Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, December 02, 1886, Image 3

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    gfct fpiUllfiw
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
The Bellefonte Police force sports
new uniforms.
-First-class job work doue at the
JOURNAL office.
A full supply of all kinds of Gloves
just received. D. S. Kauffiuan & Co.
—A fine show case for sale, very
cheap. Inquire at the Journal Store.
—Those preserved Citrons a .d Cran
berries at Stover's grocery ou Main
Miss Ida Springer, of Selins Grow,
is visiting her mother and brother of
this place.
—Gov. Pattlson and a party of hunt
ers are at present in the mountains
near Tyrone hunting deer.
—Are you aware of the fact that
they have the prettiest and cheapest
tmirrors in town at Kauffmau's'store ?
—The State College cadets expect to
alteud the inauguration of Governor
elect Beaver at Harrisburg, Jan. 18th.
The fact that you rend the newspaper is evi
dence that you desire to keep posted up i'
what is going ou. This paragraph is to inform
you that Drydoppcl ■ Borax Nonp 1- the
best soap made iu America. Try it.
—Catarrh is a constitutional disease.
Hood's £>arsaparilla is a constitutional
remedy. It cures catarrh. Give it a
—Mr. and Mrs James Hoover, of
MifHinburg, are at piesent visitiug the
latter's parents, J. W. Adams, of
North street.
—Many of our young folks and 3ome
of those who are uot quite so young
anymore ate getting ready for a brisk
coasting season.
—Frank, of Bellefoute, intends to
open a brauch of his Great Novelty
- Store in Millheim in a week or so.
Bargains for everybody.
—Speaking about hogs, D. L. Zerby
takes the belt iu this town. lie killed
two on Tuesday the heaviest of which
weighed 547$ pds. Fine !
—Mr. Simon King,after a two week's
spell of sickness, which closely confined
him to the house, is able to be about
again, we are glad to say.
Peter M. Walizer is in the patent
gate business, and has a sample of the
gate for which he is agent on the cor
ner of Maiu and Penu streets.
Mrs. Ann Hooveman has just re
turned from a prolonged visit to friends
in Lewisburg. A sisler of her deceased
husbaud is t present her guest.
—H. H. Weiser and W. R. Weiser
are the executois for the estate of their
deceased father, Samuel Weiser, Sr.,
and their notice appears under legal
—Auy doubts which have, been in
Dr. Gutelius' mind as to the aggress
iyeness of the Mdlbeim uewsboys were
dispelled by last Saturday's interview
with one of tbem.
—J. Eisenbuth informs the public
that be has added to his diug stock the
EY and other pure liquors. Sold only
on prescriptions of physicians,for med
ical use. 33-Gm.
—Rev. Z. A. Yearick wishes to re
mind the Reformed people of Millheim
- that next Sunday is their "Envelope
day." and that there will be seivices in
the U. B. church in the evening.
Frank's Great Novelty Store will open
shortlv with the cheapest line of goods
ever brought to Millheim. Corner of
Main and Penu streets, Old Hardware
—For good, fresh and cheap Dates,
Figs, Prunes, Raisins, Oranges, Lem
ons, Bananas and all kinds of fruit D.
S. Kauffman & Co. have the inside
track. This is saying a good deal but
it is nevertheless true.
—Rey. M. L Deitzler will hold di
vine services at Penns Creek next Sab
bath at 10 o'clock, a. m. Communion
services at Millheim on the same day
at 2 o'clock, p. m.,aDd regular services
at Coburn in the eyening.
—For some reason or other the meet
ing appointed for last .Monday eveniDg
to organize a literary society was not
attended well enough to succeed with
the project. The prime movers reques l
the presence ot all interested on next
Monday eyening to try again.
—SOMETHING more or let>s than five
thousand different liyer pills are on the
market. Some good, some indifferent,
many bad and worthless. Life is too
short to try them all, so if you want to
be absolutely sure you are right get
McDonald's Improved Liver Pills, and
if you are not satisfied with the amount
of benefit received you get your money
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenbuth, Millheim, Pa.
—THE attention of our readers is di
rected to the advertisement of Munii &
Co., patent solicitors, in another col
umn. Their name is familiar to pat
entees through >ut the country. In
connection with the publication of the
forty years, they have made the draw
ings and specifications for more than
one huqdred thousands inventions, and
their facilities for obtaining patents
were neyer better than now.
—Wait for Frank's opening.
—As the weather crows co der we
may look for a brisker marriage boom.
Millheim Journal. Will you please tell
us why.—Philipsburg Journal.
Because it's easier n cold weather to
"freeze on." See ?
—Some of the property holders in
this borough seem to be exempt from
the general law of cleaning off thtir
sidewalks after the fall of a deep snow.
llow is this, Messrs. Council ?
—Between 12 and 15 inches of snow
fell on Thursday (Thanksgiving day)
aud the sleigh bells jingled merrily the
day after. By this time some of it has
melted and the beauty of the beautiful
is soiled considerably.
—Some of our merchants seriously
think of getting up some novel holi
day advertising scheme. They are
those who rightly estimate the value
of printer's ink and as a consequence
meet with continued success.
—At about 4 o'clock on Monday
morning of last week the barn of Jacob
Weaver, near Pine Grove Mills, with
all its contents, including live stock,
except one cow aiul one call, were de
stroyed by lire. The loss is estimated
at nearly S4OOO.
—Mrß.Sarah Eltlinger.of Woodward,
will sell a valuable tract of land,several
town lots, and a good town property,
consisting of a dwelling house, stable
and other outbuildings, at public sale
on Saturday, December ISth, on her
premises. For particulars see bills.
Kreamer's meat market on Main street
will be kept open during the coming
winter and persons wishing to buy large
quantities of beef for butchering time
will do well to apply at their place of
business before buying elsewhere. 45 It
—Harry Cohen,the New York Cheap
Store man vacated the old Hardware
store room on Main street on Tuesday
and a Mr. Frauk, of Bel'efonte, will
take possesiou of the room next week
with a stock of novelties. Sorry to
lose Harry,he was a genial aud popular
—The four persons who were con
cerned in the riot at Bellefonte on the
day of the Blaine reception plead guilty
at last week's court and were sentenced
as follows : W. V. Emery $75 tine and
his part of the costs ; Gibens, S4O and
costs; Evey and Sotners each $25 tine
and costs.
PRIVATE SALE.— The property of
John Swartz, Sr., late of Millheim, de
ceased. on North street, is offered for
sale from now until January Ist, next.
If not sold then, it can be rented for
the year 1837. Apply to or address
GEO. W. SWARTZ, Executor,
Lewistown, Pa.
The undersigned h;is a large quantity
of extra cloverseed on hand aud for
sale. Persons in need of this article
will please call on me at my residence
in Haines township or address me at
Aaronsburg, Pa. W. W. POWER.
—B. O. Deininger, Esq., and daugh
ter Frankie, started on an eastern trip
last Saturday morning. Miss Deining
er is spending a week with relatives in
York, Pa., while her father is buying
his stock of holiday goods in Philadel*
phia'aod is visiting friends in Reading.
They expect to return to-morrow eve
—Rev. Ileckman preached to the
Methodist congregation last Sunday
evening in the Lutheran church. On
Monday evening he commenced pro
tracted meeting in the basement of the
M. E. church, which will likely be con
tinued until the quarterly meeting on
the 11th inst. From next Sunday on the
M. E. S. school will be held regularly
in the basemen* of the church and at
the usual hour.
—The Pennsylvania Central Musical
Association will hold its 14th annual
convention in F. C. Moyer's Musical
College,Freeburg,Suyder Co..Pa., com
mencing Monday.Jan. 10,1887, to con
tinue one week. The conyention will be
directed by Prof. F. C. Moyer,the pro
prietor of the college. Eminent talent
from the neighboring counties will pai
—Mutthersbough & Zerbe will sell at
public sale, at the Musser House sta
bles, Millheim, Pa., Thursday, Dec.
2nd, 1886, at one o'clock p. m. a lot of
fine horses and mares, selected with
great care by an experienced buyer in
Illinois. Farmers and others should
not miss this rare opportunity to secure
some extra good horse stock.
—Last week's Centre Hall Reporter
gives an account ot an accident which
happened to Dr. Jacobs, of that place,
on Saturday a week ago,and which will
confine him to the house for several
weeks. His horse run away and became
unmanagable. To save several children
who were in the road ahead of him he
jumped from the buggy and succeeded
in quieting the runaway horse. But
in leaping from the buggy he had the
misfortune to sustain a painful fracturo
of his right ankle.
REDEDICALION —The reopening of
the M. E. Church at Millheim, will
take place on Dec. 11th and 12th.
Key. Geo. Leidy, Presiding Elder of
the Altoona District, and Rev. E. J.
Gray D. D. President of the Williams
port Dickinson Seminary will be pres
ent to preach, and conduct the ser
vices. All neighboring Pastors and
their congregations are cordially in
vited to be present on the occasion.
—We understand that the IT. B. Sun
day school also contemplate holding a
Christmas entertainment.
—lt would seem that the real,genuine
winter has come and present indica
tions are that building operations are
stopped for th's season. This is by no
means a pleasant experience for our
Knitting Mills company as they had
calculated to see tho factoiv in opera
tion with t! e beginning of 1887. How
ever it is their intention to continue
the woik whenever the weather per
—Every day addstothe great amount
of evidence as to the curatiye powers of
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Letteis are con
stantly being received from all sections
of the country, telling of hem-tits deriv
ed from this great medicine. It is uu
equaled for general debility, and as a
blood purifier, expelling every trace of
scrofula or other impurity. Now is
the time to take it. Prepared by ('. J.
Hood & Co., Lowell,Mass. Sold t>y all
publisher of that bright and interest
ing Magazine, known as The Home
Journal, will actually send it for three
months on trial free , as a Holiday Gift,
to every one sending them at once their
address and three 2-cent stamps for
postage, etc. As the regular price of
this popular publication is 81.00, every
reader should grasp this golden oppor
tunity, and address immediately.
—Mr. Geo. P. Bible, the erudite ed
itor of the Centre Democrat , Bellefonte,
lias accepted a call from the trustees of
the Lock Haven Normal School to fill
the vacant position of professor of elo
cution in that institution. He only
consented to do so however, until the
place can be tilled permanently. Mr.
J. A. Swavely, foreman of the Demo
crat office, will attend to Mr. Bible's
duties as associate editor. We con
gratulate Mr. Bible upon his promo
—Though the weather was exceed
ingly unpleasant on Thanksgiving day
about tifty guests enjoyed the sumptu
ous meals which W. G. Rook, the land
lord of the National Hotel, had prepar
ed for the occasion. The elaborate bill
of fare was dished up to tlie letter and
every course did credit to the pleasant
landlady and her able cooks. All those
prest-nt agreed that it was unquestion
ably the most delicious dinner they ev
er partook of and concluded that it was
"good to be there." In the evening the
band was invited to be present and
take a hand at the supper tables. A
few lively tunes by the boys topped off
the pleasures of the day nicely and ev
erybody there seemed satisfied that
Thanksgiving day had been celebrated
in a very pleasant manner.
A FATAL DRAUGHT.— Frank Boyer,
aged about 10 years, son of Mr. W. H.
Boyer, has been employed by attorneys
Dill & Beale to attend to their morning
fire and put their office in shape for oc
cupation during the day. This (Thurs
day) morning, he came early to attend
to this duty, intending to go out hunt
ing during the day, in company with a
comrade, Frank Weitz, who came with
him to the office. In the momentaiy
absence of Wertz, Boyer seized a small
bottle containing a liquid, and drank
the contents, which prove to be carbol
ic acid. Wheu Wertz leturned, Boyer
was on his feet, bending forward, with
his hands clasped across h ; s stomach,
and evidently suffering excruciating
pain. He could not give Weriz any
explanation, in consequence of his dis
tress. Wertz ran out for assistance.
Mr. Stetler, of the Cameron House,
came across the street, and the two ob
tained medical assistance at the ear
liest possible moment. The doctors
did all they could to relieve the suffer
er, knowing, however,that the draught
could not fail to produce death. After
suffering about an hour and a half, he
was released by death.— Lctoisbury
—Report of Millbeim Primary School
for month ending, Nov. 29th. No. in
attendance, males 33, females 33, to
tal 73, average attendances ties 29, fe
males 33, total 62, per cent of attend
ance, * males 90, females 90, total
90. Visitors, Prof. D. M. Wolfe,
Supt., Lilly Eisenhuth, Mary Luse,
Carrie Swengle, Gertie Musser, Katie
lirumgard, Maggie Snook, Mrs. W. K.
Alexander, Charles Musser, Charles
Swengle, Freddie Brumgard and Mr.
D. L Zerby, Dir.
M. C. GEPIIAKT, Teacher.
Report of North Street school for
month ending, Nov. 29th. No. in at
tendance, males 27, females 20, total
53; average attendance, mtles 23, fe
males 23, total 46; per cent, of attend
ance, males 90, females 90, total 91.
Visitors, F. F. Wetzel, Prof. D. M.
Wolf, Adolph Miller, Daniel Auman,
Wm Kinsel and Miss Princen.
D. G. SMITH, Teacher.
- —REPORT of Gram ley's school, Miles
township, for tho month ending Nov.
19th, 1886—Jno. C. Morris, teacher :
No. of scholars enrolled, males 19,
females 14, total 33. Percent, of at
tendance, males 87, females 91, tota'
89. The following are the names of
scholars who missed no time ; Orvis
C. Walker, Jno. W. Snyder, Jon. S.
Condo, Thos. 11. Wolfe, Jos. E. Span
gler, Elsie It. Lee, Katie V. Condo,
Ella Snyder, Ida M. Comedeiner. Vis
itors : Rev. Dotterer, Henry St it zer,
Ira E. Spangler, Jon. Spangler, sr., Dr.
Swartz, Jacob 'Gephart, Dir., Jon.
Sheetz, Geo. Gramley.
—H ; M, 0 and 7 els. paid for hides
or in exchange for leather, by
A. J. IIAUTEU, Millheim, Pa.
—J. It Smith & Go's delivery wagon
ariived here from Milton on Tuerday
and brought the new and elegant furni
ture for tlie Methodist Church.
A fresh snow fell on Tuesday and
yesterday and the festive cutter is on
the "go" again. The weight of the
snow threatens to break the telephone
wires and we may look for an interrup
tion of telephonic connection with Co
hum almost at any time. The wires
of J. Spigelmyer's private phone were
all down yesterday morning.
—IT IS in order now for every manu
facturer to praise and extol the virtues
of his cough medicine, and claim it ev
er so much better than any other. On
square business principles the proprie
tor of I)r. Kessler's Celebrated English
Cough .Medicine says if you are not sat
isfied with the relief and benefit obtain
ed, if you do not consider it well worth
the price paid for it, then take the emp
ty bottle back to your dealer and get
your money.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim, Pa.
—The I. O. of G. T., of Millheim,
will hold a festiyal in the skating-rink
on New Year's afternoon and evening.
The refreshments will bo icecream,
oysters, and cake. The amusement of
a cake-walk|will be extended to all.
A cordial idvitatjon is extended to ev
ery one.
H. K. LUSE, ]
41 J. W. LUSE, J- General Com.
subject to the vexations of business
life, dyspepsia and a feeling of debility,
irritability nud despondency, we say,
take Simmons Liver Regulator. The
Regulator is free from any injurious
mineral substance ; not disagreeable ;
can be taken at any time without inter
fering with business or pleasure. It is
gentle, safe, and a good digeator. It is
unequaled in the cure of piles,constipa
tion, bail breath, sick headache and
bilious complaints.
—Do NOT crucify the children by
compelling them to take the horrible,
nauseous compounds usually sold as
worm medicines, many of them as
worthless as they are obnoxious, but
get a box of McDonald's Celebrated
Worm Powders. Purely vegetable. So
easy and pleasant to take that the chil
dren will never know a medicine is be
ing administered. You will in addi
i tion secure the very best vermifuge pos
sible to produce. So sure are we of
this that in all cases of failure to cause
expulsion where worms exist we cheer
fully agree to refund t he purchase price.
One box of J/c Dona Id's Worm Powders
guaranteed equal to four bottles of any
worm syrup.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim.Pa.
AND WEDNESDAY.—To the Public
Dr. Clemens, graduate of the Universi
ty of Pennsylvania, and of twenty-five
years' experience,whose principal office
is at Allentown, Pa., specialist in all
chronic affections, and who treats prin
cipally by inhalations, will visit Will
iamsport once a month for the purpose
of examining patients for all chronic
affections, and who areditficult to treat
in any other way. After the examin
ations, all remedies, including inhal.
ations, wifi be sent to the patients from
his regular olfice. Will be in Bellefonte
011 Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 7th
and Bth, 1886, with olfice at the Brock
erhoff House and will attend patients
from Tuesday evening to Wednesday
evening, Dec. 7th and Bth. Do not for
get the dates. 11. S. CLEMENS, M. D.
N. P.—Send for testimonials.
Bucklen's Arnica Salye.
TUB BEST SAI.VE in the world for Cuts, Bruises,
Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay
required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect sat
isfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For saie by J. Eisenhuth.
When Baby WM sick, we gave her Caatoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
Whon she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
Neighboring News.
Dr. E. J. Deshler and Jesse Wert
connected their pavements with a sub
stantial crossing.
L. I). Kurtz and bis daughter, Lizzie,
from Mifiliiiburg, were here to atteud
Mr. San key's funeral.
Some fellow paid a nocturnal visit to
11. 11. Weaver's smoke bouse. The
would-be thief was disturbed and left
without even a sausage.
Some of the brick pavements in the
neighborhood of our post olfice need re
pairing very badly.
Mr. J. F. Cla k, from New Jersey, a
studenWof Bucknell University, Lewis
burg, in company with Chas. Musser,
spent a few days with the latter gentle
man's parents, Mr. M. M. Musser's.
Molly looked as pleasant as a basket of
Miss Fritz, from Mt. Carmel, Nor
thumberland Co., is visiting at Mr. D.
11. Lenker's.
Blacksmith Frank Weiser is putting
up a new shop immediately south of
Lew Mench's barn, on Rachel's way.
, Some one reported that there will be
a musical convention in our town some
time this winter. Although not defi
nite we hope the report will finally
move correct.
Mr. John Bright hying northwest of
of town has lately been confined to a
bed of sickness. lie is under medical
We very much admired the tone of
the new bell cf the Millheim M. E.
church last Sunday morning. Of course
flie Colonel knows how to ring if.
From the number of people butcher
ing around here Iho hst \\<rk there
will no famine in the nmi line
On Wednesday Sim'' Aid butchered
and was followed on Thursday bv Sim.
Ulrich and Adain Richard a d on Fii
day by John Rowersox and Mrs. Evert.
On Wednesday night we had the lirst
snow fall of any. account this winter,
which was kept up nearly all of Thurs
day and made travel very bad.
Those who had the pleasure of at
tending the Thanksgiving dinner of
landlord Rook report an excellent time
and a flue bill of fare, making a feast
tit for a king.
A Mr. Jonef moved his family into
one half of the Reed properly at this
place on Saturday last. He intends
working at Paddy Mountain Tunnel
during the week.
We have been informed that A. T.
Grenninger intends moving his family
to Karlhaus shortly, where he proposes
to engage in the lumber business.
The letter box at the station is now
a fixed matter and as said before proves
a great convenience to tlie public.
On Sunday last we noticed that gen
ial landlord ('apt. Hook and that happy
merchant Col. Long dilve through
town seated in a cutter behind a good
stepper, enjoying the sleighing. We
were wondering why the editor was
not along.
A party of railroad boys who are
camped at Ingleby, east of here, sue
ceeded in killing a tine deer last week.
The Railroad officials some time ago
changed the name of Fowler station to
Ingleby station.
There was pieacliing here last Sun
day by Rev. Stambach. Rev. Deitgler
preaches here Sunday evening next.
Samuel Grenninger, of Sugar Valley,
was here Sunday visiting his soil Aui
A. J. Katherraan, of Miffiinburg,
spent last Wednesday night with his
daughter, Mrs. W. 11. Kreamer at this
place. lie had brought the remains of
Samuel Sankey to Millheim.
Coburn has a population of about
170. There are 30 dwelling houses, 5
store buildings, one church, 2 grain
houses, I hotel, 1 school house, 1 idack
smith shop and a planing mill, with
signs of a general advance in building
in the Spring. There would be a good
opening for a good shoemaker,tinsmith
and also a good cabinet maker in con
nection with a furniture store and un
dertaking. There is no better sight in
the county than right here for a tan
nery and a flouring mill. We have the
bark and gram right at our doors and a
railroad handy for shipping purposes.
All we want is some one with the
pluck and cash to take hold of it and
there can be no doubt of good results.
If these operations can be run on a
paying basis at other points, where all
the material has to be shipped and
when manutacturered, reshipped again
to market, there certainly could be
money made at a point like this where
the material is at our doors and would
only have to be manufactured and tlien
shipped to market. VALE.
Last week's snow was welcomed by
all and the sleighing was made good
use of.
Mr and 3/rs. Whitmer,of Hartleton,
Union Co., were the meats of G. W.
Stover, Friday and Saturday of last
week. Pleasant and entertaining as
they are they are always welcome vis
itors in this neck o' woods.
At last one of our hunters succeeded
in capturing a deer. Ilenry Wingard is
the lucky shot. The deer weighed 140
pds. when dressed.
Butchering is the order of the day
and invitations to come to the "metz<d
soups" are quite numerous. Of course
your scribe never fails to accept when
he is invited.
The bad condition of the loads and
sic kness have been the cause of very
irregular attendance of our schools for
the past week.
Quite a lot of Gsh were taken out of
Penns Creek during the late freshet,
some measuring 19 inches. But how
dul you catch them, boys? Hope not
with tin net, for if you did Constable
Geary may teach you a lesson in law.
Samuel Grenninger, of Sugar Valley,
bought Mr. B.irtley's house and lot at
sheriff's sale. ZITSKA.
Hard traveling at present.
Ben. Frankenberger is nursing a
yery sore hand. m
The steam threshers are snowed shut.
Just so with other folks who were not
ready yet for a deep snow,
Jacob Breon bought three sheep cost
ing him SSO. Presumably some of O
hio's best breed.
What a broad smile has settled on
Charles Frankenberger's face since he
Bhot that wild turkey.
John Ilershherger bought a 1000
weight horse last J/onday.
This (Thursday) evening Mr. Fore
man, teacher of the Pike school, will
have a spelling bee in his school room.
All are invited to come and participate
in the exercises.
The farmers, lumbeimen and travel
ing public in general feel like petition
ing the town people not to throw their
coal ashes on the road. With a h*avy
load on a sled it is almost impossible to
get over those places and eveinin a sleigh
it is an uncomfortable obstruction to
cross. JUMlio.
C. W. Hosterraan will move into the
hotel property next spriug.
Samuel Mowry will move into the
house now occupied by Sam. Williams.
Miss Jennie Stahlecker, of Coburn,is
passing this week ia our village.
On Saturday another deer fell a vic
tim to the unerring aim of John J.
DuTing the last week two U. S. Pen
sion agents have visited our neighbor
hood to investigate the validity of two
applications. ARGKNHI,
—Youu tooth is too sound to be ex
tracted, yet you cannot endure the ago
inyit is inflicting. Your only resource
i ia a bottle of Zingari Tooth Drops. Re
lief certain, and only costs 15 cents.
Philadelphia Agents.
I Sold bv J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa.
Mrs. Heed is slowly recovering from
hoi tale illness.
Smdi Kersii Iter left on last Monday
for Pine Creek Hollow where he is en
gaged on Me Cool's saw mill as head
The carpenters as well as the masons
were compelled to quit work on Aus
tin (ram Icy 's buildings on account of
the 1 tie snow and cold snap.
8. L. Strohecker with a party from
Niltany, is at present out in the Alle
ghany mountains on a regular deer
Mrs Samuel I)uhs, of Free port. 111.,
is at present here on a visit to her rela
T. F. Moyer, of the Rebersburg Ho
tel, left last Monday for Berwick, Co
lumbiaCo.,where he thinks of renting a
hotel and livery stables. Mr. Moyer
will remove from this place next spring
and we will lose an obliging'landlord.
Win. Hickman is at present repair
ing the blacksmith shop lately occupied
by Samuel Coudo. Mr. Hacktnan is an
excellent mechanic and just the man
we need in this town.
Some heavy butchering was done in
our burg the other day. At Sam'l.
(J's when it was thought every
thing was ready for action the butchers
were sui prised to llnd their utensils
scattered to the four winds just as if a
cylone had struck the place. Every
thing was confusion when Prof. Meyer
arrived upon the ground and put an
end to the hog's existence by planting
three bullets in its forehead. Head
butcher Wale then used three knives to
stab the dying porker and the whole
exciting act lasted about an hour.
The hog wa> finally weighed and tipped
the scales at 433. Mr. Bressler follow
ed by butchering two porkers and not
to be outdone in the line of pork weigh
ed them and reports Ml pounds, one of
the hogs weighing 453 lbs. This puts
Bressler to the head in this valley.
John Sheets, of uear Wolf's store,
had the misfortune the oilier day to
cut an ugly gash in the upper part of
hi 3 foot while chopping wood.
Now Mr. Editor I must make men
tion of a matter which may not prove
interesting reading, but which, for the
sake of justice and fairness needs clear
ing up. It seems that there are some
young men in this neighborhood who
consider it a smart trick to raise and
circulate false reports. I have refer
ence to the article which appeared in
my communication of last week in re
gard to chickens and pie stealing. The
information which was handed me by
certain two fellows who don't deserye
the name of gentlemen,for facts turned
[ out to be nothing but lies made up
with the intention of injuring the
I character of the persons uocused.
I Furthermore it may be said that the
slandered parlies are the superiors of
! their accusers in every respect. Let
these young jackanapes remember that
instead of gaining any fiiends they
have made lots of enemies by their
precious news and your correspondent
will hereafter spot that kind of report
ers when gathering news for I he JOUR
Home Evidence
No other preparation has won success at
home equal to llmnl's Sarsaparilla. In
I/OWni, Mass.. where it is made, it is now,
as it has been for years, the leading medicine
for purifying the blood, and toning and
strengthening the system. This '• good name
at home" is "a tower of strength abroad."'
It would require a volume
People to print all Lowell people
have said in favor of Hood's
Of Sarsaparilla. Mr. Albert
I rttt/nl I Estes, living at 28 East Pine
Street, Lowell, for 15 years
employed as boss carpenter by J. W. Bennett,
president of the Erie Telephone Company,
had a large running sore come on his leg,
I which troubled him a year, when he began to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The sore soon grew
less in size, and in a short time disappeared.
Jos. Dunphy,2l4Cen
tral Street, Lowell, had PrBIS©
swellings and lumps UAAH'S
on las face and neck, OO u o
which Hood's Sarsapa- Sarsaparilla
rilla completely cured.
Mrs. C. W. Marriott, wife of the First As
j sistant Fire Engineer of Lowell, says that
for lf> years she was troubled with stomach
disorder and sick headache, which nothing
relieved. The attacks camo on every fort
night. when she was obliged to take her bed,
! and was unable to endure any noise. She
took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after a time
the attacks ceased entirely.
Many more might be given had we room.
On the recommendation of people of Lowell,
who know us, we ask you to try
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. ?1; six for £. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass,
100 Doses One Dollar
-£IBB6 - 1887.
>• * v.
Hats, Bonnets,
Caps, &c.
wili constantly be kept in stock at my place on
Maip St. Milllieim, Pa.
My selection of
sEnccs, pillions, rfcnlluvs, gin
(Ornaments, J-loirrrs, Sr.
is large and varied enough to
Call on me If in need of anything in my
line. t Satisfactory work guaranteed.
liydiei G. Tk<qiT|gqi<d.
Tone, Touch. Wnrkmanship & Durability
Nos 201 & 200 West Baltimore St . Baltimore.
No. 112 Fifth Avenue, Now Voik. 41-4t
<-A\uis;t V° A%r Voi^t*
is drawing nigli, ami my patrons should not
d'lsiy t in* laying in <>r Mieirtfiowi it's and
fonfffllon'io lt'sioi tltat Joyful season.
My atoek Is novor stale and old,
but always
Remember that you will every time net
The following are but a few of the countless
articles which will be on my shelves from now
Full Drug Department
where you will find tlie most complete line of
pure and Unadulterated Drugs and
Patent Medicines.
French Mixture*,
Cream Chocolates,
Ron Rons,
Lemons, <te.
Queens and Glass Ware,
a beautiful and unexcelled line that will please
the eye of every woman.
Clocks. Watches and Jewelry
Handsome Selection of
&*. Ac. &c.
Space will not permit to enumerate but It is a
sure and st-ttled fact that my place is head
quarters foy holiday goods.
lk>iPt fail to call, One and All!
Did you hear something
If not DROP IN and try
some of those
just received at
No. 32 Main Street.
Also received the finest
Sweet Potatoes, Peaches,
to be had in the market.
Big rop
in the prices of some of
my goods.
Among my new goods
Salad Oil aDd Soap
deserve most mention.
My stock of Confectioneries,
Canned Goods, Tobacco, Cigars
&c. &c. &c.
is always complete and the best
■j -V - ifi CREAM BALM
on "
r ot a liquid, SmtjT
or l*ovtxter. Free
Inj u rio u &
UftfAnL ■ I Druns and Offensive
A particle is applied into each nostril and is
agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by
mail, registered. 00 ets. Circulars free.
ELY BROTHERS. Druggists, Owego, N. Y.
The neatest, quickest, saiest and most power
ful remedy known for Rheumatism, Pleurisy
Neuralgia, Lumbago, Backache, Weakness,
colds in the chest and all aches and pains. En
dorsed bv 5,000 Physicians and Druggists of the
highest repute. Benson's Plasters promptly
relieve and cure where other plasters and
gjyasy salves, liniment and lotions, are abso
lutely useless. Beware of imitations under sim
iliar sounding names, such as "capiscum, 1
"Capuchin," "Capsieine," as they are utterly
worthless and intended to deceive. ASK FOR
Proprietors, New York. 44-4t
THIS PAPER sif £ "ss? p
I nlv ifil kl ROWLLL & CQ*S
Newspaper Advertising "Snreau (10 Sprues
Street), where alver- nj ■■■■■ \Jf f\ ft I/