Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, December 23, 1886, Image 3

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_ , v ~ And to accomplish this take i friend'* advice rxml ir> to MAM MOTH HO LI DAY DEPOT on Main St roet' Milllieim. Pa., where you will II ml the greatest of all great iuppfitM o| llolMuy Gift* in IMIC UI t now *lyl"s. -lIOXI OMIUVS "iUU) ]) U.
<io *se 3.\\mn\ Hioutwt, - * ~ 1 :——
500 Silk Handkerchief* from 20 cts. to #2.00 200 Mujfler* from 15 els.Jo $2.00
200 pair of Fancy Towets from 15 cts. to $4.00. 50 Different Styles oj I aide Linens from $/ to s.i a pair.
25 different Styles of Fancy Lamps from 25 ets. toso. 100 different styles of Shawls /rom 20 cts. to $/2.
100 different styles of Ladies' and Gents' (i lores from 15 ets. to $2. 1000 different styles of Glassware from 5 cts to $5.
\. r>. ()t]i< fVioes r\t<ci qs(oi|isl]i qij vTG \\ill pnsi (i v'ely i[<>t tjudcpsolol.
Remember that Christmas comes but once a year. I.ct us be ready for it with warm hearts, make others happy and be happy ourselves. Don't forget the place. _ _ A , T o TUT • TUT'lll • n
D. S. KAUFFMAN & CO., Mam St., Milllieim, Pa.
Or piUluim Mouvunl.
THURSDAY, DEC. 23KI>, 1886.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
Remember The Poor!
Your measure of Christmas cheer
will depend very largely upon your
liberality in * giving." Xow, I have
reason to call your attention to this
because I can enable you to be liberal
without being extravagant , owing to
at which 1 sell my goods.
And again my selection of
is such that it will suit the jweket
book of the poor man as well as the
You are specially reminded of the
fact that over the holidays 1 will con
stantly have on hand
Fresh Shell &
Tub Oysters
at reasonable prices.
Come, for you will find my gro
cery a good place to buy.
—First class job work done at the
JOURNAL office.
—The prospects are that we'll have a
white Christmas.
—A merry Christmas and a happy
New Year to you all.
—Hauling ice is the principal occu
pation of our farmers just now.
—Commissioner Wolf was a caller at
this office on Monday forenoon.
—A few of our young men occasion
ally enjoy a skate on the foundry dam.
—"Old Frazier" an old colored man
in Bellefonte is said to be 127 years
—The frame work of Jas. D. Lose's
new house on Peuu street was raised
—The boys and girls are couuting
the day? until Santa Clans will make
them happy.
-—The public schools of the borough
will close to-morrow for a week's holi
day vacation.
—A good building lot, located in the
central part of town, for sale. Inquire
at this office.
—Ed. Miller, of the Selinsgrove Sem
inary, is visiting his sister, Mrs. G. S.
Frank, on Penn street.
—Mrs. Jonathan Harter is visiting
at Harrisburg and will likely remaiu
there until after the holidays.
—Gills,when banging up your stock
ings for old "Santa" see to it that
there are no holes in the bottom.
—We are glad to learn that Prof.
"Wolf, of Spring Mills, is much better
and expects to be out in a few days.
The fact that you read the newspaper is evi
dence that you desire to keep posted up in
what is going ou. This paragraph is to inform
you that Ilreydoppel * Borax Soap is the
best soap made in America. Try it.
—Mrs. Kreamer, of Sugar Valley, is
spending a few weeks in town with her
daughter, Mrs. W. P. Catherman, on
North street.
Prof. D. M. Wolf, county superin
tendent of public schools, desires to
call attention to the fact that the law
requires all schools to be closed during
institute week.
—The twenty-sixth annual session
of the Central Pennsylvania Dental
Association will be held in Tyrone on
New Years day.
—Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured
thousands of cases of rheumatism.
This is abundant reason for belief that
it will cure yon. Try it.
GIFTS !—Wise, useful, economical
and also beautiful at the mammotbHol
iday Depot of D. S. Kniffman & Co.,
Main street, Millheim, Pa.
—Why do we always talk about put
ting on a coat and yest ? Who puts on
a coat before the vest ? We a'so say
shoes and stockings. What's the mat
ter with us, anyhow 'i—Phila. Call.
Kauffmau & Co. claim to have the
argest stock of Holiday Goods in Mill
beiin and will sell them lower than
anyone else. Therefore it is the place
for bargains,
OUR STANDARD.— Honest Clothing
at lowest prices has always stood the
test. 1). S, KAUFFMAN & Co.
—J. Eisenhuth informs the public
that Ire has added to his drug stock the
EY and other pure liquors. Sold only
on prescriptions of physicians,for med
ical use. 33-6 m.
—W. II Kt earner, of Coburn, and
Win. Ulrich, of this place, sport the
best sounding sleigh balls io this neigh
borhood. The device is new and
Mr. Win McClellan, of Madison
burg, has began a closing out sals of
his entire stock of merchandise in that
place, with tin intention of quitting
the store business.
—The Sunbury Democrat says that,
Rev. Shanon was off deer hunting and
succeeded in shooting a four-pronged
buck. The Rev. gentlem in is bound
to make his mark.
—Two ladies from Nittany Valley,
one of them, we believe, a Miss Rodg
ets, sister of Mrs. Woomer, are at pres
ent tire guests of that lady at tlie
tollgate in the Gap.
Lot K at the Journal store window
when you pass down Perm street. It
gives you a fair idea of what you will
find inside. Tire handsomest display of
holiday goods in town.
—On Monday, Jan. 3d. 1887, at
10 o'clock, a. m., Jonathan Wolfe, of
Wolfe's store will offer his personal
property at public sale. He expects to
go to Florida after the sale.
The Centre county commissioners wish
to notify the public that ttiey will not
pay out any money from December
27th, ISS6 to January 3rd, 1887.
—Qf all the contemptible low fellows
in the world the coward who writes
anouymous letters to his neighbors is
the worst. It's so much like striking
a man from behind and in the dark.
—DON'T miss reading the revised
and corrected Journal Store Santa
Clans A. 11. C. But do'nt c include
that the l'st contains all tne beautiful
things found at No. 20, Penn Street,
—Prof. Bierly's si nging school will
be suspctded until some time after the
holidays, when it will be converted in
to a singing convention, provided a
suitable place can be procured in which
to hold it.
—G. Alvin Ilarter, a student at the
Selinsgrove Se miliary, came home on
last Friday to soend his holiday vaca
tion at his parent's house in Pen n town
ship. He looked iu on the JOURNAL
on Tuesday.
—Tuesday, the 21st inst., was the
beginning of winter, according to the
almanac, but in reelity it had begun
several weeks ago. The days are grow
ing longer, but much more cold weath
er is predicted.
—The first copy of the Keystone , the
new paper published at Williamsport
readied this ollice and it compares very
favorably with other journals iu the
state. We hope the enterprise will
meet with good success.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
THE BEST SALVE in the orld for Cuts, Bruises,
Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat
isfaction, or money refunded. I'rice 25 cents
per box. For sale by J. Eiseuhuth.
—Mr. Peter Walizer has rented the
skating riuk on Penn street along with
the skates and has opened the buildiug
for the use of the roller skating public.
He solicits their patronage and guaran
tees everything iu the best style.
—lf you come to Millheim during
the Holidays, as of course you will,
don't fail to visit the Journal Store.
Clothed in its brilliant Holiday gar
ments it is a thing of rare beauty to
see, eyen if you don't wish to buy.
A public installation of officers of
Post 298, G. A. R. will be held Mon
day evening, Jau. 3rd, 1887 at o'-
clock, in their new hall on Main street.
The public are cordially invited to at
tend. W. A. TOBIAS, Adjt.
—NOTA BENE means take notice,and
in this particular connection it calls at
tention to the interesting fact that sev
eral additional lots of very fine Holiday
goods have been received at the Jour
nal Store. By all means call to see
—The Christmas entertainment in
the Lutheran chuach of this place next
Saturday evening promises to be a rich
treat for the little and the big children.
Considerable time, labor and money
has been spent to make it a pleasing
—Rook's new hotel buss is the hand
somest and most commodious convey
ance on the road. It accommodates a
bout a dozen passengers and traveleis
arriving at Coburn will haye no difficul
ty in reachingJUillhtim safely and com
4.1. sj, t and 7 cts. paid for hides
or in exchange for leather, by
47-it A. J. HARTRR, Millheim, Pa.
Mr. Henry Grouse, of Aaronsburg,
shipped 3400 pounds of poultry on
Tuesday. It must require a vast
amount of work to gather up such an
amount of fowl flesh and it certainly
speaks well of Mr. Grouse's activity
and business qualifications.
—YOUR tooth is too sound to he ex
tracted, let you cannot endure the ago
ny it is inflicting. Your onlv resource
is a bottle of Zingari Tooth Drops. Re
lief certain, and onlv costs 15 cents.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold bv J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa*
—NOTICE.— The pupils of tlie Mill
lieim Schools, of twelve years and un
der, are hereby requested to meet at
the Penn Street School House, on
Christmas morning at 9 o'clock sharp,
to receive their Christmas presents.
NOTICE.— The property of John
Swartz, Sr., dee'd, on North street
will be offered at public sale on Jan.
Ist, 1847. If not sold can be
rented and parties wishing to rent will
please apply to It B. Ilartman, Penn
St., for terms and particulars.
—Work on the Knitting Mills is
progressing very nicely. The Irame
work for the second story will be ready
for a "raise" by tire end of this week.
It will be an imposing structure when
done, the height of it being some 50
—The Reformed congregation of
Aaronsburg will give an entertainment
on Christmas evening (Saturday) which
will consist of recitations, appropriate
music, and other attractive exercises.
There will also be a large Christmas
tree. All are invited to come.
—3/iss 3/able 3/usser arrived in town
lasfrevening to spend her holiday vaca
tion at home, llcr parents, Mr. S. D.
3/usser's, as well as her many friends
are delighted to greet her. College life
does seem to agree very well with 3/a
—YOUNG MAN, Horace Greely ad
vised you to go west. That i 9 all right
in a general sense, but we give you a
special and much more seasonable ad
vise—namely : Go to the Journal
Store and buy a fine Christmas present
for your girl, before the best of every
thing is gone.
—Rev. Swengle, the Evangelical
minister at this place made the an
nouncement from the pulpit last Sun
day that by next spring he will cease to
preach and will go on his farm in Un
ion county. Trie ministry of that de
noniiation will lose a very efficient
member by Rev. Swengle's retirement.
Active, Pushing and Reliable.
Mr. J. Eisenhuth can always be relied upon
to carry in stock the purest and best Roods, and
sustain the reputation of being active, pushing
and reliable, by recommending articles with
well established mer!t and such as are popular.
Having the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption, colds and
coughs, will sell it on a positi 'e guarantee. It
will surely cure any and every affection of
throat, lungs, or chest, and in order to prove
our claim, we ask you to call and get a Trial
Bottle free.
—Those of our patrons who are in
debted to us on subscription, job work
or advertising are requested to call at
this office when in town during the hol
idays. We expect to be at our post
most of the time and if not there our
selves we will have a substitute to re
ceive moneys due us. Do not forget to
settle up.
—The Millheim people were treated
to another show on Monday and Tries
day evenings, it being Dignam &
Flynn's Irish Comedian Club. The
attendance was not very large and we
hardly think the troupe realized expen
ses. If money were as plenty as the
traveling shows, everybody could get
along swimmingly.
—The wonderful healing properties
of Darby's Prophylactic Fluid. When
ever a preventing, healing, cleansing
and deodorizing injection or wasli is
required use Darhys Prophylactic
Fluid. Any inflamed surface, external
or internal, treated with the Fluid will
be quickly relieved. It has effected
cures that had resisted the best medical
—This issue concludes the 60th vol.
urae of the JOURNAL and the 10th year
of our editorial connection with the
same. It also reminds us that we owe
special thanks to our correspondents
who have during the past year kindly
assisted us in gathering local news and
we earnestly hope they will all keep on
with their valuable services in the
—SCHOOL REPORT of the Aaron s
bnrg Grammar School, for the second
month, ending Dec. 13. No. of at
tendance during month 27 ; Males 11,
females IG, average attendance, male
10, female 14, total 24 ; per cent, of
at tendance,males 91, females 87. Vis
itors : J >hn Foster, Director Wyle
and Miss Mamie Rote.
— SOMETHING more or lehs than five
thousand different liver pills are on the
market. Some good, some ii different,
many bad and worthless. Life is too
short to try them all, so if you want to
he absolutely sure you are right get
McDonald's Improved Liver Pills, and
if you are not satisfied with the amount
of benefit received you get your money
T .r, Philadelphia Agents.,
tSold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
Rich FANCY HO.XL'S rf DAS EE TS, CO XFF UTIOX Kll / ES, the largest stock ami the tines/ gnat ilea in / runs
ROOTS d SHOES, LADIES' WTAPS, SILK A- CLOTH DRESSES, Dry Goods, Hosiery, Underwear, Carpets,
Hats <('• Caps t Fancy Drug Department, and thousands of articles to numerous to mention.
W.C. Heinle, Esq , of Bellefonte,
has been appointed collector of internal
revenue for this district, vice T. J.
Duukle, who retires on the first of Jan.
next. Mr. Heinle's appointment was
secured through Gov. Curtinand meets
with general layor.
Wonderful Cures.
W. D. Hoyl it Co., Wholesale and Retail
Druggists of Rome, Ua.. s.\y: We have been
selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric IMr
ters und Ptieklen's Arnica Salve for two years.
Have never handled remedies thai sell as well,
or give such universal satisfaction. There
have been some wonderful cures effected by
these medicines in Ibis city. Several eases of
pronounced Consumption have been entirely
curcu by use of a few buttles of l)r King's New
Discovery, taken in connection with Electric
Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by
.1. Eisenhuth.
Time Hies swiftly and the days aro
short. Consider this and concentrate
your thoughts upon the important sub
ject of shopping to your best advantage.
Take our adyice and go to Kautfiuan's
holiday depot. A look at their shelves
and counters will convince you that it
is the store where to buy the best and
most goods for the least money.
—The Reformed Ladies' Mite Socie
ty of Aaronsburg will hold a musical
convention dating the first week in
February, beginning on Tuesday eve
ning, Feb. Ist, 1887. The services of
Prof. Will. Moyer, ot Freebur/, Pa.
have been secured to conduct the con
vention. That gentleman is known as
a verv successful instructor and cannot
fail to make the Convention an inter
esting musical affair. Books free.
All singers and lovers of music gener
ally are invited to attend. There will
be two concerts on Friday and Satur
day evenings.
Bellefonte closely escaped another
serious conflagration last Sunday morn
ing. At about 7 o'clock smoke was
discovered issuing from J. C. Brach
bill's furniture store in Bush's block.
The combined efforts of the Logan
Hose and Undine fire companies pre
vented the fire to spread any further.
However Mr. Brachbill'i entire stock
of goods is ruined and the dense smoke
which communicated to Valentine
Smith's grocery store damaged many
of that gentleman's groceries. It is
believed that the fire was again the
work of an incendiary.
—Do NOT crucify the children by
compelling them to take the horrible,
nauseous compounds usually sold as
worm medicines, many of them as
worthless as they are obnoxious, but
get a tox of McDonald's Celebrated
Worm Powders. Purely vegetable. So
easy and pleasant to take that the chil
dren w ill never know a medicine is be
ing administered. You will in addi
tion secure the very best vermifuge pos
sible to produce. So sure are we of
this that in all cases of failure to cause
expulsion where worms exist we cheer
fully agree to refund Hie purchase price.
One box of .McDonald's Worm Powders
guaranteed equal to four bottles of any
worm syrup.
Philadelnlna Agents.
Sold bv J. Eisenhuth. Millheim.Pa.
—Wm. Raker, Esq., of Raker City,
N. C M is in town at present. Mr. Ra
ker is the founder of a company, which
at present is developing a valuable
mine of copper ore at aforesaid place,
and of which our townsman, E. 11.
Long has become a member of late.
We were shown a specimen of the ore
and the copper produced from it and
were told that the averag yield is about
onethird of pure copper. The mine
promises to become a rich bonanzi for
the operatois and our friend Long
may rrap a fortune from the plant at
so me future day.
joy a m.Try Christmas you will find
headquarters at Mrs. S. A. Zeigler's,
whose business place will be decorated
and adorned for the season. The pub
lic is invited to take a look at her full
supply of Confectioneries.
RYE BREAD and in fact every
thing imaginable in her line.
A GRAND DINNER will be served
on Christmas day from 12to9ocloek,
p. m. Meals all hours during the holi
day season. Evtrybody is invited.
Bring your families along.
—Bertha, the bright and promising lit
tle daughter of W. R. and Lucy Ilen
ney, of Centre Ilall, after several
weeks' suffering with diptherla and
scarlet fever, was called away from
this world of sorrow and trials to join
the Heavenly host on last Monday. ' To
say that the little girl was dearly belov
ed by her parents would be but a faint
expression of their deep affection (or
the child. But God lias given and God
has taken away and while the bereaved
parents are the subject of sincere sym
pathy their burdened hearts wiy find
much consolition in the thought that
though God's way seems dark and haid
it is certainly all for the best. The
wiiter adds his hearty condolences.
Bertha was about 7 years of age.
Funeral took place yesterday forenoon,
—The Greenhriar communication not
haying come to time this week we are
only able to extract the most important
items from Zitsku's collection :
After a protracted illness Mr. Suavely
is able lo lie about agai.i.
Many of our folks intend taking in
the entertainments at Aaronsburg.
Miss Elmira Stover is spending the
holidays with her friend, Mrs. J. F.
Tot bet t. Will iauisport.
Mrs. John Wingard's condition is
still critical.
The protiacted meeting in the moun
tains is still in progress. Eight seek
ers are at the bench at present.
Mr. Daniel Kerstetter is employed on
Whitmer & Lincoln's saw mill at Feu us
IT WILL PA Y YOU !-lt tall pay
you to call and look over the superb
stock of Holiday Goods displayed in our
Fancy Goods Department. Xo collec
tion of like goods can surpass it in com
pleteness or excellence, and nowhere else
will yoie finel LOWER PRICES. Our
exhibit embraces a choice line of Plash
Worklloxes and fancy Plush Autograph
Albums, Odor Cases, Toilet Cases, Fancy
Plush Whisk Holders, Cigar Cases,
Smokers Sets, fine fancy China Cups A
Saucers for men, women and children.
Also a full line of Toys for the little
folks at
Main Street, Millheim, Pa.
—We see by the Seliusgrove Times
that W. B. Porter, who sometime ago
gave a number of entertainments in
this town, has its many acquirements
as a pugilist as he has as an actor. lie
closed a week's engagement at New
port and on the last night a gang of
toughs attempted to create a disturb
ance. The door keeper called for as
sistance, when Porter seized a police
man's club, leaped from the stage and
began to use it freely on the heads of
the unruly members of the audience.
Several of the toughs were knocked
down, and one of them, Ilaryey Wing
ert, had his head split open. During
the melee the ladies screamed in terror
and flocked on the stage. Miss Katie
Ilowe, of Newport, fainted, and it was
at first thought she had died from the
fright. There wtre no arrests, the
Sterling Comedy Company being per
mitted to quietly leaye the town.
CHRISTMAS FEAST.— The proprietor
of the National Hotel, W. G. Rook,
will get up an elegant Christmas Sup
per on Christmas day, Dec. 25th, to
which lie cordially invites all his pat
rons as well as the public in general.
The following will be the bill of fare,
which will speak for itselt :
Sour : Tomato Broth, ala Boston.
ROAST : Roast Turkey Stuffed,
Cranberry Sauce ; Roast Canvass
Duck, Spiced ; Roast Saddle of Veni
son, Currant Jelly ; Filet of Beef, eeux
F2NTREE : Pigeon Pie, baked ;
Fricossee of Chicken, Brown Sauce ;
Chicken Croquets, Tomato Sauce ;
Vegetables of the chicken.
DESERT : Mince Pie, Lemon Cust
ard, IVach Custard, Plum Pudding,
Brandy Sauce, Tapioca Pudding with
Cream ; Oranges, Bananas, Apples ;
Coffee, Tea, Chocolate.
—A sure way to catcli cold is to enter
and depait from houses which are per
haps at summer heat inside while the
air outside is at zero with the same
amount of wraps. They will not lay off
their tight fitting outer garments while
in the hot room whioh makes
them exceedingly warm at the
time and chills them when they
leave the house. Much injury to health
would be avoided by abolishing this
bad fashion. Another habit which is
very detrimental to the comfort and
ease of the public is to occupy the seats
at places of public entertainment s with
the high and large hats which fashion
prescribe for the ladles this season.
Mrs. President Cleveland sets a com
mendable precept to the ladies of the
National capital by removing her bo n
uet when entering such a place and
they follow tier ex unple almost univer
sally. Thus it will not be necessary to
twist off your neck in attempting to
look around a big hat.
John F. Weaver, a gentleman who
was bom and raised near' Farmer's
Mills, in Penns Valley, and who had
served in the late war as a private in
Co. G , sth P. Reserves, and was ser
iously woundefl at Fredericksbing, was
instantly killed on tire railroad, near
Reconverte, Greenbriar Co,, West Va,,
OD the 14th instant. The unfortunate
man was in the employ of the C. & O.
R. R. Co., inspecting trains. IJe was
attending to his duty on the day named,
and was standing on the track, grease
cup in hand, inspecting a passing
freight train. So intent was he on this
duty that he failed to notice a locomo
tive which was making a kk fly -switch"
and moving backward around a slight
curve on the same track on which he
stood. It is said that no warning was
given by the engineer. lie was struck
by the tender and carried some2so feel,
when he fell on tie track and the en
gine and tend-ir passed over him. IJe
was fearfully mangled aud death must
have been instantaneous.
Neighboring News.
What's the matter with our coffee
ilt inker s ?
Ground has been broken on several
of the b.Aiding lots in the'new addition
to Aaronsburg.
Rumor says we are to have another
confectionery and tobacco store in our
town in the near future. Well, the
tuore the merrier.
Albert Stambach is again engaged in
the lumbering business in the moun
tains south of town. Look out, Albert,
tor that kicking muli.
(I. J. Grouse intends moving to Lock
Haven next spring, to take charge of
the boarding house formerly occupied
by Samuel Mingle, deceased. Now,
then, who will be our next constable,
for Ilenry lias served us, 10, these many
Aaronsburg has two newspaper cor
respondents. Of course, we know one
and the other.
Boot and Shoester D. K. Musaer, of
our burg, will soon l>e ready to show to
the Millheitners and the neighboring
public the fittest and largest assortment
of Boo's and Shoes ever brought to
Milllieim. Success to you, D. K.
On last Sunday evening at the house
of C. W. Bard on North 2nd Street,
there were united in lioty wedlock. Mr.
Benjamin Jackson, from near Zion,
Centre Co.,Pa.,and Miss Agues Stover,
from below Aaronsburg, daughter of
Dayid S over, Rev. Deitzler performing
the ceremony. The groom's father was
years ago a citizen of Aaronsburg.
If present reports are correct North
2nd street will haye two ice cream par
lors next summer. Thos. Frank at the
west end and AOs. Confer at the east
end of the street.
Our Sunday schools, Lutheran and
Reformed, are certainly doing their
duties in preparing for their Christmas
entertainments on next Friday and
Saturday evenings, judging from the
frequency of their meetings.
Prof. Moyer, from Freeburg, Pa ,
has been engage'' by the Reformed
Ladies' Mite Society to conduct a sing
ing convention in the old Reformed
church beginning of February, hoys,
get in a supply of cubebs.
A certain gentleman from a place
called Smoketown. located somewhere
m Brushyalley, has taken a fancy to
one of our town girls. We hope there
is nothing serious in the case, because
we are quite sore tne old gentleman is
not very willing to part with his house
keeper. Of course, being in possession
of the proper license no one can object.
According to custom this will be the
last issue of the JOURNAL for the year
1886. I have occupied the position of
correspondent to this paper for about
18 months or more. During that time
I have suffered considerable abuse at
the hands of people with whom I daily
associate. I was asked to do this work
for the friends and patronsof the JOUR
NAL, most of whom are your friends
and ray friends, liying in distant lands,
and who in this way receive more in
telligence in regard to the happenings
of our town and vicinity than they
would through a letter, AS to "who is
ttie Aaronsburg correspondent to the
JOURNAL ?" a question that has often
been asked during the past year, it mat
ters little to your readers. As a general
tiling the items are all the more inter
esting if the writer is not known. We
will say in this connection through the
coiums of your paper, so all may see
and know it, that if I have caused any
ill feeling or offended any parties I ask
their forgiveness and will try in the fu
ture not to touch that sensitive spot so
easily provoked. In conclusion I wish
you all a merry Christmas and a happy
New Year. ANOTHER.
A Merry Christmas unto all.
W. F. Smith bought a tine horse on
11. F. Frankenherger was laid up for
over a week, with a sore face.
Two Boss Shooters—This fall W. F.
Smith shot 17 hogs, and missed but
one. The writer shot 25 and missed
only two. The former used a gun.
while the latter used a revolver. Who
can beat ? [What is it thev say about
self-praise, Mr. Jumbo ? Ed.]
The spelli g bee.last Thursday eve
ning in the Pike school house was a
success. There will be another this
(Thursday) evening to which all are
U. D. Foreman gives the following
report for the uike school for the first |
month ending Nov. 10th : No. of
scholars in atiendance, males 20, fe
males 15, total 30 ; average attendance j
males 14. females 11, total 25 ; Per
cent, of attendance, males 84, females
80, total 82. Visitors, Pi of. D. M.
Wolf, J. S. Meyer, and Wm. Zerby.
For the second month ending Pec.
20th—males 24, females 10, total 41 ;
average attendance, males 17, temales
10, total 27 ; Per cent, of attendance,
males 87, females 57, total 73. Visit- j
ors, Geo Stover, Ida Hubler, Alice
Foreman and Frank Bressler.
John P. Snyder, guager and store
keeper, is at present iu charge of the
still house at Coburn.
There will bo a musical convention
held in the church at this place shortly
alter the holidays under the director
ship of Jos. Kleekuer. of Coburn.
Miss Sadie Fredrick, of Union coun
ty, was yisitmg in our village.
Uessie Bowersox, a six-year old child
of Philip and Ellen Bowersox died ou
the 17th instant.
On Monday night a serenade wss
tendered two of our residents. Har
mony was not veiy well obseived in
rendciifig some of the selections, es
pecially ihe discord in the horse violin
was outrageous. The anvil chorus
was less acute on the sensitive nerves.
The ice season is at hand and miny
i of our ice houses have already been
airs. Grow and daughter, of Illinois
j are visiting at J no. P. Hickman's at
j present.
The teachers of this place expect to
spend their vacation at Bellefonte at-
I tending the annual County Institute.
Mr. 11. M. Hid well is again in our
midst, trimming for J. C. Condo.
James It tush, a son of Ilenrv ltoush
had the misfortune of inflicting an ugly
cut in his foot, nearly severing it from
the limb, while chopping wood last
The debating society hag suspended
their meetings until the flist Friday in
One of our Gregg township officers,
who at t!'e same time holds a U. S. of
fice is in the habit of abusing and even
maltreating his wife quite frequently.
This fact is a source of disgust and in
dignation to the neighbors, who truly
sympathise with the unfortunate lady,
and we think the cruel husband
would better refrain from this disgrace
ful conduct, else some other officer will
get a hold of him and teach him a les
son in law and justice. A word to the
wise is sufficient. DENVER DAN,
Charlie Beck and his brothsr Henry
left on last Tuesday for Beech Creek
where they will seek employment.
Calvin Meyer, ofKtnsas, a son of
our townsman Reubsn Meyer is at pre
sent here visiting his relatives. Cal.
looks hale and hearty and looks as jov
ial as ever.
One day last week James Corman
lost a valuable horse. The animal had
itß leg broken by a kick from another
horse in the same stable.
Rev. Basorn (Ev..) is at present hold
ing a protracted meeting in our town.
James Royer, sin of Jeff Royer, of
this place, who twenty years ago left
the uateinal roof and settled down in
St. Louis, Mo., has at last come back
to pay his parents and other relatives a
pleasant visit. The old gentleman and
lady being greatly delimited to see their
son home again, invited the rest of
theii children with their families to
partake of a sumptuous dinner and en
joy the novelty of a family reunion.
Two Hebrew gentlemen have rented
and occupy Philip VVoodling's shop,
where they have opened a dry goods
One day last week one of our citizens
come near being drowned while walk
ing across the dam near Moyer's saw
mill. The Ice gave away under bim
and Jacob was imrnerged in about five
feet of water. He made a desperate
struggle for life and after several at
tempts he succeeded in getting out,
wringing wet and shivering with cold.
A tramp helped himself to an over
coat, which was left hang in Stover's
school house the other night, by James
Emjiick, the teacher. The thief must
have found the coat several sizes too
small, as it was afterwards found hang
ing to the door knob of Wolf's store.
A pair of new gloyes which were in
one of the packets of the overc >at were
gone, but James is very glad ID having
at least regained the coat.
The male scholars of our grammar
school have formed a debating society
which every Friday afternoon discus
es subjects of great interest.
December 12th. in Ellsworth, Kansas, of
<liptlieria. Maud, daughter of H. H. and E.
Tomllnson, aged 6 years, 10 months and 28
"It was hard to yield her at death's dread
We've heretofore been an unbroken band;
\ e know the Lord gave—He h is taken His
A pearl in God's casket, to dwell near His
While we miss her so much, her lot can't be
She Is walking thestreetsof jasperand gold.
\\ hue we mourn her as dead, sue speaks to
us all:
Be ready to go when the Master calls. *
I)r. J.S. Mitchel, of Chicago, in a clinical
lecture at the Cook County Hospital, Oct. 7th.
1886, said: "In typhoid fever no possible good
can result from giving Quinine, as at the best it
can only effect a temporary reduction of tem
perature; and after forty eight hours the fever
is usually higher than at first."
IV JLDiseaseUeriini ia
Prof. W. F. Holcombe, M. D., 51 East 25th
St , N. Y. (late Prof, in X. Y. Med. College)
writes: "Kaskine is superior to quinine in its
specific power, and never produces the slight
est injury to the hearing or constitution."
The U. S. Examining Surgeon, Dr. L- ft.
White, writes: "Kaskine is the best medicine
c "Every patient treat-
St.FrancisHospital.N.Y. (od with Kaskine has
( b*n discharged cur'd."
Bellevue Hospital, N. Y„ "Universally suc
St. Joseph's Hospital, N. Y.: 'lts use is con
sidered indispensable. It acts i>erfectly."
Kaskine is pleasant to *ake and can be used
without special medical counsel.
Send for tiie great list ol testimonals unpar
alleled in the history of medicine. ♦l.Oo pet
bottle. Sold by
or sent bv mail on receipt of price.
THE KASKINE CO., 54 Warren St., New York,