentlemen, old and young, take a hand in this invigorating sport and daily en joy a few hours in innocent pleasure. Wonder what some of our Millheim people would say if such a thing was got ten up here. They even growl and file objections against a few coasters quietly sliding down the hills. Wake up from your Rip Van Winkle sleep, you are twenty-five years behind time. Try and put yourselves in the y njng folk's place and do not attempt to make old men and women out of them before their time. Report of G : am] y's So'-. >•L s township, lot the month e*.D e. 21st, 1(180. J no, C. Morris, teacher: No. of scholars in attendance, male 20 ; feujale 19 ; Total 39. Per cent, of attendance, male 7* ; female t'.o ; total 7). Visilois. William reamer, Jacob Gephai t. Dir., Jefltais >n l.iuhty, Adam B. Wolfe, Ira Briimgart, Pnilip Gramley, Newton Brumgart, Mr. Mil ler, Mrs. Philip Gramley, John C. Gramley, Emma Weaver, ltev. and Mrs, Bason. —Report of North St. school for j month ending Jan. Jth ; No. of differ ent scholars belonging to school since I Out. 4th—males 32, females 82, total til. Whole No. in attendance during month males 31, females 2S, total 60. Av erage attendance during month —males 27, females 24, total 51. Average at tendance during term—males 23, fe males 23, total 4(>. Per cent, of at tend anee during month —males 90, females 03 total 92. lVr cent, during term — | males 90, females 93, total 92. 1). G. SMITH, Teacher. —Not Extensive advertising hut gen uine merit has placed McDonald's Im proved Liver Pills at the head of the list, the most exacting, scrupulous care exercised in selection of materials, the highest attainable chemical skill em ployed in their manufacture, and sold icm an honest guarantee, Any Uissatis ! fled buyers can have their money rcfmjd j ed. JOHNSTON, 110 LL O WAY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J, Eisenhutli, Millheiiii, Pa. THE HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENTS. —The merry Christmas time was inau i gurated on Christmas eye by Suml iy j school entertainments in the IJ. 1). i church in this place and in the Luther - lan church at Aarousburg. Both these 1 ohorehes were idled notwithstanding i the yery disagreeable weather. The i caniata rendered by members of tiie choir iii the Aaronsburg Luth, church was a success throughout and did full (•/edit to the musical talent in that tov "MI. TiU! costumes were rich and ; and the peisouiiications of i Suit a Ciai.e. Frost, and Storm were 1 indeed to ptT. .-tin::. Toe music was ioL'ahig. orh o cud was snleuiidiy exc ! cuted."' F-very body was pleased with j the eniuit- uruent. j On Saturday evening the Reformed . enurcli at Aa'onsburg and tiie Luth-r --j an e.hurcii at Millheiuj followed wiLi' : entertainments equally as well gotten j up and witnessed ny crowded houses. : The former had a line Christmas tree accompanied by appropiate music and ' other i xeroses ditch were well appro ie hi ted I>v tlit audience. Tiie Lutherans I at this phsc'i used special eiforts to fur j nisli a plea > \ isie The Evan^e' Sunday school held | a very nice entertainment on New I Yeans Eve, v- "is 1 , ing of singing, reci t at.ions lieci.ona. : ons, musical dialogues i .'lid dista ibiition of gifts from t wo large j trees. Hie decorations in tiie front I part of flic church displayed very good 1 taste and Lie evening was considered ' well spent by those H) attendance. Doath of Edmuuct Blanchard, Hcq. Tram the Rellefonto Pally News. An event which served to sadden the ('hiislmas gladness of this commu nity occurred Monday morning Dec. 27ih, at I) o'clock, it being the death of Edmund Blanchard, Esq., at his home on High street. The deceased was one of Bollefonte's most inlluential citizens. Ho was connected with the oldest and most respected families in this vicinity, lie was a man of broad culture, a well informed lawyer and held in the high est esteem as a citizen and by the members of his profession, lie and liis brother, Evan Blanchard, Esq., formed a strong legal partnership and represented Pennsylvania railroad in terests in this vicinity. lie had been confined to the house by illness only a month, during which time alt his friends in this town and vicinity had united in showing respect and attention. His sufferings were borne with the most supreme calmness, fortitude and patience. A meeting of tho Centre county Bar Association was held in tho Court house for the purpose of expressing their respect for tlie dead in adopting appropriate resolutions. The last sad ceremonies attending tho funeral of tho late Edmund Hlanch ard, Esq . occurred at his late residence on High stieet at 2 o'clock p. m. on Thursday Dec. 33-li. Tho residence was thronged with sympathizing friends, including the Centre County Bar Association and very numerous delegations from Dock Haven and Williatusnort legal fraternities. CoFPBit,—A largo specimen of cop per ore was expressed to our towns man E. 11. L ing, a few days ago. It weighs about 3d pounds and is unus ually rich. Tne chunk was taken from the copper mines at Blue Wing, N. C., operated by ltaker & Kauffman, and in which our friend Long holds an inter est. Mr. Raker tarried in town sever days a week or so ago to see how many of our citizens may become interested in the coloniz ttion of that part of the country which surrounds these rich copper belts. lie describes the loca tion ac very pleasant, being situated b. twoe.i Durham, thai thiifty tobacco town of the South and Ciarksville. Present indications point to tho build ing of a railroad light through the mining section and connecting with the roads at Durham & Ciarksville. In fact an emigrant could not strike a better spot to settle in and prosper than the region around tho Blue Wing copper mines. Mr.ltaker or Mr.Kauff man will be glad to furnish detailed in formation whenever addressed on the subject. —The public installation of cfllcers of Lieut. W. W. Bierly Post, 2GS, G. A. It , which took place in their hall on Main street, Monday evening was an exceedingly pleasant and interesiing occasion. Com. Gregg ofljeiatod as in* stalling dtleer and af'tor the regular ceremonies incident to that work were gone through with the post organized iat. ; c.nnpfna . S, viral piLintic ad dii'ssi-.i wiMo made, the speakers being comrade Keller, Samue l Esq., Hon. W. K. Alexander and Hon. Jas. P. Coburn. The last named gentle man was in a specially happy mood and kept the boys and the audience in a roar of laughter most of the time. The speaker made no secret of the fact that he was nil the time thinking of that oyster supper which was to follow the campdre and the thought seemed to have a very inspiring influence upon his well-set remarks. In behalf of the post lie extended a very warm invita ' tion 10 all to proceed to Hook's hotel after adjournment to partake of an oys ter repist. An amusing part of the programme was the "Beef contract" • read by Adj. W. A. Tobias. The speecln s and jocular stories were inter spersed by music furnished by Miss Mable M. Musser and Miss Eva Wetzel at the organ and Dr. J. F. Ilarter on ihe cornet. There was a fair attend ance bv outsiders. Many more would have U. en there had it been more gen erally known. The oyster supper at the National was greatly enjoyed by all present and formed a delightful closing piece to the evening's programme. It Seemed that the members of the post felt that their order is in a flourishing condition and that they have the good will and encouragement of the public as far as the prosperity of the order is concerned. Letter from a Student. Centre Mills, Pa., Dec. 21, 1885. KIHTOH MIM.UKIM .fOUKNAt., Hear sir:—As 1 have just, returned home fi'oiu Palatinate College, Mcyerstown, Lebanon (jo., 1 thought I would write a few lines for vonr columns, hoping you will spare a little -nam for their inseition. I wish to give a "c He eling and Philadelphia '*• U ~55 miles south least of the stale capital. By the way, on this , road you can get better accommodations for I travel* than a any other road In this state. , Almost any hour of the day you can take trains i to go east or west. The surrounding* of the college are very pic turesque. while the air is salubrious ami healthy. iMeyerstosn Ha beautiful and quiet town of "about 2:10 inhabitants, mostly of Herman i descent and all socially inclined. The college islands o:i an elevation, with a gradual and. ' jam tie slope hi all sides, ami affords a very line i Jiew of the rich and beautiful valley. Tlje | building is brick, three stories high, heated by I ste am, large pud commodious and of ancient I s! The college has a very eflleient corps of • "etchers, dev. W. U. MluioiTor, President, is ! ii 11nrally endowed with teaching faculties, and ' Mrs Shadier, the lady or the house, i* highly I c-t"Cine I for her social and kind disposition, i prof Hobb, of Howard, Centre Co., is our able ' instructor in the higher mathematics. Miss j aoufci, Heading, is the very accomplished I teaclie-i' in elocution and Prof, smith, Prof. ' muss and Pmt, IJqrst, our touchers of ancient languages and penmanship are well qualilied i forl'tir p >;iti >at. The government of this | .sebiiol js as pure and healthy aw the ;iU" we ! breathe. , i will close hoping that some of your young : readers who may chance to notice this letter, ' will make ui> their minds totgkp a course in ! Paiatlnsto College and shape the heifetjts Ha ! well directed education. I Very Hespeetfuliy, livA Mover. Neighboring News. PENN HALL. The holiday season is past and the gifts are all distributed. The debating society will meet 011 Friday evening. J. B. Fisher, Esq., spent part of the holiday week hi Ilarrisburg. Our town was well represented at tho teacher's institute. Among those In attendance were the Misses Mary Fish er, Emma and Lizzie Ileckman, O. F. Musser, D. O. Smith and l'rot. W. P. Hostermau. AH report a pleasant time. W, 11. Musser and wife spent New Years in Williamsport, visiting his brother, W. 0. Moyer is at homo again, lie nor ts "Uncle Tom" N. G. Wo understand lie has asked papa and has been to Bellefonte. Nov look out for a wedding, boys. T. Benton Ulrich and brother spout Sunday in our town. DENVER DAN. —JUST SO. Tho wise and prudent man now procures a bottle of l)r. ltess ler's Celebrated English Cough Medi cine and keeps it in the house to bo pre pared for croup and whooping-cough emergencies. It never fails. It never disappoints. Instructions for treat ment of croup and whooping-cough on each wrapper. Nothing like it far colds and 'all lung troubles. Dissatis fied buyers can have their money re turned. JOHNSTON. HOLLO WAY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenbuth. Millbeim, Pa. SUGAR VALLEY. The convention and concert held here by Prof. Joseph Kleckner was a good success. Plenty of good sleighing and cold weather in this section of the ternestial globe. Mr. A. Ilarter, who moyed into Frank orover's house on Anthony street and who has leen down with typhoid fever for over a month, has at this writing little hope of recovery. Mr. John Yarger, of Aaronsburg, was a visitor at A. Ilarter's over Sun day. Christmas and New Year passed off very quietly here. A corps of engineers are surveying and locating through this valley, what is known as the Bellefonte and Milton railroad. Another corps of nineeugin eers are similarly engaged anu are sup posed to locate a double track through line between New York and Chicago. If these roads are built through here it will give Sugar Valley a wonderful boom. A gentleman of Doonevillo showed us several pieces of slate which he thinks is a strong indication of coal, for which desirable article he is dig ging. Should he be successful in his search the railroad is sure to come. A shooting match was held here la9t Thursday and Friday by our genial tonsorial artist C. F. Ilerlacher. Two fat hogs and a fine deer weighing about 1501b 3, were the prizes held out to the best markeman. The deer was most coveted but the shooting was too poor to carry the latter prize off. * —MUST GO. The horrible nauseous worm-seed compounds called vermifu ges and worm syrups, many of them as worthless as they are obnoqions, have had their day. It's downright cruelty to compel a child to take them, when McDonald's Celebrated Worm Pow ders, so easy and pleasant to take that children will take them and never know a medicine is being administered, can be procured for the small sum of tvven tv-live cents. Any case of failure to cause expulsion where worms exist, the money promptly refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY & C 0 .% Philadelphia Agents., Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. REBERSBURGL Jasper Gramley, of Ilinkley, 111, is at preseut here visiting his many friends. The protracted meeting in the Evan gelical church is stil! in progress. I)r. Bright left on l.ast Friday for Baltimore where he is spending a week with his brother. During his absence Dr. Musser, of Aaronaburg, is attend ing to the wants of patients in this vi cinity. General Wolf had sale on last Mon day and left the following day with his family for Alabama, where he will lo cate. The three Christmas festivals held by the different Sunday schools of our town during the holidays were a grand success and the many scholars were greatly pleased with the bounteous gifts received. What had become of our band on Christmas day? We are sure they had expected to give us an open air concert. Hope they didn't get scared on seeing the Tylersville fantastic band when they passed through here. • One day last week Griffin Gariet, while out in the woods making saw logs, met with a painful accident. lie and another young man had felled a tree, which suddenly slid back and struck Garret's leg, breaking it be tween the knee and the ankle. As the unfortunate young man fell to the ground his hand struck an ax which was standing near by and that member received an ugly wound. Besides that it is supposed that he sustaiued some internal bruises. On New Years day our town was en livened by a fantastic parade which came byway of Smoketown. The town was crowded with people from the surrounding country who expected to see some kind of an entertainment. The parade which consisted of several two-horse sleds and about a dozen horseback-riders, was A success, their ooin ic costumes and performances causing roars of laughter. Cur champion marksmen Weber and Strohecker returned on last Saturday from the Logansville shooting match where they captured all the prizes. On the isth of this month there will be a shooting match somewhere near this place for a fat calf and a pet deer. Some distinguished marksmen have ex pressed their intentions to be present on that occasion. Mr. Samuel sseigler, of lowa, is at present here on a visit to relatives. The band boys gave Mr. Zeigler a serenade the other evening and were rewarded by a Y and refreshments, SQUIIIOU. SPUING MILLS. One evening last week Dr. Allison in company with some of Uio young folks from this place went to the resi dence of Jno. F. Glass to spend the evening and hive a jolly time. When they were ready to start home, which was at a late hour, it was discovered that some one had taken possession of the medical man's sleigh and no trace of it could be found until after a few hours' search. The sleigh*stood about a l.aif a mile from ttie residence of Mr. Glass. Last week Jeremiah Rishel had the misfortune to get badly hurt about his face. He was cutting down a sapling, a limb of wnioh struck him in the face. It made a very ugly and painful wound but it is not considered dangerous. Mrs. Nofsker, familiarly known as "Aunt Jane," has returned from a trip to Altoona where she visited friends. Mrs. W. A. McClellan is visiting | her mother, Mrs. J. K, Rankle, in this place. James W. Grenoble, formerly of this place, but now of Oak tlall Is visiting friends here. * CQBUHN. The holiday season is now .'past and a new year began and many resolutions made which will soon be broken. The Mlllheim band favored our village with 1 some music on New Years day, The revival in tlie Evangelical church Is still going on wjth success. li. F. Vonada Is confined to the house with sickness. Mrs. Diffendafer and children, of Watson town, were visiting at the house of John Welbly and Miss Lizzie Katlicrrnan and Mr. Loutz, of Willlamsportattho house of W. 11. Krcamer, last week.l Joseph Kleckner Is conducting a singiug class at Woodward tills week. Jt is not likely that wo will have a class at Ooburn this winter. The road along the creek, west of Coburn, Is lined with logs which are to be floated down to Whitmcr's mill at Coburn this spring. The Durham Bros., of Watson town, spent a day or two here this week, looking after their business interests. The railroad fare from Coburn to Harrisburg will be one way fare for the round trip to those wishin-C to attend the inauguration of Gov.- elect Beaver. There seems to be a scarcity of coal here at present. Tho dealers are unable to get the coal owing to a scarcity of cars. The new year came in smiling and Is predict ed to be a year uf plenty and prosperity. Hope the editor of the Journal will reap some of it by an Increased subscription list and plenty of work- Now is the time to subscribe at the commencement of the year. VALB. AARONSBURG. New Year comes in with the mercury a few degrees below zero. Rev- Deitjrler, (Lptti.) commenced a protract ed meeting on last Sunday evening. Your correspondent being otherwise engaged was not present at either of our Christmas en tertainments. Of course they were both pro nounced a success. Miss Minnie and Lulu Kurtz from Mlfflin burg, Fa., spent their holidays in Aaronsburg among friends and relatives. Miss Minuie acted as organist at the Luth. S. S. entertain ment. Occasionally we notice some of our young men putting their heads together and criticls ing some of the locals sent in by your spondent. Well, we are no college students nor school teachers either. We do net claim to be par/cot, apd \va kuaw you are not, notwith standing some of you claim to have had your fingers daubed with printers' ink. W. 8. Musser, son of M. M. ".Musser of this place, who is in the Penna. It. R. Co's employ at Knsquchaunah ,Pa., was home on a few days, visit during Holiday week. "Who is tl,o yonpg lady that receives the at tentions of the gentleman from Brushvalley ?" is a question asked by several of our single ladies. Well, girls, I'll tell you this much, Lfx zie says she will tro. There are still a few more building lots fop sale in the pevv addition to Aaronsburg. We ! are told that the ye urea few young men from MillUcim negotiating for lots in t his new addi tion. ANOTHER. SMITH TOWN. Everybody enjoyed the holiday season. It seemed as though thp JOURNAL had been away visiting last wepk. Sarah Smith purchased an excellent cow. Well Aggie U— how did yoty enjoy that sleigh ride 1 Frank Rowersox's boys, of Rock Spring, were visiting in our midst over Christmas. Miss Sadie F.merlek, of Nittany Valley, spent the holidays In this place. Lyman Kiuerlek and Klvie Decker, of the same place, were also among us. B. F. Frankenberger and Al. Keen were off to the Loop to trade horses. Both returned plus one. F. P. Duck's large bulldog was killed on the pike last week. A strong dose of poison is supposed to have been the cause of his death A jolly party, numbering 26 hungry guests congregated at the resldenoe of Mr. Henry Keen last Thursday to partake of a splendid turkey dinner. We hear that a similar feast is to come off there in the near future. • JUMBO. WOODWARD. The singing convention is now In session with a very large attendance. There was a rumor that a panther was seen in the Narrows on the 18th of last month. .T B Ard, of Pine Grove Mills, has been pass ing a few days in our village as the guest of Dr. Ard- One of our young couples were married the last week in December. No more shall we see Jim at the peep of dawn, brushing with hasty steps the early dews away. Probably the convention may suggest some thing interesting for next week's letter. AHGKNTI. GREEN BRIAR. An old superstition still prevails among some of our credulous people, namely that horses will talk. Well girls, what did tilt horses say on Christmas eve ? Daniel Geary, our worthy constable, spepi Christmas with his brother- in Union county, ■The scholars of the Mountain school were highly delighted with the handsome Christmas gifts presented to them by their teacher. On Thursday of last week while Mr. Jacob Mover, of near Penn Hall, was loading saw dust at Grenninger's mill, his horses took fright at the steam escaping from the engine and ran off, completely smashing the sled. The horses only received slight bruises. Mr. Jerry Rishel. working for C. K. Sober, met with a painful accideut the other day while felling a tree, A loose limb came down unexpectedly upon his nose and face, knock ing Mr. Rishel unconscious. At last reports hp was doing well. Mrs. Krader sustained serious bruises by a fall on the ice while on her way to the funeral of Mrs. Wingard last Monday. Dr. Gutelius and family, ot MUlhelm, Mr. Rhadle, qf Jersey Shore, and Mr, Hpangier, of Woodward, wore guests at G. W. Stovers resi dence on New Year s day. The Misses Ella Neese and Lanra Herb spent the holidays in Nittany Valley. John Herb, our enterprising m(ller, passed New Year's day with friends in aqgay Va"ey. glTSKA ______ Op tfie 23rd pit., at the residence of Rev. J. i G. M. Bw'engle. Millheim. Mr. Jas. W. Guis -1 wite and Miss Anna M. Kreamer, both of Woodward, Pa. tßoot I SIM ———— '"i a ■—■ mm '*■ ' J. H. Musser & Son^ have just opened a large Boot A Shoo Store on Pain m., PiUhrim, ga. stocked with boots and shoes for everyone and at Most Reasonable Prices. Men's, Women's and OhUdren's Wear, all kinds and styles, from coarsest to finest, from highest priced to lowest. Ladies' Pine Shoes, in Kids, Kangaroos, Gondolas, Pebbles, Ac from $1.50 to *4.00 and over. Men's at same price and a line of Children's shoes that will ouite sui prise the oonntry. We cortai nly have as good a lot of course and everyday shoes and boots as you ever saw. Shoes from *l.uo up and fine boots, hand and machine sewed and pegged—solid calf—from *2.00 to *4.00. We have also a nice lot of ItUBRKR BOOTS AND SHOES.the only WOO?, OVERS, all LUMBERMEN'S GQU&6. in fact everything inoluded lnon complete at*3| oaca ftltSl OQUJ luHHAD Ef FEVER feiI CATARRH it y ywHAY FEVER. Noi ° or Powder. Free M.'i l^ w> Injurious PPiiK— Drugs and Offensive HAY'EEVER odor,. A partlc'e is applied into each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mall, registered. 60 cts. Circulars free. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, N.JY. •25,000 FATAL CASES ! TYPHOID i I® \J lT AHUiUI 1 COUNTRY. **ALL TREATED WITH QUININE,*- Dr. J.S. M itefcel, of Chicago, in a clinical ooture at the Cook County Hospital, Oct. 7th. 880, said: " In typhoid fever no possible good an result from giving Quinine, as at the best it an only effect a temporary reduction of tem perature,- and after forty.eight hours the fever is usually higher than at ft ret." XT A OTTTXTT? OBSTSOY* THI Jjj Diseasederraa Iss * FEVERS, MALARIA, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, LITER, LONG AND KDJNEI DISEASE. Prof. W. F. Holcombe, M. D., W East 25th St., N. Y. (late Prof, in N. Y. Med. College) writes: "Kaskine is superior to quinine in its I specific power, and never produces the slight est injur)' to the hearing or constitution." The U. S. Examining Burgeon, Dr. L. R. ' White, writes; "Kaskine is the best medicine [ made." ( "Every patient treat- St.FranoisHospital,N.Y.