fin pitlluim 3fourtnd. TIIURSDAY, DEC. 23RD, 1886. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. AFTER January first free passes on the railroads will be a thing of the past. Members of the state legisla ture who wish to go home before the end of the session will haye to foot it, or else stay where they arc until dis missed. PENNSYLVANIA'S state debt is an nually being decreased by SIOO,OOO and it is done with a surplus in the treasury equivalent to the amount ot that debt The bonds purchased and canceled during the fiscal year which has just ended amouut to $713,701. E X-ALDERMAN McQuade, of boodle fame, was brought to general sessions in New York on Monday morning, where a great crowd wa3 assembled. When Recorder Smyth opened court, motions for a new trial and arrest of judgment were denied. Recorder Smyth sentenced the prisoner to sev en years in Sing Sing and a line of $5 ,000. McQuade took his doom with his customary coolness. This sentence shows that the fraudulant aldermen can expect very little mercy at the hands of the courts. No JOURNAL NEXT WEEK.—Accord ing to a prevailing custom in this county to let the printers off ou a week's vacation during the holidays we will not issue a paper from this of fice next week. We therefore ask the indulgence of our readers until the first week of the New Year when we expect to give them as good if not a better paper than we have been get ting out io the past year. We have c&dMvorotl to tbo JOURNAL rwtJ ers the worth of their money in news given in a readable shape and have the satisfaction to know that the pa per still stands in good favor with its patrons and is gaining ground. Thanking you kindly for your past patronage we wish you all a joyful holiday season, at the same time re questing your good will in the future. CONGRESS is about ready to adjourn for the holidays and by mutual agree ment it was determined not to intro duce any measures for revenue reduc tion until after the holiday season. Morrison's tariff bill, it is thought, has now ceased to be a stumbling block since the Republicans and high protection Democrats have repelled the same and Morrison will step down and out on the 4th ot March. The bill of representative Buck, of Connecti cut, providing for a duty of 75 cents a pound on unstemmed and $1.50 on stemmed tobacco will receive recogni tion before adjournment and generally meets with the approval of tobacco growers in the United States. With the re-assemblage of congress on the first Tuesday in the new year the country looks for the tax reduc tion which both parties have promised in their platforms and the work ot removing oppressive taxes is expected t> stand a better ehow. His Farewell to Politics. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 21. —Grand Master Workman Powderly has addres sed a letter to committee of the United Labor party of this city in reply to an invitation to address the convention of that party this evening, in which he says : "While I am general master workman I will never again occupy a place either as speaker or officer on a political platform. I would advise you not to take any action as a party. It seems to me that it becomes the duty of all interested to endeavor to educate the masses to free the ballot box from \be degrading influences of the biibe giyer and take', as well as from that tool of monopoly—whiskey." PATENTS GRANTED to citizens of Pennsylvania during the past week and reported expressly for the JOURNAL by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent lawyers, op posite U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C : J R Whitney, Radnor, Core. P; L. Weimar, Lebanon, Engine. A E Ranch, New Holland, Coffin. E L Street, Johnstown, Clutch. J Leib, Sandy Run, Wrench. K M Myers, Baaver Falls, Cutting Machine. A Mitchell,Wilkes-Barre, Spark Arrester, F Manning, Ardmore, Stone Dresser. J N Hayes, Dallas City, Butter Box. A H Heisey, Pittsburg, Vase. J H Huber, Greensburg, Link Lifter. J C Johnsou, Lock Haven, Door Plate. C Ii Kear. Minersville, Pipe Cleaner. J E Emerson, Beaver Falls, Saw Swage. M A Gerber & E J Nicholas, Lock Creek, Picture Frame Attachment. J Crea, Allegheny, Machine for butt welding tubes. B K Dorwart, Lancas ter, Bottle Stopper. E Bourne. Alle gheny, Grate for burning natural gas. T W Bartholomew, Danyille, Adver tising card. A CHRISTMAS HALLOO OVER EV ERYTHING !—A few mote days and all will be over. To endear yourselves in the memory of your friends buy them a Dice Christmas present. The best Vlace to gel it is at D, S. Kauffman & Co '• store on Main street,Millheim,Pa. WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our regular correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 20, ISS6. The last session of the Forty-ninth Congress is shaming its predecessor bv industry. There has been a good deal less talk and a good deal more work than usual so far. The passage of such bill as that to give the Indians land in severahty, that to redeem trade dollars, that to repeal the Tenure of office act, Postal bills and appropriations, reflects high credit on Congress as a part of its second week's work. Besides this legislation, various sub jects have been briefly discussed, such as Interstate commerce, tho Fisheries, and the Beck ltailroad Attorney bill. The latter measure of the Kentucky Senator strikes at the railroad Senators and Members, and its aim is to prevent them front acting as attorneys for sub sidized railroad corporations while re ceiving salaries front the Government. When Col. Morrison called up the Tariff, a hush instantly fell over the House and noise in the galleries ceased. AH eyes were turned upon hint as he arose to s.iv: ''Mr. Speaker, I move that the House resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering revenue bills*' The yeas and nays were then demanded, and during the roll call absolute silence reigned in the Hall, and many mem bers with pencil in hand were figuring up the vote. Messrs. Morrison and Randall were apparently the calmest men on the floor.caeh leaning back in his chair within a few feet of each other, while now and then a remark was ex changed between them. When it was announced tlat the motion was lost, there was applause on the Republican side. Mr. Morrison's proposition was voted down by the small majority of five this time, while last June il was defeated by seventeen. Miscellaneous New s. A Home for Gen. Hancock's Widow. WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.— The friends of the late Gen. W. S. Hancock have, as a tribute to his memory, raised a sum of money to purchase a home for his widow. The committee having the matter in charge lias decided, after con sultation with Mrs. Hancock, to pur chase a house in tlns city, where,there fore, she will hereafter make her home. There Is more Catarrh In this section ot" the country than all other diseases put together ami until the past few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years Doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incur able. Science bus proven Catarrh to be a con stitutional disease, and therefore requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure now on the market. It is taken internally in lose> from ten drops to a teaspoonfub It acts direct - ly upon the blood and mucus surface of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure. Send for circular and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHKXEY .X CO., Toledo, O. •9-Sold by Drueeists. 75 cts. Money to be Made. It is said that dull times are not known by the agents for the great pub lishing house of George Stinson & Co., of Portland, Maine. The reason of this exceptional success is found in the fact that they always give the public that which is keenly appreciated and at prices that all can afford. At present we understand, their agents are doing wonderfully well on several new lines. They need many more agents in all parts of the country. Those who need profitable work should apply at once. Women do as well as men. Experience is not necessary, for Messrs. Stinson & Co. undertake to show all who are willing to work, not hard but earnestly, the path to large success. It should he remembered that an agent catt do a handsome business without being away from home over night. Another ad vantage—it costs nothing to give the business a trial, and tin agent can de vote all his time, or only his spare mo ments to it. Stinson & Co. guarantee grand success to all who engage and follow simple and plain directions that they give. We have not space to ex plain all here, but full particulars will be sent free to those who address the firm ; their full address is given above. AFTER DlPTllEßlA.— Diptlieria i> a terrible disease, requiring thegieale-.t medical skill to effect a complete cuie. Even when its power is broken, it clings to the patient with great per sistency, and often leaves the system poisoned and prostrated. Just here Ilood's Sarsaparilla does a vast amount of good, expelling impurities from the blood, giving it richness and vitality, while it renovates and strengthens the system. A Brave Man Meets His Death. Attempting to Save a Boy's Life He Loses His Cwn-Tne Boy Also Killed. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., Dec. 17. New Jersey furnishes another railway hoi ror to-day, in which two lives were sacrificed through the negligence of an employe. The Cincinnati express which was haff an hour behind dime, while running at the rate of forty miles an hour through New Brunswick at 6 o'- clock Friday morning, struck a wagon driven by Terrence Ilickey, 14 years old, at the George street crossing of the Pennsylvania railroad. Moses Ity— no, aged 60, saw the danger and went to the boy's assistance, but was too late to save him. The train rushed round the curve, struck Ryno and threw him off the em bankment. instantly killing him. It then crashed into the wagon, part of which was deposited in front of the ladies' waiting-room at the depot. The boy was found dead, wrapped in a blanket, firmly fastened on the cow catcher. His skull was fractured, and brains were oozing from the wound. By no was the father of a large family. He was formerly a policeman. Ihe gateman at the crossing was not on duty, and to this fact the double trag edy js due. Ono Hundred and Thirty-Six Years Ola. ST. LOUIS, December 10.—A letter from Sassnkawsi, Seminole Nation, In dian Territory, gives an account of the death there on the sth instant of Mrs. Susanna Warren, perhaps the oldest person in the United States, if not the world. She was born in the old town of St. Augustine, Florida, in 1750. She was a slave and was the prop*rt\ of Spanish masters until ISIS, when she with other Spanish slaves, tied from t ln* town of IVnsaeola when it was taken by General Jackson. She lived in the Seminole country from then until the second treaty of peace with theSemi jioles. when she was regarded as their common property and was removed with them tit tint Indian Tenitoiy. She leaves one daughter living, who re sides in Austin. Texas, and is in her 07th \ear. She leavt's many gi indrhil dien here, some of them noaih 70 \ears of age. —lTis in order now for oveiy in i im facturer to praise and extol the virtues of his cough medicine, and claim it ev er so much Itetler than any other. On square business principles the proprie tor of Dr. Kessler's I Ylehrattl English Cough J/t'dii'ine says it von are not snt islh'd with the relict and tieuetit ohtain id, if you do not consider it well worth the price paid for it, then take the emp ty bottle back to your dealer and get your money. JOIIXSTOX, UOLI.OWA V A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Miilhoim, Pa. Shocking Death of an En gineer. A Train Breaks in Two and a Frightful Wreck is tho Result. BI.OOMIXGTON, I lid., Dec. 2<>. — A frightful wreck occurred at Woodyard station, about four mi'ts north of this place, on the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago railroad Sunday morning, which resulted i!• tin* killing of Engin eer Daniel Ileuphy. Two sections ot tiain No. .S3, south hound, had arrived at the woodyard,tht first pulling into the switch, followed by the second, which did not clear the main track. Train No. 31 broke in two about two mites south of ttie woods a* <l, and !!:•* engineer was trying to keep out of the way of the tail end. lie came into the station at a lively speed and crashed into the second section, smashing his engine to pieces and demolishing ten cars. Ileaphy jumped from his engine, but as he so, struck a switch stand, which cut his head open, lie was thrown back under the ears and had both legs cut off. lie resided here and had a wife and three children. His re mains arrived here early Monday morn ing. The wreck is one of the worst ev er seen on the road. Fireman Mitchell jumped from the engine, but was not seriously injured. "When Baby was sirk, wo gave her Castor!ft, When alio was a Child, slio cried for ("aatoria. When sho became Miss, she clung to Castoria, "When she had Children, BUO gave theiu Castoria, i '< -> ySj -i A 6 ? Li a W W I- a peculiar medicine, ami is i-re pa red by competent i harmaci-ts. Tl <•• :n --hinalion and j-report!< af sarsnpaiKia. 1 delioii, Mandrake. Yellow I. k. and r remedial agents is exclusively pcctdi..r l>> Hood's Sarsap.irilla. giving it strength ami curative power superior to other j:ej;:- ratioiis. A trial will convince \< u <f its great medicinal value. !!■ d's Sarsapariila Purifies tho Blood creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates the digestion, and gives strength to tu rv organ of the body. It cures the most seven; cases of Scrofula, S ill Klieuiu, Boils. Pint; les, ami ail oilier affections caused by blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Head Kidney and I.iver Complaints, Catarrh, i.heu matisin, and that extreme tircil feeling. 44 Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped me more for catarrh and impure blood than anything else I ever used.'' A. BALI., Syracuse. X. Y. Creates an Appetite '• I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my Mood and tone up iny system. It gave good appetite and seemed to build mo over.' 1 E. M. IIALE. Lima, Ohio. '• 1 took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and it began to act unlike anything else. It cured the humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and give me new life." T. P. NIXOX, Cam! ridgeport. Mass, Send for book giving statements of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by alldruggi.ts. pi; six for P5. Prepared only by I. HOOD A CO., Apothcearics. Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses Ono Dollar WORKING CLASSES ATTEMIOX! \Ve are ncnv prepared to furnish all classes with employment at home, tlie whole of the time, <>r for their spare moments. Business new. li'jlit and i>rolli:il>l'\ I'ersms oi cither sex easily earn front 50 cents to *s">.no per even ing, and a proportional sum by devoting ah tlieir lime to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all wljo s u" this may send tlfir address, and te-t the busi ness, we make this oiler. To suelt as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address G KOUG.STIXSOX &Co , Portland, Maine. B£l (Fk S2.E 5® \9'" made. Cut this out Bvra 3 1 US ba If and return to us, and we 1188 8J kH I wi'l send von free, some ■ |j,j nK of j, rt . a t value and importance to you. that will start you in busi ness which will bring you in more money rhgld away than anything else in this world. Any one can do the work and live at home. Hither BOX ; all ages. Something new, that just coins money for till worker*. We w ill start you; cap ital not needed. This is one of the ireimino, im pnrtant chances of a lifetime. Those who arc ambitious and enterprising will not delay. Grand outfit free. Address I'tUJE Co.. Augus ta, Maine. n I can live nt home, and make more W 1111 money at work lor us, than at am S U fiJKliiuir else in litis world. Capital ~ needed ; you are started free. Both sexes; all ages. Any one can dot lie work. Costly outfit and terms free. Better not dulay. Costs >ou nothing to send us your address and find out; if you are wise you will do so .at once. 11. MALLET A < 'o., Portland, Maine. 3*2 w Clears leal, throat and y£zg? Tj. LIT from nasty mucous Fwpetens the breath. Cures severest Ca tarrti when all other treatments fail. Send 10 ctg. 'stamps for free half pint prepaid— enough to relieve any case. Mr. S?l>sox &Co . 651 Broadway, N. V- " J ; lr mm aw e&isg on James Biver Va., in SI M P Claremont Colony. ll ■ H IPI BvE tJ lust rated circular lree- .J. ■ ■*■■■■■ W j,- MANCHX\, Claremont, Virgin in 4S-4t Virginia. leg.ii. .inver tiskmjsjvts. NOTICE Is hereby given <lut thooecouin of Daniel 1 >:irf go's, colli 111 it I •'(' of .1 oil II 11 't tingor, n lunatic has lHeu tiled in Hie office of tin- Rrnlhniiotaiy ol the Court of Common Picas of ('outre < 'omit \, ana said account will be pre sent fll to *atd foip't for confirmation ;il January term next. \\ . B. Minoi K. I . Rrothonotury. I,i \I It l TORS' Nii'i K'l' —i lit* undersigned, j having borii gruiit< d l-1f•*i ■ t'stamcp taiy upon Ibf c-f.-.u- f David W'oll'e, lata of Wolfe's Store. deceased, rctjitwl nil persons know no tin niM'h' hi debt to said estate to make immediate payment- ami tin •• 111\ i• r• <■ 1:ii11 :i i ui-t tin- same to present tlinii duly auilifiiUfatod lot settlement. W. II .PtIRMAN. S j MMMlto| . s j;i:I BKN KttEAMKR. I liM't't TORS' NOTICE.—TIi • underslgni d, having been pranted letti r ; to t mil -alary oil tlie estate of Samuel Welscr, sr., late ol ,Milllieiin Iloroui'K, deceased. herein rquct all persons kii >wi a a Ihemselv'e - indebted to said estate to make inniu'dlale piMiu iit, and those li iviiu claims a aiust tbe sam • to pre sent tln'iu l it I v proven tor • it! nu'iit. ii ii. WI:I>B.U, ) „ i; 61 W. It. WEISKIt, > ''.'"ois. 11\KCl TOR'S NOTICE. v'ttl'M's t"-ta inni - \i tary mi the estate, of Ceortte Edgar, late ol I'enu fowii-hlp.deceased. Ii ning i-eou n ml id to the undersigned, :11 persons knowing tliemselves iinlebt d t s lid est r loipiest ed to make Immediate payment, and those having elainis uuainstr tlie same to luvseiit llieiti duly proven lor etttenn nt 4'i-dt. J.M'on W. Movicu, Executor. 'I ill lie tin *1 iirlaet. Corrected every Wednesday. By Crenoble, Uai'tgi:,. & Co., ('idiurn, Ba. W lie it,red 7s! '• while 7"> Corn 11 1 I live M I < >ats white • 1 lluekw bout . s<' Flour, Roller 11" j Salt.ner bai rel 1.4' : {Master, ground 9fl0 Cement, per bushel Ilarley I" Tyniothvseod 1.-" flaxseed 1.0• i 'lovei seed 4.00-4. "M' Butter 18 Mains 10 Sides ...... ii Veal fork 4 lb ef Kg us Potatoes I.ard "• Ci)A I. M \RKKT. Coal per ton < best nut * I ""' Small stove. ' ll •• Nut t.7.' Pea 'l.oo " S 'ft g uted 2.50 ©ATA m H H' - ■ " l 4: isS'wj WAYFEVERffe HAY- FE VE R ELra CREAM BALM h not a liquid, snuff or poirdtr. Applied into nostrils is quickly absorbed. It cUan*< * the head. Allay a infanimation. Heals tin sort s. Restores the (tenses of taste and sun 11. 50 rents ut Kruayistn; b>/ mail, rtyistcretl, CO cr>,t*. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists,Owegu,XV. jfeSGNS POKGUS FI.ASTER : Hioiirsr AWAKDS op MEDALS is Kinore AND AMEUICA. The neatest, quickest, saiest and most power fill remedy kuowu for itheumniism. Pleurisy j Neiuaig a. Lumbago. Backaeh-. W'eakiu j colds in the client and all ache.- ami pains. Ln- j dor-ed by 5,000 Physician-and Druggists of the ! highest repute. Benson's Plasters proiU|d|y ' relieve nud cure w hem other planters ami ] grea-y salves, liniment and lotions, aie ab-n- i lately ue!i .-s. Beware of imitations under sini- I lltar souinlliij; names, >ueb as "t apt-euu., ' i "Capuciun,*'••Capsieme,*" as they are utterly j worthless and intended t<> deceive. Asi rati BESSON'S AM) TAKIi X-T OTIIKUS. All DM A"- >!■>. I SKABt IIV & JOHNSON, Froprieiors, New York. f'V .. ' tXrsAif-j ck l v, i >.. •m j ILLUSTRATIVE 3am; M r ; : •; i) pSlf.'V y.'ffp' ' } A y A(7rcr.i a alYf n fifaahood,Net'-cuscnd Physfcr.l IV' :*, J * r.": o B.Cioc in 7. rsl.a .-t' 1 V. ;• , J.O . ' . .A f.'ti. crier i * bra i* ' /ia the f l.ariva copcf * • 11 ( *; * - ; I'i'•■ only by s: A, l - ■ • • .: * . i'r 7LL .. ... IT 3 . : I * F3EE TO AIA Tonus 1 :-a, :•. -a r i-i .i. '■■■'■. ty ,V), c i• •• ,sry in r.riv never hseita .. ta. •■". U.' \ •: Bui flnc'.i .v GFfc V 4 I'* e a uses, and a new nnd ul . * IJ-• sueeessfill * t it', at you 1 81 own home, l.v one who was deal twentv eight years, by most <d the iiowul specialists with no benefit. C 'urxl himylj in three m:ittis, and since then hundreds ol others Bull particulars sent on applic.ilion I.s. BACK,No. 11 West disk St.. Nev. \.uU City. FALL AND WINTER mmiMtr: 1886 - 1887. f-' • • *•. I\A\ I'dcgqivt OF TIMMMEI) AND L'N 1 RIM MHI) Hats, Bonnets, Caps, &c. wilTconstantly be kept in stock at my place en Main St, Millheim, Pa. My selection of • 3?-in is large and varied enough to SUIT ALL TASTES. r , Call on me if in need of nnytbingiu my Hue. walks factory work guaranteed. hyt'lic\ G. STORE u 'f C. MM. , % IjjjpL ■ Santa Clans it affords me mu<*h •leasnre agai i to iic.ite my fi ieiuls and patrons, as \\ ell .is tlie public get orally, to vtsii m> si av and s e my stock of goods, all-elected with much car. nnd most adnural ly a.tatded t' til'* fC-tive M<dni:iv Sea sou, when every one ha* u m bin desiie to s| read happiness and j >\ evn to tl. • I urn blest | IN me. Win.ever can lint find soiueihing at the Journal stuif a* an appropiiate pi< <nl t.r fatlii-r or in lb. r. husband or v ifc. i roth 'i* <a ' -ister, MIII or daughter, sweetheart or lover, ooiuin or friend—ie imh'ect haid i ( > suit. But come and see for yourself, my Vlbuie.s. beth IMitto and Auto. f'r< m the rich silk Blue Ii at * >. that Would adorn any par lor table, down to tlie ' center for boys and girls. ]>IBJ.I'S. from the elaborate Family Bible at > *7. down to the more common at s>, *J. 4L TVts,, OOcts. ad a 4t) cents. (HAI.I. BKI.L. for Sunday or I'ublic Schools, j fine and very cheap. D'U.I.S. of every kind and priee.Flne Bisque, l atent, \N ax, China and Benny Dolls. T7tA>?'l.S, sliver Wire. Bine Briss. Ebony, ■j filttaiid Silvired—nil exceedingly low. 171 \N V TDY-. for I'fivt and fllrls. l'<>r e\- ample, " 1 lie 1 ive .lolly NiggeiV is a gem toy. n I'M BALLS AND BALLOONS. These are \ M any boy's delight. ÜBMMINO TOBS, a delitrhtful toy. lliiir Biusiies. a excellent article, and j the priei' is the v< ry lowest. INK. ST A NDS in greatvariety. The little Cut , (Mass i-a beault and the No. r-sii a daisy, | for a ('hrl.-tinas present T h*VS" 11 Mil's. a drove ot them, real good t} and Just as cheap. You ciu pay b.) j "chimes'' on each—if you know how. KNIVES— i. c . most beautiful Bucket Knives for ladies or gentlemen, bays or gills, j la c< ids up. I" A DIE'S SATCHELS, newest styles, very J fine, and as cheap as tine. M'OI TH OEM ANNS, lots Ol them. *'.o • ilown to cent-. Mou) Books, Marblw \\i,li | I Figure*. Mugs most beautihd, Mcuageile- i i very inten stinj. >roVELTIES. very many. <an not posibly t d> .'iiate Ilieia all by n. nies. Just come and see for yourself. ODDS AND ENDS on the new Bargain Ta ble are really worth looking at, and worth buying to i, for that matt t. These I sell at about half what they cost. "DAB1I! 1 ioxes, BulT Boxes, lYnns and I'eii- JL ells. Their namesf- legion. (\i men's English is the prevailing language / at the Journal Store. High (ierniau and nnnljahnish Deutscb also available ii re •imied. 17> AINB,()W spray is out of season. The V hi-! or it tado*i out of sight months ago. Rattles f"i babies however—as well as lib* ha bies tliemselvi are alway siu season, lads of them at the .Journal Store—Battles 1 mean. LiCRAB BOOKS and Scrap Bleturcs. wlicw! 0 what a lot! The dear ladies go absolutely iviid over tbelli 'Must too Lively for anything." rpoYS ami Toy Books. Little bronzed ani -1 ma!-for a "penny. A favorite for little loiks. USE EC if- articles liave by no moans been forgotten at the Journal Store, but it is positively "tH> tedious to mention" even the one tenth of them. For example 1 keep ti va riety of IRtle paper- on hand, commonly called "notes," absolutely worth thousands <>i dollars, if properly filled out and signed. T7"i:LVl' T Frames arc not quite as rich as Y si IK plu-li or even (lie new style hammer ed brass, but they are much cheaper. All must be suited. "tvBATCHES for the br.ys—only a penny, Y\ think of that—and I guarantee llieiu more reyular than the expensive Millheim Town Clock. XMAS cards, a gieat assortment, as well as Birthday and Sunday School cauls. I bought a very large lot of these latter, because 1 had the chance to select them myself ■\7"OU are again and again most cordially in*- L \ bed t<> call at ihe Journal Store, but don't forget to brjug your purse along. on the Tbremomeler sold at the Jour jfj nut store, indicates cold. Better buy one and regulate the temperature of your sitting room at about ID to (M aoove zoo. J hat s what the doctors say it should be, and surely they ought to know. &no'.\ lam through with the alphabet, but could nor name nearly .til my goods even by general Kinds and classes. The bettor way for van now to do is to come and see, for to see is to buy. Most Respectfully, B. O. Deininger. oiidays! C •* 1 1 ;'is | \oa\ Yoqi< Is tliawii : nigh, nn (l my patrons should not l*l;i > tin' laying lit of their groceries and eonfe tioiM'i I' M lorthat joyful season. My stock Is never stale and old, . but always CHOICE AND FRESH. Hetnctuher tli \l you will cvn.V lime pet sl.()(>\V(>|{T!l K< lit SI.OO The following are but a lew of the countless aTtieies w hielrwiU be on my shelve* from now out: * Groceries. FIIESEE YFH ciritnss. - VRFSFI: iI N < 'itcnx T rs. . 1 7 1 ■t XR KITLIIKS A !•/: I'XES PR L'X EI.LAS A PEA ('EES. EREX CI I ('UR REXTS. FALSI XS, *■ PURE AXD UXCOLOIIEIJ TEAS I A WED F.tUIT ; FA X('Y SO IP J I Ml'Eh'l A 1. Sweet CUOCOLA TE j Full lh itg' Department \\h re you will lilel the most complete line of Pure and Cnadnlleiated Drill?* and. Patent Medicine* Confectioneries, French Mixture*, t ('ream Chocolate*. 11,n llt,n< , Cream Walnuts, CiramelM, I (traiit/es, Ismons. Sc. • "" * I Queens and (ihtss Ware, I . . I 1 a beautiful and unereeU d Hue that will please i lbeye of every woman. Clocks. Watches and Jewelry Handsome Selection of I. A DIMS' & GIN 1 "S GOLD \ SILVER IV A miliS. CHAINS. I'll ATMS, Hit VCHLF. IS. BREASTPINS BROOCHES, RINGS, J.OCKK'IS Ae. &e. At*, i Space will not permit t enumerate but it Is a | sure and settled fact that my place is liead • iuartets toy holiday goods. Don't fall to call. f One and All! J. W. STOVER. The Philadelphia Times. •1M (E W:l{iiV fllE PHILADELPHIA delivered by carriers in all cities, tonus onil villages surrounding Philadelphia for SIX CENTS a week, and it is sold hi boys and newsdealers for OXE ('EXT a copy Tt is universally con ceded to be the BEST XEIV SPA PER IX TIIE WOULD far the price, pub lislung all the Associated Press News, | Quotations of the Produce and Money Marbts anil ALL THE NEWS OF THE WOULD in a compact and read able form. Indcpeddcnt in everything. It is not excelled in Quality or Quantity !by any paper at any price. By Mail I Four Months, One Dollar. One Year, | Thrct Dollars, )tost juiid. One Month, ; ;>0 Cts. . 1 V: HE SUNDAY TIMES 1J ]'.< ■' U > Columns - 5 Cents—** 2 <K) a year. Ail <7r>* THE TIMES, TIMES BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA. J. R. SMITH & CO., [LIMITED.] Nds, 220, 222& 224 Front Street, iVLXLTOTST ,ZPA.. Ths Largest House Furnishing Emporium in -?<- Central Pennsylvania. -• y —□ — THE PLACE TO GET A SQUARE DEAL AND THE BEST BARGAINS. —a VTTTT r> XT' PARLOR, SALOON. DINING ROOM, OFFICE, lJ U rw> 1 JL U ritSi COUNTING HOUSE AND KITCHEN. -3* BED ROOU] SUITS OUR PORTED < cue an'l A*a Pleasant Homo, Artistically, Tastily and Comfortably Furnlsheo. a On tlio Second Floor we have H WHOLE HOUSE EU&mSHEB —and thoroughly equipped to show our.goods and how to arrange your home pleasantly.— □ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds and tie LATEST SHBEOUSIC. We sell the following celebrated Pianos: CHICKERING, WEBER, BIEHR BROS., GUILD, VOSE AND *e- NEW ENGLAND. A better Piano sold here at a lower price than any house in the st ate. We have no rent and have* supervision of our own business. All the PIPE AND CABIN EI ORGANS. Everything at bottom prices. A postal card to us may save you 23 per cent. —a C ARPETS ■*=■ TO SUIT ** ALL. I V Ml YS TEU I /•; AI ETS, BODY BINGRAINS, RAGS Alii SQUARES, BUGS,MATS, STOVE ANl> FLOOR OIL . Hie Finest Assortment of Silverware, China, Glass and Stoneware, Lamps, Chandeliers A Bric-a-Ilrae ever soon Our Curtain and Upholstering Department is not surpassed iu the cities. Hotels, Churches and Private Residences Furnished at short notice and at low rates. Our immense Building is literaily picked with goods rrom attic to cellar. We are enabled to sell the lowest because we sell the most. Everybody visits us and thinks our house a marvel. The handsomest Side-Boards, Escritoires, Chiffonieres, Writing Desks, llall Racks, Slate and Marble Mantels in the laud. Busy all the time. Every Bid a Sale aaauugauaaagaaayaaauaaaußa Fall Announcement! Durham Bros. & Co., Coburn, Pa. We wMi local! the attention of the Public to the fact thi't we have in stock a full line of FA LL ,0 WINTER DRY GOODS. Our LADIES' SKIRTING can't be bent. La dies', Dents' & Children's I'Nlftß" HAH, TRIMMING SILKS* SATINS, ajaaagaaaaaauagggaiHiaaaayaa VELVETS & VELVETEENS, aaaaaaEfircrirrauaußßaßßßßUOß Frinqrs, Embroideries, L<tce, Ribbons, Hosier if, Wool Hoods, Jersej/s,Goss oon rs, Flannel Shirts, Knit .• Jackets, Yarns, Shawls, Skirts oud Jilankets, Hats & Gaps, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, (/uecnstcare, Glassware, Wall Taper, Hardware, Ac., Ac., <t*c . all of which tee will*tell at HOCK ItOTTOM TRICES /or SCOT CASH. -HIGHLIT MARKET PRICES PAID FOB— PRODUCE! j " I' V also bin/ Hides, ~~ * Please remember the place, DURHAM BROS. & CO., at S. Grenninger's old Stand, (jOBURN fJ PA | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaßaagyrrtosKß PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM the popular favorite for d roaring the hair, Restoring color when gray, and preventing l-ndruff. ft cleanses the scalp, stops the hair failing, and is sure to please HINDERCORNS. Thosnfcst, surest and best cure for Com*. Bunions, Ac. Stops all pain. Ensures comfort to the fret Never falls to euro. 16 cents at PruggUU. llucoa A Co., N. Y. Please Don't Forget It That Dr. 11 . James Cannabis Jndiea is prenar j ed in Calcutta, India, from the purest and l>e*t Native Hemp, and is the only remedy, either In I that country, or this, that wilt, positively and i |ierma nently cureronwiim ptlon, Bronctol tls.Aodims.Niiwil ( niarrh nnti Nervous Debility, or break up a fresh cold in 24 hours. ; *2.50 per bottle, three bottles s<;.. r >o. Clad dock * Co., Proprietors, 10T2 Race St. I'hila. 48~4t DYKPF.INIA.-lts Nature, Causes, Pre ventlou and Cure. By JOHN H . MCALVIN Lowell, Mass., fouiteen years Tax Collector Sent free to any address. 48 4t •l'H E WEE ty t V TfXfES fiIXTY-FOUR Columns of magazine neicspajier reading imitler, crisp, attract ive, interesting, instructive. The AN NALS OF THE WA U. by active par ticipants. illustrated ; Women's J] or Id, contributed to by some of the BEST WO MEN WRITERS IN AMERICA; The Latest Fashions; TIMES YOUNG P EOPL E- by themselves; O RIG IN A L STORIES, both short ami continued ; Topics of the Time ; Pointed Editorial Comment; SPECIAL ARTICLES on thousan s of subjects, anil ALL THE NEWS are among its attractions. Terms, §1 per annum; clubs of ten , sls, and an extra copy to the person getting up the dub. I i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers