SJf yUHui* 9>ouruaL_ THURSDAY, NOV. 25TH, ISSC. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. LOCAL NEWS. —Thanksgiving day, —SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. Court at Bellefonte this week. —First class job work done at the JOURNAL office. —Good Cotton Flannel at Gets, a yard at Kauffman's store. —A fine show case for sale, very cheap. Inquire at the Journal Store. —W, J. Springer has traded his "broncho" on another of the pony spe cies. I —Those preserved Citrons a: d Cran berries at Stover's grocery on Main street. —Rev. M. I. Jamison and wife, of Clintoudale, were in town beginning of the week. —Rev. W. H. Gotwald, pastor of the Lutheran church at Milton, has tender ed his resignation. —Go and take a look at those nice patterns of Table Oil Cloth at J W Stover's .Main street. —The work of macadamizing Mill street began on Monday. Next in or der would be Water street. —The Executor's notice of Jacob W. Moyer for Geo. Edgar's estate appears under legal advertisements. —Notice what J. W. Stover lias to say this week under the head of "Holi days" in another column of this page. The world moves—our grandmothers used brown sugar, we me white; they used common brown soap, we use white soap. The best white soap is Dreydoppel'a Borax fcoap, which can be used lor all purposes to which soup is applicable. —On Monday night it began to rain again and continued all day Tuesday. The danger of a waterfamir.e this win ter is now past. —Prof. J. ii. Feehrer,of Selinsgrove, passed through town on Monday, en route for Greenburr, Clinton Co., to teach the band there. —John Kerstetter, Jr., has the nec essary material on the ground for a first-class sidewalk to be laid along bis premises on Penn street. —C. W. Weiser,of Burbauk. Ohio,i9 in town this week and was in attend ance at the funeral of bis deceased father on Tuesday forenoon. —Did you see those beautiful Hang ing Lamps at Kauff man's store. The bottom is knocked out —not out of the lamps but out of their prices. —The most stubborn cases of dys pepsia aud sick headache yield to the regulating and toning influences of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it. —E. W. Mauck and Wm. J/aize, af ter an absence of several weeks, during which time they painted and papered a church in Clintondale, are home again. —A gang of carpenters under the supervision of boss Kerstetter began hewing the timbers for the sills of the knitting factory last Monday morning. COLD feet—two feet of snow. Bad cold—one settled on the lungs. Good cure—Dr. Kessler's Celebrated English Cough Medicine. For sale by J. Eisen huth, Millheim, Pa. —We offer the largest line of Over coats and Ready-made Clothing ever offered before. Give us a call before buying elsewhere. D S Kauffman & Co. —The gale last Thursday played the mischief with the barbersign s in town, and downed several of the fences aod posts. But in no instauce was the dam age great. Harper, a son of Wm. Reifsnyder, of North street, i 8 at present confined to the house with an ugly cut in his foot, which he received a few days ago while chopping wood. —Look around and see that fine hanging lamp in Stover's show win dow. He keeps a fine lot of StaDd lamps on band and they are just the tbiDg for a holiday gift. —When in Jfillheim it will pay you to call at Kauffman's store on 3fain street where they received an immense stock of winter goods. Go and exam ine and learn their low prices. —Montandon is getting new paint works. The buildings are going up now and will cost about S3OOO. The company running this new enterprise has a capital stock of SIO,OOO. —As usual a slim house witnessed the excellent performance of the Ju bilee Singers in the town hall on Wednesday evening of last week. This town don't go in much for shows. —W. H. Glautz, one of our subscri bers in Illinois, writes us that the oth er day while husking corn he found an ear of corn which had 1444 grains, and thinks that Illinois eat is hard to beat. —The first almanac for 1837 reached this office the other day, sent by that enterprising firm, The Thos. W. Puce Co., of Philadelphia, manufacturers of Printers' Supplies. It is of very neat design. LATEST ARRIVAL.—We just receiv ed a full line of Ladies'and Children's Coats . We defy the county to under sell us or give a better choice. All we ask of you is to come and examine the lot. Remember, all sizes, ages, quali ties and prices. D, S. Kauffman & Co. —J. Eisenhuth informs the public that be has added to his ding stock the celebrated KEYSTONE MALT WHISK EY and other pure liquors. Sold only on presciiptions of physicians,for tned i:al use. 33-6 m. —Wm. M. Porter, Esq., of Altoona, Pa., special examiner U .8. Pension otlice, registered at the National on Monday. He spent a few days in town taking testimony in the pension case of John Maize, Sr. —The probabilities are that the rail toad which is to be built from Milton to Ilellefonte will pass through Brush Valley, as that is considered the short est route. That would be a regular b.- nonzaforour neighborhood in Miles. —The caipenters have completed the out side work on Michael Ulrich's en larged and remodeled tenant house south of town. It will bo ready for plastering in a few days. The building makes* real attractive appearance now. BEAD.— The Aaronsburg Meat Mar ket will supply parties who need larger quantities of beef for butcharing time with quarters and halves and sell it as cheap, if not cheaper than anyone else. They will also deliver the beef to the house if so desiied. —The band lias at last succeeded in procuring comfortable winter quarters. They will hereafter meet in the spaci ous hall on the second story of the National Hotel, the obliging proprietor having offered that room to the band on very favorable terms. —Mrs.Sarah Ettlinger,of Woodward, will sell a valuable tract of laud,several town lots, and a good town property, consisting of a dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings, at public sale i on Saturday, December ISth, on her premises. For particulars see bills. —The members of the choir of St. John's Luth. church, of this place, as well as the singers of the Sunday school connected with said church are urgent ly requested to attend the rehearsals in the chapel every Friday evening. CHORISTER. MEAT FOR WINTER. Moyer & Kreauier's meat market on Main street will be kept open during the coming winter and persons wishing to buy large quantities of beef for butchering time will do well to apply at their place of business before buying elsewhere. 45 4t —The residence of Michael Ulrich on Maiu street was a scene of gayety last Thursday evening. It was well filled with friends of Miss Alice Ulrich, it being the seventeenth anniversary of her birHiday. She was the recipient of numerous valuable aud appropriate presents. CnoicE CLOVERSEED FOR SALE.— The undersigned has a large quantity of extra cloverseed on hand and for sale. Persons in need of this article will please call on me at my residence in Haines township or address me at Aaronsburg, Pa. W. W. ROWER. 42-6t. —A new boardwalk has been laid a long the eastern side of the new hard ware. To make the connection a little smoother the council should recon struct ihe crossing between said walk and the bridge over the mill race. By the way that bridge is a perfect model of beauty and strength. Isn't it now ? —A gentleman from Beavertown, Snyder Co., whose name we could not learn as be failed to register, was mar ried to a Miss Smith, of Potter's J/ills, the event having taken placeat the Mus ser House, on Wednesday evening of last week. The wedding party depart ed in private conveyances on the fol lowing morning. —An effort is being made by somo who haye literary propensities to organ ize a literary society in this place and a meeting is proposed in the Grammar school room on Penn street for next Monday evening to effect an organiza tion. All those who take any interest in matters of this kind are rtquested to be present. —Why not provide for more street lamps in this town ? While the cen tral Dart of Main street is illuminated in the best style, other parts of town are entirely neglected and present a dreary and uncomfortable look on dark nights. Let the citizens and council of this borough agree on some plan to remedy this defect. A HEAVY PAIR.—Two porkers were killed yesterday morning by merchant Stover, the combined weight of which was 885 pounds. A good deal of guess work had been going on as to the weight of these hogs, and Dr. Stam's guess being furthest from the mark he paid for the cigars and things looked quite smoky after that. —John F. Breon, of Spring Mills, and Jacob Snavely, of Penns Creek, were welcome callers at the Journal office on Both are old and regular JOURNAL subscribers and it does one good to have a chat with such men. Mr. Snavely is in his seventies and is one of the old school. To listen to his recollections of "ye olden times" is as interesting as it is pleasant. REDEDICALION.—The reopening of theM. E. Church at Millheim, will take place on Dec. 11th and 12th. Key. Geo. Leidy, Presiding Elder of the Altoona District, and Rev. E. J. Gray D. D. President of the Williams port Dickinson Seminary will be pres ent to preach, and conduct the ser vices. All neighboring Pastors and their congregations are cordially in vited to be present on the occasion. ISAAC HEOKMAN, Pastor. IN TUB SILENT UALLSOF DEATH. It is with feelings of awo and regret that, we write op the numerous deaths I which occurred in town and around us since our last issue. One after uu othei the neighbors and acquaintances whom we were accustomed to meet in out daily walk pass away and leave us wondering who will be next and when our time will come. On Saturday, about noon, Samuel Weiser, Sr., suddenly died at his resi dence on Main street. The old gentle man had been ailing more or less for the last few years, but several weeks before his death felt exceptionally well. Oa the day of iris death he cm tied an armful of wood to his room, which seemed to exhaust him very much and he set down in a chilr to rest, when death overtook him then and there. His oldest daughter, Mrs. ltearick.who was in the next room, alarmed by his quick and heavy breathing ran to his side. She was just in time to catch her dying father in her arms and see him breathe his last. It is thought to have been a case of heart disease. Mr. Weiser was born June 2nd ISOS and had reached the ripe age of 7S years, "> months and IS days. lie was one of the oldest and best know citizens of Millheim and raised a family of live sons and two daughters, all alive and married. His funeral took place on Tuesday forenoon when Rev. Swengle held the services in the Evangelical church, of which deceased was a mem ber. On the s.tme day news reached this town that J. A. Molz, of Charlotte, N. C had died suddenly on Thursday, Nov. ISth. Deceased was a brother to Eui'l. Motz, in whose mines he was employed for the last eight years and who brought his body to Woodward, his native place, on Monday morning for burial. His age was 58 years, 8 months and 13 days. lie was the fath er of Miss Mary Motz, deceased, who formerly resided in this place. The particulars of his unexpected death are as follows : He at.d several miners were working in the mines and were engaged in blasting. They had charg ed a large rock and when the charge exploded the heavy mass of stone fell on Mr. Motz's head, which was crush ed to almost a jelly and he was instantly killed. Physicians who were called on the ground at once prepared the body of the unfoi tunat° victim for its home ward journey. Mrs. Polly Ileckman, of Nittany Valley, is another victim of the merci less reaper Death. This aged and much esteemed lady died at her resi dence on Thursday morning of a com plication of ailments incident to old age. Deceased was 75 years old and was the mother of Adam Ileckman, a son-in-law of our townsman Jacob Sankey. She was a consistent member of the Lutheran church for 52 years aud was well and favorably known for her christian fortitude and friendly dis position. Iler funeral took place on Monday forenoon when her remains were laid to rest in St.Paul's cemetery, Nittany Valley. Our town people were just on their way to attend the funeral of Samuel Weiser, Sr., dec'd, when the tolling of the Evangelical church bell announced the death of Samuel Sankey, of Sau Francisco, Cal., which occured at Mif flinburg, where he was on a visit to his brother, John Sankey. A few weeks ago he arrived in that place, and soon took sick with yellow jaundice and oth er diseases which resulted in his death on Tuesday morning. He was a native of this place, having been born in the old Saakey homestead on Penn street July 2Gth, 1829. lie was married to a daughter of Geo. Dreisbach, dec'd, late of Mifßinburg and his wife preceded him to the grave last July. He was one of the kk 49eis" who first went to California from this sect'on. His death was easy and peaceful. His body was conveyed to Aaronsburg yesterday, where by his owu request he will be buried beside his parents,to-day (Thur day) at 2 p. m. Our Rebersburg correspondent in forms our leaders of the death of Da vid Wolf, of Wolf's store, a prominent citizen of Miles township. —The Lutheran Sunday School of this place concluded last Sunday to hold a Christmas celebration on Christ mas evening, Saturday, December 25th. The evening will be spent in prayer, praising, and other suitable exercises to be followed by the distribution of gifts to the school. A committee of arrangements,consisting of seven mem bers of the school, was appointed, who will use their best endeavors to make the affair as pleasant and attractive as possible. DECEMBER 7TII AND BTII.TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY.— To the Public Dr. Clemens, graduate of the Universi ty of Pennsylvania, and of twenty-five years' experience, whose principal ollice is at Allentown, Pa., specialist in all chronic affections, and who treats prin cipally by inhalations, will visit Will iamsport once a month for the purpose of examining patients for all chronic affections, and who aredillicult to treat in any other way. After the examin ations, all remedies, including inhal ations, wiU be sent to the patients from his regular ollice. Will be in Bellefonte 011 Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 7th and Bth, 1886, with ollice at the 13 roc k erhofif House and will attend patients from Tuesday evening to Wednesday evening, Dec. 7th and Bth. Do not for get the dates. H. S. CLEMENS, M. D. N. 13.—Send for testimonials. -John C. Morris, of Wolf's stoie, c;< 1 led on us on Saturday last. Mr- Morris is 0110 of tho most successful tree agents that ever canvassed this neighborhood. His stock of trees which he lately delivered to his many custo mers gave entire satisfaction, being su perior to any brought here before and he has consequently very little trouble in collecting his bills. A copy of the first number of Mu sical Tidin ;,.s, published in Williams port by W. A. Brown, formerly of Spring Mills, is on our table. It is neat in get up and its contents aie of mlicit interest to musicians. It is an eight-page piper, thiee columns to the page and tho puldisher already finds it necessary to enlarge the sheet, in order to meet demands. THANKSGIVING DINNER. — W. G. Hook, the proprietor of tho National Hotel at this place, extends a cordial invitation to all to enjoy a fine Thanks giving feast at his house to-day. His charges will be very moderate. The following is the elegan* bill of fare pre pared for this occasion : Sour : Chicken Broth, Bullion. ROAST : Roast Turkey, a la Bur ijoise ; ltoast Canvass Duck, Cream Sauce; ltoast Ox-lleart Stuffed ; ltoast Beef; ltoast Pork. ENTREE : Chicken Croquets, To mato Sauce ; Chicken Sautee, Brown Sauce ; I'otatoe Salad, Maionaisc Dress intj; Cranberry Sauce; Blackberries. DESERT; Apple Pie, The National Pie, Cream Custard Pie, Apple Fritters, IFiae Sauce , Plum Pudding, Brandy Sauce ; Bananas, Oranges, ltaisins, Tea, Coffee, Jtfilk. BOTTOM PRICES.— The following quotations from Cohen's New York Cheap Store, corner Main and Penn streets, should be a great inducement to call on him before he leaves Mill* lieim : Ladies' Cloth, all colors, f)oets per yd. '* Cashmeres, fine, 3t few weeks. Passenger travel has been picking up since the trains are run through on j passenger train time. 35 tickets were I sold from this station to Bellefonte on (Monday last. YALE. GREEN BRIAR. Our sportsmen are out hunting al most daily, hut so far we failed to no tice any antlers at their houses. The new Icidge at this place is a fine structure and does credit In the man ufacturers, the Columbia Bridge Com pany. Mr. David JCrtel, an old resident of near this place, and who had been an invalid lor over five years is still very poorly. Danl. Geary had his house repainted and now has one of the neatest looking houses along the road. He also pin chased a fine horse from Rev. M. I. Jamison and in our opinion Daniel is fixed first-class now. John llesh, our wide-awake miller, is doing a brisk business in bis mill. John is the right man in the right place and deserves good patronage. One day last week, while Mr. John Doug, of near Farmers' J/ills,\vas pass ing Mr. Stover's iiouse, his horse ac cidentally slipped and fell, throwing its rider to the ground. 1 lie horse sprang up, but Mr. Long's foot was still in the stirrup and but tor the timely assist ance of Calvin Stover it might have cost. Mr. Long's life. Report of Jl/ountain school for the month ending Nov. 19th —A. A. Loss, teacher ; No. of pupils enrolled—males 10, females 8, total 18. Average at tendance,males 8, females 8. Per cent, of attendance, males 82, females 98, to tal 90. * # * AARONS3URG. John Beaver of North 2nd street has his new house up and ready for the roof. The Aaronsburg singing class will meet again next Saturday evening by order of the musical director, Prof. Al. Stover. Ed. Kister, of Boneville,is minus his digging iron. It was taken from hs brother George Mister's new ground, north of town. He will allow the par ties who took it a reasonable time to return it. Remember lie knows who took it. A word to the wise is sutli cient. Mrs. L. E. Stover was to Shamokin to visit her brother, Prof. W. T. Meyer. She returned yesterday, Wednesday, well pleised with her visit. Rumor says that Thos. G. W. Ed munds will occupy the Penn House in this place sometime after Jan. 15t,1887. Judging by Mis. Edmunds' present way of housekeeping we are safe to say the traveling public will, after next soring, find the Aaronsburg Hotel a first-class stopping place. The entertainment given by the Re formed Mite Society last Saturday eve ning was a rich treat to all present. The house was crowned to overflowing. Holland Wyle, son of Jacob VVyleof this place, who went to Illinois last spring, started for home about two weeks ago. While on his way lie look sick in Ohio, and is at present in the hands ot strangers,not able to continue his journey homeward. From tho latest news received by the parents the boy's recovery and his return home are daily exacted. Post Master Thos. Yearick and wife returned from Philadelphia last week, very much pleased with their visit among their relatives and friends. There will be two holiday entertain ments as reported up to this time in our town. One by the Lutheran S. S. and one by the lteformed S. S. As to when and where held will be stated lat er. ANOTHER. REBERSBURG. Perry Condo the other day lost a val uable horse of colic. This is quite a loss for Perry. Mrs. Ilarry Deighler, of Williams port, and Mrs. Cook Condo, of Lock Haven, are at present here visiting their many friends. John Moyer was obliged to get him self another house-keeper, his daughter Sarah, who performed that function since her mother's death, having mar ried and gone to Union county,her hus band's place of residence. David Meyer , the Centre Hall land lord, spent last Sunday is our town. The sawmill of Guistwite Co., after a week's standstill, during which time it underwent general repairs, is again in operation. There are two young men in this town who must have an awtul craving for chickens, pies, &c. They set out the other evening, for the purpose of stealing a lot of these provisions. At the first coop they visited they were confronted by the lady of the house, who claimed that she had a better right to her chickens than the thieves, and, of course, the hoys left post haste. Charley in the hurry lost his gum shoe. It stuck fast in the mud and thus gave him away. By offering a few lame ex cuses he got the shoe back. After wards they entered the cellar of a pocr widow and with an unquenchable ap petitß devoured all her pies. Now boys, take a warning ! Hereafter take cire that you do not visit other people's coops and cellars, or you may sooner or later receive a load of shot. A party of hunters from this vicinity are making preparations to take a gen eral bearhuut in the monntains south from here, where, it is said, Bruin has his headquarters. Hog cholera is still raging in tin east end of this valley. Reuben Sto ver lost nearly all his porkers. On Monday, the 22nd inst., Miles township lost one of its aged and most respected citizens by death. David Wolf, the subject of this item, was lik ed by all who knew him. lie was a faithful member of the Reformed church and his remains will be brought to this place to morrow (Wednesday) for burial. SQUIBOB. MADISONBURG. Mr. Sleats, of Jacksonville, while woiking for Mr. Zeigler 011 a luml er job in Little Sugar Valley, had the misfortune to be caught by a falling tree and had his hip dislocated. J. J. Ocker traded his little pony off to a Mr. Fox, of Lock Ilaven. There are only about 17 persons at tending court this week from this town and immediate surrounding. Jacob Frank is having quite a serious time with his sore foot. A pair of new boots which rubbed his foot caused the trouble. Adam Shafer had the misfortune to lose his fattening hogs a few days be fore he intended butchering tnem. They had that much dreaded disease hog cholera. Thomas Wolf was seen going up town quite late 011 Saturday eveuing. We suppose he had a LONG reason for it. STILL ANOTHER. SMITH TOWN. Ut'V. PMt7.U-.r SUM! L.unily w*re in our midst on rfuiidsiv. Geo. Brian, <: e of our young men, left for Brusiivalliy to attend school there. J. Jl. >'miih is building an addition to his barn. Last week while Alfred Stover was hauling corn fodder his horses became frightened and. ran off with the load. No more damu.o than a smashed wheel. Some young—or perhaps old—scamps still steal chickens from the neighbors around here and take their ''boodle" at night to the I'ike School house, where by all appearances they have a regular picnic. The water company cleaned their wa ter channel and laid some new pipes. JUMBO. SPRING MILLS. There was a grand birthday pirly at the residence of Mrs. Sarah Zeigler, on Thursday of last week. It being Mis. Zeigleihs birthday tier children conclu ded to celebrate their mother's birthday and theiefore invited the neighbors and friends to participate in the festivities of the occasion. Mrs. Zeigler who bad been absent a few days before was not aware that there would be a biilbday paity and was much surprised to have so many visitoi s call iu one day. She was however more surprised when she disooveied what grand provisions hid been made in her Kitchen for the prep eration of a sumptuous dinner for all the invited guests. Mrs. Zeigler was as liappv and as full of meiry making as though she was at least ten years younger. May she live to celebrate many such birthdays. On last Sunday while Samuel Ilarter and family were at church some one entered his house and helped himself to a new pair of boots and some clothing belonging to his son. The suspicion rests on some tramps that were seen in that locality. Hope the guilty parties may be apprehended and made to suffer the penally of the law for their depre dations. Prof. D. M. Wolf has been on the bick list for the last week. Geo. A. Itunk who has been off to Nevada on business Aince last Spring is expected home this week. P. O. Stover. Esq.. of Stephenson county. 111., spent a few days in this place visiting his many friends heie. Mr. Stover I as been elected county Su perintendent of Stephenson county,lll , and expects to enter upou his duties in a few weeks. He was formerly a Cen tre Co. boy and we are indeed glad that he has been so successful iu his west ern home. * DIED On the isth Inst., in Nittany Valley, Mrs. Polly Heckman, aged 75 years. On the 18th Inst., near Charlotte, North Caro lina, John Absalom Mot/., aged 58 years, 6 months and 13 days. On the 20th Miilheim,Samuel Welser, aged 78 years, 5 months and 18 days. On the 22nd Inst., at Wolfs store, David Wolf, aged On the 23rd inst., at Mifflin burg, Samuel San key, aged 57 years, 3 months and 28 days. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar medicine, and is carefully pre pared by competent pharmacists. The com bination and proportion of Sarsaparilla, Dan delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other remedial agents is exclusively peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving it strength and curative power superior to other prepa rations. A trial will convince you of its great medicinal value. Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifies the Blood creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates the digestion, and gives strength to every organ of the body. It cures the most severe cases of Scrofula. Salt ltheum, Boils, Pimples, and all other affections caused by Impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu matism. and that extreme tired feeling. " Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped me more for catarrh and Impure blood than anything else I ever used." A. BALL. Syracuse, N. Y. Creates an Appetite " I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave me a good appetite and seemed to build ine over." E. M. HALE, Lima, Olno. "I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and it began to act unlike anything else. It cured the humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and give me new life." J. F. NIXON, Cambridgcport, Mass. Send for book giving statements of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. ?1; six for J?.V Prepared only by C. I. HOOl) & CO., Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar FALL AND WINTER MHiLHIET 1 -£IBB6 - 1887. hii^c OF TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED Hats, Bonnets, Caps, &c. wili constantly be kept in stock at my place on Main St. Miilheim, Pa. My selection of IPMwiis, icatlscr.s, gin (Ormimrats, |loivtrs, ftr. is largo and varied enough to SUIT ALL TASTES. ' Call on mo if in need of anything in my line. Satisfactory work guaranteed. Itydiq G. UNEQUAL.ED FOR Tone, Tone!, Woitmaiisliin & Dnrality WILLIAM IT X ABE A CO., Nos. 204 it *2OO West Baltimore St. Baltimore. No. 112 Fifth Avenue, New York. 44-4t 3tigSfW jSTcrtf is drawing nigh, and my patrons should not delay ihe laying in of their groceries and confectioneries lor that joyful season. My stock is never stale and old, but always CHOICE AND FRESH. Remember that you will every time get $l.(>OVV< )RTH Ft) 11 SI.OO The following are but a few of the countless articles which w ill be on my shelves from now out: Groceries, PRESER I 'ED CITRONS, • • PIIESER VEI) COCON UTS, CHAN BERRIES A PR UNES, PR UN ELLAS A PEA CUES, FRENCH CURRENTS, RA IS INS, PURE AND UNCOLORED TEAS CANNED FRUIT, FANCY SOAP IMPERIA L Sweet CUOCOLA TE Full Drug Department where you will ffnd the most complete line of Pure and Unadulterated Drugs and Patent Medicines. Confectioneries, French Mixtures. Cream Chocolates. Bon Bon*, Cream Walnuts, Caramels, Orange*. Lemons, Ac. Queens and Glass Ware, a beautiful and unexcelled line that will please the eye of every woman. Clucks. Watches and Jewelry Handsome Selection of LADIES' & GENT'S GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, CHAINS, CHAT MS, BRACELETS, BREASTPINS BROOCHES, RINGS, LOCKETS Sir. &e. [&c. Space will not permit to enumerate but it is a sure and settled fact that my place is head quarters foy holiday goods. Don't fail to call, One and All! J. W. STOVER. Did you hear something DROP? If not DROP IN and try . some of those -GROCERIES just received at J. W. LOSE'S GROCERY No. 32 Main Street. Also received the finest Sweet Potatoes, Peaches, AND OTHER PROVISIONS to be had in the market. Big Drop in the prices of some of my goods. Among my new goods Salad Oil and Soaps deserve most mention. My stock of Confectioneries, Canned Goods, Tobacco, Cigars &c< &c. &c. is always complete and the bsst CREAMBALM IS&1M OiK "!%rL COLD InHEAD jfj CATARRH If /Slhay FEVER a Snuff' or Powder. Free from Injurious Imw U.SA. | nn/t offensive HAY- FEVER 'Miors. A partlc'e is applied iuto each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mall, registered. 60 cts. Circulars free. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, N. 44-4t HIGHEST AWARDS OF MEDALS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. The neatest, quickest, salest and most power fill remedy known for Rheumatism, Pleurisy Neuralgia, Lumbago, Backache, Weakness, colds iu the chest and all aches and pains. En dorsed by 5,000 Physicians and Druggists of the highest repute. Benson's Plasters promptly relieve and cure where other plasters and greasy salves, liniment and lotions, are abso lutely useless. Beware of imitations under sim iliar sounding names, such as "Capiscum "Capuciun," "Capsicine," as they are utterly worthless and intended to deceive. ASK FOR BENSON'S AND TAKE NO OTHERS. All druggists. SKABURY & JOHNSON, Proprietors, New York. 44-4t THiSPPEBEiS Newspaper Advertising isnreau (10 Sprue* Street), where alver- |j mrnmrna iff*| M s "■sswws HEW YQnK<