A Crash and a Fire. PITTSBURG, Dec. I—An unusually destructive freight wreck occurred on the Cleveland and Pittsburg railroad,at Summitvile, 70 miles from Pittsburg, about 11 o'clock last night. The east bound frieght, No. 16, was running a long on schedule time enroute to this city. When near Summitville the first section parted. The two portions were run together again and the locomotive was backed up to make anew coupling. Before the train was ready to pull out and continue on its course, the second section which was following closely, rounded the curve. It was a heavy train and had attained such an impetus that the engingeer wass unable to check its speed. It crashed into the first section with terrific force. Nearly all the cars on both of the trains were thrown off the track. The two heavy freight lo comotives were hurled oyer on their sides and in another moment were par - tially hidden from view by the debris of the broken cars and their contents, which were heaped around them. A few moments after the wreck oc curred the cars caught fire. The flames spread so rapidly that the entire mass of cars, merchandise and locomotives were enveloped by fire. There were no crews at band to extinguish the fire, and it gradually subsided for want ot fuel. The locomotives were so badly damaged as to be rendered useless. Si xteen frieght cars and one caboose were de stroyed by the fire. Ten of the cars were empty, one was loaded with flour and feed, one with onions, one with fiie clay and three with iron ore. A car load of hides was saved from the flames. The trainmen of the first- sec tion were out on the track when the collision occurred and they escaped un injured. The crew of the second sec tion also succeeded iu escaping unhurt. IT GOT HERE. The Cold-wave Man No Longer Melancholy and Dejeotea. The eold-wave man can now laugh all over his broad countenance like the jolly moou on a frosty night. If he hasn't got his work iu at last, no one eyer did since the world begun. There is something like business about the cold snap this time. It doesn't come sickly and feeble, with its back half broken, and flit away in the dead of night, but it comes with a defiance and a stiff back that makes people stoop to it with deference. Weather like this inspires a sentiment of respect in the people. It has the quality of being genuine and free from any nonsense. In the night the wind blew iu a gale from the northwest witn a force that made the windows rattle, shutters bang, and tin roofs howl. It was a bad night for sleep. It got colder on the principle of geometrical progress ion. Every hour was nearly twice t.s old as the hour before. Yesterday mori ing it felt like genuine winter. Tne cars rolled along with a hollow sound, the air nipped noses and car?, an I it took the ordinary thoughtless person to be out of doors not much over five or ten minutes to hud out how cold it was. Yesterday morning was the coldest we have had this year, and the cold wave authorities have had the satisfaction of hitting it for once. The rapid changes in temperature which have occurred at intervals through the fall months are unprece dented for frequency, and it is particu lary severe OD persons exposed. Car drivers, conductors and policemen are most disposed to howl over the ingrati tude of the their moanings are of no avail.— Patriot. DYING FROM EXPOSURE. A Woman Falla From a Bridge and Unable to Walk, Freezes to Death. HEADING, Pa., Dec. 2. —Polly Stump aged about 55 years, was found dead near tbe Schuylkill and Lehigh Rail road at Leohartavllle,this county. She was on her way hoaie from the village store, and was walking on the railroad, wheu she fell through a bridge and broke her Aftei the accident she crawled on her hands and knees about two hundred yards when she became ex hausted and could drag herself no farth er,owing to weakness and her lacerated hands. Night coming on, she laid down, with the temperature at ten de grees above zero, and died before morn ing. When her body was found foul pVay was at first suspected. Squire Leiby immediately summoned a jury, wno rendered a verdict this morning that deceased came to her death from cold and exposure after falling from the bridge. I for patents in ■ KJ ■ the United Slates and Foreign coun ■ Ha ■ tries, the publishers of the Scientific rAaVv American continue to act as solicitors J | for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy ■MBMHI rights, etc., for the United States, and to obtain patents in Canada, England, France, Germany, and all other countries. Their experi ence is unequaled and their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed In the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained through Munn A Co. are noticed Inthe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has tbe largest circulation and is the most influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper Is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, ana is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, ana other departments of industrial progress, pub lished in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented •acn week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If yon have an invention to patent write to Mann k Co., publishers of Scientific In Broadway, New York. v lUadbeok but pats&ti auultd fm , THE CELEBRATED Heading Organ, OVER 10,000 IX CONSTANT USE. ■ Buy Direct from the Manufacturer. Wholesale Manufacturing Prices from —no ii 51. — ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CACES FINELY FINISHED. BEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. 1 VOICED TO PERFECTION. TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. SEXD FOR CIRCULARS. Address READING ORGAN CO., F. J. KANTNER, Manager, READING, SPct. 7e™youF"oTwn doctor. THE GRANDEST Remedy of the Age. "GUSHMAN'S" MENTHOL IINHALER, AiTcrtl* quick relief of Neuraloia, Headache. Hay Fever, Catarrh, Asthma, and SY co::r::*uzr zrrzcxs a :zzz. : " >-\\< : >fact! >:> guarantee lor money refunded. Six > th* fr*a(l.init forsn aroxn-t eatisiieu with its ofTo.ts .. a my r. turn it. and it' received m good condition! y ":r m n.-y will bo n tundod. Circular and testimonials mailed froooa application 1 D. CUSKSSAft, Three Rivers, Mich* pENNSYLVAMA STATE COLLEGE. Next Teim begins September S. 1886. This institution is located in one of th* most beautiful and healthful spots of the entire Alle gheny region It is open to students of both sexes, and offers the following Course of Study : 1. A Full Scientific Course of Four Years. 2. A Latin Scientific Course. 3. The following ADVANCED COURSES, of two years each, following the first two years of the Scientific Course: (a) AGRICULTURE; (b) NATURAL HISTORY: (c) CHE MIS PRY AM) PHYSICS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4 A short."SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture. 5. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistrv. 6 A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. New building and .Machinery. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and science, for Young Ladies 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. | Military drill is required. Expenses for board and incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal . For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE \V. ATHERTON, 1 L. !>., President, 27-29 State College, Centre Co.. Pa. Automatic Sewing Machine Co. ' 72 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. • Wo invito spccial_afr- Patent Actommic Ten refunded. But vti.it i* moro remarfcaMo trill, wo never knew a woman vill us to do hr own f.unily Bowing on a shut'l' n acbiiioaltor having tried our new Patent AUTOMATIC. Even Manufacturers find it 1 est rnit >1 to their work—its elastic seams aro more durable. Truly —Automatic Sewing Machines are fast suj>er seding shutilo machines, and it is no use to deny it. Truth is mighty and does prevail. Shuttle Ma. bines have seen their best days. * Send for circular. Correspondence solicited. Grand Prise Menial, Pari*, 18T8. Ask your Grocer for it. Win. I>reyloppel,Mfr., 206 North Front Street. PHILADELPHIA, PA, TSr. S. G GUTELII'S, DEYTIST, Milliikim, Pa. Offers his professional services to the public. He is prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. He is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain P. H. MUSBER, WATCHMAKERS® JEWELER, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., -H-tOPPOSITE THE RANK.++- JfcaT'llepair Work a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage respectfully solicited. o-ly. SIOO A WEEK Ladies or gentlemen desiring pleasant profit able employuient write at once. We. want you to handle an article ot domestic use Unit r.t'eo mends itself to everyone at sight. STAPLE AS FLO UK. Sells like hot cakes. Profits :{uo per cent. Families wishing to practice econo- MY should lor their own benefit write tor par ticulars. Used every day the year round in every household.' Price within reach of all. Circulars free. Agents receive SAMPLE PUKE Address I>OMI SHI MF (O.MAiiION Oil 10. ■> . v. . he; i f .:\z lile iii i m oilirc o{ SUM ADVERTISING J A GENTS "t 't'TQ cm mun Chestnut Out! anes rssji * DuiLu.iTh & G t h Stc S'TIAUcIPHIm. FvTO; IVilCFer *EWS?aPER ADVEETISUS rnrr ► 1 s-o r.t Lowest Cash Rates rntt uluiupH fur H VEHssors MANUAL Groceries & Provisions. IST' :w GOODS! FRESH ARRIVALS EVERYDAY o o FINK FLORIDA ORANGES. HEIGHT NEW LEMONS. CHOK E WHITE GRAPES. NEW CROP FRENCH PRUNES. FIG S, I>A TES and; P RUN EI.L ES. FINEST CLUSTER RAISINS., PRESERVED CITRON & LEMON PEEL CURRANTS and MAKING RAISINS. EVAPOR ATED PEACHES.& PEARS. ALMONDS and ASSORTED M IS. An exceptionally fine line of PURE CON - FKCTION F.RY at CITY PRICKS. CLEAR CANDY TOYS. MOLASSES CANDY (or Yaffv) M ADE MY .OURSELVES, ALWAYS FRESH. CALIFORNIA FRUIT canned and Evap orated. PURE HONEY in pint and quart jars. NEW MUCK WHEAT FLOUR. Roller pro cess., CRANBERRIES, Sound and Firm. PLAIN and FANCY CRACKERS EI NEST FULL CREAM CHEESE. PURE SUGAR TABLE SYRUPS. " A full line of NEW CANNED:GOODS. PURE WHITE ROCK ('ANDY SYRUFJ.tn half gallon and one gallon cans. PURE MAPLE SYRUP in quart and hall gallon cans. FINFR AG RANT |T E As. PURE SPICES. YOll can depend on our ground pen per f<>r butchering purposes. It is strictly pure. FRESII SHELL OYSTERS opened to order, o o ALL OURSTOCK IS NEW ANI) FRESII. t&; CALL ON US FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT IX OUR LINE. —SECIILKII A CO.,— G ItOCERS, Bush House Block, PELLEFOXTE, PA. A Li fa Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Pr c WAKD CO. Louisiana, too. ssKassraaa §TS¥EB [New Aini A' Ditclun Furniture, ('heirs, Dintuyis, I'ntint Dtn'kers, Dibits, Stands. Credits, Dunk (\tsis, Dim nits, Dnttmi and Dud ( hairs of ull sti/lis, Dnlsteuds, Frames, Ma It nasi s oj tin finest curhd hnir to tin cheapest straw. All kinds of SJ'DIAdS. W\\OT PNDEUSOLD DY A'NY STODK IX THE COUNTY. (iIVK US A CALL W. T. Mauck, THE MILLKEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office is now sujijihi'd with Good Pre and a lavije assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILLHEADS, STATEMENTS, EM ELOPES, CIRCULARS, | POSTERS, and, in shirt, neat and tasty Job Printing of all kinds F.XFCI TKI> PROMPTLY AM* CIIKAPLY. j CHAIR SEATS! i . 3 v =: \ y a S I " - i 11 ■- i- i "5 & H 'a I I WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY I To Replace Broken Cane. I RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS. | ■ Anybody ran apply I No Mechanic needed. I SOLD IIY I I In buying new Chairs, ask for those with I I Harwood's Ked Leather Finish Scats. Tliy never wear out. I A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Mil helm, ' Pa. Bread, Pies & (lakes of sujerior quality can he bought at any time and in any quantity. m ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gather ings promptly made to order. Call at lier place and git your supplies at ex ceedingly low prices. "4-3 in 13 WEEKS. The POl It'll (iAZF-TTK will be mailed.se rureiy wrapped, to any address in the United Slates for three months on receipt of ONtJ DOLLAR Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, a gents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address nil orders to RICHARD K. ROX, Franklin Square, N. \ . INVALID ROL'-INti IJHfllKj^ (RECLINI NG)j^^^ and BK3T ciiAIHS to only wauuiaeturera oi reclining rolling onairn. . Easy Chair C% New Haven. Conn. ; i MME. BEMORESTB RELIABLE PATTERNS! LULL AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS Aii'l C.uartinteod to fiivon porfoct fit ivhon directions are followed. MME. OEMDREST'S SYSTEM OF DRESS CUTTING. Chart and I'. >< L • f full (lii-'-i tioiis, enabling nay OII t ■ Cut and Fit perfectly. P r> . $3.00. 1 '*• hv mail, post paid, on re* MME. DEFORESTS PO RTFOLIO FASHIONS AND WHAT TO VJ EAR. Is a I iiiv Magn/ nc i ! ?• png<-s of I .isliion Notes and Styh , lllu tra • 1 wuli about | 000 Out.-. Sent j st p. i I 1 i- 25 e< nl: 'i-'XIUS Demoresl Sewing Machine. TlHo' }3tyTc> Only. $19 £ 1 THOUSANDS UT-ON THOUSANDS OF THCM IN uat ALL O Jilt T l- Wor.LD AND GtVlt C. RCRFRCT SATISFACTION. pavodur companies S4O-05 pr-fi mi -i machine N>T ; m on \ - Tin. T>! V.r Ctrcalara. AVERY MACHINE CO., 23 Union FJevv York. Organ. |s-olidly ]\lade. T -one Unrivaled. -legant Finish. y ears of Popularity. v ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT FREE. Estey iDrgan ito., Brattieboro,vt HIAUSirS CYLINDER BED = FOOT LATHE! = (nr "~ir Lathe, and on a Fx IV- 31 _ - 'Tx.A ? Cjxplaa.having 3 iru I a C 7 lin^ cr Cc 3' 0 S more simple and < fflg • - wil $ coavedeat than \ m 2 has attachments I B g for Circular and S iSslSr 'RaO' 3 and { °r Brackft CL "gfl ■ ll i,,1 hfTTi ° Hculdiagf. ITcw. 8 f " IJISJ ? A3 Price $30.00 and upwards. Manufactured and sold by the Battle Creek Machinery Co., "dl" s*T *" . . T)| •S3 or* *'' T O o m li tl* ■ : > i r 2 Warranted the most perfect Force-Feed Fertilizer Prill in existence. Send for circular. j ß< faRQUHAR, York, Pa. Z\ ]>j w EBY, laOT ' t ' §— DISTILLER OP Straight PURE _ RYE WHISKEY [ fqr medical use . ' Woodw'qKil, i OFFERS TO CLUBS.-®* 2 4'opio* for ft.nO t With tiie "Book of Beauty," splendidly illustrated, or alarge steei-eo -3 " " l.Ji / graving. "Mother's Hurling,'for getting up the Club. 4 4 opi< for N With an extra copy of the Magazine for 1887, us a premium, to the per fl " " lUK> (son getting up the Club. a 4'opicM for no t Witli both an extra copy of tbe Magazine for 1887. and the large steel -7 " " 10. A> / cngrnvlng. or the "Book of Beauty," to the person getting up the Club. FOR LARGER CLOBS STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS! Address, post-paid, CH ARLES J. PETERSON, 308 C beatnot St., rhlladelphla, Pa. •J-Specimens sent gratis, if written for, to get up clubs with. "THE 1 p T ' BEHPrP lilu'-trr.ted by the use of a Baggy wade by T. T. Haydock. which is not only the Leading Buggy in this picture, but THF. LEADING BUGGY OF AIUERICA. Has Hat-dock's Safetv King Bolt and Fifth Wheel. Ask you dealer for the T. T. II AY dock lirGGY, with the Haydock Safety King Bolt and Fifth Wheel. Life is insecure riding over any other. (This picture will be furaUiod oa a Urge tH, printed la elefaat style, to anyone who wfll agree to frtw a.) .KMCLOSP. STAMP.) T 1 *T A "ynnnTT ft CT-frnd for Catalorwo and " " _ ,77 ~ m w halsaale i'ricc A. tut. Cor. Flam &ad Twelfth Sts., CINCINNATI, 0, AGENTS WANTED WHERE WE HAVE NONE I NO INVESTMENT 60 PROFITABLE THE ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDIGATOR. A NEW PATENT STEAM MEDICATOR, INHALER, DISINFECTOR, &c. S) 1 Especially constructed for the treatment of such diseases as A J CONSUMPTION- KASAL CATASBRJEAT ANS ECSE ITTE2. EIP2TSI2IA. wfOOPM COU3H. CTOTST, COLS IN TEE HEAT. SCBOFULA SWELUNSS, AffTTTVA il If SSCNCHITIS, FLEUSIST, FNEVEONIA, 2TEEEALOIA, EUKPS, tISItENCEESIA. The frst time "SOLIDS" could be used in MEDIC A TIXG STEAM. Nasal Catarrh, Hajr Fever, Asthma, In all these diseases the Medicator is worth ten times the price aaked. \ \ ,Tjl Any Lady can Beautify her Complexion after using a few days, una J HARMLESS BUT CERTAIN. V?ar - It exa le used for a NU2SE or LUNCH LAMP, havisg u extra attacbaeat of a Cap. Price, Complete, $3.00. By Mail, $3.25. C 7 AGENTS WANTED.-Oood reliable Agents wanted to handle our Medicator ;—large Profits,—Sells at Sight One Agent aold Twenty-seven Jfj> in one day. Write for terms and circulars to the ENTERPRISE VAPOR MEDICATOR CO., """ ~' 30 UNION SQUARE. NEW YORK. EUREKA rOLDBfI CAKOiV ia. . —Made in different sizes, and can be i I attached to nearly all wagons, bug gies, phaetons and carts. Easily I removed and folds like an umbrella. V | If you cannot get it of jour local wagon maker or dealer, send to us for illustrated circular and price list. T\ Agents wanted everywhere. I / Mention this paper. m7Wm>m3 D. O. BEERS & 00., \ V "V/ IVy/ I\ J PATF.NTF.ES and MANUFACTURERS, V \ NEWTOWN, Conn. SHERMAN ROAD CART. BEST CART ON EARTH.** SINGLE, DOUBLE and LIGHT, I / $37. s*o. Y ' durable a "d CHEAP. \ y\ / V >v \/ / Crated free on board cars. V / jL. f\ \Vy >V ___ ADDRESS— V T. ALLEM, Maqagei-. - "" COLDWATER, Mich. liOvorTeoThousandTrialI iOvorTeoThousandTrial A k Aypid the .ntpoeition of pretentious reme ■* F mailed to pa- for these troubles, and all Quacks. ■ r Pirirxrr tients a larce proportion MM* H whose only aim is to bleed their vio- A-"* AjALKAuE.of whom took n full mentond were restored toheulth by use of Wj3k M-r?- JRBCLRED thoocands, does not Interfere Harris-SEMINAL PASTILLES.Y Qk fno 'rinconvenience in any wsy. Founded A KadicalCurofor Nervous Debility, Organic on scientific medical principles. By direct WeaknessnndPhysical Pocny in Young or Midicationto the seat of disease its specific die Aged Men. Tested for Eight Years in innuencelt felt without delsy. The natural thousiind cases they absolutely restore run . w i°n* of the human orgsniini restored. The Bfjod nad broken down men to the full enjoyment of dejeents of life are given back, the patient perfect nnd full Manly Strength and Vigorous Health. bccomel cheerful and rapidly gams both strength and hcaii TREATMENT;-!!.. Itotk.(3. In MN.M. (km. VVork, < rtoo freo Indulgence, we ask that you send us Ajannin neuenv .. nnmowJthfc-tatPTOontofyourtrouble.and secure tIARRIS REMEDY CO., MF*C CHEMItTI. U 'FREE,withlllusfdPamphlet.Ao. N.TenthStreeLST LOUTS TWfT nUPTURCO PERSONS can have FREE Trial of our Apgilangf. IsJ for Te%&! j -7:-. 7-- 7 .-7- > a, m h J. :> ij V tCx Abe,:;:-' .. of , , yfi y i:: :• sr. whh M it£ ftte ,Ul ' ***> W, B I cs crV v:r7!;lr, ;• i £ OT3 M 7"7. hi-, s anmtmn S. V/ J - di£;i if° ialnicr: v.-=els of U ovcr > ,r;cetin S L ' UY ONLY VICI? 'S 253DS AT KEADQUARTER3. ty S ' i, HAGAZINS, 3= roges. a Colored Kate V ■ fW / C y ' '*■ *" >; n " "•> engravings. Price, Ji.cs a \ear- Five CcDie-. for Z:i V:y Vi'■l- ; o-cX^.h 3 V 1?/ C ' ;pks 2 ,%- ent . s - Wc Will s Ad to any iddresa c . "V- 7' -r .' '. * "■ a *' nc .'"y °* e< f the fc-ilowmg publications at the nrire> —n sd below iM r. rc v^v lv f° the price of one-Century, s<.< o • wwoAS&^-aJid "" j: * SS s ' ' VICiL, Rochester, N. Ya j