Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 11, 1886, Image 3

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    piUhfim ?!ouvna 1.
THURSDAY, Nov. 11TH, 186 S.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
—For Boot- & Slices go to Kauff
—First class iob work done at the
JOURNAL office.
—Mrs. Yeager, of Tusseyville, is vis
iting at J. W. Lose's a few days.
—The old thing over—the candidate
who got the most votes is elected.
—A fine show case far sale, very
cheap. Inquire at the Journal Store.
—Mush and milk forms a favorite
dish on many a table at this time of the
—All kinds of predictions are given
the public free gratis by weather wise
Mrs. Geo. Mensh is reported as
suffering from a painful abscess be
tween Ler shoulders.
—Many of our town ladies have al
ready begun work on especially attract
ive holiday presents.
—Sheriff Musser's tannery building
at the mill race, west of Penn street is
coveied with a new roof.
—Mark Mooney, residing along the
mountain north east of town is gettiug
ready to put a new roof on his barn.
—Our schools are in a nourishing
condition as will be seen by the several
reports published iu another column.
—Fred Gutelius, son of Dr.Clutelius,
accepted a clerkship in J. \V. Snook's
store and went ou duty last Monday.
—Judge Bucher, of Lewisburg, on
his return from a fishing party a few
weeks ago had the misfortune to break
his leg.
—Rev. Wortman, of the U. B.
church, has at present a protracted
meeting in progress at the Mt. Union
—Geo .l/ensh is in the bone business
again and he hauls some curious speci
mens of that article to the depot nearly
every day.
—Those that have enough potatoes
in the cellar and enough coal in the bin
to last till spring have every reason to
be thankful.
—The plasterers have finished their
work in Duck's brick building on Main
street and in a short time it will be
ready for occupaucy.
—This is the proper time to get the
public roads in order. After a while
the rains and frosts will check opera
tions of that kind.
—lf you want to get a nice Cloth
Dress go to Kauffman's store in Mill
heim, where you will find a full line of
of all shades and all prices.
COLD feet—two feet of snow. Bad
cold—one settled on the lungs. Good
cure—Dr. Kessler's Celebrated English
Cough Medicine. For sale by J. Eisen
liuth, Millheim, Pa.
—J. H. Swariz and family, of North
street, moved to the mountains, below
Woodward, yesterday where Mr.
Swartz works on a lurpber job.
J/iss Cassler, a daughter of W. H.
Cassler, of Haines township, is at pres
ent assisting J/rs. J/aria Weaver in
her millinery shop on Penn street.
Our lady readers will find it to
their advantage to read over the new
advertisement of Mrs- Lydia Brum
gard, the milliner, on Main street.
—Christmas comes on Saturday this
year. Six weeks from next Saturday.
The subject of Christmas entertain
ments will soon be under discussion.
—J. Eisenliuth informs the public
that he has added to his drug stock the
EY and other pure liquors. Sold only
on prescriptions of physicians,for med
ical use. 33-6 m.
—Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Woolen Cap s, of every description at
D. S. Kauffman Co's Mammoth
store in Millheim. Sold cheaper than
—The Boro' warrants (orders) are
now all drawn up to date. Those en
titled thereto are requested to call and
lift them without delay.
Council Clerk.
—Mnsser & Smith are preparing to
lay a brick payement in front of the
new hardware. The curbstones have
already been placed in position by John
Road, the mason.
—The tree agent is again in the land
and Mr. John C. Morris, of Wolfe's
Store, who follows this yocation, deliv
ered orders to quite a number of our
citizens last week.
—The scaffolds at the remodeled M.
E. church on Main street were remov
ed the other day, allowing an unob
structed view of th edifice, which now
presents a much improyed appearance.
Harry Cohen, of the New Yoik
Cheap Store, rxpects to leave town in
a few weeks for gocd and ell. This
will make a vacant store room again in
the best busintss portion of Millheim.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
THB BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises,
Sores, Ulcers. Salt, Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skm
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat
isfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by J. Eisenhuth.
—The tables of official election re
turns crowd our columns this week
| and we are unable to give much mis
j cellaneous news matter.
—Mrs. Nellie Jones, yeais, said to
ha the oldest member of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union in the
United States, died at Smyrna, Del.,
last Monday.
Pun Lie SA LE. —M i s.Rebecca Swart z,
widow of the late John Swart/., of
north street, will make sale of personal
property on Saturday, Nov. 27th, iust.
at 1 o'clock, p. in. See bills.
—Don't forget Prof. A.Bierly's sing
ing next Saturday. Attend by all
means. The sessions are ot great in
terest and there will be some special
husintss on hand next Saturday even *
—Reports from many parts of this
state and other states say that Sunday
was a real cold day, cold enough to
form ice one half inch thick. At some
places in Berks county snow fell to the
depth of two inches.
—Just received 2 yard and 2 A yard
Floor Oil Cloth. This is the most ie
liable article and of the greatest use in
any family, and the low pi Ice of it
will astonish you.
Mr. Christ, an experienced
architect of Milton, Pa., tarried a few
days in town, the guest of John Kers
tetter. Jr.,on Penn Street. While here
Mr. Christ went a gunning with John
but did not meet with any success.
—Mrs. Lizzie B. Kuizenknabe, of
Ilarrisburg, came up on Friday morn
ing to attend the funeral of her broth
er's child. She is spending several
days in town with her parents. Lizzie
still appreciates "Home, sweet Home."
Love, put on your bridal veil and
we will go to D S. KaufTmau & Co's
reliable store in Millheim and save
money by buying our goods there.
They have anything von want and sell
cheaper than any other store in the
READ.—The Aaronsburg Meat Mar
ket will supply parties who need larger
quantities of beef for butchsring time
with quarters and halves and sell it a3
cheap, if not cheaper than anyone else.
They will also de.iver the beef to the
house if so desired.
—L st Saturday I)r. Lee. of Madi
sonburg, was in town and had along
with him his five brothers, who were
visitors at his house at the time.
Neither of them are as little or light
tceight as the doctor, but all of them,
we aie told, are a j )l!y set.
—ll. E Duck's brick building 011
Main street is about completed and is
an ornament to that stction of the bor
ough. We diu not learn whether be
has an occupant for his store room on
the ground floor yet but presume it
will be rented before long.
Kreamer's meat market on Main street
will be kept open during the coming
winter and persons wishing to buy large
quantities of beef for butchering time
will do well to apply at their place of
business before buying elsewhere.
A SIGN in Cleveland reads 44 Ice
Kream Sallune" which is probably the
worst cold spell of the season ; but for
the worst spell of cold Dr. Kessler's
Celebrated English Cough Medicine is
the best cure you will be able to lind.
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold by J. Eiseuhuth, Millheim, Pa.
—The Methodist church of this place
received their new bell the other day.
Its tone is in Bb and it products a
very clear and melodious sound. The
intervals between the four church bells
in town are just right now to make
splendid liaimony when ringing togeth
—C. Wcodling's house, Penn street,
occupied by Ilarvey Confer is under
going a general reuovation. It is be
ing rerocfed, weatheiboardfd and
painted. In fact when doue it will
look as good as new. Improvements
a r e beginniug to be of almost daily oc
currence in our town.
NOTlCE.— Persons having subscribed
esrtain sums of money to the Evangel
ical church at the dedication of said
church are requested to make imme
diate payment as the subscriptions are
overdue. The amounts are payable to
VV. R. Henney or D. L. Zerby.
Building Committee.
ACCIDENT.— Henry, a so.I of John
M. Road, of North street, was playing
with a loaded pistol last Monday, when
the weapon discharged and lodged the
bullet in the palm of the boy's left
hand. Henry suffers considerable pain.
A physiciau was called on Tuesday to
extricate the ball, but the operation
proved unsuccessful.
—lt is generally observed that our
borough council must do something
with the alley crossing back of Musser
& Smith's hardware this fall. If left
in its present condition it will very
likely be the cause of serious falls and
consequent damages to be paid by the
borough. Better not wait to "lock the
stable aftei the horse is stolen."
—The cold snap which surprised us
on Sunday and Monday put a tempora
ry stop to out door work of which there
is a vat amount to be done yet. It 19'
to be hoped however that several
weeks of moderate weather and a
week's rain is back yet. It would cer*
tainly be a calamity if it should winter
in with the present low state of the
[ water.
j —About twenty invitations have
been issued for a parly which is to bo
held at the residence of Aficliael Uliicli
in honor of the 171 h anniversary of the
birthday of their daughter J/iss Alice,
next Thu.sday evening, N<>v. 18th.
—lt is amazing to see the lino stock
of groceries in J. W. Stover's store on
Main street. And it will be still more
of a surprise when you hear of the low
prices at which he sells his goods. It
will pay you to deal with Stover.
—Musser & Alexander, our marble
linn, elected a line monument on the
grave of the late Mrs. T. Benton Ul
ricli, at Penn Hall, on Monday last.
It is manufactured of foreign marble,
and is a fair specimen of mechanical
ll. D. Snyder, who has been work
ing in Ilaitman's foundry at the tinn
ing lathe. will vacate his position and
Win. M. Ilartman will take his place.
Mr. Snyder expects to make sale of his
property, on Saturday, Nov. 20th at 1
o'clock, p. m.
Friday's Bellefonte Ihiif if Nncs
gives an account of a Hebrew wedding
which occurred at the residence of ex-
Burgess A. Sternburg on Thursday of
last week, at which time that gentle
man's oldest daughter, Cecilia, was
joined .in holy wedlock with Saml. 11.
Leichten, of llout/.dale, Pa.
—The newly elected members of the
legislature already vis it the state capi
tal to select quarters for the coming
session. We noticed in Tuesday's Pa
triot that Hon. John A. Woodward,one
of the representatives from this county
was in ilarrsburg for that purpose.
The undersigned lias a large quantity
of extra cloverseed on hand and for
sale. Persons in need of this article
will please call on me at my residence
in Haines township or address me at
Aaronsburg, Pa. W. W. BOWER.
—J. Israel, representing Jos. Netter
& Go's wholesale clothing house, Pliil
adel phia, occupied the sample room of
the National Hotel a fsw days this
week. When Israel unpacks his l uge
trunks full of the best clothing there is
little space left in the room for other
samples. But he never fails to make
some good sales.
—Owing to the general excitement
which prevailed on Wednesdey of last
week when the afternoon train from
Bellefonte arrived at Coburn bringing
along the latest elect ion news, we fail
ed to make a note of the large bunch of
pheasants which C. K. Sober, the crack
shot, had shot during a day's hunt.
We believe he had a stiiug of about 20
of the finest specimens.
—lt is whispered that Mrs. Presi
dent Cleveland wil not appear in Wash
ington society this winter for special
and very good reasons best known to
herself. This may seem a little mys
terious at flrst, but upon second
thought it seems quite natural. In the
mean time the Washington ladies feel
somewhat sad at the idea of losing
their leader aud anticipate a dull sea
DID it ever occur to you, thoughtful
and prudent reader, that Dr. Lester's
Celebrated English Cough Medicine
must be an article of real merit, or how
could the manufacturer ever be able to
advertise "money refunded to all dis
satisfied purchasers."
Philadelphia Agents.
Sold bv J. Eisenliuth, Millheim, Pa.
Capt. O. W. Van Valin,of Coburn,
spent several days in town this week to
to see to the completion of a c.iuple
d< z-n drafts (more or less) of bis dis
tillery. These drafts mast co to the
proper department at Washington and
must be approved before be can go
ahead with the manufacture of "Van
Valin's best." John Kerstetter, Jr.,
of Penn street, is his draughtsman and
did some real tine work.
—A PREFACE is something spoken
or written to introduce a general sub
ject ; and I wish only to say byway of
preface— for I will have more to tell
later on—that the Journal Store is now
iu brat class trim, nice and clean as a
new pin. For several weeks past I
have been adding to my general stock
of goods aud will continue to do so for
a while yet. I hope for a large trade
during the coming Holiday season and
expect to be fully prepared for it. My
old patrons as well as the general uub
lic are rao3t cordially invited to call for
anything they need in my line, at the
old place, No. 20, Penn Street, Mill
heim. Pa. B. O. DEININGER,
Keller, teacher of the grammar depart
ment reports the following for the
month ending JSov. Bth : No of pupils
enrolled—lß males, 27 females ; Aver
age attendance—l 3 males, 10 females,
total 32 ; Per cent, of attendance—B2
males, 77 females, total 79.
M. C. Gephart, teacher of the prima
ry department reports for the month
ending Oct. 29th : No of pupils enroll
ed, 34 males, 37 females, total 71 ; Av
erage attendance 30 males, 31 females,
totol (1 ; Per cent, of attendance, 91
males, 91 females, total 91.
D. G. Smith, teacher of the North
street School, reports for the month
ending Oct. 29th : No of males 22, fe
males 23, total 45; Average attend
ance males 19, females 21, total 40;
Per cent, of attendance males 90, fe
males 94, total 92. Visitors, F M
Fisher, C F Mussei*.
| —The town council had a regular
| meet it g last Thursday evening when
| all the orders due persons having work
ed 011 the Main street job weie passed.
Complaint was brought in hy citizens
of North street, about the iron railing
around J. W. Snook's entrunco to cel
lar and council voted to notify Mr.
Snook to remove the railing within fid
days and close said entrance with a
substantial trap door. A crossing was
ordered to be built at F. Cattleman's
alley, of plank. It was also voted that
the sheet commissioner repair Mill
street where most necessary, the cast
not to exceed
—The fnquent discovery of chunks
of stone containing mineral species up
on our mountains put it beyond a
doubt that there are valuable beds of
metallic ores of some kind in our im
mediate vicinity. Only a few days ago
Squire Reifsnyder brought a piece to
town which he had found on bis moun
tain bud and which upon closer exam- r
atian showed substances which#fcuy
much resembled metal. We are al
most positive that a thorough investi
gation by some one who has the moms
to pursue the matter will at some fu
ture day reveal a vast amount of wealth
iu these mountains. The only thing
wanting is some one to start the busi
QUICK WORK.—On Friday morning
Ed. Schetike, clerk of the National Ho
tel of this place, noticed an advertise
ment in the Hellefonte Daily Nttcs of a
horse and buggy which had been stolen
from a gentleman in Huntingdon, Pa.,
last week, otTeiing a reward of SSO for
the recovery. Mr. Shenke remember
ed having seen a horse of ttie descrip
tion given pass through town several
days before and at once proceeded to
Woodward in company with Henry
Brown to get on the track of the thief.
He succeeded in getting the necessary
information from the Messrs.Guiswite,
who had bought the whole outfit and
traded the horse off to a Mr. Beaver of
near Mifilinburg. On Saturday morn
ing landlord Rook continued the chase
and found the horse at New Berlin.
Assisted by an ollicer of the law lie
took possession of the stolen animal,
and had it locked up is Deckert's hotel
in Mifilinburg. On bis return he tele
graphed to the owner and on Monday
brought the horse to Millheim. In the
meantime Mr. Eitle, of Jacksonville,
who had bought the buggy, returned
the same to Mr. Rook and the owner,
Mr. Charles Port of Huntingdon, came
to town on Tuesday and recovered his
Neighboring News.
Sausage making time is fast ap
Last Saturday night and Sunday we
had the first snowfall of this season.
Emanuel Ettinger returned from a
visit to his daughters, Mrs. L. T>.
Kurtz, Mifilinburg,*Pa., and Mrs J. G.
Kuitz, Milton, Pa.
W. 11. Philips has gone to Philadel
phia to buy his winter stock of general
merchandise. lie will as usual stop on
his way at Shamokin to look after his
business interests there.
Postmaster Thomas Yearick and
wife have gone to Phila. to visit their
sons, Messrs. Harry and Gross Year
ick. Asst. P. M., Elijah Rurd, will
have charge of Mrs. Yearick's confec
tionery and grocery in connection with
the Post otliee during their absence.
Rev. Deitzler and family returned
from their two wepks' visit to Snyder
Co. The report having hail a very
pleasant time visitiug among their form
er parishoners.
Harvey Grouse is minus the little fin
ger of Ins right hand, the lesult of an
unexpected discharge of the mill shaft
cannon 1 hey put to use in ratifying the
election of Gen. Jas A. Reaver as Gov
ernor Of Pennsylvania and the balance
of the state ticket. Harvey very nar
rowly escaped haying his entire hand
blown off.
On last Sabbath in the Lutheran
Sunday school the announcement was
made that the school will hold aOhrist
mas festival on next Christmas being
on the evening of Friday Dec. -'4 th,
IKS 6. The announcement was made
so that all connected with the school
may prepare themselves to perform
their duties which will be assigned
Mr. Ilines, at present occupying the
John Russell property, has bought the
John Stover property situated about
two and a half miles below Aarons
burg. Mr. Stover, we are informed,
bought a small tract of land iu the yi
ciuity of Rebersburg, Pa.
Inquiry has frequently been made by
rnembe rs of Al. Stover's singing class
why the same is not continued and
concluded. Come now Prof, let's hear
from you.
A Mr. Kiider and lady from 111., are
visiting at D. H. Lenker's, while Mr.
Dr. Luther Holloway, of Salona, and
the Dr's sister Mrs. Bogle, of Ohio, are
the guests of Henry Crouse ou North
2nd St. Anotiikk.
The creamery is in successful opera
tion at present. They manufacture
the genuine gilt edged butter.
S. R. Gettig, formerly of Coburn,
has moved to this place and has accept
ed a situation in Grenoble's itore.
Cal. J/allory has also moved to this
place and has accepted a situation in
the Spring Jfills Creamery.
Jfrs. Rev. J. M. Evans is visiting
friends in this vicinity.
W. 11. Hettinger's horses got loose
in the stable one night last week and
one of them got so badly kicked that it
is feared ne can not recover.
"WTicn Baby was sick, wo gave hor Caatoria,
When alio was a Child, sho cried for Castoria,
When alio becamo Miss, sho clung to Castoria,
When elio bad Children, sho gave tliom Cas.~. -, a,
Snow and mud.
•I. 11. Frank was over to Nittuny
Valley and bought live head of cattle
Squire L>u. k sold one of his cows for
Next Thursday, Noy. 11. a jury of
three men will locate a public roed lead,
ing from Henry Mark's along the
monntainjto George Schuyler, thence
south to the turnpike.
Henj. Frankenberger had a lot of car
penters at work all last week, making
improvements about his home.
On Friday last a big fire broke out on
Brush mountain and burned several
hundred acres of timberland. A party
of 15 men outened it, on Friday night.
The bridges on the company road
that leads to the mountain are in a
very bad condition. Several horses
have already tramped through the
plank. The foreman of the road ought
to attend to the bridges.
Miss Alice Bierly went home last
Thursday to nurse a very sick brother,
who was badly hurt by a fall from the
hay mow.
W. F. Smith traded horses again
and we wouldn't be surprised if both
parties got bamboosleil.
Ileniy K<en sold five horses and
bought six others since.
Mrs. Ney, of Aarousburg, is spend
ing this in our midst. SUMBO.
The electio.i is now a thing of tiie
past and all hands are glad that it is
over, although not all are satisfied with
the result, which could not be.
A few of our Republican friends tried
to get up a jollification one evening but
could not raise the enthusiasm. With
a'crowd of small boys and a small lire
burning they created yery little excite
Squire Gettig removed his family to
Rising Springs on Thursday last,where
he will engage in the store business,un
less the distillery starts up shortly.
Mr. F. P. Barker intends going out
of business shortly and will move on
his recent purchase, the Fowler farm.
On Saturday morning last we noticed
a party from Millheim driving to the
train in great haste and wearing a
solemn countenance ana consequental
air. We heard some one remark,
"Where's Parker going and what's
up ?" "Oh, nothing, only going down
the road." He returned in the evening
all smiles and we heard him say. "Oh 1
was there and got him in fine style."
Got wnatv "Why the stolen horse."
Good foi you, Capt.
The new bridge at Greenbriar was
compl 'ted last week and turned over to
the county.
The mill property of Mr. Kersteter at
Coburn, we understand, lias been leas
ed by Messrs. Win & Henry Whitmer,
with the intention of putting up a
steam sawmill before long. This is a
step in the right direction.
The hunters are all having good luck
and quite a number of deer have beeu
Rumor has it that when the fal' time
table comes out which will be soon, we
are to have two passenger trains and
two freight trains a dav each way
through to Bellefcite. This would be
a great convenience to the traveling
Mrs. W. 11. Kreamer is spending a
few days visiting in her old home,
Mittliuburg. YALE*
Rev. Lenhart will administer the
Lord's supper on next Sunday at 10
o'clock, a. m., in the Lutheran church
of this place.
A donation prrty called at the house
of T. M. Gram ley, where C. O. Mallory
and family spent the night previous to
moving to Spring Mills. Many nice
presents were given to the Jfallory
family and all present enjoyed them
selves very much. Cal leaves many
friends behind who wish him success
in his new position at Spring Mills.
Something new at the house of Jno.
Hosterman. Wallace Crid°r is papa
and therefore a happy man.
Jno. Sholl is building a new bridge
across the creek on his farm, the old
bridge having become unsafe for cross
J. W. Snook lias at present a number
of men at work building a boatd fence
on his farm along the pubi c road.
This is quite an improvement and oth
er farmeis should do the same.
Wm. Kreamer and Jno. Wolf were
off again to a horse sale. They went to
Hickory Corner, Northumberland Co.,
and on their road stopped off at Free
burg, Snyder county., where they
struck another sale. They returned
with five fine lowa horses.
One day last week while Dan. Wolf,
who is employed by Win. Kreamer,was
in the act of making a wedge he missed
his aim and cut a deep gash on the baca
of his hand, severing the principle lead
of the index finger.
Last week J. C. Morris, the teacher
ol the Gramley school employed Ira
Spangler to teach his school for a week
while Morris delivered fruit trees for
which he had taken orders during the
summer months.
Miss Annie Gramley left for Belle
fonte last week, where she will spend
the gieater part of this winter.
On last Thursday Jno. Spangler
moved into liis renovated house and
feels very comfortable now.
f. ' ♦"*■ v / ♦ " ift-; * v Vk Vftf ]
i.. t ! '/IV' i 3 hJ S' * I'll
• ;'v ' ' 'V' • j
The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted
tr> !(>:'<•<*, mechanics, euiriiieerinjj discoveries.m
. y ions and patents ever published. Every ntiin
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p.ibiicnt ion furnishes a most valuable encyclopedia
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The popularity of tho ScirNTiFK" Ami rican is
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venr. I Ksi-iuint, to ('I it ha. Sold by all no\ve,.eaJers.
.MUNN Jc CO.. Publi-hers. No. lit! IP road v. a v. N. V.
A ra p= t i ,r r— O Munn S I 'o. have
A Atf M.l N also bad Thirty;
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- ■ ii wr-rr—i JsaitiCO be tor 8
J f Alt "no Patent Office and have prepared
j I 1 moro than One Hundred.? Ijcu
•3 l'-"l a and applications for piitciu* in the
1 J J I lilted Ntntes and foreign countries.
J c iveais Trcdv-Marks. Copy-ritrht*.
and • other papers for
. aspcuriii" to inventors ilicfir rijjlits in tho
ia Un icd"States Canada. Knpland. prance,
ItJerwar." en-I other foreign countries. P—
-1 ii-i-v at short notice am! on reasonno.e terms.
J 1 information as to w htnimnc cheer
] fully e ve.i without char-'"- llnni.-1.001.5f t
-J informal ion rent free. I aten is o.i^ii.. 1
thron-h Mun:: .t Co. nro norieed in the S. .ent.. .
An"; %n trei. The d van. tiro ot -mh notice : i
. oil understood by all person# v...0 .i ..e.,-
1 A.hlre t MI.-NN a! CO.. Pa'"**. uvu....U.v
r l I'ror !wtiy. Not*
I ifi IW E flDl fcsl P RoWKLL & CO'"
Newspaper Advertising unreau (10 Sprues
Street), where a iver-MflDlf
W6W illnßt
The world moves—our grandmothers used
brown sugar, we tr.e w Idle; they used common
brown soap, we use while soap. The invst while
soap is iloppi l •* ItArii* Soap, which
•MII be IIMMI for all pmp >ses to \vli|eli soup is
applicable. .
Mill he lin Market.
<'one Med every Wednesday.
Ity Grenoble. Bulges ft Co., t'oburn, Pa. T"
" white 70
Corn 40—15
Oats white
litirkwhciit 45
Flour, Roller Lio
Salt.uer bat rel 1.4<
Planter, ground b.Oh
Cement, per bushel
Barley 50
Tyinothyseed L4O
Flaxseed _ WO
Clovel seed 7.00-7.50
Hams lh
Shies i
Fork -
Itcef -
j/. 4K s 20
Potatoes 35
Lard 6
Coal per ton Chestnut $4.75
" " Small Stove 5.00
" Nut .... 4.75
V l'ea 3.00
" " Soft grated 2. <•>
J V*
"I have used Simmons Liver
IlepTiilator for many years, hav
ing inado it my only Family
Medicine. My mother before
me was very partial to it. It is .
a safe, tftod und reliable medi
cine for any disorder of the
systeip, and if used in time is
<//•< at preventive of eickncaa.
I often recommend it to my
friends, and shall continue to
do so.
"Rev. James M. Rollins,
| "Pastor M. E.Church, So. Fairfield, Va."
altruyn Keeping Simtnonm lAver
Iteyulator in the hoicsc.
"I havo found Simmons Liver
Regulator the best family med
icine I ever used for anything
that may happen, have used it
in Indigestion, Colic, Diarrhoea,
Jtillouaneaa, and found It to re
lieve immediately. After eat
ing a hearty supper, if, on going
to bed, I take about a teaspoon
ful, I never feel the effects of
the supper eaten.
"Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga."
Has our Z Stamp on front of Wrapper.
J. H. Zei/in & Co., So/e Proprietors,
-Vol a Liquid, Snuff
or Povxter. Free
]f rom Injurious
mmMtL. n U SA. ] ant j offensive
A partie'e is applied into each nostril and is
agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by
mull, registered. GO eta. Circulars free.
ELY BKOTHKKS, Druggists, Owego, N. Y.
The neatest, quickest, safest anil most power
ful remedy known for Rheumatism. Pleurisy,
Neuralgia, Lumbago, Backache. Weakness,
colds in tlie chest and all aches and pains. En
dorsed by 5,000 Physicians and Druggists of the
highest remit*. Benson's Plasters promptly
relieve and cure where other plasters and
greasy salves, liniment and lotions, are abso
lutely useless. Beware of imitations under slm
iliar sounding names, such as "Caplscum,"
"Capuchin," "Capsicine," as they are utterly
worthless and intended to deceive. ASK fc>u
Proprietors, New York, 44-4t
Harp von Con ph. Itronchitts, Aathnia, Indigestion t Use
PARKER'S TONIC without dHny. It h.ia cured
many of the worst c;i>os and is the U'st remedy for ail
affection* of the throat and lungs, and disease* arising
from impure blood and exhaustion. The feeble and sick,
ftruirjrlinir against disease, and slowly drlftinir to tho
grave.will in moet cax-s recover their hvlth by the timely
use of I'aAKRK'S TOKIC, but delay is dantrerous. Take it
in time. Cure* when all ele fails. Gives new-life and
strength to the aged and Lunnu. §1 at Druggista.
Tone, Toncli, Wnrtoanship & Durability
Nos. 2t>4 & 20> West Baltimore St. Baltimore.
No. IP2 Fifth Avenue, New York. 44-4t
mm m nil Aon James River Va., in
L ft U mm W CTaremoiil Colony. 11-
■ am il ill lust rated circular tree- J.
■ "■■■iiWj, MANt'HA, Claremont,
Virginia. 44-4t
fh or f~ •' •> \
_ J U:T H h
A Great Mcural Work ou N icui c.x.
Physical Dob', it-, Frcm t .:c D:c'ir.c i:i Kan,
Exliat; tc 1 Vitality, Ac., Ac, f l thMiutoiuhii>
c:ici v.j -k'.'.g f. . i.. .'.scteiica cc cacerccs; 053
pages, rubctanti:.": j Per. I la y.ti, n. Con
telnjiaarj ;'...n Invaiasblo I :cc:rip;ion?,cm-
bra-ir.- cv.r/ x y-i.. ': i t iho i i.arrnc
coya-ia f c :.'l r ;: . 1 tinor.ic diseases. It is
ctup "-C.ticai'y r. : • ■ if r cy :j '' l nco enly $1
bv r.: .1, t • IJ*i&, t33 ec!e3 !n i !a!n wrayycr.
Yi>- r... miJ.lic-j ;c,l r.m fcr tha ncr.t ninety
uavs. t.. ir-r cut ti:J o;U, riyoi in vy r.evcr
- - • j. • ■ ... y,-.i.. rARREit, I Bal
rxc'.i G. -'Ck I". t•i,Ma s.
On the EASY PAYMENT system, from §3.25
per month up. 100 styles, $23 to S9OO. Send for Cat
alogue with full particulars, mailed free.
Constructed on the new method of stringing, on
similar terms. Send for descriptive Catalogue.
Boston, Now York, Chicago.
£IBB6 - 1837.
... .^:
Al| J'c 1 : tri J ll ( I duo
Hats, Bonnets,
Caps, &c.
will constantly le k*jt in slock :t' my place < n
Main St. Mifllbim, Pa.
My selection of
■pre.?., s!iM>cm.s l-frit-tlm.?, -V
(Ornaments, fir.
i large and varied enough to
Callonmeif in need of anything n my
II te. Satisfactory work guaranteed.
Jiydiq G. J
Did you hear something
If not DROP IN and try
some oi those
just received at
No. 32 Main Street.
Also received the finest
Sweet Potatoes, Peaches,
to be had in the market.
Big Drop
in the prices of some of
my goods.
Among my new goods
| Salad Oil and Soaps
deserve most mention.
I My stock of Confectioneries,
Canned Goods, Tobacco, Cigars
&c. &c. &c.
is always complete and the best
Here is Good
, * '
for Tolks vrha wish t:> strike the 1)2 >t plic- for
Groceries, •
Flour, &c.
A leading and rare article in the line of Canned
Goods aie my
California Apricots,
Pears and Plums.
It will also do you good to examine and try my
assortment of
Tobacco and Cigars, &c.
My display ot
Queens ware,
! uiil ili'lijilit the heusekecitera and I specially
invite the ladies to e 11 and examine this line.
My stock of
Gold & Silver Watches,
-x- Clocks & Jewelry
of all descriptions, is (he best In town and I am
selling these articles at
Call and see me when in need oi anything in
my line. I aim to render every reasonable ac
commodation to my customers.
Remember the place, two doors east of Post
office,Main street.
Keystone Hotel,
Selinsgrove, - - - - - Penna.,
S. T. Frain, Prop'r.
• This Hotel has been remodeled and
refurnished, and the Trayelins Public
will find it first-class in every respect.
Latest improved Water Closet and
Wash Room on fiist tloor.
<{ Bath Room in Hotel. )■
Terms Reasonable. Good Livery attaclad
1 -■ ■
Dl? lUUPCGR B causes, and a new and
suecessftii CURE at your
own home, by one v. ho was ileal twenty
eight years. 'Tented by most of the not t
specialists with no benolit. Cured himself '■
three m nths, and since tin n hundreds >f
others Full particulars sent on applica am
I T.S.PAGE,No. 41 West3lstSt., New York < •! .
| Fi iL.