Shf gHUkftai ftitrnal. THURSDAY, DEC. IFIM, 1880. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. THE city of Boston elected O'Brien, Democrat, for its mayor by a nice round majority The Democrats will also have a clear majority of three in the common council. That's not so bad tor the capital of republican Mas sachusetts. GOVERNOR-ELECT BEAVER does not seem disposed to be in a hurry about dealing out the fat places which his office gives him authority to fill and the General's hesitancy is a dilemma to the hungry office seekers. They intend to wait developments patiently and that is about the wisest and only course left. THE trade reports show a fair de gree of progressiveness. The busi ness pulse ot the country is quiet but regular and far-seeing traders thiuk prices cf grain must soon go higher. There is no change in the iron mar kets. Prices are stiffly held and con tracts for the coming season are being made more freely. IT is astonishing to read of the enormous waste of material that has been going on in the shipyards under previous administrations. Secretary- Whitney in his annual report shows that there are now twenty million dollars worth of supplies on hand, most of them new but ruined by de cay and rust. This would indicate gross extravagance and a great neces sity for reform. CONGRESSMAN Randall and several of his followers held a conference on Tuesday night to consider the tariff questions. The discussion of the sub ject consumed about two hours and resulted in the adoption of the follow ing propositions : 1. They stand opposed to entering the consideration of the pending Mor rison bill. 2 They favor a reduction of the revenues at this session so as to pre vent the accumulation of surplus in the Treasury, but insist that it shail be effected by the same measure which shall embrace the repeal or re duction of certain internal revenue taxes. 3 They favor an immediate change in the administrative feature of the existing tariff laws separate and apart from any general revision of the tariff. These sentiments would at least provide a mild remedy for the "knotty" tariff question. It will be a relief to the country at large to see the begin ning of tariff reform and though the measure passed may not suit all it is a consolation to know that the most of the ridiculous revenue taxes will be wiped away. SPEAKING of the recent cleaning: out of the Soldiers' Orphan Schools in tLis state the Philadelphia Times says that the soldiers' orphans of Pennsylvania have occasion' every day thanktul for the overhauling the orphan schools got last spring in the newspapers. The children are now getting the benefit of the liberal appropriations made for their main tenance. The report of Miss Simmons, the new inspector, who has just re turned from a tour of inspection in cluding five of the schools, is that their condition is excellent. The bed ding is good aDd there is plenty of it ; the bathing facilities are ample; there is no more overcrowding and the children have plenty to cat, the food being of good quality. Much o? this reform in the management of the schools is due to the personal visits of Governor Pattison and to the admir able rules prescribed and enforced by General Wagner. The proprietors of the schools are not getting rich as they were ; but what is their loss is the children's gain. The public will view the decrease iu the profits of the syndicate orphan farmers with a great deal of satisfaction. WASHINGTONLETTER. (From our regular correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 14,1886. The first work of the new session of Congress shows the Senate's record as a blank, so far as public business is con cerned. But the much abused House of Representatives, which Is too bulky to transact business, which is composed of a dozen heterogeneous elements, and which is under Democratic control, accomplished some useful work. The Tariff question wijl not "down." It has made its appearance several times since the session began at unex pected times and places. Senator Mor rill iutioduced it with the same speech he has made for about twenty succes sive years. Senator Beck, who is hear tily m favor of a radical reduction of customs duties, answered the Senator from Vermont in a speech in which he quoted Secretary Manning, Senator Sherman, and the Bible in support of free trade, or "fair trade." He quoted what Senator Sherman had once said in advocacy of the utmost freedom of intercourse between nations - The Ohio Senator next took the floor to answer the remarks of the able Ken tuckian, but his speech was simply an arraignment of the Democratic party. Mr. Sherman is working with his usual adroitness and with more energy than of the other Republican aspirants for nomination at the National conven tion in 1888. Ho lias never forgiven Gen. Garfield for having gotten the nomination at Chicago when he expect ed it himself. While many Democrats seem to think that Mr. Sherman is a strong man with his party, the truth is that his Republican associates do not like him. lie is not a man whom anybody could like without a great effort. As in the case of Senator halm uids, any liking for him must he an nquiivd taste. Indeed there is such a eoinplw-ation of dislikes and hatreds and old grudges among the Republican aspirants that not many men of real eminence hi the nartv are solicitous for the nomination in 1888. Said one of them a few days since "what would he the use of getting a nomination. The Democrats have come in to stay for a long time'" Returning to the Tariff, it seems now to be a foregone conclusion that the two opposing forces in congress will cross swords on this issue during the winter. Roth sides are in earnest. An Ohio member remarked yesterday, "this tiling has gone 011 long enough. The Tariff must lie reduced. We have a hundred millions coming in which wo do not know what to do with." The Tariff reformers and their oppo* lients have been consulting with each other, and it is thought another effort for Tariff reform will be made this week. Speculation upon the probable result of that effort would be mere con jecture. Whether Mr. Morrison's reducing measure joined with Mr. Hewitt's customs-administration mea sure will pass, or whether one will pass without the other, or whether some substitute for the one or for both will pass, or whether every Tariff proposi tion will be rejected, it is impossible to say. At present the proposition to abolish the internal revenue taxes on whiskey and tobacco seems to be the most formidable rival of Mr. Morrison's proposition to reduce customs duties and to extend the list of articles that shall be entitled to free entry. % Miscellaneous News. Mikado in the Danville Insane Asylum. Monday's Patriot contains an inter esting account of the performance of the comic and popular opera "Mikado" which was given in the recreation hall of the Danville asylum by the Star Opera Company last wetk. It is said that the six hundred insane inmates watched the play with intense interest and that they were effected in many different ways by the pleasing scenes and music which the opera produces. As a wlio'e the attending physicians think that the experiment will prove beneficial to the diseased minds as it is likely to divert their tlioughts from their usual fixed channels. —IT IS in order now for every manu facturer to praise and extol the virtues of Ids cough medicine, and claim it ev er so much better than any other. On square business principles the proprie tor of I)r. Kessler's Celebrated English Cough .Medicine says if you are not sat isfied with the relief and benefit obtain ed, if you do not consider it well worth the price paid for it, then take the emp ty bottle back to your dealer and get your money. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY A- CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim, Pa. Cutting to Invade Mexico. ST. I.OUIS, Dec. 1-.—A. K. Cutting, the leader of the filibusters who propose to invade Mexico, said yesterday : "We have about 2 000 men enrolled already, and the work is still going on. In Chicago a syndicate of capitalists told us that if we could raise seven or eight thousand men foi the woik, they would furuish $18,(MX),000 to pay the the ex penses of the undertaking, so you see we shan't lack money." DISTRESS AFTER EATING.— This re sult of indigestion will no longer be ex perienced if Simmons Liver Regulator is taken after each meal It is such a gcod digestor. and so mild and plea: int in its effect that it is used by many, after a hearty meal, to insure goeel in gestion. The Regulator does lied naus eate or irritate the stomach, but cor rects acidity, dispels foul gases, allays irritation, and assists the stomach in its digestion. —Do NOT crucify the children by compelling them to take the horrible, nauseous compounds usually sold as worm medicines, many of them as worthless as they are obnoxious, but get a box of McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders. Purely vegetable. So easy and pleasant to take that the chil dren will never know a medicine is be ing administered. You will in addi tion secure the very best vermifuge pos sible to produce. So sure are we of this that in all eases of failure to cause expulsion where worms exist we cheer fully agree to refund < he purchase price. One box of Mc Dona Id's Worm Powders guaranteed equal to four bottles of any worm syrup. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WA Y A CO., Pbiladelohia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim.Pa. Mistook His Daughter for a Burglar PITTSBURG, Dec. 12. J. C. Hill, a resident of Edgewood, a suburl of this city,mistook his daughter for a burglar Friday night and shot her through tlie neck, inflicting a dangerous and, it is feared, fatal wound. Mr. llill had made collections of about $5,000, which he took to his home to keep over night. His daughter,who had a bad toothache, rose early yesterday morning and went down to the binary to the fire to warm herself, fler father, hearing the noise, thought burglars were in the house and taking his revolver followed her down stairs, When he reached the door of the library he fired, the ball striking his daughter in the back of the neck and passing through the front. more or leas than five thousand different liver pills are on the market. Some good, some ii different, many bad and worthless. Life is too short to try them all, so if you want to be absolutely sure you are right get McDonald's Improved Liver Pills, and if you are not satisfied with the amount of benefit received you get your money back. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WA Y CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. Desperate Tramps. Thoy Attack a Saloon Koopor and Terribly Beat Tnroo Men. SHENANDOAH, I'a., Dec. id. A band of about thirty tramps who had nee 11 making their headquarters just outside the borough limits during the past few weeks, came into Shenandoah last nigiit, ami after get' ing drunk rais ed a riot in a saloon, fatall) injuiing three men. Four of the tramps were ejected from the saloon for using abus ive language and shortly afterwards re turned with eight of their comrades and attacked the saloon keeper and a party of miners who were drinking in the house of James MeKeone. A brother oT the saloon keeper was terribly hack ed with a razor in the hands of one of the tramps and two of the miners were beaten with bottles and glasses into in sensibility. The tramps after clearing out the barroom withdrew to the street ami wrecked the front of the building. Nine ol tho number were subsequently arrested ami four of them werecomuiit te Ito jail. MeKeone will die and the other two men are in a precarious con dition. She was Eduacated at Carlisle. A Young Man Asks Permission of the Government to Marry an Indian Girl. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 —A rather novel request has been received at the Interior Department from a young man living in Nebraska who wants to marry a daughter of Standing Bear, a Sioux chief. He states who he is, and en closes a photograph of the girl, who is very nice-looking and was educated at Carlisle. The young man, however, wishes to go and live on the reserva tion with his prospective wife and her relations, and for this reason it was necessary to obtain the permission of the Interior Department. White men are not allowed to stay on an Indian reservation unless they have authority from the Government to do Su, and so this young man was obliged to take the Government into his confidence ami re veal his love affairs. Tim Secretary of the Interior considered the matter from its practical rather than its sentimental side, and concluded that while he could not prevent the young man marrying the girl he could prevent him from going to live with the old folks, and if lie was as anxious to marry the young woman as he professtal to he, he might scratch around and provide her with a home. Secretary Lamar will write a let ter to the ambit ions lover, and while not discouraging the ardor of his love, will suggest the piactieal view of the situation, which seems to have escaped liitn. Until there is some change In the present plans of the young man the pa ternal benediction of tlm Interior IV'- partm *nt will he withheld. Don't Experiment. Yon cannot afford to waste time in e\:>erl mentiug wben yoar lungs are In danger. (- n snmillion always si cms. at ili-st, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you witli some cheap imitation of Dr. Kiim's New Discovery for Consumption, < nuglis and Colds, l>ut be sure and get tin* genuine. because he can make more profit he may tell jon tie has some hiiia just a> pood, or jnsi the -ume. Don t lie deceived, but imsi-d upon ja ttinu Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guaranty d to give re lief in all Throat, lauig and affections. Trial bottles tree at -I. KisenhutlTs Drugstore. A SUUPIIISB FOI; CIIKI>TMAS.— The publisher of that bright and interest ing Mag zine, known as The Home Journal, will actually send it for thtee months on trial free , as a Holiday (iift. to every one sending them at once their address and three 2 cent stamps for postage, etc. As the tegular price of this popular publication is £I.OO, every reader should grasp litis golden oppor tunity, and addicss immediately, TIIK HOME .JOUKNAL, HufIfaI >,N. V. Please Don't Forget It That Dr. ll..Fames Oinnohis Inrlicn is prepar ed in Calcutta. India. From the pure-t and 1 o -t Native Hemp. and is tlie only remedy, either in that country, or this, that will positively and perm ■ nent ly cure t 'oii bad that they would crack open and bleed. He took Hood's Sar saparilla and is entirely cured." J. 11. STAN TON, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. From 103 to 135 f I was seriously troubled with salt rheum for three years, and receiving no benefit from medical treatment 1 decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. lam now entirely cured of salt rlieum; my weight has increased from 108 lbs. to 135." Mits. AI.ICF. SMITH, Stamford, Conn. If you suffer from salt rheum, or any blood disease, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. It lias cured many others, and will cure you. Hood's SarsaparlMa Sold by all druggists, *1; six for £5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar There is inure ('atarrii 111 || ( is section of the country than all other diseases put together* and until the past h f w years was supposed to lie incurable. Forageeat many years Doctors pronounced it a local disease, and ptesc rlbcd local rem 'dies, ami by constantly falling to cure with local treatment pronounced It incur able. Science litis proven Catarrh to be a con stitutional disease, and thrrefoic requires a constitutional (continent. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, Ohio, Is the only eyiistiiutlonal cure now on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a tou*ponnfiil. H act* direct - lv upon (tie Idooii and iiuh'us surface of the system. They offer one hundred dollars f>i* any ease it fails to cure. Send for circular and testimonials. Addiess, F. J. (Ml FN FY A CO., Toledo, O. Od-sold by Druggists, 75 cts ii:C. it. .7 !)i NRISI:. )i I:MS. >T"OTICF. is her. by given that thcaccoum of 1 Daidel It.irtge , committee oj John 11 la ry of Hie Court <>f Colli inon Pleas of Centre Count y, ami said account will be pre sented to said court for continuation at January term next. W. B. Minui.i:. P.t-:it. Prothouotary. I.T\Ft t TOUS' NOTICF .—'l he undersigned, j having been grunted letters testamen tary upoll the estate of David Wolfe, late *>f Wolfe's store, deceased, n quest all persons knowing themselves in Petit to said estate to make immediate payment** ami those having claims against the same to preseut them duly authenticated for settlement. W. II . COlt M AN. t ~v REUBEN K REAMER, j L\ c utots. 171 \ FCF TOILS' NOTICE.—The under-ignt d, having been granted letters testamentary on the estate of Samuel W'eiser, Sr., late of Mtlllielm Borough, deceased. hereby request all persons knowing themselves indebted to saiti estate to make immediate payment, and tliose having claim* a ain-t the same to pre sent them dutv proven for settlement. 11. 11. WFIsKIt, t ... ... -IT-'t W. It. W ElSKlt, s Kvtcntors * ITIXFCI-Toll'S NOTICF.—VItiers lestumen j laryontlie estate of • leorge Kdgar. late of Penu township,deceased, having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indcht dto slid estate are request ed to make immediate payment, anil those having claims against the same to present thein duly proven for settlement 4V-C't. J v t>n W. Mo Y Kit, Executor. >1 illliclm tlmhel, Corrected every Wednesday. By Grenoble. Barlges & Co., Cobnrti, Pa. 75 " Wllite .... 72 Corn I • —l*> Bye ftu Oats white Buckwheat , .V" Flour, Holler ... I.4<> Sait.oer hai rel I.4'> Plaster, ground '.'J"' Cement, per bushel . Barley 40 Tvniothvseed 1.25 Flaxseed !.> Cloverseed ••••• 4.'K• -4..►r Butter .... H llams lo Shies '• Veal Pork 4 lb ef ft Lugs 20 potato* s .15 l.aial f' COAL MARKET. Coal per ton Chestnut 51.75 " •• Small Stove a.' 4 ' " N':i! 1.75 Pea J J0 •• Soft gated '2.50 ■pVR H H WSM rHfiYFEVERgSS |jp HAY-FEVER EL rS CREA M HA LM Is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into nostrils is quickly absorbed. It cleanses the head. Allays inflammation. Heals the sons, llestorcs the senses off taste and smell. 50 cents at Dray,*; by mail, rtoislered, CO cents. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists,Owego, NY. poillisia Hitiitrsr Awailiw ok Mkia-s in Eciiopk asi> Amkkica. The neatest, quickest, saiest and most jtowcr fill ivmetly known for Klieuinntistn. Pleurisy Neuralg a, Lumbago, Back ache. Weakness, eoltls in the chest arid all ache* and pains. En dorsed by 5,( xk) Physicians ami Druggists of the highest repute. Benson's Plasters promptly relieve ami cure where other plasters and greasy salves, liniment and unions, are abso lutely useless. Beware of imitations under sim iliar sounding names, such as "i apt-rum,•' "Capnciun." "Capsieine," as they are utterly worthless and Intended to deceive. A'-k kok Benso.n's akd take no otheiis. All druggists. SKABURY & JDH N SON, Proprietors, New York. -48-4t Obtained, and all PA TEXT Jl VST X ESS a tended to PROMPTLY and for MODERA TE PEES. (Mir office is opposite the F. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from WASIJIXOTOX. Send MODEL OR I)RA I YIXG. We advise as to | >.a tent a t>i lit v free of charge ; and we make XO ('ftA ROE "(7XLESS PA TEXT IS SE Oil RED. We refer ltere to the Post master, the supt. of Money Order I >iv.. and to tlie officials of tiie F. S. Patent office. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients in your own St.tie or county, write to C. A. SXOIV .1 CO., Opposite Patent office, Washington, I>. C. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM mbH 10 popular favorite for dressing ' H tlio hair, l£-.torinr color v. hen ; -ASH gray, and preventing Pnndrutf. TaSjEj It cleansed tlio scalp, stops tlio hair-Calling', and is s-nro to please, - 1 ' s //] t0,., {lll ,i 11.00 nt Prnggists. HINDERCORNB. Thosnfest, surest and best euro for Corns, Ilunions. Arc. fttopsall jiain. Ensures comfort to tlio feet. Never rails to cure. 15 cents at I'ruggists. iiiscoi & Co., N. V. I? 1 PUPkISI Its causes, and a new and ■ BftAfiUjM successful CURE at your own homo, by one who was deal twenty eight years. Treated by most of the noted specialists with no benefit. Cured himself in three m mtl.s, and since then hundreds of 1 others Full particulars sent on application T.S.PAGL.No. 11 West .".Ist St., New Yolk City. 48 It DYSPEPSIA.— Its Nature, Causes, Pre vention and Cure. By John 11. McAlvin Lowell, Mass., fourteen years Tax Collector Sent free to any address. -IS- 4 muy bo jonr.d

. that would adorn any par lor taM* down to the 5 center for boys and g Iris. 1 >llll.l s. from the elaborate Family Bible at ) *7, dow nto the more com moil at $!, *l, TV |s t , •'•Hots, and to cents. CTA I.t. l'.Kl.b. for Sunday or Public Schools, j fine and very cheap. DOLLS, of every kind and price. Fine Bisque Patent, Wax, China and Penny Dolls. ]7i.VSKI.s. silver Wiie Pine Brim, Kbony Cilt and Silvered—all exceedingly low. 171 UN NY TOYS, for Boys and Hlrß for ex : ample, "The Five Jolly Niggers" is a gem toy. pCM BAI.DS AND BALLOONS. These are V X any boy's delight . HUMMING Tors, a delightful toy. Hair Bundles, a most excellent article, and the price is the very lowest. INKSTANDS in great variety. The little Cut tilass is a beautj ami the No. f> s< > a daisy, for a Chri.-tnias present. TKW> 11A BPS. a drove of them, real good ami jotigt as cheap. Yeu can play '.l* •'ehunes" on each—it you know how. KN IV ITS—i. e. most beautiful Pocket Knives for ladles or gentlemen, boys or girls lo cents up. I" A DIE'S SATCHELS, newest styles, very line, and as cheap as line. MOl Til ORGANS, lot-of them. *I.OO down lo cent*. Many Books, Marbles with Figures, Mugs most beautiful, Menageries very interesting. KS, very many, can tod posibly JIN desiunate them all ly names. Jou>t come and see for your self. ODDS AND ENDS on the la w Bargain Ta ble a.e really worth looki .g at, and worth buying too, for that matter. These 1 seil at about half What they cost. PA I'Kit boxes, Puff Boxes, Penns ami Pen cils. Their names is / \riNTI LLI PutJItAPHS. This is ;i new aim very lngeui us littic device calculated to cause mi eh merriment in the social circle. Onl v a lew letl— call ,oon. V*> AINBOW sprays is out of season. The last of It laded out of sight mouths ago. Battles for habies however—us well as the ba bies themselves—are always in season. Lots of them at the Journal Store—Battles I mean. AP BOOKS and Scrap Pictures, whew! io what a lot! The dear ladies go absolutely w ini over tlie "Just too lovely for anything.'* rpoVs ami Toy Hooks. Little bronzed anl- I mals for a penny. A lavorite for little folks. U'SEFUiiL articles hayo hy no means been forgotten at the Journal Store, but it is positively "too tedious to mention*' even the one tenth of them. For example I keep u va riety of little papers on hand, commonly called "notes," absolutely worth thousands ol dollars, if properly filled out ami signed. VELVET Frame* are not quite as rich as silk plu-h or even the new style hammer ed brass, but they are much cheaper. All must be suited. WATCHES for the boys—only a penny, think of that—anil 1 guarantee them more regular than the expensive Millheiiii Town Cloek. XAIAS cards, a eu-iit assortment, as well as birthday and Sunday Sellout cards, i bought aver.i large lot of these latter, because 1 had the chance to select tlieiu myself. ~\7~OU are again and again most cordially in- I vitcd to call at the Journal Store, but don't forget to bring your purse along. ZEBO, on the Thremomcler sold at the Jour nal store, indicates cold. Better buy one ami regulate the temperature of your sitting room at about 65 to 70° aoove zero. That's what the doctors say it sliou Id be, and surely they ought io knqw. &now 1 am through with the alphabet, but gould not name near all my goods even by general Kinds and classes. The better way for ypu now to do is to come and see, for tq see is to buy. Most Jlespeetfully, B. O. Deininger. Holidays! (•'lji'is | ujqs Veqi< Is drawing nigh, and my patrons should not delay ili<* laying hint their groceries and (Mtili'i'lidlifci'kHlortlint joyful h<*hhoii. My stock is never stale and old, but always CHOICE AND FRESH. Remember thai you will every time get SI.OO WORTH FQRSI.OO The following are but a few of the countless articles whli'li will be on my shelves from now out: Groceries, PRESEII YED CITRONS, PURSER VED COCONUTS, CR A Nil ER R IKS ,t PR UN ICS, PR UN EL LA S d PEA CUES, FRENCH CURRENTS, RA KINS, PURE AND UN COLO RED TEAS CA NNED F, t UTT, FA NCY SO A P IMPERIAL Street CDOCOLA TE Full Drug Department where you will find the most complete line of l'iire and Unadulterated Drugs and Patent Medicines. Confectioneries, French Mixtures, ('renin Chocolates. Run Rons, Cream Walnuts, Caramels, (ira rutes, Ismotis. Arc. Queens and Glass Ware, a beautiful and unexcelled line that will please the eye of every womun. Clucks. Watches anil Jewelry Handsome Selection of LADIES 1 & GENT'S GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. CHAINS. CHATMS, BRACELETS. BREASTPINS BROOCHES, RINGS, LOCKETS Ac. &c. &c. Space will not permit to enumerate but It is a sure and settled fact that my place is head quarters toy holiday goods. Don't fall to call, One and All! J. W. STOVER. FALL AND WINTER MILXIIIETI -£IBB6 - 1887. At, l'clegqqf Itiqc OF TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMKD Hats, Boimets, Caps, &c. will constantly be kept in sti>ck at iny place on Main St. Millheim, Pa. My selection of Tares, Mi lions, |'in (Ornaments, *c. i*> large and varied enough to SUIT ALL TASTES. -if? CalKm *ne if in need of anything in my lltie. jSotishwtury work guaranteed. 11yd it\ G. ujgqpd. J. R. SMITH & CO., [LIMITED.] Nos, 220, 222 & 224 Front Street, Ths Lirg est House Furnishing Emporium in ■a* Central Pennsylvania. -a* □ THE PLACE TO GET A SQUARE DEAL AND TIIE BEST BARGAINS. □ T^TTT?XTTHPTTT?T? F()U PARLOR, SALOON,DINING ROOM,OFFICE, IJ U XVi_T L JL \J I\JCJ COUNTINGTHOUSE AND KITCHEN. ■* bed suits our; Come ami Visit a Pleasant Home, Artistically, Tastily and Comfortably Furnished. □ On the Second Floor we have ,4 WHOLE HO FEE —and thoroughly equipped to show our v good9 and how to arrange your home pleasantly, Q MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all Rinds and the LATEST SHEET MUSIC. W e ell the following celebrated Pianos: CMXCKERING, KNARE, WEBER, BIEHR BROS., GUILD, VOSE AND NEW ENGLAND. A better I'lano sold here at a lower price than any house in the state. We have no rent and have supervision of our own business. All the PIPE ANI) CABINET ORGANS. Everything at bottom prices. A postal card po us may save you 25 per cent. □ CARPETS * TO * SUIT * ALL. AXMINSIUIi, VLL V F TS, BODY BR US ft ELS, INGRAINS, RAGS Alii SQUARES, RUGS, MATS, MATTING, STOVE AN El FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. The Fjnest Assortment of Silverware, China, blnxs and Stoneware, Lamps, Chandeliers A Brie*n*Brae ever seen. Our Curtain and Upholstering Department is not surpussed in the cities. Hotels, Churches and Private Residences Furnished at short notice aiul at low rates. Our immense Building is literally picked with goods from attic to cellar. We are enabled to sell the lowest because we sell the most. Everybody visits us and thinks our house a maryel. The handsomest Side-Boards, Escritoires, CbitTonieres, Writing Desks, Hall Racks, Slate and Marble Mantels in the land. Busy all the time. * Every Bid a Sale aaauuidHiau-JuaaaßßOßßaciaßaaa Fall Announcement I Durham Bros. & Co., Coburn, Pa. We wish to call the attention of the Public to the fact that we have in stock a full line of FALL t t- WINTER DRY GOODS. Our LADIES' SKIRTING can't be beat. La dies'. Gents' & Children's UNDER ' EAR, TRIMMING SILKS* SATINS, BBBHQtaSIHBBBBBHBBBBBBfIBOOBB VELVETS & VELVETEENS, auußiaa rcrcrinnnaaaßßßßaiaßßa BB Frinqes, Embroideries, Lace, Ribbons, Hosiery, Wool lloods, Jerseys, Gos samers, Flannel Shirts, Knit Jackets, Yarns, Shawls, Skirts and Blankets, Hats & Gaps, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, Wall Paper, Hardware, Ac., Ac., Ac . all of which we will sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for SPOT CASH. —HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR— PRODUCE! We also buy Hides. Please remember the place, DURHAM BROS. & 00., at S. Grenninger's old Stand, uOBURN, PA 3 r J3BUJ f J r J2!3BBCIBBQBO39EII9CCBES Oil DC CATARRH CURE EfSTi hj Un C C lear* head, Ihroat and long:* from nasty mucous. Sweetens the breath. Cure* severest C'a larrh when all other treatments faiL Send lOets stamps for free half-pint prepaid— enough to relieve any case. Dr. Stissoh & Co . 851 Broadway, N. Y. 48-4t am m n||A on James River Va., in ■ AD II 6 Claremont Colony. ll ■ MM H IYI a ■ lust rated circular free- J. ■ "■■■■■ w y MANCHA, Claremont. Virginia. ***** fin UNRIVALED ORGANS On the EASY PAYMENT system, from 53.E5 j>er month un. 100 styles, $22 to S9OO. Send for Cat alogue with full particulars, mailed free. UPRIGHT PIANOS. Constructed on the new method of stringing, on similar terms. Send for descriptive Catalogue. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO* Boston, New York, Chicago. CONSUMPTIVE. Bave you Cough. Bronchitis. Asthma, TraUrisHnnt Use PARKER'S TONIO cored many or the worst cases and la the bust remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs, and diseases arising from Impure blood and exhaustion. The feeble and side, struggling against disease, and slowly drifUnc to tb* grave, will In most cases recover their health by the timely use of Paana'sTone, but delay isdangerossL Taken In time. Cures when all else fails. Gives new life and strength to the aged andlnfirm. flat Druggists EXHAUSTED VITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. A-Creut Me lirul V.'oi'< on Manhocd, Nervous and Physical DcV. it *, Prcn-.lnre Dec'lne In Man, Exh&uftcl Viiall'.;'. Lc , ic , rxd th? untold mis eric j rc-".!t".r.v f.cai i:Ttearttkm or excesses; SOO pages, i u'ji-lsn! '.JL'/ I jc~ lin tcusTa. Con t-injmorj t'.an I's I Vo prescriptions, em '..rach.j t -e. / j r.-n.:J/ i.i the j harms copa'. i f r t u.c : 1 i—ocic diseases. It is emphatic:.'.!.,- a bee': f r c-c:/ man. Price only $1 by ci: 1, port paL", con c&Ld in jUn wrapper. ILL: ST;:.VT:T:: n.i.>rriJ2 FREE TO ALI. Y-:r.r~ r. . 1 middle-a^c! men for the next ninety ,L"5. '."or.J no r. < r cat Ibis cut, as you may never ■fc I. n aim A ! '.re*i Dr. W. IL PARKER, 4 Bul i'.ncv rtreet. Do tin. !*:. s.