store orders but that they represented so much cash and were a convenient cash circulating medium for the con venience of workmen. If a circulating medium is the simil itude of money, they are taxable under the act of Congress at the rate of ten percent, every time they are issued, and as the officers of the company pub licly declared that they were simply cash orders, the collector of internal revenue for the district investigated the subject and decided, upon the state ments of the parties issuing them, that they were a circulating medium and as sessed the lawful tax upon them. When notified of the tax, which was ten per cent, on some s6o,ooo.the officers of the company appealed the case to Commis sioner Miller, of the internal revenue department, on the ground that the coupons are trade or store orders and not a cash circulating medium. The commissioner refuses to give any infor mation on the subject, but it is known that the appeal is before him, and that he must decide either that they are a cash circulating medium and tax them, or that they are store orders and de clare that they are not taxable. In view of the political prominence given to the store order question iu several Penn sylvania contests, including governor and congressmen, it excites general in terest in Washington political circles. How a Farmer Shaves. To witness a farmer shave is ono of the most painful operations ever witnessed outside of downright butch ery. For some reason away beyond the depth of present knowledge, the man who breads the country always has a beard like a new hair brush,and he never could learn how to sharpen a razor. He gets on the back stoop with his shaving utensils, and after rubbing the razor over the strap in an awk ward fashion until whatever trace of eige it may have had has been de stroyed, he hangs up his broken glass and takes a position alongside the kitchen door, where the old lady will be sure to jostle bis arm when she goes out to empty her dish water. With a brush that has but little handle remaining, he manages some how to stir up a lot of lather from soap that would raise a blister on the bottom of a boy's foot in dog days, with which he coats his face till noth ing but his eyes and the back of bis head are visible. With a cob dipped in warm water be goes over the stub ble with a vigor that makes the flesh creep, until he feels tLat all the reas on able precautions for comfort in the subsequent operation have been taken. Taking tbe razor and looking at it suspiciously over the top of his glass es, he runs his thumb along the edge, fails to draw blood as be had hoped, and then with a sigh like leaving a town in a hurry, he grabs himself by the nose, shuts his eyes, and gives a scrape that makes his hair stand on end as a bunch of beard seems to come out by the roots- But once at it a terrible desperation seems to nerve him, and with teeth set he goes right on with a determin ation to get the agony over as soon as possible. Howls of woe break from him bow and then, as an expression that poisons life steals over his face and stops there till the last nerve has been pulled out of socket by that ter rible razor, and the last bit of stubble has been laid low, when, with a sigh of relief, he strikes up a hymn of thanksgiving and joyfully throws his shaving paper into the swill barrel near by.—Ex. Keystone Hotel, Selinsgrove, - - - - - Penna., S. T. FRAIN, PROP'R. XK- This Hotel has been remodeled and refurnished, and the Traveling Public will find it first-class in every respect, —O— >o<- Latest improved Water Closet and Wash Room ou first floor. -{ Bath Room in Hotel. } HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK DEALERS. Terras Reasonable. Good Livery attached RATIONAL HOTEL Millheim, Centre Co., Penna. J Summer | Resort Two miles from Coburn Station. —=o=- THIS HOUSE has been thoroughly renova ted, is newly furnished throughout and offers the very best accomodations to the trav eling public. FRONT ROOMS, ELEGANTLY FURNISH ED, ON SECOND FLOOR FOR SUM MER BOARDERS. The celebrated "Fenn's Cave" is but a short drive from town, and the good roads and fine mountain scenery of the surrounding country make it a very desirable stopping place. ) NATURAL HISTORY: (c) CHEMISTRY ANI) PHYSIOS; (d) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Agriculture, ft. A short SPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry, ti A reorganized Course in MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop-work with study. New building and Machincry 7. A new SPECIAL COURSE (two years) in Literature and Science, for Young Ladies. 8. A Carefully graded Preparatory Course. 9. SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students. Military drill Is required. Expenses for board and Incidentals very low. Tuition free. Young ladies under charge of a competent lady Prin cipal. For Catalogues, or other information address GEORGE W. ATHKRTON, I.L. !>., President, 27-29 State College. Centre Co., Pa. PENN'S CAVE HOUSE, Fanner's Mills, Pa. About 3 miles northwest of Spring Mill* Sta —*•+ -*9g< ++* — The location of the hotel, surrounded by tbe finest mountain scenery and clear trout streams make It a beautiful e ><- n $ SUMMER RESORT I c vO<- vG- Jk The accommodations are the best. Well fur nished double and single rooms, splendid bill of fare, and horses and buggies for the use of boarders. —-4 The celebrated ami much visited Y— PENN'S CAVES, one fourth of a mile in length, with its wonder ful stalactites and stalagmites, ts almost at the door of the hotel, and the proprietors are pre pared at all times to convey visitors through this subterranean passage. SAMUEL LONG, Proprietor. AGENTS For the great new book. "The World's Wonders," WANTED! By J. W. BI'EL. The most successful subscription book ever published. Orer half a million copies were sold the past eight months, and it is selling three times as last r.ow as ever before. Regular can vassers clear from slft to s2ft,#4o and s.">o per day. Nothing like it was ever known in the history of book publishing. Proofs sent free on appli cation. No experience needed to insure suc cess. We help persons without means to do a large business; no capital needed. IVrite for particulars. Salaries guaranteed to persons who do not wish to canvass on commission. We mean business, and want live agents in every township. It will cost you nothing to write for terms and full descriptions of our plans of doing business. We also gire awag standard books to persons who send us names of book agepts. write for our list of free stan dard books. HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO.. 120 & 122 N. 7th St.. l'liila.. Pa. S. G GUTELIUS, DE\TIBT, MILLIIKIM, PA. Offers his professional services to the public. He s prepared to perforin all operations in the dental profession. He is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain P. H. MUSSER, WATCHMAKERS® JEWELER, Main Street, Millheim, Pa., THE BANK.++- JST*Repair Work a Specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 5-ly. DFF&TS 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed,se curely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONui DOLLAR- Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, a gents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, N. Y. This paper is kept OH tile at tlie office of JYER^SGN DVERT.ISING GENTS TIMES BUILDING GVTBSU PHILADELPHIA. CCTIUATCQ For NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING rnrr Co I liYlfl I to at Lowest Cash Rates intC tlampa f. ."AVER % SOS'S MANUAL DO YOU KNOW THAT Lorillard's Climax PLUG TOBACCO with RedTln Tag; Rone leaf Fine Cut Chew ing; Nnv y Clipping**, an <1 black,brow and Yellow SNUFF are the bestand cheapest quali ty considered. E NKBVOTSVLLHBORL A W EAKNESS AM) %DKBILIT! WFEXALEJYP DECAY. A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Aflo. tor circular to only manufacturer# of reclining rolling choirs. Easy Chair Co., New Haven, Conn. $l5O MONTHLY We want lady Agents for our CELEBRATED MA DAME DEANS SPINAL SUPPORTING CORSE IS. No experience required. Four order# per day givo tho Agent B 150 Monthly. Our Agents report from four to twenty sales daily. Send at onco for teruia and full particulars. Outfit Free. LEWIS SCHIELK dt CO., 390 Broadway, New xork "Warranted the most perfect Force-Feed Fertilizer Drill in existence. Send far tiro, Blur. FABJUHAH, York, Pi, THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL CTOIB Printing Office i;s now supplied with GOQR Presses and a la rye assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. —mmmmai • • • MRm—— LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neaTand tasty Job Printing of all kinds EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND CHEAPLY. ONE MONTH -FOR ONE CENT. buy a postal card and send for free J sample copies of the WEEKLYCHRONICLE TELK (iKAI'tI, to be sent yon for one month free of chart*i-, to enable you to judge of its merits. AGENTS WANTED. Send for circular giving amount of cash com mission to apents. Liberal Inducements offer ed. A good chance to make money without i erfering with other work. WB Weekly Chronicle Telegraph is an eight-page, fifty-six column newspaper, devoted to current; news of the week original copyrighted stories by the best authors, ami a varied assortment of interesting matter for the Farmer, Merchant, Mechanic and the Family Circle. P. Y M AIL, POST AC K PA 11 >. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Address all communications, WEEKLY CHRONICLE TELEGR APII. Pittsburg. Pa. A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeigler's BAKERY, 011 Pen 11 street, south of race bridge, MILLLICIM, Pa. Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time •and in any quantity. - — — ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings, Picnics and other social gather ings promptly made to order. Call at her placs and gf-t your supplies "at ex cecdingly low prices. 34-3 in P IFF ST PREMIUM. PHILAD4IB76. Grand I'rize Medal, l*ari, IS7S. Auk your Grocer for it. Win. l>rc.vdo||el,Mfr., 20* North Front Street. PHILADELPHIA, PA. ACENTSTO SELL JCX/FV, J STEAM s|||ißa^Washer Men nnd Women of good charncter nnd intelligence Exclusive Territory Guaranteed. A weeks' trial of sample Vfasher to be returned at my expense if no' satisfactory. A thousand por cent, the best Washer in the world, and pays capable nttents DIG money. In trinsic merit makes it a phenominnl success every where. For Illustrated circular and terms of atrency address. J. WORTH ; St. Loiii3, h""' THIS MPEREI VIL Newspaper Advertising Sureau (10 Sprues Street), where alver- ftl VlAf If fill I# NEW YORK* JOHN Hi i H/nith si lute Upper, LeaUur M. I I • ('itAn iHioii.J. I I 'XX-fWc I J r v* A, Sslc-Leathor Outer C:k; S, Witrr-?r::f 5.!:; C, Solo-Leather laser C:lc; D, Z:\: '.nth:: II::!. Warranted Absolutely \V iter proof, more ho lithy, c oreiio. l blc, genteel, :eul will not sweat tlo fvt lik i'i j crdin.i'y rubber boot. One p.Vtr will wear two pairs of onli:i:u'/i i: -r 1m >t . ami cau bo repaired by any H.iocmantv. Ask retail dealers for llie:a < ' i-eiul 5.i.00 for sample pair of slu. t bod; to JOHN 12. I AIUvHH, 103 Bedford Street, BOSTON; MASS. ft lEs j. X ! I lit .I Hlll,l i .- ci ; him (1. "J . Ilfullli Skirtr, - Hrighitu(icut'u Msii• * i*u. K<;; SILK 11 v AIJ. FlilST-CLASS SToIiES. Bamph*s sent po-t-p;;id to ny address upon recti, •: of |>i"iwhi Situi ntainpa. > MKWIS STSAtf, Sola Owner und tlanufa.tarcr, <">-.' re Street >'cv Ac f ragESsaiEnisa iA S ty > 'V"-L < utiio.lewtua.era r\ JHrUTTV iO^^lHwuy.and numerous tik JrALIsiA/i.. R, h *,!)#curodi cw>s bui 0 fiiincttio bUil'.-jd rhyw riLOF. \V E fticii'.r.", to. J !6 Iron* or—• g, I*-+,wr*\ f ft 3 , >■ /youthlul lnoi crction# S/ioofreotndnlseace,oß \y overbniinwork. Avoid 'JW r-Vat!.c i;:.pOEiiiunol prctciv A RADICAL Cur.£ C.rcu'.ir i-nsKvous t or:aoicWEa/::ea|3s i v,!:^ j r.S'rJS! RiilJVQrr AT. lion to bu.lww. or cau 59 rIZ af.i 'zUU inconvenience ia ®" TiT.CA'V. wey. Founded oa . r-fb, *JV-J.,c£cni:r.c medical pnnci fn\etinß & Bydlrrctorrlicat! a Acea Won, > the Brut of dfee&io HKanec:fig is fell rECTTD FOR StVEM de!ny. The cat- FEARS ov R.J',NT-A.JR rt,RO IT men orjmnlf mis restore J. I ik ,'Wuf life, which he.TC been 37? EATIdETfT. BtH Wteivd are given back .and Or.o Month, - F3Cogj|thcpßlic>itbecomcsch'er Uwo Month a, - fi-Oog-Hfui and rLpldly gains bvta Uiu"3o Mouths, 7.CK'BUqd cexual vigor. HARitia REWISDY cd.Ty'FGCHEwsia SOO'i N. Tcuth Bt., ST. LOUIS. LlO, r>| a QTURED PERSONS! Not a Truss. Ft r A!t for terms of our Avplirmce. GrIVUJ VXLldil TlLliUfc THE PERKINS WIND I.iILL. 1 • i'/ii •uS ) E IPlfffe" - £ T: Lts 1' en in constant use QfujjluHff for 13 y .:. with n, record *jTfj L 'M equaled i> none. WARRANTED hi § ri<-i ill! •; down, unless ilio t we r | • s with it; or against any wind that t. or u di -L! t ..uhstnntial farm lmiMDngs ; bsl n rfect: to ontlast and do bcttu work than any <>;h< r mill made. Wo Bisnnfactni*o 1 < >t 1 Pumping and Geared Hills and carry a full liuo of Wind Viil A GENTS WA N TED. Rend for Catalogue. Circular nil 1 Priees. Address PEBXffIS WIND MILL &A 1 CO., Misliawaha. In A Automatic Sewing Machine Co. ' 72 West 23d St., New York, N.Y. • Wo invito atr I'ATF.NT AVTOM v-ric TEN / Uf stitch as tho \\ilcox <5: tt lfn °t A Gibb t Automatic Ten returned any tint - with refunded. Hut wbat la more remarkable still, wo never knew a woman willing to do In r own family sewing on a Bhuttl'' machine alter having tried our new Latent AUTOMATIC. Even Shoo Manufacturers find it best suited to their work—its elastic seams aro inoro durable. Truly-Automatic Sewing Machines aro fast super peding shutllo niachincs, and it is no use to deny it. Truth is mighty and docs prevail- feuuttlc .Mai bines have Been their best days, ** Scud for circular. Correspondence solicited. iiiAHSirs cvi.TNDrit m:n = FOOT LATHE! = e l-Qlm - y- < *X o conresient dian lilw \ p\ 2 has attachments ? X.I ' 1 J® for CkCUhr and 2 | Erachtt BEST invented. Price $30.00 and upwards. Manufactured and sold by the Battle Creek Machinery Co., BATT^ L u C m EEII, Boyi and JKlddle-i ged Ilea A Young bwUea trained r f'>r a successful start in business life at Coleman College, X Newark, N. J. Life scholarship S4O. No Vacation. Situ ations secured whend -sired. Illustrated catalogue mailed on application. Henry Coleman. Priu., Ezra White. Pres. ymmEm RCUMd 8 MTTECKBI •v ~LL rHLAD 07 AiLL OTiiuiiG Antl Ltcirontooc! to eivoa porfect tit whon direct lon 8 aro followed. [ML EIFMOBEST'S SYSTEM OF DRESS CUTTING. Chart and IL..C ,■( full . . *W i-ito l*o:c C' i ret t 1 f irr D-zmo~~£r BEWJWG !V?ACHiW£ CO. <• 17 East I4ih NowYorkCity <*,, p : X fa, k? %y Hss^ ,f WPf ry-- T=vSr !^Y j i^-rrr' r~ -r 7 ' | | HfiClP NEW IMPROVED HIGH ARM, NEW MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES and liotary Movements, Auio moLiio D.reot and Perfect ficticn, CX.ndcr Shuttle, Self ceiling Nee ci'.e, Positive Feed, No Springs, Feu Paris, Minimum Weight, No Friction, No 1 Toise, 1. o Wear, F o Fatigue, No "Tantrums,'' Capa city Unlimited, Always in Order, Richly Ornamented, If. >. frlated, and dlives Perfect Satisfaction. Send for Circulars. AVERY MACHINE CO., 28 Union Square, New York. *r~ -W *-> ' . p>*i " ' f 1 ' &J) Organ. [s-olidly Made. "Jf-one Unrivaled, s -legant Finish. of Popularity. ( ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT FREE, Estey iDrgan ito., Brtticbro,vt THETELEBRATED Reading Qrgan, OVER 10,000 IN CONSTANT USE. Buy Direct from the Manufacturer. Wholesale Manufacturing Prices from ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARGE SOLID WALNUT CAGES. FINELY FINISHED. BEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTION. TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Address READING ORGAN CO., F. J. KANTNER, Manager, UPa,. 1 ORGANS: otttt~r.g PIANOS: tl.-.d; ••H -l {:'•• .*.•' (■-' ~ ' ill N-w mnde of orsnt .ill Ihe it |j >ieLL-Jtiv|>'-: I *£./> hi Stringing. Do lV..ri'i'.. 1 \i.i- ' - —-I! notretpureone bit ion s f —TTay?JE D-Vt:n. H quarter a. I eigl.ft nv- ■' G rj — ' _:.,J (j- ma li tuning.-is One I. i:i it slxg-Xy 1 I'ianos < n the ty!. s. f-je. T.i L'i J;[" j ? t—.l j- revai I i a:• :: v l : ..rCash, T• !J !| I I j '| "• res t-pin" Inisvl'.u iiients td >• ||' n|| system. Re in Rente 1 Cat .CiAL- i niaiknlle fir al' gues free. :J A ,1 i.ritv i f tone \.^-j£— ™ami iral iiity. 154TremcntSt..Boston. 46 E.l4th St. (Union Sq.i, ' N.Y. 146 Wabash Ave-. Chicago. -■ N. W. EBY, '"T -DISTILLER OF— lh Straight J$L. PURE M jJL RYE WHISKEY f * * " FOR MEDICAL USE. -<**** WoocW (yei\\i oi the Luke. By Sir Walter Scott. " The Lady of the Lake " la a romance in ver.e, and of all the worka of Scott none I. more beautiful thau thl.. Muniinl ofEllquette for l.adiea aud Gentlemen, a gttllo to polfteuua. aul good breeding, girlug the rule, of modern etiquette for all oocaaiona. The Mtundurd Letter Writer for Ladle, and C cut lemon, a eouiplcio gold* to correspondence, giving plaiu direction, for the composition of letter, of every kind, with inntimerahle forma aul examples. Winter Kvcalng Hoc rent lons, a large eoltrctlon of A-ting Charade., Tableaux, Oatne, puxtlea, etc., for ao.ial aathrriuga, private theatricals, and etching, at home, Illustrated. Gluing ues, ltcrltutlona nnd lii uillng". a large and choice collection for .chuol exhibition, aud public and j private eutertainmeuta. furl or Mugle nnd Cheailral Kxperlmenta, t baok which till, how to perform buudreda of amusing tricka In magic aud inauucUre experimeuu with simple ggent*. The Home Cook Rook and Family I'hyal rinn, containing hundred, of excellent cooking recipe, and hint, to houaekeeper., alto telling how to cure all com- i mo a ailment, by simple home remedies. . Mil II n era and Cuatoma In Far Away Lands, a very interesting and instructive book of travels, deaerib- i lug the peculiar life, habita, mauncr'Ui. and joke, that have b.-.-n written for some years ; lllus'trd. ■ Caeful Knowledge for the Million, a handy book of us. ful in formation for *ll, upon many and various { aubje ts . Ulnar*tad. Culled I luck. A Novel, by Hugh Conway, author , hf " Dark Dark Vt/v •r-Dtrk etc. I OIID llkirnil Al rn ftcrro. i! 1 tend mit far at theae book. and our etloyu<\ ronulnln* UUtl UNtUUALtU UrrtKi 'r! .; It „Ik,l< 40 t AI .On. •v.-i.t IV O. Vote. U'eL A Novel. By the Author of "Darn Thorne." Ituek to the Old Home. A Novel. By Mary Cecil Hay. author of" Hidden Peril.," etc. John Howerbunk'a Wife. A Novel. By Mia* Unlock author of "John Halifax Gentleman," etc. . I.ndy 41 weifdollne's Bream. A Novel. Ity the author of " Dora Thorne," etc. Juaper Banc's Secret. A Novel. By Miss M. K. r.radion, author o( "Aurora Floyd." etc. l.eollne. A Novel. By Mary Cecil Hay, author of I "Breuda Yorke." etc. Gabriel's Marriage, A Novel. By Wllkie Collins, author of "No Name." etc. . David Hunt. A Novel. By Mrs. Ana 8. Stephens, author of " Fashion and Famine," etc. Heaping the Whirlwind. A Novel. By Mary l Cecil llav. author of "Old Middletou'. Money." etc. Dudley 4'urleon. A Novel. Hy M (as M. K.Brad don. author or " Ladv Audley's Secret," etc. Kaalea S on Tttx Mvsrcnr or THI MtsbLswiM. A i Novel. Bv KtuaW. I'ieree, author of " The Birth Mark." eta. A Golden llava. A Novel. By the author of ! "Dora Thorne." etc. I „ Vulerle'a Fate. A Novel. By Mrs. Alexander, author of •• The Wooing O't," etc. . Mister Itoae. A Novel. By Wllkie Collins, author of "The Woman in White,'' etc. Anne. A Novel. By Mrs. Henry Wood, author of "East I.vnue." The l.nurel Rush. A Novel. By Miss Muiock, author of "John Halifax, flentleman." etc. Amos llarten. A Novel. Br George F.llot, author of "Adam Bedc," " The Mill on the Floss," etc.