Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, October 28, 1886, Image 2

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    81* fßUtheim journal.
THURSDAY, OCT. 28TH, 1880.
Published by R. A. BUMILLER.
Democratic State Ticket.
For Governor—|
For Lieutenant-Governor—
R. BRUCE RICKETTS, of Luzerne.
For Auditor-General—
WILLIAM J. BRENNEX.of Allegheny.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs—
J. SIMPSON AFRICA, of Huntingdon.
For Congressmanat-Large—
Democratic County Tioket.
For Cbflpfeaa—J. K. P. HALL.
For State Senator- W. W. BETTS.
Representatives | LBONARI> RHOXK.
Prothonotary—L. A. SHAFFFR.
iHstrict Attorney— J.CALYlß METER.
Democratic Rally
A Democratic Mass Meeting will
be held at Millheim on Saturday eve
ning Oct 30th, which will be address
ed by HON. J. H. Fow, of Philadel
phia, one of the ablest and most prom
inent political speakers in the state.
fonte, has also promised to be here
and will address the people in his us
ual eloquent style.
Let the Democracy of Penns and
Brush valleys turn out en masse and
hear the issues ot this campaign dis
cussed by these distinguished orators.
The services of the Millheim and
Rebersburg hands have been engaged
for this meeting.
Come one I Come all!
■ 1
Vote for Ghauncey F. Black for
• ♦ • •
To ELECT tie ticket which was fair
ly and squarely placed in the field by
their own delegates will be the imper
ative duty of loyal Democrats next
Tuesday. There is not a man upon
that ticket which Democrats need be
ashamed of, to the contrary they are
all honorable and deserving citizens.
Let us show the vile slandorers of the
opposing party, who have been mov
ing heaven and earth to belittle the
democratic candidates, that by their
dirty work they accomplished no more
than to arouse contempt and disgust
for themselves. Personal feeling and
prejudice should be altogether out of
the question when it comes to politi
cal duty. The success of the party is
at stake and as a Democrat you must
vote the whole of the Democratic
Vote for James K. P. Hall for Con-
g Tess " -
nailed by Hon Leonard Rhone's pos
itive denial of having done anything
detrimental to Mr. Shaeffer's election
for prothonotary. Mr. Rhone called
at our office yesterday forenoon and
told ns distinctly that he is for the
whole democratic ticket and that be
never entertained the thought of op
posing any of the candidates. The
report was circulated by Republicans
with a view of throwing a fire-brand
into the democratic camp in the very
last hour and thus destroy Mr.
Rhone's chances of election. Demo
crats do not heed these wild rumors
but stick to your ticket unflinchingly.
Vote for Rhone and Woodward-
Vote for Rhone and Woodward
for Assembly.
EVEN Republican newspapers con
cede that Blaine's visit to Pennsylvania
was a mistake. The Evening Penny
Press, Pittsburg, a ptaunch republican
journal admits that his trip through
the state was a failure and says that
the most prominent republicans of the
county refused to participate in it or
countenance it
It seems that neither Blaine nor
any other political potentate can save
Beaver, the "pluck-me" candidate
from defeat. Black is the people's
choice and it would be the next thing
to a miracle if he is not elected next
Vote for L. A. Shaeffer for Pro
DEMOCRATS, the few days that re
main of this fall's campaign should
be spent in activity. Do not stay at
home idle, hut make it your business
to have everything in order and read
iness for next Tuesday. See to it
that eyery democratic vote is cast and
that it is cast for the democratic ticket.
Remember that lukewarmness means
defeat, while with solid and untiring
work we will elect our state and coun
ty ticket Up and at them I
BEWARE of the deceptive storieg
raised by the tricky Republican poli
ticians between this and election.
They will have all kinds of astonish
ing and sensational trash ready and
wherever they find an unwary Dem
ocrat they will set their trap. Hold
your own and vote nothing but the
democratic ticket.
The Blaine Demonstration at
Rcllefonte Turned into n
Riotous Brawl.
Just as wc go to press wo receive
information of a disgraceful occurence
which happened at Bellefonto yester
day forenoon, shortly before the ar
rival of the train which brought tilaino
to that place.
Heaver's nail works employes were
parading the streets, some of them
having indulged in spirituous drinks
which, by the way, they must have
bought with trade coupons, and pas
sing the Watchman ofiice they caught
sight of a "store order" bill hanging
in Mr. Meek's window. They at once
gave vent to their mad passions by
hurliug stones at the building, and
by smashing nearly every window of
the ofiice. The excitement is said to
have beeu intense and as a natural
consequence the partisan feelings all
the worse. It makes [certainly a bad
showing for the Heaver men and in
our opinion it would have benefited
Beaver more if Blaine had not come to
Bellefonte. As soon as political meet
ings give rise to actions that very
much rcsemb le anarchism the thing
would better be stopped. If republi
can paraders once forget to be orderly
aud peaceable, something must be
wrong in the organization. Vote for
DEMOCRATS be at the polls next
Tuesday and Pennsylvania will be
ALL that is necessary to electChaun
cey F. Blaek governor of Pennsylva
nia is to get out the Democratic vote.
Chairman Ilensel of the state com
mittee is confident ot success All the
indications point to a democratic vic
tory and every democrat should be
proud to have a share in such an im
portant victory. Vote and vote early !
NEXT Tuesday will show how little
it pajed to take the Blaine hippo
drome through the state of Pennsylva
nia. The Republican state committee
will find themselves out of pocket
with no reward for their extra labor
and expense and Beaver and his
colleagues on the ticket will have to
stand their own fare for the trip up
Salt River.
Vote for J. Calvin Meyer for Dis
trict Attorney.
A Fraud Exposed.
The Organ of the Iron Workers Re
pudiates a Transparent Trick.
In the current issue of the Labor
Tribune, of Pittsburg, appears the fol
lowing. It is a special significance, be
cause the Tribune is the official organ
of the Amalgamated Association of
Iron and Steel Workers of the United
Rebuke the False Pretense.
In justification of the course of the
Bellefonte Iron and Nail company in
issuing scrip to their workmen, which
is being used against Gen. James A.
Heaver, the Republican candidate for
Governor in this State, who is a mem
ber of that firm, there is a circular go
ing around alleged to be issued by tlie
wmkingraen themselves, justifying the
course of the firm in issuing the scrip—
that it was at their (ttie workmen's) re
quest, etc. Four of the men whose
names are attached to the circular, a
copy of which has been sent to every K.
of L. assembly in Pennsylvania, claim
to be members of the K. of L. Of this
we have no knowledge, but we here as
sert, positively. that none of those names
on the circular who claim membership
In the Amalgamated Association can
be found on our register. They are
NOT raemoers of the Amalgamated As
sociation, and as that association is op
posed to the payment of wages in scrip
or anything else in lieu of cash,we deem
it but justice to it to so state publicly,
that it may not rest under the imputa
tion these pliable tools thought of put
ting upon it. We believe in letting the
sun shine in oil the truth though the
heayen's fall.
Black and Blaine.
From the New York Sun.
Mr. Blaine lias nearly finished the
journey which he undertook in fulfil
ment of a pious resolution to revisit his
birthplace before the faded leaves had
all fallen from the trees. The political
advice which he has given to his friends
along the way has been, we take it,
merely incidental.
Summed up in brief, Mr. Blaine's
counsel to the voters of Pennsylvania
is that the tariff, the amelioration of
the condition of the Southern blacks,
and al' the other great national ques
tions are involved in the candidacy ot
General Beaver. Mr. Blaine's speeches,
with trifling alterations, would serve
equally well in Minnesota.
Mr. Black is also making a sort of
triumphal progress through Pennsylv i
nia, and he is received everywhere with
unbounded enthusiasm, lie is speak
ing, too, but he is speaking right to the
point. The issues which he presents
to the voters are those immediately con
cerning the honest administration of
the business of the State, the strict en
forcement of the constitutional safe
guards against oppression and discrimi
nation by monopolies,and the ameliora
tion of the condition,not of the negroes
of the South, but of the workingmeu of
the State ot Pennsylvania.
Although the two distinguished gen
tlemen have not met, there has oeeu in
a certain sense a joint discussion be
tween them as to what questions are
involved in the pending election. It
seems to us that Mr. Black has clearly
got the better of Mr.Blaine in the argu
But could the Beaver managers have
paid a more significant tribute to the
vigor with which Mr.Black is prohecut
ing his campaign than by sending ail
the way to the Kennebec for the fore
most of living Republicans to come and
try to beat him ?
Why should the people of Clearfield
county elect John Pat ton to Congress *
What has no ever done to promote
lite interests, the welfare, or the pros
perity of the people of the county ? He
lias been essentially personal and selfish
in all his business movements from the
beginning of his career. Whilst a mer
chant and lumberman furnishing sup
plies to the people of the county, his
universal rule was to enter up judge
ments for advances and he sold out
more people in his mercantile carter
than any other man in the county.
When the National Hank system went
into operation, and was profitable, lie
sold his real estate, (except his home
property) and invested his means in a
National bank, and it was his boast
that it made more money than any Nat
ional bank of its capital in the state,
lie paid no taxes on all the large a
mount of capital he had invested in
that. When government bonds paid a
lower rate of interest, and when the
laws held National hanks down to sij;
percent, interest,he closed out the Na
tional bank, and converted it into a
private bank, where a heavier rate of
interest, and easier "shaving"* could be
caniedon. For ten yeais past, until
this year, he returned no money at in
terest for taxation. This year, under
compulsion ot law. he returns £.Vi,uuo.
lie owns no real estate upon which
taxes are paid except in his own im
mediate locality, and the total assess
ment of his property for 1885 wes less
than £15,000. lie is said to be, and his
friends boast that he is a millionaire.
Where is his capital invested!? How
many railroads has l:e helped to build
in Clearfield county ? Where has ho
aided in the development of the county
except ill the short line from Clearfield
to Curwensville ? How much money
has he invested m collieries ? How
much in firebrick works ? How much
in lumber establishments ? How many
men does he employ in work of any
character ? lie has r.o money in\ested
in such enterprises and the total of his
employes, outside of his bank, is one
man. The employment of his capital
consists in loaning money at a high
rate of interest, as a private banker, to
business men, and enquiry made of his
relatives ami customers will demon
strate the fact that those rates are not
very moderate. He has recently pur
chased coal lands in the south end of
the county. The amount of lands or
the quality of the coalonly he and those
associated with him know. It is not
returned for taxation, whilst others,
residents and non-residents are taxed
for coal thus purchased. His total tax
es in that section paid this year is Uss
than £IOO.
His opponent, Mr. Ilall, of Klk coun
ty, is an active, vigorous business man.
He has his capital in collieries, tanner
ies and saw mills. lie employs in con
nection with his associates in these call
ings hundreds cf men. and with them
he has no contest. ,lle is a selfinade
man. and is actively engaged In every
enterprise that coiiies to th people of
his county.— Clearjuhi Jkmocrat.
Having seen statements in d'fferent
Newspapers to the effect that the ll<m.
J. K. P. Hall, in whose employ we .ne,
made use ot store orders in payiuei.: i< r
our labor we d*sire to make the follow
ing true statement and make allidavit
to the same.
We are paid monthly in cash. We
are entirely free to deal at any a'ore
where we can be served best ami clasp
t-st. We have never been n quired or
import uued to deal at (he store of He
firm of which Mr. Ilall is a mend IT.
but are left entirely at liberty to make
our purchases, where and from whom
we please.
We haye a weighman of our own
choosing at the scales at the mines,
without any expense to ourselves. \V '
make this statement of our own free
will, to set right any wrong or erron
eous impression that may have b'en
made on the uiiuds of our brother work
men, in other parts of the district, and
in justice to Mr. Ilall, who has ever
been our friend, and who has stood by
us in times of dullness and depression.
Andrew Canipbill, t\ Wwh-nbocli,
l'at Kogntt, Joseph Zw.tck,
Fred Miller, Heurv Meyer,
Anthony A. Gibbons, Fred Myer,
George scliaU, Ula Wurm.
Tobias Davis, A. Jesberaer.
Peter llerbetritr. LI. Bueik.
Atuin Benninuer, Uenard Wortman,
Sebutim Sportier, Alios Benuluger.
Itobert Fleming, M. Meyer,
Michael Bu>sl, K- yser.
George Kruir, George l.erlyr.
John C. Dinpold, George S< ha iter,
Anthony Wt.rtinun, -roas Gehuer,
Albert Dippold, J. K. Shade,
John Kckcrt, Martin Pippohl, Jr.
M. B.Zwack, George Zwjick,
I'eter Kedel, SebGolder,
Jos. Kuliafman, George Kesster.
Frcal Sontag, J. M. Bauer,
l'. D. Keyser. Josepii Aiunau,
Law. 11. Keller, Jno.J. Kckert,
Anthony 1 tollman, John sliolfer,
Andrew St iab. B. Glelber,
Sebastian Kleiber, John shut/,
Frank Conrad.
Elk CO.
Oct. 23rd, A. 1). 188 G.
Before me a notary punlic in said Co.,
personally appeared the individuals
whose names are appended to the tore
going statement all of whom are per
sonally known to me, miners working
at the mines of Etui Ilall, St..Marys,
l'a. Each individual in his own In half
made oath that the parts contained in
the said statement are true in every
Witness my hand and official seal.
J. M. Sj IA K p Kit.
Notary l'ublic. ( k
Miscellaneous News.
Killed by a Corn Stubblo.
EPIIUATA, Pa , Oct. 21.— David Ap
ple, aged 47 years, residing at Meadow
Valley, in Ephrata township, was en
gaged at husking corn on the premises
of Ilenry Kurtz when he met with a
terrible accident that resulted in his
death. lie was in the act of pulling
over a shock of corn and in doing so
caught hold of it by the belt. The belt
tore and the man was thrown hack seat
ing him violently on a corn stubble
which penetrated his body to the depth
of about six inches, lie died about
noon. Deceased was a married man
and leaves a family.
The Quake Heavy in Columbia.
COLUMBIA,S C., Oct. 22.— There was
a heavy earthquake shock here at b 2-5
a. m. lasting thirty seconds. It pro
ceeded by loud and continuous rum
bling which lasted until the quake pass
ed off. Nearly everyone was awakened
by the shock, which swayed buildings
and rattled things lively. It was the
heaviest shock felt here since the sec
ond one of August 31. Another severe
earthquake shock, accompanied by loud
detonations,has just occurred here (2.43
p. m.) shaking buildings for about six
seconds. No damage was done.
/, KDJIH .?/; 17,72 TISEMENTS
OIIKKIFF's SAi.FS —By virtue of sundry
i*> writs >i Fieri Facias." Levari Facias and
Venditioni Kxpona . t-sueduit of the Court of
Common Pleas ot Centre County, Pa ,and to
1110 directed, will lv expos da* Public Sale, at
the Court House, in the Borough of Belli fonte,
on Saturdnv. November 2i lit. lat 1 1-2 o'-
clock, I'. M the lollowlng prop< rty, to w is;
No. 1. -Mi tit at nioMt.i e ami tract,ot taint
situate in Miles township. Centre e unity, pa.,
hounded Ulld (h'scrlb da tOllolVs, |o wit; lie
giunlus at stones, tlieuoo by lauds of Bamuel
Stl'olieekei" and .loliii Re> nolds north S;i deg.
we>t 1 I t perelies to stones. tlniucby kind of
jolui Wagner north 75deg* wot 85 5-10 perch
es ton liemloek,south I 2 deg. east to porches
toa fallen oak. theueo by land of 8. and H.
t.ratz south 1 d< g. west 1 _*'> perVhes t • stoic-,
thence ly land 'supposed vaeant' east 40 pereh
es to stones, not I h so decrees east 1 H perches
to stout's, t tieuee lay vacuni land nonh 5 dejj.
wes. 72 perches to pi n e of beginning, contain
ing ItHt acres and MO parches and allowance.
Thereon erected a two ami one-hall .story
frame dwelling house, good bam, eoril crib,
saw mill and oth r neeessary outbuilding .
No. 2. A1 o, all that ine-stuigo or li.u t of
laud ltuate in Milo township, euunty and
state aforesaid, hounded ami de-oril ed a-- f"i
lows, to wit: Beginning at ait ash or line ol the
land of the said John Shirley, south 75 dog.
west til', perches to a birch, thence nort hha (leg.
west p eeliesMo stones, ilt uiee south | dep.
east 1td.'5.1(1 perches (o s'oiie-.. thence 1111111 7•">
dap. cast t>s lo pel (dies to stone*, I lietiee nort It
124 perches to the place of bejiiinlng, contain
Ing nluetj si \ (ftU)Acres and 3d (torches and the
usual allowance for roads.
No. M. Al o all that 1. e-suagoor tract of | .nd
situate 111 Mih s town -hip, county and state a
foresaid, hounded and described as follow - to I
wit: lit; inning at stoin s. thence hy land of
William VVa iui, north >!>l-2 the. 'west . -
perch, sto a chest nut oak, tlienee not th 1 deg. \
west pe relies to a store, t hence south h;' 1J :
dep. lid a-IP perches to slum s. thence hv I
land of George Brum;art 110: ih 1 dep. w st 77 ;
perches to stotuv thence hy land of Peter
Slimll South V 1-2 dep. eilsl Mis perches to
stones, thence by land of .John suiuU south I ®
dep. east 110 perelies to the place ol beginning!
containlnp two hundred and live (2:5) acres I
and 40 perches.
No. I. Also all that messuage or truer of
laud situate 111 the township, e.unity ami state i
Aforesaid, hounded and <i< scribed us follows, to '
wit: Beginning at a birch tlienee north 70
dep. east <*'. ••in perches t> an ash on Harsh-j
harper's line, tlienee north 2 <'ep. west 10 pert !| ■
es to a spruce tree tlienee by land of John '
Shively north St) dep. west '•> perches to a -tone I
t hence n rth s do ;,wet2l.s jierchos ton Atone
on I e\ i Snook's line,tlienee hy land of I. Sin.ok
south 2 deg. east 78 nerolies to the place of be- j
ginning containing 25 acres and 24 porches neit. j
No. 5. Am ther beginning at a : uie'theiieo
by land of Joscoh F Siiirelv south t>7 perches to !
a stone tin nee ny land of Martin Kiply, north j
10 dep. west -.'S pert-lies to a "post, thence north !
S >-. west 2l.operches to a stone tlienee by land ;
of l.evl Snook, north 7 dep. ea-i I 2-o jterelits
to a stone the place of bepiiiiiinp, containlnp i
11 acres and s'J perelies in at measure.
No. '■. Also another bepiiiiiinp at a spruce i
tlienee a!o:i ;-land late of Reynolds A Si< vol',
north i dep. etist IIS perches to a fallen white \
oak, thence mulh v dep. west 7': I perdu - to \
stones, thenee alotip lain ' ol Daniel Mover,
south .si pei ehes to si ones, tin nee west y perelies
to a stole*, thenc? south dep. oast 17 pel cites
toa pine' tlienee s. mil II p ie\e- to a maple, !
tlienee west • peieiies to a ' tie, north 2 dep.
west 22 p< relies to a stone, t•:!<•(• along land ..f
Jobu \v Smpll, south ". de . we t perches '
lo'a stone.theiire along !ai d ••! I evi-oiook.-oiit a <
2 dep. east 1 pereito.s to a bii'eh.theu e north 1
7o dep. ea-t 1 "■'perelies to an a-h. th nee Haifa
degree west 1 perch stoa si ru e.thenee iiur h
02 dep. east lis pc.chesto t!je place of h pi-:-
iiiiiu, CPOUllr.tiis I!? Mini Old Si perrlics ;
allows hoc. tboreou erected a 2 story frame
dwelling faouse, good oarn, steam saw mill,!
cornel ib, wood ho 11 ea a oi lie i out oiii ;(l. n;
No. 7. Also another Ueulniiittg at a maple,
thenco aSonp lands ot t'oynolda A Mover, north
1 den-enst 1. 7ueia-l>es to a stnlte,tlieliee nut Hi su
(top. west 134 pereh •- to atones, thence sot th i
dep. west p.-relies lo stones then e along
lamt of Danlt 1 Mo er. sooth deg. < u-t 112
perelies 10 fallen w aile oak, tin ueo snutli I <lep j
west ; s perches to maple, t enc ' along land of
Heyiudds & Stover,south *■ H deg. e.l-1 pj perches
to ill" place <U beumnhip, eontaitiinp •acres
ami 71 percliesaiHl allowance
No. s. Also auother, beginning at a stone la
public troad tin nee south 72 'jdep, we-t _27
perches to stoues, south 7 rl ,- P. wea4o7 perch -
to joist, thei ce west 2.2 1 orciies to po-1, tie Hie
South 2 ; , ih p 4 17 crehcs to stone-, tlieuc -
along load of .dart iii Uttdy. i o: th 77h i dep. 2- -
t eroliys to past tlienee along laud of Ad: tu
Stover,north 2 1 - deg, east 43,8 porchoa to
-tones the place of l>egttinlng eourntulng 7 '
aiiis nini 1 v pei ehes tjeai measure. ;i;/-d
taken Iti execution and to be -old a- the prop
erty of Lawrence Stover.
No. All that certain tr tct of land siluato
in tiie twp .of Itenm r, Countyoi Centre and
State of l'a.. b ntiided and le.w'i ibed as fodo.v.,
to wit: Beginolng at au elm tree thence a long J
laud of Hcury Trcs ier, south 7 dee. west
perelies to a stone on the bank o Spritigi'ti k,
tin nee across .-aid stteaiu and hv lands id 'if
late of Dr Geo A r-oi.'.i:;b.w. ai 22 deg eaot 7
perehe-i to a Motto,• tucnc.* s nitli u de :. ( .-t s
jieiches, thence south 35 perches, east lo perch
es, thenee south 2 deg, east 5 perches, south 32 i
deg. east 9 perches to the place ot beginning, •
containing 3 acres aud 120 perches, neat meas* :
ure. thereon erected a frame dwelling house,
-table and other outbuildum-. Seized taken In
1 v ration and tube sold us the property of
William Colpetzep,
No. bk AU that coi iain !-t or piece of ground
siluaU' in I'etiu tv.n Centre c<ur.ty l'a. boumh i
and described as follows tow it; On the east by
the turnpike leaning from MbHiotin m Cobiirii.
an the north by lands ot Annie Konnau ou the
south by lands of John Itraucht and on tho
we-t l.v kunijof (ieo. Wcit containing ' . an
acre nmr •or less (no buildings) Seized t < en
in execution and to be sold as the piopertv <d
William Mo\or.
No. 11. All that eel tain inessuaee tenenu nt
and tr.ot of land situate Intbetwpol tirepp", I
Centre eo. Pa, bounded and described as wt
lowstowit; Dn the we-.t by lands of Pebastiau
Musser. on the south by the LA it Kailr<>ad on
t*;r east 1 y auali y and 011 tl.e a irth by lands
of Jacob Hun-rick containing Ia ores more or
less. There 11 erected al' , story frame dwel
ling ho it e, Stable and other outbuildings, .srj- '
ed taken in oxeeuflon and to be sold as the
properly of Samuel Hartley.
No. 12. All those two certain messuage ton-1
meats inn! lots of grout.d situate in the village
of Fapleviile, Liln-ity twp t'eiitre comity l'a.
bounded and described as follows towit: 1 la
one thi reof on the .1 uitii by the public >-, u ), on
the w st by public I'oe.d. on t!|u uort'i by land
id John Wertman. and on the by" let of
Mrs W infield end Scot! Gordon ui:d I'citi lue •
l\i no - T,: vci'ii Stand let .
No. 13. Tl e other tlier< <J beginning at a post |
at the gieat mad leading liom Milesburg to
Lock Haven thence north !1 ib : iocs west 132!
perches to a post, llieoce south 59degrees west !
M, peri lies toa i si, thence by lot <d Daniel
Kunes >r. now? s !i Kr.ucs, -oitth 51 degrees
east 11-t perches toa post at theafote-aidgreat
road, tlienee along said read north 77 degrees
east M-5 pen lie.; to the place of beginning eon- .
tainingj, of an acre and bejnglhe same lots
wiii h S H K'liies an 10 A Katies his wife by
deed dated Hie 22nd nay of August A 1> lss'-aiul
recorded in t'entro County In '-Deed Hook'" V
No. 3 page ii'7. granted and conveyed to the de
fendant .1 I*. ! rceuian. Seized taken 111 exeetl- i
lion and to bo sold as the ]roperty of A II Froc-s
No. 14. All that certain messuage tenement j
and fracl or lot of |.pul situate in Howard iloro. 1
('gntro r-ounty l'a, bound d and deserib-d as
uilfows tow it: (Jll Hie south by J 11 McFlwaiu,
on the west by lauds of J II McFlwaiu, 011 the j
north by Moore ami on Hie east by a pub- j
lie road leading from Howard to Jacksonville, '
containing I ,of an ar-re more or leas. Thereon j
erected .1 story frame diycJli Mi House, i
Wood House," and other outbuildings. Seized
taken in "sedition ami o lo sold as the pi'opor
tv of Christian Meaenk.
No. Is. All that certain lot or piece of ground
situate lying and being iti I'otter twp Centre 1
county Pa, bounded and described as follows 1
towit 1 Beginning at a stone corner of land of
John Wolf, tlienee by tiie -ame south ludeg. J
west 17 0-lu perches to a Post, by land of |
Joseph Daup north 7# degrees west 3 s—in
perches to a post, tlienee by the same north 1
degrees east 0 perches to a "post thpuoe by the .
same north 50 degrees west 8 0-rloperches toa !
corner in Laurel Bun, thence by the same |
north 52 degrees past 5 4-10 perches toa stone
on the bank of the Bun, thenee by tho same j
1101 th 4 7-lu perches to ;. post old corner being a
stump, thenee by lands of John Wolt south f
degrees east I *7-10 perches to the place m 1
beginning, containing 77 perelies. It being the
name lot or piece ol land which hy sundry eon- ;
veyanccsaiul assurances, all recorded became i
vested in one Janus Smeltzer and the said !
James Smeltzer ami Catharine Ids wife by their
deed dated tlic2Htrt day of March A D 1 577, and
recorded 111 the ulhce for the recording of deeds
in. and for Centre county in deed book M No 2
page 2(17 iNc , did convey ami confirm the sgiue
to John Sweet wood pa rty hereto, reference to t
the records; w ill more fully and at large appear.
Thereon erected a l'£ stor\ frame d'vclling j
house, staole, sunjiner house, wood shed and
other outbuildings, seized taken in execution 1
and to be -sold as tho property of I) It sweet
No. IG. All that certain messuage tenement
and tract pf land situate in Ilaines Iwp Centre
county Pa, bounded and described as follows
towit: Beginning at stones thenee along land
of illiani Fisenhutn north 71 degrees east 104
perches to a post, thence along land of Daniel
Stover north I'.t degrees west 71 3-fU perelies to
stones,tlienee along latni of said Andrew Stover ]
south "J degrees west 104 perches to stones,!
tlienee by John Capps survey south I'J degrees 1
east 71 3-10 perches to the place of beginning, j
containing 40 acres and 51 perelies ne • t mens- j
ure being part of a certain tract of land Survey- i
ed the lMtli day ot April A 1> 1757 011 a warrant
dated thc4lh day of September A D 1870 and ;
which the poUiinoiiwealtu <>f Pennsylvania let- i
fers patent dated tiie Ist day of April A l> 1522 \
granted and confirmed unto John M Hencic ;
;tud to Ids heirs and assigns and the said John
M Beuck by deed dated the 3rd day of June A ;
D ISJJ recorded in the otlice tor recording of
d eds in and for Centre county in deed book M
page 371 granted ami conveyed apart thereof
viz: lift acres neat measure unto the said An
drew Stover and Thomas Stover since deceased
and to their heirs and assigns as tenements in
common and not. ns joint tenants. Thereon
erected al'k story dwelling house, barn mid
other ouilmlldins. An orchard. Seized taken
in execution and to be sold as the properly of
Abraham Cltielt.
No. 17. All that certain messuage and tract of
land situate In Hoggs twp., Centre eounty, Pa.,
bounded and described as follows to wit : (mi
the cant by land oi Adam Williei'ltc, on the
south br lands of Henry'l Irwin, on the north
by lands of Morgan Lucas and on the west by
lands of. Valentino Hoom, <Untainlug about
two hundred and ten acres. Thereon erected
11 two storv dwelling liotis<>, good bain and
other out buildln rs. seized taken Inexi cutlor.
and to be sold ns tho pr-pertyoi' Geo. Taylor.
No. IS. All that ee.tain m< ssuage tenement
and tract of land situate In t tiion twp.. Centre
county, l a., bounded and de-eribed as follows
towit: Beginning at a stone in Hie center of
the road leading to Win. B. Turner's In the line
1 etwei :< finds of-ald Geo I. Peters ami IJeubeti
t iiib'i'W>s•:! t lu'ir'O lv ot]i M'.lauds of said Geo.
I. Peleis Mtaih 7' l , <i" rees we t24 t-10 perch
es to a lx i north M 5 "• degrees west : .perelies
to a roe. oak north t".' degree, ea •! 3G pen-he
to a stone thenee by laud ol lieubi'ii I, lluder
wood. si.utli 17 dc'rees ea-t ."3 11-1(1 | erele s to
tlie p'aee ot beginning containing G .'teres and
ailowa'" i< 1 < ing 1 att of a latger tract wldcii
Jacob Pettws and Mark (I William Kxeenbtra
ol taw.ene.- Pete!' dee'd by their deed or id.-11
tu nd ' ■: May "7 I, 1881 and recorded In die
otlice (ot rvoiding deeds in Btdb fi.ute, Sept.23.
Is7;t. t onveyed to W A peter -, party hereto
ivc. S n/ed taken in xeeutloii and to be sold
as t lie property ot W A P< ters.
1" All that e. it. hi uu'ssiiago (• neioeid
and tract ot'land situate in the borough of
Milesburg county of Centre and slate of Pa.,
bound. 'm t lie we-t by st rei-t, out lie soutli by
land - ol Mrs I'rooni. fill Hie east by ptud 01 Hli
Vi il'inms a'uj on the north by street
' . of all Here nior.'or lc s. '1 Imreon ereeted a
'> ti ry d( üble dwelling house and other out
' bul'dtngs. Seized taken in exceutioii and tube
: s>-Id as lint propi Ityol T5l llul)iu::toti and I
| I'.U'llll 'toil.
No. .0. .Ml that eeit iin messuage tene ne'it
| a I trat of laud situate in the villa ire ol 1 le.a -
' mil Ga 1. Centre county, l'a,. bounded and de
' v•: ibeil as folio \V s to wit: (Ml the West by
i i urn pike, on the east by lands of Hast oh
it !i 1101 lit by land of J1! Miller and on tho south
' ly ('< fayfr, Containing I ,of an an e more
J or less. Thereon erected a l'k story frame
j dwelling bmise, stable mat other outbuildings.
•; si tak nln e\'ettiinu and to U sold as tb"
1 r. peity ol < ieorge barne-.
No. !. Alt ! lie following if' Hi' 1 ihi'd Jut ill'
I ground with the ajipnrtenanw and ini!<rovc
| ineiits tliereoii -rcted or lu any wise tlieit to
i belling Ing si! 'late In pine (trovh Ml :Is. Centre
; Co., Pa., bounded <>u tin- north by Main she -t
; <>r road leading f. oiii Did I'mt to Spruce Crock.
; on the ea.-t bv It of ) a cob /imtneroian, <>u tin
' - outli by an alloy. 011 Hie west. !y bh of Joiai 17
: Thornm ielm, being fifty fbet In frotil and oik*
I bandied '.n ! ninety feet back. 'I iiereou m eet
! Ed a frame dn elllng House, stable, ami olhet
; oip builuin-s. Si-i::ed l iken In eveoution and
jtol • s1<! a- Hie property <>f G ! igler Mit-li.
No. 22. All f hut e it ilit lot ortdcenot groniid
situate In the twp.. oi Sprint; in the county of
; (Vntround gat • <>t P.i..'.uu b-! a u! oescrlbed
: us follows to wit : beginning at an iron pin on
the easterly sldp of the Bellefor.te and 1 !t!!lp>;
1 burg 1 1 npiko thenee along laud ot Ike said
| Set It it \ < i-iuii Miiitli s;. : . th gi, t s ia-t 111 4-lh
| perches to a j;u-t tkeiteo along Armor's la una
j north Is }. i di iees wes, ibv io pciches to a
! post, tlnaus' alnn lands of Linn and McCoy
i n>rth 7 <l< ,;ro - went 1M G-ll) 11 join sto (roitpin
j at said Hellelonte and Pblhi -our; turnpike
, t hviice idmg the easterly sidool said turnpike
south 14 '4 dear es west 112-1(1 |K'i''nes to an
iron p:n Hie pla < of beginiiing. ( . nfafnl: g
, one (1) aero and eh voij (11) p, ivht-s* m< u 0/
loss. There >tt erected t bilge 2 story frame
] dwelling house, stable and"!' er ouMjiJ:.,
Set. Ed taken in execution and to be old as the
! property of Emanuel Kdrawo.
No.'.". All the d< fondants lijht title md I
lnteie-t i: ai.d .0 all tl.t et 1 tall. nf'.-iUggi
t 1 nn n: nd tract of land situate .i Penn
twp., (h 'die county, l'a.,bounded ot. 1 erib
-1 1 :is t wlt ; >:• th - m n!it 1-. an ~i! v,
on 1 lie west b\ \t;ipi V. Voua Li, u" i ;h,
by an alley and 011 the east by land-of A \ <>ll
- Containing an avr measure
Thereon erect •>! a 2 -dory frame dwelling
In use and <>:g r out I'tii lings, seized taken
in < *.(*(*;.!'• .in *t • Ik* 8oll it* tho ol
i Fjnauac 1 it no
No. i. Ail that ( Cltal me -uage te.uo.:;gut 1
' and tract 'laud -it o in t u.- \ .11; ••. •' Eagle
\ ttie, ('eiitre c Miiiy, i'a.. Oouiuji 1 ai •. uoertb
ed as follows to v, ft: < m the east by land • f
Wm (.'in ter, on the south by a public road
leading from Beth fonte to Look Haven,on ilia
j north by an alley and on the west by an
alley. Containing ot an acre, more or les g
| Tier, >oti erected u two story frame dwelling
hot! e and other out buildings. Seized taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of
Charles Lor, ing.
No. 25, All that cert dn messuage tenement
am tra -t l' b.i.d situate lu the v ilian: ot Mosli
ai.lloll. Centre county. Pa., boundetl and de.
. 1 dH'd a-rellov.s to wit: (in the south by
la -•! MoshannonCo., on the west by lamis
ot Mosbaiinoii Co., on the north by Main - tret t
and 111 tin-ea -t by lands of Mis S ltcchbd.
Containing 2 acres, more or less. Thereon
ereotc.l a two story frame dwelling bouse,
laid" and other outbuilding's. Seized taken
in execution and to be sold as tho property of
.J . Col, Weaver. *
No. 2'a. Altlint certain building situate in
Pattuii twp.. ( entreCo., l'a.,bounded ou the
ast by u public t'oadjon the south, north and
w -t by •■! lu-r binds 01 John B Malt,: n. the
said building i- a !story f runic store room 20
: feet hi In. i-y 54 feet located on what Is known
as the Foundry Property. Seized taken m
execution and to be sofd *as the property
j <>i ./• n H Mattorn.
No. 77. All tig' d f fen Hants right tltlo.utd in
ti i esi in and to a re tain lot ,r piece of ground
situate Su Phi'insburg borough bouuded and
d sort led as follows to wit: (In the s, nth by Bluwei -. 011 the,ast ty land of Jelui M
Hal", on the north by A M Cralghtoii's i'.eits
and , .1 the west by ss<uth Centre street and be
in. J v*• • t lung and fifty feet front. Theieon
ereeud 4 pood Houses. Seized tj ken in exe
cution and to be sold as U.e prop' rty of Allied
1 lkirlow.
No. 28. All Hurt ret tain farm and irnct of
1 land itnate in Ferguson twp . Co; tie Co., l'a ,
I" unded and ties, rib, ,| as follows to wit :
!'• 'inning .! a post thenee by lands now or late
j of Jaoob Eyr nortb 21 lt[ depracs vest IPS per.
t< •yellow pine, ttenon t■ y rhot b, Stewart and
c<. nort 1•" 1 .. degrees east perelies to a post
tlienee ' y tli,- same sor.tli 23 degrees ea-t I' 2
and s-m petchc." toa jio-t tii nc-,-by nueso'itli
54 degreos east 25 porches to a Spanish oak
1 thenee by Shorb, Stewart am) 00,42 Kdogrtcs
we-: p. '• perohe to the of beg in .ng '-<>n
tajs i ■ f ' • - acres and 117 j rein-a and allowai ,-e
|of 6 per eent. Ttiemxi etMtol a house, btru
and other out buillini;-;. S. i d taken iuexe
ent >n an I to besoiu as the 7 ioih rty ofSamuvl
BR..- sler.
| Tuums. No dee ! will b• i :kn •wlodgcl until
: the piireha-e money •> pit, in full.
I.G IS • f;K s NGTiJ IC.—The following ac
-Ihi connts bare been ex imic 1: 1. aad
remain tiled ef record iu the Ib-gister's otlice '
for the inspection of hid s mid legatees, credit
j ors and all others In any v.i-e lnlensted. and
' will be presented to tit ■ i>l phans' Court ol den
j Ire county, on Wedu, :da\ Hn- 2ttii dav of No
vember A. D. 1893, for ailowau, >• uud oorbir mo
1 1. '1 ho first and llnal accniuit of Kev. William
' Laurie. Administrator of, &c.. of Wiiliam Lau
-1 rie, of Pbiiitr-burg borough, deceased.
2. The account of l'avld Kciler, Fxecutor of,
iNe.. of Joseph Sivinehart, late of Harris town
ship, deceased.
1 lie first and partial account of B F Loath
eis. and Thomas J Ta\ lor. Fxe 'ijtovs of. N.. of
Jacob i'nyior, late of t'lilon township. ,lecas
| ed, ;is tiled by ihoinasj Taylor, acting Fxec
j utor.
t. Th ' account of KezLi Dunning, Executor
■ of. \.. of H nry Diimiing, late <>f U ortii towu
| ship, deceased.
1 5. First mid final account of John Brass. Ad
m -istrator e. t. a. of. &c., of Modie Bruss. late
of Potter tow nship. deceased,
j • The aeeouut. of Joseph A Fmeriek. and
Mary G Kmertek, Administrators of, etc.. of
1 John Fnieiiek, late of Walker township. ,le
, ceased .as tiled by Joseph A Fmeriek.
7- The of N 11 Veanek. Fxecutor of,
1 iNo., of Phoebe Zetgler, late of Marion town-
I sliip. deceased
1 S. Tim final account of Benjamin Orndorft.
ami John J OmdortT, Administrators cum tes
tamento annexo of John Orinlorlf, kto of
Haines township, deeeasotl.
The final account of D Wash Garbriek.
and s M Long, Executors of, &.A., ot George J
j Koriuaii, late of Gregg tow nship, deceased,
lu The account ol A O Furst, Fxecutor of
the last will ar.d testament of Mrs. Jane F
1 Mann. !at" of Spring township, deceased.
11. The account of Wm P (irblson, Guardian
of Eleanor T lU'ueh, minor child of Janus II
Orhison, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased.
12. First and final account of James M Lucas,
Administrator of. Ac., of Benjamin Brower.
late of Bogus township, deceased.
13. The final account of Jus. 1) Gentzel, one
J of tho Administrators of, &c. t of Levi Feeder,
late of Gregg township, deceased.
14. Tiie account ot D B Weaver, and N P
I Kleiner, Administrators of. &c., of Ko-ainua
K1 cider, late of Peilii to\vnslii]>, deceased.
15. The account of D W Woodring, and Mar
tha Richards. Admiuistratovs of Hie estate of
Aaron t P.ieliards, bite of Worth township,
IG. The aooonnt of Jonathan Musser. Guar
diilti Martha F Kepler, a mieor child of
Jacob Koplcr, late of Ferguson township, de
■ 17. The account of Jonathan Musser, Guar-
I (liaii of ICniina ."-iniderlaiid, nee Kepler, a minor
I child of Jacob Kepler, late of Ferguson town
ship, deceased.
I Is. The account of Joseph W Gross, Aamin
! istratorof, (No., of Philip Gross, lato of Belle-
I fonte borough, deceased.
l'J. The account of John Kline, Administra
! tor of, (Sic., of Dr. (J W Kline, late of Potter
| township, deceased.
2n. Tiie first account of Isaac Thomas, Trus
l tee for Jacob V Thomas, and Lctil-ia P Thomas,
under the will of William A Thomas, late of
Bellebnite borougli, deceased.
21. The account of Edward Brown Jr, Ad
ininistratior cum testameuto annexe of, & of
John Kellelier, late of Snow Shoe township,
*s§§s 'lain St., iliilllii im, Pa.
Wlii carry the most complete stock of fail
w and winter goods in this section.
[WE have punched the bottom clean out
of high prices on all goods.
WE have made it possible to buy goods
at reasonable rates.
WHY ? We pay CASE for our goods, and
sell them rapidly.
TT has caused some "squealing," but we
'' y T * z.
can t nelp it.
: PEOPLE will trade where they can do
the best for the least money.
I JpARMERS will find that we sell goods
for produce as cheap as anyone else.
QXJR CLOTHING has always stood the
test and is known as the best.
N. B. No trouble to show goods.
for infants and Children.
"Castoria is so well adapted to children that I Castoria cures Colic, OoosHpatlon,
[ r .*o:n: ;i ad it as superior to aur prescriptioa I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Enictatioiv, _
lel-.. 1., me." 11. A. Ajtcncit, M. D., I gives sleep, and !* dl
: U So. Oxford SL, Brooklyn, N. Y. | Without injurious medication
TUB CJctTAcn COJIPXNY, IS2 Fulton Street. N. Y.
17* X! on >ll NOTICE.—The undersigned
Ji 1, vi a ti-. a grunted letters testamentary
on the •••:: *; • nf >iinoi Sniull. late oi Miles
<i> <• used. requests all persons know
ing. h ,i -i'h i'i. ndt bted to said estate to make
1 "!•' tie p.i> m nt and those har ug claims
against i to pr< seat then, duly proven for set
tlement. U.S. SUA FEU. Executor.
Madisnnbtirg. I*a. Oct. 14..158~>. 4<X>t
On the EASY PAYMENT RTRtrm, from £3.25
per month up. 100 styles, ?'F2 to S9OO. Seud for Cat
alogue with full particulars, mailed free.
t—i ~■ ii iiMs mi' !■ rm ■!■■■■ w
Constructed on the now method of stringing, on
similar terms. Send for descriptive Catalogue.
Boston, New York, Chicago.
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k-. -rs. ,Csv r 2*
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J L rsj,
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Is a peculiar medicine, and Is carefully pre
pared l>y competent pharmacists. The com
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delion. Mandrake, Yellow It ck, and other
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Purifies the Blood
creates ami sharpens the appetite, stimulates
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and all other affections caused by impure
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Kidney aud Liver Complaints," Catarrh, lilicu
matism, and that extreme tired feeling.
" llood's Sarsaparilla has helped me more
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Creates an Appetite
" I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my
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" I took llood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous
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life." J. F. NIXON, Cambridgeport, Mass- 1
Send for hook giving statements ol' cures.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. J?l; six for £5. Prepared only
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100 Doses One Dollar
■an. ivjewc-Bssiv^nfj.-^
■ 1 lihjfi to canvass lor one o."
Sl4u£K It v B f.k the largest, oldest-jj
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■ try. Most liberal terms. Uncqualcd iacilities.g
R Prices low. (ienevu Nnrsery. Established*
I u.sA. 1
Is not a liquid, snuff or -powder. Applied
into nostrils is quickly absorbed. It cleanses
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sores. Restores the senses of taste and smell.
50 cents at Dm agists; by mail, registered, 60 cents.
ELY BROTHERS, i>ruggists,Owego,NY.
A Croat *leC*<.. a*. :*;-n oa3 and
r'ay. !;.:.l *, I'J.I i-iw t Uln-i i t Jlan,
i:-\:a :ta l > 1: •, Ac , • v-tc-1 ml*.
c:!c; rca.:!'.: . : f-Abereu. . .' :..i . ; COO
rnbsl:.. ' ' ' J-.a-I'a. Oon
. : : ; ; . . . r.-sc'.v.lana, em-
Irn.k.j - / v.;-- .t* i ; uamu
-2.1 i' . :"I C 1... . • -I\J ' i—autist"."-. It 13
itr./.. '. -r.!: 4 r <*-•"-/Jrkccal/C-l
Iy. I,; e'; . a sal .' '.. i j lain vrra; per.
ILL'.': _7H : I'.'IEU T;> ATX
Ti!::ng r.--. I r.t!;l man for tha i:c:t ninety
uc% -.. ■ a 1 r r f ' ' • e.'% a: yvt my never
; reel: a /1 k Dr. "... ... I_l LH.I, 4 Bui-
Ladies or gentlemen desiring pleasant profit
: able employment write at once. We want you
to handle aii article ot domestic use that ntco-
MKNUS ITSKLF to everyone at sight. STABLE
AS BLOCK. Sells like hot- cakes. Profits 3110
per cent; Families wishing topnicTiCß ECONO
MY should for their own benefit write tor pur
' ticulais. Used every day the year round in
j every household. Price within reach of all.
j Circulars free. Agents receive SAMPLE FREE.