Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, October 28, 1886, Image 1

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    The Millheim Journal,
I\. IL
Office in the New Journal Building,
Penn St.,near Hartman'sfoundry.
Acceptable Correspondence Solicited
Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL.
Madisonburg, Pa.
Physician & Surgeon
Office on Penn Street.
Practical Dentist,
Office opposite the Methodist Church.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office opposite the Public School House.
# P. ARD, M. D.,
Journal office, Penn st., Millheim, Pa.
and other legal papers written and
acknowledged at moderate charges.
Fashionable Barber,
Havinq had many years 1 of experiencee
the public can expect the best \pork and
most modern accommodations.
Shop opposite Millheim Banking House
Fashionable Barber,
Corner Main & North streets, 2nd floor,
Millheim, Pa.
Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooning,
Dying, &c. done in the most satisfac
tory mauner.
Jno.H. Orvls. C. M. Bower. Ellis L.Orvis
Office in Woodings Building.
DTH. Hastings. W. F. Reeder.
Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of
the office ocupicd by the late firm of Yocum &
At the Office or Ex-Judge Hov.
Practices in all the courts of Centre county
Special attention to Collections. Consultations
In German or English.
J A.Beaver. J. W.Gephart.
Office on Alleghany Street. North of High Street
Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free
Buss to and from ail trains. Special rates to
witnesses and jurors
House newly refitted and refurnished. Ev
erything done to make guests comfortable.
Ratesmoderaf* tronage respectfully solici
ted s-!y
(Most Central Hotel in the city.)
Good sameple rooms for commercial Travel
ers on .first noor.
R. A. BUMILLER, Editor.
VOL. 60.
Poor Deformed (loost.
He Was Wicked, But He Sav
ed "Litty Mas "
'No soup P exclaimed my mother.
The table was spread for one of those
enormous dinners in which Southern
households exulted before the war ; the
quests were arriving, and my mother
was in her chamber pinning some fresh
roses in her bosom, when Aunt Sileny,
the fat cook, waddled in with this ap
palling announcement.
'What Inn become of tlie soup ?'
'De lies' gumbo dat I make des year !
In de pot. lied tree days')work wid ill
Dat Goost—jes' creep in, lif' de pot to
he's head,'n' drunk lot ob it au' spill
de rest 1'
'Oh, Goost !' said my mother, calm
ly. 'Can't you give us any other soup,
Aunt Sileny V'
'Don' want ter gib strange gemmen
hasty scrambles. Ef I had dat niggah'
and Aunt Sileny grumbled her
way back to the kitchen.
My tnothei went on pinning her ros
es, which were not so soft a pink as
her pretty cheeks, and I stood close at
her side admiring her, when the twins
burst in, their Scotch kilts and plaid
sashes covered with mud, followed by
Tilda, the nurse.
'Mother, Goost rolled me in the
chicken yard 'cause he said we'd tell
he'd been suckin' eggs !'
'Please, Miss Emmy, I bed dem all
ready,' began Tilda, 'fob de company.'
My mother put her hands to her
'Leave the room, every one of you !
Change their clothes, Tilda. Was ever
a woman tormented V That boy is
possessed with What is the matter
with you, William V turning to meet
my father who stood in the door-way.
He was a tall, grave man, of whom
his children stood greatly in awe. But
my mother, little, vivacious, animated,
with all the enthusiasm of the French
blood that was in her veins, was the
idol of the house. My father held up
his new hat, but yesterday a glossy
beaver, but now battered and muddy.
'I Gnd that this was worn Jast night
by that boy Augustus, and'
♦Goost again !' My mother threw
herself into her easy- chair in an atti
tude of resignation. 'Oh, go on, Wil
liam ! Don't mind me. There seems
to be a hailstorm of miseries setting
ic. My umbrella is up I'
'lsadore, do be rational. This negro
must be punished or sent away.'
'Punished ! Why, there is not a day
that lie is not cuffed and beaten about
the. kitchen and stables ! Coachman,
hostler, waiters, all take their turn at
him. The blows fall upon him as if be
had an alligator's hide. Sent away !
Where ? Who would take him as a
gift ? For mercy's sake, take that hat
out of the room and don't mention
Goost's name to me again !'
I was standing by the window, and I
remember that I looked at my mother
in her 30ft, shimmering silk, pearls a
bout her breast, and then down into
the garden, where Goost, the deformed
negro stable boy, squatted lazily in the
sun, and thought what a shame it was
that she should ever have to see or
think of such a fellow. As to any idea
that he was a human being and bound
to us by any tie, it never impressed
me, nor, lam sure, her. My father,
Dr. Champney, was a physician in a
large town on the border of one of the
slave-holdiDg States. As only the riv
er separated us from the State of Ohio,
any shrewd slave who wanted to be
free had but to cross the stream in a
bateau to escape. Hence, few remain
ed but those who were contented with
their lot. The latter generally were
old house-servants, 'uncles' and 'mau
mers,' who were looked upon as a part
of the family, and so treated.
Among ourshare was this boy Goost,
a deformed and seemingly worthless
negro. He stole, he drank, he seldom
by any chance spoke the tru th.
'Champney's Goost' was at the bottom
of half the mischief in town. He
would disappear for days and creep back
a mass of rags and mud, to beg for
some new clothes and to present him
self for his rations. There was, too. a
vindictive malice in his tricks, which
showed that in his dull, ignorant soul
there was a bitter hatred of the whole
family. J3ut nothing would induce
him to go to Ohio, or to be free. He
evidently was of the opinion that the
world, or the Champneys, owed him a
While I was looking out of the win
dow into the gardeu. Aunt Sileny and
Tilda both took time from their labors
to go out and berate Goost, to which
Tilda added some vicious blows on
the ear. She might as well have beat
en the horse-block at the gate. Goost
did not budge nor wink while she
struck him, but as she turned away he
shot a malignant glance after her.
Then Jean and Ted,the boys who wait
ed passed him in their natty dress suits
and white aprons, and each of them
stepped out of his way to kick him.
He did not move, but grumbled out
oaths. Even 1 began to feel that
Goost had hard measure in this world.
My mother had gone down and the
grand diuner was now in progress. 1
was watching the procession of dishes
from the kitchen along the galleiy be
low, when 1 saw Nix run out.
Nix was my Uncle Bob's little boy,
about five years old. The whole fami
ly really thought that no such beautiful
child had ever been born. Undo Rob,
wiili his wife and boy, lived in New
Orleans, but were with us now on a
'Nix ! Nix !' I cried. 'What are
you doing there V'
But Nix did not hear her heed me.
He llew straight down the path and
pushed Goost's head up.
'Make a lap !' he ordeied, and in a
moment had snuggled down, white
skirts, lace and all, onto the negro's
knees. They sat talking,apparently on
the most intimate terms, when Nix
bounded off, darted into ihe bouse, and
brought back a plate of Auwt Sileny's
famous kisses. He was proceeding to
ram the snowy glistening sweetness
down the cavernous mouth before him,
when—could it be ?—Goost remonstra
'Take 'em back, litty mas' Dev'll
scold you. I dou' wan' see you scold.
Take 'em bactt.'
Goost's hoarse croak bad actually a
sweet tone in it !
But Nix compromised by gobbling
up all the kisses himself, like a little
glultoo, and then commanded Goost to
'Gimme ride " The man turned over,
on his hands and knees, helped Nix to
climb to his back, and then crawled
away, trotting or galloping,as the baby
Just at this moment Uncle Bob came
into the garden. Now Uncle Bob was
a hot-tempered man, and he had warn
ed my father that 'it was dangerous to
keep that half-idiot on the place.' lie
jerked Nix off his back and angrily or
dered Goost 'never to touch or speak to
the child again.' Then he came up un
der the window to the gallery. I won
dered to see Goost follow him.
'Mas' Bob,' he said, humbly, *don'
say dat. foh God's sake ! Lenime gib
de chile ride. I bin gibin' him ride
ebery day. I won't hurt him. I—l
likes to gib him ride. Show him how
we do it, litty ma'.'
He dropped down on his hands and
knees, and looked up like a hungry dog
begging. It seemed pitiful to me, be
cause I saw that Nix was the only one
of us who had ever taken any notice of
him, and that he loved the baby. But
Uncle Bob, I suppose, did not stop to
think. He kicked Goost once, twice.
'Don't dare to touch the child a
gain !' he said.
At that Nix llew to Goost where he
lay, and threw his arms about him.
'Stop 'at I Bad papa ! he screamed.
'Goost good ! I love Goost !' hug
ging the woolly black head.
His father took him in, screaming,
and Goost got up and looked after
them. When he saw me, he said : 'I
wouldn't hev hurt dat chile, Mis? An
nie.' I thought the tears were in his
eyes, but he suddenly went off, turn
ing hand-springs like a wheel and yelp
ing just like a dog.
Uncle Bob, Aunt Belle and Nix went
home next week, and my mother and
I went with them for a visit. The day
before we started, Goost came up to
Uncle Bob, smiling as if he had just
taken a gold medal for good conduct.
'Mas' Bob, I tink I'll 'long to you
now. Mas' William say I no 'count.
Ef you lemme f go wid you, I lake
mighty good care ob Mas' Nix.';
Uncle Bob was in good humor that
day, so he only laughed.
'Thank yoa, Augustus. But I
wouldn' rob your Master William of
your services. I have enough of your
sort in the sugar-fields at Lafourche '
'Very well, sah !' and Goost (his real
name was Augustus Imperator) dis
We went by boat down the river. It
was an immense boat, the Messenger,
with three cabins all gilding and glass
and gay hangings. There was a party
of our friends going down to New Or
leans, and mamma and Aunt Belle
wore their pretty gowns, and there
were music and dancing in the saloon
every night. N ix. of course, wa9 the
darling of every body.
One day Tilda came up, her eyes
round and wide, leading him. his
clothes all soot and grime. The Cap
tain followed her.
'We unearthed a miserable stowaway
in the hold, Mrs. Champney,' he said,
'and your little boy recognized him
and insisted upon hugging him.'
'Goost !' said Tilda.
'Ah, ciel !' gasped my mother. Un
tie Bob begeau to scold. The Captain
offered to put the negro off at the next
landing, but mamma interferred.
'I couldn't drive a faithful dog a
way,' she said. 'lt is the child that he
loves. He can do no harm. Let him
go with us.'
I believe they tried to make Goost
shovel coal, but I am quite sure lie did
not overwork himself. At night we
would hear him with a banjo 'dancing
Julia' in the fire-room. He was allow
ed to see Nix very seldom, though
sometimes the boy hired Tilda to take
him down. He used every day to save
up bits of bis dessert for Goost.
It is strange that I remember these
trules while the great event of the v iy*
age is so dim to me. We went to our
staterooms one nightas usual.l recollect
that I began to choke In my dreams ;
that I struggled to sit up. There was
thick smoke all around me. I was not
sure whether 1 was asleep or not ; I
could not make myself awake. Red
points of light shone here and there ;
there were loud shouts ; I was parched
with heat—then I was awake. I
screamed for my mother, who slept bo
low me but she lay like one dead. I
climbed down and dragged her up, but
she seemed stupefied.
'Fire 1 fire !' I shrieked. 'The boat
is on fire !'
She seemed to waken all at once, and
began to talk very fast, as usual.
'Put on your wrapper, Annie. Don't
scream so 1 you deafeu me ! Tut ! tut!
What a fuss !'
Somebody pounded on the door.
'Yes, yes ! I'm coming. Where is
my pink over-cloak, child V'
Outside all the passengers were hud
dled on the stern of the boat. The
llames at the bow roared and swept up
to the very sky. Between us and the
shores stretched the black deep water.
There were but two boats. Even then I
noticed how eager the officers of the boat
were to put ray mother in one of them.
She was one of those women that every
body takes care of. They lifted me in
beside her and Aunt Belle and the oth
er ladies. Uncle Bob, with Nix in his
arms, blustering and swearing, blam
ing the captaiu aud crew for the acci
'ls your boy to go in this boat.
Colonel Champney ?' said the mate,
'The boat is overloaded now. I'll
not trust him in it,' begau Uncle Bob.
'Push off !' shouted the captain.
'Stop !' ordered Uncle Bob. But the
boat had already left the steamer.
Uncle Bob, wild with excitement and
rage, leaped into the water, holding
Nix with one arm.
'He can not swim !' cried Aunt
Belle. 'O God, save them 1'
The fire lighted up the water and the
black figures struggling in it. We saw
Uncle Bob take a few strokes ; then he
frantically beat the water with his free
hand. He turned over, sank, rose
again. Then the dark shape of a man
came to his side and seized the baby.
We could see no more.
We reached the shore in safety.
Morning began to dawn, and then we
could tell who were dead and who were
living. Seyeral bodies were washed a
shoie and lay on tbe pebbly beach, the
very people who had been dancing and
singing with us last night. 1 remem
ber bow horrible it seemed to me that
the red-birds and the jays began to
sing in the trees overhead, and to go on
building their nests as it they did not
care. They found Uncle Bob a mile
down the river, quite dead. In one
hand he clutched a piece of little Nix s
The captain came up to my mother.
'Come here,' he said. I followed them
to the beach. There was Goost's de
formed body in its rags, and on bis
breast lay Nix alive, and actually
'The poor darkey,' said the captain,
'saved the child. lie evidently was ex
hausted when he approached the shore,
for lie seems to have struggled j ust be
yond the reach of the water, and then
died. He certainly wasn't drowned ;
perhaps it was some hidden heart dis
Nix began to pummel him as usual.
'Wake up, Goost,' lie cried.
'Kiss him, Nix,' said my mother
who was crying.
Nix kissed hira. But Goost did not
waken. Youth s Conqmnion.
A Philadelphia merchant has been
arrested for knocking an aggressive
small boy off his feucd with a brick. It
is brutal to knock an insolate small
boy off a fence with a brick. He should
liaye used a club.
have unsettled accounts with S. R.
Gettig, Grenoble's giain house, are
notified to call on him at said place,
Coburn, Pa., for settlement at the ear
liest possible date. 4t
"What and when to eat," is the title
on an exchange. The "when" neyer
gave us any trouble in our eating, but
we have been compelled to do a sight
of skirmishing after the "what;"
A little girl on seeing a peacock for
the first time remarked what a beauti
i ful bustle it had.
The Humorist's Graphic Ac
count of the First Train.
The Initial Trip Wao Rathor Slow
for Thoso Times, and Had Some
Perhaps there is nothing in the line
of discovery and improvement that lias
shown more marked progress in the
hist century "than the railway and its
different auxiliaries. When we remem
ber that much less than a century has
passed since the first patent for a loco
motive to move upon a track was issu
ed, where now we have everything that
heart can wish, and, in fact, live better
on the road than we do at home, with
but thirty-six hours between New York
and Minneapolis, and a gorgeous par
lor, bed-room and a dining-room, be
tween Maine and Oregon, with nothing
missing that may go to make life a rich
blessing, we are compelled to express
our wonder and admiration.
To Peter Cooper is largely duo the
boom given to railway business,he hav
ing constructed the first locomotive ev
er made in this country, and put it on
the Baltimore and Ohio Raihoad.
The first train ever operated must
have been a grand sight. First came
the locomotive, a large Babcock fire-ex
tinguisher on trucks, with a smoke
stack like a full-blown speaking-tube
with a frill around the top; the engineer
at his post in a plug hat, with an um
brella over bis head and his hand on the
throttle, borrowing a chew of tobacco
now and thtn of tiro farmers who pass
ed liirn ou their way to town. Near
him stood the fireman, now and then
bringing in an armful ot wood from the
fields through •which they passed, and
turning the damper in the smoke-stack
every little while so that it would draw.
Now and then he would go forward
and put a pork-rind on a hot box or
jKJund on the cylinder head to warn
people off the track.
Next comes the tender loaded with
nice, white birch wood, an enonomical
style of fuel because its bark may be
easily burned off while the wood itself
will remain uninjured. Beside the fire
wood we find on the tender a barrel of
rainwater and a tall, blonde jar with a
wicker-work around it, which contains
a small sprig of tansy immersed in four
gallons of New Eng'and rum. This the
engineer has brought with him for use
in case of accident. He is now engaged
in preparing for the accident in ad
Next comes the front brakeinan in a
plug hat about two sizes too large for
him. He also weais a long-wasted
frock coat with a bustle to it and a tall
shirt-collar with a table-spread tie, the
ends of which Hutter gayly in the morn
ing breeze. As the train pauses at the
first station he takes a hammer out of
the tool-box and naiis on the tire of the
fore wheel of his coach. The engineer
gets down with a long oil can and puts
a little sewing machine oil ou the pit
man. lie then wipes it off with his
It is now discovered that the rear
coach containing a number of directors
and the division superintendent, is
missing. The conductor goes to the
rear of the last coach, and finds that
the string by which the directors'car
was attached is broken, and that, the
grade being pretty steep, the directors
and one brakeman have 110 doubt gone
back to the starting place.
But the conductor is cool. lie re
moves his bell-crowned plug hat, and
taking out his orders and time card, he
finds that the track is clear, and look
ing at a large, valuable Waterbury
watch, presented to him by a widow
whose husband was run over and killed
by the train, he sees lie can still make
the next station in time for dinner. lie
hires a livery team to go back after the
directors' coach, and calling "All a
board !' he swings lightly upon the
moving train.
It is now 10 o'clock, and nineteen
weary miles still stretch out between
him and the dinner station. To add to
the horrors of the situation, the tionl
brakeman discovers that a very thirsty
boy in the emigrant car has been drink
ing from the water-supply tank on the
tender, and there is not enough left to
carry the train through. Much time is
consumed in filling the barrel again at
a spring near the track, but the con
auctor finds a "spotter" on the train
and gets him to do it. He also induces
him to cut some more wood and clean
out the ashes.
The engineer then pulls out thedraw
head and begins to make up time. In
twenty minutes ho lias made up an
hour's time, though two miles of hoop
iron are torn from the track behind
him. He sails into the eating station
on time,and while the master mechanic
takes seyeral of the coach-wheels over
to the machine shop to soak, he eats a
hurried lunch.
The brakeman here gets his tin lan
terns ready for the night run and fills
two of them with red )oil to be used on
the rear coach.
The fireman puts a fresh bacou-rind
on the eccentric, stuffs some more cot
ton batting around the axles, puts a
new lynch-pin in the hind wheels,
sweeps the apple-peelings out of the
smoking car, and he is ready.
Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance.
Then conies the conductor, with his
plug hut full of excursion tickets .orders
passes and time-checks; he looks at his
Waterbury watch, waves his hand, and
calls •'All aboard !" again. It is up
grade, however, and fi>r two miles the
"spotter" has to push behind with all
Ids might before the conductor will al
low him to get on and ride.
Thus began the history of a gigantic
enterprise which has grown till it is a
comfort, a convenience, a luxury, and
yet a necessity. It has built up and
beautified the desert. It has crept be
neath the broad river, scaled the snowy
mountain, and hung t>y iron arms from
the canyon and the piecipice, carrying
the young to new lands and reuniting
those long separated. It has taken the
hopeless to lands of new hope. It has
invaded the solitude ot the wilderness,
spiked down valuable land-grants,killed
cheap cattle and then paid a high price
for them, whooped through yalleys,
snorted over lofty peaks, crept through
long, dark tunnels, turning the bright
glare of day suddenly upon those who
thought the tunnel was two miles long,
roared through tne night and glittered
through the day, bringing- alike the
groom to his beautiful bride and the
weeping prodigal to the moss-grown
graye of his mother.
You are indeed a heartless, soulless
corporation, and yet you are very essen
tial in our business.—Bill Nye, in the
Chicago News.
A Clever Ruse.
A French nobleman played a game
at ecarte with a foreign count. The
latter won, and the Frenchman pulled
out ten thousand francs and handed
them to the winner, who quietly se
cured them in his pocketbook and
went home. Early next morning a
gentleman of aristocratic bearing and
decorated with the order of the Le
gion of Honor, was shown into the
apartment of the foreign count, who
was asleep.
'Monsieur,' he said, in tones trem
bling with excitement, 'you hold in
your hands the honor of a whole fam
'lndeed !'
•Kindly tell me, was it you wbo
played with M. de X V
'You won ten thousand francs V
•Quite correct.' •
'And he paid you ?'
'Yes in bank-notes. I have them
'Well, sir, the notes are false.'
'ls it possible V
'lt is, alas, too true ! Last night
we were apprised of the nefarious
practices of our relative, and this
morning I started off at daybr&ik to
call here, and ask you, in heaven's
name, to exchange those notes for ten
others which I have brought with
The noble foreigner, out of consider
ation for his visitor's grief, exchanged
the notes. But, on returning to the
club the same evening, he was not a
little surprised to meet his opponent
of the previous night, and what was
still more the latter pro
posed to have his revenge. The for
eigner curtly refused, and the other
insisted, which led to an explanation.
The count drew from his pocket the
fresh notes he had received in the
morning. The French nobleman,
quite stupefied, examined them care
fully, and found that they were false.
The gentleman with the decoration
turned out to be a notorious thief and
swindler, who had thus contrived to
net ten thousand francs in genuine
Beaver in a Deep Hole.
The Store Order Question As
sumes an Entirely New Phase.
The Address of Beaver's Employes
Causes Much Indignation Among
the Knights of Labor —Will the
Beaver cltore Orders be Tax
ed as a Circulating
Medium ?
The apology for the store orders or
"trade coupons" used by the Bellefonte
Iron and Nail Company, of which
General Beaver is president, sent out
by David Haines as master workman
of Labor assembly 2,333 of Bellefonte,
has aroused much ill feeling among the
Knights of Labor in that region. The
circular is signed by a number of the
workmen of the Bellefonte Iron and
Nail Company, and, under an arrange
ment with the Republican state com
mittee, has been mailed to every Labor
assembly in the state in circular form
and in large numbers. This circular
says :
It is a wicked and malicious false
hood that any employe of the corapauy
was ever offered or ever received store
orders in payment for wages. The Iloyt
NO. 42
If mitaeribors order tho discontinuation
nowHpnpclH flie jniollsliers may continue
eoH them until nil nrtrnmsr* rtre pnlrt.
I f Mul'M'rii'ers refuse or neiilect to take their
iHixvH|apersfrain tlie oflire to hlelithey are sent,
they are held responsible until they have settled
the bills and order* d theiu discontinued.
I f suhsei I hers move toother places without in
forming the publisher, and the itewspfljiers are
sent to the former place, tliey are respoiibihle.
1 wk. i mo. 3 imok. times. 1 yen'
Isiin are %3 00 i 1 CO $5 00 $ G t<o <>,s 00
U - 700 10 00 15 00 30 1 0 40 (M
Y " 10 00 15 00 J!f> 00 45 00 75 CO
One Inch makes a square. Administrators
and Executor*' Notices Transient adver
tlscments and local* 10 eeol* uer line for first
inseitlen and 5 cents per line for each addition
al inset lion
coupon system, in live at the store, is
the best system we know of and is far
superior to pass books. We are paid
in cash on monthly pay days, ana can
draw casual any time during the
month. The coupon system is only us
ed w hen we prefer dealing at the store,
and that is entirely voluntary on our
part. The system avoids keeping ac
counts by the working men. Our em
ployers the system at the
suggestion and request of some of our
workmen. They have always been
wilting to abolish it if the employes had
made the request. To sav this state
ment bears any relation to the odious
store oidcr system is a falsehood and
slander upon us Knights of Labor, as
well as upon General Beaver as an em
ployer of labor.
The circular is the first political pa
per tver distributed to the Labor as
semUies of the state, and it has offend
ed Knights of Labor, generally, inde
pendent of their particular views of
General Beaver's candidacy. Word has
b-'en received by members ot the assem
bly in Bellefonte of the circulars hav
ing been refused circulation among the
assemblies, simply because they were
a flagrant violation of the established
law of the order forbidding the intro
duction of any partisan politics in the
assemblies. The partisan circular thus
sent out has called out a counter state
ment from some fifty members of Labor
Assembly 2,3.13, embracing both Repub
licans and Democrats, in which they
deprecate the introduction of politics
in the order, and especially dissent
from the statement that the assembly
could in any way sanction the use of
store orders in payment of labor, and
they arraign Master Workman .Ilaines
for violation of his official obligations
in signing and issuing a political circu
lar. Ou the subject of the trade cou
pons used by the Bellefonte Iron and
Nail Company, the counter circular
says :
"We further declare that the invita
tion in that paper to Knights of Labor
to apply to Assembly 2,333 for a vindi
cation of the pay system of the Belle
fonte Iron and Nail Company is entire
ly unauthorized by auy action of that
assembly and would certainly meet
with the answer from that body that
one :of the fundamental principles of
the order is that nothing but the law
ful money of the country should be used
for the payment of working people and
that the use of store orders for that pur
pose is a fraud upon labor and a viola
tion of the law.
"In conclusion we assert, from reli
able information, that this paper vindi
cating the store order system was cir
culated through tlie nail mill for signa
tures at the instance of a Republican
politician working for the Republican
state committee, and, such being the
fact,it cau be looked upon only as a po
litical scheme, and its circulation a
niong Knights of Labor can be viewed
in no other light than as an attempt to
prostitute tneir order to a political pur
pose. Any member of the order desir
ing information concerning the trade
coupon system cau have it in plain
terms by applying to the undersigued
members of L. A. 2.333.'
The foregoing is signed by James
Scliofield .J. A. Williams, R. Hutchin
son, Ilerry biebert, Grant J. Peifer,
John Lucas, James Sharp, John Hull,
William Rhoads,WilliamStratton,W in.
Wolf, John Davis, John AVilliaras and
some forty others, and as it is in the
line of the clearly defined duties and
obligations of the Knights of Labor on
political questions, it has the general
approval of the members of that large
organization In Bellefonte and through
out the state.
The Bellefonte Circular Disavowed.
The Wilkesbarre Newsdealer , the re
organized organ of the laboring men,
contains interviews with Thomas Dul
lard, president of the Miners' and La
borers' Amalgamated Association and
William H. Hiaes, the author of the
company store bill of 1879, in which
they say in substance that the circular
letter sent cut by thirty-three Belle
fonte workingmen cannot be approved
by organized labor, that an increasing
battle has been waged for years against
the insulting, swindling and oppressiye
company store system and the recent
decision of the supreme court declaring
the company store act of 1881 unconsti
tutional, makes it imperatively neces
sary that the workingmen shall stand
united against store orders of any kind.
They say that Powderly's opposition to
company stores correctly voices the o
piuion of laboring men.
If Not Store Orders They are
The store order dispute in Pennsyl
vania has been transferred to Washing
ton, by an appeal of the Bellefonte Iron
and Nail Company, of which General
Beayer is president,from an assessment
of the ten per cent, tax on the trade
coupons of that company that the law
imposes upon a'l circulating medium
that is represented as money. When
the partners made their public explana
tion oyer their own signatures, de
clared that the trade coupons are not
Continued on Fourth Paye.